U of 0 librar/ Guaranteed Circulation > 1500 1ÎÎL ïirralù ‘ Subscription, $1.50 the Year. Guaranteed Circulation 1500 ------------------ —! ! -TT ■ t_=3t VOL. XIX, No. 14 students GIVE [ Council Votes in Favor ENTERTAINMENT of Improvement Project School of Shoem ’ ’ , i f r Women Franklin high school student* put 011 .1 H-IO-I cP!, ri.i.i iii.-nt I n J.,, . ening, April 1, nt l t! r e of glei> of th«« sewer propel was rend Rae decided that lie woubfn't take it incision had bet - Thia opinion h< Id that the city was and after some dlscuasion he was the victim'» distr,«» .,t<- i«e!d up to MANY TRANSFERS WINS THE FIVE view. A fish, un eel, a snake and a legally empowered to u»«u■•« the cost (old to proceed. in answer to Bigelow-'» aoestion, live crab were the various causes. of a drainage at »tern »c.vi«r whi« could not be u»vd for sanitary r.< « he said: “I want to *»v Sbsolutrl,- Butcher knives nnd pruning sh««ars The following real e»tat>* trans­ A new prize .inner stepped to the age purpoM«i. tpr a numbe ol year» nd emphatically that I do not rep ■ ore very effective instr.im nts. At fers wi re reported '« the Herald this front in the Herald tri.-io al home the end of the operation ( ’ vi i n ,«nt the I' R. I. A I'. Co” The city attorn*« ui»o bold tha ■ cek by Ix-nts realtor»: contest, when G«na T. I«oeke. an the city possessed legal power tv It is believed that with the a«loi> i iu rt 11 upon his feet and shaken eight year old buy, sun of .»lr. and D. J. O'Connor emptV drainage water into John-on •no of the revolution declaring the nto C"n«ciorsne»s. i , G. Loci e of 6115 93rd street, 'I he Junior Boy»’ Gbc Club of Creek but warned the council that intention of the council to CunsttUCt Glenn O. Hunter’« b-ro-'in hoi so turned ¿00 votes this week arid when the project was once under the sewer, the Foster Rond improve Frankln gave sever d .ele'-’lon i nnd ..n I two lots, local, ' nt 8320 51tb ..on the in $. 131 ‘ > prize. Gena is a scholar taken it must 1« conn «U k I within a inent project controversy will re«' several piano soloa bv various per­ aronue, to Shepherd M. Str«-—rt. m room *2B gvude of Iwnts »chooi, reasonable number <•( «ears, aav t< n. for a time. Sixty dnys will be al formers concluil,«) a very »ucc.s«ful Mr. Schwdtrcris house nn 99th and i» uinmg iur California fur a ami if any part 4« abandoned the lowed for rem, n»trance« to be filed and pleasant evening. tieet ard 4f.th nvewe, tn Jamut visit of a month today.' The hustling At Sunday school Sunday. April < ¡e,l"ghor. burden of baying would fall upon th, after which th,« council must again young man informs the contest man- city. Upon thi» section Comi» ion •t on the protect before a contract *9. th,« children will again ehnoss Dr. Stryker’» house and ’» acre, ar. r that he coatemplate» buying a er» Munir and Bigelow bused their ‘heir favorite »onv» fin 1 have an «. m be let. • located at 9611 43rd avenue, to J. A. ¡joy’s wa«ch to carry with him on the jvvable xongfcjt “Black Man in Senske of Sandy. negative votes juunwy and the Herald hopes he en­ White Man’s Africa” is the title of A communication from the Mt Protest to County Commissioners Mr. Lund’s property nt 970" Gilbert joy» the fruits of his inditstrv, for a Scott Improvement Club wa» r>«a. m. Sunrla -, Eirhtv acre highly improved farm and age. duub'y so because he commissioner» regarding the tearing near en»t 92nd street nnd Foster of A. F Grey in Yamhill eounty t> size amed it himself. up of 92nd streol. u county road, in Rond, was fil««d with the county com LENTS BOYS HAVE Chas. Smith. The conleat standing is as follows: order to lay th,« sewer, was r- fvrreii m’ssioners Monday, flaking that the Lent,, Real Estate Co. Clarence O’Neil ............... . ....380.90t) <;<>OI) BALL TEAM to Commissioner Munn for action. board request the citv to construct N. J. Driscoll and. v ife, to J. IL Margaret I witch-.............. ....336350 City Engineer Laurgnard «... n»k its proposed savor system along (Jena T. Ixxke........... Cox, lot 1, block 2, Pinehumt ... .146,750 ed if he had devised any les» expen fir me »tro,t other tlum 92rd .«’reef. Up to dale, the Ixmts school base- R. Stanz to D. Ilevek, lot 9. block Guidon Ogsbury .............. ....120300 sive plan for draining the district The objection is that 92nd »tree* uall team lias playtxi six league laiuhn«« Aioore ... 85.050 Highland Park. annson to Roy 1«. Lang. M,s. B. r. J..1U»............. .... 61,500 37 sumps being constructed Ivt <’<«r T',« refiid, nts represented in the ne same numlwr. 'llie first game wax 1. • O M. Sliielils ................. ... 8.200 bl ■’ 2. y. $ «tt Par' «2nd and 72nd »trecis ut a cost of tition nroxented ask that the sewer played on the Arleta grounds. Ar­ Mi.-s H-iui Kanne.......... .... -3,400 Weiss to Peters, lots 3, t and about $70.(MX) He could not guuran laid in n city atroci. 1« I.. Ix«v eva-winning after the Faints boys block Mi ’ s K. V. Barker .......... 4, Mt. Scott View. *■ — &900 tee this pion, nnd it was toon lost in oq, Giaco building, presented nod iui apparently safe lead. Th, Lucille Dugan ................. 12)50 C. E. Ktrnrii the »huffl,« th.« petition second game was played at Wood- Jester Calvert ................. 550 C. E. Kcnnedv trad«-d two lots at mere and the home teain won. ti to 1. For next week’s contest th nani- Kero Park to J E. Pumero for h : s Woodstock met us on our own of J. W. leone. Kern Park plum LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. T. V. Caldwell of 5804 !Mt': Mr. Pomorv «er, I as l-ien selected. for our third game and de- horn«« on 90th street. Mr. T,ounei street is visiting friends in Seattle < undi r ill begin building at once on these outed us in a i,M>»el.v playexi game, .« a pl mb >• of e'perienc.- nc and his lots. Mr». Po»t of 85th n'rtM'l in ven for u few days. 1!» to 13. During the latter part of patrons ia th« Kera F.. i. i/hhor Mr. nnd Mrs. T. G. Samuel visited die game the l.enls bo vs seemed to /Add«*rton Estate to G H. Colo, |ot hoed have no fault to find with his ill. on Foster Road. Mr. Cole will build drs. A. Ativeh and family of Port Albert Hilberg took oit a buildin g» t together better and hit tile ball. work or charges. His headquarter- permit this week to erect n residence 'and Sunday. They have kept this up in the otiier soon. are at 671" Fest, r Road. Kind the Mr. Kenn«-dv also sold a four-room The Mt. Scott chapter, O. E. S . en* .times played and allow promise now at 41.10 65th street. mi slng letter which go to mal-« un They hot«m 90th «treet to D. C. Evans. ■is name in the contest ads on p;t~< O. W. Priest i« erecting r> •l to «. In the s«»c P.-T. ASSOCIATION and 4228 72nd street. game witn Arleta we won after Mr* darn Orninndv of Millard day visitor» at the home of Mr. and ond in extra inning, 10 to 9 This game MEETS THURSDAY MT. SCOTT GREENHOUSE avenue attended to bunin«■■.« matter» Mrs. A. C Sellers. waa also played on our own grounds. !r. nnd Mrs. E A llumlin of 78. "0 in l«cnt» Wednesday. UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP Our sixth game wa» with Rich ­ ►4th Avenue, »pent Sunday with mond on their grounds, the .-core be Th.- W. C. T. U. will meet wit friends in Rose City Park. Mm McKinley, 0127 I'.’nd tree'. on 1 Le next regular meeting of the The ML Scott Greenhouse, at 9502 ng 11 to fi in favor of lents. The Tuesday, April 12, at 2;3O p. m All Mrs. Romer, a former resident, lineup of the nine has varied littl«« parent teacher association will lie 67th avenue, was rocent.lv purchas'd are invited to nt tend. no living at Camas, Wash., is at- in the games. The following has held in the assembly room at Lents y four men experienced in the busi­ All ness and they are now prepared to The Ladle* of the G. A. R. will tending to business matters in l«nts s Angeles. ther of Six childreh. five sons living, ing speaker and a' Singer and com­ mates here, after an absence of five Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Oatman of from tho crew«, altho'irh it may be eldest residing in Albi ria. Cana poser of ability. He will be support­ years. Mr. Woodworth L with the (•921 80th street are an joying a visit six weeks or two months before the the Melvin of I'asco. Washington. ed by a large choir from the Baptist coast guards and stationed nt the from their sons, P. H ard L. B. Oat county can. attend to this thorough­ da. Gilbert of Jefferson. On i; n: Elmer and M. E. churches. There will b«« mouth of the Columbia river. men. P. H. and family drove down fare. C. of Albany. Oregon; and Roy Mc­ services every night excent Saturday from McKenna, Wash., this week and D. E. Baumgardner, deputy county Roberts of Lents. Funeral services next week, beginning at 8 o’clock. FIVE POINT CLUB MFETS ansernor, was making hljf rounds in L. B. nnd family came from Stock were held Ti sedav •iftirn '- ’i at 2:30 Those in charge advice that while all ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON o'clock, in the Kenworthy chapel. are welcome it would be advisable to thia locality last Tuesday. Mr. 11 ton, Cal. The young men are seek and the water Mai I out a . ng a location in Portland. Rev. Sibley of the Methodist church come enrly in order to be sure of a Th-.« Five Point Club of the O. E. officiating. The remains « ere takan seat. relationship, hnving both lived in Ray H. Gaston, a former resident Iowa ami Nebraska in the pioneer of Ix-nts, well known throughout S. met Tuesday at the home of Mr« to Lapsing, Mich., for interment. day» of those two »tales and experi this vicinity, returned recently from John Hanken on 70th street for' one GRANGE NOTES enced trials and t n .... Vancouver, Wash., and ha« op-med a o'clock luncheon. Those present wore SYLVIA GAGE to be forgotten. But he didn't volnn grocery store nt 8830 Woodstock av­ Merd.imes Toulsc Sudcrstrom. R. R. Saturday, April 9, the grange will teer to reduce out lisessment on nc enue. Sylvia Gage of 103rd street and hold their regular meeting. The first Mr. Gaston has a large ex McClurg, O. A. Iles«. Margaret Jones, count of it. perience in the grocery business and Emma Rush, Katherine Detnier. Le­ 50th avenue, died April 4, aged 46 and second degrees will be conferred McFadden, Etta Chisholm, Slur I years. Funeral services were held at the morning session. At twelv«' Mr. and Mr». J. C. McGrew wore know» ho to give satisfaction to all na E. Connell, Marion Boater. Delia nt Kenworthy chapel April 5 nnd In­ o’clock dinnrr in the usual gra«ige hosts this Week to Mr. and Mrs F l customers York, Philena Hayner, Fstelle Me terment took place aS« Mt. Scott cen«- • ward Halloway, of Zanesville. Ohio, The Jolly Ixit Club enjoyed the John Howe. Echo McCord, E. etery. lecture hour will be at 2:30 A. G. who have been »pending the winter genial hospitality of Dr and Mrs. Slov. N. Droste and Fmmn Hanken Clark, of the Associated Industrie:! in Pasadena, Cal., stopping here on Lundberg Friday evening. Among club will meet again in May THIEF GETS PURSE of Oregon, will bo the chief speaker. route to their home. Mr. Halloway those present were Mr. anti Mrs at The Mrs. Fred Geisler ’ « home Mrs Tn addition .the following program and Mr. McGrew were schoolmates Walter Baker. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. but had not met since they were hoys Cox, Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Dilly, Mr. John Howe will be assistant hostess. 'X nurse containing ?9 ir cash and will 1 h > rendered: Piano solo. Miss a goki watch were stolen from Mr«. O’Brien; piano duet, Dorothv an! Dalns Sidwell and family of 45« F. nnd Mrs. Fred Hodge nnd Earl Mrs. Unlce Kramer of Newberg Edith Steele of 6’15 4-1th avenue, a.« Riehard Hoss: reading. Carol H *rh 26th street, nephew of Mr. Halloway, Hodge, Dr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Ogsburv, was the guest of Mrs Elizabeth Frick she was attending a church meeting aciompnnied his uncle while visiting Mrs. Richard Smith, Margaret Smith of tho Mt. Scott ice cream parlor Tuesday afternoon, according to her dent ni the A. M Schuff Pro - esrive Mr. and Mrs, McGrew. nnd Mrs. Moore. last Sunday. report to the police. School of Music. I Social happenings at Arleta and Kern Park Many Affairs of Interest to Community Related in En­ tertaining Way by Correspondent of the Herald Mrs. Sara Garside Die» I Mrs. Sant Garside died Wednesday, : March '!<>, fallowing a serie» of op- ' oration.?. Death cccurred at the res- iatrons will by the parent-teachers. It will be: b« especially favored this week by hung in the room having the best - an unusually fine program. On Fri­ representation of mothers at the par-' day, April 8. will be Constance Bin- ent-teachers meetings. ne_> in “Something Different; Satur­ Room 17, grade 7, is the proud day, April 9, John Barrymore in nossessor of a beautiful reproduction “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”; Sunday, in color of Gibberts’ ‘George Wash- April 10, a Rex Beach picture, “The ‘ngton.” It was given as a reward North Wind’s Malice”, by an all-star for highest attendance, they having cast, including Vera Gordon and Tom an average of 96.6 per cent for last Santsehi; comedy, “His Youthful sem ««ter. Fancy"; Monday and Tueswiay, Chas. Miss Canning’s room won a reward ' Ray in "19 and Phyllis”, episode 13, for no tardiness during the last sem-1 ‘Fighting Fate”; Wednesday, Tom ster. Th«« picture, which is 27x22 I Moore in “Officer 666” and the com­ 'rehes in size, is a copy of “The Pri edy, “laughing Gas”; Thursday, El­ mnry School,” in color, by Geoffry. sie Ferguson in “Ijidy Rose’s Daugh­ Tne boys and girls are enjoying ter”. The patrons o'f the theater will ■ heir out of door organized play and be pleased to know, as many already -yninastics. M>ss Canning and Miss do. 'hat all pictures shown in Mr. E ing are in charge of. the physical White’s house are all passed by the Aork in the school. local board of censors. The domestic art class are making aprons just now. and are trimming Daily Vacation Bible School :hem in their own handiwork, in At a meeting held Sunday after- colors. On April 1. Mi’s Godwin played n«'on at Luckey Cottage, tentative many numbers in the music memory nlans were made for a daily vacation icntest for the pupils of the higher i 3ide school, or rather two of them. T..des. Sh6 will play again this One is to be held at Lents and one at Arleta. The committee on ar­ Friday at 3 p. m. On April 15. Prof. Sweetzer, of rangements for the Arleta district ' c U. of O.. will come to talk to the ■vere Mrs. E. O. Shepherd, Mrs. J. J. ■hiidren on the “Conservation of the Handsaker, Mrs. J. H. Zehrung, C. «'■'ild Flowers of Oregon.” Al! mo- C. Hessemer, Mr. Pratton and Dr. The committee for Lents hors are most cordially invited to Finnell. district is Mr. Flier, H. P. A meet, it tend. C. J. Fankhauser, and two others Woodmere school plans an enter- » nment on the evening of May 1. «vho.se names the reporter did not Mr. Harvey Scheuerman will 1" e primary department will have get. •Large of the first part of the pro­ be chairman e.x-officio of both com­ gram and the second part will lie mittees. Further plans will be pub­ riven by the intermediate depart­ lished as they develop. ment. Arleta Library Notes On Friday, April 1. at noon, in the children’s lunchroom, the pupils of At the Arleta library is an up-to- Miss Ewing's room surprised her date display of poultry books, very- vith an especially fine luncheon: in helpful to the suburban resident at fact, some of those present called it this time of the year. , There is also a young banquet. Miss Wro«!burn a ccllectii n of books for children and ind Miss Hart assisted the children books on birds, and a corresponding and everyone had a delightful time. collection of books fr boys on bird The State Federation of Women’s houses. Of great interest to many­ Clubs will hold a convention at Pen­ will be a book by the late John Bur­ lieton soon, to which the presidents roughs: “Camping and Tramping if the various parent-teachers asso­ with Roosevelt." Malcom W. Davis’ ciations are eligible. Woodmere is book, “Open Door to Russia” is ano­ Manning to send Mrs. Frank Peters. ther new one, as is also Herbert Ad­ On April 19 the Raker Theater Stock- ams Gibbon's "Life of Venizelos". Company will present “Th«« Trail of "Points of Friction” by Agnes Ripp- he Lonesome Pine”, tfnder the aus le’ar and Nathaniel Mervin’s “Hills Dices of the parent-teachers of Port of Han” complete the list for this ’and. Tickets are\ for sale by each week. « narent-teacher association and a good ime is assured all. Creston Sch«iol Notes Things are progressing nicely at Arleta Mock Trial Creston school. The parent-teachers Ira G. Purdin of Arleta was con have bought or are buying a moving .icted (in mock trial) March 29, at picture machine. The demonstrator Arleta Baptist church, of "fishing put on Mary Pickford in “Rebecca of «ut of season on Foster Road” *Hifl Sunnybrook Farm” the afternoon and jury was composed of Mr. Davies, evening of March 30. Saturday ev­ foreman; Mr. Stevens, Mr. Kavan­ ening, April 2. a very successful augh and Mr. Fortune. Witnesses dunce was held in the school auditor­ for the defense were Sidney Brasure. ium This (Friday) evening a film ;i'ias Goldstein, Harry Sherman and by Fatty Arbuckle will be the attrac­ Mr. Payne. The prosecution had as tion. It will also be given in the af­ witnesses C. C. Hessemer, W. E. ternoon. Whitman. Irvin Heinrichs and Owen Following are the members of the ay. Moonshine was greatly in ev­ •irst team of Creston: Pitcher«, idence at the trial and many and va­ Chas. Roland and Richard Averill; rious were the serious charges re­ '‘-her. Bert Vincent; first base, garding its use and abuse. The jury Carl Miller; second base. Jonn Fiti- found the prisoner guiltv and sen­ er; shortstop, Bovl«« Walden; third (Continued on page two.) tenced him to vote for and to work or the Fester Road imnrovcment. The house was packed and a splen­ REBEKAH LODGE ELECTS did evening enjoyed by all. GRAND LODGE DELEGATES The stunt was out on by the Ar­ leta Business Men’s Club. At the regular meeting of Eureka Peliekah lodge 178 Friday evening, Mt. Scott Mental Culture Club Mrs. J. E. T.arson was elected dis­ At the Arleta library on April 7. trict denuty president and delegates the Mt. Scott Mental Culture Club were chosen to attend the grand will meet. The patronesses will he lodge, which will be held next month Mrs. I eRoy and Mrs. Webb. The nt Albany. Those delegates chosen subject for study will be “Birds ” A were Mrs. J. E. Larson, Mary Grie- paper by Mrs. Sadie Orr-Dunbar., hee and Clara Smiler. "Oregon's Contribution to Birdlore” At the close of the business ses­ will be interesting. Mrs. R. D. Arm sion the members played five hund­ strong will read a paper on “Oregon red. Fanny’ Deskv won first prize, a Pirds.” Roadimm by Mr». Webb and silver necklace, and Mrs. Hnhler the Mrs. Griff will also be a part of liooby prize, a tov automobile. For the program. The club is an inter the men Clvde Fox wa« given first o’ting anil growing organization and prize, a deck of playing cards, and the member', enjoy many pleasant Fred Hodge the booby prize, a toy afternoons. aeroplane.