Guaranteed Circulation 1500 mt ^rntt Berató 7 Subscription, $1.50 the Year. Sewer Opponents Hold Big Meeting Many Speakers Heard, Including Some of Those in Favor---Vote Favors Opponents Almost Unani­ mously--Mr. Douglas Gives His Views LENTS STATION, PORLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1921 Malar ig the Helpless Independent J VOL. XIX, No. 10 Local Man Bond Loser $1000 Liberty Disappears From Coat Pocket on Monday , • i To loan a >1000 Liberty bond to a friend to us as collateral in a busi­ ness deal and then to have the friend lose the bond from his pocket was the unpleasant experience this week of John H. Donaldson, or “John D”, the local grocer, as he is known to Lents people. Mr. Donaldson had the bond in his lafeMeposit box in the Multnomah State Bank, where it had securely rested since he purchased it several weeks ago. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Donaldson took it from the box and the borrower placed it in his insid ■ coat pocket among some other pa pers and boarded the car for Port­ land. After transacting business along Front street the gentleman went to his home in one of the other suburbs of the city. About 7 o’clock that evening it occurred to him to look for the bond and see if it was where he had placed it. To his sur­ prise and dismay, it was not there and Mr. Donaldson was immediately notified. The matter was reported to the po­ lice detective bureau and steps taken at once to prevent the lost bond from being disposed of. The police are said to be of the opinion that the man’s pocket was not picked, and that the bond will be eventually recovered John D.’s hopes rose with a jump Tuesday evening when his telephone rang and a man's voice inquired if he had advertised a lost bond. Upon be­ ing assured that he had, the interrog­ ator wanted to know what step« had been taken to prevent it from being negotiated, saying he had lost »200 i« a like manner some time ago and he was anxious to know how he coul 1 prevent an unlawful possessor real­ izing upon it. Mr. Donaldson has been assured that the loss will be made good by the person from whose custody the bond disappeared. ,, Ttl* ot -a to press is substantially its M- over the ten-year period allowed for the payment, they claim that such 1 he city council decided not to hold cost is out of proportion to the bene a public inerting on 1" Hednsaday of Ate received and might result in con­ this week, as first pro; >possa, ____ w but „, will fiscation of property. They claim that the proposed a«w- take a post card vote of the property owners affected as a guide to the vr will do tho home owner no eerviee wishes of th.,« living in the district fur a king time to come, aa it is only I his vote will be taken, according to be used for drainage of atreeta. to the engineer's office, la ths next Must of the people who have I h - n cir ten days. It will be purely advisory, culating petitions againal the im as far as the council la eooeernod. pruvsment have also dwelt at length and every homeowner will have on« upon the final cost when the comple­ vote. Irrespective of the value of his tion of the sewerage ayateni la car­ ried out, their estimates varying from holdings. outgrowth of ll.e outdoor relief department of the county charities Tho opposition’s fight Is in the >150 to >600 per lot, the discrepan­ Angele«, glvae an opportunity to persons, wbo otherwise would hands of a oummittee of ten, with a cies in their figures being difficult to tw county chnri'ea, to live Independent live«, or If crippled or handicapped In sub committee of fifty lieutenants as explain. The opponents also ask “why g<> to other ways, partially to support tteemaelvea. Departments have been estab­ aids. Ths district east of 82nd street is said to be practically unanimously the expense of drainage when a pave­ lished where old rtfclos are ntn le over Into new. The photograph shows ths aga'nxt, while from 82nd to 72nd, the ment down the Foster Road can be machine with which paper from ths fumigating department Is shredded for sentiment is reported at thia time to obtained without a aewer T" (The wri­ various uses. favor the project. West of 72nd to ter is unable to understami this claim 62nd, the proponents are as nearly a« no detail» have been furnished, un­ unanimous for as the líente district less by the pavement is meant an 18- foot »trip down the middle of the roiul is opposed. to be built by the county ) The speakers in favor of the mean Saturday Night’s .Meetiag Grange hall wss filled te overflow. uro claim that we should not worry Mrs. May Landon of 89th street is Ing Saturday evening with property, about the eventual coat of the cum The Neighbors of Woodcraft are to owner» of the lent» district who {ilrted eewrragr system as it probah visiting relatives at Gresham. have a 500 party at l^nte grange hall were present to voice their protest y will not be constructed for a num thia (Friday) evening. The community dance given at against the proposed Footer Rond her of year» and that anyway when la-nts school house Saturday evening Mrs W. C. Stearns of 96th street the health board feel» that the Mt. trunk sewer, ss outlined by tho city underwent an operation recently in Scott district ia in absolute need of a was well attended. engineering department. Portland Medical hospital. Wilbur F. Brock of south 92nd sewerage system they will see that it ' E. I,. Harris of Salem visited over­ who hat largo ranch holdings in east­ • constructed, whether we wont it or night one day last week with his sis­ Mrs. William Eatchel of 4541 88th ern Oregon and who makes his home not, aa is in their power to do. It is ter, Mrs. Olive Kelly. 5405 8»th street has been quite ill at her home here during the winter months, called contended that we are bound to need street for the past two weeks. She is re­ the meeting to order aa temporary and have sewers some years from now ported as improving. chairman. He slated the purpose of and that we may aa well start paying Mrs. Ernest Zepplin has been very the meeting to be primarily to study for thia trunk now. which will hel|> HI at her home on 92nd street and Mrs. Fred Hedges, who is employed the question snd not to remonstrate dreg the complete sewer coat over n her little daughter, Ione, is just now at the Katzky Bro«, department store, until all the facte were known and much longer period and make it eaa recovering from the measles. is taking a week’s vacation and her considered ier for everybody. is being filled by Mrs. Lewis Mrs. J. G. la-nhman's family nt place They further state it will be imp«» Nominations for permanent chair “IN OLD NEW ENGLAND" Mt, son. man being in order, T. J. Campbell Bible to get the Foster Road paved 6421 8?n year», who died Friday, was held Under the auspices of the Wood- Intted hail previously appeared before would be unwise and impractical for at Kenworthy chapel Monday at two mere Parent-Teachers association the The ladies of the M. E. church will them to take the Foster Road from the city council, and familiarized o’clock and interment was made in Clackamas Dramatic Club wil 1 give himself with all phases of th« ques­ the county unless it 1» lowered to hold their monthly silver tea at the Multnomah cemetery. an entertainment in the assembly hall tion. he would be a suitable presiding grade anil paved, and they (the city home of Mrs. J. E. Hanken, 5640 84th Wednesday afternoon. March Every Wednesday evening, begin­ of Woodmere school. 80th street. Sat­ officer Mr. Levlng» was duly elected authoritiea) insist that the pavement street. ning with this week, members of Mt. urday evening, March 19. entitled “In and chosen cannot be laid without drainage and 16th. Old New England.” that the most economical drainage is secretary. Mr. and Mrs. James Reardon of Scott Chapter 110, O. E. S„ are giv­ Those who love "Way Down East” A resolution was offered and voted by sewers: that 82 of the 86 sumps Wheeler. Or. are moving to Portland ing dancing lessons to those who are will enjoy again these simple home­ It is upon favorably to the effect that all or cesspools built for street drainage and for n few days are stopping at fond of the light fantastic. loving people ar.J the humorous side «)M-akera lie limited to five minutes In Portland are at the present time the home of « relative, Mrs. Alice planned to give eight lessons in all. of their lives as presented in this each. J. F. Scheuerman inalted upon of no uae, being so filled with mud Steinman, on 88th street. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and play; dressed as real New England the preponents of the proposed aewet that they overflow. people dressed a half-century ago. I ‘ mg allowed whatever reasonable It ia claimed that the defeat of the Little Frank Moodenbaugh of 82nd daughter, Miss Marjory, and Mrs. A. The dresses, hats, wraps, etc., were time waa necessary for them to set aewer project will completely stop the street was recently accidentally shot G. Wright, members of I^nta Eureka inherited by one little lady, who forth their reasons for favoring it. ir­ paving or Foster Road, as there will by Walter Pitt, who was handling a Rebekah lodge, attended the enter­ brought five trunks full to Oregon respective of the five-minute rule. be sufficient property owners to pro­ revolver thought to be unloaded. The tainment given at Orient hall at E. with her. The players will move in Those favoring were Aral called up­ test the construction of a narrow wound was quite an ugly one through 6th an,i Aider streets, Saturday even- an atmosphere of auld lang syne, ing. on and Mr »are Hall, Harrison and atrip of pavement by the county to the leg. with the grandfather’s clock and the Douglas devoted twenty minutes to defeat that project, for they claim A rumor was current that a tract spinning wheel to add realism to the Mrs. S. D. Pomeroy of 5629 88th nddreasea in behalf of the project, Mr. this would only hold up final improve­ street entertained Friday afternoon of land situated east of the city was play. Hall taking ten minutes of the time. ment. The players have ability and en­ Mr. Harrison's talk waa very moder- They state that increased values in in honor of her little daughter Lois. being considered as a suitable site for thusiasm and as the play is bubbling nte and fair, and elicited cheer», even property all over the Mt. Scott dis­ The guests were three little school the 1925 Portland fair. Upon inves over with merriment, all will enjoy from those of the opposition. trict would result from the improve mates, Isabel Jamison, Charlotte tigation by the Herald it was found it, young and old alike. Good music that some of those actively interested There were at least fifteen spealrera menta, an amount far above the cost Sullivan and Vivian Howe. in the proposed exposition had visit­ will be a feature of the evening Come in the opposition'» camp who spoke of the sewer. ed the section last week, four auto­ and bring your friends. Children 15c, The Herald is in receipt of an in­ against the measure for five minutes They alao call attention to the fact adults 25c, including war tax. each. Chairman I,evinga called Mr. that the city planning commission’s teresting letter from Mr. and Mrs. C. loads in the party, but that it was be­ Brock to the chair and took the floor plan to eventually make Foster Road P. Blanchard, who are wMl known to lieved by those who came in contact himoelf, going over the points pre one of the five wide highways radiat­ residents of this locality. They were with the party that this locality is NO REASON FOR BEGGING at the inauguration of Presi­ not in the running.. The principal ob­ ON PORTLAND STREETS vioualy made and emphasizing their ing from the oast side into the heart present 1 importance. of tho city will be indefinitely held up dent Harding and have visited many jection to it seemed to be the overflow from Johnson Creek. Rocky Butte daces of Interest in the east. Their Several «peaker» from the Johnson If the paving of thia link of the high­ No reason exists for any able-bod­ Creek neighborhood were heard, and way is defeated. They point to the etter will appear in next week's issue is understood to be the site most fav­ ied man in Portland begging food or orably mentioned. of the Herald. lodgin or “mooching” on the streets, it was brought out that should an at­ fact that when the Foster Road la ex- 1 tempt be made to empty surface wa­ tended In almost a straight line from i was the substance of a communica­ tion, issued recently by the American ter In the creek an Injunction will be Anabel to Grand Avenue aa the com sought from the cuurte, upon the mission proposes, it will bring the Mt. Legion unemployment committee. ground that the creek will not take Scott district approximately a mile "The unemployment committee has the Portland situation so well in hand care of the surface water flowing In­ closer to tho Hawthorne bridge in that there is no justification for any to it at the prevent time, and any in­ distance travelled, resulting in large crease in the quantity will enhance increases in property values in our able-bodied bread winner seeking alms in the city,” it said. “We can the damage to adjacent lands from district give every man at least enough work the overflow every season. I will nut take any more of your each day to provide food and shelter A resolution was offered to the fol­ valuable apace, but in dosing wish to By CALVIN COOLIDGE, Vice President-Elect. lowing effect: First, it waa the sens« state my belief that the wise man will for himself and dependents, if any.” Members of the committee said that of the meeting that the people east not do himoelf and his property the it had come to their attention »hat of 72nd street opposed the drainage injustice of making snap judgment on I sjieak in l.ehalf of higher education. There is many had availed themselves of the district as proposed. Second, that a measure of such importance to the offered and then had gone to the the chairman be authorized to appoint future of '4T district, but before the need not only of patriotic ideals and a trained intelli­ jobs Salvation Army and similar institu­ a committee of ten to act with the postcards on which he will east his gence in our economic life, but also of a deep under ­ tions to beg lodgings and meals. The chair and secretary In leading the vote are issued from the city hall, he public is asked by the communication fight against the sower district. will listen to the arguments on both standing of man and his relationship to the physical to refer all caught begging to the un­ Third, each member of the committee sides of the question, cooly and ju­ often be empowered to appoint » diciously, and then cast his vote in ac­ universe and to his fellow plan. There lias always employment committee, where it is that work awaits every de­ sub-eommittoe of five as personal cordance with whether he figures the been evil in the world. There are evil forces at work declared serving person. lieutenants. improvement will increase the value now. They are apparently organized and seek dis­ The resolution waa then put to a of property in a larger degree than LENTS PARENT-TEACHERS vote and all in the hall except three the amount of the assessment or vice integration of society. They can almost be recognized voted in favor. A collection waa tak versa, taking into consideration the MEETS FRIDAY AFTERNOON en, amounting to about >20, to defray undoubted fact that he will have to by a direct appeal to selfishness. They deny that the the expenses incidental to the meet­ pay for sewers at soma time. Lents Parent-Teachers association present relationship of men has any sound basis for ing. etc . after which adjournment Yours truly, meets in the assembly hall of the Its existence. They point out to men with untrained school, Friday, March 18th, at 2:45 was i nordor. G. P. DOUGI-AS. There were no representatives pres minds that it takes effort to maintain themselves and support government p, m. The speaker of the afternoon Secretary-Treasurer, Woodmere Com ent from the eity engineer’s office, will be Dr. F. C. Kohs, teacher of munity Club although a report was current that and claim that they ought to exist without effort on the accumulation of psychology, whose subject will be: they had been invited to attend. This others and the denial that men have any obligations toward one another. "The Misfit Child.” Other numbers Mr. Johnson of the engineer's office DRUNKEN DRIVER GETS on the program will be songs by the stated to the Herald was not true. FINE AND JAIL SENTENCE The answer to this lies in a knowledge of past human experience and a pupils of Miss McDonald’s and Miss Chapman's rooms, and a piano solo realization of what man is. Favors the Sewer Project by a pupil of Miss Alton’s room A A fine of 3100 and ten days in jail The sources of the state of mind which supports civilization are edu ­ fclitor of the Herald: Considera­ waa the sentence meted out by Judge plant will be given to the room hav­ tion of the proposed aewer under Fos­ Rossman Saturday in the case of P. ration and religion. We hold by the modem standards of society. We ing the greatest number of mothers present. Refreshments will be serv­ ter Road and 92nd street for the pur­ Weber of I'onte, charged with driving pose of furnishing drainage for those an automobile while intoxicated. believe in maintaining modern civilization for the protection and support ed. Mrs. P. A. Kennedy is chairman of the refreshment committee. streets should not be undertaken with Weber was arrested on East Third of free government and the development of the economic welfare. The Crown Products Co. will dem­ any partisan feeling In the minds of street after midnight on February 23. The great test of an institution is the ability to perpetuate itself. It onstrate Mazola oil the residents who will be called upon The authorities are said to have to vote In the near future for or found two thirds of s gallon of moon seems fairly plain that these institutions ran survive with the aid of CATALOG DISPLAY AT against the construction; such feel­ shine in his car. ing cannot possibly help their Inter­ A woman was riding with him in higher education. Without it they have not the slightest chance. LENTS BRANCH LIBRARY ests but may damage them to a large ths car. Leniency waa asked for him We justify the greater and greater accumulation of capital because by counsel on the grounds that degree. At the Lents library an interesting Let th«n give careful thought to he had a wife and a baby on a few we believe that thereupon flows the support of all science, art, learning and timely display of new seed cata­ how the proposed Improvements will months old to support. The judge and the charities which minister to the humanities of life, all carrying logues may be seen, also magazines affect their property values, both at refused to rteonsider his verdict from their beneficent effects to the people aa a whole. showing house plans are at the dis­ the nature or the evidence in the case. the present time ana in the future. posal of the public. Thia is really an The speakers against the improve­ Weber faces arrest by federal author­ Unless this is measurably true, our system of civilisation ought to advantage, for nothing is shown in ments lay stress on the cost and al­ ities on the charge of transporting stand condemned. our public libraries that is not <*u- though they admit that the cost of' liquor when he is released from the .thentic and one may many times ob­ the proposed aewer to the owner of city jail. tain help and suggestions. Local News-- Personal Gossip Organized Evil Forces at Work; Seek the Disintegration of Society. FIFTY-EIGHTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY OBSERVED Beni“m,n Waggener. of 6639 85th street, celebrat'd their fifty-eighth wedding anniversary ’ast i- riday afternoon at the home of their daughter. Mrs. Harry Chapin, 668.3 87th street. -V“1 Mrs w®ltFener are aged 81 and 75 years respectively, snd have five children living. They were the recipient« of several presents, among which was a pin presented to Mrs. Waggener on behalf of the members of the Shiloh circle of the Ladies of the G. A. R., of which Mrs. Waggen­ er is a member, the presentation speech being made by Mr» Hamlin, president of Shiloh circle. John Walrod, commander of Reuben Wilson post, in behalf of the G. A. R. presented Mr. Waggener with >10. Rev. Sibley, pastor of the Lents M. E. church, presented the couple with >5 aa a gift from the members of the church. The guests were: Rev. and Mrs. Sibley. Mr and Mrs. J. M. Bellett, Mr. and Mrs J. F. Scheurman, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jake, Rev and Mrs. E A. Smith. Mrs. James McSloy, Mrs. Conradt. Claud Daleron, Mrs. Mary Lawrence, Mrs. Anna M. Melvin, Mrs. Charles McGill, Mrs. T O. Connell. Mrs. Ray Schemerhorn. Mrs. John A. Graves, Mrs. H. F. Amest. Mrs. Alma J. Lord, Mrs. E. M. Seheuerman. John Walrod, 0. V. Dudley, M. McGreer. Mrs. John Maffet, Mr. and Mrs. D. F Badley, Mrs. C. Norene. Mrs. I.. W. Davis, Mrs. J. T. Strahi, Mrs. Alice Woodworth, Mr». Alice Peterson. Mrs. Joe Bush, Mrs. John Huskey, Mrs. Mary Wilkinson. Mrs. Chester •McGrew, Mr and Mrs. J. C. McGrew, R. J. Tussey, Mrs. E. A. Dennis. Mrs. Ray L. Davis and daughter Helen and son Hugh. Mrs. E. A. Hamlin, F. E. Ziggar, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jake and Mrs. Relle Elwood. LENTS PARENT-TEACHERS HAS'LARGE MEMBERSHIP That the Lente Parent-Teacher as­ sociation is in a flourishing condition is shown by the roll of that body, to which seventeen new names were re­ cently added. Under the direction of the president, Mrs. F. O. McGrew, and the various other officers and committees, the association has been active of late in the promotion of af- fairs within the___________ scope of its ___ objects. ____ _ The community dances which the or­ ganization has promoted during the last few months have been well sup­ ported and have furnished much en joyment to those who have attended. The roll of members is as follows: Miss Mayce Alton, Mrs. Carrie Ab­ sher, Miss Jessie Armstrong, Mrs. E. Brunning, Mrs. A. Brugger. Mrs. H. L, Banker. Mrs A Barr, Mrs. Black. Miss Loretta Chapman. Mrs. Chas. Chick, Mrs. A. E. Droste. Miss Marion Dickey, Mrs. Maud Darnall, Miss Ruth Damon, Miss E. E. Evarts. Miss Nita Farmer, Mrs C. L. Geselle, Mrs. O. A. Hess, Miss Ijiura Harvey. Mrs. May Howe, Mrs. Blanche E. Heden, Mrs. Ray Hansberry. Mrs. Axel Johnson, Mrs. P. J. Joerg, Mrs. H. Jossy, Mrs. Otto Katzky. Mrs. Leo Katzky. Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. P. A. Ken­ nedy, Mis Evelyn lawrenson. Mrs. James Leitch, Mrs. Laura I. I>each. Mrs. Alice Locke. Mrs. Lienkemper, Mrs. G. E. Locke, Mrs. A. Mathes. Mrs. Munson. Mrs. Elizabeth Mir- wald, Mrs. G. W. McKay, Mrs. Mel­ vin C. McCord, Mrs. F. 0. McGrew, Miss Noreen McDonald, Mrs. Thos. McSloy, Mrs. Mabel Marcy, Miss Gladys Michael. Miss Hollis Michaels. Miss Mary Mancur. Miss Bess OOs- bome, Mrs. Clyde Sager. Mrs. E. Sny­ der, Miss Amy Steinberge. Mrs. W. F. Sanders. Mr. B. A. Thaxter, Miss Ma- tie Train, Miss Clara Vaughan. Miss Grace Wolverton, Miss Eva Wash. Money Goes to Clarence I Totals in Trade-at Home Contest Shows Some Changes Clarence O’Neil kept up the rw-t Uns week in the trade-at-homo contest and turned in a total of 100,600 vote« sufficient to win the >5 prize. There were several other contestants with H.rc<. to ready, but as the hour for turning in the coupons found sev­ eral around the Herald office, and they had an opportunity to see the total of Clarence, it served to damp­ en their enthusiasm, as he undoubt­ edly had more in reserve. A new entrant who should t-WYs been credited last week is Gena E. Locke, with a total of 15,500. Mrs. B. S. Jones increased her totals te 61300 and other slight changes will be noticed in the standing below Clarence O’Neil .. 256AM Margaret I^itch . 153364 Mrs. B. fi. Jones . <1340 Gena T. Locke ... 15366 O M. Shields .... 4366 Miss E. V Barker 23M Miss Helen Kanne 2.900 Claudine Moore ... 1366 Lucille Dugan ... <66 Lester Calvert........................... ...... 550 For this week’s contest the name of Blue Bird Cleaners, the well known Foster Rood firm at Arteta station, has been chosen. They do a cleaning, pressing and dyeing business in »Mir locality and patrons speak highly of their service. Find the letter accord­ ing to the details on the contest page. PLANS UNDER WAY FOR PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL The 1921 Rose Festival board has been organized and Henry W. Kent, executive secretary of the Portland Service League appointed chairman of the floral parade committee. Mr. Kent has name each group. oX approximately ten neighbor« will be given first, second and thiid prizes for the three best gardens. This will mean that about 36 boys and girls will ride in the precinct ears that are to be decorated by the people of the precinct with flowers grown in the precinct by the boys and girls. Assistance of the men and woman will be permitted but on a score of points the boy or girl who does ail «f the work will gain in points. The committee is especially anxiem that sweet peas be planted at once aa that they will be in bloom by June 8. Any good seed catalogue will give full directions or the Portland seed houses will do so. All rose bushes should be carefully pruned, fertilized and sprayed at once in order to get the best bloom. Save your puttings and plant them in the garden for future use. For further information, call office of the Fort- land Service league. Auto. 552-22. LENTS GRANGE IN SESSION ALL DAY ON SATURDAY Lents Grange will meet in Grange hall Saturday in all day session, la LENTS FIREMAN INJURED WHEN CHEMICALS EXPLODE the morning the first and second de­ grees will be onferred. In the after­ noon there will be a flag presentation G. G Faulkner. 32 years old, 9623 by Mesdames Thomas and Pollock. Sixtieth avenue, was severely burned Rev. E. A. Smith will deliver an ap­ about the face and hands last Tues­ propriate address and there will be • day evening when chemicals he was reading by Mrs. Robinson and a solo mixing at the Sixteenth and Wash­ by little Miss Hedin. W. S. U'Raa. ington street fire station exploded. well known to grange members, wttl Faulkner is a fireman and was en deliver an address on “Peoples’ Pow­ gaged in mixing sugar, potash and er League proposed amendment for sulphuric when the concoction explod­ abolition of the state senate and elec­ ed while he waa bending over it. tion of the legislature on the basis of He was taken to the emergency the people’s business occupation in­ hospital, where his injuries wen' stead of their political parties.’’ The dressed. Re was later removed to his degree team of Russelville Grange home. Although painful, his injuries will attend and at 3:30 will put on the are not serious, according to physic­ work of the third and fourth degrees. ians. EVANGEL1CAN CHURCH "PEEPING TOM" CAPTURED AND DRAWS >50 PENALTY Rev. F. B. Culver, pastor. Preach­ ing at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Standay A "Peeping Tom” in the neighbor­ school at 9:45 and Y. P. A. at <:36- hood of 54th avenue and 74th street We desire to call your attention to was caught by police officers Tues­ the special literary and musical pro­ day evening and taken to the police gram to be given m the church aum- station in the patrol wagon. Shots tc-rium on Friday night, March lata, fired by the officers brought the chap under the direction of the Y. r. A. to time. His sentence was a >56 fine The purpose of this program is to and one day in jail. He was alleged secure an offering for the «uperanme- to have been peering in the windows ated fund of the church. No of two young girls. He is said tn sion will be charged, but small bags have a wife and family. will be handed out with the request that those desiring to do so. place aa M. E. LEAGUE NOTES manv pennies within aa they are years old. The committee has ar­ The beautiful silver cup given biy ranged for some splendid tatent. ae Dr. Youngson for the best average that you will find it well worth while attendance according to membership, to reserve this evening for the pro- at the mid-winter institute held at First church, was won by Lente, with UrTh*e young men’s class spent a de­ lightful evening on Friday last with an attendance of 56 per cent The monthly business meeting of Clarence O’Neil at the home ofhto the league was held Tuesday evening aunt. Mrs Dilley, on at the home of Mrs. Hazel Altermatt. This interesting class is made up or Thirteen members were present and about twenty live voungmenjrttn three new names added to the roll. Rev. Culver as their teacher. BesMa« A hard times party is to be given on having a class organization, it has two basketball team», March 18. erv Saturday n'^ht at Washingtea Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Perkins have high school. The second JL sold their store at 65th avenue and Tom O’Brien m star 88th street and their future home will self out with the team from the be Medford, where Mr. Perkins and ■ eon Verne will conduct an electric ap- ¿ay night, istian Brothers. __ i p lian ce atore ' of Christis