Phone«: Office «10 73, High Time GARDEN TOOLS DR. NEWCOMB HRI'GI.ESS PHYSICIAN Manual Manipulation Majnellc Thera »cut lea 1'207 Coater Rd., cor. '»2nd I.ENTS at Today*s Wholesale Prices Sale Starts Today; until May 15 Your Gas Bill payable at Millard Ai/enue Drug Store 72nd Street <1 SStb A im ., S.E. Lents Furniture Co. Mill Run Wood 9213 Foster Road Slab and Block Mixed Delivered In big ¿»/t nr truck load«, approx!- 'KM malely IS cord»... *r^«*** P. LARSEN, Real Estate, Insurance Phone Tabor 8644 6702 Foster Road PHONES ............. pAY... Water Bills Come in and See Before Buying Business AuL 610-79................. Ilea. «13 MI aaaA^s«« Curreys Pharmacy Grays Crossing l.ea»e Order» at MOI s.Hth Street Residence Main 3359 it« all right or your money back Prop. Lents, Ore Overhauled X* UKJJD & Repaired Gtl My fric« »nd Save Mtn«, Satisfaction Guarantee«!. 0TT0HECKEL.Cor.55th An.. S.E. AIJI Ik St Hart & Klauder Everlasting Concrete Fence Posts All Designs Also Phone «25-17 mt. Scott fierald Publohed Evary Friday at Lanta Station. Portland. Oregon. Geo. A. McArthur............... Proprietor ...... ———— Entered a» second-cla«« mall mat­ ter February 14. 1814. at the po«t- I office at Lanta Oregon, under act of Conrresa. March 1. ltTS. TKTO storage battery can get along well without service—a regular look-over, a little attention now and then, the addition of chemically pure distilled water as needed. I Subscription Price Phone 622-28 GRIBBLE BROTHERS CRESTON GARAGE $25,000,000 FOR WHAT? Eagle Garage Phone 633-63 Fishermen and Tourists •S i j | Are you prepared for the coming season? How about your Auto needs. We are readv to serve you with Expert Repairing. High grade Auto Supplies, Grease and Oils. If your battery needs replacing we’ll make allowance on a New Columbia. 50th and Powell Valley Road Phone 616-62 What are we going to get out of •hat $25,000,000 this government is to pay the government of Colombia? By con.enting to this payment we i tacitly admit that this government ! vas in a measure instrumental in the i secession of Panama. It is within I this seceded territory that General Goethals performed the greatest en­ gineering feat of history by con­ structing the Panama canal, which we own. Central and South American re- . publics are never quite at east re- ' garding the United States. There is I always a lurking suspicion that we ; ••ntertain ulterior designs toward them, with the possibility of extend­ ing the folds of the American flag to cover the entire continent at some future day. But we have no such intentions, i We have troubles enough of our own without assuming those of an alien , race whose habits, customs and in­ clinations are not tn harmony with our own. Is this government to great that it u willing to admit a mistake of the past and make restitution to the ex- tent of $25,000,000? Or is it a cold blooded effort purchase that brotherly love that we all know does not exist? Or what is it* $25,000,000 is a lot of money, means much to Colombia. But where do we come in? Do we simply cough up and forget or is there a hidden string to the deal i <*v«eeQ T"e MAPLES GARAGE AND AUTO REPAIR SHOP E ARE A SALE AND SERVICE STATION for Diamond Tires and Tubes; also Fisk Fisk Tires and Tubes; with New Stock ot all sizes to fit your car. We guarantee our tires and give all service possible. W OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Phone: 614-48 L. L. CAMPBELL, Prop Successors to Myers Garage and Machine Shop 10004 Foster Road and Darrin Avenue SQUARE DEAL CANDY STORE SATURDAY SPECIAL 1009 36th Artu, S. E. Near 82nd SL and Powell Valley Road 3 Days of Helpful Music FREE Try for Mr Edison* s J10.000. Send in your ide*» Y'ou’U get the beat idea« by living »nd experimenting with the New Edison in your own home. II you don’t own a New hduon, we ll loan you one log three day«, absolutely without charge or ob­ ligation Sign and «end the coupon below. />« it *-^