• . --- ,,M ' —■—1 Subscription, $1.50 the Year ■■ ■■■— '■■■ ■" — I, I I mi I. — ■— ■■ ■—■■ ,1,11, — ■■■■ —■■■II' ■ ■■■ , , „ IH LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, OCTOBER 1, 1920 BOYS IN BLUE WILL GIVE BEAN SUPPER Don't forget the G. A It. bean supper at Oddfellow, hull, Satur­ day Ort. 16. Supper from 5 to 7 p. m, Entertainment at 8 p. in There will be everything good to cat, and it good entertainment all fur Wic for adulta and 25c for child­ ren. Thi» will be a good place for the doctor, there nmy !»• an arm out of place', a good place for a dentist, he cun get »ome fine im- preauiona; a good place for a bar ber, it will be u close ,huvc if he get, out with any money left; u good place for u preacher, he may Join some one in wedlock; a good place for a luwyer, there .may be u divorce; u good pluce for u poultry man, he cun tell them how to ■■■■_■ raise geese birds; a good place for n watch tinker, the handa may want moving; u good place for u drew maker, for ah« can see ull the new atyle,; a good pluce for a tinner there may be Nome leak,; a good pluce for u plumber, he cun I m - lay­ ing hi, pipe while other, smoke; a good pluce for a milliner to get u ■apply for it will be hata off; a good place for a real eatate man, the G A. It. will take commiaaiona; a good place for an editor, he can write them up. Bill of fare on laat page if uny one don't get enough going downturn over ami. go up from the hottom. Don’t forget the date, Saturday October 16 from 5 to 7 p. m. (OMl'NITY < ENTERS / AUGI MEM YGAINNT COM­ FOR SUBURB DISTRKTS PULSORY VACCINATION A plan *for organization of com­ The Public Protective la-ague of Oregon ia perfecting plana for u vig- munity center, in all outlying dis­ OTOU OR til«- Iwhulf of i»-. trict» was luu ached ut u meeting unti-Compulaory Vaccination Amend of representative» from the variou» merit to the Stale Constitution to communities held under the auspice» to be voted on in Nowmber. Thia of Community Service, Monday evt- Amendment was placed upon the bal- ' ning ut Central Library, William F lot by approximately lx.ooo voter, V’lsxlwanl presiding. Dr. Phillip A. Panions, director of the «late, und it is »aid that all of these mime, were »retired by vol of the school of roc al work of the University of Oregon, paid ‘a high untary solicitor». “The question of the efficacy of tribute to the pr. grain of Communi­ vaccination i» not in vol veil," declare, j ty ‘ Sc rv ice and sail it was the best the Secretary of the U-ugue,- .Mia» ( plan that had yet teep offered I- - Jiaephinr Frits, with headquarter» at ward socialising the country by in­ 323 Chamber of Commerce building. terpreting the word neighbor. May­ Portlund. “Thi, proposed law does noil or Buker commended the work of attempt to prohibit vaccination or the Portlund Community Service. uny other form of mcdicul treatment i • Walter Jenkin» explained that or to interfere with lawful quarun Community Service stand» ready to tine. Ils purpo «• ia prescribe. by a»»i»t in any progrum which a com­ fundumrntal law, t>at vmgination munity may suggest—Daily Jour­ and inoculation »hall not lx- compul nal. aory.” “If vuccinution ha, all the merit, | ARLETA W. <>. W. HOLDS A-A LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP which are claimed for.it, no coeipul- akrn should b>> nee». e.iry on it, be-1 As u result of defeating the He,- half. If. on lite*contrary, vaccina ‘«■Martin Ironworkers, three to one, ution dor pnd ct nguin t iniallpOX in u ten-inning game on the Colum­ and i», according to ninny reputable bia park ground yraterday, the title authorities, not only vulm-le..», but ■x ia being of­ with hi, family, left on Saturday the fered as un inducement to pickers. 25th for Spokane, where Mr Keyser Lust Sunday many high school hs been made chief of the weather boy, worked in the prune orchards, bureau. Mr. Keyser is a meteorol­ »aving much fruit, but according to ogist of years of experience, one of prune men about half the entire his government assignments result­ crop has been spoiled in the last ing in a^seven-years' stay in Pana­ few days. ma. in practically every prune dis­ trict the schools have been closed The young people of the Evan­ in order that the children may help gelical church will have a social in harvesting the crop, though in Friday evening, October 1, at the some cases parents will not permit home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Donald­ children to work in the rain. Grow­ son on 6:trd avenue and 91st street ers ure trying to find adults to All une requested to wca rold clothes, fill the places of the youngsters. the older the better, a .-tprprise is instore for those who come dress­ MOTHER SEEKING MEN WHO SAW ACCIDENT ed in heir best; better Be careful what you wear. Ladies are asked The mother of 8-year-old Ber­ to bring an apple pie. We invite tram! Waddell, who was run over all young people to meet us Fri­ by an automobile Tuesday on Fos­ day evening at John D’s. Next Sunday evening the topic ter road between 62nd and 64th streets, i, very anxious for two men “Our Church Privileges and Obli­ who saw the accident to get in gations,*’ will be led by E. M. Sch- touch with her. One of the men is euerman. The theme for the Sunday- said to hnvc stated that the evening services is changed front auto driver deserves to have his li­ .-even to six thirty, be on time, and bring your friende with you. cense taken away. The child was thrown from his REGISTRATION BOOKS CLOSE” bicycle and suffered a broken leg <>\ t SATURDAY NIGHT AT 8 He is now at the hospital One boy who saw the accident has al­ Those who neglected to registtr ready gotten in touch with the while the book, ure her'- in Lent will mother. The men are asked to b<' obliged to go to tne Courthouse. call E. I,. Fraley, 520 Henry build­ The last day ia October 2, and it is ing, or phone Broadway 4874.—Daily your solemn duty tt»'-re^ister if you News. want to l>e a 100 per cant American _____________ 1_____ Messre J. M. Ballet and A. E citizen and exercise your God given • Banister, recently from Bend have right to vote and have a voice in the purchased the Wakefield-Moyer bar­ election of officers and making the ber shop and have bought residences, laws of your country. Mr. Ballet at 86th street and 67th L. A. Barker and daughter, Mil­ avenue and Mr. Baniser at 66th dred, who have been spending the avenue. Both gentlemen are de­ pas’ three weeks at Corvallis, will lighted with their new location. return home Friday of this week. Functamental Difference Between Twa Schools Concerning Human Body. By MRS. H. A. L. FISHER, Wife of British Minister of Education. Councilor Donald Clark of Tonbridge objected to mixed bathing on •athetic grounds. He did not think that the damsel, of Tonbridge looked their best in bathing attire, and he feared lest the oversensitive youths of tho city, beholdiii,; the maidens damp and disheveled, would, in conse­ quence, abjure matrimony. No doubt there sre many people who only admire the human form when it is furthest removed from nature. But. after all, thev do not represent the best most prominent view. It ia not really on esthetic grounds that opposition to mixed bathing u based. This plea, it is to be feared, is rnainiy camouflage. The fundamental difference of opiuion ia between tho^- who believe, no doubt sincerely, that the human l»odv is something which should be concealed and mentioned with adequate re­ serve, and those who regard it a» beautiful and glorious in itself. Closely, indeed. iriM-parably, all ey a naughty word. We will be administered. At 1 o’clock Siner arriving in Lents, with many promised Pierce, the tinner, that we p. ni there will be a basket dinner, others, he hHs di.-«overed it impos would’t tel] where we got this par­ and at 2 o’clock the program will lible to rent, if so inclined; conse­ ticular brand of stove pipe, because begin. The program numbers will quently! the present week, huve he is fearful if the public learned include the following: selection, moved into a home of our own. about it and advertised husiness he Franklin High girls orchestra; cello But referring to the previous quo­ | would soon be out of stock in this solo, Elsie Worden; violin’ solo, When we had finished the Gladys Johnson; reading, Morris tation: Moving generally necessi­ i line. tates thr putting up of stoves, pleasant task of ensembling stove Roach; Reading, John Jones; talk. stove pipes, beating carpets and ■ipe. “the boss” says it’s time to Geo. H. Himes, custodian at Oregon onr continuous darn thiqg after an­ ! get supper; then we struck a match Hist. Society headquarters; talk. other that lends the ordinary indi­ and turned a little thingofamajig Geo. P. Lent, charter member of vidual to strong language anil some­ attached to a pipe and had the Evening Star Grange; Evening Star what ruffled temper—at least ,so teakettle singing in less time than it Paper, Mrs. C P. Blanchard. The find been our experience several used to take to split up the kindling program is under the direction of hundred times in he past. “But" , wood. When she suggested that the Miss Wijlda Buckman, who an­ once more Do you know it is al­ teakettle needed filling, we just nounces it, subject to change. All most a pleasure to. start house­ gave a twist to a business on an­ grangers and their friends are most keeping in Lents— especially, if other pipe and had that kettle cordially invited to participate in you are young and giddy, like the filled before Rebecca could have the basket dinner and program. senior members of the Herald fam­ found the pitcher previous to visit­ ily—everything is so different than ing the well. BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES To a bube. who has drank out in the “good old days of long ago.” You know; they don’t “beat carpets” of irrigation ditches the major part On Thursday the Baptists met and any more. No! ¿smith the fellow that of his life: gathered buffalo chips had their annual banquet, roll call, mixes up the type in the Herald in the bad lands of the Dakotas and business meeting and election of office and bosses “Mickle” around lived on flap jacks and pork bosom officers. This • year has been a put us on to that! He says: “Go over for months at a stretch this new prosperous one for this church. to the Lents Hardware Store and fr.ngeled life is a continued round They have increased their mission of­ they have the gol darndest little of pleasure. fering more than 300 per cent. The machine on wheels: that'll knock the *It will not be necessary for the debt that had been on the property everlasting sock» and all the dust writer to have urgent business down for years has been paid and the housecleaning comes mortgage burned, the church build­ out of your carpets; and at a cost , town when • of only about a year’s subscription ” again. ing repainted and there has been a steady growth in the congrega­ tion. Dr. Myron Haynes.' Educa­ RALLY SI ND AY, OCT. 3D UNITED BRETHREN NOTES tional Director of McMinnville Col­ The Arleta Baptist Bible school lege will speak Sunday morning I,ast Wednesday in the dining room of the church the Ladies of will hold its Rally exercises at his subject will be “The Permament the Third ' United Brethren church 10:30 Sunday morning. An interest­ in our Faith.” Special music, all cordially invited. gave a successful noon luncheon, all ing program has been preparer! and the food stuffs being disposed of Mecca For School Children the largest attendance in the his­ at a profit to the Aid Society. The various rooms in the Lents Next Tuesday evening there will tory of the school is anticipated. school are now full to overflowing be miscellaneous shower given at Certificates of graduation will be with 22 teachers and 806 pupils. this church in appreciation of Mr presented to all who have complet­ Portable houses are now being used Shepherd’s services nnd in honor of ed the required work in the various for the overflow and soon it will his birthday which was Sept. 28. be necessary to add about the larg­ All those who wish to congratulate departments. est school building in Portland and At 7:30 p. m. he young people ’ s Mr. Shepherd and to show thtir ap­ also enlarge the entirely inadequate preciation of his work in the com­ class will present a Sunday school play grounds surrounding. The Mt. Pageant, proceeding the sermon. munity are most cordially invited. Scott district is a Mecca for the There will be a program and re­ The ^pastor will give a short ad- little folks, interspersed with beau­ drees. on “ The Vision of Robert freshments. Among the program tiful parks and free from the con­ numbers will be a vocal solo by Raikes." gested condition of some other lo­ Beginning Sunday Oct. 10, the Mrs. Ada Howatt accompanied by calities in the city we wot of. pastor, Owen T. Day, will give a Mrs. Wm. Nelson. These facts, in a manner, no boubt series of sermons of the Person­ CORRESPONDENTS W ANTED ality of Jesus, the subjects as fol­ explains the reason for the great demand for homes in this bailiwick The Mt. Scptt Herald desires a lows: at the present writing. "The Man, Christ Jesus. ” correspondent in every neighbor­ “The Meaning of Jesus Human­ hood tributary to Lenta. A reas­ DR. ESTHER POHL LOVEJOY* onable compensation will be qaid ity”* “The Face of Jesus.” All communications should reach will speak at the Laurelwood M. E. "The Mind of Christ." thia office not later than Wednes church next Sunday evening at 7:30 “ The Shepherds Voice.” day noon of each week. Any hap­ Subject: “Making Prohibition Effec­ “ Behold. Your King.” penings later can be phoned up to tive. ” With others the doctor will The evening services through the Thursday, 12m. Communications must be accompanied by the signa­ winter months will begin at 7:30 speak at' the Lenta Baptist church ture of the writer, not for publica­ sharp. A large chorus choir will be at 3 p m., Sunday. ..... ,11. «-■- .1» .1 < tion, but as an evidence of good a big feature of both morning and The Herald one year 11.50 evening services. faith. REVOLUTION IN HOUSKEEPING AFFAIRS — i Child Hygjene Committee, Mrs. Clara Hoff, Mrs. Alice Ix>cke, Mrs. Carrie Absher. Legislative committee, Mrs. Jan- nett Gesell, Mrs. Stell* Katzky, Publicity committee, Mrs. O. A. ’Hess. Press committee, Mrs Carrie Ab­ sher. Program committee, Mrs. Maud Damall. Music committee, Miss Chapman. Reception .committee, Mrs. Earnest Snyder Mrs. Estella McSloy, Miss Ethel Evarts. Mrs. J. Gesell, Mrs. leo Katzky. Membership committee, Miss Dick­ ey, Mrs. Alice Locke, Miss Mancur, Mrs. Myrtle Sager • Hot lunch committee, Mrs. Wm. Eatchel, Mrs. R. Schneider, Mrs. E. A. Droste. Social service committee, Mrs. Echo McCord, Mrs Fish, Mrs. Leip- kaemper. Refreshment committee to serve for October, Mrs. S. Kafzky, Mrs^ E. A. Droste, Mrs. O A. Hess, Mrs. Fish, Mrs. Eatc|i*l, Mrs Bruning Prize» To Be A warded Prize» Poultry: bi». I. 4 hen» II Cockrel A Pullet R«nam.« 1 4 bird* 1!. 1 imir ... Pigeon«, 1 pr lew» than 1 yr................... Fruit 1 j»r» V e».zjar» Garden. 5 dif. Tgr a 1 6 ea. «mall var.veg bl 1 ea. iarg •• Baking Candy ie»m<.......... .................... Fancy work Manuel work Laundry.................... Earning................... 8»-«t «eneral ex.... SIX Caah Mdee Mdae Mdae 1st 2nd 3rd 4th r.oo 92 > on 2.50 1.0 1 00 1 .» 40 4 00 i.uo 5 00 1-aO 1JÜ ki on 2 •• M HOD 1.00 l.Oo U 2.00 io 1 «10 2.JJU 75 4> 2.00 75 1.» 2.00 1 JO 75 120 2 00 75 1.Ü0 .'4) cash no X cash 5.U0 in mdae 50 O 50 50 BIRTHDAYS CEL­ EBRATED AT ONE TIME Last Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Mrs. J^jnes 1-eitch gave a birthday dinner for • 18 people at the Leitch home on 89th street. Six birthdays were celebrated. They ail occured within a weeks time, and four of them within two con­ secutive days. The dining room was effectively decorated 'with festoons of purple and gold crepe paper, purple asters and golden glow. The guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Young’and Mrs. Amelia Ashton of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil­ liams of Montivilla, Mr. James Leitch and Virginia Leitch. Other guests were Mrs. M. B. Young, Bil­ ly Young, Walter Young and fam­ ily, and August Risser awl wife» all of Dallas; Evelyn Williams of Mont- avilla John Ramsey of Firland and Margaret and Katherine of Lents. These birthday dinners have been annual affairs" for nearly ten years. Mrs. Sam Allen and little daugh­ ter Dorris, of Sandy, visited with Mrs. James Leitch on the 18th. Chas L. Proebetel puhehased the residence property at 6405 95th street of Mr. D. M. McDade recent­ ly, thereby making business for several draymen. Mr. McDade was compelled to ask Attorney Amest and C. W. Smith to vacate his prem­ ises at the earliest opportune mo­ ment. Mr Smith necessarily was obliged to ask for his residence at 6001 90th street where Roy Da vis has been domiciled, and Mr. Davis is doing his darndest to find a place to live. Wonderful how one 3hle can sometimes do to start a whole neighborhood to moving Mr. Arnest is now located at 9133 "Foster road. Tuesday afternoon, the 21st, the Kellogg Parent-Teacher Associa­ tion gave a reception in the Kellogg assembly hall at which about 75 parents met to greet the new teachers and to become acquainted with each other. 33 members were added to the P -T. A. roll, and these largely from the mothers of the children entering school for the first time. The room which received the box of candy as a reward for hav­ ing the largest representation of parents was the la, taught by Mias Worrell The president, Mrs. James Welch, hopes that the activities of this year will be of the live-wire sort. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and Miss Taylor of Amity, were guests of Mrs. G. E. Luellen of 5706 77th street •from Tuesday to Thursday of last week. Chas. Thomas, a brother of Mrs. Lewellen’s, was also a guest of hers on Tuesday and Wednesday.