Community Newspaper Devoted le ih» Interests The Mi. Scon Ik 1ÎÎL lier alu More (han 3000 Readers Peruse Thia Paper Every Friday Morning “ iA‘ Subscript I a 4 VOL. XX, No. 7 P. K. L. & P. CO. SfeChH STOCK last week. When found at 102nd »nd GILBERT BEAUTIFYING SCHOOL GROUNDS 1 15th avenue the machine win pretty Local happening» Home Ownership" Idea Takes Well | .> ell stripped. It has cost Mr. Schalk Will Be Conferred With Many Portlanders I already about Gilbert school district has a force 8150 fo replace the un Washington*« H. A. I^wis waa elected president How pleasant it must bo to help I parts taken. of men at work beautifying the Birthday of the Multnomah County Fair aaao keep your own birthday, with gun* Gilbert end M «ire, Gilbert Road The Portland Railway, Light The regular weekly donee at Fair- ,-chool grounds. Between Park ave­ elation at the annual meeting of the firing in your honor and processions grocers, report business still a littl view will be held Saturday night. nue and the building rose bushes and Power company has added more than Plans ar« rapidly taking form for director» l«>t week. inarching past you saluting and Good four-piece orchestra including other small shrubs will be planted. 210 new »tockholders to its lista dur- the big naturalisation ceremony to Other officers elected are’ T. J. cheering, and banquets at which Mr. Wheeler, contractor, finds tha’- A semi-circular roadway will lead ng the present campaign of selling banjo and saxophone. 7-2t be held Wednesday evening, Febru- Kreurtor, vice-pwsident; Theo, . Brug- you sit at the bead of the table thi be is soft after the several winter 1- E. Wiley has now on d'splay from the avenue to the school, touch­ its new issue of 7 per cent prior pref­ ary 22 (Washington'« birthday! at gvr, treasurer, and C. D. I M inton. guest of honor, and no end of Months of Id’- nets. Handling gravel his new stock of truck seeds. ing the avenue near either end of the erence stock to its «mploye«, custom­ the municipal auditorium at 8 p. m. secretary manager. «peechmakiag and compliments seems harder work just this week Mian Nellie Morris of Ontario vis­ grounds. On the south, west and ers, patrons and the general public Judge Charles E. Wolverton, of the The grandstand is being moved right to your very face, and goal *hun it will in a few more days. ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. L. east sides the natural tree life will under what is known as the “Home district federal court, will admintaler from the old location to the east aide wishes without stint showered upon Dan Schweitzer's house on Gilbert E. Wiley. !e undisturbed. On the north side Ownership” plan. the oath of citisenship to a elaae of uf the rare track and will be In- you! I wonder if Goorge Washing­ R< ud is approwhing completion. The new shareholders represent C. Fritz ha» purchased the interest the trees are being cut down. Among about 60 including representative« ' creased to double its former size, and ton looked at it that way?* For we Ler-zy 8<.lfrid >v vorked at th* Her- of Mr. Cooper in the Maple Garage at the workers on the grounds are Joe virtually every one of the nearly 40 of the following nations: Great various other improvement» on the have hi» own word» to a friend that i t • tiling pl mt thia week. Conway, A. Pottage, L. Wagner. Al­ communities in which the big public 101st and Foster Road. Britain, Canada, Scotland, Ireland, fair grounds at Gresham are contem­ “if I do not grossly deceive myself, August Weber has a nanny goat Pete Schuld, contractor at Bell sta­ bert Wagner and Wilson McKim. The utility operate* and consist of men Germany. Sweden, Norway, Russia, plated. distinction has no enticing charms or which gave birth to three kids re­ tion, was a Lents visitor Tuesday. Ijtdies* Aid is donating the shrub­ and women in almost every walk of Finland, Denmark, Gn-eco, I tel*', Ser­ Following department heads were fascinating allurements for me.” cently. life. f riends are welcoming Mat Greens- bery. bia, J ugo-Slovakia and Csecho-Hlova- named: Grange and farm exhibits, T. (You see George was up on his dic­ The newly organized Buckley ave­ lade who was released from small­ The gratifying success of th« new kia. J. Kreuder; grounds and police, tionary weed» all right.) Well, he nue chorus club sang February 10 al Governor Olcott and Mayor Baker Frank Helnuy; agriculture and horti­ had to go through it, just the same, Gilbert school for the Parent-Teach­ pox quarantine thia week. His face Books on Gardening at l^nta Library plan of financing its needs, accord­ will give short addresses of weloome culture, F. H. Crane; floral, Mrs. and I imagine he did like it a bit, ers association meeting. The club is and neck are still a bit marked but; A list of gardening books which ing to company officials, will enable within a few days the scars will have | can be obtained at Lents branch li- the big utility to carry out extensive to the new ciUwot. The principal , Frank Helnuy; livestock, Theo. Brug­ after ail, don’t you? composed of the Misses Thelma and entirely healed, Mat says he had brary follows: improvement and betterment plans address wilt be delivered by Dr. E ger; poultry, 1. Anderson; domestic After the Revolution, the new Maxine Becktell, Helen and Hazel quite a siege of Allen—Cabbages, cauliflower, etc.; for the coming season, including sub­ it and that he is H. Pence. There will be reserved science, Mrs. M. Murray; art, Mr». United States decided to keep hla Hobson and Velma Petty, and Iris mighty glad to be out. Bailey—Principles of vegetable gar- stantial headway on the gigantic seats fur tho foreign-born people, U. B. Smith; races, T. K. Howitt; birthday as a holiday instead of that Halal ip, leader. Have you tried Lents electric bak- dining; Beattie—Celery culture; Ben- 810,000,000 Oak Grove hydro-electric tick, t may be had at the American- school drpartmeat. Miss Ethel Cal- of old King George III of England, J. H. Heald, 5535 82nd street, has ery’s cream puffs, coffee cake, pies, nett Vegetable garden; Biggie — development which when completed, Izatioti elaasea of the public school« kina. who had once been lord and master, taken out a permit to make repairs doughnuts and butter rolls? Berry book; Biggie—Farm book; will add 80,000 more horsepower to or at the branch iibrante. Beata and whose subjects they refused to amounting to 81500 to a store on Sherman Hark son is reported as Findlay—Practical gardening; Fra­ the present facilities of the company. will bo held until 8 o'clock. BUILDING be any longer. But they weren’t lot 22, block 1, De Wayne addition. much better but he hadn't shown up zer—The potato; Green—Vegetable “This new plan of home financing,” The Ladies Columbia Symphony 106462—!.. E. Cottrell, repair red- going to lose a celebration, »0 they The Red i made Building company at the Multnomah State Bank Thurs­ gardening. Greiner—New onior. cul­ declared President Franklin T. Grif­ Orchestra of 30 pieces, directed by dence, 4805 86th street; builder, put Washington's birthday in the has taken a permit to furnish Mrs. day. However, he believes he will be ture; Grubb and Guilford—The po­ fith, “has proved exceedingly popu­ Mm. Frances Knight, will give num­ same; 8100. place of the monarch’s with far bet­ Anna M. Law, 5112 72nd street with entirely well this week and plans to tato; Hall — The garden yard; lar with many public utility corpora­ ber« and there will be a program of 106458 E A. Banniater, repair real- tor reason. And didn’t they make it an 81800, one-story residence on the tions throughout the country that organ music by Lucien E. Becker. dence, 9431 45th avenue; builder, fine for him! They drank his health east half of lota 8 and 7, block 1, El­ be back on the job with all the old- Kruhm—Home vegetable gardening; Morse—New rhubarb culture; Robin­ have needed large additional sums of time pep Monday. There will be community singing led Hayes 4 Van Orman; 840. and made eloquent speeches in his mira addition. Ask N. V. Looney of the Lents son—Mushroom culture; Severy — capita] funds to keep pace with the by George Hatohkiaa Street Tho 106455—43. D. Montgomery, repair honor and sang his praises to him, till Mr. Beck, 8042 59th avenue, has Junction Grocery company, or Cogs- < Peas and pea culture; Severy — growing demands of their facilities. auditorium will be decorated In pa­ residence, «237 72nd street; build­ hardly anybody but the General had a small amount of electrical work “It is a well-known fact that the well, the other side ef the firm, andj^an culture; Selden—Everyman’s triotic colors. Uniformed memlxtrs er, same; 825. could have stood it—however, he era« done on his place. greatest need of the public utility see if you can get a pessimistic re- garden every week; Tracy — Tomato of the American Legion will act as 106456 -Same, erect fence, «237, 72d ■ rather serious gentleman, who Amentrout-Wicks motor company mark about Mt. Scott. The Herald’ culture; Tracy—American verities of industry at the present time is new ushers street; builder, same; 825 never allowed himself to get too ex­ reports the following Ford «ales: De­ reporter wasn’t able to do it. There lettuce; Wickson—California vegeta- capital for the construction of addi­ 106654 — A. W. trick, repair residence, cited, «nd he waa probably the least livery to Sellwood Wet Wash laun­ tional generating equipment, trans - was just optimism cornin’ through. Ibles. 5529 59th avenue. enthusiastic of the company. MENTONE NEWS dry; touring car, disc wheels, to J. F. J. Moser, successor to George The seed catalogs of local and mission lines, sub-stations, transpor­ 106557— B H. Tyler, repair residence, This was even before he waa made P. Britton, 2834 49th street; truck to Bums in the garage at Foster Road, western firms are also on hand, tation equipment, trackage, overhead 8116 35th avenue. Mentone has been brightened up President. After that even. Congress A. W. Markee, RL 3, Box 82, Lenta; and Lennox avenue, is one of the few 1 construction, etc., so that plant fn- lately with new electric lights on 59th 106664—Jno. F. Murphy, erect shack, msdo a point of adjourning half an delivery to Byron De Young, 82nd cilities may be equal to the demands DEATHS men in business who disbelieve in the! 7421 45th avenue avenue and 103rd street Houses made upon them. hour on every February 22, to offer and Damascus; touring car to T. C. use of superlatives. He even re­ 106602- Mrs. E A. Yunker, erect him their congratulations. This was Lockwood, 4961 73rd street; tractor and stone have connected “Thia company needs millions of fuses to use ‘‘expert’’ in reference to EBERTSON—At 4828 71st street, chicken house, 4834 E. 49th street. one of the features of the day until and all tools and implements to Her­ Mr. Hunt is getting his 6-room, 83,- February 9, Huld* Christiana Eb- dollars for that purpose each year. himself though probably his years of 106407 Mrs. S. C. Robbins, erect 1796, when some of the members “got man Fitzpatrick, 106th and Gilbert 000 house in shape. The roof is shin- erson, aged 41 yean. Funeral Our number of light and power cus­ experience in the automobile game woodsh«d, «030 Woodstock avenue; mad” with him for a short time and Road, 7-acre place-demonstration be­ gied and the inside ready for plaa- services were conducted Feb. 13 tomers has increased 51 per cent in would entitle him to use it, perhaps tert ng. builder, A. J. Robbins; 8*25. at the mortuary chapel of A. D. the last eight years and our produc­ refused him their public good wishes, ing made Sunday, February 5. much more so than many others who The new store is doing a fine buai- 106408--A. J. Robbins, erect wood­ Here are a few of the remarks he I-adiffl of Shiloh circle, G. A. R., are not averse to the title as applied Kenworthy & Co. Interment Mt tion of electric energy has increased lies*. shed, «0.30 Woodstock avenue, had to ait and listen to—a trying were entertained at a tea by Mrs. J. Scott Park cemetery. over 61 per cent in the same period. to themselves. Mr. Moser came to builder, seme; 825. R. P. Armstrong ta going to erect thing for a man of modest, retiring H. Heald, on 82nd street, recently. These growing demands must be met, Lents about November 15 from Lo­ a dance hall and theatre on b»th 106420—-Mrs. S. C. RobbiM, repair disposition: “Shall our hero's birth- Jake Williams, 83rd and 58th ave­ gan, near Oregon City, Oregon. GRIFFIN—In this city, February 8, and we believe it to be to the advan­ avenue, residence, «030 Woodstock avenue; dsy pass unnoticed? No I Let man­ nue, was a recent host to the Grays Plans and specification« It’a E. Gale and M. Gale at the Gale. Beryl Griffin, aged 34 years, be­ tage of all concerned that this addi­ builder, A. J. Robbins; 8100. have been fumiahed by B. B. Grif­ loved wife of William Griffin, tional capital be secured from Ore­ ifestations of Joy express the sense Crossing “500” club. and Gale grocery, Foster Road and fith. architect. The building will be mother of Mrs. Nad Sherman Grif­ gon investors/ as it will be invested "Skipper” and Mrs. Currey and 1 Lennox avenue. Or, as Mrs. Gale we have o< toe biemungs that arose Mr*. FaitCs ’Cl».» Tea ready for occupancy April 1. fin, daughter of Mrs. Alice McGee in a local industry in which all the [ upon America on the day that gave Bud were recent over-Sunday visitors! I puts its, “It’s half and better half.” Mrs. F. J. Faith's Americanization George Washington birth!” John A. Lamburg. old-time hard­ of Portland, sister of Roy W. Mc­ public is interested either directly or “That in Corvallis where they went in the Asked which was first she said her ware man, is going to start with a rlass of mothers enjoyed a tea at Ar- great, that gloriously disinterested hopes that the veteran Presbyterian Gee and Mrs. Olive Hopkins of indirectly. With that thought in husband's initial was **E.” The Gales full line of hardware about March leta branch library Wednesday aft­ man—long may he live, and late to minister. Dr. Bell, who christened have received two, 540 capacity chick­ Great Falls, Mont. Deceased was mind we are now offering our em­ 15th. ernoon. Eleven mothers were pres­ heaven remove!" “May the evening “Skipper," would christen Bud. But a member of Rebekah lodge o! ployes, customers, patrons and the en incubators and plan to have three Trade at home. ent, repreanting four countries, Sytia, of his life be attended with felicity Dr. Bell was not well enough to do Great Falls, Mont. Funeral serv­ general public an opportunity to util­ or four hatchings of White Leghorns. Mentone has no city assessments. Russia, Denmark and Finland. Thurs­ equal to the utility and glory of its so and Mr. and Mrs. Currey await Outside of a thousand or so chicks, ices were conducted from the A. ize the company as a means of prof­ Louis Pennoyrr and Miss Beck are day night in Arleta school the class meridian!” He was even turned into word from him as to when they may- the Gale family will consist of a goat, D. Kenworthy chapel, February 11, itable investment and also as a me­ contemplating,- well, you know. The glistened to a lecture by W. A. Gil­ rhyme—« funny old song sung at one go to Corvallis to have the ceremony at 2 o’clock. Interment Mount dium for saving by our partial-pay­ cat and dog. house will bo complete soon There lard. A short musical program waa of these banquets had these words: performed. Scott Park cemetery. * ment plan. The Herald is “for” E. M. Calkins. are electric fixtures. There soon will 'given at the lecture. “All the proceeds from the sale of Anthony Schultz, 8053 59th ave­ Mrs. Calkins wanted to stop the| be a house-wanning and "500” party, nue, has been ill this week. Americans, rejoice; paper, to economize, but E. M. said EBERTSON—Huldah C. Ebertson, our 7 per cent prior preference stock celebrating in old-time style-three Cha*. E. Kennedy Left No Children While songs employ the voice, Frank M. Rankin, 5704 Powell Val­ he’d talk for us and,—Mrs. Calkins 4828 71st, February 9, 41 years, tu­ will be put to work right here in In error the Herald waa informed days and three nights. Old country let trumpets sound. needed improvements and extensions ley Road and Mrs. Addie Tillman, hasn’t stopped yet. berculosis of intestines. style; everybody welcome. last week that a daughter survived The thirteen stripes display as well as in the big new development 6221 90th street are on the February, Eddie Gale and Joseph Gale, sons Chas. E. Kennedy, real estate dealer In flags and streamers gay, circuit court, jury list. on the Upper Clackamas river where BORN of E. Gale, grocery man at Foster Ils'r I’urchaoed the Maples Garage of lAnts. The fact is no children Tis Washington’s birthday I we hope to be able to furnish steady G A. Robson will build a one and Road and Lennox avenue, are print­ I-ct joy abound. A I'rnnco-Prussian reunion has survive him. V. Kennedy, father, sur­ a half story, 82715 house at 4419 39th ers. The former has been on the SWARTZ — To Mr. and Mrs. A. L. employment to a large force of men been achieved through the partner­ vives, as well as Mr. Kennedy’s wife avenue for Miss Martha Levy, of 665 Democrat, Lewistown, Mont., for 17 Swartz, 2704 74th, February 1, a for an indefinite period. This large ship of the new owners of The Ma­ I and brothers and sister. Fill the glass to the brink, undertaking should help materially to Everett street. son. years, though he is now but 32 years ples Garage, 10004 Foster Rond at| The funeral service of the late C. Washington’s health well drink, Charles Zerzan is maving J. E. of age. His linotype work has re­ CHARF-—To Mr. and Mrs. L. C. reduce the acuteness of the present Darrin avenue. The men who bought E. Kennedy waa carrier! out by the ’Tis his birthday! Herbes put in a tiled floor bathroom ceived commendation through the Charf, 6050 70th, January 19, a unemployment situation in case our out L. L. Campbell last Saturday are 'Oddfellows and friends. “Home Ownership” pan continues Glorious deeds he's done. and tiled sink in his new home on medium of the Typographical Jour­ daughter. E. J. Daoust (which in French is By him our cause is won— 52nd near Powell Valey Road. nal. Joseph Gale, 23 years, passed LANDES—To Mr. and Mrs. A. J. with the same degree of success with Lenta P. T. A. To Meet “D’Aoust”) and Carl Fritz. Mr. Da­ Long live great Washington! I’. C. Kendall is taking care of C. ■ through Portland this week en route I-andes, 3204 64th, Februar 5, a which it has progressed so far. The Lents Parent-Teacher Associa­ oust is from Boise, Ida., and as soon Huzza, huzza! Cruickshank’s billiard parlor. at from lAwistown to a city near San daughter. as the weather moderate* sufficiently tion will resume its meetings after a Grays Crossing. Mr. Cruickshank is Francisco. MARKS—To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Joins Herald Staff for the family to drive cross-country «-month* vacation caused by small Imagine how they must have working down town. Marks. 7235 55th, February 1, a Among the Mt. Scott people who George Neher has joined the Her­ they will move to Lenta. Mr. Fritz pox, in the Mt Scott district where the shouted it out! Perhaps he was car­ C. D. Taylor has opened a restau refuse to be downcast because busi­ daughter. ald staff taking the place left va­ school was closed to all public gath ­ la living at 641 E. Madison street ried away for once by the cheers and rant at 8123 Woodstock avenue. ness is a little slow, is Mr. Farns­ SCHWEITZER—To Mr. and Mrs. P. cant by the departure of W. J. Both men are on the look-out for erings. The regular monthly meeting applause and sang out “Huzza, M. W. Mahony reports that oi worth, proprietor of the Gilbert Road Schweitzer, 9604 58th avenue, Feb­ Clark. Mr. Neher comes to the Her­ will be held Friday. Feb. 24, at 2:45 huzza!” with all the rest I.ents homes. men who have a contract to bore for ’ district grocery store. ruary 1, a son. ald from The Oregonian where he in the six)ve assembly room. Shortly after one of these birth- oil on his ranch, Akaarben, near St. BLIED—To Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Blied, was assistant machinist, Mr. Neher The subject for discussion will be LENTS BAPTIST CHURCH days there was another celebration Louis, Oregon, have their machinery Lents Grange Met 2624 50th, February 5, a daughter. is a printer as well as a machinery “Thrift.” Richard and Dorothy Hess in his honor, In 1789 he was called on the land. Mr. Mahony left to­ The first regular meeting of the specialist. He lives in Montavilla will give a piano duet. A woman will to New York from his home at beau­ day for Aksarben. February 19 MARRIAGE LICENSES I^nts grange under the direction of with his mother and is an ex-service be present to care for small children W. J. Durham is working in Cor­ its new officiary was held last Sat­ Sunday school at 9:45. Good music tiful Mt. Vernon, to be inaugurated man, unmarried. Mr. Clark goes to so that mothers may hear the prog­ as first President of the United vallis. and clasnes for all ages. urday. Lunch was served at noon in SUBLETTE-CLIFFORD — John W. Forest Grove, Oregon, where he will ram. Refreshments will be served. At three, you see, at Mellors' bak­ the Lenta Grange hall. The public States. As he passed through the Washington and Lincoln days will Sublette, legal, 5230 E. 67th street, engage in the printing business. states of Maryland, Delaware and ery—freshly baked, electrically baked program at 1:30 o’clock was in be observed with fitting ceremonies. and Thelma Clifford, legal, 689 Te­ Boys Form Athletic Club New Jersey to his destination, gen­ bread. Hen Butler and Reuben Wilson posts, nino avenue. charge of Mrs. S. E. Windle, recently PLUMBING PERMITS The Firland Athletic club waa or­ tlemen of these states joined his First prize for the best costume at elected lecturer of the grange. C. A. R., will be present and have a HIXSON-.McMURREN—August Hix- ganized Monday afternoon when boys the Rebekah Social club Hard Times train, so that he had the retinue of a part in the exercises. The boys and son, legal, 1431 Michigan avenue, 26985—M. Hall, Wm. Kelly, 5405 89th girls chorus will sing and have a part of the Mount Scott diatrict met at king when he reached Trenton, New dance in Lents Grange Hall Tuesday Mount Scott Club Met Tuesday Night and Mary McMurren, legal. 5106 street, 8200. the home of Lawrence H. Warren, Jersey. There he was compelled to night was won by Ben F. Miller and In the service«. 42nd avenue. The regular meeting of the Motint 26898—W. A. McGrew is digging a 7232 Foster Road. They decided to stop under a mighty triumphal arch Miss Janie Northup. Junior rally at three. Senior rally Scott Improvement club was held cesspool for Lily M. Green at 4520 have weekly meetings, organize a erected at the entrance of the town, Mrs. Tom Cox won first ladies’ Tuesday night at 8 o’clock in the Ar- at 6:80. LENTS BUSINESS MEN MEET 74th street, 865. baseball team and work for the or ­ Evening service will begin with and face a great crowd of people, prize at the I. 0. O. F. Social club lets branch library. Robert G. 26908—Chas. Carlston, 5329 96th ganization of other amateur athletics. headed by three long rows of ma­ ”500” party Wednesday night. Iva Dieck spoke on “The Work of the tho ordinance of baptism; song sei«- At the second meeting of the Lent» atrret, 825. Ice until eight. Preaching theme, The second meeting was held at the trons. young girl« and little ones, all Markle won second ladies' prise. Mr. Tax Conservation Commission.” police and fire protection asociation 26909—Mrs. Wurtz, 4835 91st street, home of Henry Ferris, 7221 45th in white with wreaths on their head«, Nelson won first men's and Clyde “How Long Go Ye Limping Between Wednesday evening a furtNfcr meet­ 855. avenue Thursday night. * The club and carrying big baskets of flower« Cbx, second men’s prise. the Two Sides?” INCORPORATIONS ing was called for Friday evening, 26906—J. H. Rickman, 6208 93rd starts with Henry Ferris as presi ­ which they emptied beneath the feet Many are looking forward to the Mm. Arnspiger's musical will be February 24, in Lents I. O. O. F. street. 8100. held February 17. Prof. Frickto, dent; I Amar Ferris, secretary-treas­ of hi« horse. (Poor fellow, I know Odd Fellows’ Hard Times dance the Hawthorne Hardware Co., Inc.—In­ banquet room. A lunch is planned urer; ¡Awrenee Warren, manager; he wished they had been oats in­ night of February 22, in the Grange corporators: K. L. Mendenhall, J. A. for this meeting. lately of the Edison orchestra, will I ” Stanley Hutchinson, captain of the stead!) Here Washington got more hall. giv« several violin selections. ELECTRICAL Thum, Bessie C. Mendenhall, Port ­ praises and more songs and cheers The young ladies’ class of the Bap­ baseball team. “Good morning." Mellors’ electri­ land. Capital $10,000. Will engage Stark Adds to Boys at Big Brother tist church will give a supper Satur­ —can’t you hear him saying when cally baked rolls make wonderful in l-.strdware and general merchan­ 72986—C. I,. Dearlove, 10111 60th Farm Card of Thanks day evening, February 25, which wfh he got home again. "Mrs. Washing toast. avenue, 8-!>ö. dise business. Some time ago Chester A. Lyon, I wish to thank the Ix>nts Odd Fel­ ton, the post of honor is the private be preceded by an entertainment. 72978—C. L. Dearlove, Mrs. Alice C. L. Dearlove is doing some elec­ founder of the “ Big Brother Farm ” lows lodge, also our many friends, station!"—Franciscan Herald. Watch for this. Locke, 9519 55th avenue, 820. trical work for Charles Christensen Hard Times Dance for boys at Lebanon, announced that Evangelist Bentley is at Lebanon for their kindnesses and floral offer­ 72965—Stanley Luts, Dr. Meade, 2604 nt 6428 93rd street. Given by Mt. Scott Lodge 188 I. O 106 boys would be eared for during holding n meeting. It is hoped that ings during the illness and after the E. 70th street, $35. After all, there is a bond of sym- Cooper Electric company is adding O. F., Wednesday evening, February 1922. Lyon was compelled to change he will have the same success there death of my husband, Charles E. Ken­ pathy between doctors and editors. some electrical appliances to the resi­ 22, at Grange Hall. Admission, 50c th« number recently to 101, owing nedy. 7-lt ns he had here. The one doesn’t care to take his own dence of B. D. Dunford. 4911 E. 72d. for gentleman. 25c for ladies. adv. to the fact that the stork took a big Ever since Ben Franklin pulled (Signed) Mrs. C. E. Kennedy. medicine, whil« the other seldom lightning out of the clouds electric­ boy to the Lyon home instead of a 1 lr ' ■ r ' ’ some I* E. Redmond is doing Not how cheap, but how good, lews his own advice. Mellors bakes bread in a clean, san­ girl. The young man weighed nine ity has been man’s servant. In Tents plumbing for Matt Suerko, 4533 Manx A Mirwald will clean, pres«, should be your thought when buying itary, electric oven. Have you seen pounds and has been named Howard it is used by J. S. Melton to scien­ 61»t street. or repair your clothes, reasonably bread, Mellors* bread is not cheap, tifically bake bread and pastries. Russell Lyon. G. Schalk’s automobile was stolen this oven? Patronise our advertisers. and quickly. it is good. »..HI WILL WKLCtiM. « LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEB. 17 1922 HOW WASHINGTON REIT ôW CITIZENS II. A. LEWIS HE IDS HIM OWN BIRTHDAY GRESHAM FAIR BOARD