Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 06, 1921, Image 1

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    »»»»•rm, of CriftB |
Guaranteed Circulation
ML â>rirtt Heralù
Guaranteed Circulation
Subscription, |1.60 the Year.
News Happenings of Lents
and Surrounding Country
Social Affairs Are Source of Pleasure to Many.Personal
Ite nut and Iiocalw of Interest to Herald
Readers Tersely Told
ha« ter ths entertainment it was learned
that it waa Mr. and Mrs. Goeta'
26th marring« anniversary, which
Mrs. Maude Cornell visited with waa appropriately celebratici with
Bellwood friends last week.
an elegant luncheon and the well­
Born, Apnl 25, to Mr. and Mrs. J. wishes of those present.
11 Allin. 6706 #!>th avenue, a dsugh
The annual Multnomah County
Fair will be held this year at Gres-
H A.
ham, September 19 to 23.
C. E Sager la beautifying 4>ls lx*wls of Portland is president and
hum« on 54th avenue with generous K. J. Miller, secretary.
quantities of paint.
Are _ _ you
bothered to death __
by the
. _ _______
Died. April 27. at 520.3 44th st reels peddler«,
peddlers, who make life miserable
of pulmonary tuberculosis, Margaret for the “lady of the
th« house” at all
C. Haddon, aged 79 year«.
seasons of tne year and particularly
E. D. Graham of Gilbert Road at in the spring? The Herald has pre
109th street, is beginning the erec pared some “No Peddlers Wanted''
signs, which are for sale at the of­
lion of s fine new residence.
fice for a small sum. One lady pur
chased a car.I Wednesday and said
The next meeting of
Point club will be with Mrs. Dr. it was worth a dollar to her; her in­
Hess, ’>406 92nd street.
ability to say no to one of the slick-
tongued tribe had cost her 115 for
Mrs. R E Thomas of BUS 66 th pictures she has no use for. this
avenue, who has been ill for several week.
weeks |>s«t with bronchial asthma, is
reported to be improving slowly.
Readers of the Herald need have
no hesitancy in bringing in items of
The infant child of Mr and Mrs ncMs to this office, regardless of
Stockdale of 96th street, east of whether or no they may have a pet­
town, has lieen very ill with pneu ty grouch against anyone connected
monla but ia improving »lowly.
with the office
It is the policy of
Herald to trent friend and foe
Mrs. J M Porter of 6402 Rist • the
street, who has been suffering from like, without discrimination, in fur-
nishing new* for its readers,
an attack of pneumonia the past are
here to print the n.-«» of th.
few days, is recovering.
Mt. Scott district if it is possible to
Mrs Rotigers of Seattle arrived obtain it. To do thia it ia neceaaarv
last Sunday for an extended visit for the community to cooperate. Ev­
with her sister, Mrs. H Julian, on erybody. regardless of race, relig
ion, political faith or condition of
Gilbert Road.
servitude, will be treated alike at
Arthur F. Iloag of 6718 8»th St., this office, under its present man­
and Dorothy V. Rowley, same ad­ agement.
dress, were among those granted
marriage licenses Muuday.
Albert K. Hamilton. «109 92nd
street, and < 'laredce Tripp, 3640
The ninth annual eonvention of
«2nd street, have been drawn on the
federal grand jury, their duties com the Pacific Northwest Merchants'
Association is to convene in thia
mencing last sl nday morning
city August 1st to 6th. The impor
Sixtoen M K. t>iahops are to be in tance of this convention is growing
Portland the 11th inst.
Many are year by year. It is expected that
hoping that th.- chfetrns slaughtered Ihis year’s gathering will include
will be those that are doing havoc delegates from Wyoming, Montana.
in other people’s gardens.
Colorado, Alaska and other far dis­
tant points, wMIe the ntterul.ino
•The interior of Katzky lima, de­ from Oregon, Washington and Idaho
partment store ia being redecorated will be much greater than any prev­
thia Week, and the result hat been to ious year, judging by the number of
inervas*- the attractivenesa of the letters received by the committee in
charge of the arrangements.
In connection with the convention
Dolaon i McDermott have discon
tinued their real estate business al the ninth annual Buyers’ Week, in-
the manufacturers
9127 Foster Road. The former is in augu rated by
a hospital suffering from serious in­ and jobbers of Oregon, will be held.
juries sustained through falling from The committee has arranged one of
of the moat elaborate series of en­
a building.
tertainments in the history of the
W. E Brown & Son have started organisation, including a high jinks
a hat cleaning and suit pressing es for the men and theater parties for
tablishment at 9127 Foster Road, the ladies. In addition there will be
opposite postoffice at Lents. W. E river excursions and tripe about the
Brown has been in the business six­ city and its environs.
The committee has arranged with
teen year« and guarantees satisfac­
Portland jobbers and manufacturers
to refund the railroad and Pullman
Miss l-eona Donaldson, daughter fur <>f any merchant attending the
of “John D,” who has been the ef­ convention, whose aggregate pur-
ficient bookkeeper at the Multnomah chases from mcmbeni of the associ-
State Bank, has resigned her posi­ at ion during the convention exceed
tion, and is succeeded by Miss Twilla $500.
McDade, a young lady resident of
There will be a hard times dance
given by the Neighbors of Woodcraft
No. 595, in Grange hall Friday even­
Mrs. L. E Minott, of «334 84th
ing, May 13. Good music has been
street, waa the _ hostess at a surprise
arranged for and priaea will be giv­ shower
May 3rd, when a number
en for the moat novel costumes in of her on
gathered at her res­
keeping with the spirit of the oc­ idence. frienda
Mrs Minott’s birthday oc-
3, but owing to
curred February
The Yeager Theater's advertise­ illness in the neighborhood, the ob­
u- event
----- - was
----- • post-
ment on the contest page contains server c * o' * the
the program of that house for the poned to a more auspicious occasion
coming week. Mr. Robinson is book­ and last Tuesday was the date sel­
Those present were Mes-
ing first-class attractions; a partic ected.
ularly fine picture ia Thos. Meighan dames Ferguson, Ix>ach, William
in “The Frontier of the Stars”, sche- •on, Kildahl, Simmons, Kilford. Ta!-
meter, Kay, Norenc, Highland, Et­
duled for tonight.
tel, Griffith, Perry, Adamson, Pin­
Mrs. C. E. Goeta of 4004
40)4 42nd av
av- ­ dell, Smith. Woodworth. Blackman,
enue, S. E , gave a very entertaining Chandler, Stephens, Klein, Schult,
piano recital last1 Saturday after­ Groener, Mumbnir and Miss Miller.
noon with a large number of her pu
Subscribe for the Herald, $1.50.
pile and frienda in attendance, Af-
Clyde Sager of 64th
lieeli on the sick list
Oddfellows and Rebekahs of Lento
and Arleta gathered at the local I.
O. O. F. hall last Saturday evening
to celebrate the 102d anniversary of
the founding of American Oddfellow,
ship There waa a large attendance
at the hall, where appropriate ad­
dresses, music and dancing later in
the Grange hall was the order of the
Attorney Henry Westbrook of
Portland was scheduled to deliver
the address of the evening, but was
Breventod from attending by illness.
is place on the program waa taken
by M. W. Pond, a brother from
Minnesota, who gave aa intereating
talk. The other numbers on the
program were aa follows:
Piano solo ................... Miss Reynolds
Select reading ............... Jun« Norris
Song ............................... Wayne Hvde
Accompanied by Mrs. Jackson)
Reading ....................... Miss Faulkner
Music ......................... Messrs. Cargni
Reading ....................... Mrs. Robinaon
Song, Mixed Quartette of Franklin
High Schoo).
Piano solo ....................... Lyle Petero
Baritone solo................. W. S. Jacluon
Tile Oddfellows have grown from
five members on April 26. 1819. the
date the order waa founded, to 2,-
fiOO.iMX) members today in the Uni­
ted States alone, while the order has
«pre«! practically throughout the
whole world, with the exception of
England, where the Maneheater Un­
ion. similar in character, carries for­
ward the high principles of the or­
The Rebekahs, organised in 1868
bv Schuyler Colfax, vice-president of
the United States, have grown un­
til it includes more than 1.500.000
members. The allied orders have
proved one of the moat benevolent
of fraternal organizations, having
given for charitable purposes sums
that rank very high smonr those
given by other institutions of simi­
lar character. In Oregon alone last
vear benefactions amounted to more
than $100,000, which waa five times
that given to charitable causes by
any other similar organisation, it is
The programme committee that
arranged the affair waa composed
of Mrs. Griebe, Mrs. Benge. Dr.
Lttndbcrg. Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Griffith
and Mrs. Taylor.
Camilla Ckmrw and Irma Smith,
Franklin high school girls in the
teacher training course, are doing
observation work and practice teach­
ing in the lent» school. Thqse girls
have on several occasions taken a
room when the regular
___ _ waa
ill and handled it for the day in a
very creditable manner.
Mine Grace Wolverton
__ waa
___ ab-
» nt on account of illnffes two days
last week. Mrs. Nellie Buhite sub­
stituted for her.
On Monday, T. D. Kirkpatrick,
urban club leader, met the Lenta
school poultry club at the home of
Gurdon Ogsbury, president
club inspected Gurdon’s flock of
White leghorns and were taught
how to select laying hens, how and
what to feed, and many other things
that poultry raisers should know.
Miss Jessie Armstrong, teacher
of room 7, waa out last Friday on
account of illness. Mrs. L. C. Lam-
scr taught in her place.
By beating Kellogg by a 6-6 score
Tuesday, the lent» school nine ties
Arleta for second place in the S. E.
section. The tie will be played off
thia week.
Mrs. Nellie Buhite waa with ua
Tuesday of this week, taking the
room of Miss Ruth Damon, who was
The boys and girls of the school
are busy at odd momenta, aa well as
at the regular gymnastic periods, in
trying to develope a strong team to
participate in the grammar school
track meet, which will be held on
Multnomah field, on the afternoon of
May 20. There will be a preliminary
meet for the schools in the south
east section of the city one week
earlier on the Franklin high school
That as much of the Pacific fleet
as can possibly be detailed will be
sent to the Rose Festival this year,
is the information Rep. McArthur
received this week from the seere-
tary of the navy. The Orqgon dele­
gation has been urging this action
for some time and their efforts were
finally rewarded.
In connection with thia statement
it is reported that the entire strength
of ships of the navy will be mobil­
ized on thia coast this summer. Just
By PROF. RUDOLPH M. BINDER, New York University.
how long they will remain here is
problematical but four month« has
been set as the minimum period.
No sane person can look at the 200,000 paupers and prisoners and
A further report is that work on
260,000 insane in our country with equanimity, especially when he finds the battleehip California, now under
construction in a California yard,
that they are breeding faster than the prudent and thrifty part of tlw has been ordered rushed to comple­
population. We need more super-normal and fewer sub-normal persona tion after work had been abandoned
for 3» period. Orders received neces­
There are two ways of bettering human conditions, by improving sitated the putting to work of sev­
the individual and by improving the race. If segregation and sterilixa- eral hundred more men on the ship.
We Need More Super-Normal and Fewer
Sub-Normal Persons in America.
tion are both resorted to the problem of crime, insanity and sickness
would be largely solved within a century. The asylums, prisons and
hospitals would decrease appreciably; the indigent old and the hopelessly
degenerate would no longer trouble our civilisation; above all, the ever
present problem of unemployment caused largely by lack of ordinary men­
tal ability and of vitality would solve itself.
Eight states have already passed laws for sterilising the defectivs
classes: Indians in 1907; Washington, California and Connecticut in
1919; Nevada, Iowa and New Jersey in 1911, and Naw York in 1919
Three persona were killed, 111 In­
jured and 865 arrested aa a result of
916 traffic accidents in Portland
streets during April. This summary
ia contained in the monthly report
of Traffic Captain lewis, as sub­
mitted this week to Chief Jenkins.
The report likewise shows that pol­
ice court fines totaling $3611 were
levied from thia source during the
Let the Growing Boy Have His Rabbits
and Know Their Funny Habits.
By E. C. HUFFMAN, Denver Realtor.
Parenta rise in holy wrath at the landlords who refuse to allow chil­
dren to live in their apartment houses.
Yet, in my opinion, children should not be cooped up in apartments,
where there is no yard in which they can romp. Growing children need
the fresh air, green grass and contact with the soil.
life in an apartment house leaves the growing boy without the ne-
seeeity of doing small chores that tend to give him the habit of work bo
must do when he is grown. This generation is inclining more and more
to the idea ot letting the other fellow do the work.
My advice to parents is, take the children out into the open. Let
them know what it is to carry in the coal after school. Let them know
the joy of digging into the fresh earth. Start the child at work in a gar­
den plot in the back yard. Let him see nature at work. I^et the growing
boy have h/s rabbits and pigeons and know their funny habits.
On Friday of this week. May 6, at
sight o’clock p. m , Woodmere school
will put on a school entertainment.
There will be folk dances, flower
songs, a frolic of fairies and a little
play entitled “Old Pipes and the Dry­
ads .
The children will be cos­
tumed and have taken great pains in
their preparations.
They wish to
give all their frienda a pleas©nt ev­
A small admission fee will
be charged for he benefit of the gen­
eral school fund.
Misses Canning
and Brandt, with the support of the
rest of the faculty and the children,
have spared no effort in helping the
children to succeed with the play.
Mothers have cooperated in fine spir­
it and all are looking forward to
May 6th.
Selma Fish, Lyle Peter*. Vernon
Hamdel and Esther Carlson won the |
blue ribbons in the recent W. C T.
U. essay contests.
The baseball team won a trame
with Woodstock last week . and
__ ____
Monday evening forced Arleta to go
home with a 6 to 3 score against the
latter. The team has played the ten
scheduled games in this section with­
out the loss of a single game. Next
week they will begin the scheduled
games with the winning teams of
other sections.
Central school, St.
John«, Will be their first oppqpdnt
Miss Manley of the Etna school,
waa busy at Woodmere Wednesday
of this week.
Mrs. Harrison and
Mrs. Wallin were sent as substitutea
for Misses Goodall and Galbreath on
Monday. Beth teachers were ill.
Four hundred thirty-two pupils
were neither absent nor tardy last
menth. Six rooms were perfect in
punctuality. Sixteen rooms were 95
per cent or better in attendance.
The president of the Parent-
Teachers’ associaion, Mrs. Fred Pet­
ers, expects to represent her district
at the state convention of parent­
teacher associations in Pendleton
this month.
Margaret Leitch again won the
money in the trade-at-home contest
thia week, with a total of 196,778
votes. Clarence O’Neill was second
with 82,800.
For this week's contest the name
of L. T. I,ewis Co. has been selected.
Mr. Lewis recently purchased the
Lents Mercantile Co. and has im­
proved the property in the nast two
weeks. The store ia bright and up-
to-date and no doubt will enjoy :ts
share of patronage. Find the miss -
ing letters in the ads on the trade­
at-home page which go to make up
his name and send them in as in the
Residents of 65th avenue, in the
district between 82nd and 92nd
streets, have a kick; a legitimate
cause for complaint, and, failing any
other effective method of getting
satisfaction and redress, they ask
the Herald to voice it for them.
About two yean ago those living
in the territory mentioned got to­
gether, and, with the assistance of
maay local business men. secured
the sum of $740,
with which it was
proposed to repair 65th avenue and
put it into auch
“ condition
_ as would
___ -
enable them to have groceries and
other merchandise delivered to their
The avenue at that time
was not much more than a cow-path;
it waa not graded and the whole
street was dotted with stumps and
They tried without success
to get relief from the eity and coun­
ty, but both branches of government
were adepts at “passing the buck”
and it became necessary to find
some other means of getting the
work dor.e. The amount they raised
was not great as such sums go, but
to them it meant much, for the
homes there are not pretentious and
every dollar put into the improve­
ment was hard-earned.
For exam­
ple, one woman, a widow of modest
means, gave $25, and the other sums
contributed Wre gmalR of necessity
After the money was raised, the
county agreed to permit the road de­
partment to furnish the material
and machinery, in return for the
$740, and as a result, with the added
labor of several of the home-owners
of the locality, a very fair street
was graded and rocked.
That was two years ago. Today
the street is in almost aa bad shape
as it was before being improved.
Heavy trucks, most of which are in
the county’s service, it is said, have
cut and rutted the surface until it is
a mass of chuekholes the entire
length. The Herald man was taken
over it from 82nd to 92nd and had
an excellent opportunity to examine
it thoroughly, and it is no exaggera.
tion to say that 90 per cent of the
backwoods country roads are in bet­
ter condition.
And so the people who put up
their hard-earned money to make it
possible to get in and out of their
property protest.
They tried to
have the proper authorities build a
street, and failed. Then they raised
the hard cash and built it them­
selves. After two years of ordinary
use on their part they are back
where they started; sans cash, sans
The same authorities who
refused to grant them relief are res­
ponsible for their present dilemma,
and unless three latter will repair
the damage they have occasioned,
the street will remain almost en­
tirely useless for al) except foot
Members of the Chautauqua Cir­
cle, C. L. S. C., have found in Slos-
That women make good jurors
son’s Creative Chemistry one of the and should be permitted to serve in
most interesting studies of the cur­ that capacity in the courts of Ore­
rent year. It ia what Dr. Frank gon is the contention of the W, C.
Crane, in a recent article, calls a T. U., which organisation is actively
"real book; a book to own, to read, behind the initiative bill giving the
to mark” and adds “when I got into privilege to the sex, which will be
thia book I almost wept for self- submitted to the voters of the state
pity; to think I had never had a at the election June 7th.
chance to read such a work when a
Washington Judges and attorneys
endorse women as jurors and have
The author deals largely with expressed themselves as satisfied
modern research and scientific dis­ with the innovation. They state that
coveries, treating the subject, not in women are no more prone to shirk
a technical way, but very simply and their duty than the sterner sex. and
in language that a child can under that they are especially desirable in
stand. Do you know what are the that class of eases in which women
products derived from a ton of coal ? are before the bar of justice.
Or what is contained in a kernel of
The W. C. T. U. is desirous of
corn? Or in the seed of the cotton having the mater fully discussed at
all club and society meetings, in or­
of another der that full information be obtained
meeting in the library, the circle by the voters of both sexes previous
met with Mrs. Coffman. The topic to election. A leaflet, “Women Jur-
for that day was the making of per­ ora,” has been prepared, and may be
fumes and flavors, and many of the obtained either from the Oregon
members were more or less surprised Congress of Mothers, Court House,
to learn the origin of their favorite Marshall 235. or State W C. T. U..
Selling-Hirach Bldg., Main 227. The
The eirele meets each Thursday two organizations also will arrange,
afternoon at two o’clock in the libra­ upon request, to have speakers at
ry at lent« and visitors are cordially any meeting if desired.
Although the M. 4 R. Market had
Mias Gertrude Katzky came down only a short time contract which ex-
from Monmouth, where she is at­ MM last week for their ad. in the
tending normal, last week, and vis­ Trade-M-Home Contest page, they
ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. were so well satisfied with the re­
Otto Katzky of 92nd street
Mias sults that they continue the space
Katsky waa elected by the Corbett again, as will be observed, in this is­
school board to teach the first four sue.
This firm handles an excep­
grades of that school next year. tionally fine stock of goods and
Her many frienda wish her much merits the excellent trade they are
su ceres.
enjoying in Lents.
VOL. XIX, No. 18
Arleta, Kern Park, Millard
Ave., Tremont, Woodmere
Many Affairs of Interest to Community Related in En
tertaining Way by Correspondent
of the Herald
Kellogg School Entertainment
The Joseph Kellogg school have
an especially interesting entertain­
ment scheduled for the afternoon and
evening of Friday, May 6.
ning at 2:30 and 8 p m„ a five-reel
moving picture
called “The Court­
ship of Mil«
Miles _____
Standish” will
be giv­
en. This
Th'« is the first time it has
been shown in Portland and Joseph
Kellogg ia especially favored to get
eighth grade teacher of Joseph Kel­
logg school, is at her duties again,
after an absence since December.
Miss Horan was in the East.
Mrs. Heinrichs entertained about
40 members of the missionary soci­
ety Wednesday afternoon at her
home, 543 E. 50th street. Light re­
freshments of jello, cake and coffee
were served.
Rev. Owen Day left the first of
the week for Colfax, Wash., to as­
sist his father in evangelistic ser­
vices. He will return to his charge
here Sunday, May 15.
Mrs. J. J. Handsaker will talk
Sunday a.
». —
m., on “Growth of Our
Faith.” In
L. the
evening a story ser-
mon for the young people, called
“Parables of the Cherries,” will be
the service.
World Wide Guild
“Mother of Mine” was th« name of
the solo delightfully sung by Gladys
Turner at the W. W. G.’s “Mother
and Daughter” entertainment Tues­
day evening at Arleta Baptist
church. Mrs. Bellmore gave a ten-
minute talk on “Potatoes”. Slides on
“Mexico” were shown, the machine
Lecture on Siam
being operated by Ralph Bellmore
Another _
and explained by Miss Gladys Tur­
“Merit Making and Transmigra.
ner. Refreshments of buns, coffee, tion, as Practiced and Believed in
salad, ice cream and cake were dis- Siam,” will be the subject of the
lecture on the evening of May 22nd,
when Henry White at Millard Ave.
Mothers’ Day Program
A capacity house greeted
“Little Mother of Mine” will be Mr. White’s last lecture on Siam a
sung by Geo. CoIvey Sunday evening few weeks ago and this one promise!
at Millard Ave. Presbyterian church to surpass that. No admission and
with Miss Orpha Meyers accompany­ everyone is welcome.
ing him. Major Repp will also sing
at the evening service, “Tell Mother Fireproof Booths for School Movies
III Be There.” Mrs. Repp will ac­
The fire department has informed
company him and will be the organ­ the school board office that hereaf­
ist for the evening, with the excep­ ter no moving picture projectors are
tion of Mr. CoIvey’s solo.
to be used in schools except when
At the morning service the con­ they are housed in fireproof booths.
gregation will sing “Lead Kindly This is not a new law—merely an
Light,” by the W. H. Boyer method, enforcement of a law already on the
Mr. Colvey singing the solo parts. He books- It will have a tendency to
will also sing “My Mother’s Hands”. bring hardship on most of our
“Mothers’ Day—Its Meaning and schools in this section.
Message” will be the subject of Rev.
White's discourse in the morning. In
Theater Program
the evening the topic will be “The
At Arleta theater this week Mr.
First Commandment With Promise”, White has an exceptionally fine pro-
the Christian Endeavor society con­ gram for his patrons. Beginning on
ducting the service.
Friday, it follows:
Edgar I-ewis
production, “Sherry”. with
Autoists’ Ten Commandments
O’Malley, the star of “Go and Get
The southeast section of the city It” featured: Rolin comedy and mag­
suffers from its share of auto acci­ azine film; Saturday, Chas. Ray in a
dents, as well as other parts of the real Ray picture, “An Old-fashioned
ciky. and 90 per cent of them are Boy”, also a comedy in Two recta.
avoidable. The following ten com­ “A Tray Full of Troubles”; Sunday.
mandments, if followed by autoists, Louise Glaum in "Love’s Madness”.
will mean fewer people in the hos­ Mack Sennett comedy, “Fickle Fan­
pital and a decreased property dam­ cy”; Monday and Tuesday. May Mc-
(Continued from page one)
1. Drive on the right side of the
road—it’s just as good.
2. Slow down when nearin? a rail-
2. Slow down when nearing a street
or highway—it is nearly as dan-
Mrs. Fred Geisler and Mrs. John
3 Look out for children—you can Howe were the hostesses of the Mt.
never tell what they’ll do and you Scott Chapter, Five-Point Club, at a
are always in the wrong if you hit one o’clock luncheon Tuesday, at the
one of them.
home of Mrs. Geisler at 9515 58th
4. Turn out of the road-in time to avenue.
The following guests en­
prevent accident in case the oncom­ joyed the hospitality of their host­
ing ear or your skids or holds to the esses until late in the afternoon:
Elsie McSloy, Edith Droste, May M.
5. Be sure your dimmer really Howe, Emma Hanken, Mabel Sny­
dims—it’s no joke driving into a der, Isabel Geisler, Adrian Witty,
glare, as you probably kno—
Marion Boster, Della E. York, Mrs.
6- Read and obey the warning N H. Kepcha, Mrs. R. B. McClurg,
signa—they are not put up as orna­ Mrs. Louise Suderstrom, Mrs. Chas.
Eatchel, Mrs. W. H. Sweet. Jessie
7. If you feel you’ve got to speed, Sanders, W. S. Sanders, Margaret
do it when it won’t kill anybody but E. Jones, Emma P. McGrew, Esther
and Raymond McGrew, Jean Chapin.
8. When you are making minor re. Edna Hagerty, Emma Bush. Estelle
pairs, stop where your car may be Katzky, Estelle McSloy, Ida R. Fos­
seen from both directions, otherwise ter, Myrtle Sager and baby, Edith
you may stop longer than you antic­ Henderson and baby, Deane Hess.
Nellie McGrew, Kenneth Robert Mc­
9. Speeding around corners is a Grew, Mrs. T. C. Connell, Dr. Mc­
straight route to the hospital.
Sloy, Ben Miller, Fred Geisler, Mr.
10. Use discretion, The fact that Bloyd, Frank Foster, Mr. Walter, Ed
you had
York, Mrs. H. A. Damall.
anybody back to life, least of all
The next meeting of the club will
be held at the home of Mrs. Hess.
Arleta Personals
Arleta library is proud of the fact
that April was the banner month for
circulation at that library, 6047
books being circulated, which speaks
well for the residents of that sec­
League will meet in the Arleta
Ar let libra-
ry the second Tuesday of [ every
Miss Eva Heran, a seventh and
The registration books will be
closed tomorrow (Saturday) at 5 P-
m., according to announcement
County Clerk Beveridge. All those
who have been in the state for six
months are entitled to register. All
persons who have changed their res­
idences or who have not voted dur­
ing the last tw’o elections must reg­
ister again.
What the Women of America Are Doing
Today to Help Keep Down Unrest
We have listened to men discuss the burden resting upon officials
who administer the financial affairs of the city, state and nation, and we
have wondered what these government experts would do were they lim­
ited to incomes as are the women of our homes.
Governmental officials are continually exceeding the amount allotted
to their departments and congress, too frequently without condemnation,
appropriates more. Did the average housewife of America spend what
comae to her from the family with the open-handed carelessness of some
departmental heads the unrest which we see about us would be multi­
plied a thousandfold. It ia utterly impossible to calculate what the women
of America are doing today toward keeping down riot and revolution.
If eux efficiency experts in the field of government could make a
little go as long a way and could adjust expenditures to income as well
as do the women of our households, thia nation would soon see ita in-
dabtedneas reduced.
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