mt. Scott herald GARDEN TOOLS at Today s Wholesale Prices G m . A. McArthur Sale Starts Today; until May 15 Proprietor t.'ntsml a* secoad-claM mall mat­ ter February 1«. IS14. at the poet office at l-enta. Oregon. under act of Courreaa. March X. I STS. Subscription Price 1150 » year SIU Ninety-second Street Lents Furniture Co 9213 Foster Road Phoae 622-2« HONOR THE FlLl.EN Judjfw Rotuqunn of the niuaiaipal court is called upon everv day to de- ciiie questions that would have fated the wiae King Sulutuan. last week, after disposing of the uugilatic mermaid case, wherein one fair swimmer essayed to “l*enipev- ae" a rival for acquatic honors, the good judge was called upon to de­ cide the case of an alleged loving milkman. Mrs. Van Der took from a dairyman of thi» locality named Huinian The old fellow, des­ pite a wife, five children and the weight of a few »core years, »as some l-othario, the woman claimed. She owed him a dollar. She didn't have the money when he called last week. Good business man find lover, he offered to square it for a kiaa. she claimed Twp rights to the jaw wens hie re­ ward. The woman caused Hueman*« arrest. In court last week »he told her story. Then Huenian. claiming that she lured him on. it ia said, brought wit­ nesses to tell naughty thing* about the prosecutrix. The woman, in turn, brought in witneanee who «aid good things about her. Honor* were about even when the timekeeper rang the bell for lunch. All things being equal, “hisaom-r” gave Husman the benefit of the doubt and found him not guilty. Judge Rossman mopped hie brow as he stepped down from the bench “These ladies' ¡lays are awful.” he commented. P. LARSEN, Real Estate, Insurance 111111111111111111111111 Tilis Way New and Used Cars 1 Drop in Tires 20 per cent lean Roes I Society's principal tael ________ garden In located In Portland and la expected to produce some new and wonderful ruses for the event Sev­ eral naw ro»es will be named during the chow. competitors from at! part« of the ruse growing sections The board of director«- of thv of the United States will enter Portland Rose Festival aaaociatiun blooms for the contest. The Amer- have fixed June Sth tu 1 -Decoration Day. Again the American people will ___ honor the heroes who have tough: and died for their country. Il will bring sorrow ami sadneaa t a nation of people, and mtinfUl mem­ 4702 Foster Road ories to many hearts. Rut it is t ..PHONES ............... Residence Main 3359 sacred duty we owe to those ulk Business AuL <10-79... have made the great sacrifice. It is a privilege to those who have bene­ fited through the misfortunes o other». A nation is only as great as its people, and the record of America'« greatness is illuminated by th« graves of her fallen sons. Xo word that we may utter, no ac that we may perform, will add oi detract from the nobility of thei' great service to their country. But we may be true to ourselves to our country-, and to our God. bi reverently commemorating the n>b lest act of mankind—the sacrifice o' COMING EVENTS life that home and country mav be preserved and that other* mav liv» Knights of Columbus, state coun­ and prosper Heroes of all American wars! In cil, Portland Mav 3». State Medical association, June. humility and sadness of heart, it (Now is your chance; don’t be bothered with your wreck 1 Rose Feetival, Jun« 8, 9 and 10. pride and glory of your achievements A. F. and A. M.. grand lodge. June in our knowledge that heaven is » 1009 36th Ave^ 5. E. I fitting abode for all heroes, we hum 14. Eastern Star, grand chapter. June | bly salute the unconquerable spirit o' 15. Near I2 b $ St. and Powell Valley I your valor ami fidelity! Building Owners and Managers. Peace to your eternal slumbers! Road ■ Portland. June 21 to 24. G. A K. department encampment. HOGS AMONG HOGS Pendleton, June. Northwest Conference of Graduate The legal methmis being taken by A little expense in Paint and Top d* lÿf) Nurses. June 22 to 24 city and state governments to curt State Letter Camera association. Dressing will improve your car ... 17 the rent hog* should, if successful Eugene, June 25. have an important bearing upon th< Indian War Veterans of North Pa­ general reduction of price*. cific Gast. June 80. What do In the Urge «-.ties probably a grea Buyers' Week. Portland. August 1 majority of the laboring clas. 26 to October I. rents to impossible figires. it is but Royal Arcanum, grand conneR natural that the occupants of these Portland. October 13. it houses and apartments should insist Knight.« Templar, grand command- ) upon wages sufficient to meet th erv. Ia Grande. October IX strain. National Grange meeting. Port­ It is just such conditions that kee- land, November 8-18. prices up and will prevent any appro Pacific international Livestock ciable decline as long as these condi exposition, Portland, November 25. tions exist. 26. Of all of the profiteers who have Oregon Bar association. Portland, cursed this country the rent hog is December. probably the worst. When he is | curbed, it should not be difficult t< Some people have so many brains ! bring prices down to a reasonabl« there is no room left for comm »n 8> basis. sense. A feature of the “Own-Y’our-Own Home’’ movement that has escape«' The fellow who roe« out to kill general notice is the fact that if r dozen people in each neighborhood two birdi with one stone ia liable to miss both. get out of the renter class, then Are you prepared for coming will he a corresponding number of We freely admit that this ia a gay vacant houses and flats to rent anK How Auto world, but that does not licenae us iU all right er year s the law of supply and demand -will to become too g»’’ serve with Expert Repairing. High probably prove more efficacious thar legislation. There is nothing mon Auto Supplies, Grease Oils. If Never worry over the fellow who apt to bring down rents than varan* your battery ’ make Auto mechanic with several years’ residence property not bringing in boasts that he is going to lick you New Columbia revenue Nothing hurts the rent hoe at sight His eyesight is Drobably experience will overhaul reasonably. Phone Auto 610-77. 18-tf worse than to see new dwellings go­ poor. ing up in his neighborhood. It means that his sovereignty is at an end. Build you a home. / ruse «how will be put day« in the municipal JUNK 6Wi TO 1Mb DATE OF JUDGE ROSSMAN FINDS IMI ROSE FESTIVAL LADIES’ DAYS 1 HUMOUS auditorium; That you can make yourself with paint* varnish or enamel W Hart A Klauder Everlasting Concrete Fence Posts All Designs Clothes Line Posts Springtime Cleaning lime you want in BATTERY SERVICE? Fui Ieri • «Mc/mMfvoRr Your We have EAGLE GARAGE 'Home Servica'Plainta uL. M’f’d by W. P. Fuller & Co. I In The Center of LENTS b«lvw as a direct you. Write poet card- csulog of Fuller's Spec- ifireuuo “Hoow Rerv- ie*" Fatal Product», «thick telle )uM wbai io buy for the work you have in mind Send full daacriplioa of, ami gv* our free advwr relative to refinithing furniture, chain, bric-a- brac. barietry, etc. We make a special line of paints, varnishes, etc., for just thia kind Of home work—Fuller's "Home Service" Paint Products,—for you to use. •They dry perfectly, spread easily and smoothly, and give every de­ aired result. You’ll be surprised la learn what you can do—once you've used them. Curreys Pharmacy Grays Crossing Fishermen and Tourists the season? about your needs. We are readv to you grade and needs replacing we ll allowance on a Lents Hardware Co. WHAT FRIDAY MEANS TIRESay of Freya”. Freya was the goddess of" love in Norse mythoi- ogy and was driven in a chariot drawn by cats. Of the goddess it is said she loved the springtime, music ami flowers. The earliest Scandinav­ ians believed Friday to be their lucky day, but after the crucifixion of Christ they regarded it w-ith super­ stitious dread, The Mohammedans observe it as a day for religious gatherings, as the day Adam waa created, and the day of the Resur- rection. Krom the association with the crucifixion it is considered the proper day for all exeeutitons and it is often called "hangman’s day.” IMMUNE TO PANICS? E ARE A SALE AND SERVICE STATION for Diamond Tires and Tubes; also Fisk Fisk Tires and Tubes; with New Stock of all sizes to fit your car. We guarantee our tires and give all service possible. W OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Phone: 414-41 L. L. CAMPBELL, Prop. Successors to ■yers Garage and Machine Shop 10004 Foster Road and Danin Avenue SQUARE DEAL CANDY STORE CANDIES MADE DAILY SATURDAY SPECIAL Peanut Brittle, 20c per lb. £114 Ninety-second Street Lents For many months now the country has been suffering from a depression in business that at any other time would have resulted in a disaitro is panic. Doe* that indicate that the Ameri­ can people have reached a degree of enlightenment that renders them im­ mune to financial panics? Have thev reached the point where they collectively recognize the wis- dom of calmness and restraint in the hour of adversity? Has our civilization reached the stftge where the practical element predominate«? Or is it «imply a growing and abiding faith in the stability of our country and its form of government * What ia your answer to the query ? Ilackaches are common to peon’e who do not like to work in the gar­ den. It is difficult at times to tell whether some people are brainy or hairbrain y. Why go abroad Reeking adventure when there is a wilderness in vour backyard waiting to be reclaimed There are shadow* in thè live» of all. peonie, bui thè sunshine of a «mile will break through thè darkent of them all. FISK TIRES Tire Mileage at the Lowest Cost in History SIZE and TYPE NON-SKID RED-TOP RIBBED CORD NON-SKID CORD GRAY TUBES Old Prices New Price. Old Prices New Price. Old Prices New Price. Old Price. New Price. Old Price. New Prices 30 X 3 Clincher $17.55 30x3f Clincher 20.80 32 X 31 8. S. u 26.30 32x4 84.95 s. s. 34x4« 8.8. 49.85 35x5 61.15 8. 8. $12.85 15.00 21.00 26.90 38.35 47.05 $21.05 27.75 31.60 42.00 — $17.00 22.00 26.00 34.40 — — — •mw $32.60 39.20 49.80 59.10 73.65 am $25.00 32.90 41.85 49.65 61.90 $34.25 41.15 52.80 62.05 77.35 - , $27.50 36.40 46.30 54.90 68.45 $2.75 3.25 3.60 4.55 6.00 7.25 $2.15 2.55 2.90 3.55 4.75 5.85 These Prices Apply to Our Regular and Complete Line Price unsupported by value never ia an advantage to any but the man who sells to make a quick “clean-up” and quit. A reputable, unexcelled mileage tire made by a company that can and will deliver all and more than you pay for is the only one you can afford to buy. Sold only by Dealers A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product