remaining a mere clerk or book keep er. Commerci«) and industrial affairs ■ÎS2SÏ5ÏS 525'iS¿5dS25?52SaS25252S^Sï!SZSî5î5i54SlSÂSè525 iWSZWS ï 5?S¿5 ¿ S are conducted on so large a scale that | the neophyte has little chance to learn' ». broadly, s VMVilll » either by » observation Otsws vsasivai xj » ­ or w ex Published Every Friday at Lenta Station, Portland. Oregon il pcrience. He U put at a single task: SÎS25? SÎ5Î57Y? 575?Ç?Ç?5îSÏS?5î5aSîSîSîS25'eS251SeSîSZ52SÎ8?SÂRS25Mm! th<‘ more cwert naCteeoMM at II thot IAWRENCE DINNEEN. Editor more likely it is that he will be kepi at it, unl< ss he has had a training Entered as aocond-claae mall mat­ in his vouth which ha» fitte,! him to ter February 14, 1S14. at the poet­ comprehend in some menaurv thè re­ office at Ixmta. Oregon, under act of lation of hi» task to those which others i Congress. March *. lSTt- are doing " $l 50 a year Subscription Prie» IW. Scott herald NEW LIFE SAVER FOR AUTOMOBILES Stil Nln»ty-»-coml Strwt STATEMENT OF THE OWNER­ SHIP AND .MANAGERSHIP, etc., re­ quired by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, of "he Mt Scott Herald," published weekly at Pr>rt- land, Oregon, for April 1st, 1922. Ì State of Oregon, County of Multnomah I »»• Before me, a Notary Public in and for the state and county aforesaid, personally appeared Lawrence Din­ neen. who having been duly sworn ac­ cording to law, deposes and says that i he is the editor of “The Mt. Scott Herald.” and that the following is. to the best of his knowledge and be­ lief. a true stateokrnt of the owner­ ship, management (and if a daily­ paper, the circulation) etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, em­ bodied in section 443. Portal Laws and Regulations. 1. That the name and address of the publisher and managing editor is: Editor, Lawrence Dinneen. Portland. Oregon. 2. That the owners are: The Col-: umban Press, Inc.. Portland. Oregon. .1. That the known mortgagee is the Multnomah State Bank, Portland, Oregon. (Signed) Lgiwrenee Dinneen. Editor J Sworn to and subscribed before me this 22nd day of March. 1922. (Seal) John P. O’Hara, Notary Public for Oregon. Commission expires May 16, 1925. McARTHl R AND THE BONUS. I Congressman McArthur has sent td .The Herald a letter in which he states his reasons for his opposition to the national bonus for ex-soldiers. The editor of The Herald spent 29 , months in the military service, as ' infantryman, private and corporal. 1 Two years of this was spent in, France The first month he rece.ved $15 as pay; thereafter, about $33 to I ■X Classified Ads WOOD FOR SALE, delivered any- uherv; first class old growth; first class second growth. Phone 614-48. L B. Cooper. 26-tf' But Little Material Needed for Making Hammock. CALL R. HEYTING, phon» 635-67,1 for sand and gravel delivered at a reduced price. 17-tf i FOR KENT— 3-roon> house. 6807 92nd st. S.E. LOANS I doth sewed to them. Attached to each half hoop are three acrsen-door springs, cut the right length to hold the hammock In • nearly horizontal position, when the baby is not in It. The springs are sired to a ring at each end. and the rings slip over books at the supports. When baby and the pillows are placed in the hammock. It sags down just enough to be comfort­ table. The blanket and pillows can be placed to cover the springs also, thus accommodating a larger child.—Popu— lar Mechanics Magazine. ____ £1111111111111111111...... HIHHHH»»»»»»^ CLEAR VISION IS GIVEN $38 The stay-at-homes, some of, whom are now- his fiercest business X To obtain a clear view ahead x competitors, received $10 and 312 a j X through the glass of the wind- 2 = shield in rainy and snowy wkath- E day —for almost any kind of work. Inasmuch as The Herald editor. 5 er is vitally important to the Z would receive benefits from the na­ = safety of the motor car and Its E E occupants. Many schemes are tional bonus he will not venture his ■ E used to keep the glass clear in judgment. With Blackstone we be­ X wet «eather, but perhaps the lieve a man cannot sit in proper judg- ' X old-fashioned alcohol and gtyc- ment in hi» own case. x erin mixture. whicb is carried But, if 4,000,000 Americans sacri-. X la a small bottle and rubbed S ficed—from a mere monetary loss to ' = on the glass as needed. Is best. = the risk of loss of life by sea, land ' X If the bottle containing the solo- = and air from the enemy—while the i = lion Is wrapped In a doth and = stay-at-homes (some involntary. x stowed away In the side [«x-ket E some voluntary) received cost plus! = it will always be ready for use E x and a cloth to apply it with will s and high »ages, is it too much to ask ; — be at hand. X that the ex-service man and woman I be given som» sort of a bonus to en­ Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic able him to compete with his stay-at* home brother of the silk shirt, sock.' automobile, the war millionaire, the ; $125-a-mcnth girl typist, the $5-a-day boy rivet-holder in the shipyards, and the others who were safe, and amaz­ Oil the spark and throttle lever con­ ingly prosperous, in their own com­ nections at intervals. fortable homes in 1917, 1918 and j • • • 1919? Common stove polish will keep the If the war had lasted six weeks or , rims in good condition months longer could America have paid? Who is to answer “No” to The right tempersture for the motur to run ls about 140 degrees Fahren­ this? The cost plus manufacturer has his heit. 10 per cent. The stay-at-homes long i A new owner of an automobile, when ago reaped the seed sowed in Hand- searching for trouble, often creates ers field. more than be finds. There is no bonus for the ex-sol­ dier. The country cannot stand it. The metal surfaces of the wheel Who is the country? Are the 4,000,- spindle should be greased when muk- 000 a part of he country ? ing a change of wire wheels. see Poor compression la the cause of an COLLEGE EDUCATION engine using an excessive amount of oil and gasoline. A statement by Mr. Vanderlip, the • • • well known banker, shows th* practi­ When painting the radiator use a cal aide of college training. He says: thin dead-black paint. Dull black ra­ “The mental equipment of a busi­ ness man needs to be greater today diates the hest more effectively than than was ever before necessary. Just bright metal. as the sphere of the business man's actions has broadened with the ad­ vent of rapid transportation, tele- Damascus Farm Sells for >13.500. Kaphx, cables, and telephones, so George E. Reed has disposed of his ve the needs of broad understand­ ing of sound principles increased. It Damascus farm and returned to Port­ was steam processes of transporta­ land. He will be remembered as a tion and production that really made construction engineer in connection technical education necessary. The with some of Portland's largest build­ electric dynamo created the demand for educated electrical engine«». So ings. O. McAda, the new owner, the railroad, the fast steamship, the purchased the place through Albert electric current in the telephone and Wolfhagen with Frank C. Robinson, cable, and the great economic fact of 503 Selling building, realtor of Port­ gigantic and far-reaching business land. The consideration was $13,500. combinations are making the science of business a different thing from Mr. McAda recently disposed of large any conception of commerce which holdings in Gilliam county. In dis­ could have been had when Girard was cussing the land value question he the most successful of business men. remarked: “After an extended trip The enlarged scope of business is de­ manding better trained men, who un­ through every county from Califor­ derstand principles. New forces have nia to ths Columbia on the west coast made large scale production, and we of the state and after motoring need men who can comprehend the re­ through many of the highways and lation of that production in the world byways around nearly every village I of markets. T^iere has been intro- ced such complexity into inodern came across I have reached the con­ I aineaa and such a high degree of clusion that the properties lying in specialisation that the young man who Multnomah and Clackamas counties begins without the foundation of an are the choicest of the lot.” exceptional training is in danger of AVTOMOBILK n MIKES ÄA «* Wise Bros. department store have been made local agents for the Thor Washing Machine, $140, the best washing machine on the market. New Knit Neckties, Kid Gloves, Men’s Dress Shirts. Call at lltf. Full and complete stock of staple and fancy groceries. Fresh vegetables in season. »»NTAL» A feature this week is the display of beautiful parlor lamps which are priced to sell at $24.75. MBAIt KOTATK CITY PBOPBKTY aa4 FARMS Phone 638-83 MUI Tt»4 Mna< 9 FINLAND STATION, Star Electric Co Wise Bros. Dept. Store 6336 Foster Road Phone: Aut, «15-33 (Successor to hatshy Broa. .Store) ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING HOUSE WIRING ESTIMATING the late«( thing lu nuuqaa» la the uew Ute saver tor automohlle* n>c In- >mtors a nr Charles Hearty. 110U1 Wentworth avenue. <*hrto llunaen. 11254 South Michigan avenue and William Hasen, 11343 Forest avenue. Chicago, and they are very confident of their inventiou. Here you see the “fender" In prar ' tics I use. WATER Th» Baby Is Thoroughly Comfortable on Dally Auto Airings When Rooting In th» Hammock. Subscriptions for the Picturial Review may now lie left with Wise Bros. LAUER REALTY CO. Six screen-door springs, a barrel hoop, and a yard of heavy doth were the materials necessary to make a baby's hammock for the auto tonneau, which gives useful service and com­ fort. The hammock takes the place of the third person in the rear seat, as ’ shown. It can be quickly attached or * detached, and swings baby safe from jolting. The hoop wag from a barrel. 1« inches in dlamet< r. and was cut In half, each half holding one end of the hammock These half hoop» were held 30 Inches apart by megns of heavy '■MJ Wise Bros, carry the Pictorial Review pat­ terns. WANTED- Clean cotton mgs. No stocking* or heavy garments. Fiyo et nia a pound. Herald office. COMFORTABLE PLACE FOR CHILD IN AUTO Hammock Taksa Up Room Usually Occupied by Third Person Riding in Roar Seat and Io Easily At­ tached or Detached Seeds, Garden Tools, implements of all kinds. Advertisements under thia head­ ing 10c per line first insertion. Minimum charge, 25c. Count six words to the line. Strictly cash. Aerated waters were made as early as 1707. in imitation of mineral waters. NEW YORK PROVERBS Live and loin and loin to live. A pint of water equals thirty-four and two-thirds cubic Inches and weighs one and one-fourth pounds. Fthe feathers make fine bolda. r Don't cry before you are bolt. A bold In the hand is worth two In the bush. The foist shall be last and the last shall be foist. What a Skilled Trude BARBERING is they would bring their children here for a scientific HAIRCUT. Cold water, according to high au­ thority, is a valuable stimulant to many If not all people. Its action on the heart is said to be more stimulating than brandy. It has been known to raise pulse from 76 to more than 100. CHESTER’S I * ‘ I The rose is England's national floral emblem, The fleur-de-lis is France’s national flower. Japan's most fwipular flowers are the apricot, cherry, chrysanthemum. Iris, Illy, morning glory, peony, plum, quince and wisteria. The thistle of Scotland Is said to be the oldest national flower and its adop­ tion Is traced to the reign of Alexander III and the battle of Largs. Anemone means "windflower," and Is so called because It to so delicately poised that It sways with the slightest movement of the atmosphere. AnU 616*45 Do you lack energy ? Is effort to do things? Ye»! your system is run down­ blood to thin and watery, nerves weak, your muscles force. If Mothers Mould Know Water bolls at a lower temperature in a high altitude than at aea level. The normal boiling point Is 212 de­ grees Fahrenheit, but on the summit of Mont Blanc It is 180. The Ja.ssniine belongs to the same family as the olive and numbers more than 200 varieties. 6203 92nd St. Feel Exhausted? Patronize our advertisers. When You Want to Move Phone 622-22 ’ } Fetty’s Transfer ; : and Express Auto Truck : » Daily Trips Portland and Lents S {Res. 9649 Foster Rd. Lents, Ore J tnnmia a a a «4 siwwmswMnswvwtoia MOVING VJ 1V1LVZ ▼ 1 J. F. ALLEN We Can Move Carpenter - Builder 1122 Foster Road The oily bold catches the wolm.— Wayside Tales. It is estimated that the variance of one inch in the rainfall In July In the six chief corn-growing states makes a difference of $300.000,(00 in the value of the corn crop. There are 782 varieties of arctic flowers that have two colors, white and yellow. Rea. Phone «40-05 Office Phone 613-33 A wold to the wise Is sufficient In a ton of waler from the Atlantic it. In ocean there are 31 pounds of salt. the same quantity of water from the Dead sea there are 187 pounds. A flowering plant extracts from the soil water equal to 200 times its own weight Get my prices before y ou. let the job. , A bolned child dreads the fire. It is estimated that more than two years Is required for gulf stream wa­ ter to travel from Florida to Norway. The lily of the valley to not a mem- ber of the lily family. A C. N UTTER. Prop. Even a wotin will toln. A pint of water converted into steam requires 1.700 times as much space as in liquid forui. Thirty per cent of all flowers are white. I 5127 72nd Street When an Inch of rainfall Is recorded, 101 tons of water have fallen on au acre of soil. THE FLOWER GARDEN Tremont Plumbing Of course It may b» possible for a woman to keep a secret, but ns a gen­ eral thing ahe la dreadfully out of practice.—London Opinion. In the western Australia desert there are wells which yield water only at night. AUTOMATIC «10 20 it an then your your lark A. 0. S. Beef, Iron and Wine will build you up, inrich your blood, restore your rundown ner­ vous system, it is the old-fash ionwi home blood medicine an1 tonic. It doer the work just rz well today /as it did years ago. Keep a bottle in the house. Begin taking it today. PINT BOTTLE $1.2$ CURREY’S PHARMACY GRAYS CROSSING Ita Al! Right or Your Money Bark TP 1 n ROSE CITY VAR One Way from Pertland to Lents You Out^of the Muddy Street Phone 612 69 COAL ______________ I Call Anywhere at Anytime All Virgin Wool Suita and Overcoat» tailored to youx order - your unre­ stricted choice of the enlirs line mode in any site or atyla for $20.50 -atiafaction or money back, guarantee. Goodyear all season Overcoats, tailomi (to your order) for $7.95, to I3U.00 values for men and women. Telephone Automatic «13,33 J. V. TAPP 87i>3 «2nd Avenue South East F. J. DEFEHR ANNOUNCES the Opening of his GROCERY AND CURED MEAT STORE AT i (Under Lents Grange Hall) Phone 637-43 SPEAKING ABOUT OURSELVES A monologue Is a conversation with your wife. Many a man » popularity begins and ends with himself. Figures won't lie. but corsets keep them from telling the whole troth. Preferred Stock Groceries is my feature Satisfaction in Quality and Price guar anteed to my customers CALL and BE CONVINCED