Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, December 22, 1922, Image 1

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    ' ,u^y ot ung9a
Subscription, $1.50 the Year.
VOL. XX, No 51
Governor Olcott of Oregon dealt
with the ku klux klan in his address
at the governor«’ meeting last week
in White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.
After pointing out the disruptive in­
fluence of the klan, he continued:
•‘Everywhere thia movement goes
you will find strife. Everywhere an
sffurt la made to Russianize the school
system of a slate, you may expect
that state to be damaged to a great
extent No other result can follow.
Thia movement is founded on bitter­
ness and hate; these two form never
Join, but they give birth to grief ami
trouble and woe.
"This bill no doubt will be de­
clared unconstitutional. Hut it has
done a great share of it» damage
It has caused hatreds which may not
be ironed out during thia generation.
Alrrady, I am told, leading and proml-
aunt citizens have taken steps to dis­
pose of their holdings in Oregon. It
will prevent high-class people from
coning Into Oregon and becoming a
part an<l parcel of Oregon life.
“Perhaps theee things are bad ad­
vertisements for our state. Perhaps
it is not good policy for me to
them here. Rut they are fact.«
should, for the good of our country,
be told, and should cause every other
stats to pause la-fore it permits a
repetition within it» own borders of
what has happened in Oregon.
"The ku klux klan waa not openly
responsible for this bill. The measure
was circulated and placed on tie­
initiative ballot by a few Scottish
Rite Masons, actuated by narrow
Many leading Mason»,
Including post grand masters of the
order, denounced the bill in bitter
tei in• Hut ft was the ku klux klan
that eventually marie its success at
the polls potaiole. The ku klux klan
worked secretly, but effectively. In
behalf of the bill, and its passage by
the people was secured by a generous
Will Lead fo Civil War
"The parochial schools which were
attacked by this bill are not s<> much
the question. The private »chcol» sup­
ported from Protestant sources do
not figure so prominently. But the
principle Involved ia vital to the
future welfare of our nation. If this
sort of n thing is persisted in, it
esn eventually lead to nothing but
civil war. Thnt may be a harsh thing
to say, but I believe it and feel it.
"I want to soy that the man who
aro agitating these question*, who
ere responsible for these conditions,
are sacrificing the welfare of their
c, untry upon the altar of their own
petty passions and prejudices.
”1 trust our nation—my nation--
will call a halt before it Is too late.
The rumblings are heard on every
hand, east and west and north nnd
south. I challenge thia organization
to stand out in the open; to rip off
its mask; to appear in tlie garb of
every-day citizenry. Lot it speak its
Speech out in the open. It i» largely
a political organization, founded for
certain object» and purposes.
“Mt it be specific. let it throw­
down its gage of battle in the open
lists, so the tournament may be
fought under the eye» of all man­
kind. But, above all. let those men
who made np the mnk ami file of
this org«f ization reflect that they are
American citizens. Ix>t their minds
revert to the Argonne or Chateau -
Thierry, where Cnthollc, Jew, negro
and Protestant fought side by side
against the guns of the common
enemy, where the Catholic tornwl to
•id his fallen Protestant comrade and
give to his dying buddie a drink cf
water; where the Jew foil dead under
machine-gun fire, and his body
dropped over the inert body of his
brother Protestant.
“Let the men who make up the
rank and file of this organization
reflect on some of thesp things be­
fore they go headlong on their
Governor Allen of Kansas In speak­
ing of the klan said:
“The esxesice of our opposition to
this organization is not in the fact
that it fights the Catholic church, nor
svpreedea its antipathy to the Jew
nor to the negro, hut in the fact that
It does this under the protection of
the mask and through the procc'-s
cf terrorism and violence.
"It is incredible that this country
should have pawed through its bap­
tism of heroic devotion which called
it into action four years ago. only
to sag back now Into this most la­
mentable species of disaster. '•
’ "Much human life has been sacri­
ficed to the ca'ise of Christian civili­
sation as America interprets it.
James Fitzsimmons
•’I couM take you to a place I
know in Franc*, where the crosses
rise row on row, and after a while
ws would stand
a cross which
marks the resting placq of James
Fitzsimmons. The record ia that he
was the first member of the Ameri­
can expeditionary forcee to give his
life In the combat area of Ttoui. If
I had the power to rcrincornate him,
I could say, 'James Fitzsimmons, you
think you are a 100 per catit Ameri­
can,’ and I imagine he would look
at me with some surprise and say, T
never thought much about that; I
was bom in America and when she
told me thia war was far the defense
of our ideal« and our civilization, I
didn't wait for the selective draft; 1
hurried on to offer my life for the
defense of the principles which
America has adopted as her own.'
“If I should say, ‘You are not a 100
per cent American. There ia an em­
peror of an invialbie government at
Atlanta. Ga., who declare» you can­
not 1» 100 per cent Amencjui be­
cause you are a Catholic,' I dare say
he would aay to me. ‘They never
told me anything like that when I
stood in lino with my gun, waiting
to gu over the top.’ *’
Sketching the progress of the klan,
he continued:
"It gpowa very rapidly when it
strikee a community and it requires
about a year of experience to con­
vince its beat members that the or
ganlxation has no real place of uae-
fulnew in America. It arouses the
inten-wst bitterness
After referring to specific crimes
of violence alleged to have been
committed by members of the klan
in the couth and far west, he said:
“The organization ia as dangerous
to the Protestant as it i» to the
Catholic, the Jew or the negro be
cause it exists only when the author­
ity of gvvernment has been broken
down and destroyed. It brings chaos
and hatred and menace to every law-
abiding citizen who may fall victim
of the private quarrels and animosi­
ties of the men who hide their identity
behind n mask.”
Velma, daughter of E. O. Shepherd,
a student of Philomath college, is
home for the holidays.
Mrs. Blanchard has rt4v<«»ed to
Amboy, Wash., to look after her
Httlr church, nftrr a abort visit at
the home place.
A. W. Baird, who was seriously in­
jured in an automobile accident, has
passed away. Mr. Baird wan run
down bv a passing car at 7td str ee t
and Footer Road. He leaves a widow
nnd five children. Mr. Baird was an
old and highly respected resident of
South Mount Tabor, and had many
friends here.
St. Janie«/ Episcopal chapel will
hold its annual Christmas tree on
Saturday evening.
Pupils and teachers of Joseph Kel-
log school are planning to give an
interesting program to visitors! on
Friday afternoon. Every room will
participate in thia.
The boys played basket bnll with
Hawthorne last week and were dc-
feated. They also played Brooklvn
The girls will organize « volley
ball team the latter part of the week.
The dentist and his nurse are
working thia week at the school.
Rapid progress b being ma<le.
Mixa Manley also is working at
the school this week, tasting pupils.
Genevieve Combs and Dale Cowela
are wand leaders for the 7B class.
Agnes Jenson was transfered from
The Red Cross sea) aale ha» been
progressing fine, much competition
in the sale of" stnmj* has been
The eighth grade will attend the
Heilig theater Wednesday, Decem­
ber 20, to hoar the Symphony or-
chestra. They will go together ac-
companied by Mr. Wyman.
Methodist Episcopal Church
Sunday school at 9:45 A. M., Ralph
H. Calkins superintendent. Morning
worship at 11 o’clock. The pastor
will preach the last sermo nin a
scries of five on "Nebuchadnezzar’«
Prophetic Dream.” Thia sermon will
deal with the stone that destroyed
the image, and show world conditions
that prevailed when Jesus came. The
Epworth league at 6:30 P, M. A
Christmas Carol service. At the eve­
ning service hour, 7:30, the Sund ly
•srhool will give a Christimn.s pro­
gram. Prayer meeting Thursday nt
7:30 P. M. We cordially invite yon
to these services.—T. H. Downs,
Lenta Library
The following new books were re-
reived in December:
(Hampden) Bulb gardening.
(Hampden) Rose gardening.
(Peat) Mountain school teacher.
(Bachelier) In the days of poor
(Benchley) Of all things.
(Oobb) J. Poindexter colored.
(Canfield) Rough-hewn.
(b'amol) Peregrine's progress.
A strip of the Pacific highway nine
feet wide has been completed between
Canyonville and Galesville in Douglas
county, according to Information re­
ceived at the offices of the state high­
way department.
Principal Events of the Wco
Provided the governor-eleet and the
legislature guarantee their action will
Briefly Sketched for Infor*
be legalized, the state highway com­
mation of Our Readers.
mission will take up on December 29
the building of the Columbia highway
through the burned area of Astoria.
The number of persons of school ags
This and the approach to the city will
In Lane county when the census was
amount to about 2250.000.
taken last month was 11,921.
There were 67 fires in the Crater
The latest cold snap has threatened national forest during the last season
a tieup of a large crew engaged in according to the report of Hugh B.
packing apples near Imbler.
Rankin, supervisor of that forest. Ths
The Roseburg turkey market Is by cost to ths forest service of suppress­
far the most inactive the Umpqua val­ ing these fires was 67046.16, and ths
ley has known for many year.
damage to timber inside of the na­
The annual convention of the Oregon tional forest was 61067.11.
State Teachers' association will be held
George William of Haines was found
in Portland December 27, 28 and 29.
guilty at Baker of manslaughter by a
Plans of Incorporation for a 6300,- i jury in circuit court which heard evi­
900 tourist hotel at Ashland have been | dence bearing on the first-degree mur­
drawn and were sent to Salem for fil- I der charge of the prisoner growing out
of his confessed slaying last summer
Scott Ward. 75, native of Oregon and of Tom Paine, a reeluse living in a
pioneer resident of Linn county, died small cabin in the hills west of Haines.
at his home in Albany after three
Necessity of increased facilities for
months’ illness.
handling the rolling stock of the
Salem Heights received first prize Southern Pacific company at Its
for the best community exhibit of veg­ Brooklyn shops in Portland has re­
etables, including corn, at the Marion- suited fn active construction work be-
I nolk corn show held at Salem.
ing started on three new buildings,
The Bank of Woodburn has compiled which will cost approximately 650,000,
statistics, showing the berry pack In according to officials of the company.
Resolutions requesting the state
Woodburn In 1922 amounted to 3,988,-
legislature to do nothing to disturb
594 pounds, valued at 6201.284.54.
Contract for tile construction of the the workings of the present state com­
Griswold union high school at Helix pensation law were adopted at a con­
has been 1st to the Waale A Shattuck vention of the Lsyal Legion of Loggers
and Lumbermen at Springfield. The
Construction company of Portland.
The Southern Oregon Hampshire meeting took up several problems of
Swine Breeders’ association was form­ legislation and also the matter of an
Written especially for the Mt. Scott|Herald by
at Grants Paas, when 35 breeders advance fn wages.
Evelyn Rita Greene, Portland. Ore.
A warning was issued to all dance
from Jackson and Josephine counties
hall managers in Douglas county that
The Eugene chamber of commerce in the future the presence of an intox­
directors voted to back Astoria’s re­ icated person at any dance hold within
quest for a 63,000,000 government ap­ the county will mean the immediate
propriation to assist in reconstructing forfeiting of the license issued to the
dance manager unless a warrant ia
the cltv.
Ground was broken for the first cot­ secured for the arrest of the person
tage of the W. C. T. U. children’s farm disturbing the dance.
A poison campaign against the jack
home near Corvallis Saturday after-
noqh. according to announcement by rabbits of the high desert tn Deschutes
officers ef the farm home corporation. county will be started within the next
Articles of incorporation were filed few days under the direction of an
In the stats corporation department at expert sent out by the United States
Salem by the World’s Electro-Industri­ biological survey in order that the
exposition, to be held in Portland stores of hay saved for winter feeding
and Salem recently. They addressed Denver Mint Guard Shot In Robbery. In the year 1927. The capital stock Is ot cattle may not be devoured by the
voracious rodent hordes.
various schools, colleges and civic or­
Denver, Colo.—Three bandits shot 65.090,000.
It was reported at Salem that the
Snow, varying tn depth from two to
ganizations on the near east relief.
and probably fatally wounded Charles
Mr. Gates, father of Mrs. Harry E. Linton, a federal reserve bank guard, three feet, forced suspension of the Eastern A Western Lumber company
Salomon Farah, brother of Sam, Hall, of 4603 73d street, died at her and escaped with about 6200.000 In Pelican Bay Lumber company's log­ of Portland has purchased
ia helping out at Farah's during the home on Friday evening. He was a currency of 65 denomination, which ging operations near Kirk. Two camps mately 1,000,000,009 feet of timber in
former resident of Eugene and his was being loaded onto a federal re­ employing about 280 men, were closed the Cascade range in Marion and
Christmas rush.
Clackamas counties from the Foster
was buried there on Monday.
serve truck in front of the Denver for the winter.
Harry Kjargard, plasterer, 10026
Francis T. Wade, prominent attor­ Timber company of Milwaukee, Wis.
47th avenue, reports business as good.
The Post, Franklin high school’s ferred from the mint to the local fed­ ney of Moro, was appointed district The tract lies north of the Silver Falls
Mr. Kjargard came to Saginaw
attorney of Sherman county to suc­ Timber company holdings.
publication appeared for eral reserve bank.
Heights in July.
The state labor department sent a
ceed C. M. Huddleston, who resigned.
the fall term on Friday, December 22.
The altar society of St. Anthony’s
A short assembly was held on Tues­ Harding For Bonus, Veterans Assured. The appointment was announced by representative to Astoria to investi­
parish will give a card party at the day.
gate the labor situation there. Reports
Cincinnati. O.—Assurance that Pres­ Acting Governor Ritner.
home of A. E. Abel, 6915 46th ave­
The grading on the Shea hill cut-off reaching C. H. Gram, labor commis­
A mistletoe sale was given Thurs­ ident Harding would support a bonus
nue January 5, at 8.
day by the junior girls' league, and a for ex-service men, provided a feasible on the Lebanon-Cascadia road is about sioner, indicated that a large number
G. F. Blaine, 6133 93d street, is candy cane sale by the sophomore mentis of financing the bonus can be completed, and the rocking will start of men were headed for the lower Co­
helping Mr. Barker of the Economy girls on Friday.
found, was given Colonel C. R. Forbes, in a few dayB and will continue this lumbia river city, while others who
Furniture company during the Christ­
Forecasts for next term were made director of the veterans' bureau at winter, nntil the road is fully complet­ were employed there before the fire
mas buying.
out recently.
Washington before a joint conference ed. This new road is 3.8 miles long. are leaving for other cities.
Action In the lower house of con-
Vincent Astor of New York city,
Mis»» Mildred Lawrence from San
Report cards were given out Tues­ of national and state executives of the
head ot the Astor family and a direct greea for relief of Astoria fire suffer­
Francisco is spending the holidays day, December 19. More sadness and Veterans of Foreign Wars here.
descendant of the Colonel John Jacob ers will follow upon a telegraphic re­
here with relatives.
Astor who founded Astoria as a fur port of the conditions requested by
A bazaar was held at Arleta school
Missoula. Mont, Jarred By Quake.
Secretary of War Weeks, it was decid­
Friday, December 22, by the Girl LOWER MOUNT SCOTT CHURCH
Missoula, Mont.—A slight earth­ trading post in 1811. telegraphed the
ed after a conference between Repre-
Scouts of the school. Articles of
quake was felt here at 9:55 Monday
eutative Hawley of Oregon. Majority
sewing and cooked foods were on sale.
night. Residents were awakened, pic­ fund.
Kern Park Christian
Announcement of the letting ot the Leader Mondell and Chairman Madden
Proceeds went for the near east relief.
tures shaken from walls and dishes
contract for reconstruction of the cen­ of the house appropriations committee.
Morning, “Manger and Throne.” rattled.
George W. Stoke», who was in­
There were four fatalities in Oregon
tral Oregon irrigation district main
jured recently in an automobile ac­ Evening, Christmas exercises will be
cident at Myrtle Park station is great­ given. “White Gifts for the King” Supreme Court Juetlce Pitney Resigns. flume south ot Bend has been made, due to industrial accidents during the
the Warren Construction company's week ending December 14, according
ly improved and was taken from the will be given, with all the classes of
Washington. D. C.—Associate Jus­
hospital to his home on Monday. It the school having some part. The tice Pitney of the supreme court has bld of 6136-098.90 being accepted by to a report prepared by the state in­
dustrial accident commission. The
will be some time till he will be able leaders in the pagent will be: Mr. sent his resignation to President the directors.
The cost of commodities in Oregon victims were: H. H. Nestle, mill work­
nnd Mrs. K. I. Dixon and baby; Mrs.
to be up and about.
has Increased approximately 10 per er, Eugene; W. W. Mead, logger, Ma
Miss Loh Handsaker, of 5630 44th Pinkerton, Mr. Ghormley, Ward
cent during the last year, according pieton; A H. Johnson, foundry man.
avenue, is| home from Reed college Swope and L. H. Fishburn.
to blds received by the state board of Portland, and Frank Arnott, wood
Mrs. Fishburn’s class will furnish
for the holidays.
control for supplies to be furnished bucker. North Betid. A total of 50$
Many of the rooms at Arleta school
The new church will be formally
Third United Brethren
had grab bags and Christmas trees
opened with midnight Mass Christ­ to the state institutions during the accidents were reported tor the wqfk.
Plana tor an elaborate summer club­
The Christmas program will be mas eve. Masses on Christmas day next six months.
during the past wreek.
will be at 8 and 10:30. The choir,
Alvin M. Owsley of Texss. national house and hunting lodge, to be the
Mrs. James Mackenzie, of 7107 given on Friday evening.
under the direction of Mrs. A. Mes­ commander ot the American Legion equal ot any game association club­
Millard-Avenue Presbyterian
45th avenue, left Monday afternoon
senger, assisted by outside friends,
Morning, “The Angels’ Message to will give a sacred concert Sunday and rated as one of the foremost ora­ house in the northwest, were drawn
for Los Angeles to join her husband.
Eve- night. New Year’s eve, commencing tors ot the country, will arrive In Ore­ up at the meeting ot the Santiam Fish
Miss Mayme Langley of Corvallis the' Shepards of Bethlehem.'
gon on January 4 and will address a and Game Protective association held
is spending the Christmas holidays ning, "The Spirit of Christmas.’’ The at 7:30 o’clock.
The ever generous Al. Boland has mass meeting in Portland on Friday at Albany. The association, which
with Mr». R. Hassemer of 5712 44th Christmas entertainment will be held
presented the new chirfch with a night, January 5.
comprises several sportsmen and am­
Thursday evening.
splendid sanctuary lamp. The new
The state highway commission, un­ ateur huntsmen clubs of Linn county,
Miss Velma Shephard ia home from
monstrance is paid for and will be der the laws of Oregon, has authority plane to build the clubhouse at Clear
Arleta Baptist Church
Philomath college for the holidays.
used Christmas dav.
Mrs. S. J. Ennis ia expected home
The recent card social in charge to condemn lands for right-of-way pur­ lake, one of the most beautiful loca­
from Itos Angeles with her children the juniors will hold their Christmas of Mesdames Letcher and Scott was poses within the boundaries ot incor­ tions in the west.
To move the entire perishable trait
exercises tonight from 7 to 9 o’clock well patronised, all tables being oc- porated towns and cities, according to
about Saturday.
a decision by Judge Percy Kelly of the crop in the states of Oregon. Washing­
Mrs. Jesse Snodgrass of 7123 44th in the church.
Mrs. Lefebvre is making rapid re- Marlon county circuit court.
ton and Idaho would require every re­
A Christmas pageant written by one covery after a major operation.
avenue is working in the toy depart­
Because the Pacific Telephone A frigerator car In the United States tor
ment of Meier A Frank Co.’» store of the members of the Arleta Baptist
Masses will be said for the last
j-oung people’s union, will be given time in the old church next Sunday. Telegraph company refused to comply one trip between the place of produc­
during the Christmas rush.
Mrs. Paul Walker of Seattle is by that organisation Sunday evening. The building will then become the with an order issued by the public tion and the markets, aocordlM to H.
The women's missionary society poftession of Matt Henry, who has service commission requiring the cor­ H. Corey, a member of the Oregon pub­
visiting her mother, Mrs. Metta
purchased both rectory and church poration to sot up and keep a separate lic service commission, who has been
Snider, of 4416 79th street, during will meet with Mrs. Welsh, at 4319 building.
depreciation reserve account, the com­ in Washington tor several weeks at­
59th street at 2 o'clock, Wednesday,
the Christmas holidays.
This has been a year of continued
Kenneth MacKenzie, of 7107 45th December 27. A play, “Lighting the progress for the parish, thanks to mission sent a letter to John Carson, tending the railroad merger hearing
the wonderful co-operation of the district attorney of Marlon county, before the interstate commerce com­
avenue, has removed to the west side Christmas Candle»,’’ will be given.
A number of people from the entire parish with the pastor. Hence urging that he Institute proceedings mission. Mr. Corey said he was told
J. J. Handsaker, in company with church attended a meeting of super­ it is with the greatest sincerity in the courts for the enforcement of that the recent car shortage was not
Father O’Flynn wishes each and
Mr». R. S. M. Emrich, made a trip to intendents, teachers and workers at every parishioner a very happy and the penalty provided by law In such due to a lack of carriers, but was the
result of insufficient motive power.
Newburg, McMinnville, Monmouth the White Temple, Tuesday evening. holy Christi :mas.
(Dur (êmttnga
Hark' The joyous bells are ringing.
Happy voices singing too;
All this day with love they’re bringing.
Greetings from The Herald to you.
Merry Christmas' Merry Christmas'
Long we sing the sweet refrain.
May its echo linger ’round you
Until Christmas comes again.