Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 04, 1921, Image 1

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    Guaranteed Circulation
itti. S'cati Hrralii
Subscription, $1.60 the Year.
He ileclxrisl the cost of the sewer
would mean confiscation of much of
• >*< pi.*|,* it> in tin- *li-.’ **< t
Chas. R ums . J. Allen Harrison und
Harry Hall were appointed a commit­
tee to meet with a committee from
the opponents on Tuesday night. The
circulation of petitions, which asked
the city tn go ahead with the work as
outlined by Mr. laurgaard, city engi­
neer. were to be kept going in th*
Mass Meetings at Arleta Strongly in Favor of Project, interim.
The district was taken earc
of by precincts, with s leader In each
While Remonstrants Seem to Be Strong in
precinct, which meant a house-to-
house canvass.
Lents—Mr. Hedin States Views
The meeting was adjourned with
another calli-d for Wednesday night
at Arleta theater. J. R leach acted
(The following Items and commun­ that their drainage and sewgr prob­ as chairman.
ications regarding the sewer contro lems would bo solved as well as their
versy urv given a« matters of news paving needs fulfilled when they ac­
As the Oregonian Report'd
to the community. The Herald feels cepted th« coals of HO per lot as a
Unless the residents of the district
that thia Is a bmud question, with bonded debt. Many questions put to adjacent to Foster Road can make a
much to I m - said both for and againat the engineer and commission repre- showing indicating that there is a
und desires to give both allies a fair sentativea were answered in pelt ami majority in favor of the constriction
The opposition will no thus the exact facts were kept from of a sewer, Commissioner Barbur will
doubt be more strongly heard at the the taxpayers who are entitled to oppose any participation of the city
nn-oting Suturday evening in Grange know the exact truth as to cost and in a street improvement project in
what delay they will suffer in use of that section of the city at this time-
the sewer anti its final coat. etc.
He explained that the residents of
W. G. Hedin, attorney and repre­ the district are divided over the pro­
Nuturday evening, at 8 o’clock, a
Hireling is to I m - held at l-enl« grange sentative of the larger |x>rtion of the posed improvement and that he also
hull, to take up the phaaei of the Foster Rond Sewer District, threw s had serious doubts as to the ability
newer and i>*ving controversy. Both Iximb into the engineer's meeting, af­ of acme parts of the section to as
ter he had listened for an hour to the surne the heavy burden of costa inci­
factions will be represented.
cunningly devised scheme of the dent to the project.
speakers, by asking some point*-*!
Wednesday Night's Meeting
According to ikiininiiuioner Barbur
Facts and (ancles flew thick anil questions of the chairman and engi the residents along Foster Road be
fast at the luavting held in the Ar­
tween Fifty-second und Sixty-second
leta theater Wednexday night. From floor and opened his guns on a hos­ have already installed und paid for a
n well utxlered meeting it descended
sewer which connects with the south
into a pemouality combat, which only formed. Before he had talked ♦'»If branch of the Rhuie-sUoet sewer.
the wcll-applie«l authority of the chair
The majority of the residents in
kept from defeating the object of the and he was given a good hearing, the district from Sixty-second to Sev­
hireling, namely to discover some
enty-second were »aid to favor the
tn- uns and decide what to do. to off- ers. He showed that the final cost of construction of the sewer.
»cl the rrnionalrancc of the Iwnte ob
tion to the laying of the sewer comes,
jectors against the construction of be not leas thsn 8150 per lot for all according to Couuuusiioncr Barbur,
trunk line eeww up Faster Road lota, front and back lota. That lie from the people who live on Foster
Briefly th* pointe brought out by fore paving of the aide streets w**ul*l Road between Seventy-second and
additional laterals Ninety-second, where the county has
each side were there: The exponents, be allowed the
after hearing Mr. Ross’ report of the would have to be installed, after laid an 18-fuot strip of hard-surface
committee which mot Tuesday night which they rould not be used for san­ pavement.
to try 10 effect a compromise (and itation sewerage until another 81,500
could not), brought forth two very 000 of main sewer from 92nd Street
Arleta Meeting
able s|>eakeni who clearly explained to the Willamette river had been con­
Residents of the Mount Scott dis­
the dtuution from two angles
trict, meeting Monday night at Ar­
He showed that the engineer’s of­ leta library, decided immediately to
Mr. Kremer, assistant city engineer,
tohl of the cost per job and per lot of fice should give these true figures to brgin the circulation of petitions call­
the construction of the trunk line up the people and withhold nothing, ing upon the city council to take
Foster Road, down 92nd street to since the people were asked to pay steps for the construction of the Fos­
Johnson Creek
Me explained the the bill.
ter Itoud sewer, which city eng'neets
All the bonded cast in excess of the estimate will cost about 84O3.WX*.
reason 9Knd street was chosen in
nt. ¡ul of h-'n.l or 72nd street, namely: sssessed valuation of the property
Sever^ speakers were heard at ll:
'I he high ridg»- running along the would be demanded In cash and this meeting, among them lining A. <«.
Inst two numed streets would make It feature was totally ignored bv th*- Johnson of the city engineering de­
nocesary in sonic pieces to put the engineers
Mayor Baker stated on partment and assistant City Engineer
sewer al least 45 fret underground Tuesday at an interview that he con­ Kremer, who estimated the assess
for quite a distance. The cost would sidered the financial difficulties of ments ns 830 each upon 12,500 lots
be much more, he said. And he also the project beyond solution at thia Under present provisions, the assess­
carefully explained that the cost o( time out that he would see the people ment could be spread over .1 10-year
the wwer in any location would be got the Foster Road pavement with­
cquallv divnlaJ among the 12.500 lota out the sewer bung forced upi’ll then* period.
One of the principal sperkers
of 40x100 s>xe, no that the coat par
All the acreage holders in the dis­
lot would not exceed 830 for each lot. trict are panic stricken, as they know against the construction of the sewer
Thia sum of course to be paid within that they will lose their homes if this was Attorney Hedin of la-nta. who
the cort.
ten years.
woes through.
Many have offered *ieeried
Sentiment of the assemblage, how­
It ilcvcloped al the meeting that their property to the city if a small
to be for the sewer­
many of the signers of the remon part might be left untaxed. It is no
»trance misunderstood the cost per time to use the Foster Road pave­ age system.
(From th* Oregonian. Feb. 28.)
k.t, some claiming to have been in­ ment aa a whip to force folks to ac­
form«! that they would ba put to an cept the aewer, which they don't need
exuen .* of 8600 or 8700. Mr. Leach and can’t use.
To the Editor of the Herald' I no­
.pointed out that 8160 would, aa far as
Some coats may open vour eyes. tice in your columns a report of the
they could estimate, pay for the lat-
Sixty-fifth street, 8-inch lateral remonstrances against the proposed
. rnis, put In this trunk line, connect coat. 889.84 per lot
for the Lents district.
them with the sewer and cover all ex-
Sixty-seventh street, lateral coat. sewer
principal contention of the public
penxo. This would not all be expend­ 8175 per lot.
works department that the pavement
ed nt once, but would cover a period
Soventy-first street. lateral coat. cannot be laid unless the sewer is
t.f several years.
8120 46 per lot
That strengthens my
Mr. Kremer nlso »aid that although
Sixtieth street, later coat. 192.0” contention that your district should
the city stood to help, thev p»r lot.
be laid with macadum pavement.
would not force the improvement up
All of these are blind sewers of no
First; Because it is cheaper and
on ’he citixcns But the meeting was use. The main sewer cost will be
will be more commensorute with the
assured that Foater Road would not added.
be paved until the trunk line was In
In many cases the sidewalks have asses.-mint
Second: It will get you out of the
Mr. Kremer answered all questions used up the total levying bonded pos­
comprehensively and in no way of­ sibility under the law. Are the people mud and at ths same time you will
ficially advised the improvement.
of Mt. Scott district able to dig up hnvc laid a foundation that can be
Mr. Cheney, of the citv planning the cash for this engineering scheme? utilized for pavement surfacing in the
future. It is just the same aa the old
commission, on the other hand very No—absolutely no.
"You must creep before you
< niphniically advised getting Foater
We must be represented We must saying:
Road paved
soon as possible and nil King the remonstrances, who have walk.” In the long run it docs not
getting the sewerage system is at property, to eave our homes. If the cost any more and you have laid a
petition bearers have missed you— foundation not only for good pave­
lie outlined the position of the five don’t fail to call at any of the local ment but or future population, which
great arlertea which lead to the river business houses where you will find in reality is what brings your valua­
un*l Fo- ter Rond, he said, was one of the merchants ready to have you sign tions up and makes your buving pow­
them. II.. outlined the work of the remonstrances.
must er greater. It automatically makes
planning commission snd its Inten sign, as the 10,500 lots must be rep­ lots out of acres; therefore, when
ti«>n to widen the road to 100 feet on resented.
Thia is where you can you want an improvement such as
down to Division street, from there help—to go and sign and save ex ths proposed sewer you have ten fam­
through Ladd’s Addition to Haw- penae.
ilies or owners or owners bonding on
thorn** avenue and thence to the river
a five-acre tract, which as you well
This is the solution to the traffic day night at Lenta.
ia of much greater value in
out and know
from and into this district, and it boost for your district. Be John
bonding, borrowing or financing, than
is to eventually come, he said. Abao aldson, L. L. Levings. J. R. Robinson. huving a single owner on the (taper.
lutely, Foster Road must be paved, he J.
It is the same principal as that of
J Johnson, Hedin, Meyers, Luther. mortgage.
said, and soon.
Tlie main objection of the Izmta re­
Third: The problem of drainage
monstrants was that they didn’t need you up at any time.
or what is called by engineers, sur­
the »ewer; that the gravel formation
face drainage, is not at all a difficult
of the country took care of drainage 10 a. m., the final hearing will he matter, especially in the I .ent* dis­
itn.i sc wage- that cesspools do not fill
trict, on account of the fact that the
up, etc. N. G. Hedin championed the city hall to settle the matter Every entire southeastern section is under­
cause, but the meeting was practi­
laid with gravel and has a natural
cally unanimous in favor ni the im off from work; send vour wife anil drainage into Johnson Creek and the
provement. A motion was made and
Willamette river. The water is taken
secomlcd that a rising vote be taken neering confiscation.
from the surface nnd carried into
to determine how many were in favor
” or cesspools, placed the
Representative of the Foster Road "sumps
of th.* improvements as outlined by
same aa sewer catchbasins and the
the city engineer.
The capacity Sewer District, Remonstrating Tax­ gravel strata allows thia water to
house stood nnd upon the contrary payers.
seen away to its natural outlet
1x1 ng put about a half-dozen voted no.
Sewer* can nlso be laid on maca­
Petitions were handed out for sig­
dam streets with very little damage
Monday’s Meeting Favors Sewer
natures of propertv owners and many
At an overflow meeting held in Ar­ to the street
declared they would be at the council
meeting Murch 9, when the question leta library Monday evening, Feb. 28.
the discussion of the proposed im­
will be decided.
provement of Foater Road, which in­ CEDERVILLE PARK OPEN
Mr. Ilrddin Explains
volves the construction of a trunk
Editor of the Mt. Scott Herald:
line sewer from 62nd street to John­
Cederville Tark, near Linneman
People in the Foster Road sowar son Creek, was sharp and to the
district are very much surprised to point. The main facts of the meet­ station, is again open, new manage­
learn that the city engineer’s office ing were relating to the coat of the ment promising to make that resort
has joined the forces of Commission­ trunk line, aa given by A. G. John­ a popular one on Saturday evenings,
er Harbor’s office in holding a series son, assistant to City Commissioner when social dances are held.
of meetings in the district with the Barbour, and Assistant Engineer floor is a large one, 100x40 feet Cu­
expressed objective in view of lulling Kremer. Johnson sxplalned the plans en Bros. 4-pieco orchestra furnish
the remonstranting forces to sleep, of the city engineer and Mr. Kremer the music. The dances are open to
who won so marked a victory at th* rave the estimated cost per lot. His all well dispoked young people and
Wednesday hearing a week ago.
figures were 8408,000 for the com­ no roughness is to be tolerated. The
We thought the engineering depart­ pleted trunk line, divided between music starts at 8:45 and ends at
ment was a neutral body cf service 12,500 lota, or 830 per lot. extended 12:15, the last car to town leaving at
12:25. Estacadn, Bull Run or the
men who did not campaign as props over a ten-year period.
gandists or lobby for the construction
N. G. Hedin. manager of the Wnp- Gresham car take passengers to the
Initia irrigatidk. project In eastern park.
of any burdensome project
A meeting at Arleta library on Oregon, who came tn Portland- re­
E. J. Ronch of 4316 66th street was
Tuesday evening was largely attended cently and who is championing the
by folks seeking true and exact in­ cause of the remonstrants, was the operated on Thursday at a Portland
formation. They were led to believe principal speaker for the opposition. hospital for tonsilitis.
Canada’s Great Winter Sport
Proposed Sewer Cause
of Much Dissension
VOL. XIX, No. 9
T. G. Samuel Five Dollars
Takes Bride Goes to Girl
Local Merchant Surprises Margaret Leitch Turns in
Friends Who Join in
45,800 Votes in Contest
••The Standing
Curling • ritliu» anta enjoying the great outdoor g mue al Banff, Canada.
Odd Fellows Mrs. Young
Loses Life
Second Mortgage Burned Fire Which Destroys Home
at Joint Program with
Causes Death of Local
Woman's Niece
One of the very most important
« vents of the season was a meeting
of Odd Fellows and their families at
their spacious hall in Ix*nta last
Tuesday night. In addition to the
following program rendered, refresh­
ments w ere served and a grand good
social time was enjoyed by the 300 or
more present. A feature of the even­
ing was the bumingrof a second mort-
I'Hgr recently wiprei out by the order.
The program:
Prayer..................... Rev. S. A. Starr
History’ of the Ixxige . Robt. Andrews
Burning of the Mortgage...................
Song......................... Lucille Atkinson
Solo......................... C. and Jos. Carzni
Address..................... Rev. S. A. Starr
.. Band
Music ....
Solo ...........
Martin Manz
Violin Solo
Janita and Doris Rater
Fong......... ................ Lucille Gable
Indian Song and War Dance. J. D. Lee
Reading.......... Mrs Rachel Fullman
Song. Mrs. Maude Belcher Pritchard
Arc. by Miss Amelia Welman
Remarks, A. H. Johnson, Gr. Master
Joseph Schlegel of Sunnyside en­
tertained Sunday evening in honor of
the birthdays of his daughter. Miss
Jane, and his son-in-law, Dan Rust,
of Lents.
The guests included Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Letcher. Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Otty, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reed,
Mrs. Mary’ Wrisley, Rose Hubler, Lu­
cille Essig. Ann Rust, Marian Ijtbo.
Ruth Wrisley and Evelyn Essig. Ma
rie and Josephine Rust. Harry Briggs.
Clarence Baker, Sam Schlegel. Al­
fred Otty. Harry Schlegel, William
Hubler and Martin Rust.
Cederville Park at Unneman Jet.
<.|H-ned under new management. Soc­
ial dances every Saturday night. Cuen
'■ pi <-e Orchestra. All well-ibsposed
young people invited. No roughness
of any kind will be tolerated. Man-
igertent A. f. L'ievereaux. C. C. Ran­
Mrs. Loren W. Young, aged 20
years, 4-year-old daughter Dorothy,
and 3-year-old son Loren W. Jr.,
were fatally burned Saturday. Mt
19, in a fire of unknown origin at
Mount Solo, Wash. The mother and
son lived for several hours after the
accident, passing away within two
minutes of each other. The little
girl perished in the fire which des­
troy«! the house.
Mrs. Young was a niece of Mrs.
Inez Gulliks, 92nd street milliner, and
was well and favorably known in
Her brother, Clarence
Dodge, was with her immediately
after the accident occurred, having
been summoned from Inman-Poulsen
Camp No. 4, two milts from the
scene, and carried the injured boy two
miles down the mountainside to med­
ical aid.
Services for the victims of the ter­
rible affair were held at Finley's
chapel and burial was in Rose Qty
Park cemetery, mother and two ba­
bies being interred together.
Mrs. Young is survived by her hus­
band, Loren W., superintendent of
Inman-Poulsen Camp 5, Mount Solo,
Wash., several brothers and a sister.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dodge and daugh
ter Audrey, of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs.
F. A. Dodge of Forest Grove, and
Clarence Dodge, were present at the
services, as were Mrs. H. D. Grannis
of Grannis Mill, Wash., an aunt, and
Mrs. Gulliks. One brother, located in
Montana, was unable to attend an-1
another was in quarantine.
The triple tragedy came as a terri­
ble shock to the surviving relatives
and they have the sincere sympathy
of their many friends.
We desire through the columns of
the Mt, Scott Herald to express our
sincere appreciation of the many
kind courtesies extended by friends
and neighbors during the illness and
passing away of oub beloved wife and
I ~ r ' Sixty Year» to Pay War Debts
Senator Wataon of Indiana (por-
trait t herewith) advocate, extension of
time > for the payment of the war debt
over • a period of 60 years. H. urges
that to lighten the tax burden. Ro­
peal of the excess profits tax and re-
duction of the surtaxes on large in­
comes also are urged by him.
Senator Watson’s declaration for
the extension of the time for payment
Is presumably significant as showing
a decided drift of opinion among the
Republican leaders. It has been the
program of the treasury department
to pay up the war debt within 25
Anyway. Senator Watson dis­
cussed the tax situation following his
return from a conference at Philadel­
phia with Senator Penrose. The Penn­
sylvania senator is chairman of the
finance committee.
It was Senator
Watson's opinion that hearings on
either tax or tariff legislation should
start soon after the holidays to get It well under way by the time a special
session Is called under the new administration.
Representative Longworth of Ohio, favors repeal of the excesa profits tax
and the substitution of a tax on undistributed profits of corporations. He says
ha will not believe congress will approve a sales tax.
Monday of last week T. G. Samuel
and Mis Zepha Perry slipped away to
Oregon City and were there united
in marriage by Rev. Willis E. Petti­
bone, pastor of the Baptist church of
that city. The couple were accompa­
nied by Mrs. Robinson of Portland, a
InenU of toe bnde.
Aller toe ceremony the couple re­
turned to Leals, where the grooms
business interests nei-essi tated hut
pro»».-«. Living 100ms over the store
ol Sir. ¿Miniuct had been nicely pre­
pared, and there Mr. and Mr» Sam­
uel are making their home.
n>e marriage came as a complete
surprise to tn emany friends of Mr.
Samuel tiers, rie is well known in the
l.ents district, where he has conducted
a general dry goods and ladies’ fur­
nishing score for some time.
nome ol toe bride ia in Riddle, south­
ern Oregon, and while she is not so
well know u as Mr. Samuel in this lo­
cality she is an estimable young lady.
Sunday Mr. Samuel called a num­
ber of friends on the telephone and
invited them to visit the home of the
newly-weds, not informing them of
what had taken place.
Upon their
arrival a big jollification was held,
and the guests, who had not been
taken as badly by surprise aa Mr. and
.Mrs. Samuels expected, congratulated
the couple. Dinner was served to 24,
a specially decorated table being re­
served for the younger guests.
Among those present were Tom El­
lis, leading merchant of Rainier, Or.,
and his family; A. Atiyeh, prominent
Oriental rug importer of Portland,
and family; J. A. Teeny, Arleta mer­
chant, and family; D. Hattem and
family of Portland; A- Y. Azar, and
several others whose names the Her­
ald could not learn. Speeches were
made by Messrs. Atiyeh and Azar,
and several of the ladies contributed
musical numbers to the informal pro­
gram. The gathering dispersed at a
late hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel were the re­
cipients of many beautiful presents,
including an Oriental bedroom rug
valued at 8250, the gift of Mr. Atiyeh.
cut glass, sewing basket, handsome
silk garments for Mrs. Samuel, and
other valuable articles, besides the
usual floral tributes. They will make
thier home in Lents.
The Herald was in possession of
information regarding the wedding
last week, but in deference to Mr.
Samuel's wish to surprise his friends
with Sunday’s affair, consented to
withholding it for a week. We join
with all their acquaintances in wish-
*n<’ them a long and happy wedded
Margaret Ix-itch turned in 45,800
votes this week in the trade-at-home
contwt and earned 85 by her efforts.
She had a large number of coupons
and several subscriptions to the Her-
(late * fo,,owi"* *•
standing to
Clarence O'Neil ........................156 J00
M™r‘fretaUrteh .................... ..153,060
•in. B. S. Jones ..................... 27.300
O. M. Shields........ .................... 3 900
Miss Helen Kanne................... 1.900
(laudinc Moore......................... 1,050
Lucille Dugan ...........................
Lester Calvert...........................
For this week's contest, the name
of C. B. Norblad, 8614 Woodstock
avenue, popular rrocer, has been cho­
sen. Mr. Norblad has a large patron-
xge in his neighborhood and carries
a clean stock which he sells at mod­
erate prices. Find the errors which
spell his name in accordance with the
details on the contest page and you
may win the 85.
Remember, anyone may win the
money each week, irrespective of the
fact that they have not yet entered
the contest. The 85 is given each
week for coupons turned in at the
time and the total previously secured
does not affect the weekly rize.
Woodmere Parent-Teachers associ­
ation will hold a dance in Woodmore
school, 80th street, on Saturday even­
ing, March 5.
Before you buy your spring bon­
nets call at the Parlor Millinery,
6004 88th street, and let us try to
please you. ?,lrs. Richardson.
The l.ents Parent-Teachers associ­
ation will give another of their com­
munity dances Saturday evening,
March 5th, at 8:30, in the school as­
Kasper Wilcok was on the streets
last Tuesday for the first time in
many days, having tarried nine
weeks in a hospital—quite weak, but
smiling and cheerful.
The regular monthly executive
meeting of the Lents Parent-Teach­
ers association will be held Tuesday,
the Sth, at 2:45, in the teachers’
room. All chairmen are urged to be
Christina Rasmussen, aged 50
years, died Thursday at her home on
Foster Road.
The funeral services
were held Monday at Kenworthy cha­
pel. Interment was made in Mt.
Scott cemetery.
Mrs. M. J. Boardman, mother of
Mrs. J. E. Updike, has returned from
a two months visit with relatives and
friends at Long Beach, Cal. She re­
Martha Isler of Friends church was ports miserable weather in the golden
recently united in marriage to Rev. state during her sojourn there and is
Mr. Schlein of South Dakota and glad to return to “a better land.”
with her husband accompanying her
An Irish concert will be held in St
returned recently from her trip east
A little bird had whispered to friends Peter’s parish hall Sunday night the
The history of Ireland's
that the event would happen and that 20th.
the newly-weds would probably ar­ wrongs will be recited in song and
rive some time Saturday evening of story. The latest Republican songs
a week ago, so three auto loads of will be sung by an Irish girl recently
young people went to the union sta­ arrived. Irish step dancing will fea­
(Adv). 9-3t
tion intent on capturing the bride and ture the program.
But they found them just
Mrs. F. F. Foster of 92nd street
ready to leave and brought them out gave a dinner last Friday afternoon
to her old home, where the rest of the in honor of their 42nd anniversary.
folks were waiting to receive them. Those present included Mr. and Mrs.
Upon their arrival they were riced Foster, Grandma Worden, Mrs. Son-
and saluted and greeted heartily. art and daughter Alice. A dinner of
Those present had a general good the old-fashioned variety, with good
time. Cake and cocoa were served things in abundance, was served, and
and everybody went home happy.
those in attendance report an enjoy­
The following Tuesday an auto able time.
party was made up to take the bride
and groom up the highway. About
Mrs. Arthur Geisler of south 92nd
20 were in the party and they pro­ street entertained Mrs. Rust’s class of
nounced a winter picnic the best ever. Evangelical Sunday school Tuesday
They left Lents about 2:30. in the afternoon of last week in honor of
rain, and finished the trip without ac­ the eleventh birthday of her daugh­
cident, building a fire surrounded by ter, Dorothy, who is a member of the
snow and made coffee and had a reg­ class. The guests were: Mrs. Rust,
ular picnic. The return trip was a Carrie Bohna, Olive Updike, Elisabeth
hilarious one, and ice cream was had McIntyre, Margaret Leitch, Anna
at the expense of the groom.
He Smith, Augusta Richter, Lucile Tre-
remarked that the scenery was the nary, Mildred Gay, Madeline Kinney.
most beautiful he had ever seen, and Mabel Montgomery. Helen Hogue.
he is from Switzerland, which is the Alma Scheuerman, Thelma Allen and
country famed for its beautiful vistas. Stella-Beth Geisler.
Cutting an item out of a newspaper
and bringing it home will generally
worry the woman of the house to a
greater or less degree. Try it once
and see. But a friend of the writer's
better half went this stunt one bet­
ter recently by writing a long letter
giving the local news and gossip of a
town of abode a few months ago ia
which the informant gave a graphic
description of the demise and funeral
of some important personage of the
bailiwick referred to. but inadvertent­
ly omitted the name of the deceased.
A pleasant surprise was given Mrs.
Iressa Simonsen by her sister, Mrs.
H. J. Page, who arranged the affair.
The evening was spent playing “500”,
Mrs. Jesse Simonsen winning the
grand prize. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Simonsen, of The
Dalles; Mrs. Mollie Ingalls. Millard
avenue; Miss Margy Hart, Millard av­
enue; Messrs. Victor and Lloyd John­
son, Earle and Ray Page. Mr. and
Mrs- Harold Bowe, Mr. and Mrs. El­
mer Campbell. Miss Evelyn Page,
Harry Hurd, of 56th avenue, who
Mrs. McDowell, Rodney Simonsen,
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Page, R. J. Mc­ occasionally spells the linotype oper­
on the machine at the Herald,
was bustling around town Tuesday
morning in a state of excitement
The family of B. F. Miller, of 88th and the general appearance of a par­
street, are quarantined for measles. son who expects shortly to be sn im­
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. McGrew and Mr. portant personage.
He was. On
and Mrs. Melvin C- McCord attended Wednesday he disclosed the informa­
the Oregon products dinner recently tion that shortly after midnight on
given by the Franklin Parent-Teacher Tuesday a little son had arrived in
the Hurd household to provide com­
Mr. and Mrs. John Eggiman of pany for an older son and daughter.
9719 59th street entertained at dinner Mrs. Hurd and baby are at Emman­
recently the Misses I-ena and Uda uel hospital. Harry is doing as well
as might be expected.