Guaranteed Circulation 1500 ZlUÎX HWt* I.Î. ItWV&Ul Guaranteed Circulation LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1921 Subscription, $1.50 the Year. News Happenings of Lents and Surrounding Country 1500 VOL. XIX, No. 19 Arleta, Kern Park, Millard Ave., Tremont, Woodmere Three Reasons Many Affairs of Interest to Community Related in En tertaining Way by Correspondent of the Herald Social Affaira Are Source of Pleaaure to ManyjPeraonal Itcma and I akb I m of Intereat to Herald Rcadera Tersely Told t Albert E. Hamilton. ("18 89th St., Albert E. Hamilton of 6109 92nd ia building a new garage street has a bran new Cadillac. The exterior of the Kenworthy Little lone Zcpplin was operated <>n Saturday for adenoids and ton­ undertaking parlors ia »pick and r.pan with a coat of paint alb. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Miller ia doing plumbing work for N. P. Pile on Mapb street James I. McClain, 94M» 42nd avenue, thia week. l*r. Ixtckwood attended. thia week. Brugger'-i bakery, 9112 Woodutock O»e Tobin family residence on Gilbert street ia being brightened up avenue, wax recently improved and ixdecorated by D. H. Ixicher, the with a coat of palnL painter. Mrs l>r. Bocne. who has been vis­ Mr. Dotson, of the former real es­ iting her aunt, Mrs. Olive Kelly, on 89th street, haa returned to her home tate firm of llolaon A McDermott, who waa »erioualy injured by falling in eastern Oregon. from a building last week, waa able Among the births reported thia to be out and on the street Tuesday. week 1» that of a daughter born on The Eagle garage sold three Ford» April 30 to Mr. and Mrs. A. Koakcy the past week, one each to Frank of 4MM 97th street Mirwaid, Jack Mans and 1» T. Iwwi» Mr. Wolfile, formerly a pool room 4 Co., Successor» to the l-enta Mer­ on prirtor of l-ents. haa disposed of cantile Co., the latter for delivery nis rseidenee property on 92nd purpose». street and will locate in California. A son (end wife) of Joseph Bish­ Mrs. Herbert Dilly waa taken to op, residing at 9424 Fifty-fifth av­ the hospital Sunday, where she un­ enue (Gilbert Road), have arrived derwent a major operation Monday. from Yakima valley, and will build She is reiMjrted as getting along aa a home of their own and locate per­ well as can be expected manently in the Mt. Scott district. The next business meeting of Shiloh Cireie. Ladies of the G. A. R. will be held Saturday, May 21. at i p. m. The president earnest'y re­ quests all officers and members to be present Mrs A. R. Wilson of the Tremont neighborhood left Sunday night for FYanklinton, La., where »he will spend a year with a daughter re«id- She will also ing at that place, probably vial’. Florida white upon her tri|’ Kra. W l«m was accompanied by her son Hugh. Although the new camping "round» operated by the city of Portland at Peninsula park haa only been in op- •rntion about a week, over 100 tour­ ists have registered there. It has the innkings of an ideal camping Kiurwl and will prove one of the if li»vr*tmcntB this eltv hu ever nia '••00 uea. and A E. Hamilton ia the contrae tor. The ladiaa of M. E. church will hold their mid-summer sale at the Square Deal candy atore. 92nd St.. on Friday, May 27. Fancy and use- ful articles will be for saie, ala» cake and ice eream, all day and all evening. Everybody welcome. There will bv a hard timea danc« given by the Neighbor» of Wood­ craft in Grunge hall thia (Friday) evening. Prize« for the inost atrik- lnf. costumes will lie given and there will be no fine» for th0 feet. The building itself ia 32x40 feet, two stories in heighth, of reinforced brick construction. The front is of Swope faced brick, mak­ ing a handsome appearance, while the aide walls are of Columbia tile. The interior ia plastered, with a beautiful float finish. Upon the ground floor are two stores, each fronting on the street. One of these business establiahmnets will be occupied by Mr. Amato, with his up-to-date men’s tailoring estab­ lishment, while Mrs. Amato will con. duct a notions store in the other. The upstairs has been arranged for two neat little three-room flats. They have already been leased for occupuncy when the building is com­ pleted. They are modem in every way; bath, hot and cold water, elec­ tric lights and gas, with heat sup­ plied from the up-to-date hot air rumace. installed at an expense of over |500, in the basement. E. E. Battin waa the contractor in charge, with John Ankin, of 70th street, aa foreman of brick masonry. It is expected that it will be ready for occupancy June 1st. The build Ing represents an expenditure of al­ most »7000. Mr. Amato ia to be congratulated upon hia progreaaivenaaa. The struc­ ture is considered the moat up-to- date. for its size, in the district, and ia one which will serve to enhance values in the whole district. OLD fi ESI BENT DIES IN KEARNEY. NEBRASKA J. R. Neal, an old resident of Iants, who left here April 23rd. for Kearney, Neb., died at that place on the 28th. according to word received late last week by local frienda. Mr. Neal was a sufferer from an aggravated case of caneer of the stomach and when he felt the end sas near decided to go cast, where he had many relatives, in order to see them before the end .eame His daughter, Mrs. Sadie Rosenbloom, accompanied him and when he passed away was at the bedside. The wife of Mr. Neal died about six months ago and was buried at Kearney, where the remains of Mr. Neal will be interred. The deceased wan nearly 80 years of age and la survived by several children in th* cast. WALL PAPER NOW IN GREAT DEMAND HERE ■ ♦ “Time was here in Ianta when ev­ en the most pretentious homes con­ sidered ■ ‘tinted* walla quite the thing but those days are past, and one of the first requirements of miladv in choosing a new home is that attrac­ tive paper shall adorn the walls,“ says Chas. Warde, the 92nd street decorator. “Some people seem to think wall paper is expensive that only the very wealthy can afford^ to paper their rooms, but such is' not neces­ sarily the case. Manv dainty effects for the sleeping room are available at but a few cents a roll, while rich tapestry paper for the living room can be procured at a total expendi­ ture of just a few dollars.“ Gurdon Ogsbury turned in a cor­ rect solution together with 156,- 900 votes in the contest in the trwie at home race for the $.'>.00 and captured the money thia week. Clar­ ence O’Neil had 175,500 but failed to send in a solution of the missing name, without which no contestant can win. There was, in all fairness, nothing for Jhe Herald to do but award the money to Master Ogs­ bury. 1 he rule made at the start of the contest on this vote follows: THE WEEKLY CONTEST In the advertisements appearing in the ’Trade-at-Home” section letters will be purposely omitted and in or­ der to win the $5.00 cash prise each week contestants must read every ad, find the missing letters and arrange them to form the name of one of the entitled to iasue voting cou- firms _ pons. The contestant each week who turns in the correct answer, together tea. with the largest number of to votes, will win the 15.00 cash and 500 extra votes. The name selected for this week’s contest ia Mt. Hood, for the Mt. Hood Confectionery, at the corner of Fos­ ter Road and 92nd street To sim­ plify it we have omitted only the six letter which go to make up the words "Mt. Hood.” The standing to date is as follows: Margaret Leitch .......... ........... 738.800 Clarence O’Neil .......... ......... *639200 Gurdon Ogsbury' .......... ........... 277.700 Gena T. lx>cke .............. ........... 146.750 Claudine Moore ........ .......... 111.800 Miss E. V Barker ... ........... 109.050 Mrs. B. F. Jone« .......... .......... 61.500 .......... 8.200 0 M. Shields Miss Helen Kanne .... .......... 3,400 Lucille Dugan .............. .......... 1.950 •Clarence O’Neil has turned In a large number of votes which have not been checked. RELATIVES SURPRISE MRS. I. F COFFMAN Mrs. I. F. Coffman was recently the recipient of birthday honors. Last Sunday about fifteen of her relatives gathered from the three corners of the city to surprise, her at her homo at 6116 92nd street. The afternoon was pleasantly spent, everyone en­ joying the splendid vocal selections rendered by Edward Brewster, a grand-nephew of Mrs, Coffman, and a palatable luncheon served buffet style. Then on Monday evening the neighborhood friends of Mrs. Coff­ man came to wish her just as many happy returns of the day as she would like to have. Violin solos by Carl Hawkins, accompanied by Miss Kirk, made the evening pleasant un­ til a lunch consisting of salad, sand­ wiches, coffee and cake, was served. Mn. Tom McSloy sang several selec­ tions in a pleasing manner. Many­ dainty and useful gifts were left for Mrs. Coffman. Those present were Mesdames G. R. Williams. M. T. Hawkins, W. M. Gilbert, John Don­ aldson, F. B. Culver, Tom McSloy, Fred Geisler, Robt. Reynolds, J. H. McSloy, J. E. Gilbert, J. F. Foasler, Wm. Rusk, F. Timms, L. Mason, Grace Kirk, L. Mae Hamilton. PARENT-TEACHER NOTES Little Items of Intereat to Herald Readers Culled From All Over the Rose City. T. M. Zidon ______ _ took out a recently building permit to erect a residence at 4725 6th street, ' . ‘ between Foater ' Road and 50th avenue. The parkway between "2nd and "1st streets, north of Foster Road, is being improved and when completed will add to the attractiveness of the district. Many loada of dirt have been hauled to the spot, and the work will be rushed to completion, it is said. 1-ester Campbell, formerly of the Portland Telegram, who handled the publicity work in connection with the ML Scott Improvement Club’s cam- Cign for the Foster Road sewer. s purchased the Vancouver Daily Columbian and will no doubt proceed to give the people of the Washington city a readable newspaper. Paper , clothes, manufactured in Germany and Austria because of war stress, are on exhibition in the green room of the Chamber of Commerce. They arrived here last week, having been sent by courtesy of the United States department of commence. There are various garments for men. women and children. The outfit ."r.y be viewed by anyone during the regular hours of the Chamber- Members of Painters' union No. 10 who struck when the ten per cent reduction was placed in effect by some of the employers May 1. went back to work early in the week, fol­ lowing signing of an agreement with the employers Saturday afternoon, according to Frank McLean, business representative of the union. The painters returned to their work at the 10 per cent reduction, with an agreement to continue in force until March 1, 1922, at least, McLean ex­ plained. Sugar declined 10 cents Monday- morning. The wholesale price of cane granulated ia now $7.65 a sack, while beet sugar is $7.45. Portland jobbers have been advised that this amount about marks the end of the price decline. The Arjeta Athletic club met the Ridgefield Athletic club Sunday at the latter’s home town. The Port­ land lads trotted home with a victory earned through a 10-to-4 score. Hit­ ting by Arleta made the match an interesting one. Thompson and Fa- C formed the battery for the Port- bo ya. The city council has decided upon crushed rock macadam as the type of pavement to be used in the improve­ ment of Forty-sixth avenue south­ east, from Sixty-seventh street to Kern Park. The street railway company has a crew of men at work repairing the Foster Road street crossings in the neighborhood of 62d and 63rd greets. The old, decayed boards between the rails at those points are being torn up and new timbers substituted. One of the new business houses in the Arleta district is the confection­ ery and lunch room recently opened on Foster Road by P. R. Moak. for­ merly of the Mt. Hood Confectionery of Lents. It looks as though the rent collec­ tor were doomed. He may persist for a while, for the man who prefers to live in a leased house is. still in the majority and is still and always will be a voter and a good American citizen. But he is being gradually, even rapidly, won over by the “Own Your Own Home” movement, which is cropping out in expositions, fain and campaigns all over the country. May 19th is the date for the next meeting of Lents Parent-Teacher association. Eighty members are at present on the roll of the association. Mrs. G. J. Frankel will speak at the next meeting. Miss Txt Mears will give a reading. Five pounds of peanuts will be given to the room having the largest Arleta Lodffe . No .216, .21«. Oddfellows, number of mothers present at the met as usual Friday in Woodmen’s Frida; May 19th meeting. Election for ____ the _ posi- hall, Arleta. I______ ___ ___ tion of district deputy grand master waa held, W. L. Ormandy being cho­ Grand Masque Ball at Cedarville Park Saturday night. May 14th. sen. He ia also a delegate to Grand Dancing from 8:46 p. m. to 3 a. m. Lodge. Woodmere School Notes I Jut Friday night and Thursday afternoon a most remarkable ami aucesaful program waa put on by the pupila under the direction of the teachers. Those who drilled the youngsters taking part certainly cov­ ered themselves with glory, for sel­ dom does one see such beautifully trained children aa took part in that program. The primary teachers taught and drilled their own classes in their own particular exercises and Miss Canning and Miss Brandt had supervision over the intermediates. To them belongs great credit and praise. The first part of the pro­ gram was given by the primary de­ partment and waa as follows: Folk dance, third grade children; piano duet, Katherine and Carolyn Schweit­ zer; flower song, children of 1st and 2d grades; style show, pupils of 3rd grade; apple blossom song, 1st grade; darkey song and dance, 1st grade; Scotch folk dance, 3rd Another pleaaing number waa a proup of Armenian children, dressed ”1 native costume, singing their na­ tional song in Armenian. Following that, they sang in English “Beauti­ ful America.” “Old Pipes and the Dryads” was put on by intermediate pupils. “Old Pipes” waa played by Merle Nelson; Margurete Norris was a dryad. Geo. Blakeslee waa the “Echo Dryad” and" waa exceptionally good. Ruth Faw­ kes waa "Old Pipes’s" mother. The prologue waa given by Beatrice Fisher. Between the first and second acts Grace Fisher and Lewellyn Flier sang two songs, balloon song and a lullaby. Between the second and third acta Everett Repp recited “Go­ ing Barefoot.” and Lelia Sears gave “The Last DolL” Virginia Morgan sang “Sleep, Darling. Sleep.” A beautiful Maypole dance was given aa the third scene. The cos­ tumes represented fairies. The whole thing was beautiful beyond imagination and the results were in­ deed gratifying to all who had work­ ed so hard. The proceeds will be used for the general school fund. Earl in June will be introduced in musical entertainment the Wood- mere Juevnile Orchestra. The regular Parent-Teacher meet­ ing waa held Thursday. May 12, at Woodmere. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Fred Peters, who is representing her district at the slate convention at Pendleton, Mrs. Geo. Stoner, vice president, presided. The teachers were in charge of the pro­ gram. Children from Woodmere school are entering the track meet early thia month under the direction of Mias Ewing and Mrs. Me Sennow. who is a special director. Mrs. Ella Alcorn substituted for Miss Woodburn, who was unable to attend classes part of this week. The baseball team have wen ten straight games this season and arc now playing off the finals. Monday night on Woodmere grounds they defeated St. Johns, 12-6. They have won first place in this section. The second team is also playing off its regular scheduled games. Rebekahs Meet The Rebekah Club of Mountain View Lodge of Arleta met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Maude Bradbury of 48th avenue and 63rd street. A delightful warm luncheon was served st noon, cafeteria sty le. Articles suitable for sale are being made at these meetings and the pro­ ceeds will be used for a reserve fund for the lodge. Next month they meet at the home of Mrs. Norton. Among those present at Mrs. Brad­ bury’s were Mesdames Morton. Por­ ter, Young, Peters, Sager, Norris, Cover, Campbell, Oeder, Crum. Hyde. Bill, Gibson, McLin, Gollings. Grand ma Gollings, Alvord. Orendorff, Bradbury, Griffith. Wittbeck, Organ Reberg. via, Mr» Laniere, the Missea Strang, Theo. Zehrung, Mrs. Reese, Mrs. Do. meter. Rev. White, Mr. Ormandy, the president of the club, presided. Arleta Theater Aa usual, Mr. White of Arleta theater has an abundance of g»od shows for his delighted patrons this week. Beginning Friday, .May 13, he will show H. B. Warner in “When We Were Twenty-one”, arranged from Nat Goodwin’s famous stage play. A ^tolin comedy and Para­ mount Magazine complete the pro­ gram. Saturday "The Sins of Ro- zanne”, featuring Ethel Clayton, will be shown, along with a two-reel comedy, "Wedding Bella”. Sunday, “The Dwelling Place of Light”, fea­ turing King Bagot and RobL MeKim is the attraction; DeHaven comedy. "Hoodoed”. Monday and Tuesday, an Allan Dawn production, "The "Scoffers”, with James Kirkwood and episode No. 3 of “Velvet Fingers”. Wednesday, Harry Carey in "Hearts Up”, and a two-reel Century comedy. Thursday, Robt. Warwick in "The 14th Man”, episode No. 10 of "Dou­ ble Adventure". Lights Are Needed The conditions in each locality are peculiar to that locality. Our prom­ ised Mt. Scott playground will be built among the trees. The street lights on various corners near the playground only serve to accentuate the darkness among the trees. Our boys and girls in this district are just as priceless and valuable and worth taking care of as those in any other district. And a black hole, such as we had last year and the year before, is not conducive to good morals and good examples. Let us insist on good lighting or good pol­ icing, and if we can’t obtain either, for pity’s sake return the property to private ownership and as far as we can eliminate the chances for im­ morality in our district A combined effort of earnest, thoughtful parents and of organizations will bring the desired result. At (he meeting of the Mt. Scott Imptovewiertt Chib at Arleta Tuesday evening Mr. Pier was unable to ap­ pear as scheduled. Mr. Hooper, his assistant, spoke in his place. He told the people of the purchase of three blocks between 72nd and 74th streets and 56th avenue and said they were planning to buy three more blocks in the same vicinity. The subject ' of supervision was discussed. It was suggested that a matron be appointed to assist the regular park supervisor. Mr. Cooper stated that it is hard to obtain help other than the kind they have, that is, college students. It was suo-eat- ed that the park be lighted, but Mr. Cooper informed them that play­ grounds were never lighted, only the parks. There are so many parks be­ ing equipped and the Rose Festival is taking so much time for prepara­ tion that he could not promise any definite action soon. The fact that the district had united and knew what it wanted and had made a defi­ nite request for it would, in his opin­ ion, go far toward obtaining for us our desired objects. The subject will be further discussed at the June meeting of the Mt Scott Improve­ ment Club. Siam Kingdom Studies Program The following program will be given at Millard Ave. Presbyterian church. Sunday evening, May 22. at 7:30 o'clock: Organ prelude; short song service, conducted by J. . O. Leake; responsive reading; solo, “We’ve a Story to Tell to the Na­ tions,” J. O. Leake; hymn 129, first three verses: offertory: solo, select­ ed, Mrs. Geo. Colvey; Scripture; ad­ dress, “Merit-making and Transmi­ gration of Souls as Practiced and Relieved by the Siamese” together with “A Birite-eye View of the_ Ac­ tivities and Pastimes of That Most Interesting Asiatic People”; solo. sviv, “He Was Not Willing That _ Any Should Perish”, J. O. Leake; bene- Theron Iver Hickey diction; postlude. Mrs. Ethel Wood Theron Iver Hickey was buried nt Lewellen will be at the piano. Multnomah cemetery Wednesday af­ Mrs. A. C. Turner of Brentwood ternoon May 11. The Oddfellows of Mountain View lodge No. 216 of Ar­ moved into the city this week. Mrs. F. R. Whittetey of 71st and leta had charge of the services. Mr. streets entertained Mrs. Hickey was 50 years of age and Cooper leaves a wife ad two children who Wheelock of Yakima, Wash, recent­ reside on 82nd street near Johnson ly. Mr. and Mrs. ,Cecil Hampton and Creek. Services were held at Ken­ worthy’s parlors, Lents. The fun­ Mrs. Yandal of Pendleton motored to eral was largely attended, attestine Portland this week and visited at the Hampton’s mother. Mrs. the esteem in which the decease I home of EpperSon. was held. Dr. Wm. S. Stout officiated at the arrivals pf the following: A sftn *o Welfare Club Meets The Welfare Club of Millard Are Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McMullen,