Guaranteed Circulation 1500 lieralö ML Guaranteed) .Circulation LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1921 Subscription, $1.50 the Year. 1500 VOL. XIX, No. 20 i News Happenings of Lents and Surrounding Country Social Affaire Are Source of Pleasure to Manyil’ereonal Items and l/ocak of Interest to Herald Readers Tersely Told Mrs. Herbert Dllly, ’ -who pass 4 1 All hats greatly reduced at the through a serious operation last Parlor Millinery, Mrs. 1. W. Rich­ 18-tf week, is reported to be doing nicely. ardson. 6004 B8th St. The ladies of the G. A. R. will . Miss Dauric«- Tilden, residing near McMinnville, is visiting her rrand hold a rummage sate May 23. 24 and mothcr. Mrs. Geo. A. McArthur, “ ' at 25 in a room of the Julian building, corner of 92d street and carl ins. 9419 Gilbert Hoad. Lento Parent-Teacher association Mr. and Mrs. Holt und Ion James met In regular session yesterday of- of Montavilla, alo chicken ______ _______ dinner tomoon (Thursday), too late for a with Mrs. Hull's aunt and husband. report of the mooting in this week’s Mrs and Mr William Kelly on 89th Herald a travi. Fred Kelly of Portland, brother of There will be a banquet supper this C. Selttemoter, has bwn elected edi­ (Friday) evening at Central M E. tor of men’s athletics for the 1922 church, under the au«pices of the E~- Heaver Anual of O. A. C Satem H. P. Ameat will Statesman. Fred Kelly is the son of worth I.eague speak. Mrs. Olive Kelly of 89th street and is well and favorably known in this Mra. Fred Hillman from lllinoia. la «Mnoranitv. He Is a graduate of O. visitine ber «laughter. Mra. Herbert A. C. and during the war was on a Orton, on K9th Street. Mra. Hillman ■ub-chaaer. la dellghted wlth Oregon and mav decide 1« locate herr permanentiy. luist Fri per cent perfect. Th« household goods and piano for E. W photos of the contestants are on ex­ Hutt, from McKay avenue and Fos­ hibition at Powers Furniture Star-. ter Road, on May 4th, 1921, will be Third and Yamhill, and us soon as rewarded by addressing P. O. Box 8h released a photo will grace the pagei Portland, Oregon 20-It of the Herald. Bobby’s parents ary Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Swan, who re* Hart A Klauder hsve recently op­ cently purchased a home at 9226 53! ened up an establishment at 800*> avenue, where they now reside 36th avenue, near K2nd anil Powell Valley mad, where a line of Ever­ lasting Concrete posts, also clothes CHAUTAUQUA COURSE IS line posts, will be carried. PROVING OF MUCH BENEFIT Mra. M II. Young. Mrs. Ashlor and Walter Young and family, of Dallas, drove down Saturday and remained until Sunday afternoon with J. M l^-itch nnd family on 89th street. Mrs. Young is Mrs. Iwitch’s mother. City Auditor Funk han received s bid of >8014.40 for the Imprnvem-nt of 94th street, from 67th avenue 'o Woodstock avenue. This proposal was suhmitted bv John Grieder A Co., and was lower than the engi- neer’s estimate. The program of the Yeager thea­ ter for the next ten days is to be found in the theater's «pace on past three of the Herald An interesting lot of movie plays are promised bv the theater management for the days mentioned. You may not desire anything New­ man’s Exchange advertizes at the present time, but you no doubt will later on Remember the place and the number. 6605 Foster Road, whrr Cou are looking for bargains Read is ad. top column, page two. Earl Goode, son of Rev. Goode former pastor of the Evangvlicil church of this place, has been ser­ iously ill as a result of being gassed difring the war. and his parents hav.< ronA with him to the coaak where it is hoped his health mav improve The ice mnn has commenced to make his rounds again. A. C. Conine has had his display window curds and books printed at the office, this week and will have books for dlstri button to his customers tomorrow Ice. - Co. morning, Call ths Lonts — when you want ice. Phone 633-60. B _____ and neighbors of Miss Su Friends ■lc Woody enjoyed a very ^¡easing piano recital last Saturday afternoon given by her at her home. 8239 49tn avenue. The fact that Miss Woodv ia bound to an invalid’s chair does not seem to hinder her ambition to filay; rather does it tend to aid her. n that she has mure time to devote to this subject, with the object of teaching in view. She ia a pupil of Mrs. Mnyme Boyle, 5634 3«th avenue. Archer Place. Arthur Fisher haa purchased the four-room house at 9233 51st avenue from Robt. Reynolds. The sale was made through the agency of D. J. O’Connor Other aalea Made through the same realtor were iota 1 and 2. block 8. Arleta Park Ne 2. Mary E Holcomb to Winslow A. Dimick:T E Gilkey’s restaurant at 6099 92nd street to Hugh Jones, who wilt be assisted by his wife in conducting a first-class restaurant. Mr. O’Connor has also sold his own place aK.9fi*! 53rd avenue, to Sarah J. Havea. I Julies of Shiloh Circle and Com­ rades cf Reuben Wilson Tost—Mem­ orial Sunday service will, be Fvangrlieal church on Sunday, May 29, at 11 a. m., for those two pniers or anyone who belongs to -the Indies of the G. A. R. or Relief Corps or any civil war veteran, Sons of Vet­ erans. Daughters of Veterans Over rphj » Veterans. Spanish War Vet^raps or Boy Scouts All ar* ewHaHyJ"- vited We will meet at Wiley* office at 10:30 so that we can be at the chureh at 11 a. m. John Walrod. Six young college men wanted for manufacturing development work Need not have technical education.” Pay $:.'«> a month to start. Apply to Ed'aon. West Orange. N. J." Perhaps if the Cornell graduate and his five companions who an­ swer»! the above advertisement had taken the Chautauqua rending course for the current year they would have made a lietter record in the rx.iminu. tion submitted by the electrical wiz­ ard. At all events, members of the l-enta circle are sure they could have made better than a fifty per cent grade. Thia reading course covers a wide range of subjects; not only are the required books of the course read and discussed, but allied topics, as the history of the places, or the biog raphy of the people mentioned in the study; and stress is laid on current «•vents. Some of us had long been separ­ ated from our school days, had lost much of the ability to concentrate, and had what has been aptly termed a “sieve memory.” Along both these lines the reading has proved of im­ mense benefit. Highbrow? No. How I detist that word! There mav be other words more offensive, but few more irritating. Does one prefer a mod- erately pure English to the Intest styles in slang, or a concert to a vaudeville he is a highbrow Rut th- C. L. S. C. is not “highbrow.” Come and see. —Correspondent. SEWER FIGHT LENTS RESIDENT AUTO TOURISTS KILLED IN WOODS NOT SETTLED BUCK RED TAPE Carl A. Harlan, a woodhauter em­ ployed by the Lents Fuel company, was almost inxtanly Idilsd TMsdav ■bout 11:30 o'clock, when be was ■truck by a falling tree white getting out cordwood near the iJrerdorf rood, elose to Mt. Scott, throe miles east of Lenta Th«- unfortunate young man was working with a team of hones and a sled, and several fellow employes of the Conies brothers sPe reTv’-te«! to have informed him that a tree was about to fall in close proximity to where Mr. Harlan was working. He had started away from the direc­ tion from which the danger would come, driving the team, when the tree fell, but apparently had mis­ judged the striking radius The us ual cry of “timber** was gives just brfiire the accident occurred, it is said. Mr. Harlan was struck on the head ■nd his skull crushed. One arm was doubled under his body and broken in two places. Deputy Coroner Falk went to the scene of the fatality and took charge of the body, laveatiga- tion showed the death to be purely uccidratal and there waa no inquest. Carl Ashley Harlan, eldest son ef Ashley end Minnie Harlan, was born at Holbrook, Nebraska, on June 14. 1897. Had he lived until next month he would have been 24 years of age His parents moved to Corvallis. Ben­ ton ounty, Oregon, in 1903. where he attended public school. Later his pa­ rents moved to Alpine, in the same county, where Carl graduated from the public school. He enlisted in the navy in 1918 and his ship acted as a convoyer of transports to and from France. He was discharged at Se­ attle. Wash.. Doe. 18, 1918. He ship­ ped as a seaman June 1, 1920, and made a voyage to Japar. Hawaii. China and Siberia, returning to th a city, where he was married on Oct. 28. 1920, to Mias Mildred Barker. Barker, daughter of L. A- Barker of the Economy Furhiture Co. Thev pur­ chased s home at 6006 88th street. Surviving him are his wife, father and mother, one brother and two sis­ ters. the relatives by blood residing at Alpine. Oregon. There are alao oth.-r relatives Mr. Harlan was a member of Camp No. 77. Woodmen of the World, Portland. Funeral ser­ vices were held from the Kenworthy Sartors on 92nd street. Thursday, lay 19. at 10:00 a. m Interment was in Mt. Scott cemetery, with the Wo«n license. This dictum was accompa­ nied with insinuating and insulting remarks. An appeal to the motor associa­ tion, of which the tourists mentioned were members, fortunately, brought quick results. Not from the swivel- cnair bonehead, but officers Bigelow and Irwin, learning the facta in the case from the leading representative of the association, the *NX K." ofi Chief of Police Jenkins waa soon stamped upon the visitors’ creden tials and they were assured the free­ dom of the city. If Mayor Baker desires to make a clean-up of undesirables who are a disgrace to the force and serve sim­ ply to give Portland a bad name with the tourist fraternity, he should make a shining example of this smart Aleck at his earliest conven­ ience. P. S.—The tourists mentioned re­ ceived their license plate Tuesday and proceeded on their way rejoicing but not overly inclined with kindly feeling toward one or two offic­ ious officers, others than those men­ tioned. to whom they extend thanks through the columns of the Her-ild for courteous treatment. lose opposed to the improvement contended that . 1447 — .¿.7 ____ home ______ owners had remonstrated against the project in face of liou who voted favorably when the postal card vote of proper­ ty owner« waa recor«ied several weeks ago by the department of public works. “I’m for this sewer, but I absolute­ ly refuse to vote on it until this le­ gal tangle is straightened out and we’re sure the money will not come out of the general fund.” said Mayor Baker, after two hours of debate. Next Tuesday at 10 o’clock was set by the council aa the time for hear­ ing City Attorney Grant's opinion on legal tangles involved in the ease Commissioner Barbur and Qty Engi­ neer Laurgaard will work witn Grant in making a re-check of the remon­ strances against the project. The usual hullabaloo and hurling of inelegant innuendoes ¡between o->- ponento and proponents of the plan enlivened the meeting. "I tell you it is bad business dur­ ing thia industrial depression to sad­ dle on the people this improvement which may mean the confiscation of property,” said N. G. Hedin. repre­ senting several property owners op- praed to the project. “Mr. Mayor— aa a business man in the face of this opposition you wouldn't authorize the improvement in the face of this re­ monstrance. I don't think you should do it aa a city official.” "Two-thirds of the home owners will oe ruined unless we get this im­ provement,” fired F I. Marshall. “M'e naven't any educated gentlemen to come here to plead our case. We ask for justice and a chance to progress In our district.” Commissioner Bigelow asserted that he would not vote on the pro- ject, ____ either ___ for ___________ or against. unless it was assured that the street railway company would agree to move tracks along the road to allow for the pav­ ing nf the thoroughfare laurgaard BUNCO ARTIST explained that It would taka six HAS BAD LUCK weeks or two months before the citv would be readv to let the contract for the work, if the time and man­ Marshall Fraser and his associates ner ordinance was passed. in the organization of the ' Trans- portatiem Marketing company. Inc.. were bound over to the grand jury PRIVATE RONALD E. SMITH by District Judge Deich Tuesday on charges Of violating the blue sky law. With his casket draped with the Fraser is president of the concern. colors for which he died and banked With him the court held to answer with beautiful floral tributes of his Charles Ohlson, vice-president: J. W friends and acquaintances. Private Maddox, secretary-treasurer, and A, Ronald E. Smith had rested at his Maxim, director. home, 5527 72nd street, since Mon­ From evidence produced Tuesday day. On Wedneaday. at 2:30 p. m.. it appeared that only stock certifi­ he waa buried at Mt. Scott cemetery. cates for $500 were issued and that The services were in charge of Fin­ they were sold with the Guarantee of ley A Co., and conducted bv buddies jobs with the concern, which, it was of Private Smith. The pallbearers said, intended tn open a chain of gro­ were boys who were in his company: ceterias in Portland. Many working­ F. A. Betteridge, H. E Smith. Ver­ men already had invested savings in non Livell, Roscoe Williams. Roy the company, it was further asserted. Shane, and Henry Weller. The fir­ One of these “grab-it-and-beat-it" ing squad in command of Otto Mein­ stores was scheduled to open in this en fired the salute and taps was locality, on Woodstock avenue near sounded by Milton Smith. Chaplain 92nd street. The negotiations for McCormick of the American Le-^on the lease of the building sre«c con­ read the last rites and officiated at ducted through the local agency of D. the services. J. O’Connor, realtor. The latter got The flag which draped the casket his cash in advance and refused to and came from France with the body, buy any grocery tickets at a discount waa given to Ronald’s mother, and when urged to do so bv the promot­ also the laurel wreath, the only ers, it is said. A few cheap stands flower allowed to rest on the and counters were procured and a Two beautiful solos by Mrs. Thiehoff canvas streamer hung across the accompanied by Mrs- Myers, were building, proclaiming the advent of sweetly and softly given. . . _ the company to local mercantile cir­ Private Ronald E. Smith of Co. A, cles about May 14. Before that date 2d machine gun battalion, was kille«l the promoters were in limbo. at Soissons, France. July 18. 1918. He Fraser was in the limelight recent­ enlisted in Co E. 3d Oregon. March. ly by reason of his prosecution on a 1917. Left New York with the 162d charge of defrauding the public ir. a Infantry in December of the same company called “Your Transporta­ year. He leaves to mourn his loss tion Co.. Inc.” While this ease was his father, who is blind. E. C. Smith, pending tn the courts the grocerteria and his mother. Mrs. Ella Smith, alao scheme was inauguarted. At the the following brothers and sistere: time of the transporation company W. D. Smith of Barton. Ore.. H E. fiasco Fraser ascribed his difficulti*-« Smith of Seaside. Ore. Mrs. H U to the transportation “trust”, who. he Ksmper. Mrs. C JLH»»*«-. Mc­ claimed, took that method of killing Reynolds and Mrs. Lillie Berdmelle. off competition Private Smith was cited for brav­ ery but was killed before he received the word. The eopv of the citation J. H. KRALL OPENS SHOP waa forwarded to his parents. NEAR 82nd AND FOSTER NEW ORGAN INSTALLED A new industry in the Mt Scott AT ARLETA THEATER district is the cabinet and giasa shop recently opened by J A. Krall on Foster Road, near 82nd street Patrora of Arleta theater will be Mr. Krall is a first-class mechanic delighted to know that Manager and for six years was —ith the Cen­ White has installed a new $10.000 tral Sash and Door Co., of Portland, American Photoplayer, No. 45. which acting as out-of-town man for that ia said by those who know to be one concern. As such he did and has vet of the finest instruments made for to complete glass work on the new motion picture houses. The machine, buildings of the state university at which was purchased in Portland, is Eugene. Recently, when the compa­ the latest model, and on it all the ny decided to give up the glass busi­ soun* needed to properly inforo** ness. Mr. Krall took over the stock, the films, are produced, including tile purchased the property on Foster whistling of birds and similar notes. Road, and moved it out here. He haa Onlv the very largest houses in Port­ in stock fancy plate, sheet and Flor­ land and the bigger cities can boast entine glass and will make a special- of a better musical instrument than .tv of snn porches, a beautiful exam­ the one Mr. White procured and It ple of which woA is seen in the sun assured his patrons of suitable inter- porch tinon his ’hwn house near the prêtât I on of the pictures. The old shop. He is al*> a general carpen­ machine, which was very efficient in ter and cabinet »maker, and those its scope, was disposed of building and waAtinr built-in fea­ tures, or any carpenter work, are ad­ vised to see him.- His prices are rea­ ARLETA MEN’S CLUB sonable. The Arteta Men’s Chib will meet at the Christian church Tuesday ev­ Come out and danee every Satur­ ening. Mav 24. Supper will be ser­ day night with the crowds at Cedar ved at 6:45 and will be followed bv a ville Park, at Linneman Junction. musical program and speaking bv Dr. Four-pieee music; dancing 8:30 p. m. Ralph McAfee to 12:30 a. m. 14-tf Ar/eta, Kern Park, Millard Ave., Tremont, Wooamere Many Affairs of Interest to Community Related in En tertaining Way by Correspondent of the Herald Arteta Library Notes and children D,CtUr* ot the Sulm"n 1. . *n Ol*»°n and heard the tert installment of "Peter Pan”, ■■ tai ^«■ children’s librar- M^12th brBnch librarv on .u «Mdren'« librarians of ,th* city, with Miss Fox. head of bsaneh work, and Miss Ewing of the .°° Central library, met Wedneaday mornmr for a monthly conference at Arleta lib a- n. Luncheon was served at noon in “• adjoining the library. Miss £toneman, nurse for - --------- —— r visiting this section, waa also a ruest. This library is fortunate in haring the Lippincott Home Manuals, edited by B. K. Andrews. Ph. D. These are “Housewifery," by L. R. Balderstoto. a handsome handbook offering sug­ gestions on how to reduce tasks in the home and how to save time, money and energy. Especially in­ teresting to women who do their own housework. “Successful Canning and Preserving,” by Ola Powell. This w a timely publication on canning and preserving food products, an import­ ant factor in household management. “Qothing for Women,” by Laura I. Bal it. A practical manual for school and home, riving advice on pattern making, selection of apparel and choice of material. Another n w book of importance is “Social Prob­ lems—A Study of Present Day Soc­ ial Conditions,” by E. T. Towne. “The Bankside Costume Book for Child­ ren," written and illustrated bv Mel- ieent Stone, is designed to give di­ rections for making children's p’ay clothes. At Arleta branch library, the li­ brarians, with the co-operation of the visiting nurse of this district. Miss Stoneman, will conduct a baby day on Wednesday. May 25. at 10:15 a. m. Dr. C. W. Moore, babv spec­ ialist. will hold a demonstration on babies and babies’ baths and wiH an­ swer all questions bv interested mo­ thers pertinent to baby's welfare. All mothers of the district and of Lents are cordi shy invited to attend nnd to bring their friends. Books and pam­ phlets will be given out and a very Instructive, interesting day is prom­ ised. vwsmsxk Girl Athletes Make Good At the preliminary meet at Frank­ lin high school, several A rie ta girls distinguished themselves. Zava Pow­ ell won first place in the hurdles: Gladys Holterman won second in the basketball throw. Twelve girls from Arteta will enter the big field meet at Multnomah field today. Mra. Demeter Surprised On Saturday evening. May 7. Mrs. Chas. Demeter was most completely and pleasantly surprised by a num­ ber of her relatives and friends, cel­ ebrating her birthday anniversary. Six beautiful birthday cakes adorned the table. Mr. and Mra Glen San­ ders, daughter Zoe, of 6212 90th street, came as a colored family. Mrs. Sanders was a bride, draped in blue cloth with a marvelous veil of lace curtain. Zoe was the groom and Mr. Glen Sanders the bride’s little sister, resplendent in short dress, half sox and all. A cousin, Leslie Dun­ can, was a typical fat Frenchman. He proved that he was not genuin.-'y fat, however, when the rooms be­ came too warm and he retired to re­ move the pillow from his clothing. He was a scream, before and after ♦■king (the pillow). About 25 were present and many beautiful gifts were tendered Mrs. Demeter. Arleta Gym Class Entertains The Arleta gym class entertained the Montavilla gym class with a masquerade party at Arleta school on Monday evening, May 16. . A large crowd enjoyed the fun of the even-n- and about fifty masked, there being among the costumes a negro bride, monk kids and a hobo. Delicious re­ freshments were served and the in- stroctor, Mrs Hodgson, was present­ ed with a beautiful boquet of carna- Arteta Theater The following is the program at Arteta theater for the coming week: Friday. May 20. country store night, June Caprice and Creighton Hale in “A Damsel in Distress ; Ro- lin comedy; Paramount Magazine. Saturday, Dorothy Dalton in “Half An Hour"; 2-rsel comedy. “Back From the Front”. Sunday. Zane Grey’s “The U. P. Trail” with Roy Stuart and Robt. McKim. „ , Monday and Tuesday. ' Mama s Af­ fair,” played by Constance Talmadg»: episode No. 4, “Velvet Fingers’’. „ Wednesday. “Two Kinds of Ix>ve . ilayed by Breezy Eason. Jr: 2-reel entury comedy. Thursday, “Her Husband’s Fnend with Enid Bennett; episode 11 of “Double Adventure.” Millard Ave. Chnrch Sunday evening Rev. Henry White will give his second lecture on Siam. Added features will be a solo by Mrs Geo. Cblvey and two solos bv Mr laak«. who wr-U also conduct a short Song service. Rev. White spent sev­ enteen years in Siam and is fully qualified to tell many interesting tilings about the country. On Wednesday, May 25, the church will be open all day to receive bun­ dles, toys, food or anything of that nature for the near east relief ship, which is soon to sail. The women’s society will be in charge upon that day. The junior girls class of the Sun­ day school, taught by Miss Thelma Via, organized Tuesday afternoon. Elizabeth pi Ilian was elected pfesi- dent, Harriet Weddle vice president. Alice Thomas treasurer, Margaret Ormandy, secretary. The class nam- is ‘Pollyanna”, their motto "With God We Conquer”; Bible verse. “I wae glad when they said unto mo. let us go into the house of the Lord”; their flower is the pansy and the colors purple and gold. The da»s will meet twice a month and the of­ ficers hold office for six months. Bits of News Notes Tom Hay of 5515 72nd street is very ill with heart trouble. An enjoyable ’old-fashioned school’ was held at Luckey cottage of . the Laurelwood Congregational church last week. Vera Pratton was teach­ er and the stunts delighted those present. Lunches were carried and served in paper bags. 6: About 25 were present. Rev. Mrs. R. P. Stuart will sneak on “Does It Pay?” at the ' Missionary society at Luckey cottage. Ijiurelwood Congregational church will be open all day Wednesday. Mav 25, bundle day for the near east re­ lief. Coats, dresses, clothing and gloves, bed linen, toys—anything in fact that is serviceable desired and will help the distressed people. A meeting of the faculty and work­ ers of the daily vacation Bible school will be held Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock in Luckey cottage. Rev Henry White of Millard av­ enue church will preach in the mom- in Sunday on “Anointing of Jesus at the Home in Bethany.” Miss Dorothy Witbeck of 5720 70th street won a payment of $200 on a lot in the Build-a-Home contest re­ cently. She is riot certain of what disposition sba will make of it. A mistake was by the re­ porter last week. Miss Ewing of Woodmere school was credited with taking her pupils to Champoeg. It was Miss Julia Spooner who did so. Mutlnomah County Institute met in the M. E. church, Fisk and Lom­ bard streets, yesterday A moat in­ teresting day was spent The sub­ ject of the morning session was Tern, perace and Missions, while in the afternoon legislation and election bills were considered. Rev. Owen Day of Arleta Baptist church, returned Tuesday from Col­ fax, Wash., where he has been visit­ ing his father. He will resume his charge Sunday morning, preaching on the topic, “Social Responsibility of the Chnrch.” At the evening service he will speak on “The Man Who Made Good.” Mid-week service on Wednesday at 8 p. m; regular choir rehearsal Thursday at 8 p. m. Mrs. Brantner has returned home after a month’s visit with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. F. J. Carpenter. 6835 55th avenue. Paul Newmever, with his family, have moved into the Pickens house on 71st street near Millard Mr. Newmeyer is a well known boys worker and Mrs. Newmeyer is a singer with a pleasing voice. Col. Albert Hollingworth of “The Hills’ made a short visit to his sis­ ters, the Misses Hollingworth. of «2d street, Monday evening. About 200 of the Whitney boys will sing at Anabel Presbvtenan church, 56th street and 37th avenue. Sunday evening. These will include our local boys and is of interest to all in this part of th ecity. The Fourth U. B. church again won the banner at the institute a week ago last Sunday, having 100 per cent present. Mr and Mrs. Richard Joplin ac­ companied Col. Hollingworth in from “The Hills” Monday, returning Tues­ day morning. . _ Mrs. Geo. Colvey is again zt to work in the offices of Drs- McSloy and OtfFburv in Lents after a severe illness lasting two weeks. Dr J. R. Robinson, prominent phy­ sician and surgeon of Archer Place, and his wife, left for ............ - They Tuesdav morning. - * expect to . be .. gone several months and will visit tnait many places cf interest dunng their teip. EGGF.RT-RABUCK Miss Alma Rabuek. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Rabuek of 7401 62d avenue, was united iin man-iare to Wm. Eggert of Roekham. 8. IL. Wednesday afternoon at 3 okloelc The wedding was held at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Henry White officiating. A reception was held in the even­ ing, with the following Present: Rev. and Mrs. White nnd daughter Eliza­ beth. Mr. and Mm. Older and child ren Mr. and Mrs. Allison. Mrs. Lan- fere. Mrs. Moore^Mrs. Cram •"£ the immediate wiembarv-pf. the brides faMryimd Mrs. Egwrt rereived many beautiful gifts. Thev *»ll lr»*e •°"n for Rockham, where thev will make their home Mrs Fggert w«l be missed by her . C'rr,t ¿"'and who unite in CLlde 1 happiness throughout her wedded life.