Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, February 18, 1921, Image 1

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    Guaranteed Circulation
Guaranteed Circulation
Subscription $1.50 the Year
Trunk Line
Surface Water Sewer to
Co»t $500,000 and
Drain Dl»trict
Plana on the first trunk sewer to
serve th« rapidly growing southeast
portion of th* city were completed
1 usaday by th* city *ngine«r ■ offic*.
Tbig trunk sewer will co*t almost
$1.00X8)0 and will take a year to build.
City Engineer l-aurgaard has pla­
ced th« plan* In the hands of Commis­
sioner a . L. Barbur for transmission
to th« council. With the lormallty of
coum llmanlc approval ov«r with, con­
struction will start almost immediate­
ly on the project.
The trunk to to travel*« Foster
row I fur thirty blocks, from Slxty-
■econd to Ninety second street, where
it will turn south to Johnson Creek.
A connecting sewer will be built
down the berTof Johnson Creek with­
in the next two years. In the mean­
time drainage water will be emptied
into th* creek by the Fpster trunk
s*wer. Tlie latter will lie connected
to serve cutch basins and general
drainage only, until the Johnson
Cirek project is complete.
Paving will be laid along Foster
Rond aimultuneoualy with the ^con­
struction ul th* a*w«r system. Chief
It 8. Duln of the city paving plant
»»id Tuesday. It 1» planned to lay
the sewer along the south side of tho
Foster Road and to lay the first sec­
tion of paving along the north aide
at th«- same time.
In conertion with the foregoing, a
representative of the Herald called
upon several members of the com­
munity in an effort to sound public
sentiment upon the proposed improve­
ment. F'rom all indication*, a strong
remonstrance will be made; just how
large u percentage of prop«rty own
er* will participate in it 1* a matter
of conjrcture. but some of the older
resident* of la*nts will undoubtedly be
hear«! In opposition after the notces
have been posted.
I. F. Coffman. 6116 92nd street,
voice.) the opion of those opposed to
the sewer at Ulla lime, having been
active In tho matter since It* incep­
tion. Hi* position is to the effect that
the benefit* to be d««rived will not
warrant the cost to the property own­
er«; Information he secured shows
that abutting property will be aaacss-
r«l $150 tv $200 per 40 ft. lot. and *11
the lot owner* from 62 nd street east­
ward $30 to $40.
77ie principal objection of th« re­
monstrants, however, i* to the fact
that the improvement will unly take
■way the surface watre at this time.
While it ia expected that a conectln*
■ewer will be built down the bed of
Johnson Creek within the next two
venrs. It has bren rcpvrte«l that at Mr.
Ilurlnir's office it was said it might
be ten years before thia waa done.
And until it ia built no lateral* to |
lake off th« sewage from the hous««
can be conn«>cted up. In other words, 1
it I* a so calle«! "rain" *ewer only.
This briefly sums up the objections of I
prnspectiv«- remonstrant«.
Mn one of those in favor of the
proicct, who i* also a property owner I
in the district to be improved was ap­
proached for hi* view*, he took the
position that the contemplated sewer ,
was • step forward that i* necessary
to ret the Arleta and Lenta sections !
out of the mu«l they have wallowed in
for years Said he: "The coat, appor-
t io nod as it is and bonded over a long
period, will not be as hard upon me I
aa if both sewer* were built at once
and the entire amount assessed in
one lump. Sooner or later the work
will be done, and we must recognise
that fact
like the infant, w* must
creep before we can walk, and to
build the first part of the project now,
enjoy it* substantial l>eneflts and pay
for It In small installment* I* true
conservation.” Thi* s«»em* to sum up
the viewrx of those who favor going
ahead at thi* time.
Ivy M. Kinney, teacher of piano­
forte. assist«- I by her pupil*, gnve a
very interesting musical at her home,
6228 92nd street, on the evening of
The program was ren­
dered in a manner that reflecta much
credit upon the teacher, a* well a*
those who rendered the varioua mull-
cal number* allotted to them.
Little Min* Helen Kinnev. age four,
composed her own nolo, which *he
played in an interesting manner. The
program wan followed by a social ev­
ening. Musical game* were played,
and enjoyed by young and old alike,
lee cream and cake wai nerved.
P. l<araen han revered hie connee-
tion with the Kern Park Realty Co.,
»nd will
... engage in burines* for him-
nelf at 6702 Fonter Road, opposite and
across the car lino from his former
location. Mr. Larsen ban been a resi­
dent of this community for the past
ten years and ia too well and favor­
ably known for further introduction
through the columns of the Herald.
He will handle real estate, abstracts
and general insurance. M. E. School­
er, denier in wood, coal, cesspools, ex­
cavations and general teamwork, will
have an office with Mr. I .arsen and
they will enlarge their present quar­
ters in the very near future.
Miss 'Mary Cauthom, 4810 64th
street, entertained her primary class
Inst Friday afternoon and the ad­
vanced class of her piano pupils the
day following with a Valentine social
at her home.
and Arleta Events
Many Affairs of Interest to Community
Related in Entertaining Wajr by
Herald Correspondent
Cewlttee Registers Protes*
I about 200 men who are clearing the
On huraday n'urnln«',!
A ’’ park ground* recently purchased by
the city. The dinner will be served
a representative committee
Arleta and Millard avenue diatrwte at noon.
Tbe baseball team of Creston will
visited Commisrioner
be outfitted and equipped by th* par­
interest* of remedying the -<Mh av
nue mudhole. between 67th and « ’tn ent-teachers of the school, with funds
streets. After a clear
“f secunle from the proceeds of an en­
tertainment which will be viven on
the cum . had been
mitt«« waa promised prompt roller March 11.
The city ha* 20 men blasting out
The method of repair will put
tract, ____
crashed rock or gravel on the s de stumps on the ten acre
walk part of the avenue, thus filling rd ng to get It In condition for the
up the hole and making a dry place playground apparatus which will be
Installed in the spring.
for the children to use. Oa« member
of the committee counted 126 school
Pastor Installed
children traveling throughths mud
With appropriate ceremony ___
hole that morning. That did not in­
clude any of the many who went ms- service*, in the presence of his con­
nv Mocks out of the.r way to avoid gregation and visiting friend*, the
Rev. Henry White wa* installed a*
that bad spot.
pastor of Millard Ave. Pre*» church,
Tuesday morning, Feb. 15. the
commissioner's offic. wm e»ll«dto Tuesday evening, Feb 15 at eight
find out when the people could expect
In the ataence of Rev. L. K. Grimes
the remedy to be applied and it was
promlaed just a* soon as a barge l<j*rt a ho wr* to act a* moderator. Rev. D.
of material came up tne
which A. Thompson preaided, and alao
would be the latter part of thia week preached the sermon. The charge to
the pastor wa* made by Rev. W. 8
or firat of next. There was no ma.
tonal on hand that was usable The McCullagh, a life-long friend and col­
committee who intereiewed the com- lege ehum of Mr. White. Rev. D. A.
misaioner were Principal Spier* or MactTeur. who workad with Dr. White
Arleta school. Mr. and Mr». C. L. in Siam, gave the charge to the peo­
Hessrmer. Mra. R. D. Armatrong and ple. A pleasing part of the program
was a word of welcome from a repre­
Mr». W. I.. Ormandy,
sentative from each department of
the church.
Parent-Teachers' Entertsinmrnt
J. H. Zehrung spoke on behalf of
At the Joseph Kellogg school last the congregation. Mrs. R. D. Arm­
Friday evening. Feb. 11. • Program strong for the ladies* missionary *o-
of very great merit waa given under
eiety, Mr*. Martha Zehruftg in behalf
the »uspices of the parent-teacher aa- of the Sunday school and W. L. Or­
Those who appeared in­ mandy represented the Welfare Club
cluded Harold Graham, plan et, Mra
of the church. Edwin Zumwalt wa*
John R. Adam, soprano
”£ the spokesman for the Christian En­
Hasel Clark, reader; and (harle* deavors
South, violinist.
A male quartette added interest a»l
The accompanists were Mra H«n pleasure to the occasion, R. C. King,
nine Cariaon. who aaststed Mra M Charles Mollett, Wiliam Mahan and
am*an<i Miss Margaret Notz, who aa
Geo. Colvej- tx-ing the singers.
Following the services, the mem
’“•Hte tolkS*n< *»re ine'uaed in thc
ber* of the Welfare Club tendered the
^ "Prelude in C Bhan; pastor and hi* family a reception, to
which all were invited.
Minor (Rachminoff). Mr.
t ,raham; vocal note "R.ob'?'
Lodge Making Fraternal Visit*
Sing Me a song" (btross). Mra John
For the past few week* Arleta
B Adam; reading»--A. Counting the | Lodge 216 and Mt. Scott Lodge 188,
Family" I*
C. i 1. O. O. F, have been paving each
“Carlotta Mia." Mias Hasel Maran other fraternal visit*. On Friday
Clark; violin *olo^-»«lrete«l group. night of last week the Lent* lodge
Mr. Ckarle* South; vocal solo- tail­ viaited Arleta and conferred the sec­
ing to Thee” (Cadman). Mr*. John B ond degree.
Adam: reading -"The Lie” (Donnell). I _ On
On_ Tuesday evening of thia
this week
M..VH.SCI M»r»n
riolm « the Arleta Oddfellows viaited l^nts
)o—“Valae Triste” (Sibeliu*). Mr. and conferred the first degree. It is
Charles South; piano solo— ValM the intention of both lodges to in­
Brillante" (Chopin) Mr. Harold Gra- crease the fraternal »pirit for which
h I«-
read^nsf-fho ■
thi* order stands by working together
(Gale), Miss Hasel Maran <7arit: vi® in harmony. This ia being done by
lin solo-Schulwrt’s
,,M5 other lodgt« on the peninsula and it
Chari«« South: vocal solo— Butter is proving very beneficial.
fly” (Seiler), Mra. John B. Atlant.
The program, which was a delight
Knox-Mayes Wedding
to the audience, was given a most ar-
On W«>dnesday evening, Feb. 16, at
tiatic setting bv the stage ««««ra- 5 o’clock, Rev. F. T. Finley unite«! in
tion*. which were a most beautiful marriage H G. Knox and Edith
combination of springtime pink and Msyes, the wedding taking place at
pussy-willow branches, the motif be­ the home of the bride's aunt. Mra. J.
ing carried out in mammoth bouquet* H. loung. 7009 51st avenue. Follow­
•nd in a most charming frieze just ing the ceremony the happy couple
above the wainscoting “Spring Wel­ left for a short wedding trip. They
come" greetetl the audience in large will be at home to their many friends
white letters across a portierre of after March 7 at 4830 66th street.
fluttering pink streamers. The whole Both Mr. and Mrs. Knox are members
scheme of decoration made an ex- of the Laurelwood Methodist church
quiaite aetting for the evening cos­ and take with them the best wish««
tumes of the performer*.
and congratulations of .their many
Not only was the work of the four friends in that organization.
principal entertainer* of splendid
qualitv, bjt that of the two accompa­
Arleta Wins Two Ganics
nists «'eacrwd mention. Mra. Carl­
The Arleta Athletic club defeated
son and Miss Notz possessed the spir­ the Woodbum Athletic club of Wood­
it of true accompanists their pres­ burn. FYiday night on the Franklin
ence being made known only aa a high xchool floor by the score of 31
part of an entertaining whole.
to 20. The game waa one of thc fitt­
Among the Kellogg ladies who est and cleanest played on the high
most active in the promotion of the school floor for some time. F’or Ar­
program were Mra. Jam«« Welch, leta, Captain Kolkana was the high
president: Mrs. J. Bruce Tolwarth. point man, with four field goals, and
publicity chairman; and Miss Minnie was easily the outstanding star of the
Worrell, whose artistic ability was contest, being a stone wall on the de­
evidenced in the decoration*.
fense. A dance followed the game.
On Saturday evening the Arleta
Joseph Kellogg I’.-T. Association
torsers took the B’nai B’rith hoopers
The Joseph Kellogg Parent-Teach­ into camp by the »core of 33 to 21.
er» met Feb 15 at 2:30 in the aasenv The game wa* played on the Door of
bly hall of the school. Judge Kans- Coach Routledge's team, and was re-
ler waa to have been the speaker of markablv clean, only two personal
the day but was unable to attend. The fouls being called.
The excellent
program wa* given by children In the teamwork and passing of Arleta was
too much for the Jewish boys, who
The March meeting will be held in fought hard for victory.
the evening, and it i* planned to make
it a Daddy's meeting, which i* of in­
Christian Church Dinner
terest to all the daddies in that school
The ladies of the Arleta Christian
church will give one of those dinners
they know so well how to prepare on
Creston School Notes
Friday, February 25. Luncheon will
Feb. 15 at 3 o’clock the parent­ also be served, and those who have
teacher* held their usual monthly had thc pleasure of sampling the cul­
meeting. T. J. Fitspatrick, who has inary product* of the Christian church
charge of the gardens of the school», Indie» declare it can’t be beat, For
talked to the meeting. Refreshments the luncheon 15 nnik 25 cent« will be
were served by th* committee. The chnrged, while the dinner will be
program was given by pupils of the nerved nt 25 and 40 cents a plate.
school. Mis* Wilson’s room giving a
pickaninny number and Mrs B.ums a
Arleta Theater Program
minuet dance.
For the coming week Manager
A hard times dance will be given White has booked some fine programs
by the parent-teachers Feb. 26 in the which will please his patrons. Satur­
assembly hall. A large crowd is ex­ day evening Constance Talmadge will
be seen in "Dangerous Business". On
The Creston Community Club will Bunday Basil King’s wonderful story.
meet Friday evening, Feb. 18. Final “Earthbound,” will hold the boards.
arrangements will be made for clear­ Monday and Tuesday, Lionel Barry­
ing the five acre tract which has been more, who was featured in the Lin­
leased in addition to tho ten acres coln's Day program in "The Copper­
bought by the city. Mr. Carleton i* head” will appear in "The Master
president and Mrs. Pugh secretary.
Mind,” a melodrama that is sure to
On Feb. 22 the parent-teachers of please.
Wednesday the attraction
Creston school will give a dinner to will be Edith Robert* In "White
Youth,” a story of th* south. Thurs­
day night Robert Warwick, a wonder­
ful actor, will be seen in “Jack Straw"
and it is said to be a fine picture. On
Friday (Country Store Night) Doro­
thy Dalton will hold the boards in
”7 h* Dark Mirror." Incidental to all
of these feature* the usual comodi«*,
■cenics and magazine film* will be ex­
Arleta Baptist Ch arch
Margaret Leitch Is
Are Planned
Winner This Week
Takes $5.00 Prize With Total of 79,450
Votes—Others Are Working Hard
and Will Show Later
Rev. Day, pastor. Service* 11am.
and 7:30 p. m. Midweek services on
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
“Excusing One's Self to God" Is
the topic of th* evening service and
"Should Christians Ba Church Mem­
bers?" th* subject of the evening
The pastor will lead the regular
midweek service on Wednesday night
A grand total of 79,450 vote* was
at 8 o’clock o'clock. Topic: “Can the
turned in by Margaret Leitch, the
Lord Depend Upon You"?
little Lent* girl, in the Herald trade­
at-home contest this week and it eas­
trleta Men’s Club
On Washington’s Birthday the Ar­ ily served to win the $5.00 prixe for
leta Men's Business Club will meet at her, aa well as put her in the lead for
Of the
Arleta Baptist church. At 6:45 sup­ grand prize* at the finish.
per will be served the men folks and five weekly prizes awarded to date,
at 7 30 an open meeting for everyone Margaret ha* won two, Clarence
O’Neil two and Mrs. Rainey one. The
will be held
Attorney Henry Westbrook will be latter, however, is unable to devote
the speaker of the evening. Special any time to it and ha* dropped out.
Interest is steadily rising in this
music under the direction of Earl J.
Roach will be a feature.
Everyone opportunity to pick up a substantial
interested in local conditions ia vgry amount of extra money, and from In­
cordially asked to attend these meet­ side information the Herald contest
manager ha*, it is safe to say the
leaders will not have things their own
in the future. There are two or
La u re I wood Congregational Notes
Regular services at 11 a. m„ Rev. three other* quietly working with the
Mrs. Handsaker. Topic: “Yoke of determination to win and it will net
Christ." At
’ ------
“ ■
7'30 ----
the Christian
En be long before they get in with a
deavor 1 will have change of the •er- ■plash.
The Arleta field is practically un­
touched. Some one or two of the con­
testants, now in or about to enter,
*T*n't It the Truth"?
will have a fine opportunity to organ­
Thi* i waa read in a paper not
ago. L_
It ____
ia *o _____
true _______
to life _
it ___ ize the district for the collection of
thought perhap* the Herald reader* coupon* and the securing of subscrip­
tions, and when they do, you I^ents
might enjoy it, alio.
worker* look out!
Weep, and you’re called • baby.
To make it fair among all who en­
Laugh, and you're called a fool;
Yield, and vou're called a coward. ter and who are already interested,
Stand, and you’re called a mule. the Herald makes this interpretation
of a rule regarding the issuing of
Smile, and they cal) you «illy.
Frown, and they call vou gruff;
Put on a front like a millionaire. - REVISED SCHEDULE OF
And someone will call your Muff.
Entertain at Dfeaer
Th* schedule of revised license fees
Mr. and Mra J. H Zehrung of 7106
48th avenue entertained at dinner on for automobiles, which is to go into
February 9 the members of the board the general motor vehicle bill, intro­
und varous heads of department* of duced in the house by the joint com­
the Millard Ave. Preabyteriaa church, mittee on roads and highways as
and tneir wive*. A most delieiou* house bill No. 339, was adopted at a
dinner was served, after which the meeting of the joint committee Mon­
It replaces the schdeule
ojficera held their board meeting. day night
■ m <njoying the hoapstality of Mr. embodied in the bill as introduced. It
and Mra. Zehrung were Measr*. R. D. ia on the weight basis, and is founded
Arm-trong, Glen Sanders. Geo. Col- theoretically on the tendency of dif­
vey. Frank Crum, Carman, W. L. Or- ferent weight* of motor vehicle* to
muudy. A. H. Gilbert,- TV ml Malloy, wear ths highways. J
While the schedule for trucks based
Sr„ Rev. Henry While and Mesdames
Armstrong. Sanders, Colvey, Cnim. on total width of tires was not includ­
Carman, ormandy. White and Mrs ed in the motion, it is believed the
schedule embodied in the printed bill
Harry Zehrung.
will be adopted by the committee.
As compared with the present sche­
“Two Kind*" of Measles
The prevailing epidemic of measles dule the minimum weight is raised
.teems to be of two varieties—a mild from 1600 to 1700 pound*, so that it
form which appears to have for ite will cover certain freak types of
greatest inconvenience the matter of small ears slightly heavier than the
quarantine. Then there is a very se­ ordinary flivver.
Following is the schedule for auto-
vere form, which is serious and pain­
ful and requires good care and a thor­ mobiles:
Weight 1700 pounds or less, $15.
ough knowledge of nursing.
Weight 1700 to 2100 pounds. $22.
rielen Virginia Holmes, baby daugh­
Weight 2100 to 2500 pounds. $28.
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes,
Weight 2500 to 2900 pounds. $34.
7704 57th avenue, is one of the *uf-
Weight 2900 to 3300 pouns, $40.
ferer* of the severe kind. Last re­
Weight 3300 to 3700 pounds. $47.
port* were that she was doing a* well
Weight 3700 to 4100 pounds, $55.
as could be expected.
Weight 4100 to 4500 pounds, $62.
Valentine Party
Weight 4500 to 4900 pounds, $71.
The C. E. society of Fourth U. B.
Weight 4900 to 5300 pounds. $79.
church held a Valentine party thia
Weight 5300 to 5700 _
_____ $88.
week- Mr. Leafey was in charge of
Weight 5700 pounds or over. $97.
Ice cream and cake
For trucks, the schedules adopted
were nerved.
The proceed* netted
the society eleven dollars.
Prize* range from $35 for the 14-in solid
were given for the most appropriate or 20-in. pneumatic, to $140 for the
costume*—-a box of chocolates to the 36 to 40-in. solid and $70 for the 32
to 40-in. pneumatics.
lady and a pie to the man.
Kenneth Westover Recovering
Friends of little Kenneth Westover
of 84th street and 60th avenue, will
be interacted to know that the cast
will be removed from hie limb in
alraut two weeks. Five months ago
Keneth was run over by an automo­
bile, injuring his leg halfway between
the knee and thigh. The member has
been in a cast for three months and
it will certainly be a fine thing to be
convalescent. No one can tell what
the condition of the leg will be until
the cast is removed, but his many
friends wish him the best of luck. Dr.
Otis Akin is caring for Kenneth,
Exhibit at Library
At the Arleta library is an exhibit
of posters made by the National Child
Welfare association. The posters are
in colon, and educational and inter­
esting to everyone.
Mystery Dog
It is to be hoped that the mystery
dog of Sellwood confines his wander­
ings to some other part of town where
more police protection ia given. If
the police cannot catch him in Sell­
wood, what chance have we out here,
who see an officer on an average of
once every six months
Visits Friend. Car Hits Him
F. Casciato, 35 years of age. 8112
55th street, was run down on the Cor­
nell road Saturday evening, a few
moments after he had left St. Vin­
cent’» hospital, where he was visiting
a friend who had been injured in an
accident The driver, Henry Wick,
an employe of the Palaoe garage, took
Casciato back to the hospital.
ArlMa Library
Th* following magasines and news­
papers will be found at the Arleta
branch library:
Magazines — American
Asia. Atlantic Monthly. Aviation.
Bookman. Boys' Life. Century. Cur­
rent Events, Current History. Delin­
eator, Garden Magazine. Good House­
keeping, Harper’*. House and Gar­
den, Independent, I Julies Home Jour­
nal. Life, Literary Digest Ma.rine En-
(Continued on page four.)
V ol . XIX. No. 7
coupons. It has come to the notice
of the contest manager that some of
the merchants issuing coupons have
felt that it was entirely proper, when
a customer purchased a bill of goods
and failed to call for coupons, to turn
the number the person would have
been entitled to over to a contestant.
This is not fair dealing, and it would
be unwise to permit it. In the future,
all contestants must secure their cou­
pons from those who secure them
from the merchant or outside of the
store in which they are issued. This
rule Is inflexible and the Herald will
not accept coupons that do not at
some time pass through th* hands of
the person who purchases goods.
For this week’s contest, the Herald
has chosen the name of the Archer
Garage. This firm is located at 5510
Foster Road and is well known among
automobilist* as a reliable place at
which to secure the usual garage ser­
vice and supplies.
Find the twelve
mir.sing letters, comply with the oth­
er conditions as explained on the
,rsde-at-home page and send your an-
:-»er. with coupons, to the Herald
cc"test manager.
Incidentally, in
those cases where a large number of
votes are 'ent in. it is only necessary
to write the name and address of the
contestant on the top coupon and tie
all firmly together.
Commis»ioner Pier Âdvo
cate» Highway System
to Touch Lent»
An extensive system of municipal
boulevard*, which eventually will rep­
resent an expenditure of more than
$20,000,000, i* visualized by 8. C. Pier
commissioner of finance, who laid his
plan before a joint meeting of city
council and representative citizens on
Thursday morning.
The boulevard plan, as expounded
by Pier, would make Portland on* of
the wonder cities of the world. He
hopes to finance hi* project largely
through gifts from public-spirited cit­
izen*, who he believes will pour mil­
lion* into boulevard* to develop the
city properly.
Commissioner Pier hopes to have a
large portion of the system completed
by 1925 for the Atlantic-Pacific High­
way* and Electrical exposition to be
held here then.
An inner system along the Willam­
ette river and an outer system skirt­
ing the city limit* are provided for in
the project. He plan* to have the
elaborate improvement accomplished
with no increase in th* tax levy.
The first work, a* planned by Pier
and other preponente of the plan,
would be on the we*t side of the Wil­
lamette river.
A scenic roadway
along the west shore of the river from
Oswego to Portland, winding among
the hills to tne Skyline boulevard. ia
one of the first development* pit""”«*
One of th* main boulevard! on the
east side would follow the banks of
Johnson Creek from the Willamette
river to Lent*. Others planned would
encircle and bisect the eaat and west
sides of the river in much the same
way as outlined by Cheney for the
city planning commission.
Development of land now inaccess­
ible, ia also counted on to finance as
much of the work as citizens attuned
to the project will fail to do.
Mr. D. W. Gardner of 7626 62nd
avenue suffered a violent attack of ,
ptomaine poisoning, presumably from
eating canned salmon, on Friday of LINCOLN’S DAY EXERCISES
last week and is not able to leave the I j
house yet, although he is considered
to be out of danger.
The Lincoln's day exercises held
Mrs. Fred McKinley entertained a under the auspices of Lents Grange
few neighbors last Friday evening in were attended by a large number and
honor of her mother. Mrs. Goodwin of were fitting in the observance of the
Kern Park, whose birthday it was. day.
The evening was spent at cards, af- i
The first number on the program
ter which fruit salad, cake and coffee - was a selection by Robertson’s string
wa* served and enjoyed by all. Those : trio, after ••hich Rev. E. A. Smith of
present beside* Mr. and Mrs. McKin- , lento Baptist church read Lincoln’*
ley and Mrs. Goodwin were: Mr and 1 address at Gettysburg. The address
Mrs. Fred Howard, Mr. and Mrs. : of the day was made by City Com-
Manuel Bernal, Mrs. Bedee senior and ; n issioner Pier, who spoke for about
Mr*. Bedee junior and Mr. McKinley’s 1
an hour on the life of Lincoln. It
was a splendid talk and was received
Rev. Mr. Lewis will show a moving : with marked attention. A song, com­
picture of Alaska at the school on ■ posed by Mrs. Fred Orton, wa* the
Saturday evening, Feb. 26.
Before i
next number, it being given as a duet
the date of the entertainment he will . by Mesdames A. E. Kenworthy and
speak to the children on the subject I Orton. Virginia Sibley gave a reci­
of Alaska. The admission for adults tation which was very well received
will be 28c and children 17c, proceeds ' and Mrs. Poney sang patriotic songs.
to go to the general fund of the |
Judge Gaetens and Morrow of the
circuit court were called upon and
D. Lester Fields, pastor of Mt. Ta- I
gave short but appropriate addresses.
bor Methodist church, gave a very ,
In the morning session a class of
pleasant talk to the children of the 28 was initiated in the third and
upper grades (4th to-8th B) in the1 fourth degrees. Another special meet­
assembly hall on Abraham Lincoln i ing of the grange will be held on the
last Friday afternoon. The talk was ; 26th at 8 o’clock.
considered highly
instructive and I
was highly appreciated by the prin- '
cipal and teacher*.
Miss Minnie Henry, first grade j
teacher, who has been ill with mumps 1
This (Friday) afternoon at 2:45
for about ten days, returned to her i the I-ents parent-teacher association
duties on Feb. 15.
will hold their regular monthly meet­
Miss Edna Galbreath, second grade ing in the assembly hall of the school.
teacher, is ill with scarlet fever at A short business meeting will pre­
her home in the country. Miss Gal­ cede the program
The speaker of
breath has the sympathy of the en­ the afternoon will be Dr. Margaret
Her subject will be of es­
AT SURPRISE PARTY tire school.
Each school in Portland has a traf­ pecial interest to mothers of children
high school. However,
A number of the friends of Mr. and
W. A. Dunlap-of 5335, 70th street, tered every accident that occurs in all mothers are cordially invited to
gathered at their home last Saturday any school. Up to date Woodmere is attend. A fern will be given to the
The children room having the greatest number of
evening, the occasion being a surprise free from accidents.
upon Mrs. Dunlap, whose birthday it are constantly reminded to be care­ mothers present
Saturday evening. Feb. 19. at 8:30,
Safety First signs have been
After felicitating the hostess ful.
upon the anniversary, "500" was the placed on 65th avenue at either side at Lents school, will be given a com­
munity dance, under the auspices of
game of the evening, with Mrs. Tarks of 80th street near the school.
A three-piece or­
The junior Red Cross is holding the association.
winner of the ladies' prize and Mr.
Crosse carrying off gentlemen’s hon­ dental clinics in the different schools chestra will render good music. Chil­
or*. At midnight a delicious lunch of the city and each school makes a dren must be accompanied by their
was served, the feature of which was voluntary assessment of 25 cent* per parents.
a large birthday cake, decorated with pupil to help carry on this work.
the requisite number of candles. Af­ Woodmere has paid one-half of its
ter lunch, music and singing was the assessments and is now holding a pa­
order for the remainder of the even­ per drive, gathering old magazines
Robert Abram of 5320 89th street
ing. Mrs. Dunlap received many ap- and papers as a means of raising
died Feb, 13, aged 62, of dropsy and
Sropriate gifts. Those present were: funds to pay the remaining half of
asthmatic trouble. He was an invalid
Ir. Allen Doane, Mr. and Mrs Orton their assessment.
The school is trying out their ma­ and cripple for more than two years.
Conner, Mr. and Mrs. H. Tarks. Mr.
He leaves a wife and four children:
and Mrs. Crosse. Mr. and Mrs Otte, terial for baseball at present and an
Mr. and Mrs. Parrott, Mr. and Mrs. ticipate having two teams in the Mrs. Ida M. Abram, Mrs. A. W. Rob­
bins, Macadam road; Mrs. J. B. Kil-
Weiser. The party adjourned at 2 a. league this year.
lourh, Park Rose; J. B. Abram, Staf­
m., after wishing the hostess many-
An Exceptional Opportunity for
ford, Ontario, Canada; Mrs. Dave
happy returns.
McKay, Detroit. Mich., and T. C. Ab­
The teachers of today have a golden ram, residing at the home with hi*
opportunity to inculcate in the minds mother. Private services were held
of the young people under their care
A noteworthy addition to the pro­ the fundamental principles of true and cremation conducted at Mt. Scott
cemetery Feb. 15.
gressive business house* at Gray’s character training, through humane
Crossing is the new grocery at 5915 education in the schools. The simple
82nd street, opened this week by H. sentence, “kindness to every living
O. Hickox. The stock and fixtures is
creature,” if interpreted in it* broad­
Bull Run waver will soon be sup­
all new and fresh and the store is
est sense, covers life throughout the plied to the area contingent to south­
very nicely arranged,
arranged. Mr. Hickox’s
son, A. W., will have charge of the whole world. The “true” teacher can east Portland, under an agreement
meat department, which will be a make this a “real live something” in entered into by the city water bureau
feature of the establishment.
The the heart and mind of the pupil. It and ratified by the council. The Gil­
proprietor formerly operated the Pan­ can be easily correlated with the ev­ bert water district and the City &
ama Grocery, which he disposed of eryday studies of the school. Results Mutual Water company will be con-
will be most satisfactory and the nected with and supplied from the
last August.
good influence of this teaching is Portland mains.
The third annual mining conven­ sure to be far-reaching in it* effect*.
There are two bills before the pres­
tion will be held at the municipal aud-
The funeral services of the
torium April 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. This ent session of the legislature that I Mr*. Ingrid Anderson, aged 60. late
exposition win be attended by dele- hope our legislators may see fit to 6226 59th avenue, who died at the
Stes from' alT over the country, and pass, the bill for the state to furnish Emanuel hospital .Sunday of last
e occasion will be a notable one. school books so that every child in week of pneumonia, were held at the
An extensive mineral display will be Oregon will have equal access to the Pearson undertaking parlors the fol­
on exhibition, free to the exhibitor same advantages, and the bill for hu- lowing Wednesday. She is survived
and many
__ other
____ ____________________
features of interest mane education in the schools, so by her husband, P. Anderson; a son,
will be provided. For details of the that every child may obtain an edu- lionaid; a daughter, Mr*. Seim* Carl­
seope and purpose of the affair, write cation of th* heart as well as of the son, and two brothers, Alfred Larson
to John E. Miller. 417 Oregon build- mind.
Or • ,nfi Gharles Larson,
ing, Portland. Oregon.