mi. Scott herald Published Every Friday at Lents Sta- tion, Portland Oregon LAWRENCE DINNEEN, Editor Entered as second-class mail mat­ ter February 14, 1914, at the post­ office at Lanta, Or., under act of con­ gress, March 3, 1879. Subscription Pnce - -81.50 a year 5812 Ninety-second Street « s THE AITO P4RK Lenta haa an auto park, beautifally located, easily accessible and with all the convenience« of the larger parka. It is * credit to the people of the community who have given of their time and money towards its eatablish- ment and maintenance. But we must not stop there, we want the park full. We want every tourist to know he is welcome to use and enjoy the A LITTLE AFFAIR WITH FIGVRES Tell • friend to write down all the figures from one to nine in their right order, omitting eight, thus: 12^35,679. Then ask him which figure he con­ siders he has written ths worst. Sup­ pose he «ays four. Multiply this by nine, giving 36, and ask your friend order, omitting eight, thus: 12.345.679 by 36. The result will be a row of fours, and you can mildly suggest that this was arranged so that he might have practice in writing the figure which he wrote badly before. If he selects three, multiply this by nine, giving 27, and set him to multiply the whole row of figures by 27. The result will be a row of threes, and so on. park. Our attention has been called to the fact that machines from the south, eoming in on Eighty-second street, see our signs, but cross Foster Road and follow the municipal signs direct to the municipal auto park. The signs used to advertise both parks are the same color and design and there is nothing at Eighty-second and Foster Road telling the tourist to turn to the right. He keeps on going and we go on keeping the many things he would buy here if be were staying at our park. A good big sign at Eighty-aec- ond and Foster Road — the bigger the better—would be a splendid in­ vestment. and more signs of an in­ dividual character along the high­ ways would be a fine thing too. I Hill Military academy and similar private schools. In addition to then service to their patrons they const) rule an important business asset to Oregon and it is not likely that th. sane business community will lightly vote their destruction. We like to believe, also, that th« average Oregonian has not forgotten the traditions of America as a land of freedom. If thia measure is pre seated to the voters for what it is. i an attempted invasion of rights which have been proclaimed as essentially American for a hundred and fifty years of our national history, we believe it will be defeated. tawmwammmamBMmMMmiMmBmmmammmMBsssmmmmmamMsmmamanaM^ Advertisements under this head­ ing 10c per line first insertion. FOR GOOD WOOD phone Auto. Minimum charge. 25c. Count six 612-19. Fla* 16-iii. rick wood. first- words to the line. Strictly cash. growth cordwood; second-growth cordwood. L. L. Campbell. 26 If FOR RENT—Furnished housekeeping rooms. 820. 6324 82d st. 28-3tc FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—10 acres. 4-room house, some good CALL R. HEYTING phone <25-6?. lumber; trout stream; two miles for sand and grovel delivered at a from good town; one-fourth mile reduced price. 17-tf to sawmill; plenty of work. Price 11500. Will exchange for cheap LOST—Bone glasses, on Foster Road. house. G. Salmon, 9126 Woodstock 92d St.. Saturday evening. Call ave., Lents. 24-tf «33-71; reward. 26-lt ----------------------------------------- X W V FOR SALE—Dross suit, white vest, FOR SALE—Proteetogmph, check writer. Call «22 28. 21 -tf gloves, shirt, some dress collars Apply The Herald. 21 -tf ------------------------------------------------------------ ! FOR SAIA’ OR EXCHANGE—Good timber on 20 acres of land, four FOR SALE—Remington No. 8 type­ miles from Newberg, Will give writer, splendid condition, 830. 9811 | long lease of land, or exchange for Foster Road. Auto. 618-35. 6-tf I automobile. Price 8500. G> Salmon. 9126 Woodstock ave., l.ente. 24-tf FOR RENT OR SALE—Large bam. four lots, 67th st. ami 57th ave. Call Marshal 297, or Herold office, Patroni!» our advertisers. 17-tf Women Helpers Wanted at Once — My wife. Elizabeth M. Worden. amf myself, not living together. 1 hereby warn all persons not to ex­ tend her credit in any form, since I will not be responsible therefor. 28-tf CHAS. E. WORDEN. Hercules Guaranteed Hosiery I aced on Ironing Board Covers. «11« 92d St. S. K.. I'ur’laml, Or. Automatic 615-36 z l*iano Tuning E. HAROLD Res. 6709 59ih Ave. Phone 532 »4 107 W. Park St, JULY SALE t TRIMMED MILLINERY $100 buys A Roomy Detroit Gresham Cannery RENTALS Wood, Water, Stoves are supplied women, 16 years and over are wanted; preferably in groups of three or four. REAL 15TAT1 A mangled form, with its lifeblood C1TT PKOPSKTI sa« FARM8 ebbing away, lying in the dust by the Phone 638-83 roadside, with perhaps little chance MU TM Street nBLAJtD STATIOA I of recovery or perhaps the possibility of being a helpless cripple, even if For good shoe repairing go to the life is saved, is almost a daily occurrence in and near the city. Some­ one who has left home in the morn­ ing is brought back in the evening at 8218 Woodstock avenue and 82d street, Gray’s Crossing. torn in body, or perhaps dead—the victim of our craze for speed. The automobile driver is not always to blame, quite frequently a pedes­ trian does not exercise the necessary care, but, nevertheless, it does not Now at Fiftieth and Division alter the result, and it is time we The same high-class work as stopped valuing human lives on a always par with a few minutes of time. Children’s haircutting a spe­ Last Monday while driving from cialty. the Morrison-street bridge to Lents we saw throe automobile accidents. All might have been serious, luckily in two the participating Chines only were damaged, Phone Automatic 633-56 third, at about Thirty-ninth MANZ A MIRWALD Division, inflicted bodly harm, Ladies' and Gentlemen’s Tailors small girl was picked up bleeding Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing badly, how seriously she was hurt Suite Made to Order. we do not know, but It was a terrible I 5861 92d St-, Lents Sta-, Portland reminder and we crossed streets thereafter with a great deal more care. Let’s all think occasionally of a Make Yonr Quilts Mow lifeless form, lying in the dust by the roadside, the victim of careless­ ness or speed, and automobile acei-; dents will decrease correspondingly. The call is urgent Come to the cannery at George W. Moore’s GRESHAM Phone 1871' The Berry Growers’ Packing Company Chesters Barber Shob Smart Up-To-Date Styles U Ull Ladles' and misses' sailoisand sport bats 9811 Foster Road also some straw shapes that are much wanted. We still have n few shirts and dresses left from SI.50 to $7.50, formerly up to $30. Geo. W. Crockwell. M. .t Naturopath, Spinologist 766. 720 Dekum Bldg. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS SPECIALTIES Automatic 610-20 Stomach trouble. Chronic disease and Female complaints. No matter what your trouble is I can help you: I have cund hundreds! Why not you? Consultation and examinations Free. “Pay as you can.” No knife No operations. No in­ curable case taken. Free treatments this week. Dividend No. 2 Another Red Letter Day a ■ : RESTAURANT 128 Third st., bet. Washington and Alder ata. Ê ■ a July 1,1922, was another Bed letter day for the owners of our 7 per cent Prior Preference Stock. Checks for thousands of dollars wore mailed out by us to our Thrifty Cus­ tomers and Patrons in payment of the Second Regular Quarterly Dividend on their holdings In this sound and at­ tractive security. Just 14 blocks from "M-S” car. Meals and Lunches Consult our Investment Department at once and ret on cur Mailing Liat for th» NEXT DIVIDEND ON OCTOBER I. MATHES MARKET Meats, Groceries, Vegetables Always the Best 5927 92d St. (Lents), Portland Phone Automatic 613-10 31b. best Cotton Batting 98c Good Work This Stock Yields 7.3 Per Cent Leave Your Films investment Department at ’PORTLAND CURREY’S PHARMACY HIIHV rw sun «> GRAYS CROSSING Portland Railway, Light and Power Company ROOM 605 ELECTRIC BLDG., Portland. Oregon It’s all Richt or Your Money Back Young Man! See! ENCOURAGING 0 ntt 1 New tiros Engine in A-l condition All accessories on car Owner cannot drive LAUER REALTY CO. AITO ACCIDENTS The Ku Kluxers who have charge of the anti-private school bill an- pounced a month ago that in a whirlwind campaign of one day they had secured 50,000 signatures for their petitions, It appears that their whole campaign has netted them fewer than 19,000 signatures. That is about as near as they get to the truth in the usual run of their pronouncements. In view of the fact that there are over 300,000 registered voters in the State this failure of the Kluxers to live up to their advance notices is distinctly encouraging to those who still believe that the constitutional guarantees of civic freedom are worth preserving. There are many forces at work in thia state to prevent the threatened invasion of parental rights. The in­ dependent colleges, though not direct­ ly imperiled by the proposed legisla­ tion, apparently are coming to see that the principle of a state monopoly in elementary education if once es- Btablished could readily be extended to secondary and higher education. Mr. Hill, in a letter to the public press, pointe out the valuable serv- ice rendered to the community by the ADA D. ALBERT Automatic 618-35 NOTICE LOANS Classified Ads. FOUND—A pin with short chain and f bearing initials G. C. E. Owner may haw same by applying at this office and paying for this ad. 26 tf Herald Classified Ads Bring Results Fancy, half hose, regular 75c a pair now 20c See these beautifully striped and co*ored hose at % regular price. If your business doesn’t grow Watch for Sam Farah's adver­ tisement next week. 10 Per Cent Off On AU Shoes SAM FARAH , * • We can’t grow 5827 92d Street, Lente Sam Farah, Owner J T is a consoling thought to know that your dear one was laid away by a firm that does not con­ sider the service mere­ ly as a business trans­ action. VERY good tire at a very low price. Just another instance of Fisk extra value. As true with the Fisk Premier Tread as with the Fisk Cord —compare with competitive tires and you will find extra size« strength and resiliency in the Fisk. Comparison proves Fisk Quality; it also proves common-sense buying. A j fMeral Directors Day and Night Service ftoee 618-21 A D. teewsrtb, 1802-4 92»4 St Ik fcaOenm i —We want your stationery and printed mat­ ter to shout for you instead of just merely whispering. —We want you to do more business, be­ cause we are vitally interested in seeing your business grow. We want to grow too. —We print anything from business cards to booklets, and remember we make it shout 1 Select Your Watch at the WALTHAM WATCH AGENCY Sales »nd Service STAPLE S ~ The Jeweler OPTOMETRISTS—OPTICIANS 266 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon Use your phone I 30x3/2 $1O. FISK PREMIER TREAD THE COLUMBAN PRESS, INC Automatic 622-28 5812 92nd Street