3t 0 Library Metaló ML LENTS STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 10, 1920 Subscription, $1.00 the Year FACULTY OF LENTS SCHOOL I The following is the personnel of I xmta the teaching corp« at the school fur the coining year: I’rin- Mlss cipul B. A.z Thaxter; 8-b, Muyce Alton; 8-u, Mrs. Carrie Ab- short 7-b, Mm. Syra Chick; 7, Miss Marion Dickey; 6, Miss Hollis Mich­ aels; 6, Miss Amy Steinberge; 5 and 6, Miss Norveii McDonald; 5 and 6, Miss l.orvttu Chapman; 5, Mirs Malle Trulli; l und 5, Mias Mary .Muncur; 4, Mias Laura Harvey; 4, Miss dura Vaughn; 3, Miss Bessie Ear »Icy; 2 and 8, Miss Evelyn law- icnson; 2 und 3 Miss Jeaaie Arm­ strong; 2, Miss Gladys Mitchell; 2, Mias Ruth Damon; 1 und 2, Miss liras Osborne; 1, Mm. I aura I .each; 1, Mias Ethel Evarts; 1, Mrs Muud Darnall. Prof. Thaxter announces the hanging of the pictures« of the school district art exhibit on Friday, Sept. 10, by Miss Dunlap, urt su- |M>rviaor. These pictures may be worth while for the parents of the children to take a little time off to Visit thia exhibit.. Miss Martha Hart Nvill aguiii be super visor of the domestic science department und Chas. J. Piepi-r will have charge of the manual training. The I .onto school is very crowdtd thia year, the basement room for­ merly used for the soup kitchen being need for some of the classes. | Portable rooms, two in number, have been ordtred and aro expected to be in usable condition next week Miss Osborne and Miss Damon will con- I duct their 'work in these rooms. i EVENING STAR GRANGE Evening Slur Grange, which has ¡missed only one meeting in 47 Every Republican club in the coun­ years, met last Saturday at Grange try will celebrate “Constitution day” hall at 80th and Division streete, for according to plans of John L. Day, 'its regular monthly business meet­ rhuirman of the Multnomah county ing and program. At the closed central committee, who is gather­ seMiion two candidates, Mr, andMrs. ing a force of sjtcakcrs to be sent het|ern.un, were initiated. After out on thut day. I the usual dinner at noon the program Portlund organizations, including .was given, beginning at two o’clock. the Roosevelt club, the Harding- I'hosc Iwho appeared in riumbers Coolidge club. First Voters’ club and were Mira Julia Spooner, who spoke llie Union laibor Republican club, on llie Teacher's Tenure of Office have lieen invited to participate in Law; Hazel Clarke, a student at the a celebration meeting to lie held Gillespie school of oratory; Milton in th« library hull at 8 o’clock next A Miller, Collector of Internal Rev­ Friday evening. Bellwood, St. John's. enue, who spoke on Government Albin*, 1. nta and the Rrae City Taxation; Mias Helen Johnson, vocal I’urk Republican clubs will hold soloist; and Miss Katherine Pick- special meetings in their neighbor- pianist, The next meeting of hoods and will I m * furnished a speak- Evening Star Grange will bo a er by the county committee. Jubilee in celebration ut the grange anniversary All neighboring gran MAY VOTE AGAIN ON AS- gen and friends are to be invited. 8KSSMENTS OF P. R.. L « I’. HEI’I Bl,ICANN PLAN TO HONOR t ossi III I lf his son. Geo. «lumber when the rain decended, and .. ...... .. ut «708 Foster road, Janies »he tarpolian rose, but some of the • ___ r 5, * campers •• •«« Lti.i ■ n< I uu ^at il faraxxxa hn ___ v( Sept. hail On to f find safety from I the T. Anderson passed away, His funeral ser- down-pour in the automobiles for. ut the age of 75. 1- — --------- vice wus held Thursday, Sept. 9 st he rest of the night.Sunday morn- By LYNN HAROLD HOUGH, Retiring Pres’t Northwestern University. 1:30 ut the Kenworthy chapel, his iig’s breakfast was prepared and eaten in the rain and then the dis ­ interment following at the Mt. Scott cemetery. Mr. Anderson is surviv- appointed vacationers piled into their A clever American once described a paradox as a ed by his wife, Caroline Anderson, par» and returned to Portland. truth which someone has stood on its head in order to his sons George Anderson, of 8708 The young people of the Evan­ attract attention. Gilbert Chesterton has spent most Foster road, James Anderson of gelical church will entertain the Hillsboro and Henry Anderson of of his life standing truths and some falsehoods on their people of the East 6th and Drumricht, Okla., and his daugh­ young heads and the process has attracted a good deal of streets ch'urcr Friday eve- ter, Mrs. G. H. Brown of Southwest market attention. On the whole his influence has made for i ning, ept., 10 in the social room of City, Mo. The Reuben Wilson Post, the church by the fire place. A stability and steadiness, for all of his literary audacity G. A. IL, had charge of the ceme­ ■ ^hort program consisting of music. is the expression of a very cautious and conservative tery services. 1 readings etc., will be the opening ! “Laws of Nature Do Not Change With Our Temperamental Changes.” a mind. Once lie was discussing a law and its relation to life. What he said can be put into one sentence “You cannot break the law of gravitation, you can only illustrate it.” The man who jumps from a high cliff, fo* instancx*, does not free himself from this law. He surrenders to its inflex.Me action. We may not live in a new world since the war. But we do surely live in a world with a new psychology. Artificial restraints are hated and east off. The very breath of freedom is in the air. It is a golden day for ex)ierimenta. It is the period of the apotheosis of the untried. All this means that life has freshness and vigorous incentive. The new mood may be productive of immense good. At the same time we need to remember that the laws of nature do not change with our tem­ At the Third United Brethren peramental changes. And wc need to remember that the whole vast sys­ church, 32nd avenue and 67th street tem of uniform action in which we find ourselves moves its sure and silent the Rev. E. O. Shepherd will preach way quite apart from the white caps which show their teeth on the sur­ his last sermon of the conference face of our lives. year next Sunday. His morning There ia a real freedom in this world of law. But it is achieved by subject will be “Increase or De­ crease” and his topic for the eve­ I mastering the meaning of the laws of life and bending them to our pur­ ning will be “Pressing Questions.” I pose by our very conforming to their behests. Next week, beginning the 16th, the The man who ignores the laws of nature and of life is merely court- annual conference of the United ing disaster, however plausible the phrases in which he describes the Brethren church will be held at the ' dauntless freedom of the life. First United »Brethren church of be conclud- Portland,the sessions to Freedom and law together make the sum of life. The wile man ed on the 20th. On the 14th and understands them both and fits them into the structura of his activity. 15th of September, the Christian A law becomes your slave when you conform to it Endeavor conference of the United The aviator has a wonderful freedom in the air. But all this free­ Brethren church will be held, also dom is based upon the observance of law. We may take long flights in at the First church. this new and wonderful day. But our machines must be built in the Frank M. Barber of 6020 92nd closest conformity to the laws of nature and the pilot must be a man street, has gone to Monroe, to lie whose very audacious freedom is based on obedience. absent about a week. SAT. ' feature, games and a aood time to­ gether will follow- Refreshments Tomorrow, Saturday, nt 10:30 the consisting of cocoa, cake, sandwiches closed session of the Ix*nts grange and pickles will be served. Come ! will begin. During thia xeeaion ad enjoy the eveing with ua. The degrees will be given. At 12:30 next Suday eveing with us. Thego topic, “A the usual dinner will be served and next Sunday evening at 2 p. m. the following will appear Great Miracle and its Lessons,’’ will in program: Milton A. Miller, Col- be conducted by Albert Spearrow. lector of Customs, who will give The nttendance numbered about 50 address on "The Making of the Con- last Sunday evening, let us continue stitution;" Mrs, Tiehogg, vocal solo- to increase in number as well as in 1 spirituality. ist. ARI.ETA P.-T. A. OFFICERS The president and vice-president of the 'Arleta Parent-Teacher As­ sociation are Mrs. Sadie Orr Dun­ bar and Mrs. Wm. L. Ormandy. Mrs. Dunbar will announce the date of the first Arleta P.-T. A., meet­ ing in a week or so. The work of the coming year will conform to the plans of the central council, whose presidet is Mrs. Hill. September 21 "ill be Jji>. A. Carnes 21st birthday. Appropriate to the occassion of his arriving at legal nge, George will take over a one-half interest in the flourishing grocery establishment of his fathei at 6701 Foster road. The firm name after the date mentioned, will lx* J. A. Carnes At Son. V ol . XVIII. No 35 THE ARLETA SCHOOL FACULTY The following is the list of the teachers in the Arleta school for the coming year: Principal, T. E. c. Spiers; 8-b, Mis* Nel) Fawcett; 8-a, Mrs. Lillian Rees; 7, Mis* Jane Wil- son; 7-a, Miai Jessie Rice; 6-b and 7_m — - ------ Miss Fannie Zeigler; 6-a and 6-b, Mira Estella Hickley; 6-a, Miss Mabel Malloy; 5-b, and 5-*, Miss Eloise Clous?; 5-a, Miss Flora Bush- neli; 4-b, Miss Angela Canning; 4-b ------- and 4-a, Miss Heien Halveraon; 3-b and 4-a, Miss Margaret West; 3-b i>na and 4-a, Miss Gertrude Chambers; ¡3-a, Miss Thor* Paulson; 3-a Mrs. ’Helen Workman; 2-b, Miss Gladys Alexander; 2-b, Miae Carolyn Woods; 2-a Miss Melia White; 1-b and 2-a Mrs. I-aura Patriquin; 1-b, Miss Helen Chandler; 1-a, Mrs. Alice | Prudden; 1-a, Miss Louise Jones; i 1-a Misa Maud Ragon. - MR. AND MR8 KEYSER, OF WOOD- NORTH MT. TABOR CLUB EN­ MERE, COMPLIMENTED. TERTAINED AT WOODMERE Wednesday evening of last Week, the welfare club of North Mt- Tabor va« entertained by Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Keyser of 7628 57th avenue 39 guests sat at the tables placed on the broad veranda of the Keyser I home. The entertainment was de­ lightfully informal, part of which was a good old sing. Wednesday evening, tbe Sth, the Welfare Club of the Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church gave an infor­ mal at-home at 5627 7 2d street 8. E. in honor of Mr. and Mr*. E. M. Key »er, of 7628 57th avenue, who are soon to leave for Spokane where Mr. Keyser has been billeted as chief of the weather bureau. The guests wore symbols to represent either a booh or Bl'ILDl.NG PERMITS a song, the winning guesaer, Miss George Mooney, erecting chicken Essie Strang, of Lenta, receiving a I house, 2706 64th, builder same, $20; pocket eopy of Flanders Field. Min Hazel Clarke, of the Gillespie J. C. Rero, repairing residence, 6427 95th, builder same, $25; J. T., School of Oratory, read “The Lie” so Barnes, , installing furnace, 6630 effectively that she was obliged to Hoodstock Avenue, builder same, respond to two encores. Mias Mary $100; C. Haltx-rg, erecting hen- Cauthorn, Arleta piano inatructor, most ■ house, 4148 66th, builder, E. Beach kindly gave three numbers and during an “ individual-stunta' ’ game capped $150. the climaz by imitating her first piano ABLETA BRANCH LIBRARY playing. The elub presented Mr. and Mrs. Keyser with a beautifully deco­ Helen Me Rai th, Librarian. rated mural motto in token of its Joined the Portland Library staff esteem. ' September 1, coming direct from Iowa, Those present ineluded Mesdames E. where she has been librarian for a M. Keyser, F. E. Crum, Wm. L. Or­ number of years. mandy, R. D. Armstrong, Fannie Paw Abigail Rice, Assistant Librarian. son, John Miehaeli, Frank Price, Glenn Transferred from the Lenta Library, Sanders and E. O. Rivera; the Misses | Will have charge of the children ’s Strang, Clark and Cauthorn; aud work in Arleta branch. Messrs. E. M. Keyser, F. E. Crum, Wm. Irene Doucette, Page. L. Ormandy, R. D. Armstrong, and Student in Arleta School. Glenn Bauders. ~ An exhibit of pictures is now being held in the Audtorium of Arleta Li­ brary. These are copies of famous paintings by modera artier« Tie pub lie is invited to visit this exhibit. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McGrew of 8741 56th avenue, Mr and Mrs. Chester McGrew of S361 88th street aad Vr and Mrs. Walter Sanders with their daughter, Elizabeth, of 5703 8-2 rd street, motored up to Silverton the first of the week where they were guests of Mrs. C. Whit­ lock, a sister of Mrs. Chester Mc­ Grew’s. Chester McGrew and Walter Sanders went fishing, and it would be safe to say that there are few more delightful fishing places than in Oregon, are around the little town of Silverton. Mr. aud Mrs. 8. M. Morrison, of Boring, Oregon, motored in to Lents aud spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Graves, 6107 91st St. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison are old Pennsylvania friends of Mrs. Graves, they all hav- ing been born and raised near Coch­ ranton, Pa. Mr. Morrison arrived in Oregon with *300. He invested in wood, going into the wood business near Boring, Oregon, about eight years T. L. Witbeck of 7230 54th ave- ago. He now furnishes wood to all ue, returned last Sunday evening the wood yards receiving wood from with his bride of a few hours. The Boring and has become independent young couple had been united in financially. On Friday evening the 17th at the Lents school then will be a meeting under the auspices of the Lents Republican Club in commem­ oration of the signing of the great­ est liberty charter in the world. There will be a program consist­ ing of entertaining numbers. Chas Warde, president is arranging de­ tails for the program which will be given later. This Constitution-day celebration is a national affair and should command the attention of all patriots. marriage at Arlington, at the home of the bride, who was Mias Edna Schutz. After spending a short time in Portland the newlyweds left for a honeymoon trip to Seattle, on their return from which place they will be at home at the Witbeck home on 54th avenue. Mr. ad Mrs. F. O. McGrew of 8729 56th avenue, with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Prince and Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Allen and their children, spent the first of the week at a cottage at Brightwood, returning Monday. Trout fishing was one of their Miss Anna Beckelhymer of the chief diversions. Crum Apartments recently enter­ tained at a 6:30 dinner in honor of The Robbins Realty Co., of Arle­ the 25th birthday of her brother, C. ta, are putting in a branch real es­ O. Beckelhymer. Among the guests tate office at Hawthorne and Grand were J. T. Beckelhymer and his Avenue, which will be in charge of family of 6418 82nd street; Mrs. F. E. E. Robbins. W. E. Robbins, senior M. Jones of Jones’ Millinery 89 member of the firm, will continue at Grand Avenue; Mrs. May Cone and the old stand at 6011 Foster road. Miss Jessie Fleming, both of Jones’ Millinery; and Lloyd Arnett. The ’Mr and Mrs. P. L. Witbeck of evening was spent very enjoyably 5720 71st, returned recently from in music and games a trip to their acerage which is outside the limits of Redmond. Dr. Wm. T. Stout of 5603 77th While at their ranch they camped, street, is again to be found at his making their business visit one of office at 5509’i 72nd street. Dr. pleasure also. and Mrs. Stout returned last week from a two weeks vacation trip in­ Friday evening of last week mem­ cluding a stay of ax days in Yel­ bers and friends of the Kern Park lowstone National Park and a shorter Christian Endeavor Society enjoy­ stay in Salt Lake City. They also ed a very pleasant evening at a visited relatives in La Grande and watermellon social at the home of other, towns. At Yellowstone Park Rev. J. F.Ghormley, 7819 62nd ave­ they stayed at Canyon Hotel, a place of very great charm and inter- nue- PROPERTY TRANSFERS The Welfare Club of the Millard Avenue Presbyterian church wilji give a dinner in the church base­ ment Tuesday the 14th from 6:30 to 8 p. m. After the dinner there will be a program. The menu will include creamed chicken, hot bis­ cuit, potatoes, creamed corn, salad, hot home-made mince pie, pickles, jelly and coffee. The proceeds will go toward the club contributions to the church funds. W. J. Sovern et al. to J. R. Walk­ er et al., lot 11 block 8, Arleta, W. J. Adleff to H. E. Hall, lota 5 and 6, block 5, Firland. Friday evening the 3rd Mr. and Mrs. Keyser of Woodmere entertain­ ed at a seven o’clock dinner the Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Giles and their son Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams and their daughter, Eve­ lyn,