Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 18, 1921, Image 1

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    'Jalviì’i Ítjr of OrigH |
Guaranteed Circulation
fHL ^rrritt Hrralù
Fight for Sewer
Waxes Warmer
Both Side« Working Strenuously to Control Public Sen
timent and Secure Majority in Postal Card
Vote—Big Meeting at Lenta
Tuesday Night's Meeting
Advocates and opponents of the
Foster Road. improvement and the
Johnson Creek drainage sewer pro­
jects packed Ix-nls Grange hall to its
utmost capacity Tuesday night when
a big mass meeting, organized by the
Freponenta of the projects, gave to
enta one of the most interesting
meetings held here in years.
Both sides were about equally rep­
resented in the audience which lie
toned attentively to the speakers, and
made no attempts to interrupt until
the speakers. thetnaelvi« asked for
questions. Then, however, the ques­
tions flew thick and fast and repre­
sent at ivra of the city engineer’s of­
fice nnd the board of public works
were called upon to explain many of
the misunderstood phssea of the con­
A. G. Johnson, assistant commia-
rioner of public works of the dty of
Portland, was the first speaker. Mr.
Johnson first took up the history of
the case, telling how for years the
property owners had been seeking re­
lief along Foster Road and how, after
years of effort, the countv commis­
sioners had finally appropriated $85,-
000 toward the improvement of Foo­
ter Road between East 52nd and East
72d streets. The city then, Mr. John
eon »aid, agreed to make of Foater
Road a fine boulevard, 60 feet wide,
with the car tracks down the middle
of the street. The speaker then
aketched the need for this improve­
ment, the bad condition of the road
and how it was virtually impossible
for autoiata to use the thoroughfare
in bail weather and he further point­
ed out that It waa the council’s de
sire to provide the Mt. Scott district
with this one great radial artery of
Difficulties of drainage, Mr. John­
son said, were encountered early in
the proceedings after the council had
decided to go ahead with the Foater
Road improvement.
He explained
how the road was above grade and
how it would be a waste of money to
attempt to hard surface, without
drainage, at the present grade. Fin
ally, he said, th« engineer*« office
worked out aa the only feasible and
at the same time economical solution
of drainage, the plan to build a trunk
drainnge Sewer down Foater Road to
92d street, emptying into Johnson
Creek. Thia sewer, he said, would be
used for carrying off storm water
only and no sanitation sewage would
be emptied into Johnson Creek. The
rnginecr’s plana, he explained, were
to make the trunk large enough to
carry not only drainage hut the addi
tional ten per cent which would tv-
required for sanitation sewage. He
explained that it would be neceaiarv
at some future time, anyway, to have
a sanitation sewer for the district
and that the city engineer’s office
had found how they could kill two
birds with one stone and thereby save
the property owners a lot of money.
He then called attention to the fact
that when the Johnson Creek trunk
would be reqvlred for sanitation sew­
age it would be connected at Johnson
Creek and conducted in a separate
trunk t<> the Willamette river, follow
ing not the meanderings of Johnson
Creek but going In practically a
straight line to th« river along the
valley of Johnson Creek. Thereby,
he said, there would be at no time
pollution of the creek.
Subscription, $1.50 the Year.
Huth thoac fur and those oppuaad
to the building of tho Foster Road
trunk aewer have been putting forth
every effort during the past few days
to mould public sentiment ia favor of
their respective contentions.
Th« proponents have a strong, ag-
gnasive organisation, and. armed
with a war fund to defray necessary
expenses, carried tjie tight into l^nta
and Ila environs.
Tuesday evening
they arranged for and held a big
meeting in Grange hall, at which the
city engineer's office waa represent­
ed. An account of thia meeting ap­
pears elsewhere.
Realising the necewity of acquaint­
ing the taxpayers with their argu­
ments in favor, the services of a well
known Portland newspaperman were
secured by the ML Scott Improvement
Club and the Millard Avenue Welfare
Club A daily circular waa prepared
by the publicity director and delivered
to every home in the district each
morning, and the arguments in this
familiar to many, were effectivoiy
arranged anil the propagaixia has no
doubt been of great value to the pro­
To counteract all of this, those op
)H«i-<t have been conducting a cam
paign which, while perhaps not aa no
liveable upon the surface, should
serve to bind their adherents in a
cloae-knit. fighting organ nation To
date they have issued one printed
broadside, and the committee of ton.
with its fifty lieutenants, haa boon
working vigorously, urging by a par
sonal canvass all houaeaoldero to cast
adverse votes.
While no fixed, definite date waa
art for the postal card vote to be tak
en, it ia expected they will be mailed
by the middle of next week. The re­
sult will not be known for some day»,
ns it will take a considerable time to
recure a fairly complete response
Guaranteed Circulation
Mondell’s Jinx Is Persistent
Ogsbury Is
Five Ahead
Representative Mundell of Wyetn-
'ng, Is sliowu In recent Washington
photographs to tie getting about on
crutches, with one foot In bandages.
New Comer in Trade-at-
It has beau an unlucky summer—In
a way—for the majority fluor lead­
Home Content Gets the
er in the house.
Money This Week
Last June, soon after returning to
bia borne In Wyoming, the Wyoming
legislator took to playlug fanner. He
Gordon Ogsbury, son of Dr. C. S.
quit abruptly- ,t least for a time—
Ogsbury, local dentist, walked away
when be fell from a haystack. The
with the $5 prize in the Herald trade­
haystack was big and high and be
at-home contest this week.
fell hard, The result was two broken
young man, who is a ‘stranger in the
contest, turned in 120/100 votes.
Tlli'll In Octotxr Mr. MondrlPa
From the foregoing it will be seen
official betwren aasmlon's activities
that it isn’t necessary for one to have
look him to the Hhoshone Jam, In
been in the contest from the start to
Wyoming, on the Cody entrance to
get one of these weekly prizes. Gor­
is a hustler and we look for him
Yellowstone national park. Here hl»
to secure some more of tire money
jinx rolled a boulder down on hltn.
we are offering to those who will
This time the result was a brake»
read the ads and save the coupons.
The M. & R. Market is the name
Ae it well known. It Is hard to
selected for next week’s contest. As
keep a good man down, end Nuveuilier found the Republican floor leador back a matter of convenience for those
tn Weahlngtoti getting ready for the opening of the regular sesulou scheduled who look for the missing letters, we
to begin early In December, He was ou crutches, but was getting along nicely. omitted from the ads on the trade- at
thank you.
home page only the letter M. R. Mar
But bls jinx had not yet finished with him. The night of November 23 be ket and not the sign “A”. Find the
was hoisting himself up the front steps of his home when one of his crutches missing eight letters and send in the
broke, In consequence Mr. Mondell got a severe full—revere enough to lay answer with th« coupons you may se­
cure. Some one will get the money
blm up In lied for several day a
It Is re|>orted Hint the Jinx la still active, as there are fears that the bone, and it may be you, if your are dili­
gent in securing coupons.
aet last Octolier, will pave to lie rebroken and reset.
Here the speaker digressed for a
moment and colled attention to the
reputation of the city engineer’s of­
fice for accuracy in its assumptions,
citing the Incident of the St. Johns
ww»r project when Engineer l<aur
gaard's plan to save the property
owned a lot of money by creating a
current in Columbia Slough to the
Columbia river for carrying off sew­
age— thereby saving piping to the
river—were questioned by other en­
gineer«. Ha told how the council fin­
ally «elected a Mr. Wiley, an expert
ineer. and how
outaide hydraulic engin
Mr. Wiley agreed with l Mr. Laure
gaard’s plana and how at the preaent
time the canal has been dug and is
working perfectly with a current so
strong that a man could harly row
a boat against It. Thia waa all by
way of showing the accuracy of the
city engineer’s reckonings.
Mr. Johnson then took up the ques­
tion of coat, told how the eetimates, ting the property owners use them
which were a maximum, were for »hen they got ready to <lo so.
$403,000 for the sewer project, how
He showed how the Sandv boule­
thia waa to be divided on an equal ba­ vard had done much to build up the
sil on all the property in the district, great district which
' j it opens and
which he said would be at the rate pointed out that property owners in
of $.30 for each 40 foot lot and $38.40 this district were already usking that
for each 50-foot lot
However, he Sandy boulevard be extended to the
said, he had been aaaurrd by various Burnside bridge; how only a day or
contractors that they would be ___
, ___
so ago
had filed petitions for
pleased to get the contract at even this work and how they contemplated
ten per cent leu than $403,000 and making the boulevard 110 feet wide
he therefore mumel that the price at its end closest to the Burnside
would be lex* than that quoted u a bridge.
maximum but be explained the eity
Following Mr. Cheney
__ '• talk, Mr.
council's Axed rule never to consider Jahnaon
was called to reply to ques­
bids in excess of the eetimate by the tions as to whether or not when John­
city engineer.
son Creek became high the water
Pausing and asking for questions. from the creek would not back up in
Mr. Johnson waa met with many from to the sewer, causing it to burst. He
all parts of the hall. First, the quee es plained how the city engineer's of­
tioa of xidewalking Foster Road on fice had met this by providing that
the south side from 82nd to 92nd cam.- for the last 100 feet or so the water
up. The speaker was asked whatMr should run freni the sewer outlet to
it would be possible to do this work Johnson Creek through an open ditch
and at the ume time put in the sewer and how the rewer would have its
snd still be within tn« limit of tlv outlet through a stand-pii*. the
bonded assessmenL Mr Johnson told mouth of which would always be
the property owrieni of this district higher than the highest ««TIT' ever
that they could not so expect.
He attained by Johnson Creek.
Mid that petitions had been circul |
R. E. Kromers, chief of the bureau
asking for a twelve-foot strip of hard of construction of the city engineer­
surface and shlewalks on the south ing department, was also present. Mr.
ride of Foater Road in this district Kremers did not take the floor but
and that the estimates for thia work supplied Mr. Johnson with technical
amounted to about $120. The lota, 40 figures whenever called on for them.
foot lota, in this district, he said,
Attorney Harry E Hall presided
were aasessed at $125. He therefore al the meeting, which was held under
pointed out that the property owners the auspices of the Mt. Scott Im­
in getting the hard surface street and provement Club.
sidewalks would have to prepare to
pay about $25 (the sew» r rost will be Committee of Ten Issues Statement
$30 a lot) in cash in about a yenr and
Through a proposal initiated by the
a half or when the sower and side­ commissioner of public works . the
walks have been entirely completed owners of property in the Mt. Scott
and the aaseuments all figured.
district of Portland are to be called
Questions then were naked as to upon to pay $40.3,000 for the con­
whether it would or would not be struction of a main drainage conduit
possible to construct rain sumps to to take care of street surface rainfall
take care of the exceas rain water over an area of approximately 1700
and thereby build the Foster Road acres.
without the sewer Mr. Johnson said
This district, except in occasional
the city engineer's office had had un^ small areas, is sparsely settled. There
fortunate experience with rain sumpa are only 3500 houses in the entire dis­
especially in the Mt. Scott district, trict
where it had been found that after
The proposed conduit run* easterly
about two years the sumps would be­ and southerly from 62d street and
come clogged with silt and slime and Foster Road and empties into John­
would be rendered worthless. Asked son Creek, six miles from the Wil­
whether it were not true that the city lamette river.
did not clean the Bumps because of a
The district is one of small homes,
lack of funds for thia purpose, Mr. for the most part made up of the
Johnson said that was not so but that homes of workingmen and small
the sumps were always being cleaned w ageearncra.
out but that it had become the exper­
The average assessed value of lots
ience of the city that the sumpa when over the entire district is less than
cleaned filled up again in about a $150 each.
He explained something of
The property owners of the district
the pe. alratiag qualities of the s)im< ■ in order to avail themselves of the
and silts and Mid that not only the use of this main conduit for street
sump hole but the entire surrounding surface drainngr, will hav« to expend
gravel becomes filled and choked so in the construction of branch trunk
that cleaning out is impossible. On< conduits, laterals and street improve
speaker questioned the methods of mnets to make drainage possible, a
cleaning out the tumps but, though gross sum in excess or $2,500.000.
himself an engineer, offered no other
We feel and know that the consum­
mation of this project will result in
Mr. Johnson wm asked whether the the confiscation of many of our homes
storm water carried by the drainage and much of our propertv. and inci­
sewer would not cause Johnson dentally place a heavy tax burden on
Creek to rise out of its banks. He
__ the entire city.
In 1920 the assessor withdrew from
declared this would not result, ex­
plaining that Johnson Creek drained the tax rolls $500,000 worth of prop­
a very large area, that the ML Scott erty that had been taken over by the
district comprised but a small Dart of city for unpaid assessments for street
this ares and that therefore tne ef­ improvements.
fect on the creek would be but little.
In 1920 the citv paid from the gen­
He stated, too, that the drainage eral fun $135,000 for general taxes to
sewer drained territory which natur­ protect the city’s liens on lots taken
ally drained only into Johnson Creek, over for unpaid street improvements.
that the water oarried by the sewer
Today the city auditor has in prep­
would almost all of it find its way to aration an additional list of property
the creek underground in any event, that must be taken over bv the city
and that the only object of the sewer and on which the city will have to
waa to get it there in a hurry rather pay from the general fund for taxes
than to let it lie stagnant on the an amount estimated at between $50,-
000 and «100,000.
C. H (!heney, consultant in charge
Today property is being sold in
of the city planning commission, was Ladd’s addition and in Laurelhunt on
the next speaker. Mr. Cheney kept the open market for the bare coat of
carefully away from all argument the street improvements, the original
and confined himself with an exposi­ value of the land being a total lows
tion m to what th« Foater Road rad­ to the owners.
ial line meant to the Mt. Scott dis­
There are today under construction
trict in the way of development; how in this city $1,000,000 worth of sew­
th« eity had prepared its plans for ers that are still unpaid for.
the ultimate growth of the city by
If thia so-called improvement ia al­
providing for several great outlets lowed to proceed, hundreds of wage­
for trade, and d why
whv their
these redial
radial bou-
bou­ earners who are btivimr their small
levards «err rsquired.
required. He contented homes on monthly payment contracts
himself by saying that the planning will lose their homes and «be forced
commission didn’t care whether Mt. into the downtown tenements.
SeoH took advantage of its opportun­
If this costly and unnecessary con­
ity or not; that all it was interested duit is constructed the city will be
In was in providing the plan and let- forced tn defend innumerable damage
suits brought by the owners of the
low-lying garden lands along John­
son Creek that will be inundated by
the augmented flood waters of this
small stream.
We, as a community, are inarticu
late. We apfieal, therefore, to the
good sense of the city council; to the
active and potent interests that arc
influential in city building: to the
tax supervising bodies, and to the
taxpaying public, to save our homes
and our property by giving a death
blow to this ill-timed, useless and ru
inous project.
Committee of Ten, Authorized by
Mass Meeting to Oppose the
Drainage Project.
By L, I.. Levings. Chairfan.
Mr. Mann Explains
Department of Public Utilities, Ci­
ty of Portland, March 15 -To Whom
It May Concern: There has been con­
siderable misunderstancBng relative
to i statement printed and circulated
through the ML Scott improvemen'
district, quoting me as follows:
"The trouble here is that mnnv of
the people have been told they would
he assessed from $30 to $50 for this
improvement. I want to tell you that
before you are through with the pro­
ject every lot owner will have paid
tn excess of $500 and the average lot
in the district is aasessed at about
The quotation is correct, but has
been misinterpreted. What I mean
is this: That when the improvement
in the Mt. Scott district is completed
it will cost the property owner as
much as for similar improvements in
any other district.
It is unreasonable to assume tha.
the entire improvement can be com­
pleted in less than ten years. The
present "PROJECT" means only the
building of the first unit of the sewer
system. This unit, to be built in Fos­
ter Road and in 92d street to Johnson
Creek will cost the lot owners not to
exceed $38.40.
The lota in the Mt Scott improve­
ment district have a bonding limit«
ion of $150 each, so that any improve­
ments in excess of that amount would
need to be paid for by the property
owners in cash.
The above figures have lieen veri­
fied by commissioner of public works
Yours truly,
Commissioner of Public Utilities.
Mr. Blakeslee Favors Sewer
Editor of the Herald: We will soon
be voting in the Mt. Scott district on
a matter wh>ch will decide its future.
An insidious propaganda has been
carried on by certain persons seeking
to defeat the proposed sewer under
Foster Road and 92nd street. They
know that defeat of the sewer project
carries with it the defeat of the im­
provement of the Foster Road and
apparently care nothing that the dis­
trict will lose the $85.000 allotted by
the county commissioners for the
road work.
These interests so carefully at
work apparently care nothing that in
asking votes against the sewer pro­
ject they are (although they don’t say
so) asking you to vote avainst in­
creasing the value of your property.
Only by making Foster Road a high­
way fit for automobile traffic can we
hope to attract visitors to our com­
munity who will look for home sites
in our district.
Let us consider the Sandy boule­
vard. Rose City Park was an area
of vacant property before that mag­
nificent road was constructed. Look
at it today; a district thickly settled
with fine homes and contented home­
Owners of acreage tracts
were able to cut them up into lots
and sell at undreamed of prices. We
can do the same thing for the Mt.
Scott district by putting our streets
in good condition. And this cannot
be done without first providing ade­
quate drainage such as will be given
by the Johnson Creek sewer project.
Our opponents have made but one
argument against the proposal and
that they know to be bas-d on a mis­
representation They have held that
the cost would be prohibitive and
have quoted Citv Commissioned Mann
to the effect that before they were
through with it the property owners
(Continued on page four.)
One of the largest gatherings in a
year was held by lands grange Sat­
urday,^. L. Krueder, master of the
grange, presiding. Degree work was
given in the morning session. Dinner
was served to over 200 people under
direction of Mrs. A. Baumgartner, as­
sisted by Mrs, E Boardman, Miss El­
nora Brock, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Black.
Mrs. Myrtle Buckley. C. S. Brewster,
Miss Emma Bush, Mr. and Mrs. B. G.
Carney, Mr. and Mrs. P. Christianson
and others.
In the afternoon the open session
was occupied with the presentation
cf a large silk American flag to the
grange by Mrs. Lillian 'Thomas,
whose speech was responded to on
behalf of the grange by the Rev. E
A. Smith.
Mrs. Nellie Pollock re­
cited n patriotic poem and the mem­
bers and visitors united in singing
patriotic songs.
Officers and the degree team of
Russellville grange, led by R. W. Gill,
master, conferred the third and
fourth degrees os a ciato of candi-
There is a Job in Portlund which
has to be done every year. It is a
job that has always taken fifty-two
weeks to do. It has required the ex­
penditure of large sums of money. It
has called endlessly upon th« time
and energy of loyal citizens.
job is the raising of necessary funds
to conduct Portland’s vita! charities
and citizen-building agencies.
Enter the Community Chest.
It will do this Job in one week, the
week of March 28th, with a vast sav­
ing of time, money and energy. It
will free these kindly agencies from
constant financial worry and enable
them to do a better job. The Com-
.munity Chest means the introduction
of business-like methods and genuine
efficiency into the doing of this vital
task. For months a budget commit­
tee of prominent business men has
been investigating and reviewing the
work of all organizations and after
careful consideration, has approved
budgets which total $850,000. That
is the amount which Portland has
been giving in the past, but blindly,
and at sucn scattered times that no
one has been able to tell just where
it was going, or what it was accom
plishing. But this budget committee,
representing Portland, provide« the
city with a guarantee of the justice
and worthwhilenesa of these demands
on her purse.
Nor will this supervision cease
when the money has been raised. The
expenditure of every cent must be ac­
counted for during the entire year to
this same group. At last every man
and woman in Portland may feel ab­
solutely free and safe in giving to
charity as their heart dictates with no
danger of imposition or of waste.
Guarantee of these statements is the
personnel of the citizens who have
formulated the Community Chest plan
and who are backing the campaign.
The Community Chest headquarters
arc in the unique bui'ding on the
postoffice grounds, at Sixth and Mor­
rison streets.
The officers include
Mayor George L. Baker, honorary
president; FrankHn T. Griffith, pres­
ident: Julius L. Meier, Eric V. Hau­
ser, airs. Thomas Honeyman, vice
presidents; E. N. Strong, secretary;
Milton R. Klepper, executive secre­
tary; Edward Cookingham, treasurer.
Th« board of directors include many
prominent in Portland business and
social circles.
VOL. XIX, No. 11
Former Residents
See Inauguration
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Blanchard Present When President
Harding Takes Oath and W’rite Interesting
Letter to Herald of Eastern Trip
In accordance with a promise made
to Herald readers, Mr. and Mrs C. P.
Blanchard have written to this paper,
telling of their travels in the east.
I hey visited many points of interest
and were present at the inauguration
of President Harding. Their letter
appears below.
Mt. Scott Herald Editor and Read-
eis: It has been some time since you
have heard from us, not since we left
1 Denver. We fully intended to write
from every interesting point but got
so interested in visiting, and sight­
seeing tiiat it seemed we had no time.
Since our last letter we visited in
Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois,
Indiana, Kansas, Ohio, New York,
Pennsylvania, and Washington, D. C.
in Sioux City, Iowa, we found Mrs.
John Foy (net Alva Wilcut Fitzlaugh,
a former Laurelwood girl), nicely sit­
uated in a beautiful home.
In Indiana we visited many of our
father’s and mother’s people whom
we had never seen, Indiana being
their home in their youth. We had the
privilege of taking the picture of the
old church they had formerly attend­
ed. and visiting the cemeteries where
our grandparents lay, and the old do­
nation land claim of my grandfather,
on my father's side of the house.
We only wish we could adequately
tell of the grandeur of Niagara Falls.
Like Solomon, we can only say “the
half has never yet been told”. And
'little old New York”—it was all at
home, but it seemed strange that no
one knew “Uncle Josh” and “Aunt
Samantha” were in town.
We will
some time tell of the interesting and
wonderful things we saw, but suffice
it now to say, we visited old St. Paul’s
church (Episcopal) and saw the pew­
in which George Washington sat and
tlie cemetery where Watts, th® hymn
writer, was buried.
From New York we went to histor­
ical Philadelphia, where we visited
the old Independence hall, the first
halls of Congress and the Betsy Ross
house. There is muetow« would like
to tell but it will make this article
too lengthy.
Today we attended the inaugura­
tion of President Harding. It was a
beautiful day. The sun shone bright­
ly, although the air was cool: it was
very pleasant to be out of doors. Yes­
terday was rainy and cold all day
and the papers predicted a stormy
day, but the people from Manoa.
Uiuo, said when the sun shone as
»rightly that it was "Harding’s hxek."
out seriousness prevailed, and when
it took two men to help President
misen out of his ear as he went to
attend the last wauon of the senate,
and the band played “When You and
1 Here loung Maggie,” there ware
more than one who wiped their eyea.
and our thoughts went back to eight
years ago, when he, like President
Harding, took the oath of office, a
sprightly, vigorous man. and naw
leaving it a broken-down, whito-
naired old man, broken in spirit, aa
well as health.
Champ Clark died March 2, he
whom Wilson defeated in the conven-
eight years ago, and the Wash-
ngton papers said he 'died of a bro­
cen heart, because his state failed to
appreciate his efforts for them in not
returning him to Congren in the last
.-lection. He are led to think that
mt only the “way of the transgressor
•s hard,’’ but the way of the great is
not all strewn with rosea.
Harding s address was well received
out there was little ilemonstratian.
Solemnly mindful of the great res­
ponsibility that will be his for the
next four years, and expressing •
prayer for Divine guidance in th« so­
lution of the momentous problems
facing him, Warren G. Harding be­
came the 28th president of the Uni­
ted States in an inaugural ceremony
in which simplicity and lack of osten­
tation replaced the usual pomp aad
Befitting, we think, our
democratic government, for it seems
to us that the former display does
not belong to a nation like ours, but
to those who have monarchial gov­
Washington is a beautiful city. It
is known as tht “City Beautiful.” W«
go from here to Jacksonville, Florida.
Will write from there of our imprea-
sions of the southern states We vis­
ited Arlington yesterday, the ceme­
tery where the soldiers, or many of
them, are buried. It was the estate
G«<>rge Washington Curtis, th«
stepgrandson of Washington, whoa«
old colonial mansion stands in the
center. The Potomac is the eastern
boundary. and standing on the west
shore we could see the bridge that
the federáis crossed on the day of •
the memorable battle of Bull Run.
To encourage consumers to lay in
next winter's supply of fuel, Portland
coal dealers have announced a reduc­
tion of $1 a ton, effective April 1.
This cut in price is in addition to *
reduction of 50 cents announced about
a month ago. The new price will be
in effect until May 1, after which the
retail price will depend upon whether
any concession in price will be —Mt
at the mines.
Cordwood prices are expected to bo
about $3 lower when the dry season
opens. During the winter an unusu­
ally large volume of wood has been
cut on lower wage scales than have
prevailed the past four years. It will
be brought to the Portland market
when roads in the woods become dry
enough for hauling to railroad sid­
ing.-. Reductions of 25 per cent in
fright rates on wood in Western
Oregon have been ordered by the pub­
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Burns recently- lic service commission and the expec­
received the sad news of their son's tation is that lower freight rates will
death in Fairbanks, Alaska.
be passed on to fuel consumers.
A. Goetz has returned to Dakota to
bury his father, who died recently.
Falma will be blessed and distribu­
ted before the 10:30 mass Sunday.
Miss Vannita Noble, 18 years of
age, living at 6417 63rd street. Aris­
ta, was cut, bruised and shocked,
FINDS BUSINESS BETTER when an automobile in which she was
riding, driven by R. J. Wet)«, was
struck by an antomobilc which had
With the approach of spring, buai- been stolen from the C. L. Boss com­
ness in the real estat«
__ line
_ is looking
_ pany. Monday night. The unidenti­
up and sales more numerous, says LX fied driver fled after the accident.
J. O’Connor, local real estate man.
Noble was not seriously injured.
Many prospective homeowners have The machine which struck the car in
visited this locality, and there seems which she was riding had been stolen
to be a good demand for small houses Monday morning.
which can be purchased with a small
initial paymenL
Mr. O'Connor re­
cently sold his own five-room semi­ ARLETA CHURCHES PLAN
modem house to Paul Robinson of
Banks, Washington county, who will
The churches of Arleta will hold a
take possession at once. Mr. O’Con­
nor has faith in the Lents district union service upon the evening of
and is already planning the erection March 25 (flood Friday), commenc­
of two houses, one on 85th street, in ing at 8 o’clock. The program will
the immediate vicinity of the home consist of music arranged by the dif­
just sold, and another east of town. ferent churches and the pastor of
Other sales made by the same firm each will speak upon the “Sevan
Th« ser­
include the house of five large rooms Words From the Cross.”
and unfinished upper floor, on 90th vices will he held in the Kern Park
street, owned by F. M. George, to a Christian church.
FIRLAND MERCHANTS SON Mr. Probst. The owner was F. M.
George, and the house was occupied
Just as the Herald goes to press on bv Miss Terrell, pastor of the Friends
Thursday a report reached us .that church, until her death. This proper­
Small boys, breaking into th« eoa-
Lester, six-year-old son of Mr. and ty sold for cash; the.figure is said to fectionery store of Mrs. Margaret Ir­
Mrs Glen Duer, passed awav Wed­ have been $2650.
ving, 6305 Foater Road, mad« off
nesday at midnight, after a short ill­
The five-room modern home of Mrs. with S7.5O, a quantity of ciggrs and
ness of measles Another son is very Mayo at 9635 59th avenue has been tobacco.
The affair occurred sama
ill with the same malady.
A two- purchased by Robt. Richter of Albina. time Monday evening, it is said.
weeks-old baby of the same parents
The two-room house owned by Mrs
has so far escaped contagion.
Messenger on 53rd avenue has been
The Mt. Scott W. C. T U. will
Ward Duer, a brother of the fttihe* purchased by Ruby F. Rex.
....... Sidney
......... , _____
with Mrs.
Hamilton. _
of the deceased child, is reported to
Mr. Switzer has sold his three- 6623 93rd street. Tuesday aftensosa
have two children down with the room house on 45th avenue and 90th at*ft30. All members and frianda
same complaint.
street to Mrs. Sarah Aberaon.
are invited.
Next Sunday night there will be a
St. Patrick's concert in St. Peter’s
hail, beginning at 8:30. The princi­
pal speaker will be J. R. Murphy,
who besides being an able orator, is
president of the A. O. H., and chair­
man of the United Irish societies of
the city.
There will be Irish step­
dancing by thirteen-year-old Helen
O’Farrell, and Mrs. R. Penny, violin
selections by Mrs. Marie Chapman
McDonald and Carl Senn, vocal solos
hv A. B. Cain, Miss C. Madigan and
Miss K. Rowan. The last named, who
left Ireland last April, when blood
was flowing all over the country, will
sing the latest songs of the republic.
St. Peter’s choirusters will give a du­
et and quartette. Admission 50c;
children 25c.