Films, Foto Supplies Finishing and Free Japanese Adventurer Thriven on Ouch Peril« an Might Wall Daunt K van the Bra vent. JuJIro Wada ban always played a lone hand. Up and down the northern frittgea of civilisation he ha* pioneered for 30 years. lie has be«« In the thick 1. Films Eaatman anti Defender. ut every gold rush from the Klondike 2. Foto Supplies Paper, develop­ Io llanaon Creek, lie In an expert er. hypo. Hr. iraptwr, hunter, cook, pros|>ector and 3. Finishing The equal of any dog team driver. Front Athabasca to and auperior to many. the mouth of the Mackenale, all old- 4. Free- Each day our dark room will «elect the bort negative tintera know the little yellow wilder* appearing during the day and ■teas adventurer. make a 10-lnrh enlargement Noon after the dlacovery of a gusher free of rharge. wail at Fori Norman laat fall, winter firing your foto work to closed the trails to the new oil bonanza on the Mackenale. But It did not »but out JuJIro Wada, tee and snow and hnwllng bl<«x«rda have no terrors for hint. Employed by Van­ couver cartalists to go to Fori Nor- tnan and etake claims for them, he «truck out tor Peace river with a team ot dogs In the deed of winter. For ita all right or your money bark l.ltai tidies he mushed alone through the fruaen, wolf haunted eolltudea, «tn bed hla rial tun and came back Bertha Louise K issuer acroea the n>nw to Peace river. Teacher of Piano Now be haa b.en employed by a SUMMER CLASSES BEGINNING New York syndicate to go to the top of the world on a hunt for gold. A tj-Minule Leesons fl Pupil of Lillian Jeffery« Petri rumor haa long been bruited slxiut the Auto 614 94 4710 f>2nd St. 8. E. arctic that llerachel Island oncrala rich gold deposit*. The little Jap will soon leave for the north prepared to spend at least a year on thia thunder- riven. desolate rock In the arctic seas. If he uncovers treasure, there will be no delay tn bringing out samplea. No Cor. 92nd and Woodstock Ave. matter If It In *0 degree* below. Jnjlro LENTS STATION Wada will harness up hla malamutea Phone «26 75 and break trail back toward civUlaa- tton.'a hla way. Curreys Pharmacy Grays Crossing a. j. oxoNNoa REAL ESTATE Phone 633-60 _____ A. <’. CON LEE. Prop. Lents, Ore. ■s WE COOK Good Meals N. W. Cor. 92d ami Foster Roud _______________ Service Given Day or Night Close Proximity to Cemeteries Enablea U* to Hold Funeral* at a Minimum Expense Flret-clsaa Phone «18-21 Lenta Sta. When Ton Want to Move and Express Auto Truck ' marma «.t-taoj Rauum*uut*tnat*tM»»w>»wwwn*ti ' " ' “No Sign too Large or too Smail” Trv Me Globe Sign Co. Phone Col. all 7lJ Burlington St. __________________________________ ' OAC OrrfM l Higher Initltation of TECHNOLOGY „ m —. .. DR. C. S. OGSBURY DENTISTRY NEW EDISON You will hear liachinaninoff exactly aa he plays. Then listen to him at he sounds on a talking-miu-hine. Die New Edison ia ao different from all talktng-machinae that Mr. Edison has offefrd tS cash prises, totaling SI 0,000, for phraaro that will best dis- tinguish the New Edison front talking-tnachinro. Ask for folder, giving full particular«. If von orbring, the coupon «nd we will loan you an inatrument Trial Coupon on three days free trial. Having a New Ediaon will give you idea« for phra«ex to submit in the contest Act quickly—contest closes September Sod. EXODONTIA Cor. 92nd and Foster Road L. A. BARKER, Prop. DR. A. G. ATWOOD DENTIST Rooms 4 and 5, Yott Bldg. Phon* 620-20 9207 Foster Road DR. A. C. LUNDBE1G CHIROPRACTOR Phone 620-20 Lawn Mower», Hose, Accessories fiOl.-i 92d ST. - LENTS STA. arroMMsr at law Main 8308 Suit* 1210-1217 Yeon Building Portland, Oregon Lent* Office: 9133 Foster Road. Auto 646-26, 7 to 9 p.m. KING AND QUEEN OF GREECE J. HUNT HENDRICKSON Attorney-at-L*w Spalding Building« » Portland, Ore. Main 421 MT. SCOTT Camp No. 11650, Modern Woodman of America.. Meets every second and fourth Wednesday of each month at Woodmere Hall, 7630 60th Ave. S. E. F. B. VOLTS, Clerk. P. G. Wilson K. C. Wilson WULbON’S AUTO SEKV1CE AU Work Guaranteed anti Done* a* Lowest Possible Prices Vour SaUsfaettoa-Our Advertlse-mcat Phone 614-45 5919 82nd SL S. E. LUAN8 RENTAL* LAUER REALTY CO. HEAL ESTATE CITI PROPERTY and FARMS Phone 624-34 aois TXnd Street F1RLAND STATION KERN PARK REALTY COMPANY t-.Vl FOSTER ROAD CITY PROPERTY A SPECIALTY I-arms and Acreage. Collections. Loans. Rentals. Notary Public Phone 210-43 Portland. Orc. Res. 4822 90th St. Auto 661-11 Stand Phone MareliaU ML Scott Transfer Co. J. 8. Miller, Prop. Piano and Furniture Moving Baggage and Express Dally Trips to Mt Scott and Lenta AgL for Rock Springs and King Coal Stand: First and Taylor Portland z Pure House Paint Gal., $3.60 Cottage and Bungalow- Pain 5 Gal. Can, $2.50 1 Gol. Can, $2.60 White 10c higher Plaster Wall Board, 5c a Foot PIDCOCK & HAZEL 145 1st St. Phone Main 6978 v._____________ -------------------------------------------------- ■h PRACTICAL HAIRCUTS VELVET SHAVES CHILDREN BARRERINO A SPECIALTY See CitKRTER A G boros ’ » REPAIRING C. A. NORWOOD 5907 Foster Rd, Portland _________ , In Business 30 Years CALL HARRY SEARLS Pioneer H ood Sawver Phone Tabor 3392 THE SAW with the RED TOP Job Printing For infmm81MH» wrrt« to the Rptittrer 9207 Foster Road HOWARD P. ARNEST Pkotugrapb b, intern al lonal. Fight School«: Seventy Department! Oregon Agricultural College LENTS J DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Manual Manipulation Magnetic Therapeutics 9207 Foster Rd., cor. 92nd. LENTS NEW AND USED FURNITURE K t HU TERM OPENS SEPT. 19. 1921 Reo. «18-18 DR. P. J. O’DONNELL z ijiear Rachmaninoffon the Portland, Oregon L«nta Station DR. NEWCOMB Economy Furniture Store Cement Contractor i n Yott Bldg. Phon* 625 23 Phone 640-73. Ä ,w/ Russian pianist. In reality, it is an invitation to talking- machine manufacturer* to record Rachmaninoff in the selections that he has recorded for the New Edison. We fear that they will not dare this deadly parallel,—but, since Rachmaninoff has recorded other selections for talking-ma­ chines, you can draw your own parallels. Simply come here and , , j,,, as --i .. ..... Yott Bldg. ' «• TT!? »»,«»»"■'»«• R FETTY’S TRANSFEI ------ Athena, Greece.—The wonderful work done by the Near East Relief organization in saving the live« of ten* of thousands of Christiana throughout Asia Minor and Trans­ caucasia haa received signal recogni­ tion bi praise bestowed by Queen Sophie of Greece In a cablegram dis­ patch by the Greek sovereign to Dr. James L. Barton, Chairman, and Charles V. Vickrey, Secretary, of the BICYCLES & SUPPLIES Phone 622-22 r Even thnt sedate, historic pile, the Museum of the Louvre, ha» not es­ caped the effects of the “prejiaratlou" which all Faris haa b*« n undergoing tor tlte reception esl»lM being a poet. la al*« a tee, for 1,000 franca as a contribu­ which the nut characteristically per­ bombastic meddler In political matters. tion to wbat she termed the ‘‘beauti­ sists. la declared to be practically Ita Because at this It was arranged by a ful work" of feeding, clothing and only |«olnt of variance with cow's party ut Jokers to bring him forward housing the more than 110,000 little aa a candidate for the polls. The elec­ milk. The new lacteal product orig­ children who have come under the inated In the laboratory of an Amer­ care of the Near East Relief during toral cutuinltlee was duly constituted the past year. ican university where the peanut ker­ and Gandolfl'a name was entered on Besides Queen Sophie, Admit *1 P. nels are converted Into four times the governiueut lists. Coundouriotia. of the Royal Hellenic The unlucky solicitor waa forced their volume of milk, varying from 4 Navy, who waa regent of Greece fol­ during the fortnight to do hla own can­ to H per cent In fat content and from lowing the death of the late King 2.4 to 3Jt per cent In protein. The vassing and to drive about from vll- Confidence in the doctor is the best Alexander, on October 25, last, has cogt of [iryductliui Is said to ix- con- part of the prescription. laxa tn vlUaur dullv.-rl»« .pewhe« also cabled to expreea the gratitude of the Greek people for the aid fur­ nished the Chrictlan populations of Turkey by the Near East Relief. More than *120,000.00 was raised among the Greeks of the United 9 States, tn two weeks, and sent to the Near East by the Near East Relief, to be used in helping the widows and orphans rendered destitute by the fi I continuation ot disturbed conditions in the former Ottoman Empire. The Get Mj Prices and Save Monej funds of the Near East Relief are gathered by private subscription not Satisfaction Guaranteed. only among Americans, but among OTTO HECKEL, Cor.55lh Aie.. S.E.&, II IthSt the Armenians and Greeks in the N United States, whose countrymen in Phone 611-Xi A Turkey and Transcaucasia have been I through Indescribable suffering. In an official report to Charles V. Vickrey, General Secretary of the Phone 629-59 Res. 629-71 Near East Relief, Miss Glee Hastings, of Spencer. Iowa, describee the piti­ E. R. BRADBURY able condition of tens of thousands « Rac»^n0iV I ’ Ll MBING. GASFITTING AND of homelees, starring, half-naked sw JOBBING refugees, driven from their homes In f/ Ci«« the war area, and huddled in stables <5337 Foster Road Portland. Ore. I and out-houses, or on the bare — ground, for lack of shelter. — "Most of the refugees are country people with almost nothing except the clothes on their backs, stupefied J. D. MCFARLANE and dazed by their misfortunes. Bread is given only to women and children at the rate of one-half loaf for a person, each day. The milk is reserved for the babies and sick. The refugees ait around, huddled up WaZ*« against the walls—women with dull, sad faces, little children that are blue Foundations, Etc. and pinched with the cold, and too / miserably lifeless to cry. 'One family / i Phone 62840 of five sleeps at night on a bare stone floor, under one thin, ragged half­ cotton blanket. In one room several 5231 Fortieth Ave, S. E. women are wasting away with tuber­ j N------------------------------------------ culosis; In another are some severe eye cases. Including two young blind I /----------------------------------------------------------- girls, who have no one in the world to care for them. The overflow from We are Headquarters for these buildings live in a wooden shed with the walls and floors gaping with holes where the wood has rotted away and in tents improvised from FISHING TACKLE rags and pieces of carpet.” AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES . A nation-wide appeal is being made to carry on this work, checks I Bicylcle Tires, each. ... $2.75 to be sent to Cleveland H. Dodge. Rubber Pedals, pair .... 1.60 Treasurer, 1 Madison Avenue, Now Homa, each..................... 1.00 York CRy. EAD Mr. Edison** letter to Rachmaninoff, the famous / ’** Mt. Hood Icc Cream Parlor 5802-4 92nd 8t_ Bey Scouts Aid Birds. The birds In the ueighlMtrhood of St Louis have had their bousing prob­ lems reduced to lowest terms by the act af the boy scouts of Ht. I>«ula. who, as a result of a contest, provided 2Jh<9 well-built bird houses, which have been placed In the public parka and other reserves. The winning troop turned out 661 bird hour-«-«. The scout executive writes that much In­ terest was roused locally, not only In the bouae building which it Is pro­ posed to make an annual good turn event, but also In the scouts them- NOTH E TO CREDITORS No. I99HI In the Circuit Court of the State of *)reg<-n for the County of Mult­ nomah, Probate Department. Notice is hereby given that the un- deraigned, Max Bcrgner, has b«en ap|x>intc«l by Honorable John Mc- C«»urt. Jmlgu of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, Probate Department, aa the administrator of the estate of Wiliam W. Riggs, deceased, and that hr haa di ! ■ U. S. ARMY HEAD ASKS ARMENIAN AID MATT GREENSLADE Wagon Repairing Horseshoeing A Gen. Blacksmithing Washington. — Major General AUTO REPAIRING Janies G. Harbord, recently ap­ *327 Foster Road Lents pointed General Pershing’s «ssistant Chief of Staff, has gone on record in support of the work of the Near East Relief In Armenia. He says, in a --------------------------------------------------------- SCHEUERMAN BROTHERS letter to the Near East Relief: “Of all the heart-breaking distress Contractors and Builders that exists in other countries, I be­ Phone «14-5« lieve that the Near East situation Twenty out Years Experience should most appeal to our charitable 17 yean In Portland people. There are many thousands Res. 6017 89th and 6101 89th S. E. ot helpless orphan*—children of i Christian parents In a Moslem land, who must be helped by our people Phone Automatic 621-71. if they are to survive. The Ar­ menians have preserved their race, P. CHAUSSEE j their religion and tbetr language un­ der conditions of distress for over a Team Work and Excavating / thousand year*. They are worthy House Moving and Wrecking ’ of a better fate than to perish, and 3929 70th St., S. E. Portland, Ore. I I believe that will be their fate with­ out substantial financial and moral ---------------------- -------- 1 support from the good people of our yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii country. “J. G. HARBORD, = “Major General. U. S Army.” General Harbord la one ot th* = trustees of the Near Hast Relief or­ LADIES’ and GENTS’ | ganisation. now making a general ap­ TAILORS peal for funds to continue its work 3 Style« and Fabrics Mway* the Latest ; among the destitute of Bibl* lands k—_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iiiiiiiiiii LENTS ICE CO. .'hen election day came? no voting pa­ pers having been dlsthbuled by the committee foe him. It was found that the only vote be received was hla own. Illa discomfiture may be Itnag lued, but It is aeld that a radical cure for his political toudenciae baa been found. A still more unfortunate candidate was a communist tn the eatne town named Lodoflni. After the commun­ ists had officially announced their In­ tention* to carry him, the man dlaap- |s*ared. It was found that the Fa* ctatl had wised him at night time end driven him to t'esalinagglore. where he waa forced under the severest threat* to remain during election time. Once Uetollnt returned to t’reuwna to see hla wife, but the seme night the Faaclstl again entered the bouse and forced him to drees and drove him again to seclusion and meditation over the rules for the Third Internationale. —New York Tribune. Matrimony is the logical state of man anti woman, but without money it soon becomes a hellofastate. tHRLICH&BtRNHARDF llllllle The 4 F ’ HOLDS WILDERNESS IN SCORN 9134 Foster Road = Next door to Poetoffice — LENTS 3 Phone «28-45 iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll