MORE THAN MERE BUSINESS PURITANS IN FOOUSH FIGHT GIVES REASON FOR DEPRESSION 1. Films - Eastman and Defender. 2. Foto Supplies Paper, develop- sr, hypo, etc. 3. Finishing The equal of any and aupertor to many. 4. Free Esch day our dnrk room will select the l»est negative appearing during the day and make a 10-lnch enlurgement free of charge. Bring your foto work to Curreys Pharmacy Rail Chief Declares Freight Charges Not the Cause of Stagnation, FARM PRODUCTS ARE CITED Business Depression and Lack of Demand the Real Trouble. Waahlngton. D. C.—In testifying be- fore the senate committee on interstate commerce, which is conducting an in­ quiry Into the railroad situation. Juli­ us Krultocbnllt, chairman of the board of the Houlbera Pacific Company, went ita ali right or your money back Into great detail as the effect of freight rates on produce shipments, foreign and domestic. The main points be made In this part of bls testimony were: First—That business depres­ of SUMMER CLASSES BEGINNING sion Is not tbs result of high freight rates. Hecond—That the real cause 45-Mlaute Ixaaons 81 of stagnation In produce ehtpmeoto la Pupil of Lillian Jeffery. Petri Auto «14 94 4710 52nd St. 8. E. lack of market or profiteering. He said. In part: a widespread propaganda I» being D. J. O’CONNOR carried on to arouse public sentiment against exist lag freight rates, whereas the tact la that even since the rates have been advanced the coot of trans­ Cor. 92ml and Woodstock Ave. porting commoditise la tar lees than LENTS STATION the toll taken by the commission mer­ Phons 628-75 chant end the retailer for buying and aelllug them. People Misled As to Situation. People are misled and conclude that high rates have stopped the movement Call AuL Lents 2011 at a large amount of freight and that Eagle Garnge the railways would make more money it they would reduos ths rates and Local or Lona Distance Hduling thereby revive the traffic. There la "X the etrvngeel reason to believe that the very great reduction In traffic haa been due almost entirely to general business conditions that are world- 731» Sixty-Ihkd Si. I hens Taber Ml wide In their effect, and that would Hcdd/nu Plants, Cut Flowers have come If there had been no ad­ (or all occasions vance In freight rates. FtiiHrtl Dssilnini • Prices of commodities reached their J maximum In the first half of the year l»20 and thereafter fell with great rapidity In France, the United States and the United Kingdom. The tall la the United States began in May. and Slab and Block Mixed was rapidly on Its way downgrade In Delivered in biiç/rifk Hr 8ewe and Immodest fash­ but the world’s first ’Trunk line" was ions, as also the ordinary w earning at completed at a Uttle forgotten hamlet silver, golds and alike laces, girdles, near Wheeling. W. Va., Hoseby’s Rock. hat bands, etc., hath therefore ordered Tiie romance of railroads I Who that no person, either man or wwnan, that lies him down to slumber In New shall hereafter make or buy eppareli, York Intending and expecting to arise el liter woolen, alike or lynnoo, with refreshed in Chicago, can dare affirm any lace on It, silver, golds silks or that railroading fr a business, a com­ thraed, under the penalty of the for- mercial enterprise! It la, rather, a Cacture of such doatbes. “Provided, and it to the moaning of miracle an Alladlnlc phantasy I— tlito court that men and women shall Christian Science Monitor. have liberty u> wears out such ap- parell as they are awe provided of, LIKE PAGES FROM HISTORY except the Immoderate greate sleeve« slashed apparoll. Immoderate great» Deeds ef Modem Greeks Similar to rayles, long wings, etc. Theos of Their Ancestors of Many "This order to take place a fortnight Centuries Ago. after the publishing thereof." Greek b are reported to be cessing ov«r Into Asia Minor to resist the STUDIOS ON WALLS OF ROME forces of Mustaphg Kemal’s army and take possession of the territory given Practical Plan to Provide Housing fee them by the treaty of Sevres, an expe­ Artists In the Confines oi dition which recalls the memorable the Eternal City. crossing of this people 8,000 years ago, the subsequent siege of Troy, and An attempt to being made by the the story of the wanderings of Aene comnyune of Rome to remedy the as, the historic founder of the early studio shortage—which Is only one Roman race. phase of the general housing ertoto— About an hour from the see. near by the original plan of allotting some the Dardanelles, the ruins of the an­ of the more habitable towers snd tur­ cient city of Troy stand upon an emi­ rets in the ancient city walls to vari­ nence looking out over the plains ous artists where her Immortal sons fell in her Many of these old towers caa be defense. At Its foot the Seamander made i>erfectly habitable, and when winds to the sea, says a bulletin from fitted with electric light and comfort­ the Washington headquarters of the able furniture will provide large and Nsttonal Geographic society. plctureaque studios for a number of Excavations on the site have re­ pa In tare The “master of the walla," vealed nine cities, built one upon the Signor Franceeco Randone. has insti­ top of the other’tn times past. Ttie tuted a school of educative art for sixth from she bottom of these is the children In the tower ef Belisarius. Troy of which Homer and Virgil sang. The new artist tenants of the tur­ Today there stands little to tell of the rets and towers will have to assume might of the former Priam and Parts the nominal duty of keepers or cue and ths splendor which the beautiful todtans tn addition to their rosponal- Helen caused to be tumbled Into dust blUty as tenants, but this duty will be only a formal one. Some of the new studios, though they have the dis­ Saccharin Discovered by Aocldent. advantage of being a little distant Saccharin, 5UU times as sweet as from the center of the city, will have sugar, and much In dehiand during fine views over the Campagna and will the war, was discovered, according to form extremely picturesque abodes. the Basler Nachriditen, by an In­ A kind of summer house In the Villa structor In Johns Hopkins university. Borghese (the Hyde park of Rome) The story runs as follows! has been offered to a widely known In the summer of 1878 the discov­ artist without a studio.—Living Age erer, <1 Fahlberg by name, waa try­ ing to restore certain organic bodies«. India’s New Capital. At the dinner table at the close of a What the relatively young United busy day he noticed that a piece of breed tasted uncommonly sweet It States did in founding Washington as occurred to him at once that the Ito capital, and wbat the still younger sweeluess came from his hands, Australia has undertaken In creating though he had carefully washed them Its new capital city, Canberra. Great before sitting down to eat He hur­ Britain to doing for age-old India by tonnage of linos west of KI I'aso and ried back to his laboratory and tasted building a new seat of government Ogdon operated by the Southern Pa- all the glasses he had used In his ex­ near Delhi, says a bulletin Issued by olflo Company foil oft St percent. periments. One of them be found the National Geographic society. The combined Intrastate freight ton­ In Australia the new elty to being nage in Arlseaa and Nevada dec timed exceptionally sweet. He analysed the (0 percent although Increase In the carved from a practically untouched remaining drops and found that they Intrastate freight ratea In those were a derivative of benxol. In 1884 wilderness; and In America Washing­ Statea haa been as pet authorised or made effective Thia decreaae em­ he set up an experimental factory for ton was laid down where a few fresh­ braced grain, hay sad live atoch. as the manufacturing of waccharln tn ly cleared farms were hemmed In by well as ores and other commodities wooded hills. In India New Delhi to N\ jw York. Cotton Unshipped for Laok of Market, being built on ground where ctUoe Of e Toxas cotton crop of over four have risen and passed away through mllMon bales, M percent rem el as un- Felice File Baby's Picture. the centuries, and about which are sit­ aiarketod The average coat of rail Kidnapers are going to have a hard uated beautiful and striking monu­ and water shipment from producing time If they bother Paul Everitt Ool- ments of one of the world's moot pow­ point to Idvorpool haa been reduced llns, three years old, of Denver. about 11 1*S per >00 pounds la the erful etpplres. fa. " of whleb about one-half million He climbed upon the stool tn front galea of cotton leas than normal have of the camera at the central police been exported to IJverpool Obvious­ The Sport of Kings. station the other day and was photo­ ly the freight rate la not responsible Tennis was ever a distinguished for the restricted movement During graphed. Then he thrust his fingers sport. It has been favored by the no­ Reptember. October and November, into the recording Ink and Impressed bility. In the recent tournament at 1(30, 41 percent less rice, (0 percent his finger prints for the Bertlllon rec­ Cannes the king of Sweden and the lees canned salmon and 77 percent leaa dried fruit ware exported than ords. ax-king of Portugal handled their rack­ during the aame months of the pre­ But he fr not a criminal Mr. and ets with skill and dexterity In mixed vious year, Although the reduction Mra. P. B. Collins, who recently doubles with Mlle. Lenglen and Mrs. In ooean rates wes substantially more than the Increase In Inland rail ratea, adopted him, were with him, and they Bemteh for partners. Mlle. Lenglen so ibet the material decline In the asked that these records be made to and King Manuel won the first set exports ef these commodities wee la Insure him against kidnaping. Both from Mrs Ilt-uilvh and the king of Swe­ the faoe of a leaa aggregate cost ft Wsneportntlun. , said they feared some one might at­ den ; In the second King Manuel and The Caee of the Fruit Grower« tempt at some time to take him away Mrs. Bemlsh were defeated by Mlle. The troubles of the California lemon from them. The records will be A1« m I Lenglen and the king of Sweden. Thus growers have attracted much atten­ with the police at the county record­ honors were even In that each king tion. He claims he is unable to ship er's office, they aald.—Rocky Mountain bad a victory, though Mrs. Bemlsh was his product because of the increased News. twice defeated.—Petit Parlsien. freight rates A removal of all the recent increase of the rate on lemons Increase In Elk Herd. Ships Long In Service. would not help trim. He haa a rate A good Increase from the survivors The veesels of past centuries had a by sea through the Panama canal of leaa than half—41 percent—of the rail of the southern Yellowstone or Jack- career which seems to us moderna rate, yet hie lemons are not marketed. son Hole elk herd Is looked for this year like the longevity of the patriarchs The average price of a cantaloupe laid by officials of the bureau of biological The Princess Mary, which brought doyrn in New York in the season of survey of the United States Depart­ WUllam of Orange to England, was In 1(20 was not quite 11 cents, as they ment of Agriculture, In view of the active service for more than 200 years. were retailed at about 25 cents, there unusually favorable winter Just past. She was seventy-two years old when Is a further profit to somebody of 14 Last year’s rains. It fr said, produced she arrived with the Dutch troops tn a plentiful growth of feed on the Torbay. Under the name of Betsy cents per cantaloupe. The managers of ths propaganda for ranges, and aa a result the elk are Oxime she continued her labors after a general reduction of freight rates reported to be in excellent condition, her two hundredth birthday In the have lost sight of the fact that in Octo­ with the prospect of only a normal transport trade between Britain and ber, 1920. 1.IM,221 carloads of coal death rate Instead of a repetition of the West Indies, foundering at last eff were moved, being the maximum the mortality of the winter of 1919-30. the English coast at the venerable age moved In any month in the preceding due to lack of forage and a severe of two hundred and fifty ^earn. two years, although It was handlod at winter. the advanced freight ratea, and we Servants of the People. have heard nothing as to coal being Record for Brown University. "I want to serve my country." produced at a loos or of the coal mlns Charles K. Hughes is the fourth “A praiseworthy ambition !" com­ owners going out of buslnee« because graduate of Brown university to be­ mented Senator Sorghum. "But you of existing freight rates. The per­ come secretary of state of the United want to bear thia In mind. A coun­ centage of freight charges to value tn States. His predecraaora, who were try la likely to be tremendously fault­ he early part of 1931 la almost exacb- Brown men, were William L. Marcy. finding about the service and not • •y the same aa it waa in 1914. Richard Olney and Jahn Hay. bit liberal when It comes to tips.’’ PROFESSIONAL CARDS GREGONlRELl^f WORKERS HOME rati B!<1< Phone 626 23 DR. C. S. OaSBURY DENTISTRY Lenta Station Mr. and Mra, Rambo Return on Furlough From the Near East ■■■ ■■ I III O*flec Phone «15-10 Bishop W. H. Lambuth, in charge of the Methodist missions In North China, where 45.000.000 are faced with starvation aa the result of a disastrous flood followed by two seasons of drouth, says: “Their clothes are ragged and scanty. Their only food to a gruel made of weeds, leave«, chaff and ooru- cobs Ono cold night tn January lu one refugee camp alone, one thousand of "these starved, weakened human creatures frose to death. What to to be done must be done within th % next five mouths, yes, within Ue next two or three months Otherwise millions will perish.’’ The death rate in Ue famine sec­ tion la estimated at 15,000 dally, with typhus and other diseases beginning to rage. The only hope of the despair- tag millions Is tn food supplies pro­ vided In tremendous quantities by Uq foople of Ue United States. «i«-ij DR. p. J. O’DONNELL exodontia !■ Oregon’s pioneer missionaries. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rsmbo, formerly of Baker, and for many years engaged In mlaeloaary work in India and the Near East countries, have returned to the United States on furlough. Nsws ef Uelr return has been received by •tete Manager J. J. Hendsaker. ia charge of Ue oomblned China-Near East relief campaigns for Ue slate, in a telegram from New York, where the Ramboe landed a few days ego • Throughout the Near East, Ue me» eng« etetes, everyUlng to "generally amuck.” wtu little .■reepeet ct provement until definite action It taken by Ue Allies in regard to the Tuft-rldden nations. Conditions ta Greece and the Caucasus are touched upon, with details of the appalling sit­ uation at Batoum. where Ua veteran MiMlOMriqe bavq spent get era) months among the 16.090 Greek lefu geos surviving from the thriving Cau­ casus colony loeated there before the war. Che Ramboe were on their a ay home last fall and bad reached Con­ stantinople. when the call eamq for them to go to Batoum and eld the refugees there until the latter could be brought back to Salonika, where the Oreek government to qndavorlng to make some sort of provision for 8» turning Grecian refugees. Ia letters writtea from Batoum. cently received by Mr. Haadsaker, Ue Rambos tell of thousands of families being huddled together la rain-soaked tents and abandoned barracks, beset with typhus and other diseases, halt- naked and Starving “And 10.000 more refugees ar* on their way here from Kara," the letter ooneledea. •These are now la Ue snow-covsrud mountains, and aa many as can pull through will soon be here What we shall do then wo do not know. Everything hero to unsettled and disturbing. It to con­ sidered certain that Ue Nationalists or the Bolshevtki. or both, will soon take the city and no one knows what will result " In a later letter they speak of Ue arrival of a ship to take beck a load of refugees for repatria­ tion and the Joy tt brought to Ua camp, although the Salonika camp to which they were bound could offer Uttle additional la the way of food, clothing or other relief. Previous letters, written from the Near East, tell of Ue enforced flight "at Ue wlhrn of a Turkish official." of Ue Ramboe and 200 little orphans la their charge. They had to leave at a moments notloe and la Ue dark, trnveUng all night on toot and carry­ ing their own blankets, clothing and everything else they possessed. They were allowed no lights snd were told net to epeak above a whisper, as mur­ derous Tufts were running riot all along the way. Aftnr stumbling along through water and over rocks for hours, they reached Ue railroad sta­ tion at day-break, exhausted but with­ out the loss of oad of tf e 200 children, but none too soon, for with the com­ ing of light Ue Turks discovered what was afoot and began firing upon them from the hill-side*. Ue Uttle caravan of exhausted children and missionaries making the last hundred yards through a hail of bullets. The Ramboe conducted Uelr 200 chargee, with many adventures and hardships, to safety within the walls of a Brttiab Relief station, and turned homeward, stopping ever for a day For rest at Adana. While Uey slept, exhausted, the Turks tora up Ue rail­ roads leading to and from Adana, and left them marooned in Ue hot, dusty, besieged otty. They awoke to find buUeto breaking through their walls and wbiqtUng sU around them. With Miss Grano, a young American relief worker, they finally started from Adana la a Near East Ford, joining S refugee caravan and fleeing sou th­ ward. Thy were shot at repeatedly and at a dangerous pass waited three hours before daring to attempt the run across an open space. At last with Mrs. Rambo and Miss Grano lashed to Ue running board of the Ford, behind a barrteude of baggage on the opposite side from the heaviest firing, and Rambo himself at the wheel, with baggage pUed high al) around him to ward off Ue bullets, Uey made the rush, “driving like Jehu for two miles." until beyond the aim of the bandits.” After many other stren­ uous experiences they made they way to Constantinople, going from there to Batoum for several months, thence home to Ue United States. PorttaE, Orejea, Coy . 92nd and Foatar Rend LKNTS DR. A. O. ATWOOD dbntiet I hone 620-20 »207 Foster Rond Dì. A.C. LUNMEM CHIROPRACTOR Phone 820-20 »207 Faster Raed Yett Bldg. Phone 640-73. DR. NEWCOMB DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Manual Manipulation Magnetic Therapewtica 9207 Foster Rd., cor. 92nd. LENTS HOWARD P. ARREST srromrxY at law Maia 8308 Suita 1210-1217 Yean Building r . rOregon Lenta Office: »138 Foetar Auto 946-26, 7 to 9 p. m. J. HUNT HENDRICKSON Attorney-at-Law Spalding Building Portland, Ore. Main 421 MT. SCOTT Camp No. 11650, Modern Woodmaa ef America.. Meets every second *»4 fourth Wednesday of each month al Woodmere Hall, 7630 SOU Ave. a. K ______ ____ F- B- VOLTS. Clark. jc C. Wilson P. G. Wltoon WILSOM'S AUTO SERVICE AU Work Guaranteed and Done at Lowest Poewbte Price» Yonr SaUafactlon-Our Advertteesncnt Phone 614-45 501» «2nd St. 8. E. LOAN8 BBNTALg LAUER REALTY CO. REAL ESTATE VAMMI Phone 624-84 CITI PBOPBBTI sag SOW Tied Street FIMLAVD STATION KERN PARK REALTY * COMPANY S7ST rtMTBB CITY PROPERTY A XPOnAr/rv Farms and Acreage. Collections. Loans. Rentals. Notary Public Phone 110-43 Portland. Ore. r PRACTICAL HAIRCUTS = VELVET SHAVES CHILDREN BARBERING A SPECIALTY See C hxstxr A Gnonax* ~ - MATT GREENSLADE Wagon Repairing Horseshoeing & Gen. Blacksmithing AUTO REPAIRING •327 Foster Road Lento SCHEUERMAN BROTHERS Contractors and Builders Phone 614-66 Twenty-os« Year* Lxperieece 17 yesn In Portland Res. 6017 89th and 6101 8»th S. E. Phone Automatic 621-71. P. CH AUS SEE Team Work and Excavating J / House Moving and Wrecking 3929 70th St., S. E. Portland, Ora.1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuimiiiimHiiiiiiiiniig EHRLICH&BfRNHARDT LADIES* and GENTS’ TAILORS StylM sad Fskrics Always the Latest 9134 Foster Road Next door to Poetoffice Phone 623-45 LKNTS