Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, September 01, 1922, Image 2

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mi. Scott herald
Published Every Friday at lenta Sta­
tion. Portland. Oregon
Entered aa second eiaas mail mat­
ter February 14, 1914, at the post
office at Lents, Or., under act of con-
grr-w. March 8, 1879.
Subscription Price -
-91.50 a year
5812 Ninety-second Street
Phone Auto. 622-28
The Western Christian Advocate,
published by the Methodist church in
Cincinnati, makes a strong appeal for
a cessation of religious and racial
prejudice. After dealing with growth
of prejudice against Jews, negroes and
foreigners, the Advocate goes on to
“In the face of these statements,
do net forget that hatred and preju­
dice have also shown their presence
and activity against the Roman Cath­
olic church. There has been sent forth
for public consumption propaganda
against this histone communion of
such violent character as to stir into
action age-long ill-feeling and of such
ugliness as to blot out the face of God
in the life of any man who makes
place for it. The deadly opiate for
the Christian conscience is hatred. One
should fear it as fire and deadly ex­
“How far, then, can a Christian go
in his sympathies with an organixa
tion that appeals to hatred and preju­
dice? You know the answer. And
yet we learn that hundreds of people
are interested in a fraternal order
which is receiving much publicity,
favorable and otherwise, which ap­
peals to those fundamental human
prejudices that can never be released
or encouraged without great loss to
the Christian wpirit. It announces that
it is against the Roman Catholic
church, against the Jews, against the
negro, against the alien, and stands
out and out for simon-pure Ameri­
canism. This organization, coming
into being at a time when the psy­
chological conditions are ready, is
thriving and commanding unwittingly .
the support of some of our most level­
headed citizens.
“The appeal to prejudice has a dead­
ly aim. It should be guarded care­
fully. One should set himself against
it with all his willpower. Watch the
man or the organization who appeals
to your prejudices. They will bring
a poison into your soul that will rob
you of your friends and take away
your peace of mind. They will in the
end becloud the face of Jesus Christ ■
and turn your path into spiritual dark­
ness. No man can afford to sympa­
thize with or encourage in the least
any man or group of men who appeal
to hatred and prejudice. The min­
istry must be free and quick to se-
the peril. Keep themselves aloof, and
in the name of Jesus Christ save the
members of their flocks from the evil
that walketh at noonday.**
Henry Ford announced that he will
dose down his shop« on September 14
rather than pay »hat he calls “graft“
for ha coal purchiwes after that date.
Coal, he says, can be had for 96 a
ton, but in his opinion 94 50 a ton is
enough for coal; the difference is
“graft" exacted by the brokers. Ford's
challenge to the coal merchant« is
of importance aside from the fact that
the closing of his shops will throw
hundreds of thousands of workers out
of employment. It is a challenge to
the present organisation of business
which is based on the assumption that
the seller is entitled to all that he
can for his product so long as he con­
forms to the law. Ford returns to
the pro-capitalistic notion that there
is a just price for commodities and j
that an exaction of more is “graft.” '
A general application of the Ford
idea would work a revolution in the
business world.
The wage increases announc'd by­
large steel manufacturers and others
in the east are said to be a result
of the new immigration restriction
law enacted in 1921. Alien workers
are not coming as formerly and the
revival of business has compelled the
manufacturers to bid higher for labor.
One effect of the wage increases has
been a shift of popular opinion in
favor of the striking railroad men.
So long as the general trend of wages
is upward the public finds it difficult
to see why railroad wages should go
into the klan coffers at Atlunta). The
exploitation of anti-Catholic bigotry
is the stock in trade of the crowd
which has taken over the republican
central committee in this county, and
which means to profit politically and
financially by its conquest.
these men should exhibit the morality
of a band if pirate« is to be expected,
but that the ordinary membership of
the republican party and more par
ticularly the republican prves should
make no outcry against this prostitu­
tion of the party's name passes all
Doe« anyone believe that the presi­
dent or any of hi« predecessors to
whose Americanism appeal is made
would support the intolerant measure
which the committee indorse« ? Presi­
dent Harding said in a recent speech:
“In my experience of a year in the
White House there haa come to me
no other such unwelcome impression
as the manifeat religious intolerance
which exists among many of our citi-
xens. I hold it to be a menace to
the very liberties we boast an!
cherifh.” He evidently had Ku Klux-
ism in mind.
W. H. Emrick. Chairman of Counting
Board. Held on Five Counts
William H. Emrick. chairman of the
counting board in precinct 201, was
indicted on five distinct counts by the
Multnomah county grand jury last
Friday as a result of the probe into
irregularities in that district ordered
by District Attorney Myers when
startling discrepancie« between the
votes cast and the ballot« credited to
candidates were discovered in th«
course of the Hall-Olcott recount.
The grand jurors found that votes
legally cast were not counted for at
least five candidates at the primaries
but, in effect, exonerated all mem
bers of the election board in this
precinct from criminal liability ex­
cept the chairman, who read off the
purported votes from the majority of
ballots cast.
“Willful neglect” of duty is charged
in four indictments; in the fifth, Em
rick is accused of a “corrupt prac
tire,” it being alleged that as secre­
tary of the Dalziel club he fraudulent­
ly reported the Dalziel-Gram vote for
labor commissioner “to acquire a pe­
cuniary advantage to himself and
other personal advantage«, and to
promote his own persona) and selfish
Speak kindly, for our days are all
too few
For an angry strife;
There is deep meaning, if we only
In our brief life.
Na noble mission can be ours, if wo
A pang can stay;
Or if amidst the rush of tears we see,
Wipe one away.
Speak kindly. Gracious words. God
sent, God given.
Are never lost;
They come all fragrant with the.
breath of heaven.
Yet nothing cost.
Kind words are tike kind acta; they,
steal along
Life's hidden springs;
Then in the darkest storm some little l
The sad herirt sings.
kindly, graciously, for all
Are pains and smarts;
The very air is foil of moans and
Of breaking hearts.
Seek, seek to bind them up as once
<iid He.
The gracious lx>rd:
Then surely will His hand bestow
on thee
A bright reward.—Selected.
Long Distance Service
To California
You have friends and business associatea in San Francisco, I ajs Angeles,
Oakland, Sacramento or other California cities.
The Pacifc Telephone A Telegraph company has recently completed and
placed in service additional long-distance lines to California, doubling their
former facilities.
We have also placet! on these lines the latest improved repeater apparatus
insuring the very best transmission.
We invite our patrons to try our improved long-distance service to all Cali­
fornia points. You will lie more than pleased with results obtained. Ask for
• Pacific long-distance and request information regarding day, evening and
night rates.
The Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph Company
A Gueat came to my heart today,
A Royal Gueat Divine.
His face was strangely beautiful,
His eyes with love did shine.
lot, 12x20 garage, furnish«!. 6-14-41,
I bade Him welcome, bending low,
Into my humble home.
All trembling that »o great a Guest, WANTED—Four, five and aix-roon.
Into my heart should come.
house« to «ell on easy terms. I jiimt
Realty Co. Phone 638-83.
35 2t
He entered smiling, and, behold.
FOR SALE—Dress suit, white vest,
A splendor filled the place;
gloves, shirt, some dress collar«
Each little thing in my poor home
Apply The Herald.
Was glorified with grace.
- I
“What wilt Thou have, O Gueat Di­
CALL R. HEYTING. pho-e 625-67,1
Many objections were raised against
for sand and gravel delivered at a :
Of all my humble store?”
reduced price.
17-tf >
Stephenson’s railroad. The Duke of
“Give me, dear child, a smile of love.
Cleveland complained that it ran too
I do not ask for more."
FOR GOOD WOOD phone Auto '
close to his kennels and disturbed his
612-19. Fine 16-in. rick wood, first- •
fox hounds. It was aroerted that the
I gave Him all my poor heart held
growth cordwood; second-growth
smoke would kill the birds of the air
(He asked for love alone)
cordwood. L. L. Campbell.
26 tf
and destroy the sport of hunting. The
And when I raised my low-bowed
owners of canals became alarmed and
I HAVE customers for cheap houaea
promised to introduce steamboats and
My Royal Gueat was gone
on «mall down payment and easy
otherwise improve their services if
But Oh! the beauty of His face.
terms. G. Salmon, 9126 Woodstock
their vested interests were left un­
The federal government has just
The radiance of His eye«!
avenue, Lent«.29-tf
molested. What will become, it was completed the allotting of 1400.000 to And, oh! the wondrous love of Him
asked, of the carriage makers, the states cooperating with It in protect
That never, never dies.
saddlers, proprietors of stage coaches, ing forest lands from fire, according
coachmen, innkeepers. The learned to George H. Cecil, district forester, And. Oh, the heavenly peace and calm
Physician and Surgeon
Quarterly review demanded an act of of Portland. The states receiving
That came upon my heart—
parliament limiting the speed to eight these allotments have furnished an The sweet and soothing balm that Phone«—Office, Auto. 637-63; resi­
dence, Tabor 9100
or nine miles an hour, as the greatest equal amount, the whole being expend
«reed that could be risked with secur­ ed jointly by the federal and state for­
And healed each earth-wound’s
esters In protecting forest lands at
the head of navigable streams. Ore­ And all the precious gift Ho left—
THE DEGRADATION OF A GREAT gon received the maxanum expendi­
The rarest and the best!
ture allowed any one state. $24.000. Each little thing in my poor heart
Transfigured was and blest.—Anon.
and has already drawn heavily upon
The executive committee of the the fund, due to the big fires this
Multnomah county republican central season.
The bitterness we cherish against
The Cove cherry—Bing. Lambert and others makes our own lives bitter.
committee, in a spirit of mingled
hypocrisy and bigotry, unanimously- Royal Ann -rarely has exceeded Its
voted the following resolution on Au­ 1999 output In quality, size and quan-
gust 24:
6603 Foster Road, near Leach Drug
tity. The picking, packing and ship­
"Whereas, For the past year or ping season opened with full crew«
Store. Ameen A. Farah ia in Mr.
more there has been an effoU on and under fine weather conditions. >
................. —
Kaady’a shop.
the part of certain individuals and July 17 and will close with a harvest
Advertisements under this head­
organizations to inject the question of between 78 and 80 canoads from ing 10c per line first iniartion.
of religion into politics; and
the two fruit bouses.
Minimum charge, 25c.
Count «ix
“Whereas, The executive committee
word« to the line. Strictly eaah.
of the county central committee of I
Legislative Recount
the republican party believes that all
The recount instituted by John B.
republicans have the right to decide Coffey against R. J. Kirkwood and may be secured for any purpose on
for themselves what religion they others for the legislative nomination farm lands, irrigated lands, to buy
shall accept, they deplore the efforts and by W. W. Banks against W. J. or build heme«, city or farm, under
of the aforesaid individuals and or­ H. Calrk for the state senatorship our first mortgage certificates. Bank­
ganizations to inject religion into nomination was begun Monday. The ers' Reserve Deposit company, Gas u
politics, and
recount so far has netted Coffey 56 Electric bldg., Denver, Colo.
"Whereas, The executive committee votes, leaving him only 34 behind
of the republican county central com­ Kirkwood. No substantial change was Office, Leach bldg., Foster Road and
67th St.; Res., 440 E. 47th St. S.,
4221 58th St. S. E.
mittee believes in the principles of shown by the Banks-Clark recount.
Office houre—10-12, 2-5; evenings and
Phone 592 84
Americanism as propounded by George
Sundays by appointment
107 W. Park St.
Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Will­ Excavation for Parish Assembly Hall
Excavation has been started for
iam McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt
The Parlor Millinery is now open
and Warren G. Harding, that the the parish assembly hall to be erected with a full line of fall and winter mil­
cradle of the nation is to be found in in Our Lady of Sorrows parish, 5.109 linery- Mrs. Ida Richardson, 6004
Woodstock avenue. The building, one- Righty-eighth S. E.
the public schools of this country;
"Therefore, Be it resolved that the story and basement, will be 39 by 64
FOR SALE—Sow, registered Berk­
executive committee of the Multno­ feet in size.
shire; will sell cheap. Call 644-4!.
mah county republican central com­
A foreign singer who has just
mittee, from the standpoint of pure
Americanism, hereby indorse the so- singled out as her latest spouse a FOR SALE—Protectograph. check
called ‘compulsory public school bill’ J gentleman whose family name is not
writer. Call 622-28.
which is being fathered by the Ore­ i altogether unknown in agricultural
gon Consistory, Ancient and Accepted ! circles, is described as "the great I AM in a position to make all kinds MILLARD AVENUE
"Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.”
diva.” Pronounce it "diver” and the
of real estate trade». See me. Bring
For the Ku Klux crowd, which has description is good. This is her fourth
in your exchanger. I can match you.
1» C. I’ulten, owner. Auto. 625-17
captured the local republican organi­ plunge.
I can give you what you want. G.
zation, to bemoan the injection of the
29-tf I
Gold is to be reduced from the
religious issue into Oregon politics is
mere hypocritical pretense which de­ smoke leaving the United States
ceives no one, not even the authors assay office in New York city. During
of the resolution. They are the peo­ the process of reduction much gold
y Whipping the stream to hook
ple who made an alliance with Sena­ dust is lost through the chimney.
the wily trout; exercising your
tor Hall in the primary campaign,
* A a J j *
jn a iive]y battle to land
hoping to carry him to the governor’s
Johnny—Say, paw, I can’t get
him—that’s the real sport for September days. And
chair on a platform of anti-Catholic these ’rithmetic examples. Teacher
it’s also the time to begin casting for orders that will
bigotry. If religion has been made said somethin’ ’bout findin' the great
a question of politics it hu been done common divitor.
keep the wheels turning during the winter months,
by the very men who are now piously
Paw (in disgust)—Great Scott!
orders calls for aid of high-class printing
“reaoluting” in the name of the local Haven’t they found that thing yet?
of it. Our shop produces tfjis kind of
republican organization.
Why, they were huntin’ for it when I
printing that has gathered orders for successful
That a group of Ku Klux-Orange was a boy.
fanatics should degrade the republi­
men. We can do as much for you.
can name to their own base level is
“Ye«, but there still is one import­
not to be wondered at; their leaders ant feature they need that they
are moved by hopes of political pref­ haven’t got.”
erment and private gain. (George B.
"What is that?"
Kimbro J 6. of Houston, Test., ex-1 They need tn make them so they
5812 92d St. S. E.
Auto. 622-28
grand goblin of the klan, says that he will shy at railroads the way the
was the means of putting $1,000,000 horses used to.”—Milwaukee Sentinel.
Among other centenaries of this
year is that of the steam railroad,
the first steam railroad service hav­
ing been inaugurated by Stephenson
in England. September 27, 1822. The
railroad using horsepewer or sail had
teen in use for some years and cable
line« run by steam power were also
known. What would now be called [
a steam automobile was in use in
Paris as early as 1769, but it tipped
over on one occasion and was rele­
gated to a museum.
A. G. Kaady’s
Shoe Repairing
Classified Ads. i
Meats, Groceries, Vegetables
Always the Best
5927 92d SU (Lenta), Portland
l’hon« Automatic 613-16
Don’t Let Your
Shoes Argue
With You
There are shoes that argue with
you over every step and there are
shoes that work with you all day
long. The Cantilever Shoe is de­
signed, first of all, like your own
font, with a flexible arsh. No rigid
strip of steel, such as is embedded
in the shanks of ordinary shoes,
dispute« every step.
The Cantilever Shoe also has a
snug heel seat, the gracefully
rounded toe and the lower heel in
vogue with the smartest women
of today.
Comfort Is a Help
To wear Cantilever Shoes is to
be pleased with the trim appear­
ance of your feet and to know su­
preme comfort the long day
through. Their specially designed
flexible shanks and other features
work with you all day long. Your
ligaments and muscles are allowe I
the free action and exercise they
actually need in order to maintain
their strength and spare you from
that prevalent condition known as
“weak foot” or “tired foot.” Foot
troubles are prevented and cor­
When you lace up Cantilever
Shoes their flexible shanks draw
up to supply just the degree of
support you require each day under
each arch.
Slip your feet into Cantilevers—
shoes that don’t argue with you.
I 1 Q n 1 Fl
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