Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, November 17, 1922, Image 1

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    DHL ^rütt Hrnilù
Subscription, $1.60 the Year.
.( o„,„
There will be a very Important
meeting of the lints’ Businaaa Men’s
Firland Confectionery store, Firland
l>ri»e (or Welfsre Institutions Begins
club In the Grange hall. Wednesday station, ia being repainted.
Nolt Monday
evening, November 22, at 7:30. Ail
Dr. Pugh, I-each building, had sick
The Community (’hoot campaign interested are urged to be present.
spells laat week, but is getting better
for the welfare orgsnizallons of Port­
land and vicinity will l«-gin next Mun­
day. Orgsmzatlun of the workers la SOUTH MOUNT TABOR. RESER­
Miaa Icata Moors celebrated her
going forward rapidly and thia year’s
20th birthday Monday, November 13,
drive promises to be a aucceaa.
H. H. Herdman, executive secretary
The Hi-ki-ki and the Science club with a party.
of the cheat, In an addreaa to the attended the stock show last weak in
The Parent-Teacher association of
wnnren worker« Wednesday explained
that larger donation» than laat year a body-
the Joseph Kellog school held a bazaar
are neeanaary as the a hurt age of the
C. M. Ilelecx and family have moved and program recently.
laat campuign waa a eenoua hand! into the house ft>rmerly occupied by
Harriet Eckersley haa been hired
cap to many of the institkiUona. He
pointed out that the cheat plan haa C. B. Muir on Sixty-eighth street.
by the Phoenix Pharmacy to make
proved much more efficient and more
Mrs. Ida Osborn and family, of 440 1 personal visits to prospective phono­
economical than the older method of Forty-second avenue, have rented graph buyers.
individual drive« by aeparate Institu­
their place, and moved to California,
Charles Thoma», of 6705 Forty­
where they will make their home.
seventh avenue, recently celebrated
H. E. Osborn, of 3526 Sixty-eighth hia 42d birthday. About 20 people
Proclamat loe Include* Prayer (or street, won three first prizes on hia were present.
checkered giant rabbits at the stock
Freedom From Domestic Strife
Lawrence Moors, of 5029 Flfty-
show, and one second prize on the necond street, is in Good Samaritan
Governor Olcott, in issuing hie an­
nual Thanksgiving day proclamation, black Flemish.
hospital and ia threatened with
Frays that the »Ute may be delivered
The Joseph Kellog Parent-Teacher typhoid fever.
rom dumeatic atrife and expreaaoe Maoriation will meet on Tuesday, No­
Mrs. S. J. Handsaker, who first
the hope that Thankagiving day thia
year will be a day of peace and tor- vember 21. Miss Paxson,head librarian visited Portland in 1864, is the guest
given?»«. The proclamation aaya in of the school department of the gen­ of her son, J. J. Handaaker, 5630
eral library, will speak.
Forty-fourth avenue.
"Hours of tribulation and trial are
A. Peterson and family, of 6120
rote U> fall upon a people torn
The, .lore Turple was married to
asunder by atrife and dissension. Our Forty-fifth avenue, are taking a trip Mias Jeaton Quesinberry at the home
democracy wan cradled in thr belief south, stopping at different points in of Rev. Bruce Evans, 7121 Fifty-ninth
ami nurtured in the thought that all California, en route to San Fran­
men are created equal and given the cisco. They will return in the spring. avenue, on Wednesday, November 11.
inalienable right to worship <exi aa
H. D. McNatt of the Portland
their own conscience might dictate.
E. M. Bell, of 3622 Sixty-eighth Jobbing House and Mr. Solum of the
Every nation that haa atrayed from street, has gone into business for him-
that doctrine haa been aplit on the aeif. His store is located at 343 United Creditors’ association were
Mount Scott business visitors Tues­
n>ck of destraction or haa toiled its
weary way through cenlunv» of Hawthorne avenue. He will handle day.
furniture and stoves. Mr. Bell is an
blood, travel! and tears.
The Parlor Millinery will be closed
"Wo are at the croaa road«. To expert stove man.
about December 15, to be reopened
the right stands an America, imper
The Ijuliea' Aid society of the Third some time in January. In the mean­
tahable upon the rock of eternal truth.
To the left liee an America bleeding, United Brethren church will give time all winter hats will be sold be­
tqrn by strife and dlaaenaion. .May their annual bauar Wednesday, No­ low cost. Ida Richardson, Eighty-
the God of our fatlr-ra prenerve ua vember 15. Luncheon will be served
from pursuing the left-hand turning. at noon. Art needle work, aprons eighth street.
The women’s gymnasium class,
and many uaefiil things will be sold.
meeting at Franklin high school every
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Morrow, of 54120 Tuesday evening, haa obtained a very
Aaka Chilean Preaidrat If Red Croaa
Thirty-sixth avenue, entertained on capable instructor from the Multno­
Aaaiatance la Needed
Wednesday with a dinner party in mah Athletic club. A few more
President Harding in a cablegram honor of Judge J. C. Fehr of India­
to Prvaidont Alcnaandri of Chile haa napolis, Ind. Judge Fehr w«a called women are desired in the class.
offered aaaiatanca tn the Chilean
Ute older boys’ conference for
earthquake sufferers. The American here in connection with the Interna­ western Oregon will be held at
Had Crosa, «aid the president, hold«
Eugene, Or., Friday, Saturday and
itself in read i nee a to render such aid
The Parent Tearher association of Sunday, Derembcr 1, 2 and 3. Many
aa It can.
The eeriau of earthquake« and tidal Portland will entertain at the audi­ boys of Portland have attended other
wave« which «truck the Chilean coast torium, November 24. Some rare and meetings and Portland is expected tn
Saturday and early thia week killed interesting numbers will be rendered, »and their quota of 100 boys.
about a thousand persons and injured one of which will be bird imitations
twice aa many more according to late by a prominent naturalist. A small
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Hayden and
report«. About 1200 miles of coast admission fee will be charged.
four children are living at 9531 Fifty-
waa affwted by thr disaster. The
third avenue. Mr. Hayden is em­
city of Vallenar waa the heaviest suf­
The Franklin June class celebrated
ferer. «00 dead having been recovered last Monday with a kid party. The ployed by Mr. Potter of the Jersey
Lily Dairy. The Haydens will not go
from the ruins.
students wore kid clothes, while dolls, back to the “cold country,” Nebraska,
teddy bears and other toys held «way. from which they came to Oregon.
Visits Portland After 57 Years
Them were games, singing and
Time haa dealt kindly with Ixtuia marching. One spectacular feature
The following student body officers
Knapp and with the city of Portland waa a serpentine march across the for Franklin high school were elected
during the past 67 years, but the two campus. Toy balloons were »old.
last Monday for the remainder of the
school year: President, Irving Brown;
have developed along widely variant
Franklin high school wop the in- vice-president. Perry Avery; sergeant-
line«, and when Knapp came up from
Port Orford laat w*ek to attend the teascholMtic league football cham­ at-arms« Carl Klippie; advisory com­
livestock show he found little to re­ pionship from Jefferson high on Sat­ mitteemen, Sylvia Seymour and Harry
mind him of the city of 1865, which urday, on Multnomah field, 7 to fl. I^avitt.
waa the date of hia laat visit For Seven thousand people, the largest
pearly half a eentury Louis Knapp attendance of thia kind on record, LENTS’ PARENT-TEACHER ASSO­
haa operated the Knapp hotel at Port witnessed the game. It wa* a hard-
Orford and haa made few journeys to fought, clean and altogether thrilling
Judge George Rossman will speak
the outside world and none to the
before the Lents’ Parent-Teacher as­
lai ger cities. Knapp is a moat kindly
sociation in evening session, Friday,
and ho» pi table gentleman, given to a
November 17, at 8 o’clock, on “Nar­
habit of courtesy sadly lacking in the
Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. Morn­
present generation. Hia hotel at Port ing worship, 11, with sermon by the cotics.” There will be a musical pro­
Orford ia the mecca of the sports­ pastor, on “Christian Education." At gram. People are requested to bring
a bundle of clothes for the social
men who go to Curry county to fish the evening services the pastor will
service department of the Parent-
and hunt.
deliver the first of a aeries of five Teacher association.
sermons on "Nebuchadnezzar’s Pro­
No admission will be charged.
phetic Dream.” which shows the
providential preparation in the Gen­
Mrs. Katsky Reports to Circle
How much grit do you think you’ve tile world for the coming of Christ
The regular monthly meeting of
Evening prayer meeting, Thursday,
Woodmere Parent-Teacher circle was
Can you quit a thing you like a lot? 7:30 o’clock. T. H. Downs, pastor.
You may talk of pluck; it’s an easy
held in the school auditorium Tues­
day evening and waa attended by 15'1
And wherever you go it Is often heard.
Arrives on Slater’s Birthday
members. A most entertaining pro­
But can you tell to a jot or guess
John Thomas Pomeroy arrived at gram was given. Mrs. William Katsky,
Just how much courage you possess ?
hia ftiture home, 4619 Seventy-fourth president, who was delegated by the
Don’t boast of your grit till you’ve street, via atork «xpress, October 6, circle to attend the state convention
tried it out.
1922. His sister, Vern Alta, arrived of the Parent-Teacher association held
Nor prate to men of your courage via the same route October fl. 1921. at Eugene last month, rend a very
The Pomeroys live at 4619 Seventy­ intereating report of the work of the
For it’s easy enough to retain a grin
In the face of a fight there’s a chance fourth street. Mr. Pomeroy and convention. It was decided to give
brother are in the «hoe impairing a community dance Saturday evening,
to win.
But the sort of grit that is good to business in Arleth.
November 25« in the school audi­
torium A very large attendance is
Is the stuff you need when you’re all
Mrs. Dilley "Ia” on Thia
looked for.
Istcaa Strangfeld, who lives north
How much grit do you think you’ve of Neillsville, waa going home from
Laura Gray Buried Monday
Mias Laura Bray, 55, of 6316
Can you turn from joys that you like
Cawley creek bridge, hki wagon wan Ninetyyaecond street, was buried in
a lot?
Have you ever tested yourself to run into from the rear by a Ford car Multnomah cemetery, Monday, No­
which had on board four boxes of vember 13. She was taken sick No­
How far with yourself your will can dynamite.—Neillsville Frees.
vember 6, with a disease which baf­
Yea« yea; go on.—Eau Claire Leader. fled Dr. McSloy and Dr. Pettit, who
If you want to know whether or not
Nothing tn write about.—Wausau operated upon her at St. Vincent’s
you’ve grit
Mrs. Mary Jane Gray,
Just pick out a joy that you like— Record-Herald.
and quit.
There, wouldn’t have been, if the mother of Miss Laura Gray, and Miw.
dynamite had gone off.—Marshfield W. H. Heald, will now make her home
It’s bully sport and It’s open fight. (Wis.) Daily News.
with Mr«. Heald on Eighty-second
It will keep you busy both day and
Mrs Nellie M. Dilley of The Hdrald
For the toughest kind of game you’ll
Plan Thanksgiving Picture
waa bom in Neillsville, learned her
Is to make your body obey your trade’, as printer, on the Neillsville
A Thanksgiving picture will be
Preen, and left Eau Claire, Win., for shown in Woodmere school auditorium
And you’ll never know what ia meant Oregon. She plans to return to Wis­
Monday, November 27, at 7:30 P. M.
by grit
Unless there’s something you’ve tried consin for a visit in the next few A short program will be given by the
to quit.
Kern Park Christian
Morning, “Sabbath or the Lord’«
Day, Which?” It will be discussed by
< ne of the elders.
A large delegation combined with
delegations from varioas Portland
churches, visited the Chinese mission
at Couch and Broadway Friday.
In a letter received by Ward Swope
from Rev. Mr. Ghormley It was stated
that he would return to hia pastorate
about the first Sunday in December.
His grandson, with whom he recent­
ly went south, is reported to be much
By Helena V. Williams, assistant
publicity secretary, National Tuber­
culosis association, New York city.
Forty-nine years sgo Edward Liv­
ingston Trudeau, a young physician,
went up into the wilderness to die.
Tuberculosis had marked him tor its
victim, and he wished to gaze until
the last upon his beloved Adirondack
pines, whose beauty alone could bring
him peace and forgetfulness. But
nsture had endowed him with the
indomitable spirit of the pioneer. That«
combined with a great love of man­
kind, prolonged hia life for 33 years
and made hio name one of the fore­
Millard-A venue Presbyterian
Morning, “Christ, the Peerless most in the medical world.
Lake, New York, has Ixxome known
Preacher of Truth.”
the world over as a health resort, and
Evening, "One Thing Thou Lack­ Trudeau sanatorium, to which it owes
ita fame, as the first and one of the
most successful institution for the
treatment of tuberculosis in the
Tremont United Brethren
United States.
Morning, “The Scarlet Chord.”
The Town That T. B." Built
Evening, “The Key to Freedom.”
Saranac Lake, the village, exists
for and has been built around Tru­
Third United Brethren
deau sanatorium, very much as a col­
Morning, Rev. R. E. Close of the lege tqwn exists for and is depend­
ent upon ita university. Its shops are
Anti-Saloon league will speak.
Evening, Rev. E. B. Emrick will ■ for the convenience of '•Trudeau'»"
patients, its hotel for the comfort of
their guests, the residence of its
The women of the church held a natives furnish board and lodging for
those who because of an advanced
bazaar Wednesday, November 15.
tuberculous condition or for some
other reason cannot be admitted i*
Arleta Baptist
the sanatorium. The rulings of its
Morning, ‘Purchasing an Estate.” department of health are framed to
Evening, “In the Far Country.” prevent disease infection through
This will be the fourth of a series of caroler-mesa to the well or conva­
lescent. The working population, letter
•ermona on the parable of the man carriera, delivery men, police officers
and his two sons.
and shop keepers all are “arrested"
Next Wednesday, November 22, cases of tuberculosis; in fact, every­
there will be a special pre-Chrixtmas one in this little tfiwn is either a
service with a short sermon by the “T. B.,” “ex-T. B.” or a relative of
rome one who comes under either
pastor and special music by the chorus these classifications.
The sanatorium iigelf is located
At the Baptist young people's union outride the city. One passes through
meeting Sunday evening Miss Beulah the village, from here through the
Tong of the Chinese mission, who residential section, and comes to an
imposing wrought iron gate which is
recently returned from a trip to the entrance to Trudeau. A winding
China, will speak.
road leads to a group of cottages
A father and son banquet was hold which in outward architecture resem­
ble the picturesque Swiss chalet. For
Thursday evening, November 16.
The A. D. S. class put on a spe­ the most part they are of frame,
cial entertainment Friday evening, painted yellow and topped witn green
gable roofs that offer a harmcnious
November 17.
contrast to the surrounding moun­
tainside. inside, gaily ehintxed living
rooma and large inviting fireplaces
Anabel Presbyterian
welcome the visitor or patient to a
Morning, “Under the Gound.”
restful hour with a book or friends.
Evening. An illustrated lecture on These cottages are the patient's quar­
ters, as far removed from the aver­
The Boy Scout troop has reor­ age person'a conception of an “institu­
tion” asis a penitentiary from a Boy
ganized under Scoutmaster Phillips.
The Gleaners will hold a rummage Scout ciunp. To the right of the main
road is a medical administration build­
sale and bazaar, November 24 to 25. ing where new arrivals are placed
There will be a baked gods sale on under observation for a week or more«
November 25. It will be held at 6414 in order to determine the exact status
of their condition. Absolute rest in
Foster Road.
bed is the prescription here, for ex­
ercise of any sort is likely to cau.«e
a rise in temperature or some other
temporary physical change that might
A missionary institute will be held interfere with the making of a correct
diagnosis. To the left is the dining
at the Tremont United Brethren hall, open on three sides and over­
church Friday, November 17, begin­ looking a magnificent range of moun­
ning at 4 P. M. Mrs. Bell, general tains of which Moiujt Baker and
secretary of the women’s missionary Whiteface are the chieves.
The porches of the ctittagee as
society with offices in Dayton, O.t
as the dining hatll porch are filled
will speak. There will be a chicken well
with long, comfortable, upholstered
dinner in the evening.
chairs—the famous Adirondack re­
cliners. Seated in these with small
tables between them, the patients who
are allowed to sit up, play bridge,
“animals” and checkers or they chat
Good Book week has meant busy of the day’s affairs. Occasionally a
days in the Arleta branch. As every young, emotional member of the sana­
child was expected to read and re­ torium family strums a ukele while
port on one good book the demand others sing or hum the popular songs
has almost stripped the juvenile of the day. Newspapers are not in
great demand; perhaps the peace and
shelves. ,
remoteness of the place from the
On Thursday the librarian spoke rush of city life lessen the patients'
briefly at the Mount Scott Mental interest in the workaday world. But
Culture club on children’s reading« letters from friends or family are
inviting those present to inspect the always welcome.
The neighboring mountains, too,
special collection of books on exhibi­ gradually become the intimate friends
tion for the week.
of the patients, friends whose expres­
The following juvenile books have sions change from hour to hour, from
recently been received at the Arleta good-fellowship to an inscrutable
dignity and sometimes to forbidding
anger, according to the mood of the
(Colum) Boy Apprenticed to an weather gods who shift bits of sum­
mer fleece, racing storm clouds and
(Forbush) Young Folks' Book of the heavy gray 3now-laden maases,
acroiw the sun.
(Gilchrist) Kit, Pat and a Few
Occupation a Part of Curing
moat interesting building is the
(Haines) Luck of the Dudley
workshop, named after'Herbert Scol-
ficld, who for 17 years directed the
(Lisle) Diamond Rock.
occupation therapy work at Trudeau.
(Livingstone) White Queen of Here basketry, jewelry making, metal
work and woodwork are among the
Boy’s Book
of occupations that are taught the
patients. The building is one of the
Famous Soldiers.
most beautiful on the sanatorium
(Malot) Nobody’s Giri.
grounds, with leaded windows, walls
(Mathews) Argonauts of Faith.
of fumed oak and handwrought iron
It contains a completely
(Meigs) Windy Hill.
equipped dark room for developing,
(Miller) Hidden People.
(Morgan) Boys’ Home Book of printing and enlarging pictures, and
framed examples of the most artistic
Science and Construction.
work that has been done by the
(Paine) Wrecking Master.
patients decorating the walls of the
(Robert Wheeler) Book of Cow­ building.
The recreation room is in the
favorite haunt of lovers of pool and
(Sexton) Gray Wolf Stories.
billiards. It is true, one occasionally
(Spears) Driftwood.
hears a grumbling “this cue has no
(Sullivan) Brother Eskimo.
tip,” but such infrequent occurrences
(Wade) Leaders to Liberty.
do not appear to greatly dampen ’he
(Wade) Twin Travelers in South ardour of the players. There is also
a large auditorium for motion-picture
Mrs. Ruth Pierce, recently of Lents performances and other entertain-
ments, sometimes planned and acted
branch library, now is assistant at by the patients themselves. As to
Arleta branch.
outdoor sports, walking and croquet,
VOL. XX, No 46
ex-ally known, are the favorites.
The Morale of the Faithfal
“Why, no one looks sick!” visitors
to the sanatorium are often heard to
exclaim. Which ia true. The phe­
nomenon is due partly to the fact
that only the incipient eases are ad­
mitted to Trudeau and partly because
the strict regimen of rest, plenty of
nourishing food and fresh air soon
add weight to the body and put color
into the patients’ cheek.*. Alio, there
is an atmosphere of good-fellowship
among the patients, and between the
patients and their physicians, which
promotes cheerfulnes.% is itself an
excellent tonic. Further, the mem­
bers of the medical »taff are, for the
most part, themselvea arrested cases
it tuberculosis, a fact that helps to
increase the confidence of the patient
in his physician and in the treatment.
The important thing in the treat­
ment of tuberculosis is the education
of the patient. Six months is the
length of time that the average in­
cipient case requires to recover from
the disease. During this time the
rules of healthful living and the spe­
cial care which the ex-tuberculosis
patient must observe in order to keep
wdl, are so thoroughly drilled into
him that the chances of a relapse are
almost nil, provided he continues to
observe them. As an illustration of
how conscientiously the patients obey
instructions, there is the story of
last summer’« ball game at which
Christy Matthew «on, “ex-T. B.,” and
the idol of the Saranac colony, pitched
the first ball. The patients at Tru­
deau are requested not to talk loudly^
because of the strain this pl^res upon
»he throat and lungs. The impulse
on this
occasion, however, was
stronger than the will power of the
fans, and one of the crowd in the
grandstand rose and shouted “Three
good cheers for Matty! But.” he added
quickly, “not too rousing boys, re­
member!” And one of their number
who had been put on “absolute
silence” by his physician whispered
hoarsely, “Gosh, I can’t cheer for
you Matty, but I’ll cough for you!”
The conscientious patient thus
trained, upon his return home« spreads
• he gospel of good health among his
friends. Besides knowing how to
take care of his own health, he under­
stands the principles of community
hygiene. He knows the dangers of
spitting; he knows that flies are
germ carriers; he haa learned that
cattle spread disease
through infected milk and that, there­
fore, all cattle should be tuberculin
tested or their milk pasteurized. So
that the business of “curing” at Tru­
deau affects not only the individual
patient, but trtole communities
throughout the country to which they
come back to continue their lives of
social and economic uteBulneas.
Hundreds of other sanatoria for
the treatment of tuberculosis have
been established throughout the
eounti-y during the past 15 years.
But many more are needed to care
for the many cases for whom there
are at present no vacant beds. To
raise funds for this purpose and other
phases of the tuberculosis campaign,
the National TuberculoBis association
and its affiliated organizations are
holding their annual sale of Christ­
mas seals in December.
1. George Washington, “The Father
of His Country.”
2. John Adams« “The Firm Federal­
3. Thomas Jafferxon. “The Writer
of the Declaration of Independence.”
4. James Madison, “The Arue Re­
5. James Monroe, “The Poor, but
Spotless President.”
fl. John Quincy Adams, “The Old
Man Eloquent”
7. Andrew Jackson, “The Fighting
8. Martin Van Buren. “The Shrewd
9. William H. Harrixon, “The Hero
of Tippecanoe."
10. John Tyler, “The First Acciden­
tal President."
11. James K. Polk, “The Young
Hickory of the Democracy.”
12. Zachary Taylor, “Old Rough and
13. Millard Fillmore, “The Second
Accidental Preaident.”
14. Franklin Pierce, “The Yankee
15. James Buchanan, “The Bachelor
16. Abraham Lincoln, “The Great
17. Andrew Johnson. “The Indepen­
dent President"
18. Ulysses S. Grant “The Silent
19. Rutherford B. Haye«. “The Pol­
icy President"
20. James A. Garfield, “The Teacher
21. Chester A. Arthur, “The Fourth
Accidental Preeident”
22. Grover Cleveland, “The Tariff-
Reform Preeident.”
23. Benjamin Harrison, “The Ora-
24. William McKinley. “The Gold
Standard President’’
25. Theodore Roosevelt,“The Rough-
Rider President”
26. Wil'iam H. Taft, “The Legal
27. Woodrow Wilson. “The School­
master President"
28. Warren G. Harding, “The Doc­
tor President.”
Not Settled
Monitor, San F'rancisco
Oregon’s action on Tuesday haa not
settled by any means its school issue.
The winning of a skirmish doesn't
settle a war, and perhaps it’s just m
well that thia education question
should be brought to a definite set­
tlement and bring with it a new dec­
laration of the elementary right« of
man. The way to state paternalism
has been of late too much like the
famous Vergilian descent to Avernua.
Oregon may be doing an unconscious
service to the country in bringing
people beck to a clearer atmosphere
for the understanding of principles
of liberty and justice. At least she
has shown one method in which the
power of the ballot may be misused,
and has given a classic illustration
of the way in which some things
should not be done.
Advertismg Oregon
Capital Joural, Salem
We have advertised ourselves as
the only stat« in the union where
the pec.ple have voted to close private
and church schools and make the
child the ward of the state. The elec­
tion proved that Catholics and Lutn-
erans. Adventists and others main­
taining religious schools ars not
wanted and that religious toleration
has been abolished in favor of sec­
tarian fanaticism.
A Disgrace to the State
Oregon Voter
Enactment of the miscalled com­
pulsory education bill by the voter«
of Oregon b a disgrace to the state.
It is only a matter of time before new
legislation will be enacted to permit
private and parochial schools to exist,
but the disgrace of this vote will not
be wiped out until it is forgotten.
Oregon will surely reverse itself, for
the law inflicts a hideous wrong, and
wrong so cruel will not survive even
in a state that temporarily waa so
inflamed by prejudice that it per­
mitted this unjust law to be placed
upon its statute books.
Masonic Name Tarnished
Rabbi Wise, in the Scribe
The school bill passed simply be­
cause it was aimed at the parochial
school. The ferocity of war has to
have some outlet. Peace is no such
vent You cannot stir people up by
fake stories of atrocities, apy manias
and heresy lusts and expect them to
settle down to tatting when the gavel
fhlla. It'tlk*s a long time to cool
off. Tlie name and influence of Ma­
sonry was lent tn the measure. It
waa given the prestige of the Scottish
Rite. That prestige was great in tnie
instance. It probably is slightly tarn­
ished now. Lincoln and Roosevelt
would not have lent their names to
thia issue» Its official supporters
cannot be happy.
One Loophole Left
Portland Oregonian
It will be noted that the parent or
guardian must send his child to “a
public school" and he is guilty of a
misdemeanor for every day’s failure.
If the Oregonian is able to interpret
the measure correctly—and it thinks
it is—the parent or guardian who
sends his son or daughter out of Ore­
gon to a private or parochial school
goes contrary to the law. So far as
we can see, however, there is nothing
to prevent his moving with his family
to another state.
Three New York men have filed a
bill of rights with the supreme court
of New York and asked that it be
aproved as a charter for their or­
The bill upholds the following
To protect the husband from per­
formance of any and all household
duties and assure him home-cooked
meals prepared by the wife.
To prevent visits from methers-in-
law except on written permits signed
by officer* of the association said
permits not to be issued on Sundays
and holidays.
To prevent reference by the wife
to defaults or deficiencies of the hus­
To develop caveman methods for
the discipline of jealous nagging or
unruly wives.
To establish the husband’s rights
to dictate the length of hia wife’s
dresses and hair.
The members of the association
are aparentiy ambitiou« men. They
seek more than mo3t husbands would
even dream of and not dare ask.
But if all their rights wore granted,
if they received all they asked, and
it everything came out their way,
just what would they do if their wives
should decide to abrogate those
rights? They must remember that
when wives make up their minds, their
minds are made up. And that is a
god time for husbands to accept the
decision an final.—Oregon Journal.
“You heard me say my prayers last
night, didn’t you, nurse?”
"Yes, dear!”
"And you heard me ask God to
make me a good girl?”
"Well, he ain’t done It,”
A cave came before a court involv­
ing the ownership of an eight-day
“Ah,’ gushed Mrs. Brown, "our new
clock. After listening to both aides,
the judge turned to the plaintiff: minister is just wonderful! He brings
“You get the clock,” he said, gravely. things home to you that you never
“And what do J get?” complained saw before.”
the defendant.
Mrs. Green sniffed. "Huh! I’ve got
"You get the eight days,” replied a laundry man that doe« the very
same thing.”—Nuggets.
the judge.—Edinburgh Scotsman.