Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, February 04, 1921, Image 1

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    uofO Lilrirf
Guaranteed Cliculation
HWU Attili ItUMTSllI
■ -
Live, Newsy Items
from Arleta District
Woodmere Scheel Notes
School was reopened for the new
term beginning January 31, with no
change« in the faculty. On Monday
morning 02*.i pupil» were reported as
enrolled and 652 on Tuesday. Trans­
fer« »rt» received from Stevens,
Richmond, Ariel*. Montevilla and
Glencoe schools.
The Woodmere gymnasium is ac-
cemible to many parts of th. district
and accomodate, three different baa-
k.tball teams for .vening practice.
Arleta team plays Thursday. Lente
Wednesday ami Woodmere Monday.
The Woodmore boy scouts hold
their regular meeting» in the assem­
bly hall Tuesday evenings of each
week. The second »wk in February
ia Bov Scout Week In America aad
our Woodmere boy scouts will cele­
brate by holding a meeting for all
fathers and boy» In the district. One
of the items of Intervet will be col­
on« I picture» of Oregon scenery, in
eluding beautiful larch trail, shown
by one of th. forest rangers in the
Kvernment service
Mr. Brockway,
»land boy scout leader, will give
a talk. an<l there will be rousing, stir­
ring music. Each girl is urged to
send her father and brothers and each
boy is expected to bring them.
No man can grow old while he
maintains an Interval In boys* affairs
Keep young ami attend thia meeting.
You will never regret it. You wept
to he<p your boy. Tour interest in thia
distinct boy activity will help him.
Try it ami see If you want to knew
how to help him, come and let us talk
this over together
No admission
| Pralten, Mary Ulekn.ll and Nonna
Uriah nail
To qualify for these do*
groes they must show ■ proper study
of C E. history and methods anil
must pass examinations.
ixria Handsaker received th. second
degree, fro which «he had u> accom­
plish the foliowin*: Study of mission­
ary entorprls*., do a year's work in
Sunday school as a teacher and do a
certain amount of supervised Bibl<-
The degree» w.rv conferred by Mias
Viola Ogden, state historian of C. E
lx Roy Robinson was the principal
speaker and his address was upon
"C. E. Attainmeata.”
Rev. A. H. Snider announces his
topics for th. coming week at Laur
•Iwood Congregational church as fol­
Sunday evening, February »—"Sal
ration; How Wrought.”
Monday .v.ning, February 7—
Serm* n lecture, "A Trip to th. Holy
fxnd," more personal experiences.
Tuesday evening, "Law and Ixrve.”
Wednesday evening, "The Need of a
Friday evening, "The Poses of the
* Mind." (Especially adapted to stu­
Rev Snider's lectures are very In­
tereating and are drawing big crowds,
a full house testifying to th. interest
hr is arousing each evening. Don’t
forget th. special music at each ser­
Arleta Baptist Church Note.
Rev. Owen Day, paotor
Service» Sunday. February 0, II a.
m.; subject, “Jesus' l*oyaltv to Hi»
Followers.” Evening topic, ”!• Salva
ioa Worth a Stru**I.Y” Wndneaday
■venlng mid week service at H o'clock;
-ibjeet, "Faith.”
On February 13 to 15 incluaive
there will bo a series of conference»,
at White Temple under the direction
of th. Baptist board of promotion
Mia. Peabody, national prvaident,
will .peak,
Dr. Brooks. who hai
traveled extensively in Europe, will
0oa “Christianity tn the Old
ry." Dr. Bohler, another mem
her of the team, will reprerent the
"New World Movement."
On Washington'» Birthday th. Ar­
leta Men’» Club will meet at th. Ar
’eta Baptist church.
Th. axarelaes
viU bo of a patriotic nature, with
good music and good reading«. Thia
club it not a Baptist affair exelus
'vely, though the majority are from
* rleta church, but it la open to .very
hiakin*. interested man In Arleta,
vho can help in anv way to better
-onditions ctvically, educationally and
in many other ways
Arleta Graduates
An item which no doubt will be of
The following is th. list of gradu­ interest to some ia that the heating
ate» of Arleta school, 8th grade, for system of the Arleta church ia being
January, 1921:
overhauled thia week, and it ia ex­
Mae Borrelli, Dorothy Brown, Dor­ pected it will be in first class condi­
othy Carney, Charlotte Cobb, Lydia tion before another «ervice.
Frey, Frances
Hargrove. Thelma
Hay, James Hochswender, Helen 1ns-
Millard Ava. Chareh Notes
k«p, Gene Ixonard, Oswald Mae,
I’teaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 P
Elisabeth Under, Kao Martin. Blanche
Morgnn, Josephine Nelson, Gladys •n. Mornin* topic: “Human Need
topic :
Powell, Margaret Raes, Donald R om . Divin,
tod’s Kamern!
membrane.«.” C. E. at 0:45.
Edna Starrett, Charlo» Stiles, John
Wolkin», Richard Winaor, Marguerite
Wishard, Helen Woodward.
Mrs. Geo. CoIvey and Mrs. Charles
Demeter, of 7820 55th avenue, enter«
W. C, T. U. Endorses Legislation
'alned Mias Addie Virginia James
Then* seems to be a tendency of and her mother at dinner Monday,
late years to pass up In our r ea din g lanuary 24. Miss James is a talented
thing« that are really worth while, linger with a voice of beautiful range
an<l which we ourselves might, and and sweetness.
in fart do, influence greedy. Wheth­
On Monday evening, while return­
er our influence is good or bad. de­ ing from the Woodmere store, little
pends a great deal on how we act or Mary Ellen Holmes, daughter of Mr
do not act. Among the bills now be­ aad Mrs. John Holmes of 7704 57th
fore congress are some which really avenue, was severely bitten by a dog
concern us, inasmuch as they affect «aid to belong to Wm. Dillon, 7811
our social and business life. The wid­ '»9th avenue. Prompt consultation of
ows’ pent.ion bill, a bill nrwiding wo­ a physician prevented what might
men officers and attendants, age of have rendted in serious conseqeunces
consent bill, and the bill relating to
Mrs. Ethel Woods Lewellyn of 5800
an indvstrial school for girls. If these 77th street played at th. reception of
bills arc unfamiliar to you, It would Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Heinrich of the
be interesting to read up on them, Arieta Baptist church on Thursday
and a letter to our congressman evening, Jan. 27. Mrs. lxwellyn is a
would do much toward rectifying ex­ pianist of rars ability and a pleasing
isting evils. Th. W. C. T. U. endorses number on any program. It will be
these mentioned and can supply nec- of interest to know that she is start­
•esary Information regarding them.
ing a class for piano students.
Little Robert* Lewellyn had the
Whitney Beys' “
milfortune to swallow an open safety
On Friday evening,
nln last Saturday afternoon. Dr. W
the Whitney Boys* Chorus,
T. Smart was called. Very soon after
a complimentary dinner at
Olive Lewellyn, her sister, ran a two-
Temple. There were 200 boys pres­ inch sliver in her leg, which Dr. Stout
ent, each Whitney boy bringing a removed.
guest which was a compulsory part of
Those present at the delightful mis-
the arrangement, for without a guest donary meeting at the home of the
no boy was admitted. Mr. Whitney Misses Hollingworth, 5027 72nd street
baked the beans himself. Later they Wednesday afternoon were Mesdame«
sang at the Hippodrome and then R. R Armstrong, president; Glen
went to the Natatorium ter a Mg Sanders, «oc.-treaa.; J. J. Jafferies.
swim. It was a grand big day for the Wm. Robuck, Lanfear, Henry White,
lad», one which they will not soon F. H. Griswold, Ava Hatton, W. L
Ormaady, Mohrin Carman, J abler,
laat Sunday night 00 of th. boys Pounder HJnes, Proctor, J. J. Carpen­
sang at Hope Presbyterian church.
ter. Carl Ptekens, J, Swales, Camp
It is of Intreest to us also to note bell, F. R Crum. W. T. Stout, Bas­
that the banner for attendance at the set; the Misses Aimee and Alma Hol-
big affair Friday night was carried llngworth and Dorothy Peterson and
away by the boys of the Mt. Scott Gladys Crum.
Gladys Crum, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Crum, of 5003 70th street,
Laurelwood <oo g regal tonal Nates
played and read delightfully for the
Rev. Mr». John Handsaker, pastor ladles of the missionary aociety Wed
Sunday at 11 a. m. the pastor will aeaday afternoon at the home of the
preach ax usual. In the evenin* Rev. Misses Hollingworth.
Her reading
A. B. Snider will continue hie lee* •was an impersonation of “Conscience”
and the pianos «aim also were very
I.a»t Sunday momin* tho C. E. so­ ’‘».pry WKlie
ciety had charge of »he services, eon-
ducting every bit of It by semi of ter of Millard Avenue Presbyterian
th<* member« of the society.
church, has a rich fund of experience
Five member« received degress in and knowledge gleaned from her long
the Oregon Christian Endavor Cour­ years in the Orient. Her short ae-
tier college. Those
the first eount given Wednesday afternoon at
degree were Pauline
Subscription, $1.60 the Year
Kellogg School •’rograra
Th. following program will bo giv­
en Frt«U> »renin*. February 11. at
8 o’clock In th. Kellogg school aaaom-
bly room:
llano solo, "Prelude in C Sharp
Minor,” Kaahminoff. Harold Graham;
vocal solo, "Robin, llobin. Sin« Mo a
Son*,” Straw«*, Mrs John B. Adam;
resiling, dialect «roup, (a) “Counting
th. Family." (b) “F.ncour»gemeal,
(e) "Carlotta Mia." Miss Haaol Mari­
an Clark; violin solo, “Av. Maria.
Chaldea South; vocal aolo. "Calling to
Thee." Mr. John B. Adam; roadin*.
-Th. 1,1." (by reque.t), Mia. Hajol
Maron Clark; violin aolo. “Vabo
Trlate.” Sibelius, Charioa South; pi­
ano aolo. "Vais* Brilliant, in A Flat,”
Harold Graham; reading.
"The Two Carpenters,” Gal.. Mia»
Haul Mann (dark; riol|p aolo, "Bor-
onade," Schubert. Charlo* South; vo­
cal »olo. "Butterfly." Sailor, Mrs. John
II Adam; rradin*. “Who’. Afraid.
C^oke. Mie» Ha».I Maraa Club.
Guaranteed Circulation
Lents School
District Sunday
Graduate Many
School Meets
Ten-Year-Old Girl
Wins $5
selected the name of R.
grocery «tore at 5537
well known to all who
Place locality as
' i of quality may
within the reach
motto is to give
patrons, and the
of tl ie he has is suf-
he lives up to it.
is still in
who would
are deterred
it costs abso-
teople arv ne-
in a subacrip-
ild gladly take
ie small
it in off
red letter day
following the preach-
Sunday nights, a por­
cias« ia conducted for
a half hour under the leadership of
the putor. These meetings are very
helpful,, and those who can remain
Zumwalt. Dorethy P«t<-r><>ns Bern»
•» ,
dine Martin.
» Wten our whilom friend, A. 8.
The Third U. B. church have JutL* I’tarre, of ’ue l^nte Sheet Metal
closed a series of meetings which |\)’orl,i>. arti-e and visited hie guraae
)aste«i three
weeks. Next Sunday .last Saturrtsy morning at 8, he oh-
eveeing Dr Epley, president of Phil-*
that his Chevrolet car was
on a
omsth college, will speak on “Relig- >efy con'picuous by its absence. He
ioua Eilucation.” There will be spe- m:uediate|y phoned to police head-
cial music. No. one will make a mis- l qvnrtcrs a message of inquiry, aad
take by attending the Third U. B wns informed that the ear wm safe BIRTHDAY PARTY IN
church Sunday.«-veniAcs I ’
.• and tibkind. parked and in good eoa-
Dr. McDonald,, superintendent «fe 4»tion for travel..-*-A plainclothes
the Oregon esaJ>-reac<*;» naHy «^mkr't man had noticed a young man about
next Thursday'night at- TNEUIL B“ HF vest*'*ld driving through the
... r. - ’ -treet* do «re town and with a ■'hunch”,
At the county Sunday« sehriAI test*- Xtoppert the youth, found he did net
tute held at Laurelwoo«* M. E. cbuYch fk»ssess a driver’s license The occu­
Sunday, January .'10, the Fourth <>. B. pant of the ear first stated that the
church got the banner, with an at- «■ar belonged to an uncle at Lents,
temUnce of 75. Sunday evening they but soon broke down and confoeeed
had a beautiful birthday party, cele­ to the tl»eft.
He was immediately
brating the fortieth anniversary, of ■senenevd to xerve 180 days for his
national C. E. A big cake held the delinquency.
Hi» name is Nelson
place of honor, decorated vrith 40 can­ and he has resided in this locality for
dles. Each one who took part in the •»erne time pact
exercises lit u candle, until the forty
were lit. Then they were blown out
and the cake cut and distributed to
those present to be eaten.
■The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Friday afternoon, February 4, Mr. W. MeCon? of 6108 84th street, who
Spiers, principal of Arleta school, l*»sed away Jan. 20, was buried from
held an assembly, at which time Rev. ihe Kenworthy chapel on Jan. 21.
A. B. Snider addressed the students
of the higher grades.
> James Robins, aged 78 yean, 7
Rev. A. B. Snider will speak at as­ months and 10 days, passed away at
sembly at Franklin high school on the his heme, 8628 56th avenue, Jan. 26.
afternoon of Wednesday, February 9. iuneraj services were held at the
Kenworthy chapel Jan. 27 at 2 p. m.,
Rev. E. A. Smith officiating. The re­
Arleta Theater Program
shipped to Stella. Waah.,
Manager White of Arleta Theatro. mains were p
it. The deceased «ras a
reports a prosperous buauieis for his- for interment.
house this reason of the Year. The widower.
program« he has been putting on are
Mrs. Effie White, of 5211 88th
attracting 400 to 500 people nightly
and Manager White has every reason strict, passed away at the family
to feel »atixfied with the appreciation home on Jan. 26, aged 56 years, 9
Arleta people arc showing for his ef­ months and 6 days Funeral services
fort« to provide a clean and whole­ were held at the Kenworthy chapel
on Jan. 29, Rev. Culver officiating.
some evening's entertainment.
One feature of his house is the fine
ventilation, brought about by the
Clinton Elmer Durham, infant eon
fan system installed last August. of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Durham, passed
This expensive system, known as the away Jan. 27 at the family home, 4804
Blisxard, will when necessary change 85th ‘treet.
Funeral services were
every bit of air in the theater in a held nt the Kenworthy chspel at 3:80
few seconds over a minute.
p. m., Jan. 27, Rev. Ghormley offici­
On Saturday evening of this week, ating. 'Die little one was aged two
Feb. 5, the attraction nt the Arleta months and 21 days.
theatre will be the big feature, “Be- ’
hold My Wife/’ from Sir Gilbert Par- 1
Mrs. Elisabeth E. Lincoln, of 4927
ker's atary, "Th* Translation of a 66th street, died at the family home
Savage.” Thia ia a powerful romance in the early morning hours, sged 38
of an Indian girl, wedded through re­ years, 4 months and 15 days, 'fte de­
venge by a titled Englishman, who fended was a daughter of Mr. and
thought thus to disgrace his parents Mrs. Goe. W. Bard. Funeral services
and the “girl at home" who had jilted were held at Estacada at 2 p. m., Feb­
him. The manner In which the sav­ ruary 2.
age girl bloomed and flowered out
after coming in contact with eivilixa-
tion and how she brings society to her v.-ill be given at Grange hall. Lente,
feet is well pictured in the film, Monday evening, February 14, under
which had a big run in one of the nuspicea of the Grange Club. Prises
Portland houses recently
will bq awarded the most appropriate
On Monday and Tuesday the big costumed couple. Admission 25c. 5-ft
romance. "Once to Every Woman”
will be the attraction. This picture.
In which Dorothy Phillipa is the star, 1 el of tfie same name will remember
was said after its exhibition ip Port­ (ly« .epic, of the salmon industry, in
land a short time ago, to-be bn* dfthe which the dance hall girl, “Cherry
greatest ever produced.
Ma1 otte”, who was so strong a char­
For Wednesday’s attraction Mr. acter in “The Spoilers” is also pic­
White haj secured at a considerable tured, bnt in a more appealing char­
expense the powerful storv of the acter. All in all, Manager White has
northwest, ’The Silver Horde.” The arranged a program for ths wesk
Vera the homo of Mias Hollingworth was readers of Hex Beach's powerfill nov- that would be hard to equal.
-- -
V ol . XIX. No. 6
very interesting, and ail are looking
forward to another opportunity to
hear more of her wonderful life and
Another Interesting feature of the
afternoon waa a display of Chinese
i"he following members of the 8B
cur >os-opium pipe, knives, seats,
riakshaws, etc., kindly loaned and ex­ cluss have finished the work of the
elementary grade« and on last Friday,
plained by Mr» J. .1. Jefferies.
The refreshment» were chop suey, January 28, received their diplomas,
rice, Chinese nuts and candie» and «ntitling them to sdmissioa into the
high schools and trade schools of the
Chinese tea.
Altogether the affair waa a great City: Geo.gia L’ ar bee, Ella Barnett,
The next meeting will be Julia Barsolti, Helen Delaney, An-
held Februury 23, at Mrs. Crum’s res ra-lta Elder, T heodore Gariock, Law­
idenc«, ¡»603 70th »treet. Mrs. Fanny rente Harwood, Clarence Hunter, Es­
Pawson will lead the devotional an«l ther Hirschman, Herbert Huntington,
M ra. Ormandy will have charge of the Margaret Jen «eh.
’ < loyce Joerg, l-ouis Kearna, Jacob
topic, "Choa*n.”
Mary Ellen Holmra, 7704 57th ave­ Kl«tzel, Karl Knapp, lone LaGraat,
:». .i I .*r ton, Mery lewi», Floy
nue, is shut in with meaales.
luexlay evening, February 1, the Ixx-ke, Dona Marshall, Linwood Mc-
C. E- society of the Kern Park Chris­ 1 Co rd, June Patterson, Ruth Peters,
tian church gave u parcel post social. Hugh Roach, Theodore Rhode, Elixa-
Mure will be said about it In a later ' be'.h bawatxky, Matilda Schnider,
i Geneva Sei.tell, Yvonn* Smith, Caa-
M»ue of this paper.
A pipeless furnace has been in- . |x r eylor, Kenneth Vanormaa, Mil-
stalltsl in the Kern Park Christian ared Wakefield, Austin Westover,
church. The ixiyal Workers, the wo­ Emily White,' Prances White.
The enrollment the preseat term is
men’s society of the church, bought
and paid cash for it, which shows very heavy, there being 829 pupils
that they are truly Loyal Workers. pre «ent on Wednesday.
Arleta Parent Teachers association
We have forty-nine lA’s, an unus­
expect» to m«*et in the near future, ually large numbdr-for ths seeood
ihe officers are Mr». Sadie-Orr Dun- . term.
bur, president; Mrs. W. L. Ormandy,
On February. 2, Mine Laur* Har­
vice-president; Mrs Nelson, treasur­ ney war out with a bad cold and her
er; Mrs. Morris Van Biliards, secre­ room was taken by Mrs. Edna'Mc­
How is this for memory work for
Mr». Nellie Buhrte substituted for
pupils in the lourth grade. A little Mrs. Carrie Absher in the 8B roam
girl recited this for her mother the on February 2.
other night: “Character is resolu­
The boy« interested in baseball are
tion, courage, energy, power of self- organizing their teams this week. W«
control, together with a determina­ expect to hsve -a g«xl first team and
tion to succeed—to take the initiative I tv organise u «ecand team aa well.
and to assume all responsibility; to I
justly regard the rights of others,! V tLLABI.E JEWELRY
combined with nn unflinching determ­
ination to succeed, no matter what ob­
stacles or barriers have to be beaten I
A woman patron of the Cottage
r>-»tauriint laat Sunday evening left
Friday evening, January 29, the1 ciamonds, consisting of lavalierrm,
.Misses Hollingworth, Mrs. George < nngs snd ear rings, said to be worth
Coivey, Mrs. Chan. Demeter and Mr». over *600, in a handbag which she
W. L. Ormandy attended the U. of O. forgot when leaving the pise». About
glee club concert at the auditorium. twenty minutes later, Wm. Parrish,
Many others from this district were the proprietor, discovered the bag on
there and all agre«-d that it was one the back of the chair the lady nad
splendid program.
been uring, and placed it in a safe
The C. E. aociety of Millard avenue .place. The owner -soon discovered
church held a "peo” meeting and in­ her Jess and returned post-haste to
stalled the new officers Sunday after­ (he restaurant with, as she said, “her
noon at 2 o’clock in the, church. lie- heart in her mouth.”
Mr. Parrish
were promptly re«torad the valuables and
• erred after the business meeting th«* noar-loser went on her way ro­
ll.e fo lowing officers were matalh-d
jo ring that she had found an honest
President, Edwin Zumwalt; jriea-pre» ,sn>n but leaving Mr. Parrish none
ident, Clarence Misenheimer» trva«-
> far his integrity. The un-
urtr, Nancy Carlson; secretary, Eva '.n.iwn was accompanied by two gea-
Spooner The following delegates to tknten.
the stat«* convention at Cup-alks were
: -,<irtc«C- efficient
tage of
some inroads in the attendance of the
Sunday school but most of the chil­
dren are over these pestilential an-
The mother of W. S. Thompson,
who has won scores of friends by his
helpfulness and singing, arrived on
Thursday from
near Harrington,
Waahington, and was taken to a san­
itarium at East 28th and Alder streets
where she is being treated for a can­
cer of the bowels. Everything that
science and nursing can do to make
her comfortable is being done.
February 13th is Lincoln’s day at
the Baptist church and two local G.
A. R. post.« vrith their circle« of lad­
ies will attend. There will be special
music for the occasion.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., Supt.
M. Flier.
A graded school for all
Morning service at 11.
This is
Communion Sunday and the service
will be in the spirit of the day. Spe­
cial music by the choir.
Young peoples' prayer meeting at
0:30; Preeident. Mr. Francis.
Special song service led *
the choir.
Preach! _
o’clock: “The Gidoen Soldiers.
—1 sl*-
dal anthem led by Mrs. W. S. Thomp-
aad Misa Eda
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.
Next Sunday a Quaker woman in
the gray garb of the sect will tell the
story of “White Feathers,” a tala of
the early days of the Friends and the
way these early God-fearing people
were protected from the Indians. The
Quaker Giants (boys’ class) are pre­
paring a stunt for the near future­
watch for it.
The Quaker maidens have met
and started their choral practice in
order that they may the better lead
the singing of the school Mrs. Spen­
cer is to be their organist.
Church services at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. each Sunday. The pulpit
is being ably filled by members of the
faculty of North Pacific Evangelistic
Funds are being solicited to com­
plete the new dormitory of the insti­
tute. The building is to be called
Terrell Hall,- in memory of the late
Pn,^on,oi Lanta Friends church, who
worked unceasingly tvr the building.
The C. E. business meeting and
,oc,*> w»-' held on Tuesday evening
at the home of the Misses Dorris and
”, pda Mann. A pleasant and profit­
able evening was reported,
j C' ? .P~y,r ">***»«• every Bun-
• 30 P “ •
ta« ehuroh.
The Queen Esthers (women’s Bible
clsss) hold their weekly prayer mi it
mg on Wednesday at 2 o’clock In the
Children’s meeting Friday at 4 > m.
Bennett cha-
J»*** at
home of
Calkins, Wednesday, Feb­
ruary 9, at 10:30 a. m. Evervbodv