f i Arleta News Notes Lents Furniture Co (C«>ntinued from first page). Arleta Personal» Mr*. Fanny Rawson of 71324 55th avenue visited in Rose City Park Wednesday and Thursday of this See Us Before Buying or Trading Your Furniture Mr*. Wm Bender of the Millan! avenue district is recovering from a recent illness. Mr. and Mr». Dewey and family of “Chewey Acres”, southeast of Lanta, were in town Sat unlay with lovely- butter. eggs and cream. They for­ merly lives.! at Mtn! avenue and 72nd street. Mr*. Dewey expects bounti­ ful crops of fruit ami berries this spring. Leo Cucy of Eastwood spent a pleasant weekend with his uncle and ¥r’ an<* ■'*rs- Alton Conner* of Millan! avenue. Mrs. John Holme* of 7704 57th av­ enue enjoyed a visit from her sister. Mrs. Archer, and her mother. Mrs Bain, recently Mrs. Rain has been rv1"' •• first visit to "Orxlntere in many months. WE SAVE YOU MONEY J P. LARSEN, Real Estate, Insurance 6702 Foster Road Business Aut 610-79............... Residence Main 3359 PHONES ........... Arleta Wins Slugging Bee In a slugging bee Sun.lav after- r?’" n’kith* Arl?u diamond the Ar­ leta Athletic club nine defeated the Amencan Legion post No. 1 nine, 17 to 9. Manager Kracke of the Legion team used two pitchers and then took a turn in the box himself in an at- So MOVING ROSE CITY VAN v 11 You Out of the Move IVe Can OneWay from Portland to Lents Muddy Street Phone 612*69 COAL U22 Foster Road See 7°.bT ran<1 kHar,i’ fOr Ar TV Z*‘*k f?r the ,e»lun team The latter was the first man up in L i. contest *®d slammed the first tMUI over for a circuit clout A. S. PEARCE 9111 Foster Road--Lents Phone 619-13 fur all kinds of m C. Walter ..¿if®- R-, C , Walt«r. wife of R. C. *•‘£[1 Tho.ha’na ~»l *’Ute ou.ee office at 5M3 hooter Road, died I suddenly suddenly at her residence Sun«lay. Mrs Mrs. Wsf- Wal- .»bo 4« years old. leaves a •‘tuily of young children, two girls tfitT« boys. She was a member of the b^istem Star lodge- Burial »as Thursday, April 14. with ser- vices at 2 p. m. at Ierch’s funeral - Rev; of Anabel I’resbytenan church, had charge of tne services. Sheet Metal Work I make Copper. Tin and Galvanized Wash Boilers. Champion Chicken Founts. Hoppers. Feeders. Metal Hens’ Nests. Trap Nests. Brooder Canopies, &c. Stoves, Pipes and Elbows. I can save you money on Furnaces. All Work Guaranteed. Repairing a Specialty. MOTOR REPAIRS *nu,nc DIAMOND AJAX TIRES and TUBES Monagram & Veedol O/LS and GREASE Welding—Brazing GRIBBLE BROTHERS CRESTON GARAGE SO th and Powell Valley Road Phone 616-62 » Ti= MAPLES GARAGE AND AUTO REPAIR SHOP E ARE A SALE AND SERVICE STATION for Diamond Tires and Tubes; also Fisk risk Tires and Tubes; with New Stock of all sizes to fit your car. We guarantee our tires and give all service possible. W OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Phone: L. L. CAMPBELL, Prop. 614-48 Successors to Myers Garage and Machine Shop 10004 Foster Road and Darrin Avenue Millard Avenue Meeting uxn _Triday evening, April 1, at the Millard avenue Presbyterian church, w as held the regular annual dinner and business meeting of the church. The dinner, to which 125 were guests was supervised bv Mrs. F. E. Cram who was ably assisted by Mm. Fred Reese, Mrs. Glen Sanders and Mrs liabuck and Mrs. Huckling Tables were arranged and decorated an i dinner served by Mrs. Chas Deme- er. Mrs. Gordon and the Misses Ra- buck. Decorations were yellow daf fodi's and daffodil-trimmed napkins, with yellow baskets as favors. The moderator of the evening was Rev Mr. MacCluer of Rose City Park church. Reports from various com­ mittees were made as follow*: Treas­ urer, F. E. Cram; secretary. Glen Sanders; Sunday school work. Mrs J. H. Zehrang; senior elder. Mr. J. H. Zehrang: music. Geo. Colvey; primary department. Inez Ford; jun­ ior boys. Wm. Worrell; Manse fund, Mrs. W. L. Ormandy; missionary president, Mrs. R. D. Armstrong; secretary. Mrs. Glen Sanders; C. E. society. Edwin Zumwalt; Mrs. Cram’s class. Helen Elhert, who reported a flourishing class, called the Swasti­ ka”, which recently bought and paid for a new range for the church kitchen, on which the delicious din­ ner was cooked. W. L. Ormandy re ported the progress of the Welfare club of the church. Guests of honor were Rev. Mr. MacCluer, Rev. and Mrs. Boudinot Soeley, Rev. and Mr*. Henry White. The enjoyable even­ ing closed by the audience singing “Blessed Be the Tie That Binds,” led by Mrs. Colvey. Whitney Boy«’ Chorus Not many are familiar with the i fact that the Whitney Boys’ Chora* is closely allied with this district, Here are some interesting facts re­ , garding it. The first three members of the Portland chorus of Whi tney ' boys were boys from this district : i Frank Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. , W P. Smith of 4320 47th street; I Richard Averill, son of Mr. and Mr* I E. A. Averill, ">304 39th avenue, and j David Richards. From that small group in less than four months the | chorus has grown to 250, 45 of whom ; an our neighbor boys, so to speak, I and whose names are given below. It is also of interest to know that ! when the first sextette was formed. four of the boy* w-ere “our bo’-s”, Frank Smith, Frank Mixsell, Richard Averill and David Richards. Clarke Walsh, who is a »on of the music iirector of Franklin high, aivu many plt.sing violin solos. brailles singing in the chorus Cha*. W»lch i* stere tary of the troup un«l Frank Smith i* treasurer. Mr. Mixsell of Anabel Presbyterian church, lead» and drills the boys every Tuesday night. Too much cannot lx- said of th«' quality an«! tone of Richard Averill’* voice He lings « clear, sweet worn- no and bid* fair to have a wi«!e rep- it.-ition befi»re many year*. I'.ivi.t Richard* i* a humorist of rare abili ty and one week-day nights delights li* audiences with hi* impersona­ tions and readings. Surely this di'- rict has talent in it. Frank Smith’s sister, Mildred. 1* a faithful ami efficient pianist for the boy* an«! besides i* general secretary for the entire city. At the present time about fifteen of the boy* are aking private lesson* from lending xx-al teachers, who*«- time and in «traction are donated- Mr. Whitney’s aim for the boys is high. • 11« i* not only trving for right ind joyous singing, but for right ind joyous living The financial end >f it, as far as the boy* are con ■erned. la of little worry. Fifty cent »ay* your admission to the chorus »nd make* you a member for life, ■chile ten cent« per week ia the dues It is the aim of Mr. Whitney to tak ¡bout 500 beys east next year, in 1922. In 1923 he wants a smaller lumber to go to Europe and in 1921 mother bunch of e«iual site to tour he Orient. Then, as a result of these anous trips, a tremendous chorus »f 20.000 voices at our 1925 World Fair in Portland. It may look im possible at this distance, but no one vho listens to the boys an«l hear* th«> •ine thing* they do and study th«- ilans laid out for them can doubt or a minute the ultimate success of he giant undertaking. Rehersals are hel«i every Tins lav ■vening at the Anabel Presbyterian hurch, 56th street and 37th «venue interested friends are always wel- •ome. as the boys nee«l moral sup -ort. Following are the bovs of this listriet who belong to the Whitney ¡toys’ Chorus: Raymond Cheat. Oda Winn. Bober Redell. Clark«' Walsh. Kermit John ion, Frank Mixsell. Frank G. Smith, David Richards. Walton Morrow Charles Welch. Arthur Gillard. Ther- >n Bartholomew, Marvin Haight, Or- ■•al Waterhouse, Morrison Hands:» cer, William and James Ormandy, Man Mclx-in, Edna Sherman. Har •Id Rockwell, Robert Carlton. I wo lutsley, Omar Benton. Billy Ellis, I arc Id Rollings, Charles Rowland. Billy Douthit. Sherman Smith. Jas. Erdt, Robert Grant, Harvey Is.ia«' Robert Richardson, Dick Averill, tonaid Confrey, Clifford Middleton Jurt® Child. Stanley Howe, Lynn Harvey. Paul Guenittaz. Douglas 'raikshank, Geo. Craikshank. Lewis .Randall, Buford Carmichal. mt. Scott On Sale at a Sacrifice I'ubliaheti Every Friday at Lanta Station. Portland. Oregon. G«<». A. McArthur Entered aa seeond-claaa mall mat 1er Eeliruary 14. 1(14. al th« post strie« at I.snta. Oregon, under act ol 'ongreaa. March 1. II?*. Subscription Price fl 50 a yeai GROCERIES, Etc. at Lents Junction Mercantile Co. 4411 Ninety avcond Street The stock of Groceries, Feed and General Merchandise <>f the Lents Junction Mercantile Co. has been purchas­ ed by E. D. MILLER who will in the future operate the store. Mr. Miller will make extensive altera­ tions. and patron« in the future be served with Fresh, Phone 622-28 ■MKauau^x*-r-.- - -xx.« sasssaa® The pastor will entertain young men’s class in their room Friday night, the |5lh. He ha* an nounced that he »»ill have a heart lo-hi'art talk with the bo»« on "Whal a \oung Man Ought to Know’’ anil he desires all members of the clans to be present, as well as anv others who might wish to conic There will be music, games and refreshments. Clean Goods at A BIG REDUCTION. MEAT MARKET WIRF.l ESS TKl.EI’Ht>X E FOR EISTERN ORKGOf Fresh and Smoked Meats The public service eommlasion ha, tx-en apprised of a movement on foot to establish a wireless telephone sv«- am c verin* Grant and other a«lja .•nt eaatem Oregon countie«. A etter ree. ve«l bi the comniisaion from A. M F. Kirchheincr. an at •.imev of Prairie Citi, renres-nting •he person* contemplating the ven ture. asks if the commission’s luria fiction extend* to wireles* opera­ tions and if there are rule* and reg ulatiolM governing this system of public service. The public utility law specifics ’he commission shall have iuriadic- ion over all telegraph an«i telenhon«- ivstrnis whether onerated with or ■' tthout wire«. However, lire «use the wireless systems have not vot 'ieen put into practical use in the state no rules and regulations have vet been formulated to cover utili- ies of this kind. As ranidh- ns they ire installed it is presumed such regulations will lx- made It is understood the »wireless «v*- ‘em of telephone service woul«i be •articularly suitable for the Grant •ountv district, and if the svatem I* vorked successfully there, doubtless he wireless will come into common ■s' in the state. BEN HL!¿GER har charge of the Butcher Shop in connection, and ia ready to nerve the public with Freah and Cured Meat« of good quality at rvaaon- able price«. Service with a smile. Try ua; you'll not be ¿¡«appointed. SEE THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK Lents Junction Mercantile Co. Foster Rd., Lents Junction, Ore. Phone 619-41 Just Starting «• Business We need all Your Second Hand Goods and We Pay the Highest Price Possible Mr. ind Mrs. Norman Olive have old their home at S997 71st nveniv' ’o -Mr. ami Mr*. Sawyer, ami expect •o make their home at Spokane, Wash. The Olive* are renorted aa rood neighbors and their manv ’ ,r- Trade with Us or We Both Lose Money WILLIAMS’ BARGAIN STORE EVANGELICAL CHCRCH 6634 Foster Road, So. side track, hail way bet Arleta & Kern Park The evangelistic campaign, which ins been announced for the last hree months, will begin at the Evangelical church Sunday with z hree services. Rev. David Hill known throughout the Vnited State* is the lumberjack evangelist, will «peak at each service Sunday. Mon­ day Rev. F. L. Stevens of lx® An- jeies is expected to arrive and will «peak the same evening. The servi- .-es swill continue over the first Sun- lay in May and the order of service will be as follows: Sunday services, 10:45 a. m., 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Ev­ ery evening except Saturdays at 7:45. Afternoons at 2:30. except Saturday* and Mondays. The younir ladies' class will meet on Friday night. The church board elected the fol­ lowing officers Thursday night to serve for the coming year: Miss Al­ berts, organist; Miss Berdina Spear REV. DAVID HILI. ow, assistant and Arthur Chapman, Who begins a two-weeks series of usher. Mr. Culver entertained his cate­ meeting* at the Evangelical chiirch chetical, claaa on Wednesday after noon with game« and refreshments. A general review of the winter’s work was conducted. The W M. S. met at the parson­ V age Wednesday afternoon of last week and elected the following offi­ f cers for the ensuing year: Mrs. Es­ ther Fankhauser, president: Mrs. Elmer Scheuerman, vice president; Mrs. Knauss, recording secretary: Mrs. Eva Anderson, corresponding secretary; Mrs Bessie Leitch, treas­ urer. The Y. P. A. held its usual month­ ly business meeting in the young men’s room of the church last Fri­ day night. A vote of thanks was extended to the committee that ar- range«) the superannuation program, also the society voted to extend in­ dividual thank* to each one who took REV FRANK STEVENS part in the program. Mrs. Havtins Who will assist Rev. Hill in ser- and Mr*. Ed. Gilbert serve«! dainty vices at the Evangelical church. refreshments. -I I. l - - - —, Are Y ou Protected? No person can affordbe without INSURANCE We write Fire, Auto and Life Insurance. Call or phone and we will be glad to ex­ plain the rates, and the different policies. Doni put It off; call TODAY. Ï oui on ow may be UK) (All. Multnomah State Bank Lents Station (Phone 620-48) Portland, Oregon i • > GOOD FOR FIFTY VOTES Mt. Scott Herald Trade-at-Home Contest Mt Scott Herald, I,«nte Sta., Portland, Oregon. Please credit this coupon to: Name . Address y SQUARE DEAL CANDY STORE CANDIES MADE DAILY SATURDAY SPECIAL Taffy, 25c per pound a ■ ■ Lents 6814 Ninety-second Street a DAILY MAIL Except Sunday, at Lents station, arrive* at 7:36 a m., 12:50 p. m., and departs at 9:20 a. m., 12:30 and 5:30 p. tn. A. 0, Kenworthy & Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service Given Day or Night Close Proximity to Cemeteries Enable* U* to Hold Funeral* at a Minimum Expense Phone 618 21 F1rat-cla.«s 5802-4 92nd St. LIBRARY HOURS—LENTS Every day ,2 to 6 p. m. Monday, I Wednesday and Saturday, from 2 to 9 p. m. a Lent* Sta. KEARNS BROS. WOOD SAW Phone 640-57 J Phone 625-17 5228 72nd St. S. E, Portland, Or. IF YOU WANT DRY WOOD CALL US MILLARD AVE. FUEL CO. O. M Butler L. C. Pullen lee, Wood, Coal and Feed Sand and Gravel Garden Plowing and Excavating Prompt Service ■ New Battery Dept. Springtime MT* We have just put in new equipment and are in position to give you the best service on Batteries. Stop in and let us test your Battery and give it a drink. 7 here is no charge. We are agents for the It is surprising how a little Paint and Too Dressing will change the apoearauce of your car. Think it over, and see our display of Columbia Battery Acme Motor Car Finish guaranteed to be right in every way. Our prices are right. Let us figure with you on a New Battery when you are in need of one. Eagle Garage See our special on AJAX TIRES Guaranteed EAGLE GARAGE DA VIS BROS. in the Center of LENTS :