Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, February 11, 1921, Image 4

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Miw laur., Harvev of l.cnts school
was absent from clas,e, Wednesday,
Thu rmtoy and Friday of last week,
and Mrs. Edna McCord wa* in charge.
Miss Pearl Reynold, of the Square
IVal candy store has been suffering
a siege of ear trouble the past week,
causing her absence from business a
i part of the time.
Mr», F. O. McGrew, president of
Ixrata Parent-Teacher association, at­
tended the meeting of the Parent-
Teacher Council held at Central libra­
ry Friday afternoon.
A new arrival that the Herald man
faded to hear about until this week
t was * son to Mr. and Mrs Gesrge
Flier of 8118 66th avenue are receiv-
Flicr on January 27.
Mrs. Elisabeth Rrudy of 9004 89th
street entertained Wednesday evening
of last week at 500 and had as her
guests Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parker. Mr.
and Mrs. George Rider and son Rav.
Our local attorney. Howard P. Ar«
—her latest and best
nest, noij travels back and forth from
h>, down town office in a bran new
Ford sedan, with all the latest trim­
mings attached, which he purchased
from the Davis boys at the Eagle ga­
J F. Updvke and family are now
riding in a new Mitchell car of th»
latest model, having discarded the
Studebaker, which had seen many
miles of wear and tear and had con­
tracted a habit of stopping out in the
A wonderful story of the Snow Lountry
country far from home—when out of
Some old sacks smoldering in the
basement of the residence of Emory-
Hart, residing on top of the hill on
92nd street, called out the fire depart­
ment from Kern Park about 8:31) last
Monday morning. No damage; ju»t
gave the neighbors something to talk
There will be a parent-teachers
meeting for ladies only at the assem­
bly room of the 1-ents school house on
Friday evening. February 18.
the American Beauty
Margaret Haynie will address the
meeting and there will be special
music. All members are requested to
be present, especially the mothers.
Under the auspices of the Leots
parent-teacher association, there will
be given a community dance at the
Lents school on Saturday evening.
February 19. at 8:3C o'clock
dren under 18 years of age must be
accompanied, by adults.
75c per couple; single admission 40c;
children under 15 years. 25c.
A birthday party which was a com­
plete surprise was given Miss Maude
Strack of East 37th and Clinton
street« last Saturday evening Mi.«»
Strack formerly lived in lents. Those
present were Carol Hogue-Kreb».
Ethel Jeffries. Margaret L Krebs. Ol­
ive Tussey-Wheeler. Edna M. Wolf.
Olive Strack and Mrs. B. Strack.
Mrs. Geo. A. McArthur. 94th street
and Gilbert Road, enjoyed a visit last
week from her daughter, Mr». Ethel
Ti'.den, of McMinnville, and son,
Henry Briggs, wife and two children
from LaGrande, Ore Another daugh­
ter. Mr«. Frank Rogers, of Sask.,
Canada, present, made quite a family
social last Friday night in the annex
Funeral services for Ernest L Wil-
of the church.
on. wn of William E. Wilson of 64th
'the Quaker Giants met at the home avenue, who was drowned last Thurs
Mr. and Mrs. Bernal, Mr and Mrs.
Gardner, and Mr. and Mr« Kirkpat­ of their teacher, Carroll Tamplin, on lav. were held at Kenworthy chapel
evening A class “stunt” Monday afternoon, the Rev. E. A.
rick, al! of Woodmere, attended the
fifth of a series of organ recitals be­ practice was the occasion of the meet­ Smith, pastor of I<ents Baptist church
officiating. Interment was made at
ing given by Lucien E. Becker in the ing. also “eats.”
lhe Aeronauts will have a social on Mt. Scott cemetery.
Reed College chapel Tuesday evening.
The next recital will be March 8th at
Mrs. H. F. Orton of 8909 5.3rd av­
8:15 p. ra. and is open to the public; i o Sunday
enue entertained for her little daugh­
each number on the program is pre­ furnish special music. Yvonne Smith ter Dorothy on Saturday afternoon,
ceded by a historical lecture on the and Wilda Mann sang a duet last Sun­ it being the little lady’» seventh birth­
day. The guests were Lucile Ken­
selection to be played and the author day at the close of Sunday school.
Elizabeth Orton. Virginia
of it.
The women's prayer meeting every worthy,
I^itch Ione Zeplin. Gertrude Mar­
Little Billie McKinley, three-year- Wednesday is in charge of the wom­ shall,
Evehn Johnannessen. Harland
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred MeKin- en’s Bible class. They are held at 2 Orton, Clifford Davis. Katherine
ley of 7704 63rd avenue, is able to be p. m. in the annex.
Children’s meeting Friday at 2 p. Brady.
araund the house again after an Hi­
J. F. Wing has an advertisement on
tn. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and
ners of four weeks.
page four of this paper this week in
Mr. and Mrs. Knutson of 771 63rd 7:30 p. m. ■ Pulpit ably filled.
J. Emil Swanson and Carroll Tam- which he offers to sell potatoes for
avenue have purchased a new five- pl.n,
two young men, will have charge $1.00 a sack and crarVed corn for
passenger Ford sedan.
Mr. Wing has the
of the prayer meeting at 7:45 p. m. $2.50 per 100
Claude Scott, the Tremont barber, Thursday
evening: topic. “What the renutation of dealing fairlv with all
has sold his shop to an old acquain­ Bible Is to a Young Man.’’
who bring him produce and grain to
tance and fellow-worker from Pendle­
Miss Martha Isler, who accompa­ market, and there s no reason why
ton. w ho has come to Portland to nied the remains of Rev L. M. Terrell su«h merchandise should be hauled in
make his home.
to her old home at Oskaloosa, Iowa, to Front «tree! and then back again,
Herbert Hiatt, the seven-vear-old is expected to return the latter part with a high margin of profit and ex­
son of Mr. and Mrs. D. L Hiatt, of of this week.
pense tacked on.
It will pav those
who have need for the merchandise
84 th street and 58th avenue, is feel-
Mr. Wing handles to consult him be­
ing fine again after an attack of
fore buving elsewhere.
measles and mumps.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hunsaker of
I>ents Grange will meet next Satur- i
Rev. Fisher will occupy the pulpit
-toy. February 14, at 10:30 a. m. The |
Tremont are residing temporarily in Sunday morning.
apartment« at Belmont and Grand av­
The young men’s basketball team third and fourth degree wnll be put ■
enue, that Mr. Hunsaker may be near will play one of the Washington high on at this ti me.
At the afternoon
his business, he having taken up the school teams next Saturday night.
session Commissioner Pier will speak
profession of a drugless physician,
The committee which was appoint­ on the life of Pre ident Lincoln. Mrs
but Mrs. Hunsaker says another ed from the “White" side for the A. E. Kenworthy and Mrs. Orton will
month will tee her in her own ’
purpose of determining the nature of sing a duet: Virginia Sibley will re­
Scott home again, where she has room the entertainment to be provided for cite; music by a string quartette. A
to breathe.
the "Reds”, winners in the recent con­ paper of interest and appropriate to
Eight ladies of Woodmere gathered test, met Sfonday night and decided the »ubiect, dated April 15, 186... de­
at the home
Mrs. Kirkpatrick and to serve a plate dinner to all children tailing the assassination of IJncoln,
sewed, patch« 1 and darned old cloth­ attending 'he school, and to their pa­ will be read on this occasion, and a
ing donated by the neighbors to be rents, this dinner to be given from large attendance is anticipated.
given to a destitute family in south five to seven o'clock p. m., Feb. 22.
Mount Scott chapter. O. E S., was
Portlai ’, the mother of which has further announcement will be made well represented Friday night at
just returned home from the hospital through the Herald at a later date.
Groshari chapter for the visit of Mrs
with her tenth child. It is said the
The special musical treat given ue Ida Umbach, worthy grana matron of
only income at present of this family Sunday night by the two blind people Oregon Those attending from I .ent,
is $12.00 per week, the wages of the was greatly enjoyed by those present. were Mr« F. O. McGrew, Mrs. Maud
eldest son.
Mrs. Olinger possesses a remarkably K Darnell, Mrs. J. F. Kennett, Mrs. |
Mrs Kirkpatrick served the ladies sweet voice and one cannot help but R. E. Snyder. Mrs. W S. Sanders, I
with delicious fudge, cake and tea and marvel at her accomplishments.
Mrs. Fannv De«ky. Mr. and Mr».
a most enjoyable and useful afternoon
William Katzky, R F. Miller, Clar­
w.-.s spent by Mesdames Bernal, How­
The Loria M. E. Epworth League ence D«skv. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Katz­
ard, Martin. McAuley, Grant, Katzky, wdl give a Valentine party Saturday, ky, Mr and Mrs. Otto Katzkv. Mr.
Miss Barbara McAuley.
February 11, at the church. Every­ and Mrs John Hanken, Mr. and Mrs.
—GERTRUDE SCOTT BERNAL body is welcome. Come and get ac­ William Eatchel, Mr. and Mr« Chas.
quainted. For Sunday the topic is in Eatchel.
the evening: “Restoring a Country”,
A C’-evrolet one-truck, owned bv
and the leader is Mrs. Hazel Alter- the Pennies Market of Portland, met
The Quaker Maidens had a rousing matt.
with a n<-culiar accident Tusedav ev-
enir^ Um rar, heavily loaded, wax
N pa-sing north on .»2nd street near
«5th nvrnue.
For some reason the
driver ran off the strip of paving in
the center and in passing over the
dirt siding struck a soft spot, the
9111 Foster Road--Lents
Phone 619-13
rear wheel sinking to the body of the
for all kind» of
n.aehine. leaving the front wheel on
the opposite side in the air. It was
said that at some time in the past
excavating had been done at that
I make Copper, Tin and Galvanized Wash Boilers,
place and the truck wheel happened
Champion Chicken Fount«, Hoppers, Feeders, Metal Hens’
to »trike a place where the earth had '
Nests, Trap Nests, Brooder Canopies, &c. Stoves, Pipes and
not been parked down. The load was
Elbows. I can save you money on Furnaces.
transferred to another machine and
the Chervolet raised out of the hole
All Wort Guaranteed, lepairint a Specialty.
on Wednesday, after considerable
Yeager Theatre
Friday, Feb. 11
“Good References
Saturday, Feb. 12
“The North Wind’s Malice
Sunday, Feb. 13
Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 14-15
“Risky Business”
with GLADYS WALTON, Portland girl,
Wed. and Thursday, Feb. 16-17
“His Own Law”
Mr». Ida W. Richard-on will be ov
en with her spring millinery about
February 20
6 tf, I
Mr». Carrie Absher made a trip to
Salem Monday and visited the legis­
lature while there.
Mrs. J. I. Scheuerman of 6.310 89th
street was boatea« of the local W. C.
T. IL Tuvsday afternoon.
The Gilbert patent teacher, a-«,oci-
ation will mAt at the Gilbert school
house, Friday. February It, at 2:.'<0
p. m
Frv.1 Gesler of the Mt. Scott Drug
Cb.. haa been confined to hia home
the past week with an attack of
A new arrival not previously re­
ported in these columns is a little son
to Mr. and Mr» Anton TNeia of Fos­
ter Road, born January 29
"Shadow in Lent»’“ so are we,
with a new line of Ajax and Michelin
tires at be«t prices Come in and are
them. They run with the very beat.
Eagle Garage, in the center of Lenta.
Kasper Wilcox returned home from
the hospital last Sunday, when» he
ha, been under treatment for the past
thirty day».
He i» reported very
weak as yet, but prospect, for ’dti-
mate n«covery are promising.
Sunday school at 9 45 a. m.. Supt.
M Flier All cordially welcomed.
Lincoln day will be observed nt the
Baptist church Sunday, the 1 ’.th. and
the G. A. R posts of Lenta and
Ren Butler of Portland will be guests
of the chtirch
I’.i-t.-r Smith will
speak on the theme. “Abraham Lin­
coln. the Ideal American "
music will be rendered bv the choir
under the direction of Mr*. W. S.
Thompson. Mrs. May Koller will sing
"The Star Spangled Banner.” Ano­
ther feature will be a special song by
the boys and girls of the school, who
will be banked in the choir loft with
There will be a special feature in
the choir music in the evening. One
of the choir will lead the singing Ex
enirig subject: "A Fatal Blunder.’’
Young peoples’ meeting at 6:30; all
cordially invited
Saturday the ladies of the church
wdl have another «ales day at the M
4 R. market on :*2nd street- Lx»k out
for the good thing, which they will
have on hand.
The correspondent last week Said
because of poor information or a bad
cue«», that Mr, Henderson's class
would give a Valentine social on the
14 th.
That event will be held the
2.” th. Ixiok for the announcement
Remember Prune Week.
Prune Week is February 14 to 19.
and if successful will be made an an
nual event.
A dish of five Oregon prune, for
breakfast x>ne morning each week tn
1921, for each person in Oregon, will
c'e.nn up the entire 1920 crop. Why
not order your supply now?
WHV Haul Your Feed
fìlli from Front St.?
When you can buy whole corn for $2.25 per 100;
cracked corn, $2.50 |>er 100; ground corn. $2.50
per 100; wheat. $3,<M> per 100 $1.80 par bushel;
P<*tatOf. $1 per aack and up. 1‘ricaa aubjoct to
change with the market
Automatic 619-34
Hay, Grain, Flour and Feed
8929 Foster Road
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ihirscy and
little daughter, Norma, of Hood River
are th«- guests of the former’, mother,
Mrs. Dorsey, of 4912 Stith street.
Mr ami Mrs. T. C. Cox of 9302
58th avenue had as their guests Fri
day evening Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hodge, Dr. and Mrs. Lundberg, Mr.
anil Jlr». tworge Dilley. Biron ami
Earl Hodge, Miss Ivah Markel. Paul
lhers of Chicago and Mrs. Coates of
Michigan. The evening was «lient at
Miss Ruby Wilson and Harold V
Rthcrfonl were married at The Dalles
Wednesday evening of Inst week. The
bride is the daughter of W. O. Wil
son. rancher of Wasco county.
Retherford is well known in 1 enta
•wing the eldest son of B. F Rether-
ford of 92nd street. He serve,! with
the ninety-first division oversea.
Why Not
have th< benefit of our en­
perirne* we have had in fili-
ing prescription- ?
Mi«. Frvd Hodge of 92nd street ha«
commenced upon hsr dulie, in h»r
new porition with th« hatlkv depart-
ri -nt «torv.
rhe Indio«* aid of the M E. church
will hold their monthly silver tea at
th,- home of Mrs Dr. lieu. >406 92nd
• trret, on W<«lnr«day, February 16 A
K o . m I program lia, |H>«n prepared All
urv cordially Invited.
Mrs. E. H. Zcplin of M2« S'Rh
■trvet ciitcrtninod Friday in honor of
her Ulti« daughter lone*« «ixth birth
I how pre ent w ere K * « b > -» Ino
orni Virginia Ilitch. Glndv« and Al­
berta I lake, Katherine Iliadv. Doro­
thy Orton, Evelyn Johnnnnen ten.
t liffuid Davidson. Harold Davidson.
Iloyd Dill, y and Estolla Zeplin.
We use
only the purest of chemicals
in our work which insure»
you the very liest that money
can buy. Ask your doctor if
our ntatc»r.)t*nt in not correct
The Y. I' A. held their monthly
•»usinc»' meeting last Friday night. A
large number were present. Tlie re-
ports of the different committees
were excellent. There were five new
member» added to the roll, while
twelve names were prop<«ed for
membership, to lie voted on at the
next meeting. Plans were alm» made
for a membership contest which is to
«tart in the near future.
After the busineaa Mmaion, game,
were p!a»>«l and refr»ehme<it, were
served The Alliance extend, a wel­
come io al! young |>eoplr.
Iievotional service, of the Y. I‘. A
every Sunday evening nt 6'30. The
leader for Sunday is Mrs. Ix>ach The
topic to: “Thy Kingdom Come in My
The scripture lesson la
found In Matt. 6:7 15. S|*ecial music
will be given Everybody welcome.
Grays Crossing
its all rijrht or your money bark
Advertisements umltr thia head-
ng 10c per line first Insert I on; fie
per line each
Minimum charge, 25c
Count 6
word» to the line.
1’1.AIN SI WING neatly and prompt­
ly done at 6647 '»2nd street.
LOT on Kind street, 2 blocks from
cor line; traile for Foni. Marsh
F 4 lx
FOR CENT Furnished room, large
front riatm, cb»«c In on 92ml St.
02nd St., or call Auto. 2011.
44 tf
ON’fr ACRE with building» and fruit
trena: 10 minutes walk to car.
l’être $900; easy terms. D J. O’Con
nor. cur. 02nd street ami Woodstock
MOKE EGGS makes layen out of
-Money back guarantee.
Propaid, *1 OU. Geo. A. Moffitt,
I will not he responsible for any
Box 737, Ix-nta, Oregon.
4 4tx
debts incurred by Mrs. Mary lore Bu­
Dated January 28, 1021.
chick brooder; tint-clans condition
Both for $25.00. 5404 8»th street.
AT WOODMERE Fore rale by own­
4 4t
er, choice of two :ine hoiuv»; one
vacant Immediate possession. Two
lots; 6-room ilouble constructed
bungalow : one-half block from car.
Pri.e $3250, if sold before rented
Term». W Allen, 5909 77th street,
S. E. Pin-tie 642-51.
twt rusrau smu
< II»
Curreys Pharmacy
Classified Ads
l’Ilol’l KT»
Farmi ami Acreage.
l oans, Rentnla. Notary Public
11»' or 210-13
l*ortL ni. Ore.
Phone 614-31
Volt Bldg.
*•707 Posier lload
’lhe young people of lent»
who do not attend « church to
join the Aeronauts, to share our
good times ami to gain knowl­
edge from th«- le«wn, which are
clearly explained bv the toucher,
Mt I mel Swanson.
A hearty
welcome awaits you next Sunday
morning at 9'45, Friends church
on 92ml street.
Bessie Schray
Fred Schray
___ n______
Violet Littlefield. Secretary
One Block South of lent. Station
(A<1 vl.)
\A/OOD tiril'r* taken for
l»r«lvr In
Irai» Staila». P m Usa»
T'iat-KId St.
I’hona 6I7-85
A. D. Kenworthy & Co.
Service Given Day
or Night
Clo»e Proximity to Cemetoriea
Enables Us to Hold Funeral»
at n Minimum Expense
Phone 618-21
1'1 rat clasa
Help Mr. Edison!
Give a Mo
Change Party
TJOSTESSESI Entertainment Committees! Here's the best idea
for interesting a crowd, since the Ouija Board. Everybody likes
music I Everybody likes to see how the power of music works.
All this is combined in Mr. Edison's Mood Change Experiment.
Get your guests to fill out Mood Change Charts,
—at the club meeting
—when friends call
—at the church social
—when you arc giving a "party”
"The Phonograph with a Soul"
The cost is—nothing. If you own a New Edison, come in for a supply
of Mood Change Charts If you don’t have a New Edison, we ll Joan
you an instrument for the occasion, and supply RE-CREATIONS and
Chart?, -all without charge. Only one condition is attached; that
you save all the Mood Change Charts which are filled out. for Mr.
Edison’s great research into the effects of music on the minds and
moods of man. Mr. Edison will appreciate your co-operation.
5802-4 92nd SL
trenta Sta.
Contractor ano Builder
Let me figure on your work.
6022- 82nd St., S. E.
Cor. 92nd and Woodstock Ave.
I’hone «28-75
Phone 640-57
Sheet Metal Work
Near Street Car Line
Do yoa Anoae—Ths Pries of ths New Edison has gons op less than 15%
and Express Auto Track
since 1914, ini-hidin'? War Tast
•> » WW W g.MdRKriririS' ■■ ri ri* * WWStriSUMl