PROFESSIONAL CARDS CARDINAL MltTAKI. Th« cardiuai inlatake-inad« by ihoM Tabor 4754 MI36H 93nd Street who art prejudl 'ad »g»lt>»t orgaiilxvd labor 1« that H*ION try to differentiate betweeu their men Office i Tabor 3214 Ki «. Tabor : 5224 and other Amerli ana. There cannot be two set» of rights foi American citi­ DR. P. J. O'DONNELL zens. Americana have equal rights. In or out of labor organisation«, political or­ EXODONTIA *• Cur. 92d ami Footer R imm I. I .«•nW irre- ganisations or religious organisations. Any attempt to make distinctions be- tween the rights of American cltlsena DR. A. (1. ATWOOD ' In n blow nt the lnl««grlty of the Uni­ DENTIST .......... ted Mt a tex as a nation, aaya Washing- 'on Post, it must fall, hccauae the tn I bull«« : I 1 Oilice, Tal><>r iH-’l nation has made up Its mind to live I Horn«*, Talxir 4« h »4 and deal out e«|ual Justice to all Ita 92u7 Fuater Road Portland Oregon «Ittsene. whether they liae It or not. Any Injustice to the Americana In the ranks of organised luoor la an Injue H. P. ARNEST lice to the [i.ibllc. The public la bound trroHMtv or i . aw to remove Ibis Injustice, and It will do notahv i ' iiiik so If the truth 1« brought before It Phone 261 II The people are honest anti generous 'I M 1 • t< r Komi and they are also Imapable of being l.eot» Station Portland, Orvifun terrorised. They will not knowingly do Injustice, nor will they long toler mt . scorr ate Injustice. Camp Nu. I 1650, Modern Woodman An eminent French professor has of America.. Meet» every second and fourth Wednesday of each month at <*otue out In favor of the adoption of English us a world language He says («range Hall; 92nd street. ihal both the 'termali and French have F. II. VOI IS. Clerk. lost their commanding positions through the war, .hat the business of MT. Stori MlIM.E, I. <». O. y. th«- world Is now rhlefiy don«- Jhrough Meets every Tuesduy evening at 7:30. the English t.Higue. says Ix>s Angeles W. M. Sanders, Noble («rand. Times It Is a s>rt of compromise be- tw«nm the I•«,«• take up the ld««a of achieving It Open troni « a. m. lo 0 p. ni. Bundaya P ». ni lo & p m Philadelphia public achoola have no a|>elllng txtoka. And »|>elllng book» have been rtro|»ped. »ay educator!, be­ cause they start with "cat” and "rat.” nnd Include similar words seldom used In corrva|H>ndence and bualn«*sa Until a »(«elllng book has hr« n compiled that u««*a the word» that are most fre­ quently ti»««d In business nnd private correspondent«, Louie Nuabaum. asso ■date su|r*rliitend<«nt of public schools. announctMi «hat public schools there will compll« their own lists of words. The spelling vocabulary taught an av­ erage public school pupil Is 2,500 words. This Is 500 more than was found In aq Investigation of words In 1UO.OOO buslne»» and personal letters The German chancellor denies that Germany Influenced Austria to begin th« gr«mf World war. Hut he doe« not explain how Gertnuny came to take the war over and run It ax her own particular enterpririe with Aus­ tria as an entirely subordinate factor. PRACTICAL HAIRCUTS VELVET NIIAVKH CHILDREN BARHERING A SPECIALTY See C iikxtkh A G trono a When Yon Want to More Call Tabor 7707 FOR SALE April hatch Rhode Ia- Reds, 11.50; also six Plymouth Giant rabbit Huts and seed, at 1 $10.00. : and Express Auto Truck : 9436 Foster Rd. Lents, Ore. 1 . WANTED A light open buggy or road cart in good condition, cheap. L. A Barker, 6015 92nd street SE t to a garagejwhere you had to tell the mechanic what was wrong and how to fix it? We do not claim to know every­ thing about a car, but we do claim to i?e able to find the trouble, and when it is found, to remedy it in an intelli­ gent manner. T. L. PERKINS FOR SALE—Shaker potato digger, good as new, $25. Alfred Blatch- ford, latnnox Ave., 1 mile east of Izentx. 40-2x 1 FOR SALE—Wood and coal heater, good as new; used one winter; hot I water coils. 7239 Whitmore Ave. Phone Tabor 1355. 40-tf. FOR SALE—New sosspool brick. | See Reed, 9319, Foster road. 40-ltx for City Commissioner I believe in starting, doing and iinixhing thing» right. ] I do no! believe in hampering, nag­ ging and opprex»ing buxine»» and industry, blit I du believe in giving the worker jnst'ee and a quare deal The Lents Garage i MADE TO ORDER HATS—Mr». Gulliks makes a specialty of mak­ I do believe in a clean city and to ing hat;: to your own order; lrexa »lay clean. System; Strict Atten- or tailored to match suits, coats or dress. Evening hats; wedding ion to your work spells Economy. hate.________________________ 37-5t Efficiency, Kindne»» and Respect from your co-laboreri. FARM WANTED-I want to hear O 24 Paid Adv. from party having farm for sale. Give price and description. John Hr«. MMb Kt. I^ntm Ex. Auto. 1322 KtMiid Phone Marahall W. Wait, Champaign. Illinois. Mt. Scott Transfer Co. 32 2 AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor 8919 Foster Road Tabor 3429 ________________________i Portland Needs J. M Miller. Prop. Piano an«l Furniture Moving FOR SALE At Bell Rose Station Baggage and Express and Foster road one acre with Daily Trip» to Mt. Scott and l^ints »mall new house; well improved, Agt. lor K im k Spring» and King Coal Portland with 63 prune trees, three years I SLniul: Hr»t anil Taylor old. Will sell for $10110 cash or LOANS KKNTALS $1200 on time. Also, 40 acres LAUER REALTY CO. near Moring, Oregon; 14 acre« near Boring. Oregon; 14 acre KEAG »TATE under cultivation, with two small CITY I'KOfEgTY »nd FAKM8 houses and deep creek running Pboue: Tabor UH2 through the fircmi.«<-nd.ibl.- girl, with some experience, to clerk in dry goods store. Address XXX, care Mt- Scott Herald. ftTTY’S TRANSFER RESIDENCE Have You Ever Gone ...... ............. - Advertisements undtr this head­ ing 10c per line first insertion; 5c per line each nubix’«|ueiit issue. Minimum charge, 25c Count 6 J words to the line. We are not so much concerned now about what the Idle rich are doing, : ! for they are worth nothing to the world anywhere; but we are exceed­ and lx>ng Ilistane« Hauling ingly anxious about what the Idle poor WANTED -Giri to work at Ehrlich of all kinds. are not doing, for they are essential & Bernhardt, tailors, 9134 Fos­ lajave Orders at Perfection Confec­ to the exist nee of humanity. ter road slOtf. tionery. cor. 92nd and Foster Road. OSWStStStStStRRStStStStRRRSeW.StStStStSmO ; Classified Ads. ;■ s The Lents Mercantile Co I Will promptly fill your orders from up-to-date ■ GROCERIES. FRESH FRUIT, VEGETABLES. TABLE DELICACIES and other Good Things ■ TO EAT. We cany FLOUR and FEED. s Special attention given to phone ■IH orders, and a New and Dependable Deliveryman will get your purchases to you ON TIME. OUR AIM is to PI EASE OUR CUSTOMERS. CUSTOMERS. ■ Ninety-second Street ¡ Phone Tabor 1141 1 !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ A A A A A A A A A ▲ A A A A A ADA« A A A *1« fihhhh 444 41 N. D. Kenworthy * Company It Is to tie regret ted that In cotnlc opera only does the punishment as a rule fit the crime It would he much better for the welfare of the commun­ ity If the Idea were borrowed from comic 0|>era by the law. The Russian soviet wants to study the English proletariat. It will next want to exnmlne the American prole­ tariat, but will encounter a consider able obstacle In the fact that “there, ain’t no slch animal.” —————------- —--------------- SCHEUERMAN BROTHERS Contractors and Builders Phone Tabor 2770 Twent)-oiie Year» Experience t 17 year» in Portland Res. 6017 89th and 6101 89th S. E. _____________________________ ———/ The fight on prviHeerlug Is now on In earnest. With ’ ««th public opinion and the law aroused on the subject. It would be strange If uo way were found to deni »«th thia preying on human necessity. I KEARNS BROS. : WOOD SAW funeral Directors First-class Service given Day or Night Close Proximity to Cemeteries ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■a . , I Enables us to hold Funerals at a Minimum Expense Eggiman ’s Meat Market i ♦ 5802-4 92nd St. Lents Sta. Tabor 5267 An “Intellectual” lx a person having Call Ta b o r 406 FRESH AND SMOKED a capacity for the higher forma of MEATS AND FISH knowl«slge; so says the dictionary There always will b«« an aristocracy “Mention of Herbert Gordon for Williams Realty Co. of some kind; and this promises to 'Mayor sounds good to ua. Watching F. 0. WILLIAMS -I. E. MINNOTT b«> the kind. his legislative career for two ses­ Vegetables and Kruits You have the property; we have sions convinces us that as Mayor Rome Spanish provinces are under of Portland he could save the tax­ the buyer. List withus for results. . Butter and military law. Dlx<-ontent and dlsor payers from $100,000 to $500.000 a Jab« 4934. Cray’s Ceosda«. Portland der are contagious, apparently, 'In Eu year and at the same time increase _____________________________________ / rope. Kv«*n the neutral nations have governmental efficiency. He is vary ¡Phone Tabor 2573 not escaped the evlla of the war at hard-headed and resourceful and D. J. O’CONNOR 5919 Ninety-second Street Lents, Oragon ♦ here is nothing of the parlor poli­ tician or gassy grandstander about That talk shout a big sorghum ero; him. That he is progressive» is de- Cor. 92nd and Woodstock Ave. hI"° bound« like a return montrated by his courage in going Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimilll L^ntt Station to the simple ways of good old days ahead with dwelling construction Qffkl H mm liber 1411 Ret Tiber 1397 Economy Furniture Co. tmiCHABfRMIARDT —and maybe If sugar k«epn on In the