Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 26, 1922, Image 3

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    If Mothers W*>uld Know
Nation's Unknown Hero
What a smiled Trade
is they would bring their ehildr n
I -re for a scientific HAIRCUT.
I«arge and small
Houses and Lots
some with acres, fruits
and berries.
houses. Terms or ex­
* Part of tko console«/ at B«ll«au Wood« (uvW
s t,r Ike American Marines) showing tha grave« of
• oma of tko marine« of our force« who gave up their live« ia the battle of Belleau Wood«.
is now a rocky devastation; its Crown
of nature’s green now rows of “tooth­
picks” standing naked to the sky.
In Washington, In June. 1021. the
plan of the Belleau Wood Memorial
association to rebuild the town of Bel­
leau by popular subscription was
launched. The Belleau Woods Me­
moral association thinks It better to
The retting place of AmaNca’a “Unknown Soldier'« In Washington, which la destined In years to com« to
bo one of the moot famous spots In the United States
> Tti» following vrrera to the "Unknown
Svidler,** written by Ang.-lt Morgan, were
read at the eervieea in Arlington ceme- In regulnr formation and completely
V*ry by A<ta Ann« Im l*ujr. president of i sliad«*d liy tr*es Is the on«* that »hould
the Lr wave of Amarl-an Pen Women:
prevail throughout the entire ceme­
It I- these very tree-shaded
He In known to the lun-whiie Maj««- tery.
j areas that give Arlington Its tine nnd
Who «tend at the gate« of dawm : eburacteristic quality. Today these
He ie known to the eloud-horne com* shaded arena predominate *. but with
I the burials of World-war soldiers In
I open Helds Arlington Is fast losing Its
Who«« souls but lata have gone.
Like wind-flung «tar« through lattice j present diNtinctlon. No effort should
be spared to <*ontlnue the planting
They throng to greet their own.
I over the present bare and sliadeless
With voice of flame they sound hi« | arena.
More Trees Are Needed.
Wh** dii-d to u« unknown.
Both the World war nnd the Spanish
He 1» ha I ’ by the If ■»•cruwne<l war section» Niliould be planted with
trees that will produce shade to cover
brn? .. rhnncl,
! the entire area. In the World war
By (!•*■ Dauni ' j of Marathon.
i By Raymond, Godfrey rnd Lion section a plantiug scheme should be
adopted in advance of the scheme for
WUte drean;« he carried un
graves, or ut least the two plans
rinnx lor the
uipi'-ivcuicnt of
Arlington National
ein**trry hav<* Hi» n«t a »hrv tall through th- haav- j should be simultaneous.
only hall,
This mean« the Immediate selection
been »ubmltted to Qunrtertiia- er to I
LJnhr^’d by earthly ear.
and planting of thousand» of trees in
era I Rogers by the * oniniln uin of tin«- •
He it claimed by the famed in Ar*
th«* now vacant sp.ic«*s of Arlington.
The quartemni ter senornl np
Today these treeless portions, so out
proved them «nd ti n-mlttcd them to
Who knew no title hero.
of harmony with the general appear-
the secretary of war who referred
rnnee of the «tiueiery, give one the
(hem to the War M morin I*« council. Oh. faint wa« the lamp of Slrlu«,
' Idea that l * graves of our latest
Tin» bod.v ul-o approved the plan*
And dim wa« the Milky Way.
heroes ar«* being placed rather In a
Whereupon the »«■••r< tiiry ill»® nave Oh, far wa« the floor ef Paradise
From the «oil where the «oldier lay. potter's 1i«*ld than in an honored loca­
hl» approval, and they are now Io be
n «de Hie basis for the development of Oh, chill and «lark war the crimson tion.
The rules made several years, ago
(hut cemetery.
Where huddled men lay dnept
to regulate the character of monu­
Arlington la a national shrine.
Hi« con rade« all denied hi» call—
ments marking the graves of officers
aa<re<l to the nieniorj of th«* thou had they la!n aileep.
i have had a quieting effect; but in
aandx of aohller de id. named and un
■allied, who lie burled uililei the Oh, «(range how the lamp of Sirius I th«* newer urea set apart for officers
! there Is need of trees. The regula-
Shade of It» tree» Thia sacred char­
Drop« low to th ■ d vatlod eye<|
acter Nhotild be proteeted and fostered. Oh, strange how the steel-red battle I tlons against mnnsoleums, portraits,
and unusual designs should tie en-
Monument or treatment of u »elf a»
1 forced for the protection of the many
Are floor« of Peradlie.
serllve or gr«ite»que «hnracter nhould
be rigidly exrli ded. Quiet, simplicity, Oh, «tranve how the ground wi'h against the self assertion of the few.
never a sound
Th«* otlleers whose careers need eulogy
reverence nliould prevail
Swing« open, tier on tier,
. on a tombstone should not be accorded
Of Historic Intereit.
And «tending there in the shining air i in Arlington the credit that history
Arlington 1» also n historic place.
Are the friends he cherished here. I denies.
Ita builder, George Washington Parke
Roadway Should Be Improved.
Cuatl«. wh » the adopted »on of Georg«* They are known Io the «un-shod «en-
The road in front of Arlington
Ilin father gave III» life
| cemetery should be Improved and «Ie-
Who circle the morning’« door.
for hla country during the «evolution;
and he hlmxelf was reared nt Mount They arc led by a cloud-bright com­ [ x eloped along the entire frontage.
| Th«* space should he level«*d, the car
Vernon, where lie lived until lie com­
Through path« unseen before.
pleted Arlington house In 1804. At Like bloasomt blown their soul« have j trucks raised to th«* surface and re-
j located, and a boulevard treatment
hl» deuth Arlington pn»»ed Into the
, should replace the present neglected
poeac»»lon of III» daughter, the wife
Past war and reeking rod.
of Robert K., and waa occupied In the bonk unbound their names are | and itncared for conditions. The right
’ way to deal with the situation Is to
by General and Mr». Lee until it came
Into possession of th«* government It»
They are known in the courts of have a comprehensive plan made for
the entlr«* development of Arlington.
Cod I
historical Importance should be eon
Arlington roads need renewing
—Angela Morgan.
aldcred In method» of treatment.
The mansion house needs new floors
Arlington prospectively 1» a portion
of the great central composition of ivootled shipee In front of the man woodwork and paint, and, esp«*cially.
the present bnrn-llke appearance of
Washington, extending from the cap
slon lire »mung the most beautiful the rooms devoted to the public
ttol through the mall to the monu­ landscapes In Washingion, nnd they
ment and on to the Lincoln inemorlnl. should be kept free from disturbance should he changed for the better. Ex­
whence the memorial bridge, already of any kind. The plan» for the man tensive planting of trees, preferably
I oaks, should begin at once, so that i<
authorized by congress, will cross the slon house alm to restore It» orlg I quarter of n century hence the entin
Potomac to the newly created park Insl character ns a distinctive house
cemetery may come Into the tin«» con
area adjoining the Arlington estnte. of Its historic period. These plans,
dltlon that the best portions now dis
Plant of Development.
made In the depot quartermaster's I play. The roads leading to the ceme
Arlington has certain dominating <ifflee,slhoul«l he carried out In the
feature« to he considered in the plan spirit tn which they have been de­ | tery should he made safe and ode
quate. So much the nation owes to
Of development. Among them are:
the Inst resting place of those who
The mansion houae will eta nd a»
In the section devoted to burials of have fought Its battles, nnd to the rela­
the termination of the hx I s of the soldiers, the treatment repressmted by
tives ami friends who pay tribute to
memorial bridge, lending from the the UAliprui small headstone» erected
: the memory of the heroes.
tAncoln memorial to Arlington. The
to Improve
better to put a
New nitrate beds, 11 feet below F *
surface and containing 20 to 40 j ■
cent of nitrate, have been discover,
in Chile. The deposit covers a district
Sheet Metal Works
of 20,000 square kilometers.
Ree. 818-18
Office Phone 815-10
“a houoo that baa echoed a baby’s
laugh and held up ite stumbling
For new the world Is all their own,
And, led by thoughts our bravs have
Till Might hae bowsd nor could
withstand tbs force that stood
Secure and safe, God wrought
Through stormy tlmoe they fought
And now they lie
In sleep.
9128 Woodstock Ave.
Automatic 621-01
Residence 6228 Ninety-second St.
Automatic 640-75
Cor. 92nd and Foster Road
6007>'2 82nd St.
“home’s loving
around a man and his wife,"
than to erect a »haft of marble cold
to the sky In memory of our dead.
The national committee hopes to ralae
6.*k»l.<»»» and with this money rebuild
the little town of Belleau »battered by
our boys In their advance on Belleau
It wa» Slay In France. 1918. re«ords wood.
Clara Whiteside In the Philadelphia t
The plan is to rebuild the village as
ledger. The French line from Sot»- It was, with the addition of a better
sons to Reims paralleleil In a general cburch, school, and with an adequate
way the line of the ancient road. water supply; the supervision will tie
Chemln des Dame», and the French In the hands of Col. Charles R. Forbes,
defense» were so streng that the war­ director of the Veterans* bureau, who
worn gallnut French armies were using served In the A. E. F and who is a
middle-aged men known a« territorials noted engineer in civil life. Every
to h«»ld this part of the line. Perhaps cent rals«! will go Into the rebuilding
because of thia, and al»« to make an memorial, aa the organizing expenses ,
effort to split the Flench and English are being borne by a »mall group of ,
armies, the Germans made a great at­ contributors.
The names and ad­
tack on this sector at the end of May, dresses of every contributor will be
and in five days had driven back the preserved In the archives of the rebuilt '
French to open country, following the
great half circle of the Marne, which “Marie.” or city hull. Eighty-two stone ,
the Germans crossed at Dormans on buildings are to tie restored, a« well
the east side of the salient at Chateau as a group of small farm« on the bill­
able The French government has j
Thierry and at Belleau.
promise«! to have all roads put Into ,
There were no trenches and no
condition a« their «xmtributlon, and It
fort I flcat Ions so ftir back from the
will be guarded by our boys who lie I !
fighting front, and the war was again
silent in the little green-and white
in the open. Foreseeing the purpose
cemetery Just across the way.
of the German army to enter a wedge
Homes Must Be Rebuilt.
between the allletl armies. Marshal
In time nature will restore to France
Ftich select«»«! American troops to stop
her trees and flowered loveliness, but
this advance, which at Les Meres
neither time nor nature can rebuild
farm and at Chateau Thierry had
shattered homes. Those of us who
reached the nearest point to Paris—37
have not been Intimately touched by
miles—since the previous advanc® In
the horrors of war or the cruelty of
sudden overwhelming separation from
Heroism Commonplaco.
those we'love can only approximate
The Second American division had
the sadness In tlie lives of those about
Just taken that par; ”7 ,he line In the
us who have not been so fortunate.
neighborhood of Belleau. while at Dor­
mans acd Chateau Thierry the First Many a mother’s heart Is burled and
and Third were holding back the Hun. her enthusiasm deadened. It Is only
Rocks uiid crags hid the «*nemy*s ma­ through some practical memorial that
chine guns, but in the early part of her interests can be roused an«i re­
th«* engagement the French were vir­ awakened.
The field of honor nt Belleau will be
tually without artillery protection and
the permanent Aisne-Marne cemeury
were fichtlug n hand-to-hand action to
“where a shining forest of snow-white
stop the Germans until help couhl
come. In the fighting of May ami crosses will stand as sentinels over
early June. 1918. the American troops the mortal remains of 6.<W of our
boys." The organization for this me­
were without supports and reserves,
morial to our d«*ad has its headquar­
but th«* Indlv'dmil Initiative was re-
ters in Washington, with Marshal
ifmrkable. iw-roism was a common­
place of the American soldier In ac­ Foch chairman for France. John W.
Weeks, honorary president. The pres­
ident Is Mrs. James Carroll Frazer,
“We need supplies, gas masks. Who'll
vice president 9f the Navy League of
tin* United State«, «lid Vice 1’reGldent
“I'll go!" promptly answered a
Coolidge as a member «(• the national
young sergeant of the marines.
committee. Mrs. Charles Lea is chair­
His offer was accepted. He hnd an man for Pennsylvania; Mrs. Theodore
almost uncanny sense of direction, nnd W. Reath, act’ng chairman; Gen. W.
no one in tbc company possessed a bet­ T. Waller, executive secretary; Mrs.
ter knowledge of wood lore. All his Helen Foster, secretary.
summers had b«*en spent In the open,
How Our Beys Went Into Action.
and these of earlier days
Mrs. Reath revisited France last
had developed qualities that now stood 1 summer nnd » ent over all the ground
him In good stead. The playtime of in the neighborhood of Belleau. At
the child hn«l become the opportunity Les Mores farm she made the ac­
of the man.
quaintance of n young Frenchman who
Creeping cautiously through the un- had been severely wounded at the Bat­
derbrush, he reached tlu* shelter of tle of the Marne. "He had witnessed
the woods, only to find that he had the advance of the American troops."
stumbled on a quarry and a camp of said Mrs. Reath, “and his account was
more than sixty German soldiers. so graphic and bore such testimony to
Trembling with excitement, he rushed the truthfulness of the American cor­
"Su,render!” he shouted. respondent« who had covered the ad­
"The whole American army Is behind vance of the American army in 1918
me!” Surprised, bewildered, the men and descrllied the troops in action at
marched out. tinder cover of the hold­ Belleau. that I feel I should tell It to
up. and were brought prisoners Into you as he told It to me.
the American line. One of the majors
“ "Those men were magnltlceiit. mu-
In the Second division wrote in June. dame! Th«*y had taken off their coats
1918, of the death In action of this and had pinned to their shirts a pop­
marine: "He was killed In the Bois py. As they riishe«! forward they
de Belleau by » «hell near where my yelled, and. madanie, ns they fir«*d—
command post was, shortly after the Germans went hlplty hop! hlpity
bringing his captain out, who had been hop.’ This was the only English word
woumVd In an attack we were mak­ that Frenchman knew, but it was the
ing. The day before he went Into a most expressive English word I have
quarry ami brought out HO Germans ever heard. It does seem incredible
as prisoners, single-handed. Such an that our boys should have been so
act speak» for Itself."
careless with their lives. contimted
It was by this spirit the»e men
Mrs. Iteatb, “but I have no reason to
fought, nnd because of this spirit these doubt the truth of the man's word,
men won. It was a dearly bought e«p«»clally ns It corroborated the ac­
victory, but It stopped the German count of our own correspondents at
objective, and the enemy never again the time."
won a victory or made nnother drive.
This memorial at Belleau is to be
establl«he«l to those boys—our boys;
Many State« Share Glory.
In the little cemetery on the western to their Idealism; to their heroism that
edge of Belleau woods, there Is hardly brooke«l no barrier. It is to be a me­
morial that will give to the people of
a state In the Union not represented.
There are 290 alone from Massachu­ thia part of France a practical expres­
setts. Belleau woods. Just above the sion of the good-will of the American
village of Belleau, where the Germans people as well as a national tribute to
the men whose “souls shall be where
sheltered their gims. 1» now called
the heroes are" and whose memory
the "Wo<«l of the Marine Brigade."
shall “shine like the morning star.”
and what was once a lovelv wooded hill
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Repairs to any machinery.
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J327 Foster Road
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Special, while it lasts, Ladies’ White Lawn
Waists, 79c and $1
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Wise Bros. Oepl. Store
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