I REMEMBER mi Scott herald I Talk with Us, if You think of Buying. We can Save You Money and Give You Service Right at Home. Eagle Garage In the Center of Lents—Phone 633-61 Editor of th. Herald—Nut being Mitatled with vvur answer as to what constitute, a REAL statesman olease accept mi version of a atatuaman: A high public official who lava awake Proprietor nights, thinking of what he can do for the people Not to be confounded with a i\»l ITI CLAN. who lavs awake night* thinking of how he can do the people. —C. H. . ♦ ¡k j Published Btv.ry Friday at Labi, ¡station. rortl.nA, Oresoa. 1 Gso. A. McArthur We handle New and Used Fords Chevrolets — - 1 - ■ Hin IS A STATESMAN? * We agree with the correspondent, 11 50 a year and further respectfully submit, that as regards the former, we can only sa>. as slut the old farmer who gazed 1*11 Ninety-second Btrssl upon a giraffe in a circus, for the first time, “there ain't no sich ani­ Phone 622-28 mal.“ s Sold J w •» >. • r ? r r » » Nowaduis when a fallow begins to «peak of the “best sellers" the thirsty Will the invitation of President immediately forget everything else Harding to the power* of Europe re- and begin to mill around In a desper­ suit in international disarmament ate effort to locals the entrance. and universal peace ? Or will it merely serve tn impress IIIE PRESIDENTIAL VETOES upon the minds of the American peo­ ple the hopelessness of the uiuiertak- (engross appropriates the money , mg and the necessity of preparing necessary for conducting the affairs , for the next war? of the government of the United These arv the all-absorbent ques­ State*. That money comes from the tions of the hour, and no man is w is. l<>cketa of the people. enough to answer them. The president ha* the right to veto The world is weary of conflict, but •in appropriation bill a* a whole, but no nation rvally trusts another, he can not veto -m objectionable item therein lie* the great danger of fu­ of expenditure in that bill and yet ap­ ture explosions. prove the remainder. The tinal result will depend entire I'reaidenl* are often called upon U> ly upon the attitude of the foreign approve appropriation bills that con­ delegates when they arnvc in Wash­ tain item* of expenditure that are ington in response to the president's ver> obnoxious to a great claaa of invitation. people, item« which they consider pre­ If they come to us with the expec­ judicial to tile welfare of the country tation and willingness to give and a* a whole, that serve but little pur­ take in a sincere effort to arrive at a pose, and that are forced into the bill NON-SKID just and equitable status of int.-nia at the last minute upon demand of RED-TOP CORD tional relation*, then we mas hope •vine powerful politician who haa an for peace and eventual disarmament axe to grind. But if they come a* they went to If the president disapproves the the peace conference in Paris, deter- bill because of the one objectionable mined to wrest every possible a !' U ,-u ,, opardiaM the affair* of gov Reduction on all styles and sizes tage for their own respective gov­ erninent. for without fund* the gov- ernments, regardless of the rights of emment cannot function. other peoples, then we niav look for- On the other hand, if he apnrove* ward to nothing but an early resump any portion of the bill he must ap­ tion of the war that ha* just ravaged prove ail of it, including the objec­ Europe and paralyzed the commerce tionable feature. of the world. While we are changing our budget The peace conference at I'ar h..s system we should advance ev*n fur turned out to be something of a farce, ther ami exiiand the veto pen.gative. except that M i* a breeder of dis­ The president should not be held trust. hatred and jealousy, while the i-. re l V PMBOMUlB for condition* ¡eague of nations has cease,! to lie that arc above «and beyond hi* con­ muck more than an empty name trol There is nothing in the present situation to prevent future wars The women's »rganixatione of the There is much to stimulate and fan country are taking an active interval the smouldering embers into flame. in the creation and maintenance of Having seen the folly of a grasp­ lietter country road*.. If they pro­ ing spirit, through the outcome of duce definite result* in thia one field the Paris conference, it is possible alone they will have jualifled their and devoutly to be hoped that Eng­ enfranchiaement a thousand fold. land. France. Italy and Japan will 6702 Foster Road see the wisdom of applying the gold­ The Filipino* are anxiously await- en rule to their deliberation* in Wash, Ing the day w hen the United Stat« * Business AuL 610-79............... PHONES ............... Residence Maio 3369 ington, to the end that a fust. I*»t- will j-runt them their independence, — and binding settlement may be which lend* a fellow to believe thut reached. some people nrv never s<> contented r Japan mav surprise the world bi­ a* when stirring up discontent. In ller spirit of conciliation and conces­ '.•ixnlence for the Filipino« wi'l sion. but to do so the must execute mean renewed strife, disintegration, a complete about face and march in and Ona) annexation by some foreign 9111 Foster Road--Lentt Phone 619-13 the opposite direction, and unless she power. for all kinds of doe« this there will be no settlement no peace, no means of preventing fu­ Danger In Unclean Dishes. ture w-ar*. Sheet Metal Work Just how serious Is the danger of Today Japan is arming herself bv infection from Imperfectly washed f * l make Copper. Tin and Galvanized Wash Boiler«, tremendous stride«, far beyond Da- diShi's In cntlng places has not been {Champion Chicken Founts, Hopper», Feeder», Metal Hen»’ need* of a country that does not Con template future aggressive conflict, determined, but the high count of lNe*t*. Trap Nests, Brooder Canopies. &c. Stoves, Pipes ud and her actions are viewed with sk.-n hm-terla left upon restaurant utensils Elbows. I can save you money on Furnace«. tic ism by many deep thinker* and euegest* unpleasant possibilities. In profound students of international af the Investigation of Roy 8. pearstyne. All Work Giuranteed. Repairing a Specialty. fair*. henlth offlcfal of charlotte, V ,nno; on water glasses, 23,ix»> to CANDIES MADE DAILY ernment of the United States to go 130,(XX); spoon*, 3,400 to 70 j * j O; he limit in an effort to restore the knives. 1/4X1 to 20,000; fork*. 1.000 world to a condition where justice and right will prevail in international to 11.01») With the cleanly nin'hlrw- washing, the coffee mugs had S.WW) affair*. Then our own hand*, at least, will bacteria. no other utensils more than lie clean, though we find it necessary to stain them with the blood of other nation* in future wars. 5114 Ninety-second Street Lents ft Is said that American manufac­ Buying expensive clothing does not turers are now In the position of he always constitute being well dressed. Ing able to supply the toy demand of Neatness, tastiness and harmony in the country. This Is a large and V. blend are more essential than price. Important Industry; In fact, there “SOME MAN" are millions In It. and these millions lllV T lllVI One Way from Portland toLents Would you like to have your boy formerly went to Germany which had turn out to be a real 100 per cent man the practical control of the toy mar­ We Can Move You Out of the Muddy Street physically a* well as mentally? ket. That the buslues* of supplying Then don’t shut him up in a hot­ the children of the nation with neces­ 8822 Foster Road COAL Phone 612-69 house of roses and keep him there sary amusement Is now In the na- 5------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- until he breaks away of his own ac­ tion'a own hand, la a fact gratlfyln» cord. ................... Roses are a delight to the eye and nt once to national feeling* and u*- f the sense of smelt but they do not tlonal pocket*. j develop the muscle or add to the breadth of mind. Get him a ball and bat. a pair of STATEMENT—Of the Multnomah boxing gloves anti a punching bag. Bank of Portland. County of Give him a couple of Indian club* State Every housewife is interested in the question of Multnomah, State of Oregon, showing and teach him to swing them. the amount standing to the credit of Encourage him to run and jump every depositor July 1, 1921. who ha* and wrestle and leap fence*. made a deposit, or who haa not L*t his hours of recreation be not any part of his deposit healthful and vigorous, and not of the withdrawn (commercial deposits), principal or and especially in the matter of price. Every house­ pink tea variety. interest, for a period of more than wife should be vitally interested in the meat that Teach him to fear God. to be lov­ immediately prior io ing, respectful and obedient to hit said date, with the name, last known we sell, for the matter of price is given special at­ parents and mindful of the rights of place of residence or postoffice ÍS-I- tention by being reduced to the minimum without other people, and you will develop an dress of such depositor, and the f.nct lowering the standard of the meat It ia through adult who will be "some man.” of hi* death, if known. this means that you win us as a customer and k H. J. Ames, Arista, Oro., I you permanetly as one. Try our meat for all 'roi know-n, $0.16. HIGH COST OF TALKING satisfaction. India A. Hadden, Lent*. Ore., not known, $0.15. E. W. Phillip*, Lent*, Ora.. not Congresswoman Alice Robertson of _. Oklahoma some time back :ippealod known, $2.27. to congress to "stop talking and save ■ Cha*. Thoma*, Lent*, Ore.. not money.” known, $0.16. Total. $2.74. Right—a dead center shot. There must be a great surplus of positor a* required by the Droviaiona wind in congress when a woman of Sections 10160-10163, inclusive. deems it expedient to appeal to the Oregon law*. SHERMAN HARKSON, men to talk less at the expense of their countrymen. Subscribed and »wom to before me The congresswoman estimates that this 12th day of July, A. D„ 1921. C. E Kennedy. one week of congreH-ional talking Notary Public for Oregon. My costs the country nearly ten thousand dollars in pririting bills, and that only commission expires June 22. 1923. State of Oregon, I covers a part of the expense. An