Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 01, 1921, Image 1

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    Guaranteed Circulation
Subscription, $1.50 the Yeur.
News Happenings of Lents
and Surrounding Country
Social Affairs Are Source of Pleasure to Many*,Personal
Items and locals of Interest to Herald
Readers Tersely Told
Bradstreet report» that out of ev­
T. C. Cox la bt.lldinjr ■ nice lilU*
house mi !»3rd »treat nnd U«th avenue. ery KM) firms that fail In buaineaa. 84
arc ruin-advertiser».
Mr. nnd Mr». D. C. Andrews of
Wright (Shorty) Davis Is taking a
Lonerock. Oregon, are visiting their well earned vacation in the Bend
»on, I’rank Andrew» and family of country this week, endeavoring to
thi* place.
rvcuiwrate from a »were cold.
Pate Mutuincrviez ia the name of
The condition of Mrs. Goggins ia
the gentleman that recently Pur* reported on Thursday morning as to
chased the F. Luther place at 0027 be not endrvly satisfactory, as little
92nd »treat.
gain is shown.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Newton of
God hate» a liar worse than a petty
thief. Ho*» ever a coward and a t’-oeur d'Alene. Idaho, have been vis­
coward 1» the moat contemptible hu­ iting at the home of her brother, Carl
Young. 10212 60th avenue-
man being on earth.
Mr» F. P. Wood» of Fullerton,
Cal., who was called here by the
death <»f her »later, Mr». Evas. left
on the steamship Pacific Monday for
her home.
Mr». W. Boyd Moor* waa a guest
at th»- home of J. C. McGrew on
Tuesday, June 22. Mr» Ross of Aa-
toria also made a short visit with the
Frv«l Gslsler of the ML Scott Drug
Co., went to Vancouver, B. C. lait
Friday evening to attend a six davs
session of the Edison Phonograph
Co., a* a delegate from Portland.
If all the people that read the Mt.
Scott Herald each week were bona
fide subscriber» we’d be able to take
a vacation to Europe the coming sea­
William Young of Dallas and Mi»»
trucks of Salem, drove down Sunday
afternoon and called on Mr. Young’s
sister, Mm. James Leitch and her
Julian ha» a good buy in No. 1 first
growth cordwood; also some heavy
-ountry slab at lowest possible prices.
Residence 9618 Foster Road, phone
I. G. Peterson, »on of F K. Peter
»on. local druggist, io expected home
on Sunday morning from San Fran­
cisco Mr. Peterson ia in the office
nt the president of the Southern Pa­
cific railroad
Judge Jacob Kaniler of the court
of domestic relatic.ns, and his family,
of Eastmoreland, called on J. M.
I eitch and family Wednesday night
The Kanzlers were friends of Mr.
leilch in Kearney, Neb.
Georire Forner, mail carrier up and
down 92nd street and for miles
around, with hi» family and sister-
in law, Mrs. (toomba, drove to Eugene
Saturday afternoon in a Chevrolet
purchased by Mrs. Coombs while vis­
iting here last week.
Says Ralph C. Clyde, who special­
ise» in advertising, and who han
bee in Portland, engaged in a suc­
cessful business for eleven years: “A
steady advertiser will get much bet­
ter results than one who puts in a
small ad for a short time and then
yelps that he received no results.”
Mrs. W. B. Mumbrue, mother of
Mr». I.. E. Minott of 82n<i street, ter­
minated an extended viait thia week
and returned to her home at Gill’»
Landing, Wisconsin
Mrs Mumbrue
is KI year» old (or young) and made
the return trip alone.
The W. C O. F. of St. Peters. Court
1009, are giving a family picnic on
Suf day afU i ’
IP. at Ponin
aula park. All Forester» and their
friends are invited to pack their bas­
kets und come along for a gofal time
Mrs. Stubbs, C. R.
The first thing heard when we ar­
rived ' at our office Monday morning
waa a holler -we’d got a man's name
wrong in the last issue. A newspa­
per publisher should have occult
powers and make no errors: and if he
does, he should I m - roasted to a turn —
on general principles.
Art Geisler and Axel Klldnhl re­
turned home last Friday evening
from their fishing trip on the Des­
chutes river with a very satisfactory
catch of the tinny tribe. Art kodaked
aevcral fun- vie a - of the country vis-
ited, one especially of Alex posing in
the dewy morn that muat I m - seen to
be appreciated.
Clyde T. Ecker, an old-time newt-
pajM-r man, residing at 5634 38th ave­
nue. accompanied by his son. J. C.
Ecker, publisher of the Poet at Inde­
pendence, called on the Herald last
Friday. The senior Mr. Ecker was
located in the state of Nebraska for
many years and knows a million —
more or leas—people that the writer
is personally acquainted with.
For pure deviliahnesa some of the
gamins of this immediate locality ex­
cel Last Friday evening ax Mrs. Dr.
Lundberg wax driving her car nt the
Intersection of Foster Road and 92nd
street, a young lad wan observed
throwing large tack» Immediately *n
front of the vehicle and before she
could atop hud passed over them nnd
the result naturally was a punctured
tire. Such specimens of mental de­
pravity invariably wind up their ca­
reer by doing time behind the bars.
Ad-Fax, the official organ of the
Women’s Advertising Club, Portland,
han been received at thia office. It
la a bright, newsy little sheet and a
credit to its publisher» and the edi­
tor. Celeste Liston Harris, whom th««
writer has known well for many
years, in the Yakima valley, where
Mrs. Harris and her husband, now
Senior member of the Ralph Harris
Realty Co., Chamber of Commerce
building,, were persistent boosters for
the community in which thev resided.
The new residence building of P. E.
Kennedy on 9?r<l Ureet and 63rd av­
enue In enclosed and work progress­
in g rapidly. A. E. Hamilton and the
three Scheuerman brothers are the
carpenters. 'Nuf ced. Mr Kennedy
has materially increased the sire of
the building from the original plans
and, when finished, the house will
comprise five rooms and a sleeping
porch downstairs, with fireplace,
spied id basement and a large up­
stairs attic.
J. D. lee, of 4828 32nd avenue, an
old subscriber of the Herald, who is
sub-dividing • tract of 130 acres 2’4
miles southeast of Lents, was a caller
at the Herald office Tuesday morn­
ing. Mr. lee waa a member of the
last legislature from Multnomah
county and is now serving his sev­
enth session in a legislative capacity
He formerly resided down the valley
and represented the joint district of
Benton and Polk counties in the state
Heralù “TäT"
The Women's Home and Foreign
Societies of the Methodist church of
lent» will hold an all day meeting at
the home of Mr». Wright Davis, 6030
89th street, Wednesday, July 6. The
morning »easion will be at ¡1 and a
program will be given in the after-
noon. All members are asked to con­
tribute sheets, table cloths or other
material suitable for bandages to be
used in hospitals in foreign fields.
Each member of the »ociety is asked
'«. bring u guest; also a knife, fork,
-poon, cup nnd plate and'something
to fill the plate.
Lenta Grange club met at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kcruder, 4530
l’o»r| Valley road, Thursday. June
23. About forty members and friends
partook of the basket dinner at noon,
after which a number of the guests
visited E. J. Steele's mammoth pansy
garden, which is across the street
from the Krender home. Mr. Steele
made a very interesting talk regard­
ing pansy culture, and will be at the
next grange meeting, July 9, with
specimens of his pansies and an in­
structive talk. After returning to
the house, a short mimical program
waa enjoyed The next meeting will
Im with Mrs John W. Maffett. 6335
90th street, Thursday, July 7.
At the big Fourth of July celebra­
tion, to be held at the Mt. Scott Park
playgrounds, 73rd street and 57th av­
enue. there will be many things of
interest for young and old.
W W.
Foster and Miss Julia Harrison have
been untiring in their successful ef­
forts to secure needed facilities for a
good day. Officers have been secured
to patrol the line of march for the
kiddies Competent men and women
have been put in charge of al) divi­
sions and the crew of 22 men now at
work on the grounds are making the
place unbelievably pretty and usuable
for those who attend. It will be im­
possible to have tables, but the
ground will be suitable for a picnic
lunch and there will be many liench-
ea. Paul Newmeyer will conduct the
community sing in the evening.
The parade will be in charge of the
Boy Scouts.
H. T. Rlakraley will
have charge of the distribution of
Brises. At the baseball game. Elmer
srden and Willis Prather will act as
umpires. Linemen for vollevball will
be Albert Frickey and O M B Da­
vidson. Judres of the parade will be
R. D. Armstrong, chairman. Dr.
Henry White and one lady who has
not yet been chosen.
Albert Frickey is chsirman of the
bonfire committee and the bonfire
will be a big one. A bunch of comedv
races, with Roy Stout for starter, will
be fun for everyone: Rowing, men 20
years and over; medicine ball, girl»
15 to 20 years; heel and toe, women
ever 20; 2-legged race, boy» 15 and
under 20; sack race, boys and girls
under 15.
A remark was overheard the other
day in which a prominent worker ov
ertown laughed when told the faculty
«if the daily vacation Bible school
were planning a team for indoor base­
ball. Thia worker said thev would
like to see such a game an they had
never yet seen a Sunday school team
with “pep” enough to play ball. So
if there is enough of the faculty in
town on the 4th. a ball game will be
put on, the opposing team being
picked from the park boys and girl».
Tentative plans are also being
made for a volley ball game between
th * gym classes of Woodmere and
Arleta. Everyone is welcome—bring
lunches and enjoy a quiet, sane
Parade at 1:00 p. m., in which
prizes will be awarded for—
Beat decorated baby earriag«*
with baby.
Best decoratol doll carrisgc with
Best decorated boy’s expresa wa-
Best decorated bicycle.
Most novel entry of some pet an
Most novel entry of any other
Following the parade, in the after-
Indoor baseball game.
Volley ball game.
Comedy races.
Awarding of all prizes will take
place immediately following the races.
Basket supper at 6:00 p. m.
Bonfire and Community Sing in
the evening.
Arleta, Kern Park, Millard
Ave., Tremont, Woodmere
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. l«ocke, former­
ly of Grays Crossing, returned with
their children last week after a year’s
visit with the parents of Mrs. Ixicke
at Perham Minn They made the re­
turn trip by auto, leaving Perham on
the 4th of June and taking fifteen
days for the journey, not all of which
waa consumed in traveling. They re­
port a wonderful trip, with good
roads, but narrowly escaped disaster
in a minature cyclone in Montana.
Y>*y «re for the present making
their home with Mr. Ixwke’s mother.
Mrs. Alice I-ocke of 9519 55th avenue
but expect to permanently settle
here, returning to the garage busi­
ness. in which Mr. Ixwkc was former­
ly engaged. Mrs. Ixwke wanted to
»» “X®** to her Parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Theo Flatau, but found the
chmste back there not to her liking
after some time spent on the coast
VOL. XIX, No. 26
Many Affairs of Interest to Community Related in En­
tertaining Way by Correspondent
of the Herald
Many June Brides
Ixcai and Personal
The luncheon given at Luckey cot
Four hundred twenty-five have
tage last week was a success finan lieen enrolled in the Bible achool held
cially and the ladies were quite well at the Arleta school building. Aver­
age attendance each day, 350. Ther*
June is the brides* month and near­ ia an efficient corp* of teachers who
ly all the ministers of our district are regular in attendance and the
report a wedding this week. From play hour is supervised by Miss Glass
the Congregational church Rev. Hand- of the park board playground super­
saker united in matrimony at the visors.
home of Dr. W. S. Prüden, brother of
Dale Bell and Ellis Lake went to
the bride, H. E. Hettmer and Mrs. southern Oregon to work on th* rail­
Mary Morgan, formerly of Grant road. but returned last week.
county, Oregon, but for the ’ present
Mrs. Fred Kleinschmit of 5527 71st
of this city.
street died at Salem Sunday evening.
Some years ago the Fourth of July meant
Rev. Day of the
__ Arleta
_____ ____
____ The
body was brought to Kenworthy’s
church pronounced the ceremony at undertaking parlor» where the funer­
hours of wild rejoicing and cavorting. It also
the parsonage that made W. W. Bow­ al was held Thursday.
meant thousands of men, women and children
ers and I-eota Jones man and wife on
F'rank Pitcher is building a bom*
June 25.
maimed or killed in the inevitable premature ex­
for Mrs. Helen Marsh on 55th avenue.
Frank Price, who works for the
plosions, fires and ether accidents, to say noth­
church united in wedlock Stanley .Southern Pacific company at Glen­
ing of the fatalities resulting from the ever­
Clayton and Effie Cooper of the west dale, spent Sunday with his family
side. Mrs. Cooper is a friend of Mrs at 7123% 55th avenue.
present fights.
Freda Coulson of Laurelwood.
The surprise given Rev. White of
the Millard avenue
Such was our manner of celebrating our in­
Third United Brethren
church was a decided success. He
dependence in former years.
The Otterbein Guild girls gave a was introduced as Dr. White to each
banquet Thursday evening in the person present and was showered
But today it is different. There is just as
basement of the church Thi
This organ­ with roses.
Miss Aimee Hollingworth, formerly
ization is for the girls’ work in con­
much patriotism and no less rejoicing, but it is
nection with the W. M. A. branch of a reporter for the Herald, is attend-
done in a sane manner as becomes an enlight­
the Oregon conference, which held ng the University of Oregon summer
its convention here M ednesday and school in Portland
ened and dignified people.
Mrs. James Blohm and family,
formerly of south Mt. Tabor—Divi-
Next to the birth of Christ, the Fourth of
evening on "How Is Your Con­ ion street—now of Eagle Rock a su­
burb of Los Angeles, is visiting with
July will always be the greatest day in history
The church’s community pride has friends and relatives in Portland. Mr.
to us, but as time goes on we will learn to ob­
been aroused here on account of the Blohm works for the Pacific Fruit
serve it in a manner befitting the birth of the
W. M. A. convention and a number of Co. and travels all over the south­
men with their sickles and lawnmow­ west. They will spend the summer
greatest nation on earth.
ers trimmed the church lawn until it here, returning in time for the open-
looks like it has been well groomed. ng of the schools, as Miss Evangel­
Hail to America and the starry flag!
ine is in the Occidental College in
I-os Angeles.
Arleta Congregational Church
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mos­
The Christian Endeavor discon­ ley of 445 E. Clay street, June 25, •
tinued their evening service until daughter.
September 1, so there will be no ev­
Miss Helen Harper gave a violin
ening services at the church until recital, assisted by her sister. Miss
that time.
Jean Harper, as pianist, at the Mult­
AGAIN WINNER There will be a patriotic song ser­ nomah hotel on June 27. It was a
vice for the Sunday school for 30 concert much appreciated by an aud­
minutes and the morning service will
There was a battle-royal on in the be in keeping with the patriotic spirit ience of 150 people. Miss Harper is
Suit to restrain the city of Port­
a Franklin high school graduate of
land from proceeding with the con­ trade-at-home contest this week,with of the season.
last vear.
struction of the Fbster Road sewer three of those participating turning
Miss Elsie McLain of Division
was filed in circuit court last week by in big totals Margaret Leitch won
street returned last week from a three
Laurelwood M. E.__ _
G. W. Chilson," property owner of this the $5.00. with 268,475 votes. Mrs.
months’ visit in California.
district. He names as defendants the Jones had 203,700 and Clarence
The pulpit
ilpit will be filled Sunday a.
Wm. Wrigley of Philomath, Ore.,
city. Mayor Baker, all the commis­ O’Neil 165,600.
m. by R H. Sawyer of the Anglo-Is­ visited last week with Alfred Guth­
Next week winds the contest up. rael Research Society. In the even­
sioners and the city auditor
of 3553 64th street. He is on his
He alleges in the complaint that For the missing name the Herald has ing at 8 p. m. Rev. Finley will speak. way to spend his vacation at Pendle­
construction of the sewer as proposed selected that of A. D. Kenworthy, Ijist week gave Rev. Finley a sur­ ton
or near there in the harvest
is against public interest in numer­ and the letters to make that name are prise, the occasion being his 48 birth­
ous respects, and asserts one portion omitted from the advertising on the day. It was ’prayer meeting night, fields.
The Allo ways, who formerly lived
of the contemplated drain is an open contest page.
as there is a service for the adults
Remember, the grand prizes will be and one for the young people. Bro. on Division street and well known on
ditch, emptying into Johnson creek.
south Mt. Tabor, have sold their
He declares this would menace health, awarded after th« week, so get busy Finley attended the young peoples’ farm at Hood River and have moved
waste taxpayers’ money and would in the grand wind-up. Remember too meeting and while there the older to
a chicken ranch near Corneliua.
that 5,000 votes are given with each people assembled in the parsonage,
pollute Johnson creek.
J. C. Robertson, the old rentleman
It is set forth that the district pro­ new or renewal subscription to the and he, on coming home, was greeted who
will be remembered as the noted
posed to be served by the sewer is Herald, and they count pretty heavy by a company of about 65. A purse
player, is quite ill at his
now healthful, with suitable drainage in the totals. While we have not said of $35 50 was presented to him, and dulcimer
on 24th and Tibbetts street At
and that costs are now excessive for much about it, many new names hay» then the company adjourned to the home
report he was convalescing.
construction work of all kinds. The been placed on our lists, and this is basement of the church, where the last
The Apostolic Faith people are
court is asked to make a temporary the last opportunity to get in on this candles on the cake, were lighted and holding a campmeeting on their
restraining order preventing the de­ offer, with a commission of 50 cents ice cream and cake served. Brother grounds, recently purchased by them
fendants to the suit from making a in addition on each subscription.
Finley is much appreciated by his on Milwaukie road and 63rd avenue.
contract for the construction of the
congregation for his faithfulness to It is one of the moet unique and beau­
sewer until the final hearing and
his people.
tiful grounds we have seen. The wild
ament be entered perpetually en-
On Sunday evening, June 26, Rev. rose bushes, hazel and the natural
ng the city from proceeding with
Guy Phelps gave a very interestinr wood has been so arranged by a land­
or attempting to construct the Foster
Action against the Transportation talk, with slides, on “White Slavery” scape gardener as to add much to the
road sewer or to assess property of Marketing company, incorporated, in and “Our Oregon Girls”.
beauty of the place.
The music is
the plaintiff or others for any part of the form of an involuntary petition
The boys’ class has again chal­ furnished by an orchestra of members
the cost of the contemplated im­ of bankruptcy filed in the federal lenged the Bible class for another of the church.
bankruptcy court, has been started. contest in doubling the number in at­
Mrs. Dave Byers returned Friday
Deputy City Attorney Latourette Marshall Fraser, president and or­ tendance.
This contest is to begin last from Goldendale, Wash., with
has begun preparing an answer to ganizer of the company, was recently July 1 and end Christmas. The Bible the two youngest children of her bro­
the complaint filed by Attorney Mc­ sentenced to two years’ imprisonment class now numbers 35 and the bovs’ ther Claire, who recently lost his
Nary for the remonstrants. Mr. La­ for violating the state blue sky law. class 45. The entire Sunday school is wife by death.
tourette will attempt to have the The concern had a store planned for alive with interest and it is hoped
Quinton Guthrie and George Cruik-
case set and the court ruling ob­ lenta and some fixtures in. The pe­ that no depression will be felt during hank gt> Friday with the Whitney
tained before the matter of closing titioners allege they were induced to the summer vacation time.
boys on a tour of Oregon and Cali­
the contract with J. F. Shea, success­ subscribe $500 for capital stock in
Mrs. L. J. Perry entertained the fornia. The boys will go in autos,
ful bidder, coines up next Wednesday. the company and have received no se­ missionary society of which she is the camping out and singing, from town
Members of th ecouncil have ex­ curity for their investment.
president last week in her home to town. There will be 135 in th«
pressed resentment at the attitude of
There were 20 ladies present and group, it is thought.
i «»me op-.r ie*.< of the improv-nent. MILK WAGON DRIVER
seven new members added to the roll.
J C. Broadson went on a flying
who declare the project has been
FACES LARCENY CHARGE A beautiful vase was presented to business trip to San Francisco last
forced upon theip
When the time
Airs. Perry for her faithfulness to Tuesday, returning Friday.
for remonstrance before the council
Great. plans
plan? are 1 being made
Miss Cauthom will give a public
Albert E. Jaeger, driver for the them. _ Great
arrived, only 22 per cent of the prop­ Damascus creamery, was arrested on for this year’s work. The society ad- recital of her pupils Friday at 8:15
erty owners went on record as not Wednesday on a complaint sworn to journed until Sept 1.
p. m„ at Arleta Baptist church. All
favoring the sewer, council members by Mrs. Lillie Morse, 4614 67th St.,
are welcome.
point out.
Arleta W. C. T. U. observed flower
charging him with the larceny of $400
pie fact that competitive bidding from a suit case which she said she
mission day
Tuesday afternoon,
reduced the city engineers estimate had in her room under the bed The
Rev. Owen T. Day will
Sun- Flowers were taken to Woodmere
by $65,000 and that a direct saving arrest was made by Inspectors Phil­ day a. m. on “Is There a speak
___ _____
After home.
of $18.000 more will result from an lips and Howell at the residence of Death”? At 8 p. m , “Why Life
the King
Mrs. W. J. Jefferies of 6548 57th
acceptance of Mr. Shea’s bid make Mrs. Morse, where Jaeger lives. The Killed the Jester.”
avenue, was hostess at a very pretty
the closing of the contract especially man’s bail was fixed at $1000. Jaeger
Wednesday evening, July 6, the luncheon on Tuesday, honoring Mrs.
desirable, members of the council is 21 years of sge and has a wife and prayer meeting services will be a D. S. Hiatt of Lents, for her birth­
have declared.
discussion on the summer Psalms. day. and Mrs. J. D. Kimery of Echo.
They will be the 24th, 121st, Sth an.l The luncheon was served in the sum­
Uncle Sam favors world disarma­
mer house on the lawn. A very en-
When a man chews tobacco his
ment and the rest of the world fav­
The contest at baseball between joyable time was had by all.
wife often chews the rag.
ors the disarmament of Uncle Sam.
the married men and the single men
The Fourth U. B. church held its
Some people have a habit of never of the church was a battle royal, the weekly prayer meeting Tuesday ev­
Rich men often become voluble
over their first dollar, but preserve a seeing their next door neighbors. single men winning. U to 8.
ening and its monthly official board
Next Friday evening the Baptist meeting the same evening instead of
discreet silence regarding their last. They are blind.
young men will play
ball against ths Wednesday, on account of th* Oregon
young men of the Anibel Presbyter- branch of the W. M. A. holding its
tan church.
convention at the Third church.
When 10-year-old Jacob Piper,
5316 55th avenue and his two com-
l>anion», Victor Hickman. 5324 46th
avenue and Robert Priegnits, 4324
63rd street, felt the call of the wild
nnd decided to go on a camping trip
they were said to have made a raid
on the residence of young Piper’s fa­
ther and obtained $15 with which to
finance the trip.
Young Hickman
was also declare«I to have filched a
$10 bill from his mother. The activ­
ities of the three boys were brought
to light when Mr. Piper reported that
his residence had been robbed. Pa­
trolmen Ragan and Harper made an
investigation. They found the money MANY MT. SCOTT FOLKS
concealed in an old flashlight which
the boys had wrapped up In a roll of
blankets preparatory for making their
With the last days of June in sight
many couples from this district hur­
ried to the marriage license bureau
this week in order to be wedded in
The people of lent» and the sur­ the merry month of June, so popular
rounding neighborhoods are invited with brides. Among these were the
to take part in the Fourth of July following: Richard S. Stoner. 21 of
festivities at lent» park. There are 7411 59th avenue and Norma E. Dry­
to be various contests in the after­ den, legal, 5824 39th avenue; Dale R.
noon, such as fat men’s race, horse­ ^**or8*i '*K«I Gates and Foster Road
shoe pitching and racing for old and and Edna R. Homing, legal, 345 E.
joung, with suitable prises for each Glisan; Roy R. Phanef, 29, 5231 47th
The native« are invited to avenue and Hi’da Kasper, 29. 658 E.
«tr**t; Sidney W. Brasure, 25,
bring picnic dinners and spend the
5617 45th avenue and Olive Powell
21, 6028 47th avenue; Roy C. Grisch­
Friday evening, beginning at five ow, 23. 6418 83rd street and Myrtle
o’clock, the boys at lent» park are M. Moodenbaugh, 17, 5828 82d street.
King to fix up a tennis court and
ve a general clean-up of the LENTS MAN LOSES CAR;
The girls have promised
a bountiful supper and all hands will
enjoy the spread. Boys, come with
Fred Wing. 16, and Floyd Stafford,
vour sleeves rolled up and lota of el­ 18. were brought back from Hood
bow grease on.
Girls, see Prances River Tuesday by Patrolmen Meach­
Miller, who Is chairman of the "eats” am and Shitnp of the auto theft divi­
committee and get busy in the kitch­ sion on the charge of the larceny of
en A baseball game and a phono­ an automobile belonging to Daniel
The two
graph concert have been arranged for Holm, 10303 61st avenue.
later entertainment.
boys were said to have taken the ma­
chine and to have gone on a toy ride
The girls of lent« park who are °.u? the °0,'""*>ia River highway
over 4 feet 10 inches and under 5 About two miles this aide of Hood
feet 6 inches in height have organ­ <
Ü**y ran out
«ras and al
ised a baseball team and are training speed officer came along and arrest­
to be champion players. Virginia En-
dnzzi ia elected captain and Lois
Th* number of abandoned cork
Sheets manager.
They have chal-
leged the boys 4 foot 10 inch team to •erews in rubbish heaps bears mute
a game, which ia to be played Friday testimony to the existence of prohibi­
evening after the picnic.
tion—in spots.
Realizing the tremendous amount of inter­
est that exists in the Dempsey-Carpentier fight
for the championship of the world, the Herald
has arranged to cover the fight round bv round
and will issue an extra immediately a/ter the
last returns are in. Papers will be rushed to
all parts of the district by newsboys within a
few minutes after the flash giving the name of
the winner is received. Watch for the Herald
special edition.
Surprise Party
Ther ewas a surprise party given
by Mrs. George Hamlin on Saturday
evening for her brother. Wm. Welch,
who will return next week to Helper,
Utah, where he will accept a position
•t that place as manager of a drug
store. The lawn was lighted with
Japanese lanterns and a merry com­
pany spent a pleasant evening with
music, dancing and games.
^*re "’on by Mrs. Joe Lockwood and
Frances Newman.
Those present
were:« Elizabeth Saunders, Ag.
<'*«. ar'r* P*1** Allison« Jim «nd Alex
Allison, Mr. and Mcsdames Jim Alli­
son, Joe Lockwood, Joe Hunt and sis­
ter. Francis Newman. Fre«l Helming.
Joe Ertle, W. R. Welch. Geo. B. Ham-
ill and Mrs. Archie Alliaon.
Recently, at the Arleta library, a
baby clinic, under the direction of Dr.
C. W. Moore, assisted by the visiting
nurses in co-operation with the lib­
rarian, was very successfully held.
As a direct result of this demonstra­
tion, at which 52 babies held sway,
the visiting nurses assure us that in
tho near future we may expect a
monthly baby clinic.
A competent
physician will be in charge, assisted
by two nurses.
The clinic will be
held in the Arleta branch library and
will be a boon to this community. Tbe
date will be announced later.
Exit the June bride.
Junes are coming.
But other