Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 11, 1921, Image 2

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Yeager Theatre
Friday, March 4
Adolph Kangiscr of Gilbert Road.
: was married to Miss Pearl Emerson
: Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Title are re-
•! reiving congratulations upon the
:. birth of a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoke of 8415
;1 Foster Road are the parents of a eon
• born Wednesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Flynn of 38th
i ’ street and Woolstock avenue have re-
• , pa ved to north 92nd street. Lents.
Mrs. Minnie Atkinson of 89th St.
: returned to her Walla Walla home.
; I where she has been engaged in nure-
‘The Master Mind”
Saturday, March 5
WM. S. HART in
“The Testing Block”
Frank Andrews, the barber at Mil
lanl avenue and 72nd street, moved
his family to 89th street. I*nts, last
St. IVter’s parish, under the direc­
tion of Father Flynn, is planning a
i musicale to be given at the church
I March 20.
Albert Fankhauser. tiving just to
the south of Lents, has been 111 for
the past two weeks but is reported as
I improving.
The Arleta Club will give a dance
every Tuesday night at the Arleta
i W. O. W. Hall. Admission 25c. Come
and have a good time.
Sunday, March 6
The story’ of father love a sister picture to
Monday and Tuesday, March 7-8
By Special Request
“Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
Wed. and Thursday, March 9-10
A new star to the theatre and world beater for
setting—latter carried off the
ribbon at the Portland show
December. C. K. Settris, 6914
avenue S. E
The Women of Woodcraft will
have a card partv and lunch Friday
evening. March 11. at Grange hall.
Lenta. Admission 25c.
Mrs. Yost, of 96th street, was host-
I css of the Thimble club at lunchvmn
I Thursday afternoon. She wrs assist­
ed by Mrs. Earl Young.
Elva Keene of Yakima. Wash, has
returned to her home after a fort­
night’s visit with her aunt, Mrs. Geo.
I Wrisley, of 56th avenue.
The Parent-Teacher association of
Gilbert school is planning a masked
hard times party to be given at the
school this evening at 8 o’clock.
Miss Bernice Kearns and Charles
Kearns of south 92nd street attended
a party recently at the home of Mrs.
Deidrich. on Fiftieth street and Thir­
tieth avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Farrell, who
| have been living at Bremerton for the
Ct three years, are to make their
ae in Lents again and will reside
I at 6430 82nd street
S. N. Freedolph of 58th and 94th
street is very low at his home an i
death is expected any time.
I Frank McMurray, a daughter, is here
from Wapinitia.
Funeral services for Frances Hart-
I ley, aged 57 years, who died Satur­
day. were held at Kenworthy chapel
Monday and the remains interred in
Mt. Scott cemetery.
Edward Nelson, of Iowa, a nephew
last of S. N. Freedolph and a cousin of
47th Mrs. F. A. Bohna. of 94th street, left
8-tf for his home Thursday, after a ten-
_____________________ .__________________ J
Advertisements undtr this head- WANTED—Salesmen for 6,000 mile iays’ visit with relatives here.
ng 10c per line first insertion; 5c
guaranteed tires.
Salary $100.00
Among the callers at the home of
per week with extra commissions. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McGrew during
per line each subsequent
Cowan Tire & Rubber Co., P. O. :he week were Mrs. Lizzie Lamb of
Minimum charge, 25c
Count 6
Box 784 Dept. S. Chicago, Ill.
Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cone and
words to the line.
Mrs. Jake Metzger of Gresham.
Mrs. Charles Warde had a card
cheap 5-room cottage with % acre,
FOR SALE—R. I. Red hatching eggs.
with bam; modem except heat; party Saturday evening in honor of
$1.50 for 15. 5404 89th street. 9-4tx
many good pieces of furniture. her birthday, which occurred on that
FOR SALE- Six Buff Leghorn pul­
4858 96th street S. E.
8-2tx date. All enjoyed themselves hugely.
lets and one cockerel. Apply at
Twenty-nine were in attendance
9134 Foster Road
ONLY $100 CASH—3 room house,
Herald phone has been placed
price $500 with $100 cash. 2-room 1 on The
GIRL WANTED to work in tailor
a private line, after several years
postered house, garage and lot 60x
shop. Apply at 9134 Foster Road.
100 ft., near school, for $900, with of poor service. It will now be possi­
- 9-tf
ble, we hope, for subscribers and
$100 cash. D. J. O’Connor, corner those
desiring to transact business
92nd street and Woodstock avenue. with
this office over the wire to reach
Rock eggs for setting in incubator
the office, at least occasionally.
lot« or less: also babv chicks. Mrs.
E. M. Marshall. 102nd St. and 55th
Lester Whitlock of Silverton, a ne­
car line; trade for Ford. Marsh phew of J. C. McGrew, returned to
Ave. Auto 643-53.
5-4tx his home Wednesday after a visit
FOR SALE—Wicker Oriole baby
with his local relatives- Accompany­
buggy; good as new; price $10 00.
ing him was his bride, who was Jane
4419 92nd street. Phone 625-29. 9-lt
.Soulier, and to whom he was wedded
When it comes to being "a good January 8 in France. He left Port­
FOR SALE—Modern 5-room bunga­
for overseas in November.
low, furnace ar.d fireplace; corner provider,” no man would pride him
lot; improved street. Modem. Au self on tarnishing trash liberally for
Robt. Wiliams of Montavilla had
his family. The family Is entitled to
to 642-40. Bargain.
good, wholesome food that helps dinner with J. M. Leitch and family
Friday night. He reports that his
FOR SALE—4-room house and over growth.
It is the same with reading. Good wife, who was operated on in Knox­
1-3 acre of ground; price $1,000;
$200 cash, balance terms.
D. J reading pleases and created its own ville, Tenn-, some weeks ago for can­
O’Connor, Cor. 92nd
___ 2 and Wood- hunger for more good reading. The cerous tumor, is improving rapidly
stock Ave. Auto 626-75.
Youth’s Companion is the best of and expects to return home early in
reading for all—every member—eve­ this month.
FOR RENT—2-room plastered house ry age.
Mrs. Clarence Munson of 84th St.,
with garage and large lot; $15 per
And it comes every week—crowd­
month. Inquire of D. J. O’Connor, ed with the best. Let us prove it entertained the I-af-fo-Lot club at her
home Thursday of last week at
cor. 92nd St. and Woodstock Av.
with a sample.
She had as her guests
Mesdames H. F. Orton, Clarence
FOR SALE—Stove with pas plate; i
Cone, Earl Cone, Homer Burgett,
very reasonable. 6432 86th St. 9-2- ■
alone. It has become the favorite all- John Howe, Earl Diller, Walter San­
Its ders, lohn Hanken, M. C. McCord
DRY FIR WOOD—$10 per cord. the-family weekly of America.
Phone 618-48. 5604 82nd St. 9-4t name is a misnomer, but is retained and C. P. McGrew.
for the sentiment it has generated in
TWO THOROUGHBRED Black Mi­ American homes through its service
A party in honor of the birthdays
norca roosters and eggs for set­ to every age.
of Dr. and Mrs Atwood was held on
ting for sale; also Rose Comb
Only $2 50 for a year of 52 issues. Washington’s birthday at the home
Rhode Island Red eggs. From blue Serial stories, short stories, facts, of the couple at Firland. Their res­
ribbon stock.
C. K. Ferris, 6911 fun. games, puzzles, humor, etc.
pective natal days are the 20th and
47th avenue. Phone Auto 613-82.
24th, so a compromise date was ar­
Commonwealth Ave. and St. Paul St.. ranged and a joint party held on the
Boston, Mass.
22nd, with a few friends in attend­
PLAIN SEWING neatly and prompt­
ance. An appetizing lunch was dis­
ly done at 6647 92nd street.
FOR SALT—O. A. C. Rocks and Leg­ pensed from a tastefully decorated
FOR SALE—Blue Minorca rooster.
horn baby chicks, March 1 hatch. table, the guests uniting in wishing
Blue Minorca eggs for setting;
Order now. 9019 57th avenue at the couple many returns of the day.
Rhode Island Rose Comb eggs for
91st street
™ I
Unfortunate "Apology.
A certain editor of a country news­
paper In Kansas was asked to leave
the community as the result of n typo­
graphical error In bls report of the
wedding of the mayor's daughter, re-
! late* Pep. After exhausting his sup­
ply of large words about the "bluah-
■ Ing bride,” he had Mid: “The large
elaborate bouquet* of rows were
When you can buy whole com for $2.25 per 100;
I punk."
cracked com, $2.50 per 100; ground corn, $2.50
The mayor demanded • correction
per 100; wheat, $3.00 per 100 -$1.80 per bushel;
and apology In the next week'« Issue,
potatoe, $1 per sack and up. FLOUR $1.50 and
all of which the editor wi< glad to
$2.05 and up—while it lasts.
promise. The next Iswue contained :
“We wleh to apologize for the man-
I ner In which we disgraced the beautl-
Automatic (19-34
! ful wedding laat week. Through an I
j error of the typesetter we were made
I to say “the roses were ‘punk.’ What
8929 Foster Road
we wanted to say wax the ‘nosea were
' pink. "—Philadelphia Bulletin.
Classified Ads.
Haul Your Feed
from Front St.?
The men's Bible school had a pray - I
vr meeting in the chureh at 3:30 Sun­
day afternoon. They voted Io have
another on* next Sunday. Th* men’s
Trapper Tells How It Feels to Be claaa is waking up.
The women 'a class praver meeting
is held every Wadnoaday at 2 p. m in i
the annex.
tlhildren’a meeting on Friday al 4
S*ar Hunter Cap*ri*nc*d Uncomfort- p. m., in charge of Violet Littlefield.
Prayer meeting and busineaa meet-
abio Night In Snara Ho Had Pre­
ing of th* church was held laat even
pared for Foreciouo Old Ortuly.
Portland Friend* quarterly mooting
"Old Uosu" was one of the moat fe­ will be held at Weal Piedmont Friend«
rocious bear* in the Rocklea. He waa church today and Saturday. The
a notorious “bad actor," according to church in at the comer of Borthwick
Mr. A. L. Coraou la th* Wids World and Jessup.
Meeting Friday evening with the
Magazine, and fulled all attempt* to
shoot or trap him. ludeed. he aeemed systematic giving superintendent in
to have a charmed life.
Meeting* Saturday at 10 a. m. and
On one occasion a man named Kan­
2 p. m. nre in charge of the evangel­
cock tried to trap him. in plavlng istic superintendent an dwill he meet­
the bait Inside the trap, Hancock ac- ing* for worship.
cldentally touched th* trigger, aud the
Saturday night at 7:30 the regular
log* came dowu and imprisoned him.
quarterly ^Miain«*ss meeting will be
He tried to pry the heavy timber* held.
Next Sunilav service* we hoje to
apart, but found that he could not
shift them an Inch. Front one aide of have some of the quarterly meeting
the trap to th* other he went, uncon­ minister* with ua.
The Aeronauts had a live burine**
sciously imitating the moveiuenta meeting
and social last Friday even­
Bruin would hav* mail* In huutlng ing at the home of their tiuicher. J.
for a weak point. AU bl* efforts wore Emil Swnnson.
Th* pang* of hunger were now com­
ing on, and night was near. Hancock
school at 9:45; good music. I
scraped up som* chips and twig*, made
a tire and roasted part of the deer classes for all aixes and ages
Communion service at tl a. m.. sub 1
that be had brought to batt th* trap
for preaching, “The Divine Sac
with. Being lightly dressed, he suf­ jeet
rilice.” Special music under direction I
fered keeuly from the cold night air. of Mr*. \\ . S. Thompson.
He lay dowu on the ground, but sud­
Young people’* meeting at 6:30;
denly he heard sniffing sounds out­ leader. Mr*. E. A. Smith.
side and detected, by the dim light of
Sunday evening subject. "Parting
th* moon, a dark form gazing through of th.« Way.”
Choir practire Friday evening.
th* chink* between the logs. Hancock
The social given by the Willing
felt safe, although his gun wa* stand­
ing by a tree some distance from the Worker* class was a great success In
trap; Mose—for It wa* no other— every way. The character of the en­
tertainment waa o* the highest stand
seemed to realize the fact.
ard and the result war bett«i than
Knowing his savage nature, Han­ hoped I n* church owes a il« b t ’
cock withdrew to th* other side of the this claa-* and the teacher for th* de
trap as the big form rose up on his Lghtful and elevating entertainment.
hind leg*. He could feel th* bear’s
hot breath surging through batwsen
the logs upon hl* fare; and, fearing
An intermediate Christian Endea­
that tbe brute would thrust his daw*
tn. he kept moving from side to stile. vor society was organized laal Sun
afternoon at the chureh. Six'.- -> r
Daylight came at last, and Mose day
boy* and girls signed the pledge and
trotted off. Again Hancock built a were admitted to the society. Mias
fire and cooked the rest of the deer Hazel Mulkey is superintendent and
meat. He almost decided to set one Clyde Beckelhymer is assistant super
end of the trap on fire and burn his intendent. The society meets at the
way out. But what If he were un­ church.
The Loyal Berian Jr. Sunday school
able to control the blase? If he could
reach his rille, he would he In a posi­ claas of the church will have n busi
tion to shoot his way out. for he had nc«i meeting this evening at 7 o’clock.
Roy* and girls df the class held a
a belt full of cartridges.
recently and the boys lost, *<>
His horse, tired of standing round, contest
they will prepare ami serve supper to
had long ago made for home.
the girls. It will be held in the I miso
Tbe next morning, the neighbor*, ment of the church.
seeing Hancock's horse In the yard,
surmised that the “outlaw of the Rock­
Fashion will acron-pi'sh a great i
ies" had secured another victim. Sev-
eeral cattlemen started out In search work If It gets some of the member*
of Hancock. In the middle of the of tne I. W. W. Into overalls.
afternoon they heard shooting, but at
If the Armenian mandate I« offered
first they could see nothing.
Hancock had torn hla shirt Into to the United Htate* It means that
strips, making n rope about 20 feet none of the other allies wants It
long. He had then tied two stone*
Oh. If Central could get the right
to • string about a yard long and fas­
tened one end of the long line to the number With the promptness with
middle. Then he threw the stones which she can get the wrong one!
out between the cracks of his prison
After buying an egg st a fa«hlon-
toward the rifle. After two hours
of practice he wa* able to drag the able restaurant, one I* convinced that
gun within reach. He then tried rlea- It represents the Ufe work of a gifted
perately to 'it hl* way out by shoot­ hen.
ing holes through a log about a foot
In diameter. Before he got very far
his contraries hail located tbe shots
and released him.
We assure Service and
and Right Prices
"The Best Meat at Lowest Prices"
is the motto of
Egginian’s Meat Market
Leak Proof
Built up layer upon layer of the finest rub­
ber. wek’tfl together with the valve patch vul-
ainized in—not just stuck on—Goodyear
Heavy Tourist Tube» will not allow air to
seep through.
VVe have them in all sizes. Each one comes
in a waterproofed bag. It will be
in perfect condition when you
want to use it.
Come to us when you need the
liest in tires and tubes.
Hard Times
Had Feared th« Worst
It Is a sad thing to have to relate.
Party given March 18th, 8 p. m. .
but Mr. Spongedry came home the oth­
by tho Aeronauts at the Friends
er night “wet." Not externally, but
church. A cordial invitation is
Internally; he had drunk wine or iplr-
extended to the young people of
It* or beer!
Lents. Wear a hard times cos­
With uncertain footsteps be climbed
tume; a prize will be given for
the stairs, with Itchy, nervous fingers
the best one.
“Jesus and His
Friends’’ will be the class topic
he unclothed himself, with swimming
next Sunday morning at 9:45.
bead he lay down tn bls bed.
Mrs. Spongedry had, however, heart! Bessie Schray
Fred Schray
his antl-catllke tread.
Thinking to frighten him, she cov­
Violet Littlefield, Secretary
ered her head with a sheet and ap­
proached hl* bed.
Something Doing Every Minute
Spongedry set up In tied and gazed
In wonder at the spook.
"Who Is thatr he asked.
"I am a ghost t” came the answet
from the sheet.
Phone 615'34
"Ob, that'* all right, then: But you
did give me a fright I I thought you Ho. at.
of the condition ot
were my wife!”—London Tlt-Blta.
The Lents Garage
What H* Llksd.
Mr. T. had visited the D. family
long enough to find that they were
strong on culture but weak on com­
fort*. such aa a sufficient supply ot
hot water, food and even heat On«
cold night he shivered In the living
room while th* members of the family
held a discussion on their pet hobble*
One said that she “dearly loved great
paintings.” another professed a fond
ness for “great works of literature'
and the third spoke eloquently on
“great works of sculptor*.”
Finally It came th* guest's time ts
converse. He ahlvered a minute am!
then gave a feeble «mil«. “Right
now,” he said earnestly, “I have a de
elded fondness for a grate fire.”
New Idea for Tombstone.
Austin J. Harman of Custer, Okla.,
has Invented what he call* a “new
and Improved tombstone." It la de
signed to represent a life-size humar
figure standing erect. For Instance
it might be a soldier. The materia
1* galvanized Iron, made hollow. s<
that the lower part of It m*y be fillet!
with cement to make a heavier base
The body la hollow In order that, II
deaired, it may hold an urn contalnlnf
the aahe* of the deceased. As for th<
head. It I* meant to be screwed on
and may be made * likeness of th«
person for whom the tombstone it
AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor
8919 Foster Road
•I Portland, In tbe Blate of Oregon, at tbe
.Jclose of buaim
Feb. 31. 1911:
Loan»and discount»,.
Overdraft», aecured and uneecured
Bond» and warrant»
Stock», »ecurftlee, judgment», etc
Furniture and fixtures
Other real estate owned
Due froi approved reserve banks
Checks and other caah Item«
Cash on hand. ..
I 16,000 00
Capital »lock paid in
3.ÜUO 00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less expense» and
taxes ¡»aid
Due to bank« and bankers,.
Individual deposits subject
to check................................ *............... ZIS.4S7 «1
i.m «7
Cashier checks outstand In«................
Certified checks.....................................
Time Deposits ......................................
Total ..................................................
The Lents Mercantile Co
Riel* ot Ortigon,
I ,,.
Connly of Maltnomeb, f
I, Ihtrman llarkeoo. Caehler of ths »boss
ñamad benk, do aolemnly aweer that ths
above atatei ml la tras lo lbs beai nt mj
ki.owladge and bellef.
HHKKNAN HARgaoN. Caahler
Corree! A.«Mt
Bobeenbed and ««ora lo betore me tbla Mtb
day ot Feb., 1MI
Notary l'obllc
y comaalMloa espirea Jane ti, l*M
Will promptly fill your or^lera from up-to-date GRO­
DELICACIES anti other good thing* TO EAT. We carry
Special attention given to phone orders, and a new and
dependable deliveryman will get your purchnae* to you
Phone 615-34
Ninety-Second street