Subscription, $1.50 the Year. COMMUNITY CHEST CAMPAIGN OPENED Th* drive for Community Chest fund* opened auspiciously Monday morning and to going forward steadi­ ly, but not quite so rapidly as the officials would like to have it "Over confidence Is one of th« most dangerous element* in any campaign," •aid K> C. Sammons, general of th« men's division. "For that reason it to a tiling that I hop* everyone will guard against, particularly the work­ er*. 14 ts only through the constant and combined efforia on the part of every solicitor to cover hia or her ter ritory thoroughly and consctonttousl y and Unprrasjng upon th» contributor th* nreeetity ef making hia subocrip- tian mi the monthly basis« that suo- oeen will be attained " KENDALL STATION NKW8 Mr. «nd Mr*. Fred Johnson at- temtod church at Kern Park Bunday. J F Meadows from Lenta Junc­ tion waa calling oa old neighbor* her* Monday. Mr. and Mr*. Wagy same home from Tillamook Monday, where they spent the past two months. Fred Johnson had hie house painted las' aeok. F.ameet Ramsthal did the painting. Mr. and Mr* J. O. Wilsoa moved from Troutdale to their property here on Hinkley sreuue a few day* •T» Oils Spur and wife visited friends at Wuectatock last Sunday. Born November 20, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Kay, a son. Mr. and Mr*. P. A. Swan from Lento attimded the dance her* Satur­ day night The Parent • Teacher asaociatioa held a very , successful meeting Wednesday. Mr*. Menan’s room won the use of th* new picture the first month by having more mother* la st tendance that day than the other room*. The contract for th* new book esse wa* let to Mr. Troian. Mr and Mr*. Albert Worthington, who hav* spent meat of th* summer hare with Mr. Worthington’s parents, moved to th* Rex Arma apartnvstta In Portland a few day* ago. Mr* RDey Uyd visited friends tai Sellwood Tuesday afternoon. Mra lee Falkner waa shopping in Portland Monday. The Harmony chib will give a dance at the clubhouse Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grim* and daughter, Anna, earns hors a few day* ago, from Gettysburg, S. D., to spend the winter. They coms for the benefit of Mrs. Griesa's health, and to visit her sister, Mrs. Wllltam Janta. ' ' Gladys Loyd spent th* week end with her parents, returning to Port­ land Sunday evening. Mr*. A. W. Stewart visited Tues­ day afternoon with Mra. Ulan on Eighty-second street. The Harmony chib women met for their regular meeting Wednesday, with Mrs. Ella Clark, th* president. BAZAAR AND RUMMAGE SALE SOUTH MOUNT TABOR, RESER VOIR PARK AND VICINITY Mrs. D. Barlow of Sixty-seveuth street to very Ui al the Portland Sani­ tarium. Born to Mr. and Mr*. E. K. Krueger, of 3816 Sixty-seventh street, on No­ vember 16, a daughter. Mra. K. O. Shepherd will go to Vancouver November 11 to attend a missionary meeting. A »on was bom to Mr. and Mr*. H. Bufton, of 3732 Seventy-first street, on November 10. W. R. Inks, of 35 j 5 Sixtg- eighth street, left Sunday for a week's surveying trip in Tillamook county. Billy Bundy, of 3812 Sixty eighth street, suffered a very painful injury last week, when he fell off hia little sleeping cot, and broke his shoulder. The little dog I'uppo, cherished pot and property of Rev. E. O. Shepherd's family, came to a most pathetic ending last week. A savage bulldog attacked him, and before they could be separated, little Puppo was ao badly broken and torn that he had to be shot Th* Parent-Teacher association met on Tuesday at 3 o'clock. Mia* Snook’s room won the box of candy for the largest attendance of mothers pres­ ent. Every club and organisation of the Franklin high school will take part in th* so-called "country fair" on December 8 and 9, given through the effort* of the Hi-Y club. Thia fair i* considered one of the big feet events of th* year. An interesting program is in preparation. Th* proceeds win ba. turned over to the athletic fund. The community and students of ths Franklin high school are putting up a big fight for the much needed and widely discussed auditorium. Mon­ day a mas* meeting was held for thia purpose, Mr*. G. G. Root presiding. After much diseutaion it was de­ cided to present petition* and go in a body before th* school board. Thia was done Wednesday. As a result of th* presentation of these petitions, a special meeting has been called for Thursday evening in the gymnsaium. Various member* and repreesntatives of the school board will be present. Both glee clubs and the special quartet will sing. All person* la­ te rested ahould attend. This district represent* approximately 10 per cent of the school nttendanee of the city, and should be entitled to their share. The Commerce club of Franklin will give a dance in the school gym nasMan Friday evening. Art Barter's peppy orchestra will furnish the music. Par**« -Teacher Aaseriatiea's Bazaar The bazaar held by the Parenv- Teacher association at the Joseph Kellogg school last Friday evening was a decided success« both socially and financially. A splendid program was rendered and each of the numbers was enthu­ siastically received. Mrs. Dustin and the girls* canning class offered a pageant, Miss Carrie Adams played several numbers on the piano and Mr. Hunter and his juvenile orchestra rounded out the program with or­ chestra selections. Among the many things sold, candy, art, needle work and cooked food were most in ds ma no. The whole affair was an agreeable surprise and even those in charge were much elated over the succees attained. The Bonnett church is holding a bazaar and rummage sale at 5614 Ninety-second street today and to­ morrow. Among the many articles offered for sale are plain and fancy aprens, fancy work of all kinds, vege­ tables and homo eooking. The public is cordially invited. LADY ELKS TO HOLD BAZAAR Thdre desiring to contribute The Elks ladies of No. 142, Port towards the rummage sale will please land, of which Mrs. G. O. Branden- bring bundles to above address. berg is president, will hold a bazaar on December 1 and 2, at Elks’ Temple, Woodmere Community Dance The community dance to be held Broadway and Stark streets. The tomorrow evening at Woodmere entire proceeds will go to the Elks’ school promises Ito be one of the Chriitma* tree fund, for which the most enjoyable events scheduled for Elks have become quite prominent the pre-Thanksgiving season. The among the more unfortunate children Parent-Teacher circle, under whose of the city. auspice* th* affair is to ba held, has ■ Among the many features of the spared *• pain* in providing all of bazaar will be a contest for a beauti­ the essentials, such as good music, ful hope chest. Mrs. Frank Currigan refreshments, etc., that will aid in of Lents and Mrs. E. L. Dimmitt affording those attending a moat have charge of this feature and Mrs. pleasant evening’s enjoyment. Such Currigan has been soliciting aid funds aa may be derived from the ad­ of th* t^nts business houses the past mission charge of 35 cents are to week in making the event a success. Nothing need be said of the won­ be devoted to giving a Christmas party to the 750 pupils of Wood- derful work ef the Elks' lodgea tn mere school. Th* dancing party to­ spreading sunshine to unfortunate morrow evening la a community waifs, especially at Christmas time, and this year they hope to surpass affair and all ar* invited. all their former records of generosity. Mrs. Currigan would appreciate Would Like to Know Wank Melvin very much any assistance from the Mrs. T. E. Melvin. 9133 Forty- Mount Scott people and she would third avenue, would like to hear from be pleased to explain the hope chest! Frank Melvin, Portland attorney, for contest to anyone interested. the reason that she receives num­ erous telephone calls for Mr. Melvin. To Hold Annual Baiaar Sometimes they are long-distance The annual bazaar of the Lenta calls and she feels that they are im- portam and that Mr. Melvin would Methodtart Episcopal church will be appreciate knowing that hia calls are held in the lent» Grange hall Tues­ being delayed because he Is hard to day, December 5. Dinner will be served at A2 M. and at 6 P. M. reach. LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1922 Park Chris- The women of the , tian church held a issionary tea at y afternoon the church on W wer* given Th* proceeds of Mrs. D. Barlow of Sixty-seveath Mr*. J. F. street is ill in the Portland sana to th* Chinese nt Ghormley told of early history torium. »a been carried Ariel* Baptist church to holding the mission which on among ’ the Chinege Chli of Portland for special pre-OiristM** services every 30 years, and i_______ Mr*, ward Swope spoke Wednesday night. to “The Future of the Mission." Franklin high school finished its George Jennings and Mita Iren* regular sehechile by defeating Com­ Crow were marrtad Tuesday even­ merce high, 7 to 0. ing at Mr. J<-nning'e home, 4711 Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith and Seventy-second d street Jtov. Owen T. family of Myrtle Point, Or, are Day of the Arteta Baptist church visitor* in Portland. Headquarters for the Community officiated. Both are popular young people, are active tn church circle* Chest drive for the Ariel* district and th* congratulations and best are at the Arleta library. wishes of a host of friends are ex­ Mrs. K. R. Dixon, of Fifty-fifth ami tended to them. They will reside at Seventy-third street to visiting her 4711 Seventy-second street. mother et Forest Grow*. The Joseph Kellogg Parent-Teacher Mrs. Tucker, mother of Mra. Maury association met st th* school Tues­ and Mra. Hopper, is ill at ths lad- day afternoon. An addreee on “Good tor’s home on Sixtieth street. Books" was given ' by one of the Mr*. J. Heuika, of 6622 Fiftieth librarians from th« main library. Mr* avenue, fell own th* steps of her I'olworth gave a regort of the recent house last Sunday morning and broke Parent-Teacher association state con­ vention at Eugen*. It waa decided her arm. A marriage license has been issued to have the ladies’ »id society of the to Bart F. Smith, 4822 Seventy­ Third United Brethren church serve fourth street, and Bertha M. Smith, hot lunches for the children of the school who desire them. 4417 Sixty-fifth street. The report that « marriage license C. 8. Fuller, 841 Vancouver ave­ had been Issued to Georg* T. Jen­ nue, has been placed in the position nings, 4711 Seventy-second street and of manager of the Eagle garage by Irene M. Crtw, 4807 Seventy-second Mr. Cockerline, owner. street, created an «Kcitment to sev­ Charles Wanan taker of Oregon eral boy* and girls of th* neighbor­ City la bearding with hie brother-in- hood who staged a noisy charivari. law, Nelson I-awrence, and is doing After working for nearly an hour, carpenter work in town. Mr. Jennings and Mizs Oow came Mr. Kuhnhausen ef the Electric walking up and announced that the Service company is in the east on a jok* was on the crowd because the business trip in connection with th* wedding had not been performed. A. B. C. washing machine. J. J. Handsaker, chairman of the A. L. Pomeroy, the Laurelwood Portland school eommittee of the shoe repairer, ha* moved into the Community Chest, addressed th.- house formerly occupied by A. L. Lenta and Arteta schools this week, reeeivnig assurance« of every co-op­ Hitt at 6929 Forty-fifth avenue. J. A. Barney, secretary-treasurer eration from both pupils and teacher*. Mias In** Porter« 4849 Eighty-sixth of the B. M. and I. U. waa a busi­ ness visitor to Seattle. Wenatchee and street, received severe bruises Wednesday, when the was struck by other Washington points this week. Mrs. Ward Swope, of 5329 Sev­ a car driven by William Weingart, cf entieth street, is very busy lining up 4903 Seventy-second street. She was th* W. C. T. U. women of th* whole walking down Fosfar Road at the city for Community Cheat activities. time of th* accident. R. D. King and ahildrea, who are A full house greeted the Washing­ making their home with Nelson Law­ ton high play, “Duley,“ Friday, No­ rence at 4910 Sixtieth street, have vember 17, at the auditorium. The all been quite ill. Richard, the S- January (1923) class put on the play. y ear-old baby, hlh tern—lliil pneu­ The Mount Scott Mental Culture monia. AU are reeoveriag sow. Mr. club met recently at the Arleta King lost his wife recently and much library with a full attendance. W. D. sympathy is felt for th* family in Wheelright used Japan as the sub­ their trouble and illness. -. ject of hi* talk. * An all-day missionary service will James Hunter, an old resident of be held at the Kern Park Christian this community, to dangerously ill at church today. The women have charge his home oq Sixty-seventh street and of the morning service and the men Whitman avenue. Mr. Hunter 1* past of the evening service. A Chinese quartet from the Christian Chinese 80 years of age. E. 0. Shepherd of the Third United mission will sing at the morning Brethren church is holding revival hour. services at Ropewell. During his Methodist Episcopal Church absence his pulpit will be filled by Lents Mount Scott Methodist Epis­ Rev. B. E. Emerich. copal church makes the following an­ Mr. and Mra. L. P. Cox and Vernon nouncements: Sunday school, 9:45 Cox of Jefferson, Or., are guests of A. M., morning worship at 11 A. M.; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mellor* of Lenta’ sermon theme, “Golden Character Electric bakery. Messrs. Cox and From Refining Fire”; Epworth league Mellor* are brothers-in-law. at 6:30 P. M., topic, “Thanksgiving”; Little May Jacobson, of Sixty-sev­ evening service at 7:30. The pastor enth street, fell down the basement will deliver an appropriate Thanks­ rtairw at her home last week and cut giving sermon, giving reasons why we her forehead so badly it was neces­ should be thankful. Midweek prayer meeting Thursday. 7:30 P. M. You sary to hav* four stitches taken. are entitled to these services. “Come Theo. Zehrung, 7105 Forty-eighth thou with us and we will do thee good, avenue, has registered for th* older for the Lord hath spoken good con­ boys’ conference which will be held cerning Israel.”—T. H. Downs, pastor. at Eugene. This will make the third conference that Theo, has attended Mr*. Gray's Stater Dead and he expects to attend several more. The death of Mrs. M. A. Barnes, Among the new subscribers to The 67, at Baker, Or, Friday, November Herald thia week are: Mr*. Fred 17, made th* second death in the Ball, 9325 Forty-sixth avenue, mother family of Mr*. M. J. Gray of I-enta of Mrs. W. L. Dingman of the same and Gray* Crossing. Miss Laura address, and Mr*. John Brindley, 6804 Gray, Mr*. Gray’s daughter, waa Fifty-first avenue, and James Ball of buried last week. Mrs. Barnes was East Seventy-second and McCoy the aunt of Mrs. W. H. Heald, 5829 streets; J. A. Barney, 4803 Seventy­ Eighty-second street. sixth street, and Mrs. Vanwart, Ninety-sixth street. Dill Will Be Yeungeet Senator. Mr. and Mr*. C. L. Baker and three Seattle, Wash. — Clarence C. Dill, children have purchased a home at democrat of Spokane, whose election 6400 Ninetieth street Mr. Baker is to the United States senate Is indicat­ a house decorator who drove hi* auto­ ed by returns. wlU be the youngest mobile from Los Angele* to Portland member when ho takes hl* seat March last month. He plans to rent for a 4. Mr. DHL who I* 38 year* old, la a time and then will look into acreage bachelor. Besides Ernest Lister, just outside the city's limits, where former governor, ho to the only demo­ he hopes to embark in the poultry crat te wta In a statewide contest tn btMdnMv* Washington since the populist wave Hereafter ths first Wednesday noon Turk* Warned In Curt Net*. of each month will be the meeting Constantinople. — The allied high time of the Lents' Business Men's club, it waa decided at a meeting of commissioners banded a note to the the chib held in Grange hall Wednes­ Angora jovsrnmeat representative day evening. It is planned to feature here demanding th* repeal of all the noon meeting* with a luncheon to measure* relating to the customs, the be given by women’s organisations of public debt and the sanitary aad other lent«. At the noon meeting, Decem­ services which conflict with the cap ber 5, ths election of officers will be Itulatlon* and stipulations of the held. W. W. Knight was appointed Mudroe armistice agreement of 1315. Wednesday night as the club's repre­ sentative at a meeting in the Benson Let us not like children ba led hotel, Thursday evening, to discus* away by what strikes the eye and way* and mean* of holding a 1927 ex­ ear. The loudest names are not those position in Portland. of the world's truest benefactors. LOCAL HAPPENINGS VOL. XX, No 47 1000 LIVES LOST IN CHILEAN EARTHQUAKE GOURT PASSES ON BIBLE IN SCHOOLS Many Thousands Left Hungry KING JAMES VERSION RULED OUT AS BEING A SEC­ TARIAN BOOK and Homeless ByTremblor and Tidal Waves. l. 0.1. L f. RAISE ISSUE PORTLAND ORGANIZATION AD­ VOCATES BIBLE READING IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS JAPANESE LOSE CITIZENSHIP SINT MARYVILLE NEWS A beautiful silk flag was presented to Marysville school Friday Novem­ ber 10, by Mm. Lillian L. Pointer from George Wright, No. 2, Woman’s Relief corps. An assembly of all the school children was held for ths patriotic exorcises Mrs. Pointer gave an in­ teresting talk on the flag. Mr. Boyer and Miss Godwin, music supervisors, visited the school and held interesting music classes in each room Friday, November 10. All ths rooms sold tickets for the benefit shew on Monday, and much competition was shown in the work. Miss Baker’s room sold the meet tickets, having sold over one hundred. Miss Lynns’ room was second wilh almost an equal number. Ths Parent- Teacher smoeiatioa will award a silk flag to the winner The poceods of the ticket sales were 3100, which will be applied on the Vie- trola fund. Much credit is due to tlfc parents for the donation of the home­ made candy and to the children in different rooms for s»!!*ng so many ticket*. The girls' playshed is nearing com­ pletion and work is being started on the boys’ play shed. The A girls had candy sales at the school Friday and Monday, November 10 and 13. About 37 was realized, which fund will be used in purchasing pictures for th« building. Mr. Whitney visited the school Wednesday morning. He gave the 8B class an interesting talk. The benefit show given on Monday night was a decekted success. There was a record attendance at all three shows. Miss Murrel White gave three special dancing numbers which were very much enjoyed. Mr. Fred Dunford sang two special numbers which were greatly appreciated. The 8B girls had charge of the candy sale. The proceeds for the candy sales both at school and at the show, were nearly 330. Great interest was shown in Good Book week, many school children read­ ing mors than the required book. Some very interesting book reviews were given in the upper grades. Many of the lower grade children acted out the characters they had read about. There has been much absence the past week due to cv'.i' and tonaolitis. Paul Hartford and Francis Dobbs have been quite ill. Mr* Chris Srendsen is steadily im­ proving from the serious operation which she underwent at St. Vincent's hospital about two weeks ago. 1000 Boxcars Dally to Relieve Farmers Washington. D. C.—Ose thousand empty box cars a day In solid trains will begin moving to the northwest from Chicago within a few days, and the movement will continue until the demand tor equipment to transport farm and forest products has been mot. Italy to Ratify Arms’ Agreements. Rome.—All agreements reached at the Washington disarmament confer­ ence will bo ratified by Italy, Pre­ mier Mussolini told American corre­ spondents. ELECTION AFTERMATH Formar Governor Lynn Frazier of North Dakota was sleeted to Senator McOumber's seat by a plurality over J. F. T. O'Connor, democrat, that will exceed 5000. There was a majority of 33.151 la favor of making the eighteenth amead- ment to the constitution of tbs United State* and the Volstead act statute law of California. Walter M. Pierce had a lead of 34.- 439 votes over Ben W. Olcott tor the governshlp la Oregon. The compul­ sory education bill had an affirma­ tive majority sxoeeding 13.000. Unofficial figures on the Indiana contest for United State* senator showed that Samuel M. Ralston, demo­ crat. defeated former Senator Albert J. Beveridge, republican, by 35.5M votes. Returns from the election shown the problbltioaUtt rolled up a majority of approximately 175,000 against a pro- posed amendment to the constitution to permit the manufasture and sale of wine and beer in Ohio. Petitions for state-wide recount of the vote for United States senator In Massachusetts* were prepared by a campaign manager for Colonel W. A. OastotL democratic opponent of Sen­ ator, Henry Cabot Lodge. The latter's plurality stands at 5435 votes. Nebraska voted two to one against ratification of a law passed by the last legislature which would have made it possible tor state conventions to select delegatee to national nomi­ nating convention« of the various pol­ itical parties and to name national committeemen. We must be rsnolvtd to labor to see, not only things as thpy are, but ourselves too as we are. Where seif- eriticism.i* lacking, whether in in­ dividuals or in social aggregate«, decay and degeneracy inevitably must set in. 161 COLO STAR WOMEN Life is moot beautiful ' and noble, not when its environment in most splendid, but when it in nourished by the highest thought and the purest love.