I mt. Scott herald LAWRENCE DINNEEN. Editor Street -n TIME TO REGISTER for ’±r NOTES AND NEWS i i COI NTING THE COST constîtition day HAND-TAILORED CLOTHES OFFER GREATEST ECONOMY! A Goaraateed All-Wool article ran to 300i' words or more it had no mention of the American armv or. for that matter, of the British army. The French won the war. suit Soo ar sverrost Tailored-to-Order —A suit made exactly to your measure will give yeu the irresteet clothing saUsf&etion you’ve ever known. It will contain the finest woolens, trimmings, and will be hand-tailored throughout. And we ear. give you any styi you want and give you your choice of new fall pattern- What’s mom—you can buy your sui» hem for the same price to lesa than you would pay for a factory-made and at the same time you will get better aenric, «ueh as only your home tailor can give. NOTICE Our store will be closed Saturday, September 23, 1922. until 6 P. M. Owing to Jewish New Years. WISE BROS. Our Guarantee: —In crer 11 yean we have never had one suit returned because of a coat front which did not stand up. We absolutely guarantee that you will reeive a perfect fit, and that your suit will please you more than any suit you ever had. And We’re here to back it up. NEEDS MENDING I MANZ & MIRWALD Automatic Telephone 633-56 5801 92d St. S. E. f MATHES MARKET Wholesale forgery of signatures on the graduated income tax petitions was disclosed this week in the circuit court. A newspaper report of the I trial, however, makes this statement- “There is no reflection against the deputies in the office of the county clerk contained in this discovery for the signatures were not compared, i only the names being cheeked against I typewritten file cards in the rrgi”tra- Coming to PORTLAND Meats, Groceries, Vegetables Dr. Mellenthin Always the Best in Internal Medicine for the past eleven years. < SPECIALIST 5927 92d St. (Unia), Portland Phon« Automatic 61X10 DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at Benson Hotel Wednesday, Thur «day, Friday, Get away this yea September 27, 28, 29 to Oregon State Fair Salem—September 25-30 Railroad Tickets Only Cost One Fare and a Third Round Trip Sale dut«« Sept. 23 to 30 — Return limit Oct. 2nd. Special Attractions Day and Night $75,000 in Pemiums and Purses Agricultural Displays—Exhibits of every kind. Greatest llors»‘show in Northwest Horse Racing—Amusements—Stock and PoultryShow For ftirther particulars ask agents or write JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent Office Hours 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. THREE DAYS ONLY j One hundred and thirty-six thou­ sand, four hundred and fnrtv-one boys and girls were enrolled in agricultural extension clubs in 1921 for teaming FOR GOOD WOOD phone Auto in various phases of livestock work. 612-19. Fine 18-in. rick wood, first- Laat year these boys and girls owned growth cordwood; second-growth M head „f ftm animals and cordwood. L. L. Campbell. 26-If M4JM foal,, representing a total, value of 13.605,176. * i HAVE customers for eheap houses __________________ on small down payment and easy One—If Shakespeare were alive to- terms. G. Salmon, 9126 Woodstock day, wouldn’t he be looked upon a« a avenue, Lents. 29-tf remarkable man ? ,, __ T'other—Sure, he would be 300 FOR SALE—Radio net. Telephone year* old. 622-28, or Tabor 8817. 3*.tf IWII ICE COAL WOOD UNI CEMENT PLASTER LATHS FEED MILLARD A V 'ENUE FEED & FUE L CO. Mr. Spendix—Any installments due today ? Mrs. Spendix—No, dear, I think not. Mr. Spendix—Any payments due on the house, the rtutio, the furniture, the rugs or the books? Mrs Spendix—No. Mr. Spendix—Then I have |10 we don't need. What do you say if we buy a new car? I AM in a position to make all kinds of real estate trades. See me. Bring in your exchanges. I can match you. I can give you what you want. G. Salmon. 29-tf — WANTED—Four, five and six-room houses to self on easy terms. Loner Realty Co. Phone 638-83. 36-2t Movie actor (in a “location” over­ looking a «heer drop of 100 feet)— But, look here, if be’« going to throw FOR SALE—Dre«« suit, white vest, gloves, shirt, some dress collar». Apply The Herald. 21-tf i L> C. Pallen, owner. NOTICE Classified Ads According to his method of treat­ Millinery, 6004 88th at. S. E. All ment he does not operate for chronic hat« are new «lock, and the price« appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of are right. 37-lt stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful ré­ Advertiaementa under thia head­ sulte in disease of the stomach, liver, ing 10c per line flrat insertion. bowels, bloods, skin, nerves, heart, Minimum charge, 26c. Count six kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, word« to the line. Strictly caah. weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatila, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. FOR SALE — Protectograph, check If you hav been ailing for any writer. Call 622-28. 21-tf length of time and do not get any better, do not fail to call, as im­ CALL R. HEYTING, phone 626-67, proper measures rather than disease for «and and gravel delivered at a are very often the cause of your long reduced price. 17-tf standing troubi. 6% LOANS Remember aliive dat, that con- sdltation on this trip will be free and may be secured for any purpose or that his tratment is different. farm lands, irrigated lands, to buy Married women must he accom­ or build homes, city or farm, under panied by their husbands. our first mortgage certificate». Bank­ Address: 336 Ibis ton Block, Minne­ er»’ Reserve Deposit company, Gas A Electric bldg., Denver, Colo. 34-12t apolis, Minn.—Adv. A. G. Kaady’s Shoe Repairing A uto. 625-17 E. HAROLD ¡1 4221 58th St. S. E. I’hone 536-84 107 W Park St. 1 ! I i me into the rapids, how am I going Office, I«ach bldg., Foster Road and . to get out? 67th St.; Rec., 440 E. 47th St. S„ Director—That’» all right. You Office hours—10-12, 2-5; evenings and ' Sundays by appointment don’t appear again. DR. J. TREGELI.ES FOX Doctor—No, you’ll not be able to Physician and Surgeon leave the house for a week at leant. Phone*—Office, Auto. 637-63; resi­ She—Oh, dear! Then I «han’t nee dence, Tabor 9100 Emily married! I’ve missed two of her wedding« already, and it may be months before «he’s married again. —Judge. GO TO Our store will be closed Saturday, No Charge for Consultation September 23, 1922, until 6 P. M. Owing to Jewish New Years. WISE BROS. Dr. Melienthin is a regular gradu­ ate in medicine and surgery and is licensed ' ' by r the State of Oregon. He Visits the more import- 1 visita professionally prore I ant towns and cities and offers to all j who call on this trip free crin«ulta- tion, except the expense of treatment when desired. For your fall hat cal) at the Parlor PIANO TUNING If you’ve attended one Oregon State Fair you need read no further, for if you possibly can arrange it you will be in Salem this year between September 25 and 30. If you haven’t yet seen an Oregon State Fair you’ll be interested in knowing that there are Special Attractions Day and Night $75,000 in Premiums and Purses Agricultural Displays- Exhibits of every kind FOR Greatest Horse Show in the Northwest SHOES FOR Gentlemen, Lndies, Children Rubber« Shoe Shining Parlor Horse racing, Amusements, Stock and Poultry Shows 6603 Foster Road. near I .each Drug Store. Amern A. Farah hi in Mr. Kaady’a «hop. OREGON STATE FAIR W.M. Donaldson W atchmaker SALEM, OREGON SEPTEMBER 25-30 6435 Foster RoadatArleta Railroads are granting special rates to this year’s Fair. BE THERE Specializing In Repairing all kind« of American and Swiss watches. Cleaning, oil­ ing and demagnitizing. Nothin«- but the be«t material nucd and satisfaction guaranteed. Exami­ nation of your watch and my opin­ ion co«t you nothing. |F For Particulars Write A. H. LEA, Manager, Salem