1ÏÎL ^rntt Ueralò LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, Subscription, $1.60 the Year. LOCAL HAPPENINGS MANY PRIZES WON AT FOURTH CELEBRATION There’s Millions In It JUYL 7, 1522 VOL. XX, No 2 7 ¡OREGON NEWS NOTES '¡LENTS REVISITED OF GENERAL INTEREST Mr*. Ella Buley of Eugene la visit­ Winners In the Fourth of July More than $1.000,(MX) has been re­ was but $15,000. When asked how ing Mildred V. Avert in 1-ertts. Wieo Bros, department store j>ur- parade at I xmls' playground were: ceived by Imperial Wizard Simmons tho bookkeeper could possibly have To one who has not visited Ix>nta ought to be a more enterprising town. chaaed a new Keo delivery truck this Katherine Brady, Bobbie M. Swan, and Imperial Klaliff Clark« of the Ku increased $16,00« to $161J)M.72, th« since 1900 the great changes wrought The first thing that is noticed by a “wizard” cuntenleil himself with as­ Mildred Short, Bobbie Barker, Bernice Klux Klan as their share of money serting that th« bookkeeper was Principal Events of the Wook in growth in population and in busi­ stranger visiting • place with a view F. Hodge and A. R. Grave« find Obray, Ixria Sheets. Girl.«’ track meet Briefly Sketched for Infor- | ness is apparent. About that time of locating is the condition of th« winners were: Helen J*flsry, Geral ­ paid by the Klansmen for initiation wrong. buainraa ia their Foster Road barber the electric line to Estacada and Caza­ streets. Dilapidated sidewalks and dine Durrie and Ruby Wilson. Bobbie and the hooded robes worn by mem Ixiter exhibits on the part of the shop good dero was being constructed. We poorly kept strets are not conducive mation of Our Readers. Barker, Bernice Bray, Barbara Hil- bora of the Idan, according to in­ klan showed that from June 1, 1920, Mr. and Mr*. came from Portland tnis far by elec ­ to increase in population. sandegvr won In the 50-yard da«h. formation dieclosed by the district at­ the date on which Edward Young family «pant tho Fourth with BL I am informed that Lenta has a Emma Grischow won the 'baiwball torney'« office here as being set forth Clarke and Mrs. Elizabeth Tyler en­ Johns friends. The Haleey State bank le detailing tric power and thence on to the end of the line by means of a motor engine. most excellent public school which is, throw. Thelma Buley, Cora Justice In correspondence of William 8. tered into a contract to conduct its Mrs. E A. Wilson, sunt of Mr». » burglar alarm systeoi. Lents was a small place of only a indeed, commendable and the condi* A. C. Ixindberg, returned last week and Irene Hangs won park ribbons Coburn, former grand goblin of the propaganda, the organization had re­ James M. Keytoa, 86. veteraa ot the few stores and of perhaps 200 peo­ tion of the streets and sidewalks in the 75-ysrd dash. Marjorie Daw klan, who ia under indictment on a ceived $171,00, or a total of $322j600 to I xm Angeles. ' Civil war, died at La Grande. ple. The writer was at Estacada should be in harmony with its excel­ won the baseball throw for accuracy. felony charge in this county. The since its organization. Of this money, H V. Otter, representing the Elec Hlaeback salmon are entering tho when the town was started by an lence. I have been about the town ■ trie Maid Shop, 232 Aider street, was Emma Grischow won the phonograph correspondence, according to Deputy the exhibit indicated, there waa but ' Columbia river In large numbers. suction sale of town lots by Messrs. but little, but I regret to notice that record. Hannah James, Cora Justice District Attorney W. C Doran, con $124)00 in bank and $11,000 wm in­ In Lenta Wednesday. Construction of new buildings la the Campbell and Morrow, agents of the in a number of places the walks and The three Wise brother«, Ben, Leo and Martha James were returned trad let« testimony given by Simmons vested in furniture and other equip­ burned area of Prineville is well under Oregon Railway, Light A Power pavements arc worn, broken and ■ and Max, have taken the Kennedy winners in the marshmallow eating and Clarke when they appeared before ment. The balance, “Wizard” Sim­ way. _____ company. dangerous. In aererai places they are contest. Cheater Miller, Leroy Rainey mons. declared went into “ field work, a congressional committee in Wash­ house on Ninety-second street. The "Royal Anne" cherry ero» It was represented that a manufac­ overgrown and ohecured with brush. Mr. and Mr». A. P. James of 491$ and Harold Kuehl were winners in ington during a government investi­ ot cetera.” The “et cetera" was not I realize the heavy burden of street itemized and no explanation was ’ around Canby will be somewhat short turing center was to be builded there Ninety-ninth street ere making a the 25-yani event. Harold Clark won gation of the klan. by reason of the superior waterpower and pavement tax tion, but would this season. the broad jump. Vera Haindel, Jeanie month'» tour of the coast resorts. It ia recalled that during the con­ offered to its exact disposition. suggest economy in other things be­ Operation of La Pine's second saw to be had in the Clackamas river. Roy Selfridge and Luther i’ennoyer Long and Ellis Endicott won ia the fines iona! investigation last Octo­ Chairman Campbell of the congres­ Many people were induced to invest fore neglect of your thoroughfares. I left thia week for Billings, Moat., 75-yard dash. Alfred K. Abbott won ber, Imperial Wixard .Simmons was sional committee then read a report mill, now under construction, will be in property, later to be disappointed have long heard of the beautiful the broad jump. Elgin Ponswyer and notably embarrassed when questioned which disclosed that F225368A4 bad j started soon. where they will try to obtain work. Peach growers In the Silverton com- for all the power developed there until cemetery at Mount Scott of which any Marguerite Duel ha* joined her John Kohn won the wheelbarrow race. as to the financial returns of the or­ gone to Clarke and Mrs. Tyler, but Jack Trust, George 1-onary and , mnnity report that crope will be abuad- the present dsy is that of the railway city might boast and the town is to mother, Mrs. Robert Depew, at Eagle ganization. Bookkeepers' figures, the imperial wizard, who had been company. be congratulated on its location and ■Creek, Or., for the summer vacation George Klatzel won in the 100-yard prepared at the request of Simmons glibly eloquent on the subject ef the . ant thia year. Lents was the point where 5-cent its attractiveness. The «liver wedding anniversary of dash, George Trenary, George Klatzel and aubmitted by him to the com­ klan's labors in behalf of “honor,” Tho date for the second annual New­ And while an attractive sepulcher Mr. and Mr«. B. Kletsel waa cele­ and Roy Clark won the shot put. Rich mittee with a groat flourish early in "charity," “patriotism” and “Ameri­ berg berry festival has been set tor carfare was concluded and the higher fare to points further out commenced. for our dead is most desirable and brated Saturday evening of last week. Hubler, Frank Batch and H. Bangs the hearing showed that the receipts canism,’’ was halting and incoherent Saturday, July $. The town was known as .Mount Scott. sentimentally appropriate the things won the unlimited 100-ysrd dash (Theater Ciealinaki reports tho bar­ of the organization up to Juno 1,1920, in hie replies as to questions concern­ For the first time in many years for our temporal needs, safety and Soon after it was called Lents. ber basins»« at his new shop, at H. 8. House, H. Bangs and J. Chico« were $151,083.72. latter Simmons de­ ing finances when Congressman three cuttings ot hay will be put up The number of stations on the enjoyment are more essential and use­ Fiftieth and Division streets, aa very won in the married men's 100-yard clared that in the first five years Campbell called his attention to these in Death ute« county this year. railway betwen Lents and Portland ful. race. Earl Boatright and Nicholas preceding June 1, 1920, the income facta. good. Bend was chosen aa the nezt place has greatly increased. Since Lents In making these few comments Mi«. Frank Moaeo and children of Roth won the boys' pio-eating contest. ef meeting by the Oregon Fire Chiefs was started, as is the case with all there is no disposition to unduly criti­ 101st street and Forty-ninth avenue, The judges were: R. M. Hazel, C. association in session at Marshfield. the suburban roads leading out of the cise, but on the contrary to stimulate have returned from a Seaside, Or., H. Burna and Frank Wininger. Ths state highway commission start­ city. effort to improve the condition of Mr. Enkelis, the boys* director, has visit ed from Portland July 5 on a circuit Lents Should Be More Active Lents to the end that there be no more been given charge of the new city Mias Davis, teacher in Gilbert-Bel- (From the Capital Journal, Salem.) tablished reputation as a freak state ot the road system of tho entire state. Since Lents was the first and most attractive and desirable place of resi­ roao school, returned last week from camp at Oswego Lake. A tent, boat The Oregon Voter calls attention to is known by its selection by another Because he changed a license plate a month'» visit in southern California and roped-off swimmmg space is the fact that invisible government secret society in its attempt to put from a Dodge to a Marmon car, 8. C. prominent place in this region it dence in Multnomah county. J. B. HUNTINGTON. seems to a casual observer that it being provided there for hikers from points. reign? at Portland, where the only over a compulsory public school law Rogers was arrested at Bend and James J. Harrington, the painter the playground« of Portland. Dar­ qualification for men and measures designed to abolish all primary pri­ fined $30. and decorator, is working on the rell I^avitt will succeed Mr. Enkelis ia indorsment of the Ku Klux Klan vate and church schools, a measure Former Salemitee. now residenta of dumped out when on leers destroyed make her home with her «on*. at the lints' playground. George Geary house at Forty-fourth and allied secret societies. The Voter affecting all churches but aimed Portland, gathered In Laureihurst park stills discovered in the valley. Increases amounting to half a cent and East Taylor atreeta. Organization of a motor corp« by on 40-40« and a quarter-cent on all principally at the Catholics. says: in Portland, Saturday tor annual re­ Ray Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis the Oregon state motor association, other sizes of prunes were announced “After the success of the Ku Klux This school bill, which violates the union and picnic. MARRIAGE LICENSES of Rock Island. 111., were recent Leopold Derfler, 21. 1597 Peninsula F. O. P. S. ticket at ths spring pri­ principles of the bill of rights, is not Walter Hall of Princeton. Or., has to entertain large croup« of visitors by the Oregon Growers' Co-operative visitors in the L. J. Ellis home, 10004 avenue, and Jessie Tatom, 20, 8722 maries, it was no surprise to have local in its origin, but wished upon been appointed to the United States to Portland from Um« to tim«, ia association of Salem. Demand for Forty-seventh avenue. them carry the school board election us by a distant grand lodge, a little military academy at Weet Point by requested in a letter sent to A. M. Oregon prunes and a wider diatribu- Fortieth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William Krueger of Loa. president of that organization, tlon than ever before was given by George Adrian Smith, legal, 142 for an unknown against one of the group of non-resident secret society Senator Stanfield. Dallas and two children, William Jr. by Mayor Baker. officials of the association as the rea­ Curry street, and Jessie Wharton, best-knewn public men of Portland. bosses, who admit that they cannot Mrs. Connelly, an elderly resident ot and Ella, were last week-end guests Also, as soon as the ‘yellow ticket' put such a measure over in their Bridge Island, was knocked Into the The city of Coquille, Coos county, son for the advance. legal, 6642 Woodstock avenue. of Mr. and Mr». John Man*. Ten years in the state prison was Edward V. Leaay, 25, 5411 Seventy- came out in behalf of the $3,000,000 own states, so interfere in Ojgffln Snake river near Nyssa by a passenger has launched a project for a municipal R. A. Keene, proprietor of the Fix- water system involving construction th« punishment meted out by Judge first street, and Vida B. Marston, 22, school bond measure and the $1,000,- affairs to destroy Oregon train and drowned. It Shoe Shop at 4704 05th street, 000 school tax measure, it was a fore­ and Oregon institutions, and make 6522 Fifty-eighth avenue. S. C. Seeds, assistant postmaster at of Rink creek storage reservoir, which, J. A. Eakin of Astoria to Robert Drake, formerly was one of Portland's promi­ Angelo Costanzo, 25, 1727 East gone conclusion that both would carry. Oregon really the fool of the family. Bend, Or., has been appointed acting together with Rink creek would furn­ who pleaded guilty to an Indictment nent contractors. That was before he It bodes no good to the republic, postmaster, succeeding C. 8. Hudson, ish the necessary water for the city. charging him with assault with In­ Twenty-first street, and Antionetta For a time, we have our rulers, and was crippled. tent to rob. He entered the Knapps Nicoletta, 24, 4404 Sixty-seventh while we think we know what they this meddling of secret societies in who has moved from the st^te. Advertising signs along the right- Mrs. Robert II. Depew arrived in are we are not permitted to know who at reet- State bank, seeking money, but fled Resolutions opposing the divorce- ' of-way of Oregon highways will be re- Portland and waa in town for a few­ they are. , Invisible government politics and this interference of dis­ after firing four shots at the men in moved at once, and signs on private ment of the Southern Pacific and Cen ­ days. Mrs. Depew was at the Edi­ tant fanatics in our affairs. It can literally reigns.“ the bank. He was captured a tew property removed whenever permis ­ DEATHS tral Pacific railroads have been adopt ­ son hotel. Mrs. Depew’s fsther, John This is a fine commentary on the only create discord and strife. When ed by the Salem Commercial club. »al sion can be gained, according to a minutes later by a posse Osel of Knappa, Or., visited over the T^e eleetjoj recount suits filed tn intelligence of the Portland electorate the people surrender their initiative In decision by the state highway com ­ Kathleen Barnes, aged 17 year«, Approximately 200 former residents Fourth in Portland. which blindly votes as instructed by to secret societies, and religious in­ of Brownsville gathered at Laurel­ mission. Portland by W. W. Banks against W. -*« J. R. Douglass now goes agate died at the home of her perenta, Mr. unknown bosses who have capitalised R. H. Thomas, for fourteen years J. H. Clarke for stajo senator, and hunting in hia own front yard at and Mrs. James F. Barnes of 6630 religious prejudice and racial animosi­ tolerance replaces political tolerance, hurst park. Portland, Oregon, for an Woodstock avenue. She is also sur ­ school clerk in Portland district and John Coffey against R. j. Kirkwood,' invisible autocracy replaces democ­ annual reunion eno evening last week. Seventy-second and Foster Road. He ties and from behind closed doors vived by a brat her, James, and a sla ­ for fourteen years prior to that a Herbert Gordon, E. R. Campbell and Mrs. E. B. Kingman, wife of the showed The Herald reporter a pretty issue their instructions upon yellow racy. But we hear no peep of protest ter, Adeline. principal in the schools of Portland, Louis Koehn for state representative«, president of the Alsea River Lumber water agate he picked from the from the fearsome press of Port­ Lille F. Collins, aged 19 yean, died tickets. company of Eugene, died at Modesto, notified members of the school board both on the Republican ticket, re­ cement walk a workman waa break­ The fact that Oregon has an es- land. at 3332 52d street, son of Forest Col­ Cal., where she had gone in search of that he will not be a candidate tor ceived a backset when Circuit Judge ing up. Phelps ruled that more definite allega­ lins of Ixtngmont, Colo., nephew of re-election. health. Morterud's Ford decided to turn onds. The pump is four feet under tion« of mistake« on the part of elec­ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Simpson and Fred R. Meillia, active in Baker Triplets, the aggregate weight of over on Ninety-second street yeater- ground. Sealed by the weights and tion boards must be given. day morning, and did so, yet the driver cousin of Oren arxl Glen Simpson, measures department of the state, the business and mining circles for the which was eighteen and three-quarters Mn. Charles Cain and Mrs. Harold Hundreds of letters have been re­ past 80 years, was found dead on the pounds, was born to Mr. and .Mrs did not receive even a scratch. Neigh­ glass guage is visible to buyer. An Butcher of Portland. The funeral ceived at the offices of the public bors helped right the machine, the automatic air vent drains the hose. floor in the office of the Oregon-Idaho Carl F. Palmer of Cottage Grove at service commission with relation to Investment company. the home of Mrs. Palmer ’ s parents, engine was started ami the Morterod services were held Wednesday. Con­ W. H. Christiance, secretary-treasurer cluding services were at Mount Scott A general advance of 1 cent in milk Mr. and Mrs. Adam Deer, 791 Grand the recent order unacrambllng the in­ deliveries were made as usual. Threat to publish correspondence of of the company, is in charge of the cemetery. terests of the Southern Pacific and prices has been announced by Port­ Avenue, Portland. While on the subject of the Rolands a private nature which, he said, would Portland station. Other Salem men Central Pacific railroads. Most'of the land distributors. The increase is due The public service commission Mike says to say that the $100,000 prove charges that $15,000 was sup­ interested with Mr. Christiance are: Win« New Ford Car directly to the increased cost of pro- granted authority to E. G. Isham, letters received from points in west­ home of Leon Kirsch on Montgomery plied by Edward Young Clarke, acting Noble Henningsen, president; A. C. ductlOn, the dealers say. operating the Isham transfer at Grants ern Oregon urge the public service Frank Root chief mechanic at the Drive and Jackson street ia getting Henningsen, vice-president, and A. C. imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Stephen A. Lowell, pioneer lawyer Pass and vicinity. A permit was grant­ commission to protect against the along towards completion. The Bolands Lents gnrage, drives n new Ford Nelson, A. J. Jacobs and A. C. Shoe­ of Pendleton, was a speaker at the ed to W. A. Cornell of Newberg, auth­ segregation of the railroad's interests, did the brick work on this house, car. The Eagle did more than scream to be used in defense of California maker. Old Oregon Trail pageant ;n Baker on orising him to conduct a freight trans­ while a majority of the letters receiv­ some of the walls of which are 14 for him. Frank borrowed 50 cents to klansmen accused of participation in purchase a share in a Ford car that the Fourth of July, together with Gov­ portation business at Newberg and ed from eastern and central Oregon Inches thick. MENTONE ITEMS the Inglewood raid at lx» Angeles, approve the dissolution. «■as to be given away by Palestine ernor Ben Olcott and Ezra Meeker. vicinity. Mrs. I.. L. Lloyd of Kansas City, was made today by L. D. Wade, former Restoration of the rates of the Pa­ Seymour Jones, Marion county Cannerymen. fishermen and citizens Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Green and Mo., formerly of Kern Park, waa I-odge, No. 14, A. F. and A. M. at cific Telephone A Telegraph company secretary of the klan, says an I. N. S. their picnic at Canemah park on the rancher and at one time speaker of the of Astoria were jubilant over the an ­ married in Kansas City the first of son, Harold, of Pendleton, are visit­ in effect prior to February 38. 1921, last month and spent two weeks here Fourth. The stockholders knew Frank dispatch from Atlanta, Ga., dated ing Mr. Green's parents. Mr. and Mrs. house of representatives, denies the re­ nouncement from the Washington by confessing judgment tn the case to be a pretty decent sort of a fellow port that he might be a candidate for state fisheriee department that no July 6. recently, with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harry J. Green, 9927 Fifty-sixth ave­ governor on the Tax Reduction league purse seiners had been licensed to fish brought in. th« Mbltnomah county cir­ and also knew the car would have 8hipley, 3313 Fifty-fourth afreet. She Four more states, Wade asserted Inside the three mile, limit a^d that cuit court by Robert G Duncan. John waa also a visitor to the San Fran- the best of care, so now he is ac­ in this latest phase of his campaign nue. They will visit other relatives ticket. cepting the congratulations of hia Construction work on a large scale the fish commission would not take F Risley and Dora Shreve, to have and friends later. cisco Shrine convention. the order of the old commission auth­ to force Clarke out of office, have many friends. has been launched by the Phoenix such action. Mr. Maddox of 103d street was Bill Boland han swung right into orising an Increase In the charges joined the revolt against Clarke and Utility company, now engaged on a Reports of friction between the com ­ th« boosters' column with an auto­ recently taken seriously ill; a blood set aside, was attempted through a new $1,250.000 power plant on Hood mercial fisheriee bureaus of Oregon Present Notable Play have declined to recognize authority mobile sign urging people to visit vessel bursting in his stomach. He river for the Pacific Power A Light and Washington over operations of raeolutlon Introduced by T. M. Ker- Estacada, where Bill is now engaged The presentation of Drinkwater's of the imperial palace here until is in a west side hospital and is con­ company. fishermen at the mouth of the Col­ rigan. recall member of th* oommis- in selling Standard Oil products, Last “Abraham Lincoln" at the Hellig Clarke ia removed. Professor B. R. Fockler ef Colum ­ umbia river are without truth, accord­ sion at an executive sesslon of the sidered some better. Sunday Bill just drove around Port­ this week, with Frank McGlynn in the bia Falls. Mont., has been selected to ing to Carl D. Shoemaker, master body held in Salem. Th« resolution Everett E. Easton died at 10 A. M., land. helping to swell the prospective title role, is a notable dramatic ADVERTISES KU KLUX KLAN fill the vacancy caused by the resig ­ fish warden of the Oregon state fish ' as submitted by Mr. Kerrigan appar­ Fourth visitors at Estacada. achievement. The author has chosen July 4. He was found dead by his ently was Intended as a abort cut to commission. nation of R. W. McNeal, professor of W. P. O'Brien, well-known business daughter, Stella, when she went in Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gordon returned for presentation six episodes in the chemistry and athletic supervisor at Tho Marion-Polk County Realtors the reduction of telephone rates ia Jun« 29 from a aix-weeks’ visit in east­ great war president’s career and on man of Astoria, has inswted in the to speak with him. Albany college. aseooiatlon. at a meetlug In Salem Oregon, and if approved, probably will Mrs. McCune, a well-to-do widow, ern states. They had a splendid trip. them has built a drama of outstanding local press of that city an advertise­ have the effect of throwing th« entire Henry A. Schnorenberg. a young They report Pennsylvanians were sur­ merit. It would be difficult to find a ment containing the opinion of the to building a large reaidence on Fifty­ farmer south of Eugene, playdfr the decided to start an investigation to telephone rate controversy in the determine whether or not an oil pro ­ prised to have a frost June 23. Waldo better Lincoln than McGlynn who ia Ku Klux Klan expressed to the New fifth avenue, near 103d street She is courts for final determination. Gordon of Newcastle, Pa., a nephew supported by a company whieh hi York World by the grand master of the master mechanic, as well as com­ here when he saved the livee of two ject at 8L Paul, several milee east men overcome with the fumes from of Salem, ie being honestly conducted uniformly good. The play continues the New York Masons, a vigorous in­ mon laborer and works right along of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, ia visiting After testing the youngsters with with a carpenter who must hustle to a dynamite blast In the bottom of a and the money of investor* is being with them in their Ninety-second- throughout the week with Saturday dictment of the Kluxers. numerous questions, the school in­ used in sinking the well. matinee. do hia share. The nicely shingled well they were digging street home. Aa $8060 bond Keue tp aid in the The favorite "bad rood" leading into spector was trying to impress upon Ex-Cy elope Found Guilty roof towers above some of the homes Tuesday, July 4, Mrs. M. Morgan, financing of the school construction Scio is being graded and rocked by them the importance of one point. Arleta Clinic Date Changed of the neighborhood. J. H. Vi telle, former exerted cyclop« Fifty-seventh avenue caterer, took Stemmie Monnich, of Fifty-fifth program tn La Pine was voted by the the county court This road, known The clinic days of Arteta Well of the Taft, Cal., Ku Klux Klan, was ■Now,” saM the inspector, ‘ths her annual vacation day. With her avenue and Ninety-ninth street, en­ La Fine dietriot in the annual school as ths cemetery hill road, was Impas­ thing that you must keep in mind ia found guilty of beating and tortur ­ eon-in-law, daughter, two grandchil­ Baby clinic has been changed from election. The school building was sable during tho rainy season of the - •• dren. and son, she drove to a picnic Monday and Friday to Tuesday and ing Dr. Dwight R. Mason by a Bakers­ tertained several of his near neigh­ year, making reeldenta two miles east that you should always seek to do bors with his radio Tuesday evening. recently destroyed by fire. field jury last Friday. at Forest Grove. 8he did not go to* Friday of each week, beginning at 1 The Willamette Valley Lumbermen's of Scio go nearly six milee out of some one thing better than anyone With a graphaphone horn attached stay overnight this time. Ixut year Salem Men Run Service Station the music could be heard on the naaoelntlon has gone on record as op­ their way to come to town. else can do it. You can begin to do she went to Seaside and she stayed o’clock. After faJthfullf performing her that right now. Tell me—is there The Honest Measure Pump com­ street Mr. Monnich used some kind posed to the dissolution of th» South­ all night “That waa the lontarest pany of Salem, Or., is now running of a device of his own to cut out any ern Pacific and Central Pacific lines duties m chief operator tor the Canby Sere Throat Malignant night,” she «ays, “I ever apent.” The organisation included manufae Mutual Teiphone company for tho laot anyone among you who can do that a service station at Eighty-second unusual noises. Frank Allen, age 22, who Itves on He loves hut lightly who his love one thing better than anyone else?” and Diviaion streets. The station was 16H yearn. Mrs. R. Soper ot Canby Workers ere wanted badly in a turers of western Oregon. Foeter road at Sixty-ninth street, is can tell.—Petrarch. A youngster held up his hand. Durk Stendaaa. a rancher and cat­ baa tendered her resignation, to tab« erected for this company to demon- man’s berry patch He left word with “And what is it?” Votes might to be weighed, not ill at St. Vincent's hospital with starte their patented pump. The pump Mrs. Conine in» her store at Fifty­ tleman of Sumpter valley tn Baker effect in two montha Mrs Soper “I can read my own writing better counted.—Schiller. malignant septic sore throat county. reports the loss of four eowe will go to Newberg, where she ie to capacity ia ten gallon* in eight see- fifth avenue and 100th street than anyone else can," said the boy. killed fro^ mqab Mtpt feed been — i Our New Rulers f CONNECTS KLAN HEAD Wil H LOS AN6ELES RAID