Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, August 27, 1921, Image 1

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    nuit» riity of Cri£»í i
Community Newspaper
Devoted to the Intereats of
The Mt. Scott District
ML ^rutt Itîeralô
News Happenings of Lents
£ | Would You Let Your Daughter Do This?
and Surrounding Country
Social Affairs Arc Source of Pleasure to Many;Personal
Items and Ixx-als of Interest to Herald
Readers Tersely Told
C. P. Edwards of 6705 91st »trevt.
has Ix-ea on the »ick Hat the i>aat few
Mr«. Richardson Is now open with
her fall and winter hats at «>04 88th
Peruse Thia Paper
Every Friday Morning
Subscription, $1.50 the Year.
Foraler «ells groceries.
More than 3000 Readers
Fussier sails ten and coffee.
The Mt. Scott Drug Co. have an at­
tractive window display of hair nets
in their south window.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N Benge of Wood­
lawn district spent Sunday with their
mother on 61st avenue.
Mrs. Wm. Albrecht la able to be * The I ants Garage is treating the
out again after a severe attack of interior of its business office to cop­
ious application« of nice white paint.
VOL. XIX, No. 34
Kern Park, Millard
j Arleta,
Ave., Tremont, Woodmere
Many Affairs of Interest to Community Related in En
tertaining Way by Correspondent
of the Herald
The Herald correspondent. Mrs. C.
P. Blanchard, of 67th street and Pow­
ell Valley road, is authorized to ac­
cept subscriptions as well as news
items for the Herald. Her phone ia
Auto. 641-05.
Arleta Branch Library
well-baby clinic is meeting
eat success at this library,
(less than a month since it
was begun) the number of babies and
mothers attending has surpassed the
expectations of doctors and nurses.
This community is indeed fortunate
in procuring the clinic, and the health
of the babies in this district will
doubtless be perfected.
Beginning September 1, this library
will have a new assistant. Miss Fran­
ces Ellis of Lents.
Miss Ellis has
■pent the past year in the central li­
brary and will be a valuable addition
to the Arleta staff.
Miss Abigail Rice, children’s libra­
rian, will return September 1 after a
month’s vacation spent in Tacoma,
Third United Brethren Church
Mrs. E. O. Shepherd, who has been
visiting at Hazel Green, returned on
This week she is enter­
taining her father and mother. Rev.
Blodgett and wife, the former of
whom is pastor of the Manor church.
On Sunday last, her brother, Roy
Blodgett and family, of Salem, mo­
tored down from the capital city for
a day's visit.
The Christian Endeavor will give a
social Friday
ay at 8 pjn.
All _ young
people are invited. Re cream will be
Regular service« Sunday.
Margaret Bishop, Gilbert Road near
rmit has been granted
J. E.
A permit
94th «trvet, Is visiting friends near Updike to build additional I rooms to
Eugene, Oregon.
his living apartments over the
Deal Candy store and the I Herald of-
Mrs Myra Smith. M27 Mad «treat, lice.
Arleta Congregational Church
was operated upon at the Good Sam
aritan hospital last Tuesday.
The ladies* Aid of the M. K.
Sunday there will be a musical ser­
church will have _
a picnic
I next Mon­
vice under the direction of J. O.
The Herald is Informed that Dr. day, the Slat, nt 1-aurelhurat park,
Leake, choir master.
The Sun­
Hess has purchased the property on Cume with well-filled baskets and
day school will have charge of the
92ml street, just south of the school. bring your friend«.
morning service, beginning at 10:30
a.m., and these exercises take the
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Courtney, of
Mia« Wilma Bailey and Mrs Mar­
place of the sermon.
Whittier. Calif., have returnee! home tha Mann, of Bend, Ore., are enjoying
from an extended visit with Mrs. My. a weeks’ visit with Mrs. A C. Chown
Local sad Personal
ra II. Smith.
of 9403 57th avenue. The visitors arc
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Well« have
Mr. Trust, the eon feet l<'^,-v man. cousins of their hostess.
been taking many motor trip« dur-
opposite the lente schoolhouse, is
ing the summer. Last Saturday they
Mrs. Robt. Depew returned the 24th
building an addition to his store on from Prineville. Oregon, where she
drove to Huckleberry Mountain, near
92nd street.
Bishop Washinger attended the Lost Lake, 28 miles from Hood River,
enjoy«! a two weeks’ trip in the Och<>-
in the national forest reserve, which
services Sunday morning.
Hattie Michael, who has been liv­ co reserve and Blue Mountains with
Bruce Elliott, a member of our Oregon dedicated to the government
ing at Amity, Oregon, has taken up her husband, Robt. Depew, who ia
church and well known in this vicin­ and which is being conserved by it.
her residence at 619 Bryant street, with the government reserve at
ity, with his mother and father, is They think it ia one of nature’s best
and wants the Herald sent to that Prineville.
handiworks. The mountain was lit­
spending his vacation in Canada.
The Portland Parent-Teachers as­
covered with huckleberries,
Brotherhood Saturday evening was a 3ome parties picking as much as 30
Among the marriage licenses is- sociation« are sponsoring a dance and
success. Over one hundred melons gallons. The rain prevented Mr. and
__ J «ènee the
~ "
___’__ ’__
last ' issue • was card party on the barge Swan. Salur-
were consumed by about 50 people Mrs. Wells from getting many. The
that of Robert M. Strange, 24. 6018 ilay evening. The boat leaves the
“Send a policeman to 95th and Fos­
David Sauders, a boy of about 14 and no one was sick, either.
mountain is reported to be full of
87th street, and Francis I. Kearney,
Thirty men in a Little Items of Interest to Herald years, was struck by an empty wood
sharp Tickets are 50 cents and may ter Road, quick.
The “Count-On-Me” girls of Mrs. bears, deer, wild cats and cougar, one
19. same atidress.
Readers Culled From All Over truck on 82nd street Tuesday morn­ Blanchard’s class will give a basket of the latter having been shot last
lie obtained from B. F. Miller. 5926 gang arc going to tar and feather
somebody,' shouted I voice over
ing and so badly injured that it may­ social Friday evening on the church week. Mrs. Wells was delighted with
the Rose City.
C. E. Kennedy, Woodstock avenue 92nd street. All are invited.
eight miles of telephone into the ear
be necessary to amputate one arm at lawn. There will be a good program. the trip, saying that of all the trips
real estate dealer, who has been in
Billy Sunday will speak at the Aud­ of Desk Sergeant Reno Monday eve­
the hospital for some time past, hav
Eric V. Hauser, chairman of the the wrist, it was reported Wednesday Special music will be given by Mr. they had taken this summer, the one
exp<«ition committee on site for the morning.
ing undergone serious operations, is itorium next Sunday at 11:00 am., ning
Robertson, Estey and Jessup, with_the to the mountain was the most won-
"Have they got nighties on?" Reno 1925 fair, submitted a report from a
Young Sauders, who lives with his dulcimer, bones and banjo.
home again and on the road to ulti­ doors open at 10:00. No doubt of a
The lerful and anyone who believes in
large attendance. The writer intends asked.
group of engineers of the Oregon widowed mother near Kendall sta­ Shaws will sing, They are the Ha- “getting back to nature” could not
mate recovery.
to hear him. merely out of curiosity.
“No, but they're laying for some- technical council, this week, which tion, was riding on a loaded wood .vaiians living in this district who help but enjoy it. They were accom­
___ »»
Mm Jasper I-ent was reported We don't believe that kind of wind­ one.
When a point have traveled as professionals. There panied by Mrs. Wells’ sister.
contains some interrsting rocommen- truck driving north.
Because Patrolman “Bill” Drapeau dations. It is said that there should in front of the Panama Grocery was will be readings and singing by the
much improved the early part of the jamming religion »ticks.
Mrs. Wells’ brother has just re­
w alked a beat in I-ents for a total of be an automobile
week, which will be g«’d news to her
accosnmodation reached, the boy decided to jump off. class and Stunts by on by Messrs. turned from Triangle Lake, seventeen
four years and eight montiu and was ground to accommodate not less than Another wood truck southbound hit Guthrie and Sequiat.
many friends In this bailiwick. Since
The proceeds miles from Junction Qtv. He reports
Grandma I .ent has taken charge of railing at Kendall station some time well acquainted with members of the 10,000 machines at a time and that him, as he leaped directly in front of are to go to the piano fund, Come, poor roads and hot weather down
Lente Social Uplift and Anti-Cigar­
it, the wheels passing over his arm everybody, have a good time and help that way, but says the trip is worth
the t>ab> the little one is doing nicely.
Herald went to press Thursday was ette club—alias the Lents gang — he their should be approximately 160 at the wrist.
us out.
Six girls won round trip tickets to
was sent to identify some of the men A questionnaire covering proposed
Mr. Smith, the proprietor of the
"Die boys of Johnson Creek park, of
Seaside in the hnthing girls' contest
to make their arreet possible if any sites will be sent out after September grocery store, saw the accident and oned by Mr and Mrs. Larsen and Mr. which Mr. Amburn Jr. is supervisor,
at Columbia beach last Sunday.
trouble took place. If he was not ac­ 1 to ail those who are advocating lo­ rushed out to where young Sauders and Mrs. Wilden, spent the week-end attended the week-end attractions at
was held to encourage the wearing of tails.
quainted with any of them it would cations. November 1 is the date was lying. He was bundled into Mr. at Dodge park.
The indoor ball
The girls report a Columbia Beach.
attractive costumes at the resort.
The funeral of Jesse Issrd. the ex- be tuken for granted that ‘.hex be­ fixed by the committee on sites as Smith's car and taken to Lents, where good time but the beds on the ground team caught the greased pig, which
Maa Rose Henry of 9619 58th avenue
long! d to the nightshirt brigade.
They took it
the date upon which answers to the medical attention was given the in­ had no springs and the roof leaked, weighed 110 pounds.
was one of the luckv ones and will en­ convict who was shot and fatally in-
In exactly ten m'nutes MoU-rcycle questionnaires will close.
jured lad loiter he was removed to so they got very little sleep.
over to Ross Island, made it a pen,
joy hi' trip to tiw beach at the ex-
couple of officers who were lying in Patrolman Forkcn landed Drapean give the various advocates of loca­ the Good Samaritan hospital.
A pleasant evening was spent last and put it there for safekeeping, in
pensa <-f the pro:i:oterx.
The Herald was informed that the Tht-’sday at the home of Rev. C. P. the meantime engaging a professional
wait for the automobile bandits who in Lenta, where he dug the bugs out tions two months in which to answer
I. F. Coffman was interviewing had been operating around Oswego, of h.’s eyes preparatory to .li'.ing up the questions, which total 125 and extent of his injuries was not known Blanchard by the “Count-On-Me” cook to barbecue it. But alas, when
The injured girls. A business meeting was held, they went to look for it next morning
some of the “higher ups” at the court was held from the Kenworthy parlors th. gang. The members knew- him cover everj- possible phase of infor­ Wednesday morning.
and were glad to nee him come.
mation that will be needed by the ex­ arm was so badly swollen that it was games played and musical selections no pig could be found. They hunted
house anti city hall 1-sl Saturday, the last week.
“Hello, Bill," they chorused. With position directors in arriving at their impossible to determine if the bone given.
Refreshments were served the island over but not a trace was
results of which may prove of mater­
Born, August 20, a son to Mr. and little difficulty he learned that a Anal decision.
is broken, but an X-ray was to be and those present thoroughly enjoyed to be had. The conumdram the boys
ial benefit to the Mt. Scott district in
had called one of the .gang
used. It is said that amputation themselves.
are trying to solve is can a pig swim,
the way of much needed improve­ Mrs. Samuel Kadow of 6617 85th cake-eater
To the Multnomah county grand might be necessary. His only other
Kehas Guthrie, Mrs. Holmes and as they can see no other wav it could
ments of thoroughfare». A commit­ street. Dr. Nelson was in attendance a “cheap skate,” whose pals were
The boys
tee is to visit this section in the near Bofh mother and babe are report,-,! bent on wiping out the insult with as­ jury Tuesday was accorded the privi­ injuries were slight lacerations about Mrs. Blanchard were appointed as a have got off the island.
Mr. Radow is a sault and batten>- They promised to lege of listening to Mrs. lx>uise Agee, the face. No blame is attached to the committee from the church to meet were very much disappointed over
future to take up several problems of as doing nicely,
printing pressman for a long time behave and to leave their intended principal in one of the most sensa­ driver of the car which hit him.
on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. with Mr. the loss of their barbecue dinner.
vital interest to thia community.
employed in the p0vate plant of victim alone, so no arrests were tional murder trails Portland has ex­
The Evening Star grange meets the
Foster, supervisor of Mt. Scott play­
last week's Herald mentioned the Lang & Co.
perienced in recent years, a privilege MAN CAPTURED AFTER
ground and delegations from the var­ first Saturday in September.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Oliver Evans of New­
repairing of the roof of the Hashim
CHASE;GRABBED PURSE ious churches, to plan a program to
which was denied the jury which
The social club of Eureka Rebekah LENTS IVSTRICT FOLK ASK
building, occupied by the Lents Dry
her for the slaying of her husband.
be given on Labor day at the park at berg spent the week-end with Paul
PAVING JOB Also the grand jury heard the story
Mr. Evans,
Goods Co., Mt. Hood Ice Cream Par­
Marshall Mann, 20 years old, was Tremont. Plans are on foot to have Newmyer and family.
lor, “et al." Dr. O'Donnell, the den­ on Tuesday, Aug. 23. Members and
arrested by the police late last week one of the best programs ever given who is a photographer, returned on
tist, and in fact also Drs. Nelson and visitors to the number of seventeen
Application for the largest street
Monday, leaving his wife for a week’s
after a thrilling chase through down­
Sisters Belle Elwood improvement within the past four on the murder scene, who was not town streets after, it was alleged, he ii. that park, on that day, which is visit Mr- and Mrs. Ormand Taylor
Haas, are under the same roof men­ were present.
railed by either prosecution or de­
saying a good deal, as there have
years was filed with City Engineer fense at the trial, for reasons not had snatched the purse of Mrs. C. A. been some splendid programs given of V ancouver were other Sunday
tioned, and the former ia wondering
if “et al.” is a newly coined name ing lunch. Work for the club’s ba­ laurgaard last week by 50 per cent made public. Joseph H. Klecker, the Gunning, 7802 56th avenue, near the on various occasions heretofore.
guests at the Newmyer home.
of the residents of this district, ask­ janitor-music teacher on whose shoul­ corner of Sixth and Morrison streets. _ Roy Sequist, scoutmaster of Troop
for doctors, or the Herald inadvert­
J. A. Tucker and wife of Lents and
ently omitted the names of these pro­
After he was alleged to have grab­ No. 9, and also Christian Endeavor Mrs. Sarah Sanders of 5711 71st
George Hamilton has purchased the ing that streets running north and ders was flung a mantle of sinister
fessional men. Only a brain storm. Van Siangan place, adjoining Gilliert south from 82nd to 92nd street be suspicion by the defense of Mrs. bed the purse, Mann ran through the president, spent the week-end at street went to Salem for a two week's
vacatic.-t on Monday last.
school house, and will immediately paved from Foster Road to 65th ave­ Agee, has not yet been called before arcade of tht Lyric theater and then Hood River.
James S. ITogg, mother and sister
the investigating body. No announce­ turned south of Morrison street, and
Dr. Oldt, medical missionary iron.
thoroughly overhaul and repair the nue.
Mrs. Dr. Hess and children. Rich­ premises, with the intention of mak­
The improvement will aggregate ment was made of the result of Tues­ boarded a Sunnyside streetcar. Pol­ Lui Larem, China, who is home on a Elizabeth, of 5040 32nd avenue, near
ard and Dorothy, returned the latter ing it his permanent residence. Evi­ approximately three and a quarter day’s probe.
ice and pedestrians gave chase. One furlough, spoke Wednesday evening Clarke’s station, returned List week
part of last week from « seven weeks' dently Mr. Hamilton is here to stay. miles of paving, and will represent an
man boarded the front of the car as at First church to a representative from Twin Rock and Rockawav
vacation at Welch1«, and report a Ralph Stanz made the deal
expenditure around 6100,000, Laur-
One of the most complete traveling Mann got on the rear platform and audience from the four churches of Beach, where they have been spend­
splendid time, other than that Mrs.
gaard believe*.
ing a two weeks’ vacation. Mr. Hogg’s
arrangements to ever visit the auto the motorman was about to attack the city.
He«« contracted a severe hoarseness
If plans are approved by the city camp grounds on Mississippi avenue the pursuer with his controller han­
The Women’s Foreign Missionary
Mrs. Cora Gaines, who was quite ill mother and sister are from Salem,
through being precipitated into a society of Lenta M. E. church will engineer's office and the improve­ is that of Mr. and Mrs. John G. dle when a policeman appeared and the latter part of last week, is now the latter. Miss Elizabeth being a
creek hy the playfulness of her son give a personally conducted tour of ment takes its regular course, it can­ Schenter of Toledo, O., who are see­ rescued the man. at the same time much better.
teacher in the high school of that
Richard. Miss Albert, the efficient the world on Friday evening, Aug not be put under way until next Maj­ ing the country from a real house on taking Mann into custody.
city, re-engaged for the coming year.
young lady in charge of the doctor's 27. The steamship Henrietta leaves or June The work must await the wheels. It is a room 6x12 feet in
Miss Alma Burdick of Anabel is
At the police station Mann said he
Lanrelwood M. E.
office, has gone to the name resort the dock at the church promptly at completion of the big Foster Road die and with a ceiling 6 feet high. had recently come north from San
visiting her sister, Mrs. Fishback, of
Rev. Hild of the Iowa conference, Hillsboro. Mr. Fishback is the pas­
to be absent about two weeks.
8:00 p.m.
Tickets on sale nt the sewer, Which J. F. Shea, conti actor, It ia sided with narrow hardwood Francisco. He said he was without
There is only one real heavenly oc­ dock, 35 cents. Public cordially in­ expects to start soon and complete lumber and lined with beaver board. funds and hungry. He adopted the will speak in the morning. At 8 p.m. tor of the Christian church at that
cupation on this earth it’s running vited.
34-lt about February, 1922.
It has 14 windows, including the attempt at purse-snatching in an ef­ Rev. Finley will speak on “The Atone­ place.
n community newspaper,
Property owners have petitioned windshield, over which is a plate mir­ fort to get money to return home, he ment.”
W. P. Smith and wife of 4320 41st
Sunday evening there were six street returned Monday from their
Second only to the pessimistic for a center strip pavement, curha ror 16x26 inches in size, in which the said. "Hie purse and its contents,
A measly old mosaback who is do­ ideas of a number of the residents or and sidewalks.
road for miles back is visible. It has were said to have been valuable only voung persons present who motored vacation at Seaside. They were ac­
ing business on the penny-wise and thia locality is the credit system now­
Application for the improvement
to the owner, to whom they were re­ over from Sunnyside to visit the Ep­ companied by Mrs. Lura Welch of
pound-foolish system in this com­ in vogue that will eventually be the marks another step in the develop­ many closets, one in every available turned.
worth League. Miss Nellie Jones, Monmouth, Ill., who is visiting them.
munity informed a representative of ruination of a lot of business men if ment of the Lents district following space; a blue-flame oil stove perma­
president of the Sunnyside Epworth
J. H. Zehrung of 7105 40th avenue,
the Herald a few days ago that he they continue doing business in this the long fight by property owners
Judge Leonard and bound over to the league, led the service, and Miss his wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Magnen
was thinking seriously of putting an manner. The cash and carry system over the Foster Road sewer, which
Helen Johnson sang a solo. The topic of Omaha, Neb., Mrs. Zehrung’s sis­
grand jury in $1000 bonds.
advertisement in this newspaper is the only right and fair way to op­ was favorably acted on by the city which is a full-grown bed when the
was “Personality." and an interesting ter and husband, who are visiting
just to help theifi o#t.” We relieved erate these days of readjustment of council a few months ago. and for
discussion followed. It is to be hoped them, took one of their noted mptor
the “kind inclination” by refusing to business conditions. The credit sys­ which heavy timbers and lumber are forward. All sorts of cooking uten­
will come again.
trips Monday, crossing the Columbia
give space to the advertisement un­ tem is a curse to this community now stored at various places through­ sils are hidd n away in the closets;
The Baracca class will put on a river at Cascade I.ocks and going ov­
der the conditions named.
Neither that must be eradicated.
out the district waiting for the word wood and the ceiling the same. At
The question of supplying Bull Run pyramid stunt at the Labor Day pic­ er in Washington to Beacon Rock,
the Mt. Scott Herald nor its proprie-
to start.
from city mains to water dis­ nic. This class is composed of live- which they climbed to a distance of
or is an object of charity caters to
The Reuben Wilson post of the G.
interests overlap will be wires and are successful in whatever SOO feet. Mrs. Zehrung will read the
no clan, clique or cabal- believes that A. R., assisted by Shiloh circle, gave THE MT. SCOTT HERALD
Herald after Aug. 23, she being one
finish Tuesday at 2 p.m., they undertake.
every business man and institution Comrade Walrod a fine dinner at the
Miss Jane Lockwood of Oak Grove of our new subscribers.
SUSTAINED BY THE COURT right, where she rides in comfort when the city council will hear the
should stand upon its own merits, and headquarters in Masonic hall last
Ben Hur Court No. 9 will hold their
When the machine is at rest two jack­ case of the Section Line Water com­ is visiting with her cousins, the Lock­
endeavors to strictly follow the gold­ Saturday, it being his 82nd anniver­
woods. at their home this week.
regular meeting Friday evening at
en rule in all it« transactions—and sary of arrival on this terrestrial
Interest in the Sunday school and Archer Place. All members are re
Kramer was decided before his honor. have lived in it since last September district The date for the hearing
let the devil take the hindmost.
globe. A large cake was the feature Judge Keich, last Monday, in favor and have traveled 6162 miles through was set Wednesday when the formal church services is very good, not- quested to be present, as there is spe.
application of the Powell Valley Wat­ wth standi ng so many of our people cial business to be transacted.
We have never, knowingly, robbed of good things placed among the I of the plaintiff, This was an action the western states.
Little George Hamill had the mis­
er district was placed before the city are away on their vacations.
a fellow creature of one cent and mnny delicacies spread upon the fra- to collect a balance due on an adver-
Finley did not take the vacation voted fortune recently to break his collar­
Because the federal government council.
haven’t long enough to live to start tal board. Mr. Walrod presented the Using contract which the defendant
but it is now on the mend.
Present indications are that a ma­
such a game at this time of our life. O. A. R. with a nice gavel of his own refused to pay, telling us he was go- prohibits the sale of alcohol bv drug-
Thankful to relate, the Mt. Scott handiwork, made from native wood, jng to California and we could go to gista, the life of Mrs. Edward Ix>ng- jority of the council will be opposed
C. H. Blanchard and niece, Mrs.
Mt. Scott Playground
May Thompson, left Wednesday for
Herald, under the present regime, is and the entertainment concluded with for our pay, just because Mr. K. had botham, who drank carbolic acid- on to the petition, upon the ground that
not in a condition financially to be a business meeting at which eight gone out of business among other im­ Tuesday at her home in the Jackson city conveniences should not he fur­
The bovs’ 4 ft. 10 in. team will a few days’ visit at Maryhill. Wash.,
material reasons given, and was of apartment, hung in the balance for nished to parties outside the city lim­ meet at Mt. Scott park Friday, Aug. after which Mrs. Thompson will
obliged to kotow and bow to any
money-shark, professional politician ter which the large assembly ad­ the impression he was paying for a several hours, according to Dr. J. its, helping to build up suburbs, while 26, at 1:30 p.m., to go to the old For- leave for Ainsworth, where she v^jll
city proper ia still un­ estry building for the game. Carfare visit with her daughter until Oct. 1,
or other would-be domineering inter­
I dead horse. The costs paid by the Carle Rinehart. When he answered much of the
In addition, a competing 16 cents.
ests upon thia terrestrial globe. Some eran mnny happy returns of the oc­ defendant, including attorney's, fees, a call to the woman's home. Dr. Rine­ settled.
at which time she will go to her home
amounted to a neat Uttle sum,* and hart sent her husband to the nearest district opposes the new company.
day a baker’s dozen of old pessimists
The girls track team will meet at at Fennimore. Wis., after a six
should prove a warning to two or drug store for alcohol. The druggist
Mt. Scott park at 9 a m. Saturday. months’ visit in the west. They were
that infest this community will pass
Every man is willing to perform Bring 16 cent« carfare.
The old time gentleman who cour­ three like delinquents to this news- at first refused to sell it but later did
on; men with progressive ideas and
accompanied to Hood River by Mrs.
so when Dr. Rinehart visited the his duty, but most of them insist up­
The girls’ 4 ft. 10 in team will play C. P. Blanchard and Mrs. John Hunt
the go-ahead spirit will take their teously lifted his hat to the ladies is paper.
store with a policeman.
on making their own decision« as to a practice game with Laurelhurst of Arleta. Mrs. Thompson say that in
places and I-ents will grow and pros­ dend, but the hat still remains to re­
I'ossler sells Vim and Crown flour.
what constitutes duty.
(Continued on page four.)
mind us of what was but is not
at Mt. Scott park Friday at 2:30 p.m.
(Continued on page four.)
per as it should.