!» - mt. Scott herald GARDEN TOOLS Published Kvecy Frtday at Lanta ma lion. Portland. Oregon at Today s Wholesale Price» Goo. A. McArthur ........... Proprietor Subscription Prie« |l SO a year Sale Starts Today; until May 15 Come in and See Before Buying Lents Furniture Co. L THAT SLACKER LIST 9213 Foster Road _________________________ _ _____________________________ P. LARSEN, Reai Estate, Insurance 6702 Foster Road Business Ant 610-79 1 Residence Main 3359 PHOltES imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiin Back to Pre-War Prices Special on Tires hink of a 30-301-2 Aj*x Road King and a red tube for T -1 X r n / »Ovl ( , Including the names of valiant ex- service men among the list of slack­ ers leads unbiased people to suspe«t that the persons who kept the records should head that list. The lists sent out by the war de partaient have been found to be ao unreliable the press of the countrv hesitates to publish them until th record of each man has been enre- fully traced. If the records of the war depart­ ment and the draft boards have been so loosely kept as to be largely un reliable, then the editorial frateniiç is quite justified in refusing to pub­ lish the names of alleged draft evad­ ers until information can be sup plied from a source that is depend­ able. It is better to let a hundred guilty mer. escape than to publicly humiliate one innocent veteran. THE ROAD HOC, There is a business man HE season for auto pleasure is here. Be ready for it with some good tires. A coat of paint will improve it and it costs but little. We have it T ColumbiaStorageBatteries and Service. We are always glad to test your battery for you In the Center of Lents Tel. 633-68 5820-92nd St Fishermen and Tourists Are you prepared for the coming season? How about your Auto needs. We are readv to serve you with Expert Repairing. High grade Auto Supplies, Grease and Oils. If your battery needs replacing we’ll make allowance on a New Columbia. GRIBBLE BROTHERS CRESTON GARAGE SO th and Powell Valley Road Phone 616-62 T"' MAPLES GARAGE AND AUTO REPAIR SHOP E AKE A SALE AND SERVICE STATION for Diamond Tires and Tubes; also Fisk Fisk Tires and Tubes; with New Stock of all sizes to fit your car. We guarantee our tires and give all service possible. W OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Phone: 614-44 L. L. CAMPBELL, Prop Successors to Myers Garage and Machine Shop 10004 Foster Road and Darrin Avenue SQUARE DEAL CANDY STORE CANDIES MADE DAILY SATURDAY SPECIAL Nuget Chews, 30c per lb 5114 Ninety-second Street Lents district who is caret««» to the point of gross negligence in th. operation of his automobile, those who have watched him as he drives around th« streets declare. He ia a road bog; the streets were built for his special convenience, he evidently feels, and he crowds everyone off who happens to be traveling in the th«- same direc- tion. Some time ngv. as u result of his lack of ordinary care, a boy ««« thrown from his bicycle and his face badly scarred up. This week he drove another bov off the at reel by crowding him and telling him: "tlet out of the way. you fool. Roys rid­ ing bicycles around Lenta steer clear of him because of his disregard of the rights of others. Some day this gentleman it going to injure someone. Very likely it will be serious; when a car hits a pedestrian or a cyclist the latter class usually go to the hospital. Very sel­ dom does the autoist go to jail—and many times he should, for an auto­ mobile. carelessly handled, is a dan­ gerous instrumentality. Many times a newspaper’s hands are tied it cannot print things it would like to publish without running foul of the law. As long as a matt is simply careless or selfish, there isn’t much we can say, using his name- When an accident occurs, however, it is a matter of news, and we are privileged to let the public know about it In the case of the individual spo< ken of, it is almost a mathematical certainty that he will injure someone and very likely face a court grown weary of hearing the excuses of road hogs. In his case, the Herald trusts he will get what is coming to him, and we will print the details with much satisfaction. TOU Ml'CH ATHLKTICB CUMINO IVKNT» State Medical association. June. Athletic sports appear to be about Rose Festival. Jun« K, » and 10. the most important thing in col leg's A. F and A M . grand lodge. June life of the average young man of to­ 14. day. Fasten, Star, grand chapter. June If he doesn't go in for the round U. of sports he is apt U> be termed a Building Owners »nd Managers. bookworm and find himself more or Portland, Juno 21 to 24. less isolated from the companionship G. A. R department encampment. of his fellows. Pendleton, June. If he becomes an enthusiastic Northweet Conference of Graduate sportsman he is in danger of neglect­ Nurses, June 82 to 24. ing his studies to the detriment of State Letter Carriere association, his education and his future. Eugene. June 2fi. The promotion of athletics ia de­ Indian War Veterans of North Pa­ sirable up to a certain point, but the cific Coast. June 30. tendency is to ignore that point and Buyer»’ Week, Portland, August I go the limit, even to the sacrifice of to 6. educational proficiency in lines that independent Order Red Men. great are nec«sary in modern commercial council, Astoria, August 2. Ilf«. Oregon State Fair, Salem. Sept. Thia ia not an age when young M to October 1. Koya) Arcanum, grand council men may learn to read and write and udd and subtract and then go out Portland, October 13. Knights Templar, grand command- into th« world and compete for suc­ erv. Ia Grande, October 13. cess National Grange meeting, Port­ Employers are becoming mor, ex land. November M-1R. acting each day. They require Pacific International Livestock something more than a , football iU Portland, . fr«>ni *.__ _ thssiw , or aIex i wjwMMaiovn, i viuoiii November 25. amrtl.ivaLxa stroke record from their employees. ->g Tboy insist upon stability, common I Oregon Bar association, Portland. »en«e and an ability to “produce the December. goo