lîît. ^rntt Urratò LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, Subscription, $1.50 the Year. HAYS LABOR BACK OF 1927 FAIR YOUR VOTE, NOV. 7, WILL DECIDE MUX KLAN MNÍIII SffN • •••••• Hand-Picked Meeting Acted ia Klan Intereat, Mays Salem Paper The Capital Journal of Salem, deal­ ing with Grand Master Brown’s re- pudiatioa of connection with the school bill, says: “Indorsement of the school bill by th* Scottish Rite Maaatu was accom­ plished at a special mooting of hand- picked members of that order In Port­ land last spring, called by P. S. Mal- col and Fred L. Gifford, and attended only by delegatee prement at their In­ vitation. Malcolm, sovereign grand in­ spector of the Scottish Rite Masons, Southern jurnhction, in Oregon, has boon closely identified with the klan movement in Portland since its Incep­ tion. if ho Is not actually a member, and Gifford Is exalted cyclone of the Luther Powell klan of Portland. The majority of those present when the compulsory school tail wits Indors'd were tncnilwtr» of that radical faction cf the Masonic order that fell in with the Ku Klux movement from the first The school bill, repudiated by the voters of Oregon aa the principal plank in the platform of Charles Hall, Ku Klux Klandidate for governor, was revived in the guise of a Scottish Rita measure for only one parposc— perpatuation of the religious contro­ versy to sugar the path for the Ku Klux Klan organizers by inciting rehgious hatred and prejudices." CLAN OPPOSED UY COUNCIL OF CHURCHES The federal council of Church« of Christ in America, repreaenting 20.- 000,000 Protestants went on record this week as opposing such masked organizations ns the Ku Klux Klan, according to a statement from Wash­ ington, D. C. The administrative com­ mittee of the council has passed reao lotions denouncing organizations whose members were “ma»koeen twice pained by the voters. It do« Von Hindenburg is wanted as presi­ not increase taxation over the past few years. A technical legal point dent of the German republic accord­ raised by fhe tex supervision and ing to a cable report. He ought to conservation commission makes it be a good candidate; he ran well in necessary again to submit the meas­ the fall of 1918. ure to the voters. A local preacher favors the school City commissioners have stated that they felt assured that if the monopoly bill in Oregon because pri­ voters am acquainted with actual vate schools in his former heme city, conditions and reasons for aubmit- Detroit, conducted their classes in ting the measure that the electorate German. He must believe in absent will vote the 3-mill levy which will treatment a la Christian Science. mean continuance of necessary munic­ Another preacher praised the Ku ipal service in all departments. (The foregoing article is sent The Klux Klan because the klan has re­ Herald In an “office of the mayor, cently given 1100,000 to an educa­ City of Portland” envelope.—Editor.) tional institution in which every stu­ dent ia required to pursue Bible OREGON HEALTH EXPOSITION courses. But he apparently over­ What is expected to msrk sn looked the fact that in Oregon the epoch in the advancement of gen­ klan wants to destroy schools which eral knowledge in public health mat­ teach the Bible. ters ia the Oregon Health Exposition which will be held at the auditorium, CANDIDATES OPPOSE BILL October 26 to November 4. Fifty national, state, county and John H. Stevenson, candidate for city organizations engaged in health, recreation, nursing, hospitalization, the state senate on the democratic ticket takes issue with the head of dentistry, pharmacy, medicine and the ticket. Waiter l*ierce, candidate social service will display graphic ex­ for governor, on the so-called com­ hibits in addition to approximately 60 pulsory school bill. “This bill,” de­ commerval firms and medical matters clared Mr. Stevenson in a recent ad­ will be given and special clinics will dress, "is a proposal by a majority to decide how a minority of the peo­ be held. Motion picture* lectures ple shall raise their families, where and entertainment will supplement and how they shall educate their the work. children and provide» a penalty of It ia expected that close to 150,000 imprisonment for their failure to people will visit the exposition snd comply. I am opposed to it in prin­ that thousands of out-of-town visitors ciple and practise. It proceeds on the theory that children are the prop­ will come to Portland for the show. erty of the state.” Dr. E. T. Hedlund is another demo­ The oldest pupil in the physiology cratic candidate who refuses to fol- class was just at the age when human­ low the Pierce leadership on the ity—that is, humanity as embodied school bill. in girls—wax far more interesting to Though the city commission has him than any other atudy. So he sud- nothing to do with the school bill, it dently awoke to alert attention when appears that the Ku Klux Klan and he heard the tsacher remark: People the Orange soclrties are making the whe drink too much coffe get what bill a test of the fitness of candi­ is known a* coffee-heart, and men dates for commissioner. S. S. Pier, who use too much tobacco get tobac­ candidate for commissioner, in a co-heart.’’ statement issued this week says he The oldost pupil frantically waved wishes it understod that he would rather be defeated "than to stand for his hand. “Well, what to it, Herbert?” the; this vicious and un-American bill, teacher asked, pleased by this unusual which stands only for religious in­ tolerance." show of interest. “What I want to know is this," Herbert burst out; "if a fellow eats Cut the time to and from the city— lota of sweets will he get a sweet- ' Vote 14, Yea. heart?" near the approaches. The joint bridge committee, rep­ resenting the community ami im­ provement clubs of the districts south of Hawthorne avenue urge that the cost to the voter will be only .35 f cents a year for aa assessed valua­ tion of 11000, and that a citizen caught in even one traffic jam at the present bridges loses at least) that value in time. A feature of the past few days issue has been received by members of granges where the subject has been presented by able and well-in- formed speakers. This haa Included the granges at Lents, Russellville an l Gresham. The campaign committee also has had speakers before various civic clubs and other organizations, and werywh^e much interest has been manifested in the subject as one that appertains directly to the big traf­ fic problems of the city as a whole. St. Vincent’s Hospital Sisters Make Statement The Sisters of St Vincent’s hos­ pital have issued the following state­ ment. The occasion for the state­ ment was the i-ecent use of public school buildings by ex-nun Lucretia whose lectures contain most atro- clous calumnies directed at the Sis- tens of the hospital "To the public—The Sister» of Providence have been »erring the citizens of Portland and the north­ west for mere than 47 years. We have always given the best that de­ votedness, qharity and science could command. Our hospital ia'one of the two standardized institutions in Port­ land. It was the first in the state of Oregon to be standardized in 1920, having not only met the requirements of the American College of Surgeons, but for special excellence was placed in class ‘A.’ "The Sisters follow the same course of studies as the nurses of the train­ ing school, pass the same examina­ tions by the physicians of the staff and the Oregon state board. Each department of the hospital is in charge of a sister graduate nurse. The hospital ia inspected yearly, not only by a surgeon from the American college, but also by a representative of the United States government. These facta of themselves should sufficiently refute the charge of laxity, unsanitary conditions, ineffi­ ciency that has been publicly pre­ ferred against us. Loyalty Is Defended "Our attitude towwni non-Cat ho­ lies as being one of charity and not hatred, should be evidenced by the thousands of charity patients that we have nursed and sheltered during our 47 years of service, a very large jierventage of whom were Protestants, Jews, non-Catholics of every kind. We have not pleased every prospec­ tive or actual patient but all acknowl­ edge that there are limits to even the best efforts to which human ingenuity­ can expand. “Coining in contact with the great streams of humanity as we do the personal purity and integrity of our Sisters must necessarily be safe­ guarded not however at the cost of efficiency as the hundreds of physi­ cians the thousands of nurses and onr 140,000 former patients can tes­ tify. The mortality among our Sis­ ters is not greater than among other classes, except during epidemics like the influenza, at which time six Sis­ ters of the northwest province suc- uimbcd. Our mortuary records at “ ncouver, where all Sisters of this province are interred, show that of about 500 members of cur order, there have been 28 deaths in addition to the above six during the past six or seven years. Their ages were as follows: 67. 55, 72, 45, 71, 67, 55, 49, 46, 33, 57, 58, 73, 5.3, 38, 37, 53. 50, 73, 79, 39, 58, 53, 55, 50, 37, 69. bi. The number of yean which these fleased in our Sisterhood is as fol- ows: 49, 23, 43, 22. 49, 49, 26. 25, 17, 12, 35, 38, 51, 14, 14, 17, 34, 31, 49, 61, 20, 36, 33, 34, 30, 18, 54. 37. “Our k-yalty to the government has never before been questioned; the present superior of ths hospital, at thia moment confesses her ignorance as to what constitutes the papal colors. Wo know onlv one flag, that of the American republic. Investigation Invited "Our standards of personal morals are the same as all Catholics and the highest type of Protestants profess. We know that the clergy, like the laity and the Sisters, may have an occasional unworthy member. We ourselves have sometimes had a renegade in the Sisterhood. But to depict our Sisters as the ‘ignorant dupes of a system' or individulas is the height of injustice. While we are subject to our church in all purely spiritual matters, the business side of our institutions to entirely in our own hands. St. Vincent’s hospital to a corporation owned and conducted by the Sisters, aided by a board of gov­ ernors chosen from the visiting Staff. “No statemeift of this kind would now be made if only the ordinary methods of attack had been used. We haw been assailed before, but ha*e been content to allow our open lives and work to speak for them­ selves. In the present instance, how­ ever, the attack has a quasi-official sanction. The use of public buildings, the very public schools themselves, which as an integral part of Amer­ ica’» educational system we have ever held as sacred, these have been used to vilify us. “In view of this quasi-official sanction and the ce-operation by public authority in Portland, we earnestly request that the honorable mayor, or some other personage of authority in our city, appoint a com­ mittee of representative non-Catho- Hc ladies or men, or both, to make a public investigation of our institution. The rules of our religious society, the methods and conduct of our hos- £ital are always open to examination, lay we not, therefore, depend upon the fairness of those whom we have served as faithfully as human power can do, during these many years, to do us justice in this instance? "THE SISTERS OF ST. VINCENT’S HOSPITAL. "By Sister Gaudentia Superior." MARYSVILLE NEWS Superintendent Grout visited school this week. Mr. Pratt was here to give his talk on Americanization to the two eighth-grade rooms. Mr. Hoke, who lives in this district, passed away at his home last Wednes­ day. The family have the sympathy of alL The paper drive was very success­ ful. Miss Baker’s room was win­ ner in the contest. Doctor Killed by Reckless Driver While assisting in the drive for funds for the new Millard-Avenue Presbyterian church, Dr. W.G. Bright* of 1408 Oatman street, was run down by Captain J. P. Schwerin, U. S. M. C., at Sixty-fifth avenue and Eighty- second street last Tuesday evening, October 17. The coroner’s jury found him guilty of reckless driving while traveling 30 miles sn hour and rec­ ommended that he be bound over to the grand jury. Local witnesses as­ sert that the car was driven without 'lights. Dr. Bright died a few hour» later at Good Samaritan hospital. Miss Sophia McGuire is assisting Mrs. W. L. Ormandy in her home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Flashman. who have been visiting Mrs. S. D. Briggs, of Forty-ninth streets and Thirty­ fourth avenue, have returned to their home in New York city. taonard Blood, aged 2H year* died at his home on Sixtieth street Wednesday, October 18. .. Edgar Lawrence, of 4910 Sixtieth street, left recently for Loe Angeles, to join hia uncles who are in the con­ tracting business. Last Saturday, October 14, at the home of F. E. Myers, Fifty-ninth street and Forty-sixth avenue, Ed Wilson Cutting was married to Mirs Cecila M Aya. o„TO x VOL. XX, No 42 OCTOBFR 20, 1922 Is This a Bridge Dream, or a Dream of a Bridge? Realising that Oregon’s resources must be exploited if the stat« ia to advance, the Central tabor Council unanimously Indorsed the 1927 expo sition in a meeting last Munday night MASONIC GRAND MASTER FOR at tabor temple. Action by the organization assures OREGON MAKES STATE­ a united group of workers back of MENT ON SCHOOL BILL the measure at the November elec­ tion which will allow Portland to tax itself in the extent of »3,000,000. "Organized labor is solidly behind the exposition project because it SALEM PAPER TELLS OF HAND­ knows that ths exposition will do more than anything elae to develop PICKED DELEGATION TO Oregon ami produce a prosperous MASONIC MEETING condition throughout ths state,” said I Otto Harting, president of the Ore­ gon Federation of tabor. The so - callwl compulsory REALTY TRANSFERS MADE school bill, which Is to appear on the ballot at the general elec­ tion November 7,to not and never D. J. O'Conpor and F. R. Fenton has been indorsed by the Ore­ report the following sales during the tanta and th« Mount Scott district gon grand lodge of Masons, ac­ past week: cording to a statement mwio aa a whole appears to be generally Residence and three lots, at 5318 a early this week by George G. Ei^y-riihth ’’rtrert7oa7*d’'by’ H. r,’or,bk *»»«>d I Ilre^n, Masonic grand master bridge bond measure on which all of Jergansen; consideration, >3500, of Oregon. Two resolutions dealing with Residence and two lota. 5153 Sixty. ' Multnomah county is to vote Novem­ education have in ths past been ssvonth street, to Osker Hendrickson; ber 7. It to conceded here that the : presented to and approved by >5000. the grand lodge, one in 1920 and new bridge would provide a direct | Four-room house and on* acre on one in 1921. but neither dealt Fofty-fifth avenue and 101st street, route to and from the west aide busi­ with compulsory attendance in the public schools. Both had to 1 to Charles A. Daugherty of lewis­ ness district that would offer much e do with the courses of study more rapid means of travel than is ton, Idaho; 13000. e prescribed. A 53-acre farm in Washington afforded across the congested Morri- • . ‘ son and Hawthorne bridges. The new e county, fully stocked amf equipped; bridge would have the advantage of a »13,000. SCOTTISH RITE INDORSEMENT Meeare. O’Connor and F*nton ta-- NOTES AND NEWS liesre that with the new bridge at v“™>> .t WtNjDMERE PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION ACTIVE LOCAL HAPPENINGS Mrs. J. F. McLoney, of 4415 Sev­ Woodmere Parent-Teacher circle held its regular monthly meeting enty-sixth street, recently left for Thursday afternoon, October 12. The California on an extended vacation business program was supplemented tour. Franklin’s football team ■uff«red by several vocal numbers rendered bp the Woodmere school glee club. By defeat at the hands of the Washing­ unanimous vr.te it was deieded to send ton high school team, 21 to 12, Octo­ Mrs. William Katzky, president, to ber 13. Mrs. Fred Reese, of Seventy-first Eugene as the official representative of the circle at the annual state con­ street and Forty-eighth avenue, re vention of rarent - Teacher associa- cently returned hr. me after being away for more than a month. tions. The Sevan Plus club of the W. O. W. Final arrangements were perfected for the Halloween ball and pumpkin hall at Sixty-fifth street and Foster festival to bo given by the circle at Road will^jiold a masquerade dance the school assembly ’hall Saturday Saturday, October 21. Prize* will be evening, October 28. The affair is awarded. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Davis, 6304 in charge of the entertainment com­ mittee, composed of Miss Queenie Ninety-fifth street, left this week for Swanson, chai ran; Mrs. George E. a winter's visit with Mr. Davis’ daugh­ Stoner, Mrs. H. O. Walker, George A. ter, Mrs. Ethel Fontes, 461 Seventh Morrison and Herman Bonderson. The street, Oakland, Cal. refreshment committee is coposed of I N. J. Brennan arrived Tuesday I Mrs. Herman Bonderson, chairman; I morning from Lomond, Alberta, Cana­ Mrs. Flora Lehan, Mrs. Ella taabo, da. Mrs. Brennan and daughter, MEs. George Jacob, Mrs. Mary Cecilia, have been in Lenta, at 4928 Ninety-seventh street, the past month. Struznie and Mrs. Spencer. Miss Evarts, teacher in Lents The ball and entertainment will be sponsored by the following named school, is recovering from a surgical women as patronesses: Mesdamea J operation. Ben Kuppenbender, of the Mount W. Holmes, Georne E. Stoner, H. O. Hood lee Cream company, was a Walker and L. L. Levinns. visitor in The Herald office Satur- Announce Classes at Lents School day. Under the auspices of the Lents’ Mrs. N. J. Brennan, dressmaker at Parent-Teacher association Mrs. Mead 4928 Ninety-seventh street, reports will conduct classes showing the use a number of orders from advertising of Mazóla oil in making doughnuts, in The Herald. cake salad dressing, pie crust and Mrs. Harry M. Bouvy of ta cream puffs, at the schoolhouse Octo­ Grande ia visiting her parents, Mr. ber 24, 26, 31 and November 2. A ard Mrs. C. H. Chambreau of Buckley charge of 50 cents will be made for avenue and Gilbert Road, for a few 'the four classes, proceeds of which days on her journey from Freeno, will go to the Parent-Teacher asso­ Cal., to ta Grande. ciation. Those wishing to register M. L. Noble 4 Son, grocers, who may call Mrs. W. A. Eatchel, Auto­ have succeeded Dave N’epom at 625-1 matic 615-79. Foster Road, report business as flour­ ishing. Dick Noble and son, C. O. C. H. CHAMBREAU RETIRES Noble, wait on the trade. W. F. Mueller finished work on the After 32 years in the employ of the carbarns at Faraday Wednesday. United States National Bank. C. H. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mueller have s Chambreau, assistant cashier, is new member of the family—a eat “just playing around" nt hia home on which followed them home from the Bucklep avenue, near Gilbert Road. Yeager theater Monday night. Mr. Chambreau already has been Mr. and Mrt. W. F. Mueller re- asked to engage in the banking busi­ turned Monday from a two-day trip ness again, but declares that he is to Newberg. retired and has no ides just now to Mrs. E. Bissell, mother of Mrs. W. change his mind. Mr. and Mrs. Cham­ F. Mueller, spent Tuesday night at breau now keep their chauffeur busy her daughter’s home, 5418 Ninety­ piloting the Stutz aroupd *he Ore­ fourth street. gon country. Mrs. L. E. Wiley was returned from St. Vincent’s hospital Tuesday W. F. Marshall Injured W. F. Marshall, son of Mrs. Ella evening where she recently was op­ Marshall of Gilbert Road, was shot erated on. Mrs. Wiley is able to get in both knees last Sunday near Hub­ about her house a little. Mr. and Mr3. Ullman of Deardorff bard, Or. He is in Sellwood hospital with 53 pieces of shot in one knee and Road have just finished a new six- three or four in the other. It is non room house. They will move in next yfet known for certain whether the week. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Dick of Dear­ limbs will be saved. He is resting dorff Road, have leased their farm easily. to Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brown of Port­ land. Mr. and Mrs. Dick have built EAGLE GARAGE SOLD a new house on the upper end of Roy and Wright Davis have eloa^J their property and will reside there. Rev. J. J. Patton of Oak Grove a deal whereby J. G. Cockerham be- comes owner of the Eagle Garage, will exchange pulpits with Rev. T. H. located in the building on Ninety- Downs, Lents Methodist Episcopal second street, between Fifty-eighth church. Sunday at 11 A. M. The ' avenue and Foster Road. The con- I Methodist clergy of this district are sideration was >13,000. Both Davis , starting the campaign for the J1.00Q,- : families will remain in Lents for this 000 endowment of Willamette uni­ t winter at leest and Roy and Wright . versity, Salem. Davis will manage the Eagle Garage [ Mrs. tawney, who was operated on recently has returned from the Port­ for Mr. Cockerham. land Sanitarium to her home and is Eugene Newspaper People Buy Here getting along very well. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Rolfe, formerly The funeral services of R. C. Barter, of Eugene, have purchased the E. of Forty-fifth avenue and Seventy­ Dorig house and six-acre place in seventh streets, will be conducted by Johnson creek park, on Forter Road, Dr. Henry White, of the Mi Hard-Ave­ two miles ea3t of Lenta. Mrs. Rolfe nue Presbyterian church, on Saturday, was society e22 accept Rev. Mr. Ghormley*» resig­ Sixty-fifth street. Mre. Strellman was nation, but voted him a leave of formerly Mias Helen McDowell of absence for as long a period as is 7118 Fifty-third street Mother and necessary. Rev. Mr. Ghormley will son are getting along nicely and the preach his last sermon next Sunday. proud father is inclined to be boastful The best wishes of The Herald for since this is the first one. Maurice Champlin has returned the speedy recovery of the little lad are extended to Rev. Mr. Ghormley rfter a two-montha* stay in Klickitat, Wash. and Mrs. Ennis.