Heralò mt. LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, OCTOBER 15, 1920 Subscription, $1.50 the Year CITY DADS MAKE COMMUNITY MEETING, GREA T PROMISES Where is the best suburb of Portland? ------------------------------------ ' g V ol . XVIII. OCT. 20 • , Where is the suburb with more natural opportunities? Why does not that suburb grow in comparison with other suburbs? Our answer to these question is LACK OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. When can we get the improvements? Possible not earlier than 1922 or 1923 No 40 MT. SCOTT O. E. S. ENTERTAIN MASONS RIGHT ROYALLY Thursday evening of last week the local chapter Order Eastern Star entertained the members of Masonic lodge of Lenta with a splendid mud Assurance that Foster road will be improved from East Fif­ tieth street to 82nd street was Riven residents of Lents district Wednesday by the city council. Proceedings to set the wheels in ‘TÉ’ cphXTn motion which will make itossible the beginning of work on the of the entertainment committee, Mrs. proposed improvement early next spring will be instituted at once Darnell. by City Commissioner Earlier, says the Oregonian. • Mrs. C. E. Goetz of 4604 42nd For years residents of the l^ents district have sought the im­ avenue, S.E., and her orchestra rend • ered some excellent numbers- Those provement of Foster road, which has been and is still under the | who " » assisted her were Miss Edith jurisdiction of the county. Turner, violin; Mias Elsie Wordon, ! the people, while Commission- I ton, to 72nd street. Mr Trosk had Library on Monday, Oitober 18, at 3 “ Conference Echo” by the pastor ren arc forced to walk around or Prs Bigelow and Pier opposed this ! the flue last winter and was suffer­ p. in. m. The White Ribbon quartet ing from the effect,of it when com­ As n place of ‘detention" the .’ill sing. Me ting will be under tht the Rev. Mrs. Hansaker. through a large mud puddle'in or­ procedure. plications of other diseases set in. Frazer Detention home would seem auspices of the Women’s Society of der to reach Creston school, The Mr» ' c >rge Snyder spoke The bill,, if passed by the people., Mr. Trosk leaves a wife and twelve n misnomer. Recently three juven- he Buptist church. social Science club Thursday delegation consisted of Mrs. Lola will give authority to the city coun- children of whom eight are 1 ving in lies escaped and robbed the l.ents G. Baldv^jn, A. S. Hirschner, R. L. Icil and the dock commission to sell noon in the Albertina Baby Home. --------------- 1------------------------ Portland, and all in attendance at Hardware store and committed var­ ■ Anderson, C. F. Swan and The society met with Mrs. Cooper J. B. new or transfer city property to the Parent teacher association met in the funeral. The funeral was held ious other overt acts. Last Friday proposed commission which, as pro­ the Woodmere school assembly hall 75th street. There is to be a drive i Kelley. Wednesday, 10 a. m. at Kenworthy’s another trio of the inmates, David in on in the interest of this Home 1 vided in another amendment, will Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Dunlop undertaking parlors Rev. Sibly of Wilson, aged 9; Wayne Wilson. II; Arthur Unstrom who made his be a consolidation of the port and the I^ents M. E church officiating. poke on the traveling picture exhi­ the near future. There is to lie a und Harold Jenser, II; made their home in the Mt. Scott district, a dock commission bit and the pupils of the intermedi speaker sent to all organ.zatlns. The Knights of Pythias read their get-away ami caused pandemonium A charter amendment proposed"by gte departments furnished the pro­ The speakers were entertained at lisherman by trade, was caught in burial service, and a quartete of to reign supreme among the women gram. The Boy Scouts will meet , the Portland hotel Tuesday noon at a storm on the ocean last week and Commissioner A. L. Barbur author­ the order sang. Mr. Trosk was an folks esjiecinlly at Firland und in the luncheon. at izing the issuance of “ progress war ­ ihe with his brother, who was with in the school building Tuesday even-; Greah%m district, by pilfering and The new pastor of the Ijiurelwood him, drifted 7 miles out to sea. The rants” for municipal improvements honored citizens of La Center for a ng every week this year with Mr. other acts of pure cu-redness. They M E. church is moving in the par­ boat capsized and they were thrown was ordered placed on the ballot by I number of years. He was burned Segrist, who is Scout Master were out four days before apprehend­ sonage this week. Rev. Mrs. Sleeth into the water and was picked up unanimous vote of the council. This in the Mt. Scott cemetery. Mrs. Ray Blanchard of Bliss, Idaho, daughter ed, and if a few more escapes "hap- I Revival meetings at Portland Coni who wos lately irdained spike on three hours later by tug which was amendment permits the issuance of of Mr. Trosk, Mrs. J. Bennett, of moni Mission. 22 N Front cor. of pen’’" the detention home will soon Sunday evening, tht pastor nit hav ­ part payment warrants to contrac ­ 24 hours late. Arthur after being Burnside street Rev. W. G. Bennett Baker, Oregon, and Mr. R. N. Trosk )>uve an unenviable reputation in this rt scued was unconsious for hours tors on city jobs as the work pro­ of La Center attended the funeral. evangelist, of Jamestown, N. D., an ing arrived. locaiity. gresses, whereas under the system They lost their boat valued at $9000 old fashioned Methodist minister, The "d climate of Oregon is a I 1 — — now in effect the contractor gets no' a message of power. Come and has It is reported that the attendance J- g card, a number of Easterner and only had $'1000 insurance. The money until the iob is delivered. As. There will I m * a community dance boys said they did not care for the hear him. * at th« Gresham Fair broke all re- uple are here to spend the winter. Saturday evening the 16th also the a consequenct, he is forced to bor-< loss, but was thankful they were cords, The largest attendance and Woodme «• community ts planning to | Chas. Hein, who recently purchas rescued, but no more fishing for row funds to meet payroll and mat-, the best exhibits that has ever been have a masked party H alii wee ’an ev­ ed a 7-acre place on 104th street, is erial bills, and the interest on the Quite a lot of improvements are them, as those three hours in the (One of the judges of the fair on ar- en ng Th.- Welfare club of tht Mil­ planting two und one half acres to bring made, the owners of No. 3512 water, clinching to the mast of the borrowed money inflates the cost of ragementa. whb is late from Ohio, liard Ave. Presbyterian church held strawberries, one acre each to logan­ and 3522 6th street are improving (»oat, was a dreadful experience, and the improvement said, that he had often served on t> eir h sine s mee ing Tu'-sday even­ berries, 80 Italian prune and 25 wal | their property. The first number I thev did not want another like it. like occasion, but the Multnomah ing and dieted the following officers nut trees. Mr. Hein has great faith Dr. Lockwood says this has been _______________ is having a new roof, and the sec­ grain exhibits were the best he had for the year. Will. Ormandy, sec'y.. in the future of this immediate .lo­ a very- quiet week, no deaths, no ond is putting in a labratory. Mrs. F. L. Shaw of Bend. Oregm. ever seen. Wednesday was Gresham Mrs. G’on Saunders, vice-president, » cality and is showing his good inten­ I was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E.' births and no serious illness. Mt. day. Thursday Portland day, Fri- Els e Stranze, secretary Glen Sauh- tions by the extensive improvements Th • Maples g. rage, L. L. Campbell A. Hamlin of 7830 64th avenue, last Scott is a healthy locality. day Fraternal day and Saturday ders, who is to decorate for the he is making on his little farm. • proprietor, has succeeded at the old Sunday. School Childrens day. All of theao The Democrats will hold a politi ­ special serv C'aSunday morning; pub- * I.Myeis -tand, Foster road and Deer-1 - — — ■ days was well attended The rains cal meeting Saturday, October 16. --- --- icy committee. Miss Amy Holling i w Fletcher of 50th street ,ng i venue. M j Cumpbell comes re­ Mrs. A. O. Thoma' and Mrs. Chas at 8 p. m. at Ients school. Good handicapped the races but they were worth, Mrs. Glen Sanders. A com- was knocked - down - - by an automobile -- commended ---------- J-J — - • — — ----- as a fn-stclass m Carey are visiting at Hood River, music and speaking will be on pro- put on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday mittce was appointed to see about driven by Mr. Perkina Sunday even- pee H b ad ela-wltre in thia s»'«e with their old time neighbor Mrs. gram ’nd Saturday in spite of the muddy put ing a he ting plant into th- Ing iifout 8 o’clock near Kendall ata-, G. H. Alloway. track. church; it consist'd of the pastor F. tion while walking along the road j R. Schneider is giving his house Mr. Adams has r.old their res dence Mrs. Janett Williams returned to ________________ E. Crum nnd J. H. Zoning Th- mm aide. Mr.. Fletcher was painfully I at 8239 Foster road a new coat of on 72nd street. Property is. cha.ig- her home in Los Angeles after hav- it —.e Mal'oy was instructed to close the hurt about the head. He was taken pnint which adds greatly to the ap­ ii g hands so often it is hard »o ing spent two months visiting her 1 «paralleled Record of deal in securing a Manse for the to the office of Dr. Hess where he pearance of the property also to the keep pace of it. mi'ther Mrs. Worden and sister Mr- Harrs bell io A. Marang'opa church in accordance with the wish­ was gven medical attention. After­ improvement of that part of the J T. Foss I er of. 92nd SE. Born a savage, found in a hut on Mr. Windson, 6920 51st avenue, The work is being done by es of the Congregation and the ap­ wards he was returned to his home. city the Eas C ast c f Afr ca by an Eng­ who left with the remains of his proval of the trustees backed by the, J. C. Wiles, who is an expert in that Anyone having a copy of the Mt. mother for Norwich, N. Y., returned Scott Herald bearing date of October lish nobleman, a baby weighing 20 Welfare club who is making it pos­ line. People do not #. alice that they ar> I home this week. • sible to »©cure this ‘property. . The in ocnstant dager when walking on 1st, 1920, will not only confer a fav­ pounds, the sole survivor of a fam­ ily of fourteen, lying erying amid Welfare c'ub is a big booster 1 for nil the right side of the road after I The accidental death, or suicide o" Mi s Bissie Hbrsley, a teacher in or by leaving at this office but will their dead and purifying forms, he e .terpr sea of t e church. George Meyers of Diversion street be rewarded for their trouble. night. The law requirers the driver I the L«?nts school, entertained the was brought to England a * curio to put on the. dimmer when meetin r last Saturday morning was a shock , teachers last Friday evening at her ■tty, where ho. was educated and be­ 4240 Mr. and Mrs. T V. Jensen. Prof. Thaxter of the Lenta schools an other car, hence < there is not to his many friends. The funeral home, 788 E. • Yamhill street. 70'h street sold their home but have came a missionary with a record of enough light to enable him to see was held at his fathers residence reports a few cases of both scarlet - - ■ • - - i. an I Mr. and Mrs. Jensen of Michigan purchased another one, 16th and travel and perils that has no paral­ fever and diphtheria among papila pedestrians walking along the side. | I uesday of this week at 2 p. m. — . was berried in the Multnomah are looking for a furnished houae. Couch street, where they will soon lel in the wool’s history. and advises the utmost precaution They should always walk on the left 'lie w — Rev. Marsngeopa will preach at They are are considered considered splendid splendid road, there tney will oe ' — ««^Tw«». He was bom and rained They have only been in the city ajmove. They be taken by both parents and achol- side of the road, there they will be cemetery. Friends church, Lents, next Sunday at When thev are in danger I in this community and respected bv short time but have come to spend neighbors and their community is 1 lara that these diseases may not later abk to sew lany accident U ""ho knew him. »he winter here ¡rcgreting their loan. I 11 a. tn. and 3 and 7:90 d. m. and »void many accidents. become an epidemic. The following acrostic written by Mrs. A C. Weymouth of Circle No. 24, l«adies of the G. A. R , L m Ang elee, Cal., and printed in “The Buglr Call", a paper devottd to tht Grand Army of tht Republic, should be rtal by all loyal citizens of th* Mt. Scott district and its precept heeded Th' Grand Army of the Republic will no be with us long. U*ts all present the boquet whilt thty art living and can know that wt apprtciatt what thty did for us in 1861-1865. THE ACROSTIC Caa we not hear them calling, these brave boys in blue? Oh, American women, ,our numbers are few. Ukc the grass as it withers and passes away. Untold numbers are answering the roll call each day. Must they be forgotten who offered their lives. Brave comrudes who fought for the r sweethearts and wives, In remembering the heroes whose life blood was shed. Are we honoring the living um well an the dead? Columbia Circle. dear sisters, today Ll the name of the living present the boquet. Rouse yourselves, give us action, you know what it means. Contribute the roses, the smiles and , the benns. let Vs cheer them und boost them, salute one and all Ere our heroes, have answered the last bugle call. a I