Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 04, 1921, Image 2

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    P. LARSEN, Real Estate, Insurance
M n VI N G
Social Happenings
and Arleta Events
iVlvx ▼ 1 1
One Way from Portland to Lents
6702 Foster Road
PHONES ............ Residence Main 3369
Business AuL 610-79
We Can Move
You Out of the Muddy Street
Phone 612-69
8822 Foster Road
9111 Foster Road--Lents
Phone 619-13
“Kid“ Social Great Succea*
Th« “kid” social at Millan! Avenue
church was a huge success. An im­
promptu program afforded much fun.
Old fashioned gam«« were played in
the basement.
After the grand
march of the “kids.” in which the
judges made their decision. th* prises
were awarded to Mrs. F. E. Crum for
the ladies and Mr. Mallet, for the
gentlemen Mrs. Crum in a checked
J gingham apron, with a bow on the
of her head and her hair hanging
■a top
down her back, was a most pleasing
miss of “sweet sixteen ." Mr. Mallet
was “Huckleberry Finn’, true to life.
Special mention was made of Mrs.
Ray Orendorff, in a charming pink
frock, half-socks and Miry Jane
slippers, and of Mrs Chas Demeter.
The judges were R D. Armstrong.
Mr. Hunt and Wm. Dillon. Delicious
refreshments of cherry pie with
whipped cream, and n-mch. were dis­
tributed. Several gifts of annrecia-
tinn were made tn the schoolmistress.
Wm. Worrell.
Those who took nart in the pro­
gram were “Gl»-»:e” Sanders. "Ma­
rie” Crum. “Mag'”’»” Jefferies “Bird­
ie” Ormandv. "P’thie” Demeter.
“Zoeie” Sanders. "Raby Esther” Or­
The entertainment was given under
the auspices of the Welfare club of
the church, and 214 was netted.
tot all kinds of
Sheet Metal Work
I make Copper, Tin and Galvanized Wash Boilers.
Champion Chicken Founts. Hoppers. Feeders. Metal Hens’
Nests, Trap Nests, Brooder Canopies, &c. Stoves, Pipes and
Elbows. I can save you money on Furnaces.
All Work Guaranteed. Repairing a Specialty.
• ••
General Repairing and Overhauling. Expert Tube
Vulcanizing. Battery and Magneto Recharging.
Welding and Brazing.
^lining in an
Sizes '
Quality accessories
Boy Scout Notes
The Boy Scouts. Roy Sequist Troop
215, surprised the people attending
prayer meeting at fourth U. B.
church this week.
They bought
doughnuts and made the coffee them­
selves, turning .Mrs. Gaines out of her
home and using her kitchen for their
culinary efforts- They put their re­
freshments in through the church
windows and were ready with sur­
prise when the prayer meeting was
over. The record attendance of 40 at
prayer meeting were agreeably sur­
prised at the ability and thoughtful­
ness of the boys.
Chas. Guthene has been appointed
one of the committeemen of the Boy-
Scout troop. Mr. Guthene is super­
intendent of the Fourth U. B. Sunday
50th and Powell Valley Road
Phone 616-62
-.............................. -
( i........................
Laurelwood Congregational Church
Regular services; Sunday school at
10 a. m.; Preaching. 11 a. m., “Beth­
any"; C. E., 6 p. ru ; preaching. 7:30
p. ni.; Rev Mrs J. J. Handsaker.
W for Diamond Tires and Tubes; also Fisk
Fisk Tires and Tubes; with New Stock of all
sizes to fit your car. We guarantee our tires and
give all service possible.
Millard Ave. Presbyterian Church
Rev. Henry White, pastor; Sunday
school 10 a. m; preaching. Ila. m.,
subject, "Interdependent Human Be­
lationship”; C. E. 6:45 p. rn.; preach-
ing 7:30, "Peter Before and After
Successors to
Myers Garage and Machine Shop
10004 Foster Road and Darrin Avenue
A. 0. Kenworthy & Co.
Service Given Day
or Night
Close Proximity to Cemeteries
Enables Us to Hold Funerals
at a Minimum Expense
Phone 618-21
5802-4 92nd St.
Lents Sta.
Phone 640-57
25c g-
5814 Ninety-second Street
Many Affairs of Interest to Community
Related in Entertaining Way by
Herald Correspondent
Except Sunday, at Lents station,
arrives at 7:36 a. m., 12:50 p. m.,
and departs at 9:20 a. m., 12:30 and
5:30 p. m.
Every day 2 to 6 p. m. Monday,
Wednesday and Saturday, from 2 to
9 p. m.
Phone 625*17
5228 72nd St. S. E., Portland, Or.
L. C. Pullen
O. M Butter
Ice, Wood, Coal and Feed
Sand and Gravel
Near East Relief Meeting
J. J Handsaker of the Near East
Relief attended the luncheon at the
Portland hotel. Tuesday. March 1.
More than 100 representative busi­
ness men from ail parts of the state
were there, representing civic, com­
mercial organization« and the church­
es. Gov. Ben Olcott presided. Ixxal
Boy Scouts had gathered roots, herbs,
grasses and leaves, which formed the
first item on the menu
Such is the
substance on which the Chinese live at
present—those things ground into a
species of meal, which, used with wa­
ter, is made into cake or bread. Of
the famine sufferers, 10.000,000 are
children. As an added object lesson,
the "eats” of the banquet were com­
posed of the surplus foods of our
state, such as wheat, flour, canned
A statewide
salmon, prunes, etc.
drive will soon be made to secure
these various articles for shipment to
the Orient. Co-operation was pledged
by state-wide Sunday school and
church associations and women’s or­
Boys Endanger Pedestrians
Several complaints have been heard
regarding boys who ride bicycles on
55th avenue after dark without lights.
A party coming in from town the
other night narrowly missed running
down a couple of youths who zig­
zagged from one side of the street to
the other. Being without lights, it is
a wonder they were not killed. The
practice is common in this section
and should be stopped before some
lad is made to pay the extreme pen­
alty for his foolishness and careless­
ness. There is a law governing traf­
fic and we should insist upon its en­
Arleta Theater
An especially fine week’s enter­
tainment is ahead for the patrons of
Arleta theater. As usual. Manager
cante n Plowing and Excavating
White has first-class films to offer.
Prompt Service
Ixiok over this list and see if every
one is not up to standard.
Friday, March 4, Wanda Hawley in
"Food for Scandal”; Saturday, Ros­
coe Arbuckle in "The Round-Up”;
Sunday, Wally Reid in "Sick Abed”;
Mack Sen nett comedy, “!>et ’er Go”;
••x Monday and Tuesday, Chas. Ray in
Peaceful Valley"; episode 8 in “Fight­
ing Fate”
Wednesday, Frank Mayo in “Honor
Bound”; two-reel comedy, “Loose
Thursday, Ethel Clayton, in "A La­
dy In Ixive”; last episode, “Ruth of
the Rockies.”
Tn addition to these main attrac­
tions, there will be the usual added
films depicting current events, maga­
zines, comic and scenic drawing
Inh Print in a 01 the better classat
JOO rnuung Herald. Phone 622-28
Mt. Scott Herald Trade-at-Home Contest
Mt Scott Herald, Lents Sta., Portland, Oregon,
Please credit this coupon
Woodmere School
Woodmere resident«
reason to be proud of the
by Woodmere «chool last
have every
record made
month. Five
day evening Mr White v»rv g*n»r
ously offered hi* theater to the resi
dents of Arteta ami surrounding dis­
trict in which to hold the vorv import
Published Everv Friday at tents
ant meeting regarding improvement
Hist ion. Portland, Oroson.
of Foater Road
He was called Into ......................-
the country early in the morning of Goo. A. McArthur.
Tuesday and did not know that the
enterprising cilia*»* of hi* district
Entered as second-rissa mall mat­
had taken him at his word and issued ter February 14, 1*14. at th* post
s call to a mas* meeting for this
Wednesday. It was then too late to oftlce at tent*. Oregon, under art at
notify hi» patrons of the change of Con groes. March *. 1ST*.
program. He assure* alt. however, Subscription Prie»
81.50 a year
that they will certainly be afforded a
chance to see the picture scheduled
III* Nlnety-eeoend Street
at x later date, which will be duly an­
Phone 622-21
nounced nnd advertised.
mt. Scott Herald
Welfare Club Elect« Officer»
The Welfare club of the Millard
Avenu« Presbyterian church will meet
Tuesday evening. March 8. at 8
o’clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
(’has Demeter. 7820 55th avenue.
This is an important meeting, as
nomination and election of officer»
wit] take place. Installation will be
made at the April meeting.
The present officers of th« club are
Win. L. Ormandy. pre».; Glen San
ders, vice-pres ; Mi»» Strang, secre­
tary and treasurer.
At th« next meeting th« office« of
secretary and tre.xsurer will be »»par
atol and each elected
The club Is
growing and doing big things for the
rooms were 95 per cent or over in
had not
—K— Eleven
---------- rooms
--------- -------
one tardy mark for th« month; 310
children had perfect attendance this
first month, 129 of them being in the
primary grade and 181 in the upper
grade*. That is a record hard to
beat. It would bo interesting to
know how it'compares with ths rec­
ord made in the other schools of the
southeastern district.
At th* rocen: Alaskan picture ex­
hibit. given by Mr. Lewis, entitled
Dorothy, enough funds were pro-
cured for the new records which th*
school has purchased.
The baseball boys have two proc
tie* games this week, Tuesday with
Bruce Evan« Meetings
Moodstock school on the Woodstock
Bruce Evans is making good in this
grounds and Thursday. Arteta boys on district. He guv« two moat interest
Arleta grounds
ing address«* at Arlet* Baptist
On March 10 the Woodmere Parent- church last Sunday. Th« house was
Teacher association will hold regular filled and every one enthusiastic. The
The program begins at 3 new junior chorus, under direction of
o clock, and an interesting and in­ Mr. McFall, sang for the first time on
structive feature will be “Health Sunday morning. There are 60 voices
Talks to Mothers.”
in the chorus and the ag« of the
On Saturday evening, under the youngsters rang» from 9 to 15 years
auspices of the Woodmere Parent- More young people are Invited to Join
Teacher association, a community the rhorus.
dance will be held in the assembly
Monday night Bruce spoke on “The
Good orchestra music will b* Church With a Hobble Skirt." -He
™roished. A small admission charge will speak each weekday night at
will be apked, the proceeds going to 7:45 and at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
the purchase of a picture for the Sundays. Children may hoar him ev­
ery afternoon at 3:20
Under the auspices of the Wood-
mere Parent-Teacher association, the
"Stunt” Partv
Clackamas Dramatic club will pres
On Tuesday evening of last week, a
ent “In Old New England" in the as­ "stunt” party was held at ths home
sembly hall on March 19 More will | of Mr*. Parson*. 7820 55th svwnue.
be said about this delightful play in I The impromptu program included
the next issues of this paper.
•rand opera
Some impersonations
A new motor for the phonograph pictured happening» of current ev­
and some late records have been pur­ ents and a few original "stunts".
chased by th* school, which of course I e«t*r Dungan, the “master mind.”
is a big benefit U> the musical part of put on th* program. The Armenian
the school work
Relief wax portrayed by Chas. Deme­
Woodmere school opened as usual ter dressed as an Armenian mother,
Monday with a good attendance. In and Baby David Demeter a* the. half-
about one week more it is hoped all starved baby. Mrs. Glen Sanders and
the “carriers’’ will be cleared up and Mr*. Leslie Dungan represented the
conditions returned to normal.
"coming of tba white man.’’ A chorus
„ Miss Granberg is ill and Mrs. Ella of three, Mrs. Cha*. Demeter, Mrs.
Brown-Alcorn is substituting in her Hazel Kilduff and Zoe Sanders sang
prettily a number of late selggtioru
After other stunts too numerous to
Pastors .Exchange Pulpit*
mention, ths whole crowd sang old
Rev. Henry White, pastor of the songs of long ago, with Hazel Kii-
Millard Ave. Presbyterian church, ex- duff at the piano.
changed . pulpits
W. W.
Mrs. Parsons served heaping plat­
1 « xex • e of if Forbes
1» ex»i. . Presbyterian church
ters of her blue ribbon doughnuts
Sunday evening last Mr. White says with coffee. Many were ths expres­
there was a large congregation at sions of pleasure voiced by these
Forbes church to hear him. and an in­ present, Mrs. Janies Kilduff and son
teresting time was had by all. Rev. Edward, Mr and Mrs. l-eelte Dungan
Mr. Long delighted th* audience here, and small sons. Archie, Holland and
many being pleased to meet him for l-esli*. Nr. and Mrs. Arthur Kilduff
his own personality. Mrs. Long is a nnd son Clarence, Mr. and Mrs Fred
sweet singer and as well known in Anspach, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kil­
her line, perhaps, as her husband is duff, Mr. and Mrs. Georgs Colvsy and
in his.
son Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Glen San­
dors and daughter Zoe. Mr. and Mrs.
Library Notes
Chas. Demeter and son David.
An interesting exhibit at the Ar­
leta library bids fair to attract a deal
R*v. Own Day has been Invited to
of attention. Presented to view is a speak at Reed College at an early
group of damaged books—books mud
stained and books rain-soaked, books
At ths Arteta school an assembly
marked with pencil and books which was held Tuesday afternoon at 2
the baby of the house used to play o’clock to enable the children to hear
with and consequently tore. Careless- Bruce Evans, th* interesting speaker.
m ss in many ways is responsible for Apparently he reached the children,
the condition of the books on exhibi­ judging from the youngsters’ re­
tion and the lesson will not go un­ marks after the meeting.
heeded, of course.
Mrs. Fred Rce*e, 5319 72nd street,
A stereoptieon lecture will be given is suffering from a severe cold and
at the usual children’s hour on la gnppe.
Thursday of next week, at the Arleta
.Margaret Ormandy, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ormandy. 71.32te
•Miss Rice, the children’s librarian, 55th avenue, is in bed suffering with
has been ill for a few days but is complications resulting from an ul­
back at work again.
cerated tooth
Friend* of Mr*. Alton Conner,
5509S 72nd street, will be delighted
Repair Work Delayed
Mr. Johnson, from Commissioner to know she is recovering rapidly
Barbour’s office, told the Herald cor­ from her recent illness.
Miss Lucille Marsh, a daughter of
respondent Wednesday that, weather
permitting, the repair work on 50th A. E. Marsh, 7111 55th avenue, is
avenue, from 60 to 68th street, would confined to her bed with a serious at­
be done in the course of a few days. tack of the grippe.
Mary Ellen and Holen Virginia,
It seems the work cannot be done in
the rainy weather and the mud, which daughter* of Mr. and Mrs. John
is the very time it is needed. It is Holmes, of 7702 57th avenue, are both
Dr. Walter
too bad we have to wait until the dry down with pneumonia.
weather to have provision made to Anderson is earing for them.
Little Margaret Exline is one of the
keep us out of th emud. A week ago
all material was ready for the job ex­ severe diptheric cases so prevalent In
Last reports were
cepting the crushed rock; now there this district now
are no screenings ready. It looks as that she was doing as well as could
though someone with more “pep” i be expected.
beat us to it and got the goods. Any I
Mrs. Glen Sanden, Mn. Chas. De­
way, if the weather stays clear we meter, Mrs. W. L. Ormandy and the
may expect to see the mud hole fixed; Misses Hollingworth and Zoe San
if it rains, we will continue to wade den attended and enjoyed a students
recital given by Madame Gillispe at
in mud.
17th and Morrison streets last Mon­
New Light* Needed in Park
day eeening
Miss Ost, a talented
Ix>t us not forget to request, and if reader, was the feature of the recital.
Mental Culture Club
need be, demand, lights in our new
park this summer. It is none too soon met at the library last evening. I’rof.
to be thinking about it and working Sweetser of Eugene gave a stereop­
toward that end. As we all know by ticon lecture on the destruction of
experience out here, it takes our city wild flowers and shrubs.
Friends of Miss Ruth Gentry, who
fathers some time in which to turn
around - they are not swift, certain underwent * serious operation at
sure. And if we want lights in our Goo d Samaritan hospital several
parks, now is the time to agitate the weeks ago will be pleased to know
that she is at home and improving as
rapidly as could be expected.
Mr. Prideaux, principal of the
The Arleta Parent-Teachers associ­ Woodstock school, was forced to be
ation will hold a business meeting in absent from duty a few days recently
the near future, notice of which will on account of a bad case of tonsilitte.
At the home of Mrs. Eugene Mc­
be duly sent to those interested. The
association is delighted to know that Cormack, the women’s home and for­
Mrs. Sadie-Orr Dunbar, president, eign missionary society of Anabel
will be able to take charge at this Presbyterian church met Wednesday
meeting. Some of the things of vital afternoon at 1:30 p. m. The ladies
importance to the district which will enjoyed an exceptionally fine pro­
be discusser! at this meeting are the gram.
Th* Anabel Presbyterian mission­
establishment of a milk depot at Ar­
leta school, investigation of need of ary study class meets regularly every
a kindergarten there and the possi­ Wednesday at the home of Mrs. G. N.
Beaumont, 5220 37th avenue.
bility of obtaining one.
A. W. Johnson, 5111 42nd avenue,
an employe of the Portland Railway,
An Explanation
Manager White of Arleta theater Light A Power Co., who broke his
feels that an explanation la due his am and lost one thumb In a serious
patrons concerning the failure to accident, is at home now after spend­
show the advertised picture Wedner- ing several weeks in the hospital. He
KVANGEI.ICAN t ilt Ki ll
Th* young men’s class of th* Sun­
day «chool will meet on Fri<lay tughl
at 7:30 for its business meeting at the
home of Clareucv O'Neil. 96 W 1'uater
Since the meeting* at Mt. Scott
hav* closed, Rev. Culver will again
be regularly in hi* pulpit. Sun
day morning his pulpit was very ably
tilled by Key Shupp. Ilia sermon on
“The Greatness of Christ” was u
masterpiece of sound Bible lh«>»tegv.
Singularly, Sunday night Rev. Culvei
R reached from th,, outlm«« of one of
ev. Shupp's sermons which he had
heard him deliver twenty-four years
At a meeting of the society, it wm
decided that w* should eugagv Dave
Hill, the "lumberjack evangelist,"
for a two week* revival campaign, to
be assisted by Rev. F. L Stevens, of
Los Angel««
Th««e meetings will
begin April 17 and continue over
three Sundays. Both nwn are strong
exponents of the Word a* well ns sx-
ceBrnt singers ami we are anticipat­
ing great things for the church and
community during their stay among
The Sunday school contest reach*«!
a climax Tuesday night of last w*»k.
when the losing side, the Whites,
very sumptuously entertaine«! the
winners, the Red*. The church bane
ment had been previously decorated
for the occasion with U. 8. flags and
Oregon rrape and an orehentm of
boys engage,! to fumi.h mu»ic At
o clock the crowd began to gather,
and Immediately the hiwta, under the
direction of Mrs. Knau**, began serv
ing a full sired cafeteria dinner in
addition to which th rbig randv Ims
ket was passe«i atound am! everybody
urged to help himself. No les-« than
three hundred people were serve«!
during the evening.
hile the crowd
was seated alxiut th<> table*. James
I.eitch was aske«l to make a few re
marks for the R<«ds. which was clev
orly rrspomled to by Rev. Culver a*
representative of th«« Whit,-«
the »chool to forget the wor«l
"halt” now that the contest was end­
ed and to just keep on ■■«* they hmi
heen going.
When all had finished
eating the tables were cleared away
and the young people enjoynl them
selves at auch gi><x! old fash.on«!
games as “winkum,” "caterpillar",
etc. The Y. P. A. will continue with
the contest Idea. Their’» is to I «'gm
next Sunday night with Miss Berdina
Kpearow and Mr. Knauas as leader».
te still under the doctor's care and un
able to work,
lhe Sunday school children of
relwood Congregational church will
have another special treat Sunday
morning when tuey will agian have a
song service of tn*ir own choosing
This is huge enjoyment for the little
folk», for ea eh and all lov* to sing,
«•penally when they can choose their
own s«jng preferences.
Mrs. J, M. Smith, 5929 4.>th avenue
mother of Rev. Mrs. Hamteaker. is
very ill with inflammatory rheums
tisin. laive and sympathy are being
attended to her by her many fnends,
with best wiflheii fur a
Mr. Vanderwater, »>n of Mr. ami
Mr*. L. M
Vanderwater of 72nd
,venu’ ' '» scnously
ill with chronic rheumatism. He has
been suffering a long white with the
disease and is now thought to be fail­
ing rapidly.
Rev Mr. White spoke at Hope Pres­
byterian church Wednosday after
n°on at 2 o'clock at the women’s an­
nual praise service. Rev. Whit* has
an endless fund of information re­
garding Siam and is eagerly <.-*!-
corned at meetings.
Mr. Lucky has charge of the teach
er-training class of the Fourth U. B.
church which meets every Friday
night. About 27 attend th«' cla-s.
Mr. and Mrs. F're«l Roese of XI13
72nd street had for visitors Sunday
and Monday relative* from Wood­
bum, Oregon,
Mothers espt^ially are invited to
a program given by the Junior 1^-ag
uem of I.aurelwood Methodist church
on Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Ev­
eryone is invited but mothers am) sis-
tors are especially asked.
The loving cup given to tho Ep­
worth league having the heat attend­
ance at the mid winter institute was
won by the I<*nta Epworth league—
the lent* Methodist league. Dr. W.
W. Youngson presented the cup to
Hubert Blything, president of the
Mrs. Kimball of 72nd street and
65th avenue, entertained the "500”
club at her home Thursday of last
week. With the exception of Mrs.
Castle all club members were pres­
ent. The first prize was won by Mrs.
Merrett, who was delighted with a set
of five-peice mixing bowl*. Mrs. Karr
received the booby prize.
The club
will meet at the home of Mrs.
Knowles next Thursday,
Congratulations are being shower­
ed upon Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mul-
lett, 6506 Foster Road, on the arrival
of a baby daughter, Eileen, who was
bom March 2
Dr. W. D. Lockwood
attended the case and everyone is do­
ing nicely. The daddy is the mnnn-
ger of the well known Blue Bird
cleaning and pressing parlors of Ar-
leta, and the son of Mr. and Mr»
Chas. Mollett.
Mrs. Parsons of 7R20 55th avenue
narrowly escape«! injury on a Mt.
Scott car Tu««day evening? It is said
the ear started quickly, throwing
Mr*. Parsons with great force against
the door.
Had she no! hung on
tightly to the hand rail she probably
would have been seriously hurt.
* In the Circuit Court <>f !ho Slat* of
Oregon, for th«« County of Mult­
nomah ; I’rubale D«'i>urtm<'nt.
In the waller of the Estate of Car-
i ollna John»««!, I*m»a»l«<l,
Notice is hereby given that the un-
I <ter»ii’ne«l has been apiM>lnt«s| execu■
I tor of the last will and testament of
I Carolina Johnson, derraaed, by th,’
| Circuit Court of the Stat« of Oregon,
I for Multm inah County, Itepartmont
of Probate, ami has t|ualltte«l ns such.
All person* having claims against
said rstate are hereby notifitai to pre­
sent Um same to m* or to my alter
n««ys. Gebhardt, Scudder A Hendrick­
son. 610 Sjialding Building, i'ortlund,
Oregon, with proper voucher», duly
vcriTeti, within six month* from tho
date hereof.
Dated an«l first published, February
4, 192!
Date of last publication. March 4,
Executor uf th« Inst will and testa­
ment of Carolina J«>hn«on, <iecea»»d
Gebhnnlt, 8cud«ler A H«ndrlck»on,
! Attorneys at l aw,
6 10
! I’ullding, I'ortlnml. Oregon.
I In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for the County of Mult­
1 Ulitabeth P. Feflos, Plaintiff,
! Andrew F'efl*», Defendant.
To Andrew F’efl««, th«« above named
| defrndant:
In tho name of the State of Ore-
j gon: You are hereby require«! te np
I near and answer th«« complaint !th«d
' by the plaintiff above named in th*
i above entitled suit ngnlnst you with­
in six week* after the date of tho
I first publication of this summon*, to-
| wit: on or before F'ri lay, the 1 Ith
day of .March, 1921. If you fail to
an-wer th* complaint here n within
i said time, plaintiff will apply to the
' Court for the relief demarulcd in said
complaint, to-wit: for a decree and
i Judgment against you forever dte-
solvirg the bond* of matrimony be.
1 tween you ami the plaintiff herein,
and that plaintiffs maiden name of
Elisabeth P, Wilson be restored to
her, and for her coats and dfalburse-
menta and for 8150.00 for her attor
■ noy's fee* in this suit, and for such
. other and further relief as to the
Court may seem just and equitable.
This summons is publish«-«! by or-
1 d»r of thn Honorable J. I’. Kavan­
augh. Judge of the tlrcuit Court of
tho State of Oregon for die County
of Multnomah, made th -. 26th day of
January, 1921.
Dale of the first publication is Fri­
day, January 28th, 192!, and date of
I last publication is March It, 1921.
W S U’REN, "
Attorney for Plaintiff. Oregonian
1 Building, Portland, Oregon.
No. 12234
In the Circuit Court of th» State of
Oregon, for the County of Mult­
nomah; Probate Department.
Notice is feeroby given that die un-
d*rs!gn<xi, A. D. Kenworthy, has tw«-n
appointed administrator of die estate
of Fl. Ijivlno, «iecca-M'd. by the Honor-
.«bl* George Tax«oil. Judge of the
Circuit C«urt of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Multnomah, Fro-
bate Departm<-nt, an«l that he hna
<|un)ifio>| ns such.
All persons having claims against
the sai«i estate are hereby notified to
present the same t«> me, duly verified
as by law required, at the office of
Howard P. Arn«-st, 1210 Yeon Build-
”2. Portland. Oregon, within six
months from the date of th«« first pub­
lication of thia notice.
Date of first publication, February
It. 1921.
Date of last publicaUon, March 4.
Administrator of lhe estate of
E. I .a vino, DeceaaetL
llowanl P. Arnest, Attorney for
Administrator, 1210 Yeon Building,
Portland, Orgeon.
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