Guaranteed Circulation 1500 iHt. g>nrtt Wralù Subscription, $1.50 the Year. VOL. XIX, No. 27 LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, ORE., SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1921 News Happenings of Lents and Surrounding Country Social Affair« Are Source of Pleasure to ManylPersonal Items and Locals of Interest to Herald Readers Tersely Told Wm. Weingart of 4903 72ml street Mr ami Mrs. Alvin Chom of 94th street und 56th avenue calibrated at ha* purchased a new Dori touring car from the lomt* Garage. Seaside the Fourth, going by auto. The condition of Mr*. Goggins, is much im- Mr*. Wm Ek'hlepp I proved from her recent illness and who is confined to her bed in a local able l around a portion of hospital following a serious operation »nine time ago, is reported to the the time. Herald a* slightly more favorable. Hou uni P. Arn< st, mother and John Walrod, civil war veteran and to Albany Saturday brother, went nnd spent the fourth with Mr. Ar- commander of the local G. A R. post. I* reix>rt«l ax very ill with heart nest's sister, returning Munday. trouble. He ha* been under th« care Mis* Louise Englcmann, lister of of physicians for some time past and Mr*. J Grasses, who was operated on his condition Is said to be serious as at St Vincent's hospital two week* the Herald goes to press. ago, is improving a* much ua could Won! has been received from Mrs. be expected n* we go to pre,*. Palmer, mother of E. G. Tucker. 89th Mr and Mr* Cha*. Edward* and street and 71st avenue, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Harold Riley motored »pending the past year with him and tn tile bench»* for the week end. vis­ who left June 13 for her home In the iting both Gearhart and Seaside. If east, that «he had arrived safely and Sou think they didn't have a that the weather was intensely hot me, usk Qtarli». there. Boni, to Cecil Kaufman and wiZ- Adam Albert, of legal age and re­ of 89th street and 67th avenue, Jun« siding at 6825 46th avenue, obtained 15, a daughter. Mrs. Kaufman's mo­ a license to w-«| Sylvia Olney, also of ther, Mr* Culver, who live* in the legal uge, of 1461 Minnesota avenue. Thelma P. May of 6626 53rd ave­ country 17 mile* from Gresham, spent Sunday of last week with her daugh­ nue and Carey C. Deter of Jennings I-edge, were granted a license to wed ter. late last week The bride’s age was J. I). Hutchinson is marketing IS gives as 19 snd the groom’s a* 22. ■errs of raspberries from the Hapov This is an "off week” for the Her­ Vulley district and five acre« from Kelly's Butte this season Most of ald. Getting out an extra last Sat­ their berries go to the eastern part of urday, announcing the Carpentier the etale, where they have regular Dempsey event, celebration of Inde­ pendence day the Monday following customers each year. nnd all kind* of job printing, has ra­ Although the writer is poet the ther demoralized the general condi­ sixty mark, never before in his whole tion* of this office, which we trust life hns hr witnessed n fourth of Ju|v will assume norma) by our next Isaac. without seeing n man intoxicated, nt Kasper Wilcox ha* been heard from least one or two or a dozen fights and nt Inst The Herald received a tele­ other overt acts galore. And we tra phone message from him t’other day, versed a greater portion of the eitv threat«tong to sue u* for criminal II. Portland on the eventful day men­ be|, but fail«) to leave hi« address. tion«! Not even ,i firecracker broke He alno notified Attorney Arrest the stillness throughout the ma lor that he was going to see the latter portion of th«- citv -fust a few in the got hu desert*, it is said, for attach­ xnhurhnn districts Surely. It wn* a ing some furniture which a pal of safe and sane fourth, and. while to| ilcox wax endeavoring to keep out the small boy and the i old soak it wm . I I of the clutches of numerous creditors a little too quiet and drv. they will I of the muchly wanted real estate gradually I m * educated to the»» condi- i dealer, who is conspicuous by his ah 1 xence in the l«ntx district. lions and be thankful for it. Shifting the Scene Arleta, Kern Park, Millard Ave., Tremont, Woodmere Many Affairs of Interest to Community Related in En­ tertaining Way by Correspondent of the Herald Many June Brid«« June, month of roses and brides, saw many weddings celebrated in this district, especially toward the close of the month. Among them were the following: Roy R. Phaneuf and Miss Hilda Kasper were united in marriage on Thursday, June 30, at 8 p. m.. at the bride’s home. 658 E. 39th street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. O. Shepherd, pastor of the Third Uni­ ted Brethren church. The couple were attended by Carl O. Walker as best man and Mrs. Henry Kasper as bridesmaid. The happy couple left on Saturday for their honeymoon at Seaside On June 30, at Vancouver, Wash.. George W. Humphreys and Ulaly Brooks were united in marriage. It came as a surprise to the friends of George, for he was looked upon as a confirmed bachelor and as such had proclaimed himaelf. But it was with him as with many others, and when he met the “one woman” he quickly changed his mind. Mrs. Brooks had lived in the Mt. Scott district the most of her life and has many friend* here, while Mr. Humphreys is the genial barber at 62nd street and Fos- ter road. They are making their home at 6121 41st avenue. Rev. Owen T. Day united in ___ mar- riage on June 28, Sidney Brazier and Miss Ollie Powell, at the bride’s home, 58th avenue and 75th street They will be at their new home, 48th avenue and 60th street, from now on. Friday evening last, at the resi-. dence of the bride. Rev. Owen ____ ___ . Day united in marriage Roy Robinson and Miss Ollie Payne. A number of friend« were present and the gifts were numerous and valuable. The prevailing color wax pink and white. The bride was dressed in white or«oin- die and was attended by Miss Grace Scott. The Brown was groomsman. Mrs. Robinson has a host of friends in this section and their best wishes go with her. day evening with commencement ex­ ercise.». The primary will give their exercises at 2:30 p. m. and the main school at 8%p. m. The people of the community should show their appre­ ciation of the volunteer work of the faculty by their presence at these ex­ ercises. Local and Personal Mesdames Parker, Haynes and l.ongiey of Tremont came home on Tuesday, after a two-weeks’ visit at Seaside. Mrs. Longley in matron of Pisgah home. Married, June 17, at Everett, Wash. Merle Brown and Mias Grace Scott of 35th avenue and 66th street. The bride is well known in this vicinity, having been brought up here. The groom is an employe of the O.-W. R. 4 N Co. They will make their homo in Portland. While splitting wood on the Fourth Douglas Scott, Sr., of 35th avenue and 66th street, almost severed hie right thumb. Medical attention was promptly called and the member was saved. Mr. Scott has a son, Richard, in the navy, who has been heard from at the time of writing being in Nor­ way. A number of the boy scouts, troop No. 15, spent the week-end and holi­ day at Government Camp, near Mt. Hood. They were accompanied by Roy Segrist, scoutmaster, and E. Smith, Alfred Guthrie ad Chas. Guth­ rie, of 64th street. The boys report number of persorts injured totaled MT. SCOTT PARK HERE AND THERE a good time. Three of them went 127 during the month. There were BIC, CELEBRATION ABOUT THE CITY 1084 accidents during the month, on above the snow line on Mt. Hood. They were disappointed because from account of which officers of the bu­ a distance the mountain looks like a Little Items of Interest to Herald reau made 993 arrests. Fines aggre The Fourth of July celebration at peak, but, the boys say, distance Readers Culled From All Over “ the Mt Scott playground began early gated $4861. lends enchantment, for the top ap­ the Rowe City. in the afternoon with a parade on peared to them to be flat, when they Warrants outstanding against the 72nd street. Prizes donated by var­ were close up. Several hundred members of Ore- general fund of Multnomah county ious merchants of the vicinity were Mrs. Waldo Dunford died Thursday gi.n lodge* of the Benevolent and July 1 aggregated 0395.966.90. The awarded for the best entries in each at 10 p. m. Funeral services were Protective Order of Elk* will leave cash on hand to pay these outstand­ of the seven divisions of the parade. held Saturday from Kenworthy's un­ the latter* Part of this week for Loa ing warrants on that date amounted Red, white and blue ribbon« wen- dertaking parlors, the Christian Sci­ Angele*, where they will endeavor to to $24,813. In other words, the gen­ awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd best ence church having charge of the ser­ "«»•II" Oregon to the thousands of eral fund on July 1 »-as 0371,153.90 entries in each group. vices. Mrs. Dunford leaves her hus­ Elk* who will attend the national in ‘ the red? The county is paying In group one. Mrs. Gaehler took band and a sister to mourn her loos. convention. Oregon Elks will la- rep six per cent interest on this out­ first prize for having the best decor- The latter, who came from Minneso­ rvnenUsl in the parade to lie held on standing indebtedness. There has ated baby carriage with baby. In Hiram S. Miekiey ta, arrived on Saturday, the day af­ the 14th by a floral float which is es­ been a slum in the interstate bridge group two, Margarete Skipworth took Hiram S. Mickley, of 72nd street, ter Mrs. Dunford’s death. The sister timated to cost 4.5000 A big salmon tol’s as received by the county. The first priae for having the best decor- dinner will be served to guest* und balance on hand July 1, 1920, was ated doll carriage with doll, while who has been an invalid for fourteen had planned to spend the summer some unusual stunts put on by the 0189,733.98, while on July 1. 192), Ruth Dum forth and Elaine Hansack­ vears. died June 29. The funeral was and winter with her. held at Kenwortiyr's undertaking p*r- Multnomah cemetery is in a deplor­ visiting delegation. The purpose is the balance was 481,239.81. The er took ribbons for second and 'ors Yhe 30th. He' leaves a wife'and able condition and those responsible to create sentiment favorable to the state legislature, believing that the best respectively. In group three children to mourn his loss. should get busy at once, for it is a levying of an assessment upon mem­ county was holding back some of the Gail Morrison took first prize for the SEW ER WAITS ON 4th CELEBRATED The deceased was born near Shel­ disgrace to our beautiful city or ber* of the order in order to estab­ state’s share of the fees, placed the beat decorated boys’ express wagon, COURT AC TION don. Iowa, March 12, 1875. He was roses. AT PLAYGROUND lish a national Elk* playground near < ollccfion of the tolls in the hands of and Frankel Hamilton and Ira Hyzer The Buchanan and Donkel families Bend. the governor, taking it away from thy second and third. In group four M. the son of Samuel J. and Della G. Award of the contract for the con county commissioners of Multnomah Davidson took first prize for the best Mickley. As a small bov he crossed of Tremont spent the Fourth at 'Hie celebration at I.entx Park on They Anna McNaughton, an elevator op­ county until the state should be re decorated bicycle. st ruction of the first unit of the Eos the Fourth wax participated in by 350 In group five, the plains with them in 1881, coming Dodge park, near Bull Run. ter road newer wan deferred by th«- ample. Many families brought bus erator, 28 yearn old, was fatally in­ paid. Francis and Stuart Melvin took first by wagon train. During his boyhood report a very pleasant time. Jacob Moser, of 4219 73rd street, city council for one week Wednesday let lunches and in the afternoon there jured when she became entangled in prize for the most novel entry of the deceased resided on the farm i't»>n tin- advice of Citv Attorney was boxing, racing and vnrious con­ a moving elevator in the Couch That Portland is in better shape. some pet animal. In group six, Dick, near Troutdale and Fairview. About died at the family residence last Sun­ Grant. The nr»t|>oncmcnt came alxiut texts. Mr and Mrs. Fred Davison building Monday morning and wax both financially and industrially, than ie Wheeland took first prize for the 26 years ago he was married to Etta day. Deceased was 86 years of age. because of the suit instituted by a nnd Miss U Gorgo Miller acted as precipitated from the third floor to practically any city in the United best decorated wheelbarrow. In group Leighton and to the union was born Surviving are the wife, Louisa S., and group of property owners within the fudges. The boys and girls put forth the basement of the building. She States, according to Mayor Baker, seven, the Millard Avenue Presbyter­ five children, three of whom are liv­ four sons, William H., Walter R., protxsrd district who urn endeavoring their best efforts tu win a blue. reii died an hour later at St. Vincent's who returned this week from a trip ian Sunday school took first prize for ing: Randall, aged 21; Pose, 14 and Harold A. and Albert J. Moser. Fun­ to have the courts enjoin the citv or white ribbon. hospital from the shock. Miss Mc­ of one month’s duration over the the most novel entry of any other Jordan. 12. The last 20 years of de­ eral services were held Tuesday at from proceeding with the construction The scrambled shoe contest was Naughton was working in the bottom southwest and middle west. He says type, while Minnie Isar took second. ceased’s life was spent at Cape Horn, 3:30 p. m. at Finley mortuary, with • f the er This suit will be henni one of the moat enjoyable contexts of the elevator shaft und wax heard that practically every city he visited The parade was led by George Blakes­ Wash., where the family home place further services at Riverview eeme- in the circuit court on July 11. and Every youngster who ___ wore __ . laced to scream by a tenant; the elevator is struggling through exceedingly lee carrying an American flag and by is located, but owing to ill health it where interment took place- City Attorney Grant advised the shoes put his in the heap and the race then rapidly arose and her body shot trying times; many are in the grip of Uncle Sam. Willie Oaig. Donald was necessary to remove to Portland, council that it would he excellent was for each to find his own shoes, to the basement. She lived at 68 E. industrial strikes which have held Gilman and a crew of assistants took inorder to secure medical attention. BIG PRIZES IN THE policy to await the outcome of this put them on and got back to the goal. Ninth street. business at a standstill; others have charge of the parade, and much cre­ Besides the wife and children, three HERALD CONTEST suit before lett-'ng the contract. experienced serious financial difficul­ dit is due them for the way in which brothers survive: Elmer R. of Port­ The boxing wax done in a small land Dan of Troutdale and Irvin R. The commissioners of Multnomah ring, which consisted of a sack. The James Begg, on parole from the ties. The mayor thinks that organ­ they handled the affair judges for of New York. countv have forwarded to the city small Jacks and Georges were some­ state penitentiary and ordered sent ized labor and the people of Portland the parade were R. D.Amistrong, Clarence O’Neil again won the 05 Deceased was aged 46 years and weekly prize offered by the Herald in council formal notification of the what handicapped by having a gunny­ back to that institution by Circuit arc fortunate in having at the head Mrs. W. F. Katzky, Rev. Henry- three months. He was a member of granting of permission to the city to sack around their legs, but it was Judge Tazwell, tried to walk away of the labor movement here safe and White, Mrs. H. Wagstaff and Miss the trade-at-home contest, with a to­ Maccabees Tent No. 1 and Harmony­ tal of 693,750 votes, a very large proceed with the work of construct­ easier to tip over the other fellow. from the officers delegated to make sane labor leaders, and that employ­ Ruth Worrell. lodge of Oddfellows. ing the sewer from 62d street to 92n the school “Safety first” commit­ of Mrs. Carrie C Van Orsdal. who tions hard to obtain. The judge an­ were over, all of the prizes which had The Ot­ counted. The name« of the prizewin­ maintained ax a county highway. tees are to be appointed and its nu m has liven head of the order since 1897, nounced that those charged with mis­ been won in the parade and sports j‘-_ ,u. Shepherd presiding. ninv he tried without be­ were preseted to the winners by H. T. terbein Guild girls gave a banquet on ners will be announced in the Herald The prospect is thnt the council nt bera will have authority to cc correct may cause her to withdraw her can­ demeanors its meeting next Wednesday fore-icon anyone who is endangering his own didacy for re-election to that posi­ ing present, either in person or bv Blakeslee, in behalf of the Mt. Scott Thursday evening, at which there next week, together with the totals. The conven­ There will be a missing letter con­ will award the contract to J. F. Shea, or someone elan's safety. The pur- tion. Nine states are represented ii attorney, ami that in the future this merchants who had so generously do­ toasts and addresses. nated them. These were: Armstrong tion was addressed by the bishop on test the last week as usual. For it providing the court’s decision in the pose is to lessen the number of acci- this jurisdiction, the convention of course might be followed. Pharmacy, Bon Ton Grocery, Katz- Wednesday evening and the superin­ the Herald has selected the name of application for a temporary restrain­ dents and thus the number of crip- which is to be held in Portland for ky'x Pharmacy, Phoenix Pharmacy, tendent Thursday evening. the proprietor of the Rosemary Park ing order is favorable to the citv. pies and deaths. FORD CAR WRECKED ten days, begining on Monday next. The following are th* new officers : Grocery, C. G. Simmons, and the let­ Woodmere Store, Quinn's Grocery, C. A local real estate dea’er reports to BY PASSING STREETC AR M. Wolfard Dry Goods. R. Franks President, Mrs. E. O. Shepherd; vice ters forming the latter’s name have the Herald that he has made several DRYDEN.SAY AGE NUPTIALS Traffic accidents were numerous Archer Place Grocery. J. A. Teeni- president. Mm. J. A Henkle; second been omitted from the ads. sales in the last few days solely upon vice president, Mrs. J. E. Kenkle Extra 05.00 Prize PRETTY HOME WEDDING over the holiday. Mrs. Elisa D. Cra­ , A Ford car owned bv the Eagle Dry Goods, Currey’s Pharmacy anil secretary. the strenirth of the sewer being built. Mrs. G. E. MeD^nildi mer died Monday afternoon at 5 Garage and driven by lister Cox of Tremont House Furnishing Co. The Herald to voluntarily adding an Hr says that there is a strong feel in- tents, was struck by an Estacada in ­ treasurer. Mrs E. K. Bartmess; sec o ’ clock, an hour after an automobi'e For those who brought basket sup ­ extra 05 prize to the awards. This An attractive home wedding wax among prospective realty investors to which she was riding had collided terurban car last Monday and badlv pers. the Mt. Scott Improvement Club •'»«••»‘ore. Mrs. E. B. Clark; secretary will be given to the one who on next Insist that they will not locate in a ‘hot of Miss Norma Ellerby Dryden in wrycked. Two other young men in with a streetcar at Mississippi avenue furnished free coffee, for the making Wednesday, in turning in their totals, - ,bert Fu « ‘ »tn ’ an: district which does not take ordinar and Richard Savage Stoner at the and Portland boulevard. Heart dis­ the car with young Cox were not in­ ° rbe'n GiM- Mi” Emma has on hand the largest number of precautions to insure sanitation and home of the bride’s parents, Mr anil ease was said to be the cause of her jured, while the latter was bruised. of which the Millard Avenue Ih-esby- terian church kindly loaned the use of coupons issued by the Herald for sub­ will, input'll, .. • . . . ' * Dryden, 5824 ayui 39th HVTTlllO avenue. • . good living conditions. The failiir • Mr». Wm. Those who were near the scene of the their kitchen and utensils. MrR7;i*v M7‘ c Shepherd and scriptions. Money taken for re­ r V}an to build the sewer, according to his Rev. Mixsell, until recently pnator of ¡'nJu‘*' affair report the escape of the boys After supper a piano was brought Mr. and Mro. A. S. Cartoon spent the newals will also count. Do not mis­ views r.s gathered hv he Herald, will Anabel Presbyterian church, read in the affair. Mrs. O F. Albertson, as miraculous, as they were struck 834 Alberta street, was killed in a over to the grounds from the Millard Fourth with O. G I-ooney, near Sa- understand this offer. It doe« not greatly handicap the movement to the service in the presence of a num of lem. apply to coupons turned in in the The collision at Tillamook. Other fatali- broiulxide bv the train and the wreck­ avenue church, a large bonfire built bring more residents into the district her of relatives nnd friends. ties and near-tragedies brought the age dragged some distance. The car about an old stump and a community­ past. If you have tried for a prize bride wore a gown of white cropi do One of the purchasers of proper! total of was hauled back to the garage, a new M. E. Church and turned in coupons given for se­ mentioned above bought a nice home chene with veil and carried a bouquet number. killed and injured to a large body for it secured, and the chassis sing held under the leadership of Second division of the ladies’ aid curing subscriptions, the latter do not Paul Newmeyer, with his wife assist­ hut is very anxious to imnrove it. He of Cecil Bruner roses nnd white sweet is undergoing extensive repairs. ing at the piano For the evening meets at Dr. Finnell’s on Friday at count. Some of the contestant«, how- pens. Miss Marie Aubel. in pink taf­ is a strong proponent of the program. J. A. Harrison acted as 3:30 p. m. ?veT’ “jy^ubtedly have some held A. B. Chance, ex-employe of the and purchase I only upon the MRRlir- feta and tulle, was bridesmain, and chairman. Dr. Henrv White spoke a Mrs. Sarvix, mother or Mrs. Ada back These will count for the spe­ ARLETA 17. GOLDENDALE 4 ance that the district was goin- Allan Dryden, brother of the bride, Whitney Boys’ chorus, was arrested few words for the people of Mt. Scott, Jolley, died very suddenly last Fridav cial 05. We are making this offer to van the groom’s attendant. I.ittle Tuesday charged with forgery. It is forward with the sewer. Suzanne Curtis and Betty Savage, alleged that he forged the names of Arleta hatters knocked Taylor out while Col. John Lender was the evening. The funeral was held at the encourage and specially reward those speaker of the evening. Kenworthy undertakng parlors on who worked hard and loyally the last in dainty orgnndie frocks, were flow­ Julius Meier, president of the 1925 of the box in the fourth inning of the TABERNACLE MEETING The playground directors of the Mt. Sunday. Mrs. Jolley left Monday week or two of the contest to secure er girls. Hie wedding music was exposition committee, and A Clark last game of the Fourth of July ser­ played by Miss Ruth Gentry. After Selby, treasurer of the boys' chorus. ies at Goldendale Monday, making 10 Scott playground would like to ex­ with the body for South Dakota, the permanent readers of the Herald. Cash counts the same as coupon«' Two men had complained that they runs before E. Kiser, Goldendale press through the columns of the Mt old home of Mrs. Sarvis. An urgent invitation is extended to the ceremony supper was served The contestant having the greatest Out-of-town guests were Mr. and had been mulcted of small sums of shortstop, took the mound. Harris, Scott Herald their deep sense of all to nt tend the revival meetings be­ Laurelwood M. E. number of these 5.000 coupons in the ing held at lx>nta. across from the li Mrs. Snvage gradparents of the money by Chance, who they said, had twirling for ‘Arleta, allowed Golden­ gratitude to the many people of the Rev. Finley will speak in the morn­ turn-in Wednesday night, or who The score section who so quickly and generous­ brary, in a gospel tent, under the di­ groom, of Salem, Ore.; Mr. Homuth contracted with them to servo as ad­ dale batters three hits. ly responded to our every request, ing Sunday on “The Act of Acts”. In hands in the largest number of cash rection of the Free Methodist church. of lx» Apgelea, Cal.; Mr. nnd Mrs vance agents of the “World's Fair was 17 to 4. and to them we give the credit for the evening. Dr. Wilkinson, a world­ n«w or renewal zubocriptions, win« The A special invitation is extended to the Walter Shine.* of Yakima. Wash., and association” at good salaries We came wide traveler and lecturer, who is 05 extra. Julian has a good huy in No. 1 first the success of the day. Christian Christian people of Ix>nts to come Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trog, of Bend contracts were said to bear the forged To sum up, the following prizes here the last of the month, strangers lately from Ober Am merge rati, will growth cordwood: also some heavy _ signatures of Meier and Selby. at ind ... labor ____ tor and help pray down, an Oregon. Mr. Stoner Is a son of Mr. and country slab at lowest possible prices. to the community, and in less than a lecture on the Passion Play, illustra­ will be awarded Wednesday: 0150 in old-time, soul awakening. „ Heaven- prizes, divided into 050, 040 Four persons were killed in traffic Residence 9618 Foster Road, phone week’s time, through your assistance, ted with stereopticon views. sent; Pentecostal revival, that shows Mrs. Geo. E. Stoner, 7411 59th ave­ Regular choir practice Wednesday $30 020 and 010 for the six high con­ 24-tf put on one of the best programs in accidents on Portland streets in June, 033-70. no quarter to sin or mnkes no com­ nue. the city, as some people told us who evening and prayer meeting Thursday testants for the six-months period. 05 it was shown in the report submitted promise with Satan, but seta forth tn thd missing letter contest next Keep moving, brother. Life won't to Chief Jenkins Tuesday by Captain Some women achieve perfection by had been visiting other parts of the at 8 p. m the redeeming love of God, the Fath­ (Continued oa page four.) city. wait for you. The Bible school will close this Fri- I.*wia of the traffic bureau? The concealing their imperfe’tions er, Son and Holy Ghost.