mt. Seo» ßtrald REMEMBER Proprietor We handle New and Used Fords and Chevrolets Subiwription Price SO a year WHY TKYDK AT HOME saving to tlie taxpayers of millions up«>u millions of dollars ----- * General Dawes is still alive and in vigorous health. lie should be tumetl loose again this time upon that expensive white elephant known as the shipping board. It needs pruning, it needs carving, out it needs to be dissected and put . of business entirely. It is too expen­ sive a luxury for even the richest tion on ««arth The cussing general polished off the Washington bureaucrats to a An­ Uh, a task which has never been te- conipliahed heretofore. If any man can create soinething out of nothing, we believe General Dawes can do it. And the shipping board. front the standpoint of an asset, conies about as near to being nothing as anything We know of. Trot Dawes out again. Give him a knife and turn him loose. The greater the rampage the bet­ ter it will be for the overburdened taxpayers. citi sen arises and demand» that th» motorist b< soaked again. The car owner has been well plucked as it I». He should not be pared to the bone. FISK ANOTHER GOUGE. Warning haa been eotindwi in the United States senate that the coal barons are pulling ths wires prvpars. torv to another holdup In the price of coal the coming winter. It is not surprising. On the contrary, it is quits to be expected. Officialdom haa boasted loudly and long of dirs punishments to be in­ flicted upon gougers. In fast, there has been so much of blowing and bunk thtre has been no room left for action. Goal barons know this. They hare profited from it in the past, and they expect to «io so in the future. The public has been milked so often and so successfully the barons can not conceive of the possibility of a kick that would upaet the bucket. A United States senator haa given the public a timely warning of the scheme. It is up to some one to thwart it We have an attorney general of the United States. We have district attorneys all over the United States. We have a law that deals with highway and wholesale robbery, whe­ ther it be st the point of a gun or bv the pulling of secret wires by unlaw­ ful combinations of plutocrats. We have jails that will hold e**en a plutocratic gouger -if some one does- n*t turn the key. Why should we be robbed again this winter ? , TIRES by dealers Many people ask that quection. but ; verv few trouble to seek the answer. Why should people patronise their | home merchant* ? Because it is a great saving of time, and time today represents . money. Because the home merchants can only remain in business through the GAS AND SI'ItS patronage of home people, »nd a town without merchants would be a The disarmament conference to be K>rry place in which to live. Because the home merchant sells' held in Washington in November may goods that do not have to be returned result in the limitation of armamenta because of defects or inferiority of and the reduction of standing armies. quality. It is the only way in which If it accomplishes no more than these two things it will Justify its exis­ a local man can hold his trade. Extra Ply— Heavy Tread Because the local merchant 1» not tence. But for the sake of humanity It in the habit of charging excessive | prices. You may at times be able to should do more. It should put an end ' get the same article elsewhere for a to submarine and gas warfare. The whole world knows the horrors j little less money, but the quality will i invariably be reduced in proportion of submarine warfare — how even to the price. The local merchant can I helplees wvmen and children have not afford to sell “cheap' stuff. His ! fallen victims to the hornets of the deep. Civilisation has been set back I customers would not tolerate it. In the Center of Lents—Phone 633-68 Recause the prosperity of a com­ a hundred rears by their use. The man who shoots another in the munity depends upon the amount of money in circulation in the communi- back is called a coward. The subma­ .. strikes ______ _______ lt in the Ity. and that is regulated mainly by, nne is no better. Good advice: Follow your own ad­ the marketing of surplus products dark and murders whole shiploads vice. who h»ve no means of striking back. Reduction on all styles and sites •a abroad and the keeping of as much as The use of gas is another ______ evidence ____ possible of the receipts at home. The man who knows all things is Because a community that spends of the degeneration of mankind. not poor. Ha is rich in conceit. In other day» savage Indians most of its money abroad for sup­ burned their prisoners at the stake. plies soon finds that it has but little That which is forili,Hen is often left for the purchase of additional! They did not bum women and child­ the first to be «ione. ren. supplies. It is so simple a child could under-| The use of gas in warfare com,» Nothing hold» it» own quite like stand it, and what a child can com-' dangerously near to being on a l>«r the bald spot on the dome of a man'» with burning at the stake. Its full head. prehend should not go unheeded by: Us First horrors are known only to those who adults. have suffered its agony. Think it over. Men are in a receptive mood when Since the close of the world war they want public office, and often in Thinking may accomplish much gasses have been produced that will good. It certainly will do no harm. a deceptive one after they get it. exterminate whole armies If «<■ ------ ---------- have another great war this will mean When a* fallow tells a lie he gener­ CI RE THE “HOP HEAD*’ the wholesale destruction of a great ally haa to tell another one to tone r There is a great deal of merit in ; proportion of the male population of down the effect of the first one. the suggestion of the citv health of­ the earth. It will also mean that en­ ficer that the city establish a muni­ tire ci’ies will be depopulated--non- . The easiest thing in this world to cipal narcotics dispensary for the dis­ combatants and innocent women and make i» a promise, and it often the tribution of habit-forming drugs to 1 children falling victims to its deadly hardest to fulfill. fumes. Such attacks will come from addicts. A pretty woman may know she is Distasteful as it may appear at first the air. The temptation to annihilate glance, in the final analysis it offers will be too great for an enemv to pretty, but often it is the earth. are afflicted. Poeple often make light of “star The Washington conference is an gazers,** hut if it were not for some Ask any responsible and conscien- tious physician. He will tell you that °PJÎ?rt“ne time for such action, of them we wouldn’t know much conditions are now worse than ever Civilization requires it and human- about uxtrunoniy. J before. Even Lents, situated as it is 1 / <>t*n’*’>ds it. Marshall Foch intends to visit the on the outskirts of the city, is not 50th St St. and Powell Valley Rd. AUTOMOBILE TAXATION United State» in November. That without its quota. For these unfor­ ought to be a fitting time, a» be- ( tunate men and women no relief is in When certain well meaning people tween seasons th» great American sight. They are condemned to years _____ ‘ __ thirst is not so all-consuming. the of suffering. Fast in the chains of a discuss means for augmenting 6538 Foster Road terrible habit which they alone and federal revenue they suggest adding Multi-millionaire» are becoming too Business Aut 638-30 ■ unaided cannot combat, all they can another tax on the automobile. Residence Main 3369 .........PHONES ... They go on the theory that If a much of a multiplicity in this coun­ io is to seek day after day for enough of the drug which destroyed their man has money enough to own a ear try. We will have to uae greater dis­ ■ powers of mental resistance to allev- he can afford to pay an additional tax cretion in thia rapid accumulation of for the pleasure of its use. apparently wealth, or there will be no poor men i iate the acute suffering. Unable to find the dope he craves, giving no thought to the fact that left to do the work. the drug habitue is a constant men- the car owner is already paying heav­ ! ace to society. There is nothing, ily for that privilege. Mr. Harding says we should look CANDIES MADE DAILY When the assessor comes around however base or ignoble, which he first to the interests of our own ! will not do to find relief. The offices he lists a man's automobile as a part country. That is good advice, and hi. of many physicians, as well as drug of his property, upon which taxes are first act should be to purge the busi­ stores, have been burglarized time paid. ness world of the thieves and rascals He pays an annual license fee to and again. Your doctor will tell you who are converting the word “busi­ that they come to him and even kiss the state and to the city in which he ness" into a term, of reproach. It is true, however, that in his shoes in their entreaties for help. lives. Under our new low prices With the average practitioner it some of the smaller towns no city li­ we can save you money A scientist arises to report the dis­ 5114 Ninety-second Street Lents has rested with his own conscience as cense is required. and pive you the best of ii He pays an excessive price for the covery that the earth is '160.000,000.- to what he should do in the worst service. 000,000,000 miles from the center of T cases. The general disposition seems gas and oil which he uses, and in the universe. Happily. however, that we reime brakes with All our tires are strict­ to be to give the addict who is des­ some states one cent a gallon of the fact will not effect the number of genuine ly guaranteed. perate and a menace to society just cost of gas goes into the tax fund, eggs your pet hen will lay in the run ,-nough opiate to tide him over, and This simply adds a cent to the price of a season entirely without any charge therefor ofsr*' There are___ many excellent automo- We long ago recognized the neces­ One Way from Portland to Lents NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT —, but the country is sity of quarantining those afflicted bile repair men, w„„ In the Circuit Court of the State of a __ lot __ of sharks who tUe Can Move You Out of the Muddy Street i with social and contagious diseases. overrun with _ Oregon for the County of Mult­ I The poor victim of drugs is left to know about as much of the mechan­ U22 Foster Road - - COAL - - Phone 612-69 nomah, Probate Department. his own devices. Every addict is a ism of a car as a doctor does about Successors to in the Matter of the Estate of X- souree of contamination, for it is an shoeing a horse The car ow*ner does­ Myers Garage and Machine Shop undisputed fact that for some reason n’t find these birds out until they put Carolina Johnson, deceased. N Notice is hereby given that the or another he takes a delight in pro his car on the “blink" and they have curing others to contract the habit. to have the work done over again. undersigneii executor of the last will Ur. Parrish’s suggestion is worthy The law afford« him no protection and testament of Carolina Johnson, | of serious consideration It seems to against these sharks, unless he takes deceased, has file«! his final account as offer a practical solution of a prob­ the matter into court in the way of such, in the above entitled court, and that Monday, Sept. 19, 1921, at the lem which even the federal govern­ a civil suit. If a pedestrian or a child suddenly hour of 9:30 o'clock a.m., and the ment has been unable to solve. steps in front of a moving car with­ court room of »aid court haa been out warning anil is injured thereby It fixed by the court as the time and TROT OCT DAWES AGAIN is always the driver who is at fault place for hearing objections to said and who pays the bill. Public senti­ account and the discharge of »aid •x- The United States Shipping Board ment never concedes that it is powl- ecutor. has come about as near to giving ble for him to be in the right. Date of first publication, Aug. 10, something for nothing as it is human The automobile is in greater use ly possible to do and yet escape— today than the horse and bup—-r and 1921. Date of last publication, Sept. 16, We retail fresh, Halt and smoked meats and that, too, on a mammoth scale. motor vehicles are rapidly displacing 1921. The board recently contracted to the wagon in commercial use. at very close prices. FRESH FISH. SVEN P JOHNSON, Executor. sell two hundred and five wooden We hear no crying demand for Gebhardt, Scudder & Hendrickson, ships for $430,000. These ships were 6 10 Spalding built during the war at a cost to the Elacing a special tax on wagons and Attorneys-at-Law, □ggies. or horses or mulex. Building, Portland, Oregon, Attorneys government of about $1,000,000,000. And yet periodically «orne excellent for Executor The shipping board might ax well have given them away. The junk In them is worth more than the price A Good Place to Trade received for them, although the ships Z are said to be in good condition. -Z Somebody made a mint of money i when these ships were built at gov­ ernment expense, and somebody else - will probably make another mint Office: Eaxt 3230 Paving Material« through their “sale.” Plant: 6322-60 Macadam Road a The benevolent taxpayer foots the Having • New Edison In your home makes The law of sanitation requires that prompt attention be bill. you “feS" the greet difference between the given to all defective plumbing. It prevents the spread Four hundred ami thirty thousand New Edison and other pbooogrsptes—and will of sickness and disease. " dollars for ships that cost a thousand I rlre you idens for phrases which may win 00» of Mr. Edisoa's t8 csab prises Folder of millions of dollars, more than two The law of self-interest requires that you employ a firm laformatloo free. thousand times as the price received for them. that works quickly, acurately and without excessive How long would a private business 1 charge. 291 Hawthorne Ave. enterprise survive if managed in such a loose manner? We install new plumbing and repair anything in that President Harding turned General \ which is defective. Dawes loose on the governmental de-1 partments in Washington. No doubt the dignified department heads and 9 bureau chief wriggled and fussed and Plant: Kelley Butte. 94 and Divilinn Sta.. PORTLAND, ORE fumed, but Dawes is an artistic euax- er himself and he knows how to wield PORTER W. YETT, Cuntraetor. " " 6926 92nd Street Auto 618-34 a pruning knife. The result was a Talk with Us, if You think of Buying. We can Save You Money and Give You Service Right at Home. Eagle Garage The best fabric tire made for heavy service or rough roads — RED-TOP 30x31 $22.00 A LINE OF COMMENT oto Enjoy Your Vacation A New I ajw Price on a Known and Honest Product for Fxpert Repairing and Over­ hauling, Brake Relining, Welding and brazing, Battery Senice. We carry a full line of See High Grade Auto Supplies at Correct Prices AJAX AND DIAMOND TIRES COLUMBIA BAI TER IES Fisk Tires For Sale by GRIBBLE BROS., BROS Lents Hardware Co Creston Garage P. LARSEN, Real Estate, Insurance B' ThI MAPLES GARAGE MOTOR REPAIRS Phone: 614-48 SQUARE DEAL CANDY STORE SATURDAY SPECIAL Fisk Tires &Tubes SALI ED PEANDTS, 10 c % í 1 MOVI 1X1(1 ’lVy ▼ L. L. CAMPBELL, Prop — 10004 Foster Road and Darrin Avenue ROSE CITY VAN I ---- , Have You? Are You? Do You? Have you tried our high-grade meats? Are you getting best results for your money? Do you want something better for your money? EGGIMAN’S MARKET NEW EDISON $10,000 in cash prizes r Defective Plumbing City Motor Trucking Co AUTO TRUCK HAULING CONTACTORS CRUSHED ROCK, SAND and GRAVEL MT. SCOTT DRUG ( O 92rul near Carline, liento / j •V