MAKING NEW WORDS. One of the well-known Fngllzh words, cnbul, meaning a strong com- blr.ation to curry out a pre been brought about by selective that all may know what the rascal breeding. It is the Idea. Just possibly, looks like, for of course it Is obvions of some sympathizer with the dog that that he has Joined the pursuing crowd all these years has been tossed around that Is seeking him. One trade period­ for worrying that cat ical objects to the profiteer, yet in the same breath decries any effort to A conference of wheat growers has lower prices. While not saying that determined that the cost of growing there has been any profiteering In a bushel of wheat to Insure the farm­ sugar, remarks Christian Science Mon­ er a 20 per cent profit Is $2.77. May­ itor, It Is fair to ask If anyone be­ be, after all. the old methods were the lieves that some of the sugnr men. for best Instance, are being abused If they Are either asked or force«) to lower their You can get a pretty fair $1.25 shirt prices, say 50 or 60 per cent, or even for $2.50 after It has been reduced more, from the war figures. from $4.50. All you have to do Is Just keep your eye on the bargain counter. Pietro Mascagni, famous Itnllnn composer, hoisted the Red flag over a We do not question the cabled as­ destroyer at the Livorno navy yard on sertion that Paris has 8.000,000 rats, the Adriatic. How much better It but to complete the record we would would be if he and his fellow-country­ like to have the name of the man who man, Gabriele d’Annunzlo, could col­ laborate on some great oratorio of counted them. peace. Instead of that these song birds are rumpling up the world us sadly as they can, says Los Angeles Times. Although given to poetry and music they do not know what a rest Implies—and they wouldn't let their country have It If they did. If we could only trade our stormy petrels for a wren I Reference to the offlclnl constitution of soviet Russia shows that there Is a large grim Joker In the alleged prom­ ise of free land to the peasants. The peasants are given the land to work, but the central government dictates the crops that are to be raised and the prices the peasants are to rec. he. Property In land is vested in the soviet state. Instead of being free landowners, the Russian peasants are slaves to the land, Just as were the serfs In former days and the helots of ancient Sparta. 1 KERN PARK REALTY COMPANY BEING A LADY. ...................................... SUU Molai ■ ■ • ' Before the gentler sex as a whois discovered that "woman" Is a wort! SISI VO*TBH HOAD that carries no Invidious distinction, UITY i‘ltol'1 RIA A SPI CIALTY politic folk had to use the word "lady1* Farina amt Arraus* «'ellrrtloua, l.oana. It*nt*la anil llualnv»* Chaurva a great deal. It was possible to get a Port laud. Ore. The One-Way-Charie Company "wnshludy," for Instauce, when to Phono 216-43 look for a colored woman to do the * ' X wash was hop«>less. America'« demuo- ••GOOD EATS” racy, Jealous of Its rights, has risen At the Ccttfge Restaurant a stage or two since then und “wo­ Wo can move you out of the muddy street. man” la a respectable word again. But Acro» from Post office It was left to old I'ennaylvaula to ap Phone 1112 59 8222 Foster Rd •ID Feslar Road HH. RAKISH. Pre*. ply a distinction. In Pennsylvania any woman can bo a "lady,” to be sure, but It wll’ cost her 26 cents, says Mil­ waukee Journal. Township election laws make classes. "Housewives, h..useke«‘i>ers, servants" and so on must pay 20 cents to register for vot­ CANDIES MADE DAILY ing ; stenographers, clerks and book­ keepers pay 25 cents; doctors and law- yers, 30 cents. But a "lady” must pay 40 cents. The class, It Is naively ex­ plained, corresponds to “retired" for a man. Pennsylvania tins baubles for her citizens—baubles that cost from 5 to 20 cents. You can be a lady In 5814 Ninety-second Street Lents Pennsylvania for 20 cents extra—If you can stand the classification "re­ tired." The way to be a lady that ----------- "" ................. ~~ grandmothers used to tell little girls was harder, but It had the merit of convincing other folks than the reg­ istration clerk. ROSE CITY VAN COAL SQUARE DEAL CANDY STORE SATURDAY SPECIAL Chocolate Dipped Raisins, 40c Lb A Happy New Year Leisure Is freedom from responsible direction and social need. Work Is the sinews of society, but a society based on leisure would disintegrate Into an aggregation of hoboes. There Is Indirectly, however, a social value In leisure. Individualistic as It la, leis­ ure wisely employed develops the personality Into a better functioning social unit, says Chicago News. Leis­ ure may be used for recuperation or education. Thus society, that Increas­ ingly powerful master of our Ilves, finds It wise to supervise a tunn’s leis­ ure as well as his work, ills leisure. In u word, becomes voluntary, pleas ant and yet useful employment. Thus Is leisure transformed Into a positive asset not only to the Individual, hut to humanity. TO ONE AND ALL “The Best Meat at Lowest Prices” is the motto of Eggiman’s Meat Market Real Tire Economy Ten European nations engaged In the grent war show a potential loss In population of 35,000,000 persons since 1914, according to figures compiled by the Society for Studying the Social Consequences of the War. Causes for the abnormal falling off In population were attributed as follows: Killed In the war, 8,819,000; deaths due to augmentation of mortality, economic blockades, war epidemics, 5.901,066; fall In birth rate due to mobilization of men between the ages of twenty and forty-five years, 20.260.<»*). That Is Just one more thing to think of by those who speak so lightly of waging war. Tire economy depends, not so much on the original cost of the tire, as on its final cost l>er mile of service. You can readily appreciate the difference be­ tween paving $30.00 for a tire that runs 10,- 000 ni:I ‘s as compared with paying $21 each for two tires that average 1000 to 5000 miles. There is a very real and a very good reason why more jieople ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind. Their combined ex­ perience has proved that Good­ year qnalty and service mean low cost per mile of service. Call at our Authorized Goodyear Service Staton for real tire econ­ omy Money Is being raised In Great Britain at the rate of $50,000,000 monthly for the promotion of housing schemes In that country. Plans have been approved for more than 200.000 bouses so far, am) work has been be gun on 80,cal 1821 babies and the restoration of the 6421 HXth St., S. E., Portland, Oregon cradle. What Every Woman Is Hunting for “Spirella, the World’s Best Corset” The British high commissioner of Palestine has taken up his residence Phofles: Office 640-73. Res. 643-5« in the pnlace which the kaiser built Hours: 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by Appointment. for himself on the Mount of Olives. It was probably done for convenience, DR. 0. BRIMMER but the fact has a significance palpable DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Manual Manipulation For EXPRESS AND MOVING to the least observing intelligence. FRANK BABNIK Magnetic Therapeutics Phone 614*44 REPAIRS LENTS It seems now that none of the dis­ Rooms 10-11 Yott Bldg. Bicycles, Baby Buqqy Tires, Umbrella Ix>cal and Long Distance Hauling 9207 Fost er Rd, cor 92nd Portland of all kinds. crowned kings of Europe wanted I lie Carts, Eetc. wsr, and none of them Is responsible Leave Orders at Perfection Confec ­ Solders Cooking Utinsels tionery, cor. 92nd and Foster Road. for anything connected with it. Such IPhone 625*17 9124 Foster Rd. Next to Post office JOHN E. DEARDORFF a peace-loving lot, ns they were, It Is 5228 72nd St. S. E., Portland, Or. Peter Larsen B. Winters a wonder how the war ever happened. IF YOU WANT DRY WOOD CALL US —----------------------------------------- MILLARD AVE. FUEL’ CO. MATT GREENSLADE MRS. J. M. LOVEJOY Washington reports that the short­ O. M. Butler L. C. Pullen Wagon Repairing Instructor of Popular age of houses is acute. But what we Ice, Wood, Coal and Feed want Information upon Is some house RAGTIME AND CLASSICS Horseshoeing A Gen. Blacksmithing Sand and Gravel shortage that Is not acute. It strikes 307 East 60th St. AUTO REPAIRING us that acutacy Is the dominant qual ­ Phone Tabor 8816 Garden Plowing and Excavating 9327 Foster Road Lents Prompt Service ity of sliortagfnoalty In all cases. List Your Property with The Lents Garage AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor Phone 615*34 8919 Foster Road ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a i The ^ents ^ercan^e co. J i Z ; ■ ■ L Will promptly fill your orders from up-to-date GROCERIES, FRESH FRUIT, VEGETABLES. TABLE DELICACIES and other Good Things TO EAT. We carry FLOUR and FEED. Special attention given to phone orders, and a New and Dependable Deliveryman will get your purchases to you ON TIME. OUR AIM is to PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS. Phone 616-34 Ninety-second Street