Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 15, 1921, Image 1

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    »«ÌMr.Hy cf Cr.ilR f
Community Newspaper
More than 3000 Readers
Peruse Thia Paper
Every Friday Horsing
Devoted to the Interests of
The Ml. Scoli Dhtrlct
Subscription, $1.50 the Year.
Nevus Happenings of Lents
and Surrounding Country
Social Affairs Are Source of Pleasure to Many ¡Personal
Items and Locals of Interest to Herald
Renders Tersely Told
Born, to Mr.
mflnn, ol f MMH
u daughter,
Mrs. Milton Her- I I! Winters of the Kern Park Realty
on July HR R. I Co. is reported as being on the aick
__ ________
I list.
Mrs. W. S. Banders of Grays Cross
F II. Brook» took out a permit to
••rsrl a renldrnce ut 4628 99th «Irrel. ing was taken to a hospital last wae>
va|u*’l at $I1MH>. thia week.
ind underwent u
Mrs. Will Jiggar of 6131 90th
A marriage ll<’”n i «n» grant»«!
etr«t hus been seriously ill but Is
lu|g l.i.i week to T”ny l udovici.
of 6'104 k11h street, Sud JoHSphine somewhat improved at last report.
Aspui er. 17, same mid re««.
Born, to Mr. and Mm. Mnruuett, on
The home of Mm. Muck Smith, on July IK a son. Mrs. Irene Marque't
ilia Spring road, near Canary cot. «» u daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
tiige. was liurglari»e<l «ome dava a>'<> Myers.
wgilr Mr». Smith wuh ut Seaside. The
Wright (Shorty) Davis and familv
ummint obtained by tlie thieves la
and sister, Mias Minnie Davis, are
not known.
enjoying an outing** at Cannop Baech
There will I m * an lee cream tnwn this week.
’Orml for the tM*nefit of the Analiel
The ladies of the M. E. church will
I'resbyteriun church nt the residence
”f Mr». G N. l:<-’USni<*nt. 6?2u -37th rive their regular monthly silver tea
nyi-nue, this (I'riday) evening, July Wednesday, July 20, at the home of
Mrs. Ch»». W Davis. 6.304 96th
I.'», from 8 to 10 p. m
Ted Marriott and familv of Seattle
Chas. F. Lauer, the “old reliable”
»pent Friday with the Ix-itch family
of the Firland dis-
»it k9lh street. The Harriot*« »re old real estate man
: ____
culler in l^nts
Ngbru An fru-nd» of*the Ix-iti h’». Mr. trict, was a
Mai riott und Mr. Ix-ilrh served to­ last Friday, and made the Herald n
gether in the national guard, but had
n’t met for twenty veara.
Miss Jeanette Wonk-n arrived in
Elierhnrt Bri’« announce another lent« from lx»s Angeles las M»nrlav
of their popular dances ut Elliott’» to visit her mother and sister. Mrs.
hall. I ’ imuacu». for Saturday even­ 1. T. Fossler, at 492.3 92nd street, for
ing. July 10, bv Wll» printed at this ;in indefinite period. ,
• Wire
They :i«»iirv strict decorum,
We intended to make an item of
good music and a jolly good time for
rumor that Billy Knight is think­
devotees of Terpsichore who attend. the
ing very seriously of committing
in the near future. I»ut as
The gentleman who called us "P
he strenuously denies the allegation
the other <lav and threatened
an action
on for ariminal libel, hasn't a* mum's the word.
>«*t mac.
ide __
Anyway, u paper
Mr«, t’icx I. S. Gullik*. In 120-vica
isn’t entitled to much standing In the
profeaaion un til it has cut its eve- letters in a full-page poster prin'ed
the Herald office, announces that
teeth In one libel suit, The Journal
and Telegram had their Keeley, the| she is quitting business. und offen
Oregonian their ainuruua Astoria through the Callahan Rales System
nchiudteacher. Who knows but that to sell the entire stock revardleea of
the Herald will jump into the hall of price.
newaimper fame through its former
The celebrated and most long-
l4*nta realtor? Here'» Itolnng
1 drawn-out Foster road sewer ease is
Mr». Mai caret Mncla*od and daurh i being threshed out in court as the
ter Isabel, of Dwth. We t Aiistr»l‘a. | Herald goes to press Mondifv
arrived last Wr*drH-«dav. the 0th. for i hearing
______ on the application to restrain
m visit
.the city
cit wax continued to that time
— J. M .-----
- ”vs
I f ’ Mr.
1 ___ «i
Mrs. Marl rtwl fc rfh liunf ’ of
Monday, the day set.
She and her daughter left
home Mat- 21. They will leave here
The Lenta Hardware recently ob­
the first of the week for Keamev, tained a large shipment of aluminum
Nels, where they will visit with the cooking utensils and has them on
parents of Mr. lx*ltch. Mrs. Mac lend sale this week. The window display
and Mrs. I «itch Sr. arc sinters. Thev of three und other goods is very at­
haven’t met for nearly 40 years, th.* tractive ami compares very fnvorrhlv
one having left Scotland for Australia with those of the down-town stores,
an<l the other for America years ago while the prices and the quality of
The Marlx*ods were shown over the the goods is sure to attract custom.
highway Sunday and were charmed
with the lieautiful scenery.
Fred Geisler and familv are out on
think it rtrels anything they have a vacation, in what locality deponent
seen elsewhere.
saith not.
Fred stated, before de­
parture, that thev might visit Cali­
We have been too busy digging up fornia before their return. Some of
money to pay off the grand prizes Fred's friends suggest that possible*
given in the trade at-home contest, to "California” was a stall. Readers of
lie paid tomorrow. to cal! on advertis­ the Herald ’' ill remember that he re
ers and prospective advertisers in this centlv attended an Edison convention
district. Thia contest has educated nt Vancouver. B. C„ and for obvious
them to the fact that advertising reasons he seemed to like the place.
pa vs and several have already in­
formed us that thev would continue
Anyone who hns been interested in
to tell the world that thev want their the Trade-at-Home contest, either as
business and offer special induce­ an advertiser or contestant, and who
ments to their patrons that will an feels that they have not been fairly
pear in these columns next wook. treated, please call at this office and
Copy received nt thia office early In state grievances and the Herald will
the week will necessarily receive pre­ I k - pleased to adjust mutters satisfac­
ferred space and special attentior^. as tory to all concerned. The manaif-
time Is the essence of nil good thine« ment of thia newspaper endeavors to
nt this day and aim of the. world. If do business strictly on the sonare. So
you haven't the time to write vour nt any time V”i think you have not
nils, phone and we will call and cn- l>evn treated fairlv, voti are cordially
• leavor to aasiat von to the best of invited to call and talk it over before
our ability.
criticising the policy of this paper.
Wednesday evening saw the close of bls revenue of the local merchant and
the Trade-at-Home contest. An ava­ render it necessary for him to charge
lanche of votes was turned in on the higher prices on the necessaries the
last day and many subscriptions in patron must have every day anil
response to the special offer of 86 in which must be purchased here.
True co-operation between retailer
the final week.
As was generally expected. Clar­ and consumer to reduce living coals
ence O’Neil won the first prise of 860. is necessary The latter must spertd
with a total of 2,997,010 votes.
He his caah with the former in order to
also will receive 85 for the last week’s reduce overhead, and the merchant
largest turn-in of 835,220. Margaret must give his patrons the benefit of
Mitch took second, 840. with a total any reductions thus brought about. If
of 1 >64.4.35; also the prize of 86 for tlie merchant is derelict in so doing,
the largest number of subaerintions competition will either force him to
’luring the last week of the contest. do so or he will _ be left bv the way-
Gurdon Ogsburv wins 880. with a to­ side, one of the numerous failures in
tal of 504Jif>0. Claudine Moore 820 the mercantile business.
The merchants of the Mt. Scott
with 289.950 and Mrs. B. F. Jones 810
with 287300. Gena Locke, a nine- district are. taking them by and
vear-old hustler, just lost out. with a large, a pretty decent lot of business
total of 284.00. but Gena has a little men—rather above the average than
present due him for his efforts, along below it Dealt with squarely, they
with the rest, as a gift from the Her­ are almost certain to extend like
ald. Mias E. V. Barker had 130.100 treatment in return. They have their
and there were several others having troubles—heavy delivery expenses,
bad debts and slow collections. Also
less than 100,000.
the past few months they have
Two lots of votes were received too for
been obliged to day after day mark
late to be counted, The Herald could, their
goods for sale at losses, where
in fairness to the other contestants.
the stock was of a non-perishable na­
do nothing but observe the conditions ture
earned over from the period
as published and not count them. As of high pnets.
You will look a long
n matter of fact they would not have
while to find one of them getting
changed the result materially.
ready to retire on the . wealth they
Next Saturday the Herald will have have made in this district.
checks ready for 8160 in cash prizes their patrons are prosperous, they
for the five fortunate residents of the share it, and when the lean months
district an a reward for their co-oper­ come, their share is lean
ation in fostering the spend-vour-
The Herald has come in contact
money-at-home movement.
with a very few, since the contest op­
The contest has been successful in ened, who were ignorant of business
Millions of ethics or whose obligations lav lightly
practically every way.
voter have been received from the on them. They are the exceptions,
various contestants and it had the and their type will be found every­
effect of not onlv stimulating gen- where. Generally the public is not
eral business conditions at a tlme slow in placing them i and thev are
a trad.- was none too good, when very seldom among the leaders in were retrenching and lookinr their respective lines.
at a dollar more than once before
In conclusion. »1 want to thank ail
«pending it but it rendered collections of those, contestants and advertisers.
r for many folks were anxious who participated with the Herald in
to receive credit for votes in order to this contest.
We have made new
•’Midst some friend in the contest and friends and patrons among them and
therefore naid their bills with great­ we hope the cordial relations will en­
er promptitude.
dure. The Hera'd’s nccuss or failure
The Herald did not go Into the con­ is bound up in the Mt Scott district:
test in order to derive anv direct fin­ we want to see it prosper and with it
ancial benefit therefrom. It is doubt­ we will succeed also To those con­
ful if. after all expenses are paid and testants who did not win prizes, we
the prize monies distributed, enough can only say that the more fortunate
remains to pay the publisher the us- ones won on their merits; every vote
unl advertising rate. In addition we and every dollar was earned bv hard
have had considerable extra clerical work and solicitation. We regret
work to handle and coupons to nrint only that it is financially impossible
und distribute, all without any direct to award a prize to all who took part.
We aav direct return, for It murt
be distinguished from the indirect re­ FIRE DESTROYS
turns the paper derives in an affair
of this kind. Manv new subscribers
have been placed upon the books of
the patter and a large number of peo.
One of the most disastrous fires to
pie become acquainted with us who occur in the Lents district for some
did not previously know the paper ex­ time was that which broke out early
isted, or who were indifferent to It. Saturday morning and destroyed the
Merchants who had never carried ad­ Store at Lents Junction, also the gar­
vertising. or if they did. but apes age adjoining. The blaze started at
modically, became regular contribu­ ubout 3:80 o’clock, as near as can be
tors to our columns and were brought learned, and before aid could be se­
to realize the benefits accruing from cured the buildings were a man of
keeping their names before the buy­ flames.
ing publi”. A percentage of these
The store was operated bv E. D.
will be rita’tcd as permanent friends Miller, who purchased it some months
and patrons.
ago from the Lents Junction Mercan­
There are those who decry the tile Co. The garage was operated bv
trade-at-home spirit—they are to be Louis Haberstreat and a meat mar­
found in every community. Thev ket in the store by a Mr. Rush. G.
“knock” the home merchant and pick L. Rohr owned the buildings.
out a few big-city sale prices and
The fire was discovered by Fred
quote them to you to support their Mellon.
He awoke the son of Mr.
argument that trading at home does Miller, who was sleeping on the prem­
not pay. To save a few cents thev ises, and the latter attempted to save
spend hours of time wanderi-- from the charge-slip system, containing ac­
city store to city store picking up counts of the firm’s patrons, but it
these leaders at a few cents reduc­ was too heavy* for the young jnan to
tion. ’ They never stop to estimate carry out. The apparatus from Kern
the number of hours so spent and Park, engine 31, responded to the
their value. They fail to take into alarm, and laid long lines of hose, but
consideration that if they so withhold the fire had gained too much head­
patronage from their local merchant way and their efforts were futile.
they will be forced to travel miles The building was outside the citv
for necessities eventually. Bv spend­ limits but this did not deter the com­
ing their money with a stranger awav pany from doing everything possi­
from home they cut down the possi- ble.
The building was two stories in
heighth, of frame construction and
was insured for $2400.
Mr. Miller
carried 87000 insurance, it is said,
and Mr. Haberstreat 82500.
proprietor of the butcher -shop had
no insurance.
The Lenta Junction
Mercantile Co. also lost several hun­
dred dollars which remained unpaid
on the meat market,
Mr. Miller had moved out of the
store building about three weeks be­
fore the fire, and was living close by.
The cause of the fire is not definitely
known but it is said that the authori­
ties are making an investigation.
Mrs. John Conrad lost a Ford sedan
automobile, which was in the burned
The Canning Season is Here
were arrested
Ytesa boys
______ in Lents
early Monday and later confessed to
the robbery of the Hewett Mercantile
company at Hubbard, Oregon, accord­
ing to Lieutenant Pat Molonev. who
questioned the boys when thev were
taken to police headquarters. Thev
were Roy Boatwright, 17; Clovis
Sines, 18, and Ted Pickell, 16. The
Boatwright ahd Pickell bovs will be
placed in the custody of the juvenile
court. Sines is to be looked after bv
the Hubbard authorities.
The boys were arrested bv Lieuten­
ant Wade on a charge of stealing two
hats from 8525 57th avenue. At pol­
ice headquarters thev were turned
over to Moloney and several detec­
tives, who are said to have secured a
Several hundred dollars worth of
merchandise stolen from the store
was located, had been eached
away. Moloney said. The Hewett es­
tablishment was robbed Sundav night.
The Boatwright bov some time ago
eloped with a 15-veer-old Ix*nts girl
and was married at Vancouver. The
marriage was later annulled on peti­
tion of the child’s mother.
JULY 15, 1921
VOL. XIX, No. 28
jArleta, Kern Park, Millard
Ave., Tremont, Wooamere
Many Affairs of Interest to Community Related in En
tertaining Way by Correspondent
of the Herald
ML Scott Playground
Horse unoe pitching at the Mt.
Scon, ptaygrouixl has talcen toe lead
in activities during tae past weea aoa
will probably continue so lor some
Utile tune. At present there is a
singles tournament on, which is go­
ing to be run oil on the round robin
plan, giving each player a rating al
uie ciisie.
ibe singles ouiuamem
wui be loliowed by a doubles U>uma-
o inners ot lire tournaments
will be mateneu with tne best players
on otaer playgrounds, tournaments
will be Handled in two groups, a jun­
ior and a senior, the junior including
all boys up to 16 years of age, and
trie senior including all men and boys
over that age.
the in tex-play ground ball games
for boys will begin itiii week as far
as the Mt. Scott playground is con­
Two games will be played
with each park in our section, with
the winners of the section champion­
ship meeting the winners ot othei
sections for the city cnampionship.
Alt. Scott will enter three warns: a
4 loot 4 in. midget team, a 4 It. Win.
team and a b IL 6 in. team F ollow­
ing la the schedule for the a fL 6 in.
Juiy 15—lÂ.’îwood at Mt. Scott
July 19— Brooklyn al oiookiu.
July ♦ ' Acnijworui a’ Kemiw ,.U
July 26—Laurelhurst at Laurel -
July 28—Lents at Lents.
Aug. 5—Sellwood at Sellwood.
Aug. 9—Brooklyn at Mt. Scott.
Aug. 11—Kenilworth at Mt. Scott.
Aug. 16—Laurelhurit at M l Scott.
Aug. 1»—Lents at M l ScotL
Following is the 4 ft. 10 in. team’s
Juiy 14—Sellwood at Mk Scott.
July 16—Brooklyn at
_ ________
July 19—Kenilworth at Kenilworth.
July 22—Laurelnurst at Laurel­
July 25—Lents at Lents.
Aug. 1—Sellwood at Sellwood.
Aug. 3—Brooklyn at ML Scott.
Aug. 6—Kenilworth at Mt. ScotL
Aug. 9—Laurelhurst at Mt. Scott.
Aug. 11—Lents at Lents.
The 4 ft. 4 in. team's schedule is at
present incomplete. Following is the
schedule as at present drawn up:
Juiy 20—Sellwood at Sellwhod,..
July 27—Johnson Creek at Mt
For those interested in apparatus
work who have found to their disap­
pointment that there was no horizon­
tal bar nor horse at the playground,
it will be interesting to learu that the
bars and horse have arrived and will
be set up in the near future.
The 5 ft. 6 in. girls' indoor baseball
team will play a practice game with
the Lenta team at Lents park today.
(Friday), July 15.
M. E. Church
Regular services Sunday.
Finley will speak on “Power of Sin '
at 11 a. m. and in the evening the
services will be evangelistic.
On Friday evening the members of
the Epworth League leave the church
at 6:.3O for a wienie roast on the
Clackamas river.
All members are
urged to be on time.
The missionary society met Wed­
nesday at the home of Mrs. Brooks at
60th street and 42nd avenue.
The stereopticon lecture was very
much enjoyed by the large and appre­
ciative audience Sunday evening.
Anabel Presbyterian Church
The social affairs that are being
given under the auspices of the
“Gleaners”, with Mrs. G. W. Beau­
mont, who is president of the society
and general leader, in charge, are
profitable, both socially and finan­
Fred Wynn, one of the church
workers, and family, have gone t”
Minneapolis, Minn., on a combined
business and pleasure trip.
have been heard from and report an
enjoyable time.
The trip is being
made by automobile.
Mrs. George Bradshaw, associate
matron of the Eastern Star, has been
quite ill, but is now recovering.
The pulpit was supplied last Sun
day by Rev. Templeton. There is no
regular pastor, but the Presbyterian
society of Portland supplies each
Arrangements are beine
made to have a regular pastor for the
Married. June 29. Miss Norma Dry­
den and Mr. Stoner, also Len Sichback
ami Mildred Burdick. Mr. Sichbnck
has charge of the Christian church at
Hillsboro. Washington county, where
he is meeting with success in his
ministerial work.
Mrs. Sichback's
brother and sister live at Anabel.
Grove, where Mrs. Driscoll and fam­
ily are in camp for a two weeks’ va­
They slept out under the
stars, cooked their breakfast on a
campfire and hiked back Wednesday,
tired but happy.
Official board held its monthly ses­
sion Monday evening.
The ladies aid met Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Louie Smith. 1845
Division ftreet.
Carl Coon’s class, who have been
having a contest between the boys
and girls in that class on the best at­
tendance, best prepared lessons and
deportment, closed last Sunday, the
boys winning. In payment, the girls
gave a picnic to them Saturday after­
noon in Mt. Tabor park, which was
«joyed by alL
■ The W. M. A. met with Mrs. Wal­
ter Jarvis, 3823 66th street, last
The first annual picnic of the U. B.
ministerial association will be held
Friday, July 15, at Columbia park, on
the St. Johns earline. All four of the
churches with all departments, are to
participate and in the afternoon
Bishop Washinger will deliver an ad­
dress on the plans of the general con­
ference for the coming four years.
Fourth United Brethren
The annual Sunday school picnic
was held Saturday afternoon at Ken­
ilworth park, with a good attendance.
Five gallons of ice cream, five gallons
of punch and good appetites—need-
leas to say, a good time was had by
The Otterbein Guild girls held their
monthly meeting with Misa Lydia
Frey on Tuesday evening.
Edward Smith, who has not been
well for some time, has gone to the
mountains to try camping out for a
Victor I^assy of 6711 71st street,
spent the fourth in Spokane. Wash.,
on business for the Maxwell company
of this city.
Arista Baptist
Rev. Day will speak on “The Social
Obligation of the Church” at 11 a.
m.. and at 8 p. m. on “Why Did the
Genera! Consult the Witch.”
The installation services for the
pew officers of the B. Y. P, U. was
held Sunday evening. ' ThfsSraa the
result of the election held by the
“pops” and the “peps”. The “pops”
elected the president. Mr. Holmberg,
and the organist. Irene Crow, while
the “peps” elected the vice-president.
Harry Sherman, and the secretary­
treasurer, Lucile Marsh. Mr. Holm­
berg was elected president bv four
votes. Much interest was manifested
and they celebrated by a social given
last Tuesday evening in the basement
of the church.
The Arleta Baptist ball team plaved
Che Woodstock Episcopal church
team ’• "esday evening and Central
M. E. church Thursday evening on
the Arleta school grounds.
Friday the annual Sunday school
picnic will he held at Kenilworth
park. The school is to meet at the
church at 2:30 p. m. and will be con­
veyed to the grounds in autos.
Rev. Day is expecting a visit from
his father and mother, of Colfax.
Wash., next week. Rev. J. Frank 1 vn
Day is, pastor of the first Baptist
church of that place.
Kern Park Christian
Regular services Sunday.
Prof. S. S. Ball and Ward Swope
motored to Turner last Saturday to
bring home Mrs. Swope. Mrs. A. H.
Mulkey and Miss Elizabeth Ball, who
have been attending the annuad ses­
sion of the Christian church confer­
ence, which i sheld at that place each
year. Miss Elizabeth is a violinist
of some note and while there gave a
number of violin solos, also played in
the orchestra.
Lloyd Arlett of Kern Park was el­
ected state president of the young
neopies’ societies.
A numbet of our people are in
camp at the Chatauqua grounds at
Among them are Mrs.
Nellie Fishburn and Miss Hazel
Rev. (ihormley has just moved into
his new residence on 74th street and
69th avenue, recently completed.
Local and Personal
Mrs. M. H. Rice of Milton. Oregon,
is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Ward
Swope, of Kern Park.
The Christian Endeavorers of this
locality will no doubt be pleased to
know that Miss Fay Steinmetz has
been so successful in her work in the
state that she has been elected to a
national position in the Presbyterian
church. She was at one time county
Arleta Congregational Church
then state president, and
During the summer vacation church president,
her success there was enti­
affairs are conspicuous bv their ab­ through
to a higher position.
sence, but last Sunday was commun­ tled
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Tuf­
ion service and, for the summer, there ford,
7103 55th avenue, July 5, a 11*4
was quite si large attendance.
Miss Hazel Wells, a member of the pound
Dr. Lockwood and family spent
congregation, fell from her bicycle July
3rd and 4th at Seaside, making
and crashed through the window of
trip by auto on the Columbia
the Walters real estate office, cutting the
highway to Astoria, then to Seaside.
her thumb badly.
At last report it They report good roads, beautiful
was mending quite as well as could scenery and an enjoyable time. The
be expected.
citizens of Seaside have just com­
Dj- S. B. Briggs, a professor in pleted a four-mile seawall and cement
Jefferson high school, whose summer walk along the beach.
home is at Fairview, has been con­
Rev. Mrs. John Handsaker had a
fined to his home the past week with message from the home office of the
Armenian Relief association in New
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preach­ York city that a wireless had been
ing Ila. m.. onlv service during the received from Mr. Vickney. national
summer vacation time each Sunday.
secretary of this association, that all
on hoard the Acropolis, sailing from
Third United Brethren
New York on the Sth to Armenia,
The Otterbein Guild girls, accom­ were well and enjoying the trip. Rev.
panied by their patroness, started John Handsaker is one of the num-
Tuesday at 9 a. m. on a “hike” to Oak ber.