Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, April 22, 1921, Image 1

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    Guaranteed Circulation
itti* “run itwrcwu
Guaranteed Circulation
Subscription, $1.50 the Year.
News Happenings of Lents
and Surrounding Country
Social Affairs Are Source of Pleasure to Many; Personal
Items and Locals of Interest to Herald
Readers Tersely Told
Dr. P. J. O'Donnell has returned
An agntr lavalirr hu» Iw-rn found
and left at thia office.
16 to hi» office after a siege of mumps.
Mra. I*. F. Block of 4824 »2nd
The wail of many a irunlener th«ae
«lay« la ;:Darn that neighbor's chick­< ,-t is confined twhei room bj iU
n«ss thia week.
W. II. Bentley and family moved
Mrs Anna Kurnzi of Silverton. 1«
visiting her daughter, Mr». John Eg. recently to k'ina street, next door to
glin-in. this week.
the Panama grocery.
John Fira ini an has exchang««! hi«
Our friend Knight, simamed Wil­
old lluick for a bran new one with liam. threatens to commit matrimony
if the "boys” don’t rjuit their josh
all modem arceaaorien.
Mr and Mrs. John Howe have
moved from kind at met into their
Mrs. Margaret Goggln» spent Fri
duy visiting with her daughter. Mrs.
new home on 88th avenue.
S. E Wiley and friends from her for­
Mr». Ednu Johnson of Helsson, mer home In Butte, Mont.
Wash., in visiting her mother, Mrs.
J. II Oatman. <1924 Kfith at met
L. E. Wiley and family, accompa
nied by Miss S Nylnnd of llutte.
Mrs. Hoy Holt lie rtf »nd baby Mont., motored to Newberg Sunday
daughter of Fnfayette. Oregon, arc an<t enjoyed a pleasant day.
visiting Mrs. Holtberg's parents, J.
E. Gilbert, of Wind street.
Wedding bells will soon be ringing
It has been announced that Joseph
Mr. and Mrs E. A Drosto and Graasens of 97th street, well known
daughter Francis visited with Mrs. in Ix-nts, will noon be n happy bene-
I »route', parent«, Mr. and Mrs. Hit­ dict-
man, of Ridgefield, Wash., Sunday.
Born. to Mr. nnd Mrs. Jas. F Fo­
Mr. an<l Mrs. C. Whitlock and Les garty, of E. lent«, at 5 p m. April
ter Whitlock of Silverton visited 12, a daughter, named Corinne Vun
with their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. lorn Fogarty. ' Dr. J. H. McSloy was
C. McGrew of 56lh avenue thia week in attendance.
Tho Grange club hold an all-day
Mrs E. L. Rsvbum of 58th avenin-
meeting ut the home of Mrs. Donald is in |>oor h«*alth at present and is
Fury on E. Gilbert Rond Thursday. undergoing medical treatment while
April 21
A brief bun incss session visiting relatives in Corvallis and
was held in the afternoon.
Bellefontain, Oregon.
laaack Ditch, formerly a resident
E. P. Tobin and family have re
of the Ml Scott district, has returned turned from White Salmon, where
from St. Hrltms and re-engaged in they have been spending the winter
business at 921?H Foster Road. Sec ami will remain for th«> summer at
hit card elsewhere In the Herald.
their home on Gilbert Rond, opp<«ite
Tlie lent« team play«*d Woodstock the I ■ nl« school
at their grounds on April 14. win­
Now that Mrs. I«*nta is relicv-J
ning by a wore of II to 8. There from her arduous duties with the
remains one more game to n!ny. a lent» Mercantile Co., she will prob
postponed contest with Woodstock.
nbly have more leisure time to pro
The Mt. Scott O. E. 8. entertained nhecy a better brand c.f weather than
the Gresham O. E. 8. chapter Thurs­ in the last recent past.
day evening.
The officers of the
Mr. nnd Mra. C. I. Trimm of 6901
two chapters exchanged chair». The Mth street, entertain««! Sunday in
(Ire.ham chapter conferred the ini­ honor of Mr. Trimm’s cousin. Beri
tiatory degree.
Abbey and wife, of Hedley. British
Mrs. Maude Crandall of Sellwood «'ohinibia A five-cour««' dinner was
and Mra. W H. Kicrkenapp of Uma­ served, Covers were laid for four
tilla avenue, were in lent« Wednes­ toen.
day, the gut«ta of Mrs. Margery
The bartier shop of Chester A
Goodman of Foster Road and other <!eorge, corner »2nd street and Fos­
friends in this locality.
ter Road, ia being thoroughly reno­
Dr. laimlbcrg has instalk'd a new vated and made into an inviting place
chiropractic table, «tdd to be the lat­ for th«' many customers of these two
D. H. Ix'tcher,
est thing in that linr. Those need popular young men.
Ing the serviem of the local doctor painter, puper hanger, etc . auperin-
can now enjoy the same modern fa­ tcndrcl the work.
cilities as ar«- used in the larger cit­
Although manv pedestrians obligwl
to travel along »2nd street and pass
Mr. and Mra. Frank Wilson and ing just south of the Lents school
family motored to Astoria Sunday to building, continue to say naughty
visit Mrs. Wilson'» mother. Mrs. E. things about that mudhole, thia dis­
J Davis, who formerly resided near grace to the community continues
Woodmere. They found the roads in to exist without any immediate pros
excellent condition and made the trip pect of relief in sight.
without incident.
B. F. Miller, the plumber, reports
A baby daughter was born on Ap­ business good at the present writing
ril 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosenau. He has fitted up two new residences
and all are doing well. Mr Rosennu in this vicinity recently, those of Mr.
was formerly of the Mt. Scott Bak­ Truilingei- on 91st street, near the
ery, and moved to Portland from his Catholic church, and E. G. Sweitzer
ranch a few day» before the little on 58th nvenue, both modern, up-to-
date five-room bungalows.
lady nrrived.
8. D. Azar, who recently purchased
Olvier N. Kenworthy has received
a consignment of maple syrup from •ho store and lots at the corner of
a friend in Sellwood. This syrup 88th street and 85th avenue, report.«
Mr. Azar has a
wan made in Elkhart, Indiana. Mr. a good business.
Kenworthy han been sharing the complete and well-arranged stock of
toothsome commodity with his friends goods which he is selling n tremark-
nn<l neighbor« in Sunnyside nnd nbly low prices. This store will lie
He is exp«'cting another a great convenience to the people of
that i e Rliborhood.
shipment in the near future.
R. A. Knobson has bought the gro­
Wm. Woods an«l wife recently pur­
chased from E. L. Rayburr nnd wife cery establishment of J. H. Kramer
lotn 1 to It of block S, In Rayburn*« at 4302 »2nd street. Mr. Knobson is
Park. Mr. Woods, who is n contrac­ a young man full of pep and "famil­
tor nnd builder, is construction a iar with the business and will no
modem residence for himself and doubt to continue to enjoy the pat
for his son-in law on this nite. He ronage heretofore enjoyed bv Mr.
will also build a greenhouse nnd in­ Kramer and his younger years will
tend» to devote considerable time to no doubt enable him to increase the
sales of the »torn mentioned.
Wm. Riggs, son of Melvin Riggs
The Herald job department thia
week prink'd and hound a brief in a of 5916 85 th street, was seriously
criminnl Inw case for Columbia conn injured last Friday by being thrown
ty, which was on a par with similar from a scaffolding on which he wax
work done by any of the large Port­ working at North Berni, in the em­
land printing offices.
The book, ploy of the Albion Iron Works. His
which numl>ere«l forty pages, each left arm was broken, wrist dislocnt-
about six by nine inches, was printed ed and he suffered other serious in
nnd delivered in one dav. Wednesday, juries. A fellow workman fell with
an«l was filed by the district attorney William an«i was injured in every
with the Supreme Court on Thursday. way almost identically.
In the reeent tryout for pupils to
represent Woodmere in the music
memory content, the following earned
a place on the team, the first eight
with a score of 100 per cent: John
Schwietzer, Katherine Schweitzer,
l.atona Kimball, Audrey Douglas,
Norma Hannon, Clara Renwick, I.yle
Peters, Herbert Sommerfeldt, Har­
old Lewin, Ernestine Stoner, Evelyn
Shaner. Alex Allison, Ruth Lilis, Wil­
liam Swearingen, Norman Weddle
Other pupils to make a creditable
score and who contested ut the audi­
torium Friday were Clara Colvin.
Thelma Smith. Elvn Hilton, Ethel
Charf, Violet Ericson. Margaret
Gale, La Raine Blakeslee, Carolyn
Griffith, Helen Hogue, Grace Reck
man, Iziretta Milan, Donald Colwy,
Adeline Nelson,
Frank Richards of Columbus, Neb.,
spent Tuesday with the family of J.
M. Ix'itch on 89th street. Mr. Rich­
ards has held the presidency of the
Pleio club of the Security Mutual
Life Insurance Co. of Lincoln, Neb.,
for four years out of six. He is on
his annual tour of the western states
combining business with pleasure.
Mr. Richards nnd Mrs. Leitch were
childhood schoolmates
April 29th is the date set for the
basket »«K-ial at the East Mt. Scott
school. A good time is anticipated.
Several attractions will be offered,
hut the lending feature is “Too Much
Married,’’ a one-net farce.
If vmi
enjoy a good time, don't miss thia.
The following communication to
tho Herald from the Public Service
Recall Committee Is self-explanatory.
The committee is seeking to recall
Public Service Commissioner Wil­
liams, as a result of the rate increa­
ses recently granted public service
co roo rations:
To the Editor: Two agencies, com­
petition and public regulation, pri­
marily control the <|uality of service
received and th. i>>»>- paid fur ¡t hv
the patron of a public utility private­
ly operated. Where competition ex­
ists, there is little need for public
regulation, which usually comes into
play when a monopoly has been cre­
There is a third element, always
present in some degree and given
• unsideration, namely, the
ability or willingness of the public
generally as distinguished from indi­
viduals, to take the service and pay
the rate r«M|uired A fourth element,
always magnified and put forward
prominently, is the alleged necessity
of the utility for more money.
When it i» considere«! that in Port­
land no attempt has been made to in­
crease rates for electric lighting, in
which two »operate concerns com­
pete, the <iuestion naturally arises,
why different principles are applied
to the construction of rates for com­
petitive M rvice and for monopolistic
service, and how it happens that
competing companies are able to car­
ry on without appealing to the pub­
lic for increased rates.
Must the public fight against mon­
opoly an<l encourage competitivo ser
vice with its attendant economic loss
and duplication of facilities to nro-
tect itself against unbridled exac­
tions or should the public service
commission take into consideration,
in connection with an application to
raise public utility rates, whether
competition has been stifled.
The history of the acquisition of
the Home Telephone 4 Telegraph
Co.’» property by the Pacific Tele­
phone 4 Telegraph Co. is decidely
uertinent at this time in its relation­
ship to the repeated granting of in­
creased rates to the existing monop ;
oly. It may be well to remark that i
no increase in Portland telephon--
rates was proposed until control of i
competition ha<l been effected.
A review of the Home Telephone
transaction nnd its application to the
two pmcocxiings before the public
service commission involving in
creare« I telephone rates in Portland
anil some other («immunities creates
n very vivid impression that some
thing is out of joint either in thi
regulatory activities in the state or
in the generally accept««! theory that
the rights of the public is the para
mount consideration
In its Order No. 499 of May 2
1919, the commission say« that th«
acquisition of the automatic system
by the Roll interests will in our opin
ion result in improved and more ef
ficient service and by the removal of
duplication, save to the totophone us.
of the four cities named not les
than $200,0000 annually, and “it is
anticipated that the equipment pur-
chns««! will take care of the greater
part of the new business expecte«’
for the next three year«.”
A careful examination of the com
mission's proce«'dings in the tele­
phone capos fails to disclose any in
timnxion that the elimination of th*
automatic system was in any respect
recognized as influencing the de
mands that the Pacific Co. now
makes, or thnt the commission in
granting them remembered the find
ings it made in the order of Mav 2,
427 Railway Exchange Building.
VOL. XIX, No. 16
Arleta, Kern Park, Millard
Ave., Tremont, Woodmere
“I Believe That Every Girl Should Be
Trained to Do Something.”
Dy MISS MABEL BOARDMAN, District of Columbia Commissioner.
Du I think a young woman sliould enter public
service provided she has the inclination? That de-
pends upon arcunutances; family conditions most
always playing a large part in a woman’s decision.
Her first duty lies at home, and nothing can ever
change that
On the other hand, I believe that every girl—
rich or poor—should be trained to do something,
either by which she could make a living or by which
she could benefit humanity. There is no excuse for
an absolutely selfish existence. Every womar., with the
possible exception of the young mother with a growing
family, should find some opportunity for public service
work. I believe in beginning early to educate for citizenship. The children
should be made to realize that citizenship means service. I also believe
that in the schools girls should be given some special business instruction
and, in fact, all possible equipment that will help to fit them for their
particular niche in life. What the “particular niche” may be is a hard
question to answer. You can’t lay down any law because it all depends on
the woman herself—the circumstances of her environment, her training,
talent and, most important of all, her inclination.
As to the rewards and disappointments of a career of public service,
women are young yet in their new field of opportunity. But 1 believe
they are going to be less material than men; that when they go into pub­
lic service they have bigger objectives and will therefore have bigger re­
wards. Of course, they will have the same disappointments that men
have, added to the sacrifices women have to make when they enter public
life that men do not.
As a matter of fact, I believe women are betteT fitted for municipal
positions than they are for national, that their breadth of human sym­
pathy and understanding of civic problems enable them to do a much
bigger municipal work. In the Red Cross, for instance, the national
work is such a huge undertaking that unless we had given women some­
thing to interest them in a local way we never <x>uld have moved them.
Margaret l^citch is the winner of
the $'>.00 in the tradc-at-home con­
test this wwek, with 204/««) votes to
her credit. Miss E. V. Barker also
turned in 106.150. Last week, as an­
nounced, Clarence O'Neill turned in
The standing of the contestants
will be published next week
For the contest next week the name
of C. E. Tillman has licen chosen. Mr.
Tillman is a progressive real estate
broker of lent», with an office on
Woodstock avenue.
Wo wish to reiterate the ruling that
merchants may not save votes for or
give creait to a contestant for votes
in the future not authorized by the
person trading with the merchant.
The only method by which votes may
he sreurixl is for the person buying
goods to in person give the coupons
to the contestant or give an order to
the contestant on the merchnnt for
them. This is final, and votes or
credits obtain««! in any other way
will not be counted. The contestant
must bring the order from the cus­
tomer, O. K.’d by the merchant from
whom the goods were purchased, to
this office to obtain credit on them.
A bridal shower was given Tuesday
afternoon by the l.aff-a-I.<>t club at
the home of Mrs. W. S. Sanders, of
AT HOME OF GLEN SANDERS 5703 83rd street, in honor of Mrs.
Sanders’ sister. Mis Maud Uird. who
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen ia soon to become a bride.
Sanders, 6212 90th street, was served Ixird receivt'd many useful gifts and
Sunday a double birthday dinner in all enjoyed a pleasant afternoon The
honor of Glen Sander» and Mr. Sand­ club regretted the absence of Phebe
Covers were laid for four- Dilly, who _ is ill at the hospital.
teen, two tables being set. The cake Those present wore Echo McCord,
was a mammoth affair, with decora­ May Howe. Emnian Hanken, Jose­
tions in yellow and the names “Sand' phine Burgett. Nellie McGGrew, Mra.
and "Sandy” in the center.
Those Orton and Mrs. P. C. Lord.
present were Mesdames Love, CoI­ JAMES PARSONS' HOME
vey, Sandstrom, Sanders, Love and
Zoe Sanders, Robert and Vivian Love,
Donald Colvey, Mrs. Parsons and
Mrs. George Colvey of 7820 55th
Mrs. Hankins.
avenue received word recently that
her brother, James Parsons, well
known in Lents, was burned out nt
He saved his
AT THE LENTS LIBRARY his home in Haines.
furniture, although the house was
destroyed. Mrs Parsons is ill in the
A book review contest was held at hospital there, having undergone an
Ix>nts library Thursday, April 21, at operation for the removal of her ton­
2:30, between grade 811 of Lents and sils.
Friends of “Jimmy" in Lents
the same grade at Woodmere. Wal­ will certainly think he is having trou­
ter Eldred, 10410 Gilbert Road, re­ bles handed to him in bunches.
viewed Schultz' “Running Eagle” and
Doris Rater of 4616 89th street
Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” For
The baseball boys have played off
tho Woodmere school, Elsie McNair,
5834 82nd street, reviewe«! Churchill's all games regularly scheduled far
"The Crisis"; Harold Lewis, 6903 this section, except two postponed
65th avenue, Andrew»’ “Perfect Tri­ games, one with Woodstock nnd the
bute.” The librarian. Miss Maud E. other with Arleta. These they hope
Covington, had charge of the con­ to he able to play this week. Neither
the first nor second team has met
defeat this season.
Mra. T. E. Spiers taught first grade
Monday and Tuesday, substituting
for Miss Queenie Swanson, who has
Mrs. Emma Ward and David Rog been
The school will give an entertain
era were united in marriage at the ment Friday evening. May 6. for the
home of Mrs. Dora E. Westover, purpose of raising money for its gen­
6001 84th street, Sunday afternoon, eral school fund.
April 10. Rev. F. R. Sibley, pastor
of the Lents Methodist Episcopal
Dr. A. C. Lundberg, Lents popular
church read the service.
Following chiropractor, has installed a new
the ceremony, a dainty luncheon was Palmer Hylo adjusting table. This
served by Mrs, Westover. The fol­ is in keeping with the doctor’s pro-
lowing guests were present:
Mr. vressive idea of giving the people of
nnd Mra. Segrin and daughter Lor- Lents and vicinity the lates and most
ene, Mr. Willoughby, Miss Leona convenient inventions used in his
Ward and Masters Benjamin Ward profession. The doctor is constantly
and Kenneth Westover. The happy adding to his equipment and will
couple are at home to their many have another surprise for his pat­
friends at fOl East Oak street
ients within a few weeks.
A lively interest was taken in th«-
Parent-Teachers meeting held in the
assembly room of the I-ents school
Tuesday afternoon.
Sixteen mothers were in attend­
ance in Miss Gladys Mitch«41’s room,
which was awarded first prize, five
pounds of salted peanuts. Miss Os­
born’s room with thirteen mothers
present was given second prize, a
potted fern.
The nominating committee to sel­
ect executives to be elrcted at the
next meeting May 20 was chosen as
follows: Mesdames Droste. Eatchel.
Leitch, Brunning and Vaughn.
The new members elected were
Mrs. Georgia Geisler, Mrs. John
Howe, Mrs. G. A. Russell, M. C. Mc­
Cord. F. P. Coulter, Mrs. Chcsie«’
McGrew and Mrs. Rose, making
a total membership of 80.
Mrs. I>eitch was appointed chair­
man of the refreshment committee
to serve during the coming year.
Arrangements were made for eu­
genic tests of the babies of the com­
munity April 21, at one o’clock, in
room 550 of the court house. All pa­
rents interested are requested to be
at I^nts station at 12 o’clock.
Mrs. Graham, dean of the Giris
Polytechnic school of Portland talked
to the mothers of her work in the
protective association.
Mr. Mickle spoke for the Oregon
Dairymen’s League, urging the mem­
bers to bay milk from their grocery
«tore rather than the distributor un­
til the present milk controversy is
Mrs. G. J. Frankel will speak at
the next meeting.
Mrs. Finley McGrew of 56th aven­
ue, assisted by Mrs. John Howe, was
hostess Thursday to a farewell sur­
prise party given in honor of--Mrs.
Echo McCord. Those present wen-
members of O. E. S. chapter, the Ta
rent-Teacher association and the
Laff-a-Lot club. Mrs. J. E. Swanson
of Oregon City, mother of Mrs. Mc­
Cord, was also present. Music and
games were part of the afternoon’s
amusement Ice cream and cak>
were served as refreshment.«. Mrs
McCord was the happy recipient of
two handsome pieces of silverware
given by the societies of which she
is a member. The presentation ad
dress was mad«' by Mrs. Maud Dar­
nell, Mrs. McC-on! responding with
fitting words of appreciation.
The guests departed reluctantly,
with good wishes for Mrs. McCord’*
success and happiness in her new
home at Brighton. Oregon.
Those present were: Mesdames
Chester McGrew, Clyde Sager. H. A.
Eatchel, H. C. Chaffin, Chas. Fateh
el. Hankin, Della York, H. M. Ster-
ret, Ernest Eggiman, Emma Erh
lich, P. A. Kennedy, W. A. Sanders,
T. C. Lord, W. H. Kepcha, Nadina
Witte, W. H. Sweet, J. E. Samsm.
Louisa Sunderstrom, N. B. Stearns.
Vivian Trask. Emma McGrew, Otto
Katzkv, Sarah Heilbnm, S. D. Camp­
bell, Neigard, Leo Katzkv, Emma
Bush. Clara McClurg. L. McFadden,
H. A. Burgetto, Frank Sanders. Her­
bert Orton. H. P. Trask. Clara Hoff,
J. C. McGrew, Maude Connel, Echo
McCord, Banderson, Foster. Francis
Hungerford, Mae Howe, F. A. Droste
Clara Munson. Georgia Geisler. Esell.
Maude Darnell. Diana Hess, Miss
M. L. Lord. Miss Margaret Jones.
Mis Marion Baster. Arthur Geisler,
Guy Robinson, Wm. Katzky, S. D.
Many Affairs of Interest to Community Related in En­
tertaining Way by Correspondent
of the Herald
A pretty home wedding occurred
Friday evening, April 15, when Mil­
dred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H
A. Zehrung of 5123 58th avenue,
was united in marriage to Chas. A.
Haines of Marshfield, Oregon.
Haines is a medical student and an
ex-oversea-? man. The ceremony was
) erformed by Rev. Henry White of
Millard Avenue Presbyterian church.
A splendid wedding supper was
Only relative« and a few
close friends were present.
Arleta Woodmen Regular Meeting
Arleta Canip, Woodmen of the
World, at their regular meeting on
Thursday evening, held class initia­
tion and acted on applications for
Several fraternal ad-
dr* i.rez were made. A special effort
is being made by the camp to add
twenty more members this month
which will give them an increase of
twenty per cent since September 1.
Church Interior Improved
The interior of Millard Avenu«
church has been kalsomined and
oiled and cleaned and polished until
it looks like an entirely different
place. Tbe Welfare club, that ven
progressive and helpful auxiliary of
the church, vote«! at their last meet­
ing to have a house cleaning of th.
church house. Mrs. D. A. Davis, s
new member of the club, was put in
charge of the work, and it is due tc
her efforts entirely that the work
was done so quickly and so well. Mr
Reece and son Donald, father an«'
brother respectively of Fred Reece of
5319 72na street, who have been
painters and interior decorators foi
forty years, donated their labor and
time to the job. The women of the
club scrubbed and oiled the floors
washed the windows, with the aid of
Thos. Malloy, Sr., and made the
place a pretty, delightful place in
which to worship.
A luncheon of
c«iffee, sandwiches and fruit was
served to the men who worked Wed
n««sday evening.
Those taking act­
ive part were Mrs. D. A. Davis. Mrs
Fanny Pawson, Mrs. Glen San«tors,
Mrs. F. E. Crum, Mrs. Jahler, Messrs
“Dad” Re«'cc. Donald Reece, George
Colvey, W. L. Ormandy, Thos Mal­
loy, Sr.
The results show very
clearly that if von want a thing wei
and quickly done, put a woman on
the job.
will be visitors’ day, with special
speakers and exercises, at which
time all parents and children are
cordially invited to be present.
Fourth U. B. Church Notes
Last 8unday the Sunday school
had 97 present out of an enrollment
of 110
Fourteen members of the Scout­
master’s class joined the church last
Daily Vacation Bible School
Monday evening at Luckey cottage
was held the first meeting of the
daily vacation Bible school commit­
tee for Arleta section. They are as­
sured of Arleta school building for
their work and expect to hold ses­
sions from June 21 to July 8 inclus­
ive. Mrs. J. J. Handsaker is super­
intendent of the school and the other
officers and teachers are not all sel­
ected as yet. Mrs. W. L. Ormandy
was appointed registrar of the
schooL Mort details will' be given
African Missionary to Speak
Sunday evening at I^urelwood
Congregational church. Miss Minnie
Pontz, a missionary- from Rhodesia
(named for Cecil Rhmies), Africa,
wilt speak to the congregation. Miss
Pontz, who went to Africa from the
Sunnyside Congregational church, is
home on a furlough, and will talk on
her work in South Africa.
Rev. Ernest Smith Dies
It is a shock to friends of Rev. Er­
nest Smith, formerly of Woodmere,
to learn of his death at McMinnville,
of erysipelas. He was buried Easter
Sunday. Rev Smith was the son of
Rev. Frank Smith.
He leaves a
wife and two children, who live in
His mother is staying with her
daughter, Mrs. Fisher, of 61st street
and 65th avenue.
Book Review Contest
The book review contest at Arleta
library Tuesday afternoon wan very
interesting. Besides the regular con­
testants, Miss Ora Hauch sang very
pleasingly, “What’s the Good of Be­
ing Good, When No One is Good to
Me”. Miss Peck, librarian at the
East Side library, acted as judge.
Her criticism was very constructive
and fully as interesting as the re­
views. She graded three points; de­
livery, composition and delivery and
the review itself.
Arleta school was represented by
Inez Hutchinson, whoee subject was
“Mill on The Floss” and by Elaine
Stokes, who took “Merchant of Ven­
ice”. Joseph Kellogg was represent­
ed by Clarence Gilman, whoso sub­
ject was “Call of the Wild” and Hel­
en Miller, who gave “The Casting
Away of Mrs. Licks and Mrs. Al-
The judge decided in favor of El­
aine Stokes of Arleta as first winner
and Ruth Meeker of Creston, who
gave “Mary Lips”, as second. The
program was verv good and worthy
of a bigger audience than was pres­
ent. It is a good work in which the
parents should be interested and co­
operate with the pupils.
Shepherds Visit
Rev. and Mrs. E. O. Shepherd of
6733 32nd avenue snent Thursday
with their daughter at Philomath
college. The trip and visit were very
interesting, as thev had not seen
their daughter since New Years.
They were accompanied by Mrs.
Sh-phcrd’s father and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. Blodgett.
They returned
home Friday.
Next Friday, April 22. Mrs. Shep­
herd will start east to attend the
national convention of the Women’s
Missionary association of the U. B
church, held at Bowling Green. O.
She will also attend general confer
ence at Indianapolis, Ind, May 12-
This conference meets even-
four years.
Mrs. G. E. McDonald,
wife of the superintendent of Oregon
conference, will accompany Mrs.
Shepherd. They expect to return to
Kellogg School Program
Portland about June 1, visiting their
At the Joseph Kellogg school Wed­
friends and relatives in the east on nesday afternoon
the following
the way.
program was given: Vocal solo, Mrs.
McMillan Muir, accompanied bv Mr.
McMillan Muir: reading. Miss Ger­
Children’s Week Planned
Ost; violin solo. Miss Gladvs
A unique feature being planned
by the Third U. B. church is a chil­ Johnston, accompanied by Miss Ma­
dren’s week, beginning April 24 an«l ry Pullock: number by school, “The
ending May 1. During this week the Doll School.” by seven pupils of
members of the church and Sunday room 2. The principal speaker of
school will visit families in the vicin the day was Mrs. J. F. Hill.
ity, interesting the mothers and chil­ Wilson, dean of girls at Franklin
Continued on page 2
dren n Sunday school work. May 1
The many new names being en­
rolled on our subscription book each
week is very satisfactory, thanks to
the efforts of our friends in the sub­
scription contest. While, a.« previous­
ly stated, the direct benefits in dol­
lars and cents resulting at this time
to the business management is bare
ly n break-even, we are assured that
we are casting bread upon the waters
to be returned manyfold to the resi­
den‘s of the Mt. Scott district, as
well as this newspaper. We are in­
formed that there are yet some mer­
chants in this bailiwick rather ia-
cline«< to be dubious of the circula­
tion claimed—that we are not circu­
lating the number of copies claimed.
These Doubting Thomases are res­
pectfully invited to visit our press­
room any Thursday afternoon and
investigate for themselves. The bus.
iness man in Southeast Portland who
is not advertising in the Mt. Scott
Herald is losing money—for himself,
as well as the publisher of this news­
Mr. Pratt will speak on “American
Ideals in Literature” at Lents on
Wednesday, April 20. at 10:30, and
at Woodmere the same day at 1:30.
He will speak at Arleta at 10:30 on
Thursday morning and at Woodstock
at 1:30. The nddreases will be given
in the schoolhouses of the respective
Tile poultry club work in the local
school, wider the direction of the
ztate leader, has aroused much in­
terest and the work is proceeding in
a manner to indicate that the pro­
ject will accomplish much good to
the boys and girls taking up the
Virginia Miller of 5512 88th
street is secretary. Following is a
list of the members: Gurdon Ogs-
bury, president; Agnes P«iore, vice-
president; Ellis Randall, Vivian
Young, Frank E. Marille, Jasper 8.
Duerst, Guy Collins, Clyde Hunting­
ton, Geo. Trenary, Glen Blair, George
Roentz, Kenneth Taman. Geo. Hip-
pert, Earl Boatright, Ix*alie H. Mari-
cle, Franklin Liilie, Harry White,
Rolland Grassens, Katherine Brady,
Geo. Rath, Howard McKeowan, Mar­
garet Leitch, Virginia Ix>itch
A deal was consummated last
Saturdav whereby the Trents Mercan­
tile establishment at Lents changed
ownership. The new proprietor is L.
T. I-ewis, in business at 8th and
Burnside, and the store here is now
in charge of Mr. and Mrs. G. E
Hoyt, residents of Portland for the
past eleven years, thoroughly famil­
iar with the general mercantile bus­
iness in all its details. Further facts
regarding the business change will be
announced in next week’s issue of
the Herald.