'.CHURCH NEWS.'. mt. Scott ficrald PubliahcU l>vr> Friday Mt l^nta Station. Portland, Oregon. 1 mi xns t in SI. PE IFRS CHI IU II NOTES Christmas day services will be at Bible school Sunday at 9:45 a. ni. 7. 8 and 10:30 The senior choir ha* The Christmas programme will be l>een busy rehearsing a new mass for given on Sunday at 7:30 in the even the last service». mg. Thb school will make its Ar­ Christmas cheer is written all over menian offering at this time, the the church. Interior decorations are children entering into the spirit of I under the guidnnee of Mesdames giving rather than receiving. ■ Stubbs and Grassens. Miss Terrell, who has been serious­ We arc indebted to Mr. J. Nadeau ly ill since the special meeting closed, ■ for the artistic crib, which ropietures is slowly recovering but will t i the scene enacted in Bethlahem two able to till her pulpit Sunday, ■ houssnd year* ago. probably be filled by Mrs. A Christmas tree laden to the Spann, professor m North | ground w ith gvwxi things is the par- Evangelistic Institute, who su , sh appreciation of the loyalty of her t reached for us last Sunday, | me hundred and thirty little ones. of services- 11 a. m., prayer - In conjunct on with it a Yuletide pro ing, Thursday, 7:45 p. in. ’ gram will be rendered by the young The Christmas program will be as nd old on Sunday night al 7:30, l'he follows: Opening song .congrega­ i Mi -cs B. Kearns and C. Cloverio an I tion; scripture lesson, assistnat sup­ '. Celorie are to be commended for erintendent: prayer, J. E. Swanson; I their effort* in liehalf of the child- Arlenian offering, bv c!.;s>es; reiita | fen. tion. Wi ¡-di- Mann; recitation, Harn The church building is outgrowing Repp; song, girls' class; recitation. its usefulness and all available space Olive Coe; recitation, Gordon Bald­ is taken up by the rapidly increasing win; exercise, "Christmas Stock­ congregation. There is expectation ings,” class of girls; pageant, "For that in the very near future a sub­ God So Loved the World"; reading stantial brick structure will be erect­ and pantomime, "The Little Gray ed. Ton years ago there wero twenty Lamb.” Quaker maidens' class; clo affiliated members and in i pite of i-.ig song. - uch disheartening ti e Rev. 1‘ Bout gen stuck to his guns and built the i EX I S M. E. CHURCH NOTES present building for church nnd school purposes Though the latter Sunday service»: Bible school 9:45 did not meterialire tlie church grew a. f.; public worship, 11 a. m., sub- an>i flourished until today the parish ject, “Working With ii God”; Junior number? over two hundred families League. 3:30 p. m. Epworth League, The prize winners in Cliristrine 6:30 p. m., subject, “A Purpose Meet- doctrine will be awarded Monday- i^g"' public worship, 6 p. in., “Good night Prize* will also be given for Resolutions for Everyone.” best attendances. Friday, D.ec. 24, 6 p. m.. choral Pat Barry of Eightieth ■treei is singers meet at the church. Christ­ very ill For 83 years his health ha* mas tree at 8 p. ni. Come and bring been very good up to the present. a gift for the White Christmas; mon­ An appeal from the pastor Sunday el canned goods qr clothing. for dry sidewalk* around the church ¿octal for the Junior leaguers at | property brought two truck loads of the Moore home. 7520 54th avenue crushed rock the following morning, S. E. Meet at the church at 6:15 p. thank* to ever-willing Bill Bolan I m„ Monday, the 27th. and others. Epworth League Watch Night Soc­ ial December 31. Special meetings a: \ MERRY CHRISTM \S the church in January. is the greeting from the Lents Bap tist church. 88th St. and 60th Ave. EVANGELICAL CHIRCH NOTES If you have no church home, come t - ur home. We welcome all strangers Sunday morning at 11 o’clock th, ' 'ith good tidings and a real Christ pastor will speak, the subject being > mas scripture I'-.essage for you. “Th" "The First Christmas Gift.” At 6:31'1 Event of Agi s,” ;; beautiful Christ Marion Culver is to lead the young ' mas service of story nnd song, is l>e- people's meeting and at 7:30 the un !"g prepare I bv the choir, entitled nual Christmas prograr me will be “The Star of G! >rv." composed bv rendered. There.will be no treat giv- ! Mnliel Roseman, to be given nt t!i. en the children this year but an offer­ church Sunday at 7:30 p. m They ing will be taken for orphan child al-o will smg "Gloria" from Mozart'.- Twelfth Mass at this tiipe. Morning rt-n. choir leader Mrs. W. S. Thompson: services at 11; Sunday school nt 9:45. L.1URELWOOD M. E. CHI RCH Rev. EL A Smith, I>. 26. in the evening Christmas will be observed at the church Friday evening, commencing ST. PACE S EPISCOPAL CHI RCH at 7:30. An interesting pageant will at WOODMERE be presented, representing Christmas Chri-tmas services at 4 p. m., in­ nic-ht. The pastor, Rev. Finley, in stead of regular services There will benaif of the church, extends a cor- be special music end recitations by di d invitation to everybody to at­ the children, and a Christmas tree. tend. All invited. — N ih h PLUMBING In order to reduce our stock of plumbing material we have some attractive prices on Bath 1 ubs and Toilets until Jan. 1 only B. F. Miller Phone 618-34 5926 92nd St., LENTS X. J r N ASK SHORTY ASK SHORTt A TTENTION Wise Men of Lents! You Drive for BUSINESS or PLEASURE There is no pleasure in driving your car if it doesn’t run right and it cer­ tainly poor BUSINESS. AJAX TIRES—-the best and at a discount. Snot Lights, Windshield Cleaners, Tire Chains, lhe Best Oils and Gasolines. EAGLE GARAGE In the Genter of Lents Geo. A. Me Arthur............... Proprietor Entered a« second-via sui inali mut 1er February U. 1914, nt the pont office at I.»’nt«. Ort gon, under act of (' oiiki t * s, March 1. 1179 Subscription Price SI 50 il year U iucn touch«» ot naturi m this which tuiike ecleiice and liumauliy Kern Park Bakery kin. A puni nlgn alunit the recon nt rue* flou of Mexico I m the governmental wiping out of bolshevism, ’l'he world seems to be arousing to the dang-r of thia deadly virus In the veins of the political few, ami to take im»asurea to eradicate It befoni It infects the whole political body. SStJ Ninety-»eeond Street The French have 70.000 tn»|n In the Neill- Eilat, mostly Colonial sol­ The recent recommendation by Ci dier*. England's force« there nra ty Engineer I -itirga.-ird that the city largely from India. Looks us though take over certain county roads with­ “the white mnn'a burden" was being in this district looks like n starter shlftisl Io the shoulders of the sub­ 'or bettor conditions in the near fu lure. The Herald has little patience ject races. for the vacant lot bugbear. If lots he'd for purely speculative purpose« When you w a husband meekly fol­ are to delay progress of the city, let lowing his wife around, don’t Jump to the property bo confiscated. As soon the conclusion that he Is hen pocked, i,-. tile desired i lunovements are made, the city will have no trouble lie may be one of those fortunate and in disposing of the propertv thus ac contented vietimi» of home cooked cumulated at an advanced price. If flMHl. tla assessor fails to do his duty in hi« next rounds he will hear from the l'he bure.iu of mines snya that the owners of homes in this locality in no uncertain ’crnis who are demanding quality of gasoline Ims been going passable roads and sidewalks to their down as (he demand goes up. The abode«. In years gone by, in various involine may not I m » ns strong na It towns we have re ided in. the same used to be. but the smell I n . problem has had to l>e met with •omctinies with defeat, al other times with success. If the Mt. Scot' district Pi lli.ISII Ell’S NOTICE is to be raa-le a desirable place for one to live, there must be p.-is.sable Hereafter, from thi» date, all en roads provided f >r its residents. tertainments given notice in the Her aid, where an admission fee is re­ quired, will be oluirged at regular \ I ( IIRISTM is I IMI advertising rates. Also, obituary notices and cards of Why do vve feel the pr ••.once of thanks will be charged for at coat of those with whom we've quarreled and composition. see their wistful gar.o from eyes ■..•epi nglv fa. tened upon us in mute LIBRARY HOURS—LENTS pleading? I very day J2 to 6 p. m. Monday, Whv do our thought« wander back Wednesday and Saturday, from 2 to o'er the year- as if hunting some 9 p. m. thing lost? Why do we think of all who are DAILY Mill. or ever have been near and dear Except Sunday, at Lenta station. more than at any other time. mt K tm nt 7:M a. m . ij 10 p m. Why do we feel like we must give ami departs nt 9:20 a. in., !2'.”0 nnd V, even give b vomì our mean»? 5 30 p. m. Wb v do v ■ feel like being kind and gentle to j' all and everything? NOTICE TO < REDITORS It is the rebirth of Tlie Christ «pir Nd. 19041 it unto our consciousness, reviving In the Circuit Court of the } he “Good’ (God) within all men. Oregon, for tlie County of Mult i anifestirg in “desire” (prayer) to imnuih; I’robate Department. nnd ¡ren­ Notice is hereby given that the •I,.; j.. reflecting all the • ic. the State of Oregon, for the County Gertrude Scott Bernal. of Multnomah, I’robate Department, as tlie administrator of the Rotate of WORI D LOVFS A SINNER. Carl Peterson, deceaed, nnd has All A- ' I d. . noi love a lover, -lualiiid, as required by law. All per-ons having claims against It Is Ji rubli "ted taste, alien to the natural IL ami unknown to ch id- said estate are hereby notified amt required to present the same under hood, But all the world dots :.>*«, n oath with proper vouchers therrfor sinuer. either because lie Is convert- attached, within six months from Ible to ■ tasti ..r the date of this notice, to the un- law-breaking Is a > inheritance freni dersigned at the office of H. P. Ar- 91:13 1-ostor Road, Portlnnd, our first parents, wlm broke the one nest, Oregon. and only law Imposed upon them, any» Onted and first published, Dec. 17 Agm-s It.-ppller In Century M igazlne. 1920. luist publication Jan. 7, 1921. The little children whom Fra Llppo L. L. LEE, Lippi sees standing In n "row of tui- . , . , Adnni.utrator of the estate of Carl miration” around the murderer on the Peterson, deceased, altar step express their iiinix-eiit in- H P. Arnett, No. 9133 Foster Rond. terest In crime. Bayard, sans peur lortland, Oregon, Attorney for Administrator. et sans reproche, Im« never stirred the heart of youth n* bus Itobln Hood, that bold outlaw who "beat and Hardware, Stoves, Crockery, Tinware bound” unpopular sheriff« and "read­ Glassware, Paints, Oils justed the distribution of property"— C. H. TURNER delightful phrase, as old a« tin world, Sucessor to and ns fresh ns tomorrow morning. Iremonl liousefurnishing Co. 6021 72ml St., S. E [>hone 6I3.ß7 The terrible nnd undeserved epithet, “blameless.” hns robbed great Arthur of Ills great tneed of homage. The MRS. A. STEINMAN "Master Thief" enjoyed, nnd still en­ SI’IREI.I.A CORSETIERE joys. unmerited popularity. Phones: 661 11; Local 1821 wii* ’’’it*1 ■S| ’ 1 • Portland, Oregon nal 1.4ery Homan Is Hunting for There Is not n more desolate thing •Spirella, the World's Beat Corset” on earth, one would Imagine, than the ■ mm- : Office 640-73. Res. 643-56 masculine right-hand glove. Every man will jnit on the left-hand glove, Hours: 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by Appointment. but keep Ids right hand free to grap­ Phone 662-28 FRANK BABNIK ASK SHORTY For EXPRESS AND MOVING Phone 611-14 REPAIRS Ixvcnl and Long Distance Hauling Bicycles, Baby Buggy Tires, Umbrella of all kinds. Carts, Eetc. Leave Orders et Perfection Confec­ Solders Cooking Utinsels tionery, cor. 92nd and Foster Hoad. 9124 Foster Rd. Next to Postoffice JOHN E. DEAKDOItUF Peter Larsen MATT GREENSLADE Wagon Repairing Horsesho. intj 4 Gen. Bldtlumilhinq AUTO REPAIRING 9327 Foster Road Lents B. Winters MRS. J. M. LOVEJOT Instructor of Popular RAGTIME AND CLAM8TCW 307 East 50th St. Phone Tnbor 8815 Liet Tour Property with 6615 Foster Road ROSE CITY VAN serves HOME-COOKED DIN NERS with a welcome von you wont forget. The One-Way-Charge Company Fresh Bread, Pastrp, ConfeC t inner y, Cream and Milk. We can move you out of th* muddy street. Phone «12 59 8233 Foster Rd DELICIOUS COFFEE COAL ta SQUARE DEAL CANDY STORE CANDIES MADE DAILY SATURDAY SPECIAL Plain and Cream Mixed Candy, 30c 5814 Ninety-second Street Lents N Merry Christmas TO ONE AND ALL “The Best Meat at Lowest Prices" «s the motto of Eggiman’s Meat Market The Money Value of Our Tire Service to You Tire economy is a simple matter of original tire strength and quality, plus timely atten­ tion. So we sell GOODYEAR tires and maintain a regular insjieetion service which prevents certain injuries and cor­ rects others, thereby achieving ac­ tual money-saving for you in long­ er mileage. ou will fnd that such service, combined with the high merit of Goodyear tires, will insure longer mileage than you can get in anv other way. We urge you to make use of our service facilities. The Lents Garage DR. 0. BRIMMER ple with coins and umbrella« ami the DREGLESS PHYSICIAN Intricacies of life. Away goes the Manual Manipulation right-hand glove Into the pocket or Magnetic Therapeutics tic drawer. And while thousand* of Rooms 10-11 Volt Bldg. LENTS AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor left-linnd gloves are worn ami I hived, 9207 Fost er Rd, cor 92nd Portland equnl thousands of right hand glows 8919 Foster Road Phone 615-31 are cast Into outer darkness, What Phone 625-17 j 4 becomes of them? Wlmt man w ants the right-hand glove? And—hli os« mo 5228 i2nd St. S. E., Portland, Or. r IF YOU WANT DRY WOOD —why should I pay for a pair of gloves CALL US when I only want one? Paving Materials Office: East 320 MILLARD AVE. FUEL CO. O. M Butler Macadam Roads L. C. Pullen Plant: Tabor 482 1 orornstH of coni shortnixes In the Ice, Wood, Coal and Feed United States, whether true or false, .Sand and Gravel re-cmphnsizo the need of utilizing the Garden Plowing and Excavating vast available supply of unused water Prompt Service power to provide heat, ns well as light and power. It Is time tlrit civilization, KERN PARK REALTY which prides Itself on manifold accom­ 291 Hawthorne Ave. plishments along other llm s, adopted COMPANY • 707 IOSTF.H ROAD this logical course to abolish the tre­ ITY I’KOI’I IlTt A SPIX’IALTY mendous waste of potential fuel. ' The I’ < nrriiK and Acreage. Collect Iona. LoanM, RentiiiH nnd itualneNM Chance* Initial expense would be heavy, but tile Portlnnd, Orc. benefits would no doubt Justify the I’hone *210-13 /------------------------------------------------------- -----\ Plant: Kelley Butte, 94 and Division Sta., PORTLAND, ORE. atop. AUTO TRUCK HAULING CONTACTORS CRUSHED ROCK, SAND and GRAVEL “ GOOD EATS” ASK SHORTY \_________________ Still Moving ... Now n Canadian farmer wants to go over Niagara falls In n barrel, r I- though a man l ifely lo-t bls life in ilia same foolhardy attempt. It would be better for men to put the energy courage nnd determination of su< h feats Into more practical and useful work In which the exercise of these valuable qualities would belli theta, selves nnd the world at largo. PORTER W. YETT, Contractor. At the Cottage Restaurant V- Across from Post office 9123 Foatsr Road WM. PARISH, Prop. f he Lents Mercantile Co J Home Cooking at Gilkey's Restaurant i That Will Satisfy Physicians nt a children’s hospital G009-92nd St. LENTS In Philadelphia s»-t a pigion’s broken bones and dre^ed Its wounded head The Ilcrald does all kinds of to please a little boy who had res­ cued the bird nfler It had been run printing, not the cheap kind, over by a trolley rar. The little feathered patient will get well. ft but the good kind g i ■ ■ Will promptly fill your orders from up-to-date GROCERIES, FRESH FRUIT, VEGETABLES. TABLE DELICACIES and other Good Things TO EAT. We carry FLOUR and FEED. Special attention given to phone orders, and a New and Dependable Deliveryman will get your purchases to you ON TIME. OUR AIM is to PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS. Phone 615-34 Ninety-second Street ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■