Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 07, 1922, Image 3

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Bia-«.1 In lbs Chiras» bualn»«« world.
BatUainln Corvel la aumaihlng of a re-
■uaa amt a m rater/ la ble «asocíame.
AZlar a stormy liitervraw with hla part­
ear llair> rq*«»i, Corvel Saska Con
. UhorrUI da Igl 1st "I I is othsr
see partnsr. t-awrsnoe aiisrrlll. and
as (rum bar a prurnte« not to marry
Ha iban dlaapfreare •iterrUl
Corvot haa written to a certain
Contad, la 111 us Itaplda Kansas.
sahlMled slranea agitation over ths
CMalTKlt IL—Carvol's letter summons
a youth of unknown parantes«.
CHAITBR Wl-rvom a sutsmsnl et
gkerrlll II seems probable Conrad Io Cor-
a'S lllsallltnals son
Corvat haa lasda.1
house and Its ovíllenla to Alan
eg bls naw home.
tabea pusaeaaioa
CHAI-TKH V -That night Alan disco*.
ere a man reaaacfctag ihe deeas and bu­
reau Irawers In Curvet's aparlmanta The
appearance of Aten tremendously agítate«
the tatnider. whe appaars le think him a
ghost and raves of the Miwahe." After
• Struggle the man escapes
ClfATTFm VI - Neal day Alan tearns
from Khvrrlll that Const has dee-led his
satire properly to him.
Introduced to
Rearman. Aten te astounded al the dis­
covery that ho te the man whom he had
found In his huues lbs night bo tors
CHAPTgK VII-Alan tells no oas of
hip strange encounter, but la • private
talMview lases gpearman with the (act
•■rearsuin laughs at and dellos him
(Continued from last week.)
“Tvs known fnr a good many you re.
Bpearman went on. reluctantly, “that
Ben Corvel's brain waa seriously af­
11« recognised that lilmself
even eartier, and admitted It to hlm-
eelf when he took me off my ship to
take charge of (he company. 1 might
have gone with other people then, or
It wouldn't have been very long before
1 mold have started In aa a ship own-
W myself; but. In view of his condl-
Non. Ben made me prom laws that of­
fered me moat. Afterward hie malady
progreaavd so that he couldn't know
himself to he untrwatwortby; hla Judg
ment wee Impaired, and he planned
and would have tried to carry out
many things that would have tieen
dlaaatroua for the company. 1 had to
flgbt him—for the company's sake and
for my own sake and that of the oth­
ers. whose Interests were at stake.
Tour father came to see that what 1
was doing waa for the company's good
and haa learned to trust
Hut you
—yotl couldn't see that quite an direct­
ly, of course, and yon thought I didn't
—dike Hen. and there was some lack In
mo which made me fall to appreciate
"No; not that," Constance denied
quickly. “Not that. Henry."
"What was It then. Connie? You
thought me ungrateful to him?
realise that 1 owed a great debt to
him ; but the only way I could pay that
debt was to do esactly what I did—
oppose him and Seem to push Into hla
place and be an Ingrate; for, because
1 did that, Hen's been a respected and
honored man In this town all these
last years, which he couldn't have re­
mained If I'd let him have hla way. or
If I told others why 1 had to do what
I did.
I didn't care what others
thought about me; but I did care what
you thought ; yet If you couldn't see
what I was up against because of your
affection for him, why—that was all
right too."
"No, It wasn't all right," she denied
almost fiercely, the flush flooding her
cheeks; a throbbing waa In her throat
which, for an Instant, stopped her.
“You should have told mo. Henry; or
—I should have been able to see."
"1 couldn't tell you—dear," he said
(he last word very distinctly, but so
lew (hat she could scarcely hear. "1
couldn't tell you now—If Hen hadn't
gone away as he haa and thia other
fellow come. 1 couldn't tell you when
you wanted to keep caring so much
for your Uncle Henny. and he was try­
ing to hurt me with you."
She bent toward him, her lipa part­
ed ; but now she did not speak. She
never had really known Henry until
this moment, she felt; she had thought
of him always as strong, almost bru­
tal, fighting down fiercely, merctloualy,
his opponents and welcoming contest
for the Joy of overwhelming others by
his own decisive strength and power
And she had been almost reeily to
marry that man for his strength and
dominance from those qualities; and
now she knew that he waa merciful
too indeed, more than merciful. In
the very contest where she had
thought of him as most selfish and re­
gardless of another, she had most
completely misapprehended.
"I ought to have seen I" she rebuked
herself to him. “Surely, I should have
seen that was It I"
“How could you see?" he defended
her. “He never showed to you the side
bo showtyl to me aud—in three last
years, anyway—never to me the side
bo showed to you. Rut after what has
happened thia week, can you under­
stand now; and you can sec why 1
have to distrust the young fellow
who's come to claim Hen Covert's
“Claim!" Constance repeated.J'Why,
Henry. I did not know he claimed any*
thing; bo didn't aven know wneu he
came here—“
“He seems, like lieu Corvet," Henry
aald slowly, "to have the characteris­
tic of allowing one aldo to you, another
to me. Connie. With you. of course,
bo claimed nothing; but at (be office—
Your father allowed him thia morulug
the Instruments of transfer that Ben
seems to have left conveying to him
all Heu had—hla other properties and
hla Interest In Corvet. Hlierrlll end
Spearman. I very naturally objected
to the execution of tbuee transfers,
without considerable examination. In
view of Corvel's mental condition and
of the fact that they put the control­
ling slock uf Corvet. hlierrlll and
Mpearuian In the bands of a youth no
one ever had beard of—and one who,
by bln own atory, never bad seen a
ship until yesterday. And when I
didn't diamine tay buslneaa with a
doseu men thia morning to take him
Into the company, be claimed occasion
to see me alone to threaten me."
"Threaten you, Henry? How? With
“1 couldn't quite make out myaelf,
but that was hla tone; he demanded
an ‘explanation,' of exactly what, he
didn't make clear. Ho lias been given
by Hen. apparently, the technical con­
trol of Corvet. Hherrtll and Spearman.
Hla Idea. If I oppose him. evidently Is
| to turn me out and take the manage-
| merit hlmaelf."
Constance leaned back, confused.
“He—Alan Conrad?" she questioned.
"He can't have dooe that. Henry I Uh.
he can't have meant that!"
“Maybe be didn't; 1 aald I couldn't
make out what he did mean," Spear­
man aald. "Things have come upon
’ him with rather a rush, of course; aud
you couldn't expect a country boy to
get so mnny things straight. He's act­
ing. 1 suppose, only In the way one
might expect a boy to act who had
been brought up In poverty on a Kan­
sas prairie and was suddenly handed
the possible possession of a good many
millions of dollars. It's better to be­
lieve that he's only lost hla head. I
haven't had opportunity to tell your |
father these things yet; but I wanted
you to understand why Conrad will
hardly consider me a friend "
“I'll understand you now, Henry,"
she promised.
At half-paat three, Alan left the of­
fice. Hherrtll had told him an hour
earlier that Spearman had telephoned
be would not be able to get back for
a conference that afternoon; and Alan
was certain now that In Npearman'a
absence Rherrtll would do nothing
further with respect to Ills affairs.
Waa there no ope whom Alan conld
tell of hla encounter with Spearman
In Corvel's house, with probability of
receiving belief? Alan had not been
thinking directly of Constance Sher­
rill, aa he walked swiftly north to the
Drive; but she was, tn a way. present
In all hla thoughts. As he approached
the Rherrtll house, he saw standing at
the curb an open roadster with a liv­
eried chauffeur: he had seen that road­
ster, he recognised with a little start.
In front of the office building that
morning when Constance had taken
him downtown. He turned Into the
walk and rang the bell.
The servant who opened the dor r
knew him and seemed to accept hla
right of entry to the house, for he
drew back for Alan to enter. Alan
went Into the hall and waited for the
servant to follow. "la Mixa Rherrtll
In?" he asked.
•Til see, air." The man disap­
peared. Alan, waiting, did not hear
Constance's voice In reply to the an­
nouncement of the servant, hut Spear­
man's vigorous tones. The servsnt re­
turned. “Miss Rherrtll will see you In
s minute, sir.”
Through the wide doorway to the
drawing room, Alan could see the
smaller, portlered entrance to the
room beyond—Rherrlll'a atudy. The
curtains parted, and Constance and
Spearman came Into this Inner door­
way; they stood an Instant there In
talk. As Constance started away.
Rpearman suddenly drew her back to
him and kissed her. Alan's shoulder«
spontaneously Jerked back and hla
hands clenched; he Hid not look away
and, aa she approached, she became
aware that he had seen.
Rhe came te him, very quiet and
very flushed; then she was quite pale
as she asked him, “You wanted me?"
He was white as she, snd could not
speak at once. “You told me Inst night,
Miss Sherrill," he said, “that the last
thing that Mr. Corvet did—the last
that you know of—was to warn you
against one of your friends. Who was
thatF •
She flitlficd uneasily. "You mustn't
attach any Importance to that; I didn't
mean you to. There waa no reason for
what Mr. Corvet said, except In Mr.
Corvet'a own mind. He had a quite
unrwMMMble animosity—"
"Against Mr. Spearman. you mean."
Nh« <1ld not answer.
“Illa snlmuslty waa against Mr.
•nonrrttan Mia« Mharrlll. w««n't It?
That 1» the only animosity of Mr. Cor-
vat'« that anyone haa told me about."
"It waa against Mr. Hpearmsu that
ba wanted you, then?"
Thank you." Ila turned and, not
waiting for the man, let hlmaalf out.
Ila should have known It when be had
aeen that H|>earman, after announcing
himself aa unable to get back to the
office, waa with Constance.
He want swiftly around the block la
his own house and let blmttelf In at the
front door with tils key. The bouse
was warm; a shaded lamp on the table
la the larger library waa lighted, a Are
was bunting In the open grate, and tba
rooms had been swept and dusted. The
Indian came Into the hall to take hie
coot and hat
“Dinner Is at seven," Wasaaquam
announced. “You want some change
about that?"
“No; seven to all right."
Alan went upstairs to the room next
to Corvet'a which he had appropriated
for hie uwn use the night before, and
found It now prepared for hla occu­
pancy. When he came down again to
the first floor, Wasaaquam was no-
where about, but be heard sounds In
the service rooms on the basement
floor. He went part way down the
service, stairs and saw the Indian in
the kitchen, preparing dinner. Wasaa-
quam had not heard his approach, and
Alan stood an Instant watching the
Indian’s tall, thin figure and the quick
movements of hla disproportionately
small well-shaped hands, almost like
a woman's; then he scuffed hla foot
upon the stair, and Wasaaquam turned
swiftly about
“Anybody been here today. Judah?”
Alan asked.
"No, Alan. I called tradesmen; they
came. There were young men from the
“What did you tell them?"
“Why not?"
"Henry telephoned I was to tell
them nothing."
“You mean Henrv Spearman?"
"Do you take orders from him, Ju-
"1 took that order, Alan.”
Alan hesitated. “Yon've been here
tn the house all day?”
“Yes. Alan."
Alan went back to the first floor and
into (be smaller library. The room
waa dark with tbe early winter dusk,
snd he Twitched on tbe light; then be
knelt and pulled out one of the draw­
ers he bad seen Spearman searching
through tbe night before, and carefully
examined the papers In It one by one,
but found them only ordinary papers.
He pulled the drawer completely out
and sounded the wall behind It and the
partitions on both sides but they ap­
peared solid. He put tbe drawer back
In and went on to examine tbe next
one, and, after that, the others. The
clocks In tbe house had been wound,
for presently the clock In the library
struck six, and auother In tbe hall
chimed slowly. An nour later, when
the clocks chimed again, Alan looked
up and saw Wassaquam’s small black
eye«, deep set In their large eye sock­
ets. fixed on him Intently through the
door. How long (lie Indian had been
there. Alan could not guess; he had
not heard hto step.
"What are you looking for, AlanF
the Indian asked.
Alan reflected a moment. “Mr. Sher­
rill thought that Mr. Corvet might
have left a record of some sort here
for me. Judah. Do you know of any­
thing like that?"
“No. That to what you are looking
"Yes. Do you know of any place
where Mr. Corvet would have been
likely to i^t away anything like that?”
“Ben put papers in all these draw-
a Chippewa, Arent
Judah r Alan Asked.
era; he put them upstairs, too—where
you have seen."
“Nowhere else, JudahF
“If he put things anywhere else,
Alan, 1 have not seen. Dinner to
served. Alan.”
Alan went to the lavatory on the
first floor and washed the dust from
hto hands and face; then he went Into
the dining room. Wasaaquam, having
served the dinner, took hto place be­
hind Alan's chair, ready to pass him
what he needed; but the Indian's
silent, watchful presence there behind
him where he could not see hto face,
disturbed Alan, and be twisted him­
self about to look at him.
“Would you mind, Judah." he In­
quired. "If I asked you to stand over
there Instead of where yon are?"
Tbe Indian, without answering.
moved around to tbs otlivr side of ine returned to the second floor.
(able, where he stood facing Alan.
He bad not been able to determine,
“You're a Chippewa, aren't you, during the evening. Wasanuuam's atti­
Judah?” Alan asked.
tude toward him. Having no one else
to truM, Alan had been obliged to put
“Your people live at the other end a certain amount o( trust In the In­
■•f the lake, don't tbeyF
dian; so aa be had explained to Was-
“Yea, Alan."
anqtiam that morning that tbe desk
“Iluve you ever heard of the Indian and the drawers In the little room off
Drum they talk about up there, that Corvet'a bad been forced, and bad
they aay sounds when a ship goes warned him to see that no one, who
down on the lakeF
had not proper business there, entered
The Indian's eyes sparkled ezetted- the house. Wasaaquam bed appeared
ly. “Yes,” he said.
to accept tills order; but now Wassa-
“Do you believe In itr
quam had Implied that It was not be­
“Not just believe; I know. Every- cause of Alsn's order that be bad re­
body knows that It sounds for those fused reporters admission to tbe
who die on the lake. I have heard IL bouse.
It sounded for my father.”
Alan Marted and went quickly to the
“How was thatF
open door of hto room, us be heard
“Like this. My father sold some voices now sohiewhere within the
bullocks to a man on Beaver Island. bouse. One of the voices he recog­
The man kept store on Besver Island. nized as Wassaquam’s; the other In­
Alan. No Indian liked blm. He would distinct, thick, accusing—was un­
not hand anything to an Indian or known to him; It certainly was not
wrap anything In paper for an Indian. Spearman's. He descended swiftly to
Bay It was like this: An Indian comee tbe first floor, and found Wasaaquam
in to buy salt pork. First the man standing In the front ball, alone.
would get the nxmey. Then. Alan, be
“Who was here, JudabF Alan de­ I
would take hto hook and pull the port manded.
up out of the barrel and throw It on
“A man," the Indian answered MoL I
tbe dirty floor for the Indian to pick ldly. “He was drunk; 1 put him out."
up. He aald Indians must take their
“What did be come forF
“He came to see Bin. 1 put him
food off of the floor—like dogs.
“My father bad to take the bullocks out; he Is gone, Alan."
Alan flung open the front door and
to tbe man. across to Beaver Island.
At first tbe Indians did not know wbo looked out, but be saw no one.
"What did be want of Mr. Corvet,
the bullocks were for, so they helped
blm. When they found out the bul­ Judahr
“1 do not know. I told him Ben was
locks were for the man on Beaver
Island, tbe Indians would not belp him not here; be was angry, but he went
any longer. He had to take them away."
"Has be ever come here beforeF
across alone Besides, It was bad
"Yes; he comes twice."
weather, tbe beginning of a storm.
"He has been here twiceF
“He went away, and my mother
“More than that; every year he
went to pick berries—1 was small then.
Pretty soon I saw my mother coining comes twice, Alan. Once he came
back. Bhe had no berries, and her oftener."
“How long has he been doing tliatF
hair was hanging down, and she was
“81nce I can remember."
walling. Kbe took me In her arms and
“la he a friend of Mr. CorvetF
said my father was dead. Other In­
"No friend—no I"
dians came around and asked her how
“But Mr. Corvet saw him when he
she knew, and she said she heard ths
Drum. The Indians found my father's came hereF
“Always, Alan."
"And you don't know at all what he
"Did you ever hear of a ship called
came about F
the Mlwska. Judah?"
“How should 1 know? No; I do
“That was long ago.” the Indian an­
Alan got hto coat and hat. The
"They say that the Drum beat
wrong when the Mlwaka went down— sudden disappearance of the man I
that U waa one beat short of the right
away, but It might mean, too, that be I
“That was long ago," Wasaaquam
had decided to make the circuit of the
merely repeated.
"Did Mr. Corvet ever speak to you house and determine that. But aa be
came out on to the porch, a figure
about the MlwakaF
"No; he asked me once If 1 had ever more than a block away to tbe south
strode with uncertain Mep out Into the
heard the Drum. I told him."
light of a street lamp, halted and
Wasaaquam removed the dinner and
faced about, and shook his fist back
brought Alan a dessert He returned
at the house. Alan drugged tbe In­
to Maud In the place across the table
dian out 00 to the porch.
that Alan had assigned to blm, and
“Is that the man, JudahF be de­
Mood looking down at Alan, Meadlly
and thoughtfully.
“Yes, Alan."
“Do I look like any one yon ever saw
Alan ran down the steps and at full
before. JudahF Alan Inquired of him.
speed after the man. But when he
reached the corner, be was nowhere In
•Te that what you are thlnklngF
"That to what I waa thinking. Will
coffee be served In the library, AlarrF
Alan crossed to the library and seat­
ed himself In the chair where hto fa­
ther had been accustomed to sit Was-
saquam brought him the single small
cup of coffee, lit the spirit lamp on
the smoking stand and moved that
over; then he went away. When he
had finished hto coffee. Alan went Into
the smaller connecting room and re­
commenced hls examination of the
drawers under the bookshelves. At
ten o'clock, Alan stopped hls search
and went hack to the chair In the li­
brary. He dozed; for he awoke with
a start and a feeling that some one
had been bending over him, and gazed
up Into Was-saquam's face. The In­
dian had been scrutinising him with
intent, anxious Inquiry.
He moved
away, but Alan called him back.
“When Mr. Corvet disappeared. Ju­
dah, you went to look for him up at
Manistique, where he was born—at
least Mr. Sherrill said that was where
you «went. Why did you think you
might find him thereF Alan asked.
"In the end. I think, a man maybe
goes hack to the place where he be­
gan. That's all, Alan.”
"In the end I What do you mean by
He Staggered, Slipped, Fell Suddenly
that? What do you think haa become
Forward Upon Hto Knees Under a
of Mr. Corvet F
Stunning, Crushing Blow Upon Hto
“I think now—Ben's dead."
Head From
"What makes you think thatF
Alan retraced hto steps for
“Nothing makes me think; I think It signt.
several blocks, still looking; then he
"I tae. You mean you have no rea­ gave It up and returned east toward
son more than others for thinking It; the Drive.
The side street leading to the Drive
but that to what you believe."
“Yes." Wassaquam went away, and was not well lighted; dark entry ways
Alan heard him on the back stairs, as­ and alleys opened on It; but the night
waa clear. Alan could see at the end
cending to hto room.
of the street, beyond the yellow glow
When Alan went up to hto own
room, after making the rounds to see of the distant boulevard Hghts. the
smooth, chill surface of the lake. A
that the house was locked, a droning
white light rode above It; now. below
chant came to him from the third floor.
thq white light, he saw a red speck—
He paused In the hall and listened,
then went up to the floor above. A the masthead and port lanterns of a
flickering light came te him through steamer northward bound.
a second white glow a tinea red
the half-open door of a room at the t out
■ ■
.i ■ .
front of the bouse; he went a little
way toward It and looked in. Two
ML Scott Transfer Co.
thick candles were burning before a Res. 4822 90th St.
Auto «46-21
crucifix, below which the Indian knelt,
prayer book tn hand and rocking te
and fro aa he droned hto supplica­
A word or two cams to Alan, but
witbout them Wassaquam’s occupation
was plain; he was praying for the re­
pose of the dead—the Catholic chant
taught to him, as It had been taught
undoubtedly to his fathers, by the
French Jesuits of the lakes The In­
toned chant for Corvet’a soul, by the
man who bad heard the Drum, fol­
lowed and Mill came to Alaa, as ba
Cor. 92d and Foster Road
Ml5 Foster Road
lr<un behind tbe obscuration of the
buildings and below It a green s|w<*k—
a starboard light. Information lie had
Ruined enabled him to recognize In
lítese lights two steamers passing one
soother al th«- harbor mouth.
Hto tboughti
its turned to Constance
Hherrlll. Events since he had talked
with her that morning had put them
far apart once more; but. In another
way, they were being drawn ctoeer to­
gether. For be knew now that she
was caught as well as he In the mesh
of consequences of acts not their own.
He staggered. slipped, fell suddenly
forward u|a>n hto knees, under a Mun
nlng. crushing blow upon Me bend
from behind. Tlionght, conet-m'ienes»
almoM loM, he struggled, twtetimr Mn>-
self about to grasp at hto aaonllanf
He caught tbe man's clothing, trying
to drag himself up; fighting blindly,
dazedly, unable to see or thtnk. he
shouted aloud and then again, aloud.
He seemed tn the distance to hear an­
swering cries; hut the weight and
Mrengtb of the other was hearing him !
down again tc hto knees; he tried to
slip aside from It. to rise. Then un
other b'ow, crushing and Mckenlm.
descended on his head; even hearic.
left him and. unconscious, he fell for
ward oo to tbe snow and lay still.
A Walk Beside the Lake,
"Tbe name seems like Sherrill," tbe
Interne agreed. “He said It before
when we bad him on tbe table up­
stairs; and be has said it now twice
“Hto name, du you thinkF
“1 shouldn't say so; be seems trying
to speak to some one named Sherrill.
There are ooly four Sherrills In the
telephune book, two of them In Evans­
ton and one way out in Mlnoota."
“The other?"
“They're only about six blocks from
where be was picked up; but they’re
on the Drive—the Lawrence Siierrills."
Tbe interne whistled softly and
looked more Interestedly at hto pa­
tient's features. “He'll be conscious
some time during the day. there's only
a slight fracture, and—perhaps you'd
better call the Sherrill house, any­
way. If he's not known there, no harm
done; snd It he's one of their friends
and be should ...”
The nurse nodded and moved off.
Thus It was that at a quarter to
five Constance Sherrill was awakened
by tbe knocking of one of the serv­
ants at her father's door. Her father
went down stairs to the telephone In­
strument where he might reply with­
out disturbing Mrs. Sherrill Constance,
kltnona over her shoulders. Mood at
the top of the stairs and waited. It
became plain to her at once that what­
ever bad happened bad been to Alan
“Yea. . . . Yes. . . . You are
giving him every possible care? . . .
At once.”
She ran part way down the stairs
and met her father as he came up.
He told her of the situation briefly.
“He was attacked on tbe street late
last night; he was unconscious when
they found him and took him to the
hospital, and has been unconscious
ever since. No one can say yet how
seriously he to Injured."
She waited in the hall while her
father dressed, after calling the
rage on tbe house telephone for
and ordering the motor. When be bad
gone, she returned anxiously to her
rooms; be bad promised to call her
after reaching the hospital and as soon
as he bad learned the particulars of
Alan's condition. It was ridiculous,
of course, to attach any responsibility
to her father or herself for what bad
happened to Alan—a street attack such
as might have happened to any one
—yet she felt that they were In part
responsible. They had let him go to
live alone In the house In Astor street
with no better adviser than Wassa-
Now, and perhaps because
they had not warned him, he bad met
injury and. It might be, more than
mere Injury; he might be dying.
Something which had disturbed and
Wagon Repairing
Horseshoeing & 6en. Blacksmithing
9327 Foster Road
excited Alan bad hai>pene<f to nim on
the Um uighi he .
paused la that
house; aud uow. It appeared, he had
t>e«n prevented from passing a second
night there. What had prevented him
had been an attempted rubbery upon
the street, her lather had said. But
auppuse it had .,eeu suiueiliiag else
than rubbery.
She could not formulate more def­
initely this thought, but It perslMod;
she could not deny It entirely and
«bake it off.
To Alan Conrad, tn tbe tote after­
noon of that day, thia same thought
was coming far more definitely end far
more persistently. He had been awake
and sane since shortly sfter noonday.
The pain of a head wbteh ached throh-
blngly and of a body bruised and aero
was beginning to give piece to • fleet­
ing merely of lassitude—a languor
which revisited Incoherence upon him
when he tried to think. Tbe man who
bad assailed blm bad meant to kill;
he bad not been any ordinary robber.
That purpose, blindly recognized end
fought against by Alan In their strug­
gle, bad been unmistakable. Only the
chance presence of passersby, wbo had
heard Alan's shouts and responded to
them, had prevented the execution et
hla purpose, and had driven the maa
to swift flight for hia own safety.
A little before six Constance Sher­
rill and Spearman called to inquire
after him and were admitted for a few
moments to his room. She camo to
him, bent over him, while she spoke
tbe few words of sympathy tbe nurse
allowed to her; she Mood back than
while Spearman spoke to him. In tbe
succeeding days be saw her nearly
every day. accompanied always by her
father or Spearuian; It waa the full
two weeks the doctors had Insisted on
hto remaining tn tbe hospital before ho
mw be? xiati
(Continued Next Week.)
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