• »t Comp » A i«l. Peterson Heads Lents Business Men’s Club Other Officers Elected at Enthusiastic Meeting. Much Good Promised guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Adam» and family of 3721 Seventy-first street on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mr*. E. O. Shepherd are now visiting at Hopewell, Or., th« home of Mrs. Shepherd’s parents. Mr. Shepherd Is holding revival services at Hopewell. The Third United Brethren church will serve light luncheons daily be­ ginning December 12. The Parent- Teacher club membarsrand pupils of Joseph Keliog school will find this to their liking. H. J. Brummels and family are moving into the house formerly oc­ cupied by th« Taylor family at 3504 Sixty-eighth street. W. R. latke, of 3355 Sixty-eighth street, has returned from The Dalles. He was detained a few days in con­ nection with his work at timber cruis­ ing. Mrs. D. Barlow, who ia ill at the Portland Sanitarium, is improving, and gaining strength daily. The ladies’ aid of the United Brethren church will serve a social luncheon December 13. Come and get acquainted. Th<- St. James Mission church on Thirty-eeventh avenue and Seventy- Second street will hold its annual bazaar with the St. David church at the Portland hotel on Friday, Decem­ ber 8. H. P.’ McKay ia building a fine new bungalow at 3610 Seventy-second street Th« senior girls’ league of Frank­ lin high school is giving a play en­ titled “ ’Op o*Me Thumb," and the junior girls* league is giving a play entitled "The land of Heart’s De- riro.” at Lincoln high school audi­ torium, December 13. The cant for these playa haa been carefully se­ lected and those in charge havo bent to faithful endeavor in order to fur­ nish a good entertainment Candy will be sold. The girls’ lengtie. the home eco- nomica club and the Tri-Y’s were among those of the school who helped make a pleasant Thanksgiving day for poor families and organizations. Don’t forget the country fair, the big annual event of the school, given unticr the auspices of the Hi-Y club, (’HESTER A. LYON SYSTEM DECREASES DELINQUENCY on Friday and Saturday evenings in the school gymnasium. Big program, It will interest the people of !