Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 27, 1921, Image 1

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    Guaranteed Circulation
Guaranteed Circulation
Subscription, $1.50 the Year.
News Happenings of Lents
and Surrounding Country
Social Affairs Are Source of Pleasure to Many.Personal
Items and locate of Interest to Herald
Readers Tersely Told
The family of Roy Davis has bean
under th« care of Dr Nelson the
past week.
Another week's interrsting pro­
gram at I'eager Theater is announced
in the trade-«t horn« column« of the
Herald Uua week.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Katskv and
family and Mrs. Maude Darnall mo­
tored to Kerry, Oregon, last Bunday,
where they «pent Uta day with the
latter'» hu»i>i!id, H. A. Darnall.
Bertha llorling of latnta school
won the basketball throw for girls at
the athletic field meet at Multnomah
Held lust week, with a throw of over
tie (eel. The lamta hove finished
lu lug-uf-VM.
Irwin T. Foster. live wire grocer
ami meat market man, and hia eeti-
mable wife, are now riding in a bran
new Ford Mateu, with all the extra
trimming», purchased from the Eagle
(lurege, “in the eeater of irnnta".
Modern Woodmen lodge No. 116'10
will give their regular monthly dance
at Woodmere hall on the evening of
Wednesday, June 1. The public it
Invited to this, which will probably
be the luat dance given by thia orga-
luxation oi the season.
The ladles of M. E. church
hold their mid-summer aalo al
Square Deal candy store, !>2d
on Friday, May 27. Fancy and
ful article« will be for sale,
cake and ico cream, all day and all
evening. Everybody welcome.
Katharine Feikert, aged 12. for­
merly residing in Imnta. well known
among the girl« of her ag». was acci
dentally drownded near Bellingham.
Wash . May 8, and the body has not
lieen recovered at last report, Kath-
rrine waa a niece ef Mrs. C. E. Palm-
er. 9148 5"th avenue.
Shiloh Circle No. 19. I Allies of th*
(• A. Il, entertained at their quar­
terly birthdav dinner the rleoartment
presKlcn* and several other depart­
ment officers. Those on the commit­
tee for the dinner were Mr» Helle El­
wood. Mrs. Deaton nnd Mrs flehonn-
erhnrn, assisted by Mesdamia Hush.
Huskey lAivren«». I-ock», Boardman.
Graves, Moffet and McGill.
If yon lire not fortunate In having
a flower garden to draw on for
Memorial Day decora lions, the Mt
Scott Greenhouse ia readv to aer e
you with anything in that line. Thev
are located at 9502 67th avenue and
the proprietor» are all American cit­
izens. Tbe(r prices are reasonable.
Thev also make n specialty of funeral
work and are worthy of patronage.
Mrs. F. O. McGrew, who represent­
ed lauita Parent-Teacher aaaociation
at the annual convention, rendered
n-centlv her annual report of the
It is extremely inter­
eating an l tell for lack of space the
Herald would have pnssed ft on to
its readers. that all might be better
Informed ax to the work accomplished
in the state Many courtesies were
shown the delegates and as guests
of the Walla Walla. Wash.. Commer­
cial elub thev were taken in autos to
various points of interest in our sis­
ter state. This was the first time in
the historv of the parent-teacher
movement that all three of the north­
western states have been represented
by delegates at a state convention.
E. A. Droste is touring the state
of Washington on a business trip
Mra. Minina Atkinson of BVth St.
had aa her guests on Haturdav the
family of twr brother. 1‘rof. Metzger,
uf Gresham.
Mr. Harns of Salem has been Vis-
iUng hia sMter, Mra. Wm. Kelly, and
husounu, on BVth alreel. Ttte hcllva
are planning a trip to G iatonaln and
other eastern points in June for a
visit with Mr. Kelly’a people.
Mrs. Maud K. Darnall attended
the lunciiouii uf the l orlland City
Matron's Club of the U. K. B- given
by Miaa Elbe Walker, matron of tee
-luruiyaide chapter, in the tea room
Of Meir 4k I rani, last Saturday al 1
F. bvrhart Bros will give another
big dance at hlUot’a nail. Damascus,
on th« evemnif of Baturriay. June 4.
ihe opening dance on the evening of
May 21 was a success in every way
and those who attended report hav­
ing u good lime.
The Grange Utah, auxiliary to
ixmta Grunge, met with Mr. and Mrs.
W L. Hotchkiss, at Errol Heights,
Inutaday, Muy 19th. Ibeie were 52
member» present. Several new mem-
uers were taken in. After the busi­
ness mseting occurred what one who
aaa pnsenl terma the “big eats.”
J, F. Jiggar accidentally cut his
wnat Wednesday, making a gash
which required Dr. Hees’ services in
order to atop the hemorthaae. A
sharp piece of wire was the agency.
Mr. Jiygar, who resides on 90lh Bt..
■a one of our most youthful Civil
War veteran» and ia unuaualiy active
for a man of his age.
William W Riggs, 42, who diid
last Bunday night at North Bend
lOilowjng injuries received while em
ployed in Empire a month agu.
»ell known in l-enta, having lived
nere for many years. Mr- Riggs waa
oom in Canby. Oregon. He ia sur­
vived by hie widow and a 13-year-oid
son, who were with him at the time
of hia death, and hia mother, who re-
sidva at 5916 85th street.
Through the courtesy of the Port­
land Telegram, the Herald has ae-
,-ured the pictures of the partK-Hianta
in the operetta “Florinda' given l>y
I Anta school children. The Herald
will reprint these pictures on fin-
plate paper and distribute them to
ill who desire them at a purely nom­
inal sum. A sample copy will be
placed in the window of this offk-w
lor inspection and orders will be ac­
cepted for any number at a small
sum to cover the cost of printing.
Currey’a Pharmacy, the “cozy cor­
ner of Grev's Crossing", finds the
warm weather to be a great ttimuia.
tor of business in the ice cream cone
line. When old Sol shines in all hie
splendor, Mr. Currey finds it keeps
him busy filling cones for the litt.e
ones and their elders, too. "The
cone habit is a healthful one." says
Mr. Currey, “and there la no better
form in which to give the toddler»
.he goodies they crave. And besides,
it helps our dairy industry, for the
milk and cream whieh constitutes
the chief ingredient come* from our
Oregon cows."
Rev. N. Shupp. formerly pastor of
the Evangelical church of lent», and
predecessor of Rev. Culver, io now
iratalleil aa supply paator of the First
Evungclical church of Seattle, Waah.
arrived Baturxiay last atvl
trashed to appreciative audiences
nth morning and evening.
many friends gave him a warm re­
ception, as he had served them in for­
mer years aa district superintendent.
He will servo this congregation as
supply pastor until the first of July,
when the new pastor will arrive from
Rev. Shupp. with this
conference year has entered upon hia
55th year aa a minister of the go»P ’I.
ami is now the oldest minister of hia
church on the Pacific coast.
The C. 1. Coffman home was the
«ene of another surprise party on
Friday of last week, Mrs. Robert
Reynolds being the honor guest this
.ime. The event took the nature of a
farewell party to Mr». Reynolds, who
with her husband and daughter Ruth
will leave next week for their future
home near Hood River. As a token
of their friendship the ladies who
gathered for the occasion gave a
iainty set of dishes to Mrs. Reynolds.
Mrs. Coffman making an appropriate
presentation speech.
Mrs. WilUam
Ash of Seappooae pleaainglv sang
icveral solos and Miss Ruth Rey­
nolds entertained with instrumental
numbers. A delectable luncheon was
served buffet style.
Those present were Mesdamcs A.
E Hamilton, William Ash. Fred
Geisler, John Witty, Roger Williams.
I. T. Fossler, J. H. McSIoy, John
Donaldson, I-each, M. T Hawkins,
Mvin Klingler, Roy Holtburg. Wil­
liam Rusk. William Anderson. I.
Oelmayer, F. B. Culver, S D. Camp­
bell, Knight, Newton Heddon. A. E.
Mortemd, M. Tillman and Misses
Ruth Reimolds and leona Donaldson.
A pleasant surprise partv was
given Master Charles Guisnes» at
the residence of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. O. B Guisness nt 9604 Foster
Road, last Saturday evening.
following playmates of Churl»* were
present: Frishia (iates, Albert (.raw­
ford. Frnnces Tifft, I.oia «Sheets.
Th«*o<lore Giirlock. He1®n De M om ,
Lyle Monk. Mnv CmwfoiM, Rov Ri-
der Catherine Goodman. Clyde Moak.
Katherine Marshall, Merle McDnde.
Juanita Rater, Harold Woodworth
Nina reterson. Ixiis Boylan. Marjorie
Anderson, Gladys Julian. Gwendolyn
Julian, Irene Devi*.
W al ter Elrod, about twelve years
old and n pupil of lents school,
fractured his arm in a peculiar man
per Inst week.
He was engaged in
play while on the school grounds, and
jumped in the air, falling to the
ground on his elbow. While It was
painful and gave him some trouble,
nothing serious was annrehended for
some time, when it turned blue An
X-ray examination disclosed the fact
that the arm was fractured.
Hew attended the injury and the
youngster is now carrying the mem­
ber in splints.
Thureday, May 19, the lent« Par-
?nt-Teachere association held the
'ast meeting of the year, The follow-
in® program was given: Claas song.
Mist Harvey’s room; piano solo,
Dorothy Geisler; reading, Mra. I a -
mire. Mrs. G. J. Frankel, president
of the Oregon Federation of Busi­
ness and l'rofeaaional Women’s club*
gave an interesting account of the
work of the Woman’s Protective Di­
vision of the police Department
Mrs. Damali'» room won the five
pounds of peanuts and Mies Train’a
room the fem for having the beet at­
tendance of visitors at the meeting.
The annual election was held, and
resulted as follows: President. Mrs.
F. O McGrew; vice-president, Mrs.
J. S. Howe; secretary. Miss R. I aw -
renson; treasurer, Mr*. C. P. Mc­
Grew; auditor, Mrs. Alice Ixicke.
The people of Lento will long re­
member this beautiful rendering of
the operetta "Florinda, or the Rose
and Pearl", given by th* school chll-
dren in the assembly hall on May 84.
The producttea was under the direc­
tion of Mias Chapman and Mias Mc­
Donald, who were assisted by »»vara!
of the other teachem.
Ihe stage waa beautifully decor
a ted to represent • woodland scene
A background of fir trees, with banks
of broom and other flowers, made a
moat pleasing effect, and the bright,
multi-colored costume» of the chil­
dren blended perfectly with the for­
est setting.
The operetta tells th» story of a
beau li ful mermaid. Florinda, who be-
coin« separated fts>m bar brother,
ïoringal, and ia teat in a forest in­
habited by witches, faine», aivaa ami
all sorts of sprites, and how she came
under the apvll of a wicked old witch.
Vela, and her crew. She has a long
sleep and awatams, belteviag herself
to be a nightingale
Her brother
finds her but she does not recognize
him. By the aid of the little forest
creatures the magic rose and pearl ia
found which alone have power to
break the charm laid upon Florinda
by the witchei.
With thia Vala is
foiled and Florinda’s memory is res­
tored and she ia happy again with
her brother.
Every bit of the program from the
opening dance of the gypsies to the
last acene in the foreei, was splen­
didly carried eut. The song» and
choruses and dances all were pleas
ing and the work of the youthful
performers was most creditable. Mr».
Robert A. McDonald, the pianist,
added much to the success of the en­
The cast of character* follow*:
Verte Power»
Yoringal .................... I-eonard Thielke
Fairy Queen .............. Bertha Herling
Vala, the Witch .... Ethel Womack
Second Witch ............ Haatel Hend r
Attemiants to Queen: Ruby Camp­
bell. Margaret Merritt. Alma Scheu-
erman, Carrie Bohna, Has per Patter
son, Elizabeth McIntyre
Fairies: Eva Gefre, Dorie Mite«.
Lucile Munaon, Evelyn Dalrymple,
Harr, Nina Hazen, Ruth Ol
Oi- ­
Harriet Barr,
sen. Helen Geisler. Geraldine Durrie.
Helen Hurd. Frances Droste Vivian
Howe. Evelyn Johnaneesen. Doyothv
Orton, Edna Grausens, Vivian Alli-
Daisies: Grace Boland. Aileen
Harris. Grace Hayes, bln* Green
»lade; Virginia lAtteh. Lillian Am­
undson, Queenlyn Cross. Margaret
Leiteh, lama Summers. Rosa Deis,
l.uella Smith. Marie Kerr.
Violets: Charlotte Sullivan. Janice
Hall, Eleaor Chapman. Helen Milla.
Ine» Hazelett, Margaret McKeown.
Henrickson. Marvfrances
Fones, Etoie Wagner, Janice Mills-
Elves: Oscar Hab'uetzal. Lester
Moll, Homer Crull. Clifford Ran
dolph, Ellis Hays. Donald White.
Robert I«wia Lamb, Robert Steven-
son, Andrew Grim.
Gypsies: Pauline Brash. Thelma
Kennedy, Genevieve CoffeV. Flora
«'ampbell, Ida Gay. Eleanor Grischow.
Helen Barker, Doris Rater. Msv
Crawford, Mabel Huskey.
Witches: Ethel Womach, Doria
Coffey. Ethel Anderson. Idella Cum-
mi ng», Hazel Herider. Virginia Barr.
Annas Haya. Mildred Zurich
This entertainment was for the
benefit of the school fund. Its suc­
cess was due largely to th* untiri"~
efforts of Mias Chapman and Miss
McDonald, who trained the children.
Too much praise cannot be given
them for the capable manner in which
the operetta was produced.
At the close ef the final scene Ber­
tha Herling, the fairy queen, waa
presented with the medal whieh she
won at Multnomah field last Friday,
for throwing the basketball farther
than any of her competitors.
Isabel Dolores Boatwright. 14-year
old wife of Royal Calvin Boatwright,
seeks annulment of their marriaw- in
a suit filed in the circuit court last
Saturday. She has been wronged by
the young man with whom she eloped
April 22, and desireo to return to the
care and protection of her mother,
she aaya.
Boatwright persuaded her to leave
her mother on the above date, the
petition asserts, and elope to Van­
couver, Wash., when, under false
pretenses, a marriage license was ob­
tained and the ceremony performed
The Herald at the time printed the
story of the eloping neighbor child­
ren, aged 17 and 14, who live onlv a
few doors spsrt on Gilbert Road.
The girl asserts that her husband
misrepresented things to her. espe­
cially in telling her that he had a
hnn.e for her and would be able to
support her.
Since their marriage
Mrs Boatwright has become con­
vinced that she does not love her hus­
band and that life with him will be
unhappy and unfortunate, she says.
The annua) luncheon of the Port­
land Parent-Teacher council. held
last Saturday,
- ' ‘
at ths Portland Hotel,
attended by Mrs. E. A. Droste.
Mr». J. 8.
_ ____ _______
_ _______
S. Howe.
Mrs. J. &
Mrs. F. S Allyn and Mrs. F
F. O. Me
Grew, representing Lenta Parent.
Teacher association.
The program consisted of musical
number, yearly reports by the vari­
ous presidents and echoes from the
recent state convention at Pendleton.
Property owners of the district to
the west of Itenta who have been
striving for the past four years to
have the city council authorize the
hard-surfacing of Foster Road and
the construction of a trunk sewer
for the district finally were rewarded
with success yesterday when the
city council, by unanimous vote of
four members present, overruled the
remonstrance filed against the pro­
ject and passed an ordinance to pro­
ceed with the improvement.
The special session of the council
was devoted to hearing the remon-
strators, who repeated practical Iv the
same arguments which have been
heard time and again at Foster Road
sewer hearings before the citv coun-
I t
The only change in the arguments
came near the close pf the session,
when Mrs. George W. Chilson and
other persons who have been against
the sewer project informed the coun­
cil that they would withdraw their
objections if the city council would
authorize the construction of the
sewer to the Willamette river.
After some discussion on this point
Mayor Baker informed the dele *ati>n
that the city council (would instruct
the city engineer to prepare plans
immediately for the second unit of
the sewer.
The first unit will extend to Ninety-
second street and Johnson Creek,
while the second unit will extend
from this point to the Willamette
river, probably running at all prints
srithin the city limits.
Inasmuch as the city engineer al­
ready has plane and epecifleaaons
prepared for the second unit. Mayor
Baker declared it was probable that
both units could be constructed at
the same time.
City Engineer lAurgaard estintated
that the entire sewer would cost th-
property owners approximately $6X
for each 50-foot lot. City Commis­
sioner Barbur explained that it was
probable that the sewer would be
constructed in a number of units in
order to give the smaller contractors
an opportunity to bid and thus bring
cheaper prices In the bids that will
be offered the city for the work.
In connection with the pavement
of Foster Road it has b-en agreed by
the county boar! of commissioners
that the county will spend $85.000 on
the construction of the hard-surface
Before the city can proceed with
the improvement it will be neceaarv
to take over the roadway- as a city
street. It is now a county road. Of­
ficials of the Portland Railway. Light
A Power Company have agreed to
move the car tracks to the center of
the roadway. With the action of the
council Tuesday there is now no
cause for any further delay in thy
project It will be about 40 days be­
fore the city ean award the contract
for the work on the first unit, it was
Officiate of the Portland Railway,
Light A Power company Monday
consented to move the tracks on Fos­
ter Road from 50th to 72nd streets,
to the center of the roadway, at an
expense of $200,000. in order that
other improvements may be made.
Franklin T. Griffith, president, and
F. I. Fuller, vice-president of the
company, after a conference with
Mayor Baker, City Commissioner
Barbur and City Engineer Itaur-
gaard, announced that a written
communication would be forwarded
to the city council at once, in which
the railway company would outline
what it would do inconneetion with
the proposed improvement
President Griffith explained that at
no time had the traction company
refused to move its tracks in accord­
ance with the wishes of the city
council. The company. It waa said,
did not wish to make the move, how­
ever, until such time as it waa cer­
tain that the improvement would be
carried out.
"The work which must be per­
formed by the street railway com­
pany," declared Mr. Griffith, “means
the laying of new tracks, paving of
certain important intersections, ma­
cadamizing others, and laying of
proper drain pipes, all of which will
cost us in the neighborhood of $200,-
"It will not be profitable for the
company to make these improve-
menta, but to fail to make them
would mean the discontinuance of
Despite the fact thaf on
this particular line the railway com­
pany is not making profits, the dis­
trict in which the «improvement is
contemplated is well populated. The
first duty of the railway company is
to give service and for that reason it
is willing to go ahead and do its
Officials of the company agreed to
lay new tracks. They proposed that
no pavement be laid between the
tracks and that certain important in­
tersections be designated for bard
turface. The rest of the roadbed »rill
be built up with crushed rock and
macadam, according to the proposal.
City officials have expressed wil­
lingness to permit this plan-
Engineer Laurgaard had recommend­
ed a similar course to the council
months ago.
It will be necessary for the city to
purchase the private right of way on
which the street-car tracks are now
located. This strip is about 30 feet
wide and 6000 feet in length and has
an estimated value of between $8000
and $8500
Should the city officials and the
railway officials fail to agree upon
a price for this right of way, it will
be necessary to condemn the strip.
Two years in the penitentiary was
the sentence given to Marshall Fra­
ser, smooth-tongued promoter of
shady schemes, by Circuit Judge Ga-
tens Saturday.
Fraser had been
found guilty of violating the blue
Glen R. Sloat, deputy sheriff from sky law by selling corporate certifi­
Hood River county, was visiting the cates without a licens *. but the real
Second and Oak street police station offense was the fleecing of working­
Wednesday night and thereupon men who intrusted their money to
hangs a tale, the climax of which him in return for “jobs” which lasted
was his arrest on a charge of lar­ a month.
The fact that while on bail for
Several patrolmen of the night this offense Fraser took an active
relief moral squad had a warrant to part in organizing another concern
search the residence at 4325 72nd St. having ephemeral assets, for which
for liquor. Sloat volunteered to take he and three associates have been
the officers to the location in his ma­ held to answer to the grand jury, did
chine and the offer was accepted.
not tend to make the judge lenient.
During the search a trunk was in­ This latter concern was the Trans­
vestigated, which contained $455 in portation Marketing Co., with one
cash, including a $100 bill.
I Ater, store to be operated on Woodstock
when a second search and count of avenue, east of 92nd street.
the money waa made, the bill in ques­
B. F. Mulkey, who appeared with
tion failed to appear.
John C. McCue as attorney for Fra­
The officers held the personnel of ser, represented their client as an
♦Ky party intact until disinterested unfortunate man whose efforts to
assistance could be sent from head­ help his fellow-man had been vision­
quarters. A personal search by these ary and had incurred the enmity of
disinterested officers waa made which powerful capitalistic forces.
caused the visitor’s arrest, it is said. had contended that the real prose­
Officer Ragan charged, it is alleged, cuting force behind the charge
that Sloat slipped the bill from his against Fraser in connection with the
shirt front to the floor The case is organization of the Your Transpor­
being heard in municipal court as tion Lines, Inc., was the Portland
the Herald goes to press.
Railway, Light 4 Power company,
Sloat is 34 years old. a resident of fearing competition.
Hood River and wore a Hood River
Joseph L. Hammersly, dep\/ty dis­
county deputy sheriffs badge-
trict attorney, indiKnantly denied
that unseen capitalistic forces were
behind the prosecution of Fraser,
saying that the sole object of his of­
SUBSCRIPTIONS fice had been to protect the laborers
who were falling victim to the smooth
and insidious promises of
Margaret Leitch is again the $6.00 words
prise winner in the Trade-at-Home
In the first concern organized.
Contest with * total for this week of Fraser, or someone, robbed working­
184,200 votes.
$14,000. Though under way
From now until the end of the con­ men of
a few weeks when nipped, the
test. 5000 votes will be given with only
had bilked laborers of
each subscription, new or renewal, $7,000 before
said Rammers-
secured by the contestants.
Cash ley, who said stopped,
fill the court­
must, of course, accompany the or­
with victims of Fraser.
der, and in addition the regular com­ room
Mulkey declared that Fraser was
mission of 50 cents will be paid con­ willing to make restitution to those
testants. While the Herald’s list in who had lost in the Your Transpor­
this territory is large, there are still tation Lines, Inc., by payments of $50
many not getting the paper who
month, saying that Fraaer “is a
would take it if solicited and this a money-maker
when he has the oppor­
means is taken to stimulate contest- tunity”!
ata in the securing of such new
Judge Gatens declared that the ac­
tivities of Fraser smelled to the
For next week’s contest, the name heavens, that he had ~
__. to rob
of Katsky Bros, has been selected. men and still stay within tried
the law,
The largest number of coupons, ac­ and that the court could see no al-
companied by the correct solution of ternative but the penitentiary for the
the missing letters.
as heretofore culprit.
win the $6.00. Only five weeks left:
Th« Judge postponed sentence two
contestants had better get busy for weeks ago that he might give more
the grand prizes of $150 given.
time to the case and detej-mine the
best disposition of Fraser. He hoped
Come out and dance every Satur­ something could be done so that the
day night with the crowds at Cedar­ victims might be reimbursed, but
ville Park, at I.inneman Junction. said the offer made in court for the
Four-piece music; dancing 8:30 p. m. . first time yesterday did not sound
14-tf sincere.
to lt:80 a.
VOL. XIX, No. 21
Arleta, Kern Park, Millard
Ave., Tremont, Wooamere
Many Affairs of Interest to Community Related In En
tertaining Way by Correspondent
of the Herald
Thomas George Hay
Funeral services for the late
Thomas George Hay were held Mon-
aay, May 23m, at 2 p. m„ from Ken­
worthy a parlors, Lents. Itev. Owen
Day of tne Arteta Baptist churcn. oi
wuicn Mr. May was a member, oi-
bciaiod. “Asleep in Jesus”, “face to
Face”, “Some time the Silver Curd
Will break" were beautifully sung
by Mias Hemka and Mrs. Louise
Pallbearers were W.
Whitman, C. A Alvord. J. E. Olson,
Mr. Torpling, Wm. Miseon and Ar­
thur Stearns.
Thomas George Hay was born in
Siskiyou county, CaL, Aug. 12, 1881.
He lived in that state until twelve
year» of age, when he moved with
nis parents to Linn county, Oregon.
In laoi he came to The Dalles. Ore­
gon, and made his home with his pa­
rents on a farm there.
He was married to Miss Zoa Camp­
bell in 1906 and they made their
on the Hays farm near The Dalles
until 1915, when because of Mr. Hay s
failing health they moved to Por-
Mr. Hay died on Friday, May 20,
at 1:15 p. m., at the age of 39 years,
nine months, eight days. He ia sur­
vived by his wife, two daughters,
Thelma and Della May Hay. two sis­
ters, Sarah Hayden of Portland, and
Ada Coleman of Vancouver. Wash.,
and six brothers, James Hay of Sil­
verton, Ore., Joseph Hay of Salem,
Ore., ___
__ ___
. _
Hay _ _ of Vancouver,
‘ and - Charlea,
- -
- Lee and - A. J.
Hay of The Dalles.
Interfering Lecture
points were
brought out by Rev. Henry White
Sunday evening in his talk on “Merit
Making and Transmigration as Prac­
ticed by Siamese”. Among the vari­
ous ways of making merit, that is.
doing something for which credit
could be given when they die. are:
Building a temple, presenting a son
to the temple, digging a well, writing
a book. etc. A woman has no pla •
in Nirvana (Heaven). Her only hope
is to be born a man in the next life.
According to the number of merits
oflK makes dcrxsads one’s existence in
the next life, whether it be that of a
man, an animal or an insect “Nir­
vana" ia the extinction of desire and
not even Buddah has attained Nir-
vana yet
Arteta Theatre Program
Friday, May 27, Country Store
night—Mary' Miles Minter in “All
Souls’ Eve”; Rolin comedy, Para-
mount Magazine.
Saturday, May 28—Buck Jones in
“Firebrand Trevison”, a smashing 2-
reel Western comedy “High and
Sunday, May 29—Upton Sinclair's
“The Money Changers"; Buster Kea­
ton in “Neighbors”.
Monday and Tuesday—Conrad Na­
Sylvia Breamer,
Shelby; Episode 5, “Velvet Finger»”.
Wednesday, June 1—“The Cost"
with Violet Heming; Paramount Art
June 2 Robert Warwick plays in
“The City of Masks” and June 3
Social Discussions Discussed
Last Thursday evening J May 19, ax
Arleta library, a meeting was called
by Mr. McAfee, ex-secretary of the
Federation of Ôiurches. to discuss
social conditions in Mt- Scott and
ascertain methods to remedy existing
conditions. It was stated that about
11 per cent delinquency instead of 40
Kcent was our share out here. Mr.
I of Franklin high school presid­
ed at the meeting.
It waa a splendid, worthwhile af­
fair, one in which every resident of
the district should be interested.
Limited space makes it impossible to
give any of the fine things said but
a glirqpse of the names of the
speakers will give some idea of the
importance of the meeting: Jansen
E. Brockway. Boy Scoutmaster; J. J.
Handsaker, Judge Kanzler of the
Court of Domeetic Relations. Mrs.
Millie Trumbull. A. R. Gebhardt of
the Public Welfare bureau and Miss
Feary. hia lecretarv; Miss Althea
Stoneman, visiting nurse for this
section, Mrs. Moran. Women’s Pro­
tective association, Mrs. Wilson, dean
of girls at Franklin high. Supt.
Spears of Arleta school. Prof. Down-;
of Franklin high.
Each and everv
talk was full of vital interest
committee of four—Mrs J. J. Hand­
saker. Rev. Owen Day, Rev. Finley
and Miss Luekev, was appointed to
further the work by calling another
meeting soon.
Bible School Faculty Meets
A meeting of the faculty and work­
er» of the Dailv Vacation Bible
school, to be held June *21-July 8.
waa held at Luckey cottar» Tuesday
Mrs. Handsaker. principal
of the Arleta diviaiorr, presided. Mr.
Pratton of Lauretwood Congrega­
tional church, was elected treasurer.
Plans and preparations h<yy pro­
gressed finely and the prospect* of a
school of 500 in Arleta school build­
ing seems assured. About eight of
the churches have joined together in
the work. Among those prosent were
Mr. Swope, Dr. Finnell. Mrs. Fish­
bum. Mrs. Harry Hall, Mrs. Gsines,
Mrs. Hinika, the Misses HoBing-
worth, Mrs. Ormandy, Mrs. Cbllins,
Mrs. F. H. Mixsell, Rev. Findley,
Mrs. Workman, Mrs. Bellmore, C. C.
Hessemer, Mrs. J. H. Zehrung. Ano
ther meeting will be held next Week.
Well Baby Clinic
At Arleta library Wednesday mom-
ing, May 25 th, waa held the finest
»veil Buoy dime ever held in thia
part of tne town-
___ _________
45 babies
of all ages and complexions greeted
lit . C. K. Moore and the visiting
arses at 10 a. m.
Babies fat and
babies lean; cross and good natured,
overted ami underfed, and normal,
and a mother anp several friends for
every baby, mau« the clinic a decided
Dr. Moore s simple, direct
appeal and common sense directions
win long be remembered by these
present. It is to be hoped that we
secure a permanent monthly dime at
the library, which would be a boon to
the district. Great credit is due the
librarians and the visiting nurses for
the success of the day.
Woodmere School
Mars Julia Spooner was a guest at
luncheon at the Girls’ High School,
14 ui and Morrison streets. Thursday
Ibe children of the school will take
co part in tile Rose f estival thia year
at school ia pressing and the distance
io town so great.
Friday evening in the assembly
nail ol the school the Whitney Boys’
chorus will sing under the auspices
of Boy Scout Iroop ho. lb, LeKoy Se-
quist, scoutmaster. Ko admission
will be cnarged but a collection will
oe taken, 60 per cent of which will
go to tne chorus and 40 per cent to
,ne Scouts.
A new Boy Scout troop has been
organized, with Mr. Carney as scout­
master. He is a man of wide exper-
.ence and splendid character, being a
minister in the M. E. church, a
teacher and a principal of a school.
Scout Troop 15 meets Tuesday ev­
ening; the new troop Thursday even­
Friday afternoon Reuben Wilson
Po*t, G A. JL. and ths Ladies of the
G. A. R. will be entertained at the
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our sincerest
.hanks to all who so lovingly ex­
pressed their sympathy with floral
offerings and help during the recent
illness and death of our beloved hus­
band and father, especially to the
members and pastor of the Arleta
Baptist church.
—Mrs. T. G. Hay and Daugh­
ter Thelma.
Bits of News Notes
' At
Millard Ave. Presbyterian
church Bunday, the services will be as
follows; Morning, memorial service;
evening, “Destructive and Oeative
Forces in Christianity”.
Zoe Sanders and Gladys Crum
cared for the babies of parents at­
tending Sunday morning service at
Millard Ave. Presbyterian church on
Frank Price of 7132^4 55th avenue’
returned last week from his work in
the far south and left Saturday night
for Glendale, Cal., to be gone indefi­
nitely, according to the desires of his
employers, the S. P. & S. Ry. com­
pany Mr. Price was entertained Sat­
urday night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Colvey, 7520 55th aven­
ue. Home cooking tastes pretty fine
and Mr. 1’nce regretted having to
leave the Rose City so soon.
Little Bruce Armstrong, son of Mr.
and Mrs. K. D. Armstrong of 7013
S2nd avenue, is having his share of
the measles. He has been vqty ill
but is slowly improving.
Mrs. Ray Oredorff of 5811 77th
street, was taken ill on the Way to
Albany with the Odd Fellows and
Rebekahs and was unable to leave
her bed during her stay in Albany.
She is slightly improved.
Arleta i’arent-Teacher circle will
meet Friday afternoon, June 3rd, at
2:30, in the assembly hall of the
school. Details next week.
Arleta school had but four entries
in the finals of the field meet at
Multnomah field last Friday.
Powell carried off the honor» in the
girl»’ hurdles, finishing first in that
event. Dorothy Parks waa fourth in
the 50-yard dash.
At Anabel Presbyterian church laat
Sunday evening the Whitney Bova’
chorus sang. H. E. Whiinev gave an
interesting talk, emphasizing the
growth of the chorus from three local
boys sis months ago to a chorus of
500 which sang in the White Temple
recently. About 100 a week are join­
ing \nd he expects a chorus ef 1000
voices in the big sing at the auditor­
ium June 20. In July he will take 50
boys to California by auto. The boys
gave Mr. Whitney a snowball shower
Sunday evening, whieh seemed to
please him very much
The J R. Richards family is in
quarantine with scarlet fever at the
home on 38th avenue and 54th »treat
Mrs. Janet GeseR and Mrs. Wm.
L. Stout will go as delegates to the
Women'« Federation assembly .st
Pendleton. May 81, Jun« 2-3«.
Mrs. Harold Wa>nrtnff Mrs. John
Rogers ard Mrs. Owen Dav, were
(Continued on page four.)