Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, February 25, 1921, Image 1

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    rn*»r« ily of Oregon I
Guaranteed Circulation
Subscription, $1.50 the Year,
200 Oppose
Social Happenings
and Arleta Events
George Clarence Kildahl, »on of Mr.
rn^rPT APII1PT un<i Mrs. Andrew Kildahl. died *1 the
family home. 6. 0 85th «treet. .Hatur-
day, rob. 13th. He had been ill with
u complication of disease* for about
Large Delegation Hold» Up aix week*. Heart trouble was th* im­
mediate cause of hi* demise.
Project Pending Inves­
The deceased was aged 15 years, *11
months and 21 day*. He was * grad­
tigation by Council
uate of Woodmere school and until
the Illness from which his death re
suited an employ* of the Meir 4
The Foster road trunk sewer pro-
Frank store. Funeral services were
Ject came off decidedly second bed held Monday, Feb. 14th, at the Ken­
in n concerted attack upon It by some worthy chattel on 92nd street. Rev,
200 property owner* from thia section Mrs. Smith of the Friend* church at-
insde Wriiiicwday morning before the ficisltng Interment was at Mt. Hcott
city council.
A* u result of the meeting, the cemetery
Besides the parents, the young
council ordered all preliminary work man
Mountain View Uidg* Celebrate*
is survived by one brother. Axel
on the 1100.000 project halted until Kildahl,
View Rebekah lodge No.
an official ennva* of the district is and two slaters: Mrs. E. Isham aiul 196 Mountain
celebrated it* tenth anniversary
loud*, to dotermin* exact sentiment. Borghilda Kildahl.
lu*t Saturday evening, at th* W. O.
As roon as th* results of th* refer­
V. Kalt at Aili-fa/bj giving a “kid”
endum ar* tsladated, dellnite decision
party, which was greatly enjoyed by
will he made.
nu mbers and their families
I pledge myself to help advance
Chief among the speak"»» W xines
Childhood gam** were playel and
day mornlni* «■■ N. i». H*din, man­ the cause of safety; to do all I cun
many of the member* contributed
ager of the Wapinita irrigation prej to prevent injury and death to my old-time
school day recitation* and
eel ret in eastern Oregon, who cam* playmates and myself; to make tqy • Ming», which
added greatly to the
to Portland for the purpo** of lend self my brother's k*«|>*r and thus de
of th* evening.
ing aid in checking construction of crease the amount of suffering, sor­ plea»ure
Almoat ail th* member» in attend­
row and death in the world.
the proposed sewer.
ance were drera* I in costumes to rep
“This district cannot pay for thi« . Rl'I.EB OF I RAFI IC DANGER
Itemember that you ar* a pedes­ rcM*nt ten-year-o’d youngstera. I’riz-
•ewer vet,“ Hedin said. "Property
value» are not high enough. l.and trian when walking on the street and ea were given for th* best dressed
boys and girls and the win->*r* were
w<> »Id b* **»*«»>«1 for more than P must obey th* laws just a* an opera­ a*
1* worth. In addition, the sewer aft tor of an automobile must obey them.
First prize, best dreas^d- girl—
J. Stop *nd be sure th* way I*
er completion would have to lie idle
for five or six years, pending c„n clear before starting scrota th* street. Mr*. Lou Chadima.
Second prize, Mr». Barbara Oren­
(a) Woodpiles,
struction of It* ultimate outlet, the
Johnson creek trunk aewer. Thi* lat- parked automobiles form blind cor­ dorff
Thrid prize, Mr*. Sarah Alvord.
tor probably will coat an additional ner» and drivers can not see around
First prize, best dressed boy—Mr.
(b) Remember that automobiles Frank Griffith.
"We are willing to hav* pavement
Second prize—Mr. M. Peters.
laid in Foetcr road, from Fifty-sec- with good brakes require ten feet to
Third prize—Mr. Phil Hshburn.
ond to Seventy-second street*, But st'ip when going ten miles per hour;
1 he address of th* evening was
we don't want to pay for a »ewer la- 20 feet to stop v.hen going 15 miles
fore the pavement 1« put in. then we Per (lour; 37 feet to stop when going made by Mrs. Jessie Jarvis, president
of th* Reis'kah assembly of Oregon,
are willing to forego th* paving im­ 20 miles an hour
<c) If you dart out from behind a who also led the grand march to the
"I nm, however, sure that it is an wood pile, street ear or narked auto­ harquet hall, where a special table
elementary engineering fact that mobile. it i* almost impossible to stop was arranged in honor of the follow­
part of tn* roadway can be paved sn oncoming nearby machine or ing members, who have belonged to
now, and the other portion hard »troet cur quickly enough to avoid th* lodge for ten years or more:
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson. Mr. and
surfaced in a few years more, after colliding with you.
2. Cross th* streets at regular Mrs. Geo. Montgomery. Mr, and Mrs.
the sem-r II put in."
Wm. Taylor, Mr and Mr*. James De
Multnomah county has appropriat crosaing« and at right angles.
(a) Never cross a street diagonal­ Shields, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Everman.
ed $85,000 to pay for an 18-foot strip
of pavement along the north aid* of ly. Thi* is “jay walking” and in- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith, Mr. and
ereas«* by 75 tier cent th* danger of Mrs. Wm. S. Wilton. Mr. and Mrs
Foster road.
Other speakers representing the Ix'ing strt ck. Besides, it compels you J«y Gould, Mr*. Barbara Orendorff
pretexting delegation were L. L. l<ev to look in four directions. This can Mr*. Blanche Winchester, Mni. Iva
Hirkey «nd Mr. Tomlinson.
ing» of th»- W'Mximer* Improvement not b* done safely.
<b> On approaching a curb before ing were rend from Mr. and Mrs. Jav
club and J. R. Robinson
crossing a street, first look to the Gould, of Grand Rapids, Mich., and
left. If th* way is clear, proceed to Mr and .Mrs Wm. Wilton, who wer*
about the middle of the street, then unable to be present. Mr. and Mrs.
look to the right, an<i if the way is Wilton ar* now in San Pedro. Cal.
Th* Kern Park Senior Christian still clear, go ahead
The party was on* that will long
Keep your
Endeavor s'icirly ha» been growing nAnd on what you ar* doing.
be remembered by those present a«
rapidly and now has 47 members en
(c) Never turn arouni^in th* mid on* of th* most enjovabl* ever given
Hr of th* street to retrace your steps by Mountain View Rebekah lodge.
Th* past two week« have been very hirst go to the curb in front of you.
busy ones for th* Endsavorers. A
(d) Never stop in th* street to
Creston (omunity Club Works
week ago Iasi Monday night the so­ talk to a friend. Go to th* sidewalk.
Under the leadership of the Cres­
ciety won the Multnomah county ban
(r) Do not reud a paper or book ton Community cluu the residents of
nor fur the third consecutive time at while crossing, the street.
Cresum district banded together on
a rally held in Westminster IVesby-
(fl Always carry your umbrella,
terian church. Th* »ociety is th* only when rained, above your line of vision. rebruary 22, and cleared the acreage
adjoining lue Creston school. Stumps
one in the county to reach the fort!
3. Play in public parks, play­
eth anniversary goal assigned to ground* or vacant lots; not in the and brisn and refuse vanished before
the army of workers of. 100 men and
them and is now 3000 points ahead of street, unless it I* ro;>ed off.
boys. Dinner was served them at the
its neanet competitor.
(a* While playing, boy* and girls schoolhouse by the women.
The society sent eleven members to seldom heed upproaching traffic and
Activities were directed by several
tlie convention at Corvallis Feb 11, ar* likely to dart out into the street
men from the park bureau, and the
12 and 13, the reports of th* conven­ at any moment, without looking.
city supplied a truck in which to haul
tion being given during church hour
4. Wait until the street car or ma­ away tile garbage.
. night
chine stops, before getting on or off,
in* dinner was arranged by the 1’.-
The Endeavorera are planning to and then always face in the direction
T. circle of Creston, and 105 men and
organise an intermediate society next the car was moving
52 women ate of it.
Sunday afternoon at 4 <M> o’clock. All
(a) You are likely to fall under
Evidently a good deal of work was
eligible young people between the th* wheela, break3our leg or arm, or
ages of 12 nnd 17 will be admitted to fracture your skull by "flipping” cars. done by all, and in celebration of the
event, n big rally will be held by the
thia society.
(b) After getting off a car, never Creston club on Starch 4, in the school
cross to the far side of the street by house. A dinner will be served fol­
passing in front or rear of the ear.
TO MR. AND MRS. ROSE Wait until it ha* passed and your lowed by a programme. Officers of
the city will be invited to take part
view is clear before crossing.
in the affair. A swimming tank is
A farewell party was given to Mr,
5. “Hitching on" very' dangerous. one of the goals for which that dis­
and Mrs. W. A. Ros* Friday evening.
(a) You are likely to lose your
Feb. 18, at the horn* of Mr. and Mrs. hold, fall to the pavement, be run ov­ trict is working and it would indeed
C. E. Carlton.
be a boon to them.
Pitzer on 87th street.
er by a car or an automobile coming 45.15 40th avenue, is president of the
Those present were Mrs. M. S. from behind.
Hineman and *on. Mr*. Rosa Rnemar.
(b) Fast moving automobiles are
Mr*. Delsie Huntor. Mrs. S. Seltzer, likely to turn a corner suddenly and
Creston School Notes
Mrs Olive Forte, Mr. and Mrs. Kays. throw you.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Nichol*. F. W.
Washington's birthday was cele-
<c> If you are on roller skate* or
Ixibrens, .Mr. and Mrs. McCabe. Mr. a hicycle. "hitching on” is extremely lirated by songs and exercises by the
Schulte. Mr. nnd Mr*. 'Kimber, Mr, haz in'. U'
Roller skate on the side individual rooms Monday afternoon at
and Mr«. W. M. Barker. Eda Barker. walk mJ ride your bicycle as near Creston school.
No assembly was
Mr. nnd Mr*. Ro«* have been a the right hand curb as possible.
held, but each room did its own cele­
part of this community for 20-od.l
6. Ixwk out for broken wires.
years and ar* loved and esteemed by
(a) Never touch a wire lying on
•II who know them and will be great th* ground or hanging down. It max
Anderson’* Give Party
lv missed by their many friend?. b* full of electricity and may kill
At a party recently given by Mrs.
Having sold most of their holdings you.
Carl Anderson, 7026 65th avenue, the
here they w ill make their futrue home
7. Obey the traffic officer. Rem­ following were present and report a
In Chester. Illinois, among relatives ember he is your friend.
splendid time: Mr. and Mrs. Joe
and friends. They started on their
(a) When the semiphore nt the Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Onslow,
trip nt 7 p. in. Saturday. Feb. 19, street crossing shows red, stop. Re­ Mr. and Mrs. G. Kimball, Mr. and
over the 8. P. & 8.
member the traffic is permitted to Mrs. Carl Anderson. Two tables of
travel in the opi>osite direction. Wait "500” were arranged, Mrs. Archie On­
until the semipnore shows green, then slow winning the ladies’ first prise, a
crocheted cap, and Mr Kimball the
W* wish tn thank our many friends 6°.(b) Be a good scout and urge your gentleman’s first prise, a box of home
and neighbois for th* beautiful floral parents and friemis when driving an made candy. Coffee and cake were
offerings anil kindnesses extended auto to observe th* traffic laws ab­ served by the hostess.
during the illness and death of our solutely and keep their cars under
beloved son and brother.
“500” Club Meets
control at all times, so that they will
Mr. snd Mrs. Andrew Kildahl not get into a colision with another
Last Thursday, Feb. 17, Mrs. L.
Mrs. Tillie Ishnlh
auto or strike a pedestrian.
Karr entertained the "500” club of
llorghild Kildahl
8. In case of an accident in which which she is a member, at her home,
Axel Kildahl
a person is hadly hurt—
65’h avenue and Knott street. The
(a) Get the number of the auto­ entire club of twelve members were
f»resent and did full justice to a de-
(b) Call the Police Bureau by tel­
Wiliam Duerre of 6804 90th street ephone. Main 7181 and tell them the icious chicken dinner prepared by the
After luncheon, “500” was
and Alma Jacobson f 1104 E. Alder number of the auto and where the ac­ hostess.
Klajed. The first prize was won by
street, w-ere quietly married st the cident occurred;
Irs. Knowles—a beautiful tray. Next
home of th* bride's daughter, Mrs.
(e) Inform your principal if a bov Thursday the club will meet at the
Otto Bliuifus, at Sth and Nehnlem sv- or girl of school age is injured.
horn* of Mrs. G. A. Kimball, 6501
«■nu •. Sellwxxl, Tuesday, Feb. 15, at
72nd street. The club membership is
11 o’clock. Mr. Duerre is a retired
as follow«: Mesdames Earl Aibright,
rnneher of es«torn Oregon, while the SHILOH CIRCLE AND
G. A. R. CELEBRATE Carl Anderson, William Bundschue,
bride is a wealthy widow, late of Lin­
On Saturday, Fab. 19th, 8hiloh Castle, Fred, K«rr; Katzky (of Tre­
coln, Neb.
The Herald wishes the
Circle and Reuben Wilson Post of mont), Knowles, Kimball, John Lee.
newly-weds mueh happiness.
the G. A. R. celebrated Lincoln’s an 1 Meritt, Harold Riley.
Washington's birthday with appro­
Y. P. A.
Mid'Winter In«titut* to Cluse
priate exercises and a delightful din­
Next Sunday afternoon at J o’clock
The Y. P. A. will hold devotional ner. It also being the regular birth­
i '
for the comrades wHl be the closing meeting of the
services nt 6:30 p. m. Sunday. The day dinner given
in th* month mid winter institute held at First M.
topic Is "How Can We Make Our whose birthdl
nnWWurrh. The prin- E. church. A loving cun will be pres­
Lives Useful,” lead by Beatrice of Jan., Feb. i. a:
ciple speaker was ~
Rev. Smith of ented to th* Epworth League having
Scheii rmnn.
The Y. P, A. starts n membership Lenta, and others gave short talks. the best percentage of attendance ac­
contest this Sunday which will last Those who assisted in serving were cording to membership. The presen­
for eight weeks. Sides hsve heen Mesdames Elwood. Ijiwrence, McGill, tation will be made by Dr. W. W.
chosen nnd all are Invited to come Schermerhorn, Drake, Bush, Florey, Youngson. District Superintendent
Bishop W. O. Shepherd will preside.
Huskey, Rider and Tusaey.
and take part.
Many Affairs of Interest to Community
Related in Entertaining Way by
Herald Correspondent
Arleta Men * CM Meet
The Arleta Businea* Men's club
met Tuesday evenii
‘ 22. at Ar-
evening, ~
lela church. 1 he ladies
of ___
the ____
served dinner to the men st 6:45. At
7:30 an open meeting was held. C.
C. Bessemer, temporary president,
presided nt th* business meeting. On
account of illness, Mr Roarh. who hail
charge of the music, was abaent. Two
very fine readings by Mias Ost were
splendidly given. The speaker of the
evening was Attorney Henry West­
brook, who took as his subject the
character and influence of Washing­
Mr. Westbrook is a sincere,
forceful speaker and a delight to all
who heard him.
The meeting adjourned with the
announcement of the next m eting
time as March 22.
Dorcas ('las* Program
The following program was given
by the Dorcas class of the Laurel­
wood Methodist church. Feb. 22.
Quartet—William Mahan. Charles
•Mallet, Mr. King and Geo. Colvey;
*“ ------ —“Story
“ of * the
Ire* ; solo, Mr*. King; tableaux,
“Valley Forge”; solo, Mrs. Noels;
tableaux, "Making the Flag”; read­
ing. Ruth McClure; tableaux. “Oath
if Office”; solo, Dr. Fennell; 1774
1921, Hazel Bruce and Thelma Mai
Refreshments were server! in
the basement, consisting of brown
bread, beans and cherry pie, with tea.
The proceeds went toward the piano
fund, $13.55 being the amount.
Kellogg School Note*
l’wo boy* and seven girls carried off
the honor* in a composition contest
at the Joseph Kellogg school Tuesday,
I'eb. 22.
Several weeks ago a con­
test was opened to all pupils above
the fourth grade.
The subject was
"George Washington.” A committee
of judges from eighth grade pupils,
under the supervision of the teach-
•■ni, selected the best papers, of which
there were nine. These were read be­
fore th* assembly Feb. 22. and made
an interesting, instructive and unus­
ual program
Various phases of
Washington's life were depicted and
the result* were very pleasing to the
principal, Mr. Salting. The honored
vinners were: Chester Horton, room
11: Milton Deal, room 12; Berth*
Selby, room 22; Margaret Frink,
room 21; Ladess* Gibson, room 16;
Rita Evans, room 15; Florence Ned-
elfenth. room 13; May Jacobsen, room
7; Rosie Mickley, room 13.
The exercises were given in the
boys' basement, as the assembly hall
hns been condemned.
The heavy
plaster is cracking and is in a very
angcrons condition.
Until it is
fixed, the hall wil) not be used. Work­
men an employed upon it now.
Arleta P.-T. Association
At a rousing meeting of the Arleta
P. T. association held Feb. 18 the c:r-
cle was reorganised. Because of un-
foi lunate conditions which could not
be helped, there has been no meeting
oi Arleta circle since last May But
the people turned out en masse Fri­
day afternoon, the seating capacity
being filled nnd many over.
ninety signed up for membership and
:i good start was made for big work
this year.
A I splendm
splendid program, v*ry
very ably ar-
ge<l by Miss Faucett. pleased the
— on
~ en-
audience greatly. It was put
tiroly by the school children and de-
____ _____
serves ______
much r
The ___
to be congratulated on their very ef­
ficient teachers. The only number by
an outsider was given by Baby Esther
Ormandy, who recited “Brack Sheep
ot de Family” and “Thfe Five Little
Sqn rrels.”
l ea a id wafers were
seised at the close of the meeting.
In the absence of the president. Mrs.
Sadie-Orr Dunbar. Mrs. Ormandy.
vice-president, presided.
Mrs. Mor­
ris Van Billiard is secretary and Mrs
Nelson treasurer.
Prof. Spiers’ Address
At the parent-teachers' meeting at
Arleta Friday afternoon. Prof. Spiers
urged upon the parents the need of
some way to keep boys and girls at
home after school hours. Most of the
mischief done and laws broken occur
after the children have gone home
from school, got a hasty lunch and
left the house for the streets again.
If things are interesting for them at
home, a big per oentage of the trou­
ble ceases automatically. Fascinating
books, games, employment, a party if
need be—anything to keep them at
home, under guidance and happy at
the same time. Surely no one knows
more of the problem of boy* and girl*
than the principal of a large school,
and his viewpoint is a pretty safe one
to follow The result of such an ef­
fort on the part of parents in this
district would be amazing.
Lanrelwnod Congregational
Rev. Mrs. Handsaker.
school at 10 a. m.; preaching services
at 11 a. m.; C. E. society »tip. m.;
evening services at 7:30 p. m.
Claudine Moore in Herald Content
Mis Claudine Moore of 7520 54th
avenue I* out to win on* of the prises
Guaranteed Circulation
Vol. XIX. No. 8
offered by the Herald in the voting
Th* pupils chosen to attend the
contest. The young lady wisf^e* her rimi meeting at Washington high
friends and all to save ballots and school Thursday, Feb. 17, from Arle­
subscriptions for her. Her telephone ta, were: Ralph Elie, Elaine Stoke*
number is 621-16.
Harvey Hunt, Orvie Steele, Margaret
Mr*. W. L. Ormandy
Millard Ave, Presbyterian Church
acted as chaperon.
Regular services. Sunday school, 10
Do not ofrget that you may sub-
a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m , Rev.
ribe to the Harald through the Her- ¡02,600 Vote» Secure» the
White, "Stewardship”; C. E., ( 6:45; aid correspondent, Mrs. W. L. Or-
Prize in Subtcription
preaching, 7:30 p. m„ Rev. W. W. mandy, phone 613-76;
i-ong of r'orbe* Presbyterian.
7132Mi 55th avenue.
Conteat Thia Week
Mr. Slocum's Boy Beout
meet in th* Arleta library
"Apostle of Pep"
Bruce Evans, well known evangel­ 1 ening, Feb. 25.
Clarence O’Neil again carired off
Plans for the good time *orisJ at
ist, the preacher with a punch, will
the money in the Herald's trad»'-at-
on Sunday evening begin a three MiJard Ave. church are progressing home contest, with a total of 102,60»)
week's enlistment campaign at Ar­ rapidly. All committee* rerx?rt every votes, the largest number turned in
leta Baptist church. "Bruce” is well thing coming along in fine shape. for an> one week so far. He had no
known—popularly known—by people There will be an old fashioned school | opcsition, his oponents evidently fig­
all over the Pacific coast.
Every and spelling bee, games, program, uring he *»s out to w in and deciding
message meets with a need—he is not chet ry pie a la Geo. Washington. Ad- h* would be hard to defeat.
a waster of words—no time. Having » price depend* upon your size,
n*r <n I of w.’’st mea t»’», th. »<• i Several new contestant« have en­
held meetings in all the large church­
old and under. 5 cent* per tered and threaten to make the con­
es of the west, “Bruce” needs no in­
divided by 2. Friday test warm for those who have had
troduction to Portland people.» He evening, Feb- 25.
things all their own way to date. The
formerly conducted a campaign at
Herald would be violating a confi­
Whit* Temple with unusual success. .
dence to make their plans known, but
Meeting* on Bunday, Feb. 27 will be of the .Missea Jewel and Katherine ! it is certain that those who hav* been
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; evenings. McKensie, who left several weeks ago : getUng the $5 each week in the past
Monday to Friday, 7:45 p. m. Meet ' for the south. Mr*. O. H. Gilbert ac- ■ will not be alone in the race from now
companied them on their trip.
For I out.
inga continue to March 20.
once in their lives, the girls say, they i For one thing, a young lady from
have all the oranges they want—the
the Aneta district has signified her
Woodmere School Note*
supply is unlimited.
intention of giving the others a raca,
Owing to the recent writeup in the
Boy Scout Troop No. 15, Roy Se- I and
as she is practically alone in that
local paper concerning the health quist, scoutmaster, gave a program ;
she will no doubt make things
conditions of Woodmere district, and and had charge of the meeting Sun- i field,
after her friend* beconfe en­
in order to allay the resultant fear in .lay evening at the Fourth U. B. 1 lively
listed to her iupport. It takes 'a few
the minds of the parents, the princi­ church. It wa* an especially inter- • days
to do this, and she may not
pal of the Woodmere school wishes it esting program.
A silver tea is being planned by the ! jump to the front at once, but after
known that the whole school building
the people in the district in which she
ha* been fumigated by the health de­ ladies of the Missionary society to be i resides
find she 1* in the contest, tho
partment, the work being done the held the 17th of .March at the Fourth votes will roil her way.
latter part of this week. School will U. B. church.
For this week the name in the miss­
be open as usual on Monday and all
Li’tle Ruth Olsen, who lives on I ing letter contest has been selected
children enrolled are urged to report 76th street between 49th and 50th i from the Arleta district. It i> J- A..
at this time.
avenue*, fell from the lounge and | Teeny, who conducts a dry goods
Mrs. Alhro, the Woodmere nurse, broke her shoulder the first of the store on Foster Road, a* everyone in
will be on hand to examine all chil­ week. Dr. Stout was called and it is his community knows, and who has
dren who have not already been ex­ expected the little girl will b* O. K. earned a reputation for fair dealing
I and meritorious merchandise. On the
amined. As far as i» known, there soon.
are only four positive cases of dip-
The Valentine parti held Friday contest page enough letters have been
theria in the district, the others be­ night at the Third U- B. church was omitted in the advertisements to
ing merely carrier*.
a hug* success, about 60 being pres­ spell his name and when you find
___ served.
_____ ", them mark a copy of the paper show­
Rev. Mr. Lewis, who has spent sev­ ent. Punch and cake were
eral years in Alaska, will give his hoii’c mad* valentines v ere distribu­ ing where each has been omitted an 1
moving picture “Dorothy” in the as­ ted and ». good tin e gi -vn all. A bus- mail it with your coupons according
sembly hall Saturday evening, Feb. ine* meet .»g of toe C. E. socir.y f->
to the contest rules as printed on the
26, at 8 o’clock. Mr. Lewis gave a lowed, President Gail Bell presiding. trade-at-home page.
Someone will
lecture and picture in the school last
win the race for 1
prizes and
year and will be pleasantly remem­
the $5 each week
nay be the
bered by all who heard him. This is
fortunate person if you are industri­
an entirely new picture made from stork and everyone is doing finely.
ous. Next week the standing of the.
views taken last summer in Alaska
contestant* to date will be printed.
A small admission will be charged, of a series of slides depicting the Watch for it.
proceeds to be used for the general growth of Christianity. Mrs. Hand-
saker will explain the slides and give
school fund
Delegates to the safety council at a short discourse about them Sunday MONUMENT WORKS OPENS
Washington high school were Robert evening at 7:30 o’clock at Laurelwood
Congregational church.
Spooner, Evelyn Shaner.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Harry J. Reinhard, formerly of
Morse, 5616 llth avenue, on Friday, near I os Angeles, Cal., has added a
Ladies’ Missionary Society
Feb- 18, a son. I>r. Lockwood cared new industry to the Mt. Scott neigh­
On Wednesday afternoon. Feb. 23. for mother and child.
borhood, by opening a marlde and
at the home of Mm. F, E. Crum, 5603
The skating party at the Oaks on
works at 3575 82nd street,
70th street, a most sucessful and in­ Saturday evening, Feb. 12, w3s a granite
near the Powell Valley road.
teresting meeting of the 1-idles’ Mis­ huge success, about 100 being present
Mr. Reinhard was compelled by
sionary Society of Millard Ave. Pres­ from the district Epworth League. failing health to seek a different cli­
byterian church was held. A satis­ The party caught the 10:.95 car home, mate from that of southern Califor­
factory business meeting preceded which was a record for a Saturday nia and after investigating business
the program.
Election of officers night crowd.
conditions in Portland decided to set­
and appointment of committees op­
Mrs. W. E. Taylor of Amity, Ore., tle here. He is an expert workman,
ened the session.
Mrs. R. D. Ann- has been caring for her daughter, having spent his entire working life
strong was re-elected president; Mrs. Mrs. Ethel Woods Ijewellen, who has at his trade. He has built a shop for
F. E. Crum was elected vice-presi­ been very ill with pleurisy at her monument manufacture close to his
dent, Mrs. Sanders was re-elected home in Woodmere. She is improving 82nd street home and is installing an
secretary-treasurer and Miss Aimee under her mother’s care and her ma­ air compressor, polishing machine,
Hollingworth secretary of literature. ny friends hope she will soon be out lathe, etc., making an up-to-date
The committees were as follows again.
equipment, convenient to two ceme­
Flower committee—Mrs. Geo. Colvey,
Widnesday afternoon the monthly teries. He should prosper in his ven­
Mr*. J. H Zehrung, Mrs. F. E. Crum. meeting of the missionary society of ture.
Reception committee—Mrs. Hickling. Laurelwood Congregational church
Mrs. Carman, Mrs. Ormandy. Calling met at “Luckey Cottage.” Mrs. Wal­
committee—Mrs. W. S. Stout. Mrs. ter H. Doane told of the work among
Glen Sanders, Miss Aimee Holling­ the Indians in southeastern Oregon.
Miss Mayce Alton, room 19, is ab­
worth. New members joining the so­ Marthine Grinsby talked on outline
sent this week on account of illness.
ciety numbered five. Plans were laid of work attempted by this society.
to have a program and silver offering
Miss Mary Bicknell, president of Her place is being filled by Mrs. Nel­
on Friday afternoon, March 4, at the the C E. society, presided at the lie Buhite.
Miss Evelyn Lawrenson, room 6.
home of the Misses Hollingworth, meeting Sunday evening, Feb. 20, at
5627 72nd street. Mrs. W. S. Stout Laurel wood Congregational church spent the week end in Hood River.
Is chairman of the program commit­ Extensive reports of the state con­ Monday she was ill and could not get
vention of the society were given by >ack. Mrs. Stella Curtis substituted
After the business session was end­ Vera Patton, Ix>is Handsaker, Morri­ for her.
Mrs, Marie Wallin substituted in
ed . the program committee took son Handsaker and Arthur Anderson.
charge. Mrs. Henry White, did the Practically the entire convention was .•oom 10 for Miss Wolverton on Mon-
-lay last.
devotional services and Mrs. W. L. covered by the reports.
On Tuesday morning, Feb. 22, the
Ormandy gave a brief talk on “Cho­
On Monday evening. Feb. 28, Rev. school
in session for an hour and
Snider will give another of his fam­ a half. w as
The primary grades heM ex­
The hostess served the most delic­ ous lectures at the Laurelwood Con­
ious cake and tea.
Those enjoying gregational church. Rev. Snider made ercises appropriate to the day in their
the afternoon were Mesdames San­ many friends while here before and own rooms, while the other grades
ders, rmstrong, Zehrung, Kurtsinger. ’hey will be delighted to hear him in met in the assembly hall and were ad­
Duffy. J efries, 1^ France. Stout. Am- this interesting lecture. "A Sail Into dressed by Principal B. A. Thaxter,
oa, Hickling, White, Ormandy. Jahler. the Heart of the Pacific,’’ a chronicle who spoke briefly of the life of Wash­
Crum, Douglas, Campbell, Basset. of his cruise among the South Sea ington and some of the qualities that
trade him great.
Carman and Miss Hollingworth.
The school nurse. Mrs. Alboro, vis­
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Orendorff of ited
us on Monday and complimented
Arleta Defeats Woodburn
us on the general good health of the
The Arleta Athletic club defeated
Woodbum at that place Tuesday ev­ This spring weather will bring out
Mr. Kirkpatrick was also with us
ening by the score of 26 to 16. It is
on Monday and met with the boys and
said to have been one of the fastest
of the various clubs. Quite a
Bert Windsor of Firland district girls
and cleanest games played at Wood­
number of pupils have enrolled in the
bum this season.
ana garden clubs.
ple of weeks w^th boils, but is im­ poultry
On Wednesday, Miss Watkins, su­
Arleta Personals
The W. S. Wilton place, 5811 77th pervisor of drawing, spent the day
At the home of Evelyn McKay next street,
been sold through the with
A safety-first council was organ­
Friday night the intermediate girls agency has
of the Third U. B. Sunday school will terfield is the new owner. Evidently ised in the school one day last week.
boys or girls in each room above
meet and organize a class.
Wiltons are enjoying life in San Two
the third grade were chosen to lead
James Scott Otty, son of Mr. and the
Pedro, as they have bought property the
work of the school along this line.
Mrs. Geo. Otty, died near Harmony, and are building there.
of the teachers will meet with
Oregon, Feb. 21, after a lingering ill­
Mrs. Dan Gaffney and Mrs- Clif One
ness. He was 24 years old and is ford New were called to Pendleton on them and be their director.
survived by one brother and one sis­ account of the sudden death of their
ter. Funeral arrangements were in brother, Roy Micheál.
Rev. Henrv White will give a lec­
chant* of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.
The Tuesday Afternoon club met a ture on "Missionaries in Siam” at
Rainy Sundays have no terror* for the home of Mrs. W. Wrisley, 8928 Foibes Presbyterian church Sunday
the children of this district Out of 56th avenue.
Those present were evening.
a membership of 90, there were 71 Mrs. Rose Hubler, Mrs. Dan Rust and
Mrs Glen Sanders. 6212 90th St.,
present at the Fourth U. B. church daughter Josephine. Mrs. Lucilla entertained at dinner on Feb- 22 Mrs.
Sunday morning.
Fssig and daughter Evelyn, Mrs. Car Kilduff and Mesdames Parsons and
Little Allan Dunbar, son of Mr. and rie Roed and Miss R. Wrisley.
Mrs. Jess Dunbar, is down with scar­
The male nvartet composed of R. C.
let fever, keeping his sister, Cather­
King, Charles Mallet, Wjt., Mahan
ine, company. Fortunately he has it
and Geo. Cahn.-v will entertain at the
in a very light form, which is reas Mrs. W. Wrisley, 8923 56th avenue social Friday right -it the Millard av-
•’iiue Pre.-.'■terian ri.ureh
Mr. and Mrs. Joy Badley, 7132H kame, niece and nephew’ of Mrs. Geo
Lerna Louise
the name of a new
55th avenue, have moved to Forest
young lady « ho came *o I've wi’ h Mr.
Grove, where Mr. Bfcdley is working
m d Mrs. Fred H. Borgess of Boring,
for a tractor company. Their many Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. i'eb. 15.
friends will miss them, also their lit­
Gertrude Clara Osborne arrived at
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hir
the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. v»s-
tle “purp,” Wally.
Little Jack Medlar, son of Mr. and son of 82nd street and 59th avenue. berne, 1023 46th avenue Feb. 19.
Stephen Thomas Ray took up his
Mrs, Albert Medlar, 5406 74th street, Friday, Feb. 18, a 9:i pound boy.
Miliard Ave, Presbyterian churc’i residence with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
1* quarantined with measles.
Also in the same predicament is wil have a treat Sunday ovening, Riv of 5747 R7th street Feb 21.
Dr. McSloy offlc'ated as stork’s as­
the baby son of Mr. and Mrs. N. G. when the Rev. W. W. Long of Forbes
Presbyterian church will preach.
sistant with all of the foregong.
Babcock, 7403 54th avenue.
O’Neill Wins
Another “V”