mt. Scott herald Little Helpers and judgment Surely “100 per cent Americana*' are not afraid to do that Sweeping and washing the dishes. —From the Riverside Press, River­ Bringing the wood from the shed. side. Cal. Ironing, sewing and knitting. Publish,-»! Every Friday at Lent* Sta­ Helping to make up the bed. tion. Portland. Oregon A Dangerous Fad Taking good care of the baby, W etching her lest she should fall— Ours is a day of psychological fads. LAWRENCE D1NNEEN, Editor Vanity is tickled by a supposed abil­ We little childien are busy; Oh. there is work for us all. Entered a* »econd-ciaaa mail mat­ ity to talk about subjects rightly or Helping mumma. ter February 14, 1914, at the post­ wrongly labeled psychologcal, and office at I«nU, Or.. under act of con­ vanity is a prolific source of delusion gress, March 3, 1879. and harm. Self-knowledge is a very- Work make* us cheerful ami happy, Makes us both active and strong; SubecnpUon Price - ->1.50 a year useful and important part of one’s equipment fur life, and no one thinks Play we enjoy all the better W hen we have labored so long. of questioning the legitimacy of a 5812 N i net j -second Street science that endeavors honestly to ex­ Gladly we help our kind parents. Quickly we come to their call; plore the phenomenal laws and wm NOT IN THE OPEN* sources of our conscious life. Grant­ Children should love to be busy,— There is much work for us all. ing all this it is none the less true Suppose it is assumed that the Ku that at the present time there is a Helping papa and mamma. Klux Klan promoters are right about vast amount of fraud disguised as —Selected. the things they seem moot interested science and movement* are fostered 'THE GOLDEN LEGEND" ¡ft. Suppose it is really for the best that are hill of danger. in tercet* of the country to prohibit We do not imagine for a moment further immigration, limit the activi­ that many of our readers are in dan­ “Virgin and Mother of our dear Re­ deemer! ties of foreign-born citizens, keep the ger of being made dupes of these negroes down, wage war as Henry faddsts, and probably few of them All hearts are touched and softened at her name; Ford has done, against the Hebrews, have any acquaintance with psycho­ and proscribe Roman Catholics as far analysis or have any desire to become Alike the bandit with the bloody hand, as public life is concerned. This looks, acquainted with it. Still, that man- The priest, the pnnce, the scholar and peasant. to any intelligent and broad-minded sixed word is the vogue today, and i American, familiar with his country t •carcely a paper or magazine is with­ The man of deeds, the virionary dreamer history, like a pretty big and dubious out some mention of it As the label program. But suppose the Klans- of a paricular group or school, it is Pay homage to her as one ever present! men are right in principle. a term full of danger and a most Is it proper, then, or necessary, to sensible and timely warning against And if our faith had given us nothing bend together by a secret oath and it and -vhat it stands for has been more mumble a foolish ritual and disguise uttered by a distinguished French Than this example of all womanhood themselves m absurd costume and physician now visiting Amtrica. Hi» So mild, so merciful, so strong, so seek their purpose under cover of words are directed paritcularly to good. darkness? women, to those who are handicapped So patient, peaceful, loyal, loving, pure— This is a free country, with a free by having too much unoccupied time government, with orderly political and those who crave distraction after This was enough to prove it higher and truer methods for the accomplishment of work; and to both types he holds up any public purpose, and with con­ the warning hand of danger. Knowing Than all the creeds the world has known before.” stitutional guarantees of fair play. If whereof he speaks, he says very —LONGFELLOW. the Klan, then, seeks to accomplish plainly that the fad of psychoanalysis an "American" purpose, let it avail is easily and frequently made a cloak, itself of this American machinery- a pretext for licentious mental inter­ “John,” said the wife, “you’ll have provided. Let the Klan come into' course. The rex idea is at the bottom to take that ball away from baby; he the open, if its aims are so important of the whole thing and the plausible , hit sister on the head with it.” for national salvation. Let it organize terms of science»cannot take from it | “Yes, dear,” answered the husband; a political party, with an avowed plat­ the very real moral danger insepara­ “but you should have seen the curve form submitted for public discussion ble from iL— Western Watchman. the little cuss had on it” A teacher was conducting a lesson FOR SALE Two barn*. Cbuld be matte into garage*, «tore», or even in history. “Tommy Jones.’* she aald, “what homea. One at 9lat and Gilbert was there about George Washington Road; one at 87th amt Foster Road. which distinguished him from all other Inquire Rev. J. P. O’Flynn, 5731 famous Americans?” 87th street, Phone 619 49. 21 tf “He didn’t lie,” waa the prompt answer. FOR RENT OK SALE l-arge bam. four lota. 87th at. nial 57th ave. A college professor, noted for strict Call Marshal 297, or Herald office. discipline, entered the cla*»rooni one 17-tf day anti noticed a girl student sitting FOR SALE with her feet in the aisle and chewing 2*i Republic Truck, expreaa body, gum. Will aell cheap “Mary,” exclaimed the indignant excellent condition. professor, “take that gum out of your fur cash or wrill trade. Call 610-57. 15-3t mouth and put your feet in.” If you wish to improve your con­ versation and to have what you say count for something, begin at once to eliminate superlatives and mean ingles* exaggerations.—Echo. Hirshkind—Vnd vat may be the price of this watch? Jeweler—Ten pounds. Hirshkind (to himself)—He asks ten; he means eight; he’ll dake six; it’s vorth four; 1*11 offter two.” Classified Ads. Advertisements under this head­ ing 10c per line first insertion. Minimum charge. 25c. Count six words to the line. Strictly cash. FOR SALE—Protectograph. writer. Call 622-28. J. Burdette, our local dairy­ man on '.‘9 th it., write* that It pay* to »ell milk of the beat quality; that he not only get* 12c a quart for hia milk, which ia from 2 to ,8 cent* above the market price, but that he uaual­ ly ha* from 5 to 6 people on the waiting liat. It will be remembered that in the semiannual contest end­ ing last December, in which 182 dairies were li«ted that Mr. Burdette held the highest »core in Raw Milk. Mr. Burdette guarantee* hia milk to keep aw vet at leaat -<« hour» after delivery in rammrr and 72 hour* in winter. "< an vou beat it”- JAS. BURDETTE. Phone «32-87. 4918 99th St. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin NEW STOCK FURNITURE Baby Buggies Kayser’s underwear for ladies and misses. Kayser’bChumisette Gloves Straw hats for men, women and children. Summer hats for women and children Special, while it lasts, Ladies’ White Ijiwn Waist«, 79c and $1 Children’s gingham dresses, $1.49, $1.19 and 89c Wise Bros. Dept. Store (Suvreaaor to Kataky Broa. Stare) AUTOMATIC «10 M check 21 -tf Illllll!!!llllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll FOR SALE—Dress suit, white vest, j gloves, shirt, some dress collars. ■ Apply The Herald. 21-tf b »R a * h M MATT GREENSLADE Wagon Repairing WANTED—Clean cotton rags. No stockings or heavy garments. Five» cents a pound. Herald office. Hofseshoflikji Geo. BL k ksmilhlnq AUTO REPAIRING 9.-127 Foater Road LENTS CALL R. HEYT1NG, phone «25-67, for sand and gravel delivered at a reduced price. 17-tf An advertiser la a man that wants your bualneea. With the other fel­ low it’s usually immaterial. “Service" Live» Here Quality Canned Goods Hall Way Stop, ML Scott to Portland On the ntht, just west of 60th at Division ' St We protect our custom­ ers by handling only such brands of canned goods whose makers have high reputations to uphold. ( You've Seen K m ) Pat and Jeny Give You Service Authorized Foni Servie* Station Phone Tabor &603 There are numerous poorer Kades marketed which we ive carefully avoided in selecting for our trade, though we might profit more by stocking them Tavelli and Mack 1M3 Divuion HOW ABOUT A HEW SUIT? THINK OT IT Your choice of a splendid line all-wool suit, tailored to meaaure for only The prices of these better grades are low enough to suit all .4 3 or a Palm Beach for S18.75 $29.50 Fit and aatiafaetioa guaranteed WE DELIVER Mathes Market *>927 92nd Street Wanted Experienced carpenter, millwright, repairman, wanla work, factory pre ferrad. Call Robert Hraa.640 15. 21tf Auto 613-10 J. V. TAPP I call anywhere at anytime. Phone «13-33 «703 Sixty-second Avenue S. E. Railroad Travel Costs are Down —To— San Francisco and Eastern Cities Via the Scenic Shasta Route We were introduced to the Laun- Dry-Ette not long ago and liked it so well that we went after the Laun- Dry-Ette franchise. We were suc­ cessful and can now announce our appointment as Laun - Dry - Ette representatives. It is but natural that we, having made this pleasant acquaintance, should wish to introduce you also to the Laun-Dry-Ette. It is demon­ strated daily at our store. Let us show you this Washing Machine That Does More—one that makes it unnecessary for you even to put your hands in water on washday. Stop at our store or phone for a demonstration at your home. The ELECTRIC MAID Shop 25 per cent Saving to San Francisco and return Sale datez June 15 to 20 incl. Final limit July 20 Summer Tourist Fares East through California Cost Much Less This Year You may viait San Francisco, lx>* Angele* and San Diego, wonder cities of the Pwiflc Coait; California'* Charming Seashore and Mountain Resorts, Three National Parka and »core* of inviting pleamire place*. Swing East this way and see more of the U. S. A. 282 Alder Street Main 8443 Round Trip Fares To Seashore and Mountain Resorts “¿ET THE ELECTRIC MAID DO YOUR WORK" Are the lowett in year» For *ale date* and other particular* ask agenta Plan now to make trip* thia summer and take advantage of great reduction* in railroad fare* For fare*, reservation», train schedule*, transit limit*, stopover privilege« or beautiful folder* inquire of agent*. > I nac i ,r e WASHES AND DRIES WITHOUT A WRINGER I SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN M. SCOTT, Genernl Paiwenger A (rent. ♦