Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, November 26, 1920, Image 1

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    of Oriftt I
Subscription, $1.50 the Year
commette con ­
tinues at WORK
The committee in charge of the
Ix-nta community improvement plan
ar« not making very much noise
these days, but are working quietly
to the end of making a success of
their immense undertaking, Maps,
plans and specifications are being
prepared by the city officials to
cover this territory, which will give
th« aaaesse<l valuation of each lot
in th« district and will be presented
to pr<>[H'rty owners In the near fu(
ture for consideration
All proper
ty owners in ths Mt. Scott district
should prepare to assist in this
drive for the completion of better
walks and roads, a crying necessity
in the vicinity of Ismts and country
tributary thereto.
Two small burglaries in the Mt.
Scott district were cleared up when
Police In »pec tors Howell and Mulo
ney took three youngsters into cus­
tody and turne«f them over to the
Juvenile court authorities. The boys
admitted the burglaries and re
turned the loot to tne owners. The
houses robbed ywre those of Clar
encr Shafer, 9004 66th avenue 8. E.,
and F. Wellman, 6643 91st street
At the Shafer home the boys got
two flashlights and a pair of opa'
ear rings. At the Wellmnn resi­
dence they made away with |5 in
cash, a watch and other minor ar
Friday and Saturday of last week
■ committee consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. Bar zee, Mr. and Mrs. Snuffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Young. Mrs. McGill.
Mrs. Furey, Messrs. Klink«, Hotch­
kiss, J. C. Robertson, Estey, Kruu
drr and Kenneth Kreuder, with Mr»
Christensen a* chairman, descended
upon the grange hall and proceeded
to give it a general cleaning. The
walla wore ealeimlned. floor scrub
bed, windows washed and the cur
tains were taken home by the vari
oua members of the committee to be
Pomona grange will be enter
tained by the Mnts grange Wednes
day, Doc. 15, hence the general
A few days *g» a carload of Ore­
gon eggs was marketed In New
York at $1 OR a dozen wholesale. It
waa the highest price for eggs paid
in the metropolitan market, and It
waa a dollar* and cent« recognition
of the frequently repeated state­
ment that Oregon's eggs are the
beat in th« worla, aaya the Journal.
Add to the evidence of quality
the fact that Oregon’s hens produce
on the average about 50 per cent
more eggs than in any otner part
of the country and it can be readily
understood why the eggs produced
in thia state last year were valued
at $.,.R,X00,000—more than the value
placed on all the vegetables, fruit
or dairy products produced in the
Dr. A. Bailcv
Bnilev and Misa
Mias Miller are
conducting a dental clinic at Wood-
mere school. The Junior Red Cross
and school department of the board
of health are its sponsors.
Mrs. Florence Brown, who has
been ill the past month, ia steadily
gaining, and hopes soon to meet her
classes again. Mrs. Stella Curtis
has taken her room in Woodmere
school, during Mrs. Brown’s illness.
Mrs. Edna McCord ha« substituted
for Mrs. Grace Hill, who has been
ill the last ten days.
The Bov Scout troop, which meets
each week at Woodmere, ie doing
fine work, and all the boys an*
greatly interested.
The Boys* Alumni Basket Ball
team meets every Monday evening,
and report a good time.
At the parent-teachers' meeting
last Friday, Nov. 16, a new circle
was organised with a membership of
70 new members; four officers were
elected and plans have already been
started to sequre much needed play
Here are a few of our regular
prices: Milk, 2 cans for 25c; flour,
$2.75 per sack: spuds ,82 per sack;
eggs 70c per doz.; sirloin jteak, 23c
per lb.; T-bone steak, 25c. Why go
to town to buy? Try us and you’ll
come again. M. A R. Market. High­
est quality Eats. 5927 92nd St.
Although by a majority vote of
the county commissioners of Mult­
nomah county, District Attorney
Evans has been instructed to perfect
an appeal to the state supreme court
from the decision of Circuit Judge
Perry Kelly in the locally famous
“gasoline case,” County Commis­
sioner Rufus Holman has taken the
position that he does not desire to
participate in this contest. Holman
has made full settlement for his
share In the gasoline coupon books
furnished the three members of the
board of county commissioners.
Th«- Woman’s' Missionary society
will have charge of the morning
service next Sunday in connection
with the program a returned mis­
sionary from Armenia will »peak
and an offering will be taken for
missionary purposes.
Al 7:30 a song and praise service
will be conducted followed by a ser­
mon by the pastor.
Tuesday. ____
Nov. _ 23. __
at 8 o ______
’clock. a
delegation of visiting pastors will
meet for the purpose of organizing
for the increasing of acquaintance­
ship and promote interest (n mis­
sionary work.
Thursday morning this church
will unite with other church»» for
Thanksgiving service» at
Kern Park church.
Epworth league meets at 6:30 p
m.. followed by evening service.
Evening subject, “The Value of
Junior league meets Saturday aft­
ernoon at 1:16.
Choir service every Wednesday
evening at 7’30.
Friday evening gymnasium class
meets at rirh' grammar school.
Saturday evening the Epworth
league will give a social at the
Sunday school at 9:45. Morning
service at 11.
Subject, “Your
Shadow, of What Value Is It?”
Choir practice Friday evening A
full attendance is desired. Mrr. W.
S. Thompson was congratulated
Snndav for the splendid results at-
tained so early.
Sunday school at 0:45. M. Flier
Good mt’«ie nn<'
live classes Send your children and
we will take good care of them.
Morning worship at 11 a. m Pas
tor’s subject, “My Rible.” Special
music by the choir under direction
of Mrs Thompson.
Young people’s meeting at 6:30.
under supervision of nra”»r com­
mittee Song service at V;30.
Preaching at 8 o’clock. Subject.
“The Boy Going Away and Coming
and hear some good
gospel singing. Everyone welcome
Bring a friend with you.
Met In regular session Saturday.
November 20. with a verv good a*
Department President
Mrs. Carrie Courier, and Inspector
Mrs. Lucy Reck were present for the
yearly Inspection. A number of via
itors including Mrs Holden and Mrs.
Hancock of Rlackmar circle and
Mrs. Heims, past department presl
dent, were present.
Three new members were take«
into the order. Comrade Hansberry.
Mrs. Erma Hansberrv a»d Mrs
Nora Austin. A delightful luncheon
waa served consisting of sandwich
es. salads, cake and coffee.
The next meeting will be held on
Pec. 4th at which time the election
of officers for the coming year wil'
take place.
The ladies of the Millard Avenue
Presbyterian church will give a ba
zaar and dinner in the church base­
ment on December 8.
The bazaar will be held in the
afternoon and evening nnd the din­
ner will be held from 6:30 to 8 p. m.
The dinner menu will include
chicken nie and vegetables, pickles,
jellies, plum pudding and coffee.
The special Christmas committee
of the Sunday school of the Millan!
Avenue church has begun active
preparations for the coming Christ­
mas celebration. On Sunday. Dec.
19, will occur the sacred Sundav
school program at 10:30 a. m. On
the evening of Dec. 2.3 there will be
held the usual semi-secular Sundav
school program, with the tree and
all the accessories. The acting pas­
tor, Rev. John Gardner, ia chairman
of the general program committee.
He is assisted by the teacher« of the
school with Mesdames Mabie Col-
vey and Bird Ormandy as members
of specially detailed committees.
On the aftemon of the 23rd, there
will be a party for the kiddies of
the Primary and Reginners* depart­
ment under the supervision of Mrs.
Myra Zehrung and Miss Mildred
Perhaps it is because of stormy
weather that the Red Cross rollcall
lags, but it is a better guess that a
few people are unmindful of past
services and others are unaware that
the work begun by the Red Cross
during the war is not yet completed.
Work of the home service branch
as a matter of fact is still exacting,
and rehabilitation
of sick and
wounded service men, in which the
organization ia active, will not be
finished until the last soldier has
been cared for. Due allowance can
be made for abatement of enthusi­
asm with the nominal end of the
war, but the number thus far en­
rolled in Portland js farther than it
ought to be below reasonable ex­
pectations. There W more work for
the Red Cross to do, and Portland
has a reputation to sustain.
The publisher of the Herald is informed that there will be
many, probably hundreds, of little folks in the Mt. Scott district
that will enjoy wry little of anything in the way of presents dur­
ing Yuletide that makes the little heart glad and welcomes the
anniversary of the birth of our Savior.
In order to assist in relieving the conditions above named the
Herald is going to endeavor to do its share in relieving the sit-
This is our proposition:
To every authorized church asso­
ciation or Sunday school, or benevolent society that brings the
Herald one year's paid in advance subscription the publisher of
this newspaper will contribute one'half of the amount to a
“Christmas Fund" to be used in any manner directed by said
church, Sunday school or other benevolent association.
Now, dear p«-ople, get busy, and w what you can do to
make the kiddirs happy tills A. I). 1920,
The Herald would suggest that each church or other organi-
zation meet immediately and appoint a live committee to further
thia project to the best of their ability.
V ol . XVIII. No. 46
i A party waa given Thursday eve-
. n*nK by Mrs. McDowell in honor of
her daughter, Mrs. J. G McDoug-
! all’s, birthday. A delightful time
! was ha«l by all. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. J G. McDougall, Mrs.
lister McDonald of The Dalle» R.
J. McCollum, W. W. McDowell, Mr.
and Mr« H. J. Page and family of
Eaatmoreland, Jesse Simonsen of
The Dalles, Mrs. Tressa Simonsen,
H M. Bumham, Mrs. McDowell and
Mastem Jeune McDonald and Rodney
Mr. and Mrs- W. J. Jefferies gave
a most delightful evening at thetr
home Wednesday, Nov. 17, to twen­
ty of their friends, in honor of their
20th wedding anniversary.
After a social hour at five hun­
dred, the guests were ushered to a
table laden with the most tempt­
ing viands, including cold roast
China pheasants, killed by the host
and prepared for the occasion. The
table was beautifully decorated in a
color scheme of pink, with an over­
head bower of pink streamers, and
asparagus fern, reflecting the light
upon a lovely cluster of mammoth
chrysanthemums. The pla«.e ca<r<is
were original, having the years 1900
and 1920 on either side in Chinese
Pink and white carnations graced
the living room.
Miss Mildred Wakefield presided
at the punch bowl.
At a late hour the guests depart­
ed wishing Mr. and .Mrs. Jefferies
many succeeding anniversaries.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
O. H. Schwerdtmann, Mr. and Mrs.
O. W. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. G. P.
Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brett-':,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Meyer, Mrs E.
J??r,an> Messn' F. E. Crum, W.
Wakefield, T. Hunsaker, C. Organ.
The Creston football eleven won
the city championship last Friday in
a game with the Central school.
Score 19 for Creston, 0 for Central
The team went through the series
this year without the loss of a
The P. T. C. will give a dance
next Saturday evening, 8 to 11 p. m..
in the Creston assembly hall, Great
.. and e plans are being
made for a big time
time. Anyone who
We feel we have done our share; it’s up to the different or­
dances will enjoy the evening. Good
ganizations mentioned to do the rest.
music will be furnished.
Football season now being over,
the boys and girls are organizing
for basket ball. There will be three
or four teams organized for this
The following contribution ap­ really should have been shaking
Rhode Bryson, a member of the
peared too late for last w««ek’s issue: quite alarmingly. Maybe it was and graduating class, passed away on
Preachers are human, aft«h’ alL he was just trying to stop it. When Sunday, leaving sadness and sorrow
the minister had finished with the among the members of the class.
And although one would never sus­ knot, the groom grabbed the bride
Dr. Long, a Portland dentist, has
discovered a treatise by which all
pect it, their wives are, too. It you and kissed her with such a smack
may help themselves toward the
doubt the truth of these remarks that I dare say It resounded through
cure and prevention of pyorrhea and
Rev. F. R. Sibley, pastor.
iou should have been present at the the auditorium above if on» had
Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morning soft, crumbly teeth. It is a simple
Evangelical church last Friday eve­ been up there to listen .She blushed
11; subject, "Thanksgiv­ system of mouth massage and is
ning when what was supposed to be
the basis upon which he has made a
just nr ordinary business meeting look any sweeter twenty-five years ing.” Junior league. 3 p. m.; Ep wonderful
demonstration. Dr. Long
worth league, 6:30; evening worship.
of the Y. P. A. turned owt to be the ago-
says that when the oral hygienist
At that minute two of the men 7:30.
real, honest-to-goodness silver-wed­
Prayer meeting every Thursday will have an opportunity to demon­
ding anniversaiy of the new pastor slipped in carrying a table no
the new idea in our public
and his wife, Rev. and Mrs F. B. which was displayed advantageously evening at 7:30. Choir practice strate
schools and at home, people will
Culver. The older people began to the gift of the Mt. Scott and Lents Saturday evening at 8.
Friday, Nov. 26, the ladies of the have grasped the truth of the whole
drift in about 8:30 and noon al! the societies to Rev. and Mrs. Culver—
members and a lot of friends from manv useful pieces of silver of the M. E. eburch will hold an all day mouth cleansing, in place of tooth
two years to seventy-two had gath­ Patrician pattern of Community meeting in the church parlor. Pot­ cleansing: all forms of dental dis­
eases will be greatly diminished
ware and a bread plate and butter luck lunch will be served at 12:30.
ered for the momentous occasion.
At the “Harvest Home” gathering and much pain and expense will be
Mrs. Culver, feeling slightly indis­ dish. beautifully engraved with an
posed, had not appeared. Conse­ Old English “C" and bearing the in­ held at the M. E. Deaconess home,
815 East Flanders street, last Fri­
quently some of the ladies had to scription 1895-1920.
Mr. I^ech made the presentation day over 100 were ir. attendance.
A carton of generous size, con­
visit the parsonage and inform her
of the affair. Isn’t that just like a speech and so impressive was It that Among them were Mrs. F. R Si*1 taining cranberries grown by J. S.
woman to get in on a surprise first? merry faces sobered and Mrs. Cul­ ley, Mrs. J. P. McGrew, Mrs. G. G. Dellinger, Astoria. Ore., was re­
While there they arrayed ner in the ver was seen to wipe away the tears Woodworth, Mrs. G. F. Rowlev, Mrs ceived at this office last Saturday,
wedding gown of Mrs. Albert Fank- that brimmed her eves. Do you Ethel Anderson, Mrs. Amest, Mrs. with the compliments of Mr. Del­
houser, Mrs. Culver having cut up her suppose she was sad. thinking about O. S. Worden, Mrs. T. C. Lord, Mr?. linger, whom the writer met and vis­
own long ago to make clothes for the extra work polishing all that Mary Gething. Mrs. Alice Wood­ ited at his extensive cranberry farm
her children. You know these min silver would mean? Or were they worth, Mrs. Hazel Altermatt, Mrs while in attendance at the Oregon
tears of gladness? If the latter J. P. Strahl. Mrs. A. Rohlfing, Mrs. State Editorial convention last July
isters* wives.
Over In the church parlor some she must have felt like Shake- Wright Davis. Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs- in Astoria. The berries are fully as
on« decoyed Rev. Culver to the most sp«»are’s Miranda when she said “I Teats and Miss Irone Achazmeeen. large and well favored as the fa­
conspicuous spot in the room, he be­ am a fool to cry for what I am glad from the Lents church, all of whom mous Michigan variety, and “grown
in Oregon,” they will be exceeding­
ing a very modest man, inclined to of” But I guess one can ween on report a fine time.
Mrs. G. G. Woodworth will enter­ ly popular on the Pacific coast.
seek the outskirts. Then the strains one’s twenty-fifth wedding anniver­
of Ixihengrin's Welding March were sary if one wants to—it comes only tain the joint meeting of the Wom­ Now, at X0 a. m., Monday, that we
ans’ Home and Foreign Missionary have the “trimmings,” wonder who
heard ana to this music the bride, > once in a lifetime, you know.
At the close of Mr. I-eech’s speech. societies at her home. 5735 85th will bring the turkey.
with stately tread, came in on the
arm of "Father” Scheuerman, who Rev. Culver said, “I sunnose if a street, on Wednesday, Dec. 1. The
Sve her away. She looked beauti- response is to be made it’s up to— morning program, beginning at ¡1
The board of trustees of the Hahn­
I in tiie wedding gown of,white Mrs. Culver to make It; but because o’clock, will be in charge of the emann hospital has decided to pro­
nun's veiling trimmed with exquisite
ceed with the construction of the
white lace «nd shirring. Her veil of course w» know he really wanted to to which all are asked to contribute, second wing to the building at East
white tulle, loan<xi by Mrs. Newton do it all the time because he in st will be served at 1, after which the Secund and Hassalo streets, as soon
Heddon, fell in graceful folds to the looked ns if he was thinking awfullv Foreign Missionary society will have as they can arrange the necessary
edge of her skirts and she carried hard what to say while Mr. Leech charge. All ladies of the commu­ finances. The present wing will he
a boquet of white chrysanthemums. was doing his part. You know nity are cordially invited to attend taken ovjr by “the government and
When she had reached the side preachers get so used to talkin'” this all day meeting. Members of will be completed with a payment of
of the groom it was no longer pos­ that I sunnose thev think ♦be-' can both societies are urgently requested $140,000 that will be given the hos­
sible to hear the organ for the up­ do it a little better than most anv- to be present at both session».
pital authorities and will be used in
roarious laughter, so the organist onc else. Well, he did make a fine
the future as the hospital for the
quit playing for fear she might miss speech 131 have to admit that.
United States public health service
While congratulations were be>n~ building is now all filled with
something. Rev. N. Shupp. who has
this district.
___ ____
ants, t with
the exception
of one
been in the nuptial-knot business for s^owered unon the hanpv couple ___
over half a century, stepped in someone noticed that Howard C m I v »» room, up to Tuesday p. m. The last
That the entire Herald force may
front of the happy couple and pro­ was missing. Prettv soon his ab- office room taken was by E. A. properly observe Thanksgiving day
ceeded to give this one a tightening «ence was explained when a genuine, Domer, recently from Chicago, who the forms of this newspaper closed
jerk. When he asked "Is there any «Id-fashioned
hroke has engaged in the real estate busi­ Wednesday afternoon, necessarily
one in thia assemblage who knows loose outside. It sounded as if he ness in Lents.
abbreviating the news of this issue
any reason why these twain should had commandeered the neip-bber’-'v»'’
and size of the paper. Printers are
not continue in holy wedlock?’’ there dishnanc and washtuhs and wns a
human, though some people show a
was a chorus of loud, reverberant, centipede with as manv hands as
disposition not to believe it, and are
vociferous “Nos,” for which every those creatures have feet. You cussion on the subject of whether entitled to give thanks in accordance
one was thankful as we’d hate to know. Howard Is onto fifteen rears automobile drivers should be li­ with their appreciation of the bitter
have had a scandal started just old even if he is six feet tall and a censed and their competency to and sweet of this life.
then. Twould have made things a crack basket ball nlaver. and »« handle a car investigated will be
little embarrassing. So the minis­ »’»11 *rv tc. excuse him. Rnt after debated pro and con.
Community dance is announced,
ter continued with a sigh of relief, all. it’s sorta mean to blame the
A series of revival meetings will under the auspices of the Lents
“Frank B. Culver, dost thou take whole thing on him. Of course, be­
Parent-Teachers’ association, at the
thia woman to be thy wedded wife?” ing a preacher’s k’d he might to to> begin at the Friends church next Lents
school auditorium, Saturday
The groom cut in with "You bet I used to that by
bv this time, becapse
because Sunday at 11 a. m. Services in the evening, Nov. 27, beginning at 8:30
do.” The minister went right on, ’«on 1 know
___ J folks
_____ always
2._ 7’ blame everv- evening at 7:30. Evangelist Edgar sharp. Children under 18 years of
“To keep her through sickness and thing wrong onto them if they are P. Sims will preside and Miss Sadie must be accompanied by adults.
through health, through evil and "•ithin ten miles. Now it isn’t that Porter will be song leader. All are Admission, per couple, 75c; single
through good report," etc., “if thou thev are any meaner than other welcome.
admission, 40c. Come and get ac­
wilt do so, then answer aloud ‘ves ’ ” folks’ youngsters—it’s
iust that
Mrs. Harold Bowe (Norma Mc­ quainted with your neighbors.
“I told you 'yes’ the first time,” was thev’re watched and criticised more
the groom’s reply, which would
But the onestion as to who nulled Collum) gave a dinner party Mon­
Thomas O’Donnell, brother of P.
seem that he wasn’t a bit scared like off that "chivaree” is not neariv so day evening, the occasion being the J., the dentist, is suffering from
grooms usually are. When Rev. important ns the good thin««* thev birthday anniversary of her father, threatened blood poisoning, caused
Shupp turned to the bride with the he/i to eat. No one absented him­ R. J. McCollum, as well as her own. by accidental cutting of the leg with
question “Dost thou take this man self
that nart of the affair. A good time was enjoyed by all un­ a pocket knife.
to be thy wedded husband, to love, Th« kitchen, enriy in the evening, til a late hour playing five hundred.
honor and—” she interrupted him looked almost like the commissar«’
with a stage whisper saying, “Leave department of a regiment., stocked,
out the word obey. I’ve done that expecting to he cut off from sun-
for twenty-five years and now I’d niles for at least three months Tto
like to have a little change.” But 11 o’clock there wasn’t enough left
the minister went right ahead and tn temnt a mouse How the tolks
«aid “and ‘ obey.” (Just like a man feel who helped to consume all th»
to insist on that). The ‘ bride, trying cdihles T really don’t know. You’ll
to make the best of ......................
it. replied, “I’ll hist have to ask them individually
endeavor to do so,” with strong em­ tn find out. But as for the Culvers,
phasis on “endeavor.” At which ths thev are still smiling. And hero’«
By PROF. FRANZ BOAS, Columbia University.
groom threw back his head, laugh­ honing the smile ia the kind that
ing and slapping his knee which won’t come off.
another version of the wedding
Place for Every German of Education
and Character Today Is Germany.
Tuesday evening the church will
give Rev. Ghormley a reception. the
Golden Jubilee, in honor of hia
fiftieth consecutive years in the min­
istry, missing but two meetings in
all that time.
Thursday evening prayer meeting
will be held in the Cottage.
Choir practice Wednesday evening
of each week.
Last Sunday afternoon the young
people organized a missionary class,
There will bo a masquerade ball with Naoma Miller as chairman An
at Kern Park next Saturday eve- interesting program waa rendered.
Harry Chapman has gone to Call- ning. Prize waits and four-piece or- These meetings will be held every
J! chestra. Everybody welcome.
two weeks. Miss Helen Purviance
will talk on David Livingston at the
next meeting. Clyde Decklehammer
will review the book, “The Lure of
Africa.” Mrs. Ghormley will speak
on “The Congo, Central Africa.”
Thursday evening Rev. Ghormley
will deliver a lecture on the teach­
er’s training, followed by prayer
The Indies’ Loyal Workers will
meet on Friday instead of Wednes­
day this week on account of Thanks­
The topic at next Sunday morn­
ing's service at the Christian church
ia, “The Re-Discovery of the Bible.”
Evening service is an evangelistic
service with chorus.
The place for every German today who has «duration and character
ie in Germany. The intellectual life of mankind demands that you do
not leave your country in the lurch in her hour of need. At home you
can work for and with people of like mind with yourself Here you would
meet at present,aand in all pivbability for years to come, with a hostility
which mal es intellu lual work impossible.
Then* was a time when every university student in Germany was
quite willing to devote a year or so of his life to the army. l«t him be
just as willing at present to devote an equal amount of Ins time to indus­
try. And in truth you should somehow introduce into your educational
system a plan by which productive work such as farmin.’ ami ilie trade»
could be given a place not merely in theory but in pract •.
No, don’t think of coining to America and don’t your students
to cornel Stay in Germany.