-X- % FKIKNDS CIH Rt H tion of M Ji muir* Pro-ection for Maternity and Infancy Biola acbl al 9:45 a m C: »rs rhiklrvn. No. 5 won tl . _ yvr meering st peoples' with 100 per cent prrrenL ■ « Mi rt’.e H mmcl. Ic.ider. The Eiutcr program ¡1 >■< reo- r at 7:30. Thia dered Sunday evening i n>! sterx of the 7:30. An inlen-Kt'ns: Kesurrection and promised, consisting of - t. the Christum« cisgs, recitation» bj l'.< ■rd; iHv invited to etc nt. en tim»' will gei Albert Erskine has c’ . prayer meeting thia week. of the church will give a th< At a buainisa m< lai W dines.Isv. March 30, church recently held die I vh. O-. of the features officers were elected L EPRESENTATIVES of fex-or G.tt'X'ski and his year: Preddinr clerk .I T tlouul organisations the tent professor son; Tvconhng clerk. F c will lx narv have created a Jo ut congressional statistical secretary. En, T! a »am. Lunch committee to work In Washington for le organist, Lina Si uccr: : the men. All Dorris Mann; finance <■' lì» o this unique among them the She;«' I To» .-r bill chairman and tn’a u'< . \ to provide jirotectlon for maternity skine; other members of th< Bru Fvans. I and Infancy, Among the members of tee. Alvin Theas Svdnev 1 Is M ' church ! Effie R. Tamplin. the «'oiumlttee are Mis» Ethel Smith. He is i Systematic giving superinb nt National Women-» Trade I’n « 1CF and humor. Florence Erskine. league; Mrs. Kato Treuholine Abram» ’ Foreign miss unary committee: Cn and Miss Lida Hnfford. General Ee l »•ear, Effie R. Tamplin, Wm L'e 'in eratton of Women's Clubs; Mrs. Kills two years, Florence F>-. v S. ne- Yo-t. Women's Christian Tynipenince Lab; three years. Don-is Mann . Carroll Tamplin school class of the union; Miss Louise SLiiley. American Home missions: Alice I. .'kc. Net­ rtn church «erv the Heine Economies association; Mt»- tie Littlefield. Vcbns Phi I tv be home of Mary OTm-'e. District of Columbi.' Spencer. Tlirabeth Mann. M. dred Boon, 69 t' 46th avenue Woman Suffrage ns- »Tati.m ; Mr- EdurHtional depa Friday evening. Games and Maud Wo. <1 Park, chairman Nation« Tamnlin, Violet Little < 1 : comprised the entertainment league of Women Voters: Miss Jean Iwmh. I.ura Thomas. he evening, Temperance committee: Mrs. Todd, union sunrise praver mecti Ruth Heacock, Albert B -.trig . JI the Christi •in Er. ieavurers who so kindly as i»ted u fn making Gordon Mann. It. Scott district i II be held at the evening a s-cvesa. Th. offerin Peace eMuaitte Mary I Kerr Park Chri itir.a church or. amounted to a little over Wilda Mann I . r morning at 7: '0. Menihers of Smith. he churches in the district are I*ri'f. H. H. Du: kl< b-’igvr m l Literature comm’" < I ?d l this meet ng. Leit-b r. Arna Repp. Harry IJ ■ ' S '• ■ e Christian cl l’-;reh is located ily had dinner with J. family Friday night. t‘n' o. » ■ Lamb. ¡th avenue and < S9th street berger is instructor i.i m,.:i em:i:; • Bible school eonunittee: E al in the James John high school. H Mann, Mr. Todd, J. FL Sv- EVANGELICAL CHURCH came over to si” ’ at the Fx sngvlicc fie R. Tamplin. I’theva: Alvin Tb< r» s '' church concert Friday night. Er Easter Sunday «ill be observed akine. 0. M. Tamplin. John M. Mann with appropriate services. The pas The average 'Mistante has twi tor «ill preach an Easter sermon ani BAPTIST CHURCH conduct baptismal services. There points of rese mb lar.ee to un oil welt will alto be s me special muaic. She Is a gusher and as graceful as n lid Sunday school at The p*x»~ram given Friday- night derrick. music and classes ' - under ti e a »rices of th-' Y. T A. ,T ages; M. Flier, jpe was well .ttonded. The parts were The latent confection Is the raisin Children's Faster e- a II well rendered and we take this op­ o’elrck. Thi' v. ill b - e unity of again thanking those ette—the candy with a kick. R Haut ui. National Cuumimera' M « I . mi M Pii.Ill;», Na I F'e 'vi n¡on of rixdo-shMml amt » Women'll cluha; Mrs, Arthur " .itkliiM, X'nrloiml Omeros» of M-th. is 8. o of th»"» orimnlxntlons are very ! ir Cenemi Föderation at W» on'» «'tubs is known to have n nmmhershtp of nbout SokhkOOtt. That tl«- n-v non of the country want this bill passed I« evident from th« /.».»I ..f |H-'tlh>ns presented to eon cix---'. tn a single number of the Con >i.'».¡»ini Ki. .ird are theoe |>e 111.: n"'lenta of Washington ■ > .’»tv Fu ; \\''tuiin'a Club of Dover, N. il.: w otrnn's (Tub of New Imtv N II.; W< eii'a City club of • ài«.; r. IL O. society. Ihireas ed a»<| Mondar club vt IMeklnaon. "k !< cinti of Ryder, N. I Mi- .1 a McCinmeil of Crack T< ' «s, ctmir an County League W<> . i Voti is; Itane County f'Vls.1 I.« sue of Women Votera; Woman's Literary union Portland. Me.; Strva tor (III.) I Federation of Parent nini Ten. tiers' «•In - Woman's Club of \\ Texas Federation of Worn et. « ( ’I uba. Speda, for SATURDAY Fresh Salted Peanuts 15c per lb. Classified Ads. | The Arleta Club will give a dance everv Tuesday night at the Arletn W. O. W. Hall. Admission 25c Game and have a good time. 9-tf high«: pomlb.e degree f rtiliim. COMtar.tlr basr ay got!, trtd, •» it now wc htvt tuccceded to a p: : ranroducai, w R»-CtiATi», « -- ocher forma of rr.'-ric, w::h such Grity " •- aguish aay difercr.es. Our raccesa in re; -i e dng every quaiity cf the human voice ?.ss some rather remarkable facta. SAI E Genuine Rhixie la'nnd I ’ at. ' ing e-gx. $1.00 per s-t g. M-s P W Leslie. 7119 S5tl tree», «?. F • CAT •'lA'.'T TEACHER «ill giv< :. corre of hl aie tesaons n ex i’ in :<• fcr a baby bugg>, Ivy M Kinney, 6228 92nd street. 11 A* rs? EAR it! Prove— ■or disprove, our cki that when listeniu , to the No’v Ec’j you feel as if you t Ç formance of the livir g ar L Let your L4T3 be the judge. When you come we will show you proo that the New E g 3 only pheno ;raph that sustains th aci . t , ■ -.en rn-f ’ with living artists. Thi. umentary —it would be good in ar irt in the ’vorld. H NEW EDISON T7Ae ^Phonogra pii T. í. í CL Remember, if you are a music 1 er your credit is good with us. P- ' carh or m¿ k : your own terms. All wc a c any .nan or woman is a Genth ..1’3 Z lent Let us explain our Budget P: f mple, com­ mon-sense way of bi ¿a New Edisur. MT. SCOTT DRUG CO askebMt theftealism IVill you give a Jtfood Change SIMMONS No. H-4327 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Multnomah. H C. King Tyler, Plaintiff, v. Julia Swift Tyler, Defendant. Defendant, To Julia Swift Tyler, defendant aliwi' named: Tn the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap­ pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit and court within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to ap­ pear and answer said complaint on or before the 9th day of May, 1921, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demand­ ed in his complaint, to wit: For a decree of absolute divorce forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant, upon the groiindS*of willful desertion for a period of more than one year last past, and preceding the date of com­ mencement of thia suit, and for his costs and disbursements herein. Thin summons is published in pur­ suance of an order of the Honorable I. P. Kavanaugh, Presiding Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ gon for Multnomah County, made on the 25th day of March, 1921, direct­ ing said summons to be published oner a week for six consecutive and successive weeks in the Mount Scott Herald, a newsnaper of general cir­ culation in the City of Portland, Ore- Date of first publication, March 25, >21. Date of last publication, May fl, 1921. ROBERT R. RANKIN, Attorney for Plaintiff, 508 Platt Building, Portland, Oregon. IVY M. KINNEY Teacher of Pianoforte Studio, 5'228 92nd street. S. E. Latest in HATS 77ic WELCOME TRADE AT HOME ! We assure Service and and Right Prices “The Best Meat at Lowest Prices” I« the motto of Eggiman’s ¡Meat Market a Leak Proof Tubes Built up layer upon layer of the finest rub­ ber, welded together with the valve patch vul­ canized in—not just stuck on—Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes will not allow air to seep through. Wc have them * in all sizes. Each one comes ROOM SHACK, hns pas and water, wired f»r <1. ctricity: lot 50x128 ft . as.orted fruits; price «650; small ca.»h payment, balance monthly payments. D. J, O’Connor, cor ‘.»2d and Woodstock Ave Auto «26-75 11 tf HAVE «4 ACRE. 8 block« north of l.'-id.i Junction, water and gas In. Will trade for Ford or for lot on '.'2nd St. Inquire Eagle Garage 11-tf Cedarville Park at Linncnian Jet. |.4011 89th St. S. E 12-lt WANTED Position taking care of children by the hour. Call 5981 With street S. K. itx WANTED—100 loads horse and cow manure. ML Scott Greenhouse, Inc . 9502 67th Ave. S. E, It WIFI» Sewing, dressmaking, or any kind of sewing. Work guar- iintoed. Route 2, box «78, Lenta. It WANTED Work by boy 13: give him a show to make good; any­ thing. Route 8, box 673. I «uta. It TWO LUTS-hi Ixrnte. on Third A vs. $500.00 cash. For particulars ad­ dress 528 Rond St., Astoria, Oregon. 12-5tx at 5811 N mt ty-second SL Mrs.lnezLS.Gulliks AdverU’euionts undtr thia head ng 10c per line first insertion; 5c per line each nubseqnent issue. Minimum charge, 25c Count « words to the line. in a waterproofed bag. It will be in perfect condition when you want to use it. Come to us when you need the liest in tires and tubes. The Lents Garage AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor 8919 Foster Road Phone «15-34 Z n Office: East 3230 Plant: 6322-60 Paving Material« Macadam Roada CilyMolorTruckingCo.,1». 291 Hawthorne Ave. AUTO TRUCK HAULING CONTACTORS CRUSHED ROCK, SAND and GRAVEL Plant: Kelley Butte, 94 and Divi«ion Sts., PORTLAND, ORE. PORTER W. YETT, Contractor. y The Lents Mercantile Co Will promptly fill your ortArs from up-to-date GRO­ CERIES, FRESH FRUIT, VEGETA B L E 8, T A B I. E DELICACIES and other good things TO EAT. We carry FIXJUR and FEED. Special attention given to phone orders, and a new and dependable deliveryman will get your purchases to you ON TIME. TUR AIM la to PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS. Phone 645-34 Ninety-Second street