Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, November 24, 1922, Image 2

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    mt. Scott herald
Short Stories
rublwwd Every Friday at lents Sta­
tion, Portland. Oregon
. dfaMMhAk Nor should w« omit to
I saw the wonder of a living soul
enumerate good books. A home w«ll
Within this book. Its clement» appear»
stocked with them is infinitely bwttvr
Nightfall come» early now, and the than a bataneo at th» bankers. “Books
As feature* of a fere; high purpose
chill winter air makes a god fire are the true fields where th>g «pirita
There faith as deep as death in twice grateful. The lamps are lighted of the dead converse and into these
fiekis a mortal many venture unap-
rhythmic roll
and aa we gather around the table a
Swells high in sequent waves, ami | senwi of domestic »atiafacUon settles palled. You may walk and talk with
king» and queen* of thought on a
shoal on shoal
I down to w bich in the summer time perfect equality. They do not a»k
The music of sweet words outpour; we are alm.xX strangers. So the law how much money you puss«*», what
of compensations ever works. Ws are wa* the coat of your clothing nor
Truth haloes every thought. and fear robbed of the long day» ami of m< st what is the »lie of tile house you
No title swerve« him from his pur- of the outdoor enjoyment. But we are dwsll in. They only want you to
awarded those blessings which are in bring an understanding heart. Mwlng
posed goal.
separebl« from the family life ami •yes and listotilng car* and they will
Aml then the anguish calling loud but from the shadow of the old roof tree. make you perfectly at home.”
Evenings at home? What we o>e to
Hut nut every book should be wel­
For balm of justice; guilelcaaly a* them can never bo computed. Their comed to the charmed circle« of
I family life. Parent» should exerciae
Whom Otrist set in their midst his reaching ami benign. They have often a wise supervision over th«' litera­
ture their children read cn thc»e
wxrrship lays
He at hi* F.other's feet; hi* heart he perfect manhood than all the days fieaceftil evening« at home.—Watch­
Entire and unrestrained, an uminfilrd, have furnished rich treasure of
A glorious Instrument of richest
The self-satisfied are rarely good
On such evenings the lads and for anything. As teachers they *rw
maidens should haw their light rm fatally incompetent.
M. J. O’RIORDAN, in America.
ploymenta. The embroidery needle
will help to pass th» houtw away.
Patroni»« our adwrtiaen.
Games and music are sometimes in-
Teacher (seriously)—Do you know
who is the lasiest person in this Majority of Ten in Senate and
Fifteen in House Is
Percy (innocently)—I dunno.
Entered a* secomi class mali met­
Teacher—You ought to. Who is it,
ter February 14, 1914, at thè post­
office at Lenta. Or., under act of con- when everybody else is industriously
studying, sit* and watches the rest of
grese. March S, 1879.
the room or looks out of the windows ?
Washington. D. C.—On the face of
Percy (brightening) »— Why. you.
Subscription Price - -41-50 a year
tks election returns, the exact lineup
Miss Jones -New York Sun.
by partita in the sixty-eighth con­
¿>812 X met V-second Street
•'I want a shave” said the deter­ gress will be
Phone Àuto 622-2S
mined looking man, a* he climbed into
House—Republicans 125. democrats
the barber’s chair. “I don't want a
hair cut nor a shampoo. Neither do 247. socialists 1. Independent 1, farm­
I want any bay rum. witch hare I. hair er-labor 1.
tonic, hot towel» nor face massage. I
Senate—Republicans 53, democrats
don't want th«' manicure ladv to hold 43. farmeedabor 1.
my hand. I just want a plain s-'ave,
In the present senate the republi­
with no trimmings. Do you under­
cana have sixty members and the
stand that ?"
"Yej. sir," said the barber. “Will democrats thirtyelx. a republican ma­
you have some lather on vour face jority of twenty-four.
sir’” .
In the house the republicans, on
“Why have I never married?” The the basta of unofficial returns, will
confirmed bachelor repeated a loading have a majority of fifteen over the
question, “Well, once upen a time in combined strength which could be
Advertisements under thi» hcad-1
on a lady’s gown. She mustered against them by the demo­
crowd I trod
turned, furiously, beginning: ’You crats and others and a plurality of ing lOe per line fimi inaartion.
Minimum charge. 25c.
Count aix
clumsy brute!’ Then she smiled
sweetly. and said: ‘Oh. I beg your eighteen over the democrats aa a words to thè line
p.irb n. I thought you were my hus party unit In the present house the
bend. No, it really doesn't matter in republicans have a majority of 165
the lenet.’ " — Pittsburg (Yironick- over ail and a plurality of 14«-over
The Herald will print, with­
the democrats.
out charge, advertisemenu coming ;
Besides these changes, all of which
under the following heads: Work
Motorist—I have not paid a cent
Because Oregon was a pioneer in for repairs on that machine during become effective after the sixty-
wanted, help wanted.
minimum wage legislation for women all the ten months that I’ve had it.
seventh congress expires on March 4
workers Oregonians will take a spe­
Prospective Buyer—So the man whe next, will be some immediate shifts FOR SALE OR RENT—Good, heavy I
overcoat; medium sise, $5. 573 d1
cial interest in the newest phase of repaired it told me.—Exchange.
in the totals There were eight va­
86th St S. E. Auto. 644-50. 46-U i
the minimum wage controversy.' The
CTiar'ic—But I asked you. dearest,
supreme court cf the District of O>-. to keep our engagement a secret for deaths and resignations, and unofficial CALL R. HEYT1NG. phone 626-«?.
lumbia has declared the minimum the present.
returns show that of three the repub­
for sand and gravel delivered at a
reduced price.
wage law of the District unconstitu-
Claire—I couldn’t help it That licana captured six. Filling of vacan­
tionai and the issue will once more hateful Ella said the reason I wasn't cies will make the house lineup at the
be raised in the United States su- married was because no fool had pro­ start of the forthcoming special ses- FOR SALE—Dress suit, white vest,
gloves, shirt, some dress collars. I
posed to me. so I told her you had."
preme court.
sions 302 republicans. 133 democrats
Apply The Herold.
When the Oregon ease
and 1 socialist.
supreme court that body divided
In her I language.
Nancy AHison was
FOR SALE—1-argv garage bnsines*
to be what her brother called
equally on the question. Justice inclined to
and building, center of Mount Scott. I
Brandei* not participating as he had "gushing." One summer she took an
Address, 402 Couch bldg.
been connected With the case before automobile trip through the country.
his appointment to the supreme
, ELDERLY man, who speaks German
thusiastic description of one fine old
and French, would like to find a
bench. This division in the highest town to her family.
borne where he could do light work
court, while it upheld the Oregon law
"It was perfectly charming! Such
part of the week in exchange for
for th« time being, did not settle wonderful old doorways» and the
Washington. D C.—Transcontinen­
room and, perhaps, breakfast, 2 or
the issue. The lower courts, how­ quaintest old inn!” She paused, search -
39tf ,
3 days a week.
tal railroads were denied authority by
ever, have upheld legislation of this ing lor a word. "It was—unique!” the interstate commerce commission to
Brother Ned had been listening
—Men or women to take ■
kind until the present instance. There
reduce rates on traffic originating east WANTED
gravely to the rhapsody.
orders for genuine guaranteed,
will be. much speculation as to the
“Unique,” he said, quietly. That's of the Rocky mountains, or destined
hosiery f°r men, women and chil-t
opinions cf the members of the su­ a fine word. Let’s see.
‘Unus,’ therefor, to or from Pacific coast ter­
dren. Eliminates darning. Salary |
preme court who have been named one: ‘Equus,’ horse. ‘One-horse’ town minals for the purpose of meeting
$•>0 a week full time. *1 an hour
since the Oregon case wa® argued. Good!” and without »Tilting for any­ water competition. The commission
spare time. Experience unnectw- !
sary. International Stocking Mills, I
The attitude, for example, of Chief one to criticise his interpretation of
held that the amended fourth section
Norristown, Pa.
42-5 lPd
Justice Taft is thought by some to the word, he promptly took his de­
of the commerce act made it manda­
be opposed to minimum wage legis­ parture.
tory on the commission to deny any FOR SALE — Protectograph, check
HOW SHALL I GET RID OF A BAD tariff changes which did not assure
writer. Call 622-28.
The suffrage amendment to the
reasonably compensatory rates to the
constitution seems to have had con­
Men and women average 31 per
siderable influence with the District “How shall I a habit break ?”
The railroads the commisaion said, hour selling hosiery, four pairs guar­
of Columbia court The majority As you did that habit make.
bad failed to prove that the rates pro­ anteed wear four months or new
argued that women having received As you gathered, you must lose;
posed to compete with the ocean car hosiery free. We pay 3091 commis­
equal political rights should not ask
we rlers would be reasonably compensa­ sion. Free samples to working agents.
for special consideration in business
twist,' - •
tory. The commission also saw In the Complete line of wool and heather
and industrial life.
Till they bind us, neck and wrist;
proposed rate change a violation of mixtures. This is the big hosiery
The sufficient answer to that would Thread by thread the patient hand
section 3 of the commerce act, which season. Experience unnecessary. Eagle
seem to be that the acquisition of the Must untwine, ere free we stand.
provides that there must be no dis Hosiery Works, Darby, Pa.
right to vote did not change the fun­ As we builded, stone by stone
crimination between shippers. The ef­
W'e must toil, unhelped, alone.
damental relations of women to the Till
the wall is overthrown.
fect of tie decision Is to leave the
The Parlor Millinery will be closed
human race, relations upon which the But remember, a> we try.
present rates to and from the Pacific about December 15, to be reopened
argument for minimum lqgirfafFsn Lighter every test goes by:
coast unchanged.
some time in January. In the mean­
Wading in, the stream grows deep
for women ha* been based.
time all winter hat« will be «bid be­
Towards the canter’s downward sweep.
He Never Spoke Again
low cost. Ida Richardson, Eighty­
A MEN 4CB TO FREE AMERICA Backward turn, each step ashore
Shallower is than that before.
A ventriloquist^ who had a worth­ eighth street.
less dog and no money, hit upon a
World Herald, Omaha, Neb.
Ah, the precious years we waste
clever scheme to convert the former
Children, in the principle involved, ’ Leveling what we raised in haste;
into the latter, and, going into a res­
do not differ from their parent*. If Doing what must be undone
taurant, took a seat, the dog sitting
children may be taught only as the Ere content or love be won!
on the floor beside the chair.
state wishes them taught and in the First, across the gulf we cast
When the waiter came the ventrilo- I
Kite-bom threads till lines are passed,
quist turned to the dog with the I
it snneT the state decrees, then it may
And habit builds the bridge at last.
as well be provided that adult citizen*
—John Boyle O’Reilly.
"Well, Jack, what will you have?"'
may read only what the state permit*,
The waiter nearly collapsed wh.-n
may indulge only such study and re-
he apparently heard the dog answer:
For the many kindnest es and floral “A ham and beef sandwich.’
tcarch as the state sanction/, and may
»ntertain only such thoughts profess offerings extended us in our recent
Then ne hastened to the proprietor, i
bereavement we wish to thank our
such principles and »deals, a* bear the many friends from the bottom of our
“I say, guv’nor” he exclaimed,
"there’s a dog over there that can
imprimatur of the majority.
In other words, we shall no longer MR. AND MRS. H. J. WILLIAMSON talk.”
It immediately struck the propri- I
be citizens and freemen, but the prop­ MR. AND MRS. GEORGE PAYNE
etor that such a dog could draw cus- I
erty, the serfs of the state. Not only MR. AND MRS. J. B. SMITH.
torn er», so after hearing the animal
talk he began bargaining for him.
our bodies and our activities, but our
The work of collecting signature»
The dog, during the haggling over
minds and our thoughts, shall be the
to a petition to present an the price, begged ¡n sr> realistic a
state’s. All human being* shall be chial school constitutional amend­ manner not to be sold that the res­
cast in a common meld and confined ment to the voters of Michigan next taurant keper became the more de­
in that mold until death releases them. spring will have to be done all over termined to have him, and at last
That way is the way of death and again, according to a ruling handed agreed to the ventriloquist's price,320.
dissolution. Biology teaches that the down by the state attorney-genera 1.
As the trickster started for the
way of progress is the way of devia­ New lists are held necesvarv. Pro- door with the money, the dog in­
tion from type. Where everything is ponenti of the amendment had col­ quired: "Have you really sold me7”
alike there is no change» no life, no lected nearly 100/XX) signatures for
Some women still think the face
“Yes, Jack, I’ve sold you," was the
hope. It is the man that is different their petition with the idea of bring- reply.
gives the first warning that Time
who counts for something. It is he i ing the matter to a vote in the recent
is robbing them of their youthful
"Well,” said the dog, “mark my
that stands alone, if need be, who election.
vigor and freshnens. But it rs the
words. I’ll never speak again.”
helps ultimately to lift all his fellow»
feet that often warn first and then
a little above the existing level.
camplain with increasing frequency
The public school is one of Amer-
until the face unconsciously take«
ea’s proudest contributions to demo­
on a stem, pained or irritated look.
cracy and civilization. No one hold*
Dr. Elinor Van Buskirk says:
it in higher regard than does this
“The woman who wears a cramped
newspaper. It ia invaluable because
shoe is bound to have a cramped
it is free. It has progressed because
disposition. She can’t help being
it has felt the stimulating epur of the
irritable, critical and quick tem-
competition of the orivate and paro­
chial school. To flourish it has had
Foot Ease Heipa Y om
to deserve to flourish. Establish it
Wear the Cantilever Shoe and
a* an absolute monopoly, under ma­
find out what it means to be foot-
jority control, and all the evils of
free. When you see Cantilevers
monopoly will claim it for their own.
you will like them for their trim
And the rights of minorities, their
lines. When you wear them you will
Why perspire over a hot stove?
rights in their homes, in their fami­
discover that their more natural
lies, their rights to differ from the
shape and tthe curved arch, which
majority in ideals, in religion, in as­
i* flexible like the arches of your
piration, will be in danger as gra\ e aa
own feet, allows your feet a new
if the Praetorian guard wvre at the
comfort. The flexible arch allows
Democracy can live only as it is ,
the muscles of your feet to exer­
supported by a free people. Despot­
cise and streni’then. In Canti­
ism» enforced uniformity, whether iir- 1
levers, you should accomplish more
posed by a few or by the many, is ,
and feel better than ever before.
its death warrant. The theory of the ■
Try a pair tomorrow. Widths
Oregon law is a menace to fro Amer­
AAAA to E.
ica, and lovers of liberty will resist
its spread.
Think Right
Think smiles, and »miles shall be;
Think doubt, and hope will flew,
Think love, and love will grow;
Think hate, and hate you'll know,
Think good, and good la here,
Think vice. It» claws appear!
Think joy, and joy ne'er end«;
Think gloom, and dusk deacenda;
Think faith, and faith’a at hand;
Think ill, ih »talks Uie land,
sublime ami »wvet,
Think . peace, _____
And you that pears will nisst.
Think fear, with brooding mind,
And failure's close behind.
Think thia: “Pm going to win!”
Think not on what has bee«.
Think victory- think ”! can!”
Then you’re a winning man I
—David V. Bush.
My wife, Mura M. Bauer, am! I.
not living together. I will not be
responsible for any debts contracted
by her after thia date.
Classified Ads. j
Feet Young
We’ll Bake your Turkey for you
Laurelwood Bakery
Ta no purpose i* the country great,
if the men are small. Life is more
than life’s circumstances, man more
than his environment.
Auto. 624-63
6232 Forty-fifth Ave.
(Laurelwood Station)
353 Alder St
Medical Bldg.
. - j —
The place of real
Closing out $5000 worth of Christmas Good«.
L pss than
You don’t have to go down town and nay double the price.
You will find here a large stock of:
Household Goods
Furniture, Hardware
Musical Instruments
i'losing out 2000 Phonograph Records nt 25 cents each
Automatic 625-82
6605 Foster Road
Mr. Business Man !
Are you making an intelligent use
of the passing hours?
To save time is to save money—
money saved is profit—profit is the
object of business.
There is no greater factor in the
economy of time than the use of the
long distance telephone. The serv­
ice is prompt, efficient, convenient
and satisfactory.
Consult the telephone directory as
to rates and classes of service avail
Every Bell telephone is a Long
Distance station.
The Pacific Telephone / Aj
And Telegraph Company